Missile Forces Day: congratulations. Day of Strategic Missile Forces. Strategic Missile Forces Day (RVSN Day) Strategic Missile Forces when they celebrate

Until 1995, the day of the Strategic Missile Forces was celebrated on November 19 as the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery, which was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 17, 1964.

At the present stage of its development, the Strategic Missile Forces include three missile armies located in Vladimir, Omsk and Orenburg and including 12 missile divisions of constant readiness.

The missile divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with six types of missile systems (RK), subdivided according to the types of basing into stationary and mobile. The basis of the fixed-based grouping is made up of rocket launchers with "heavy" (RS-20V "Voevoda") and "light" (RS-18 "Stillet"), RS-12M2 ("Topol-M") missiles. The mobile-based group includes the Topol mobile ground-based missile system (PGRK) with the RS-12M missile, Topol-M with the RS-12M2 missile of monoblock equipment and the Yars PGRK with the RS-12M2R missile and multiple reentry vehicle in the mobile and stationary basing options.

The Strategic Missile Forces currently has about 400 launchers with ICBMs. The share of new RK in the grouping of the Strategic Missile Forces will constantly increase. It is planned that by 2022 the Strategic Missile Forces will have 100% of the new RK.

Throughout its history, the Strategic Missile Forces have never been used for their intended purpose as a military force, but together with other components of the strategic nuclear forces, they were visibly present in the solution of many military-political problems.

More than two-thirds of the nuclear carriers of Russia's strategic nuclear forces are concentrated in the Strategic Missile Forces, capable of solving tasks of hitting targets on enemy territory in a matter of minutes.

Every day, about six thousand people are at combat posts as part of the duty forces.

Since the formation of the Strategic Missile Forces, more than five thousand missile launches have been carried out, including about 500 combat training in the course of operational and combat training of troops.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

This memorable day was established on December 17, 1959, when the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) were created as part of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

The first Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces was the Hero of the Soviet Union, Chief Marshal of Artillery M. I. Nedelin, who made a great contribution to the formation of this type of troops, as well as to the development, testing and adoption of nuclear missile weapons.

The holiday was established on the basis of the decree of the President of Russia of December 10, 1995 "On the establishment of the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Day of the Military Space Forces", and was also confirmed by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces Forces of the Russian Federation".

On December 17, 1959, a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued, consolidating the earlier decision to create a new type of Armed Forces. That is why the holiday is celebrated on December 17th.

Until 1995, the day of the Strategic Missile Forces was celebrated on November 19 as the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery, which was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 17, 1964.

The origin of the Strategic Missile Forces is associated with the development of domestic and foreign missile weapons, and then nuclear missile weapons, with the improvement of their combat use. The material basis for the formation of the Strategic Missile Forces was the creation in the USSR of new branches of the defense industry - the rocket and space industry and the industry of nuclear munitions.

On May 13, 1946, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution "Issues of rocket weapons" on the creation of a rocket-building industry in industry and the development of rocket weapons in the troops. In this document, work on the development of jet technology was defined as the most important state task, and the fulfillment of tasks on it by all ministries and organizations - as a priority.

The first missile formations created in accordance with the decree were the special-purpose brigades of the reserve of the Supreme High Command (RVGK). The first such brigade was formed in August 1946 on the basis of the 92nd Guards Gomel mortar regiment.

In 1946-1959, nuclear missile weapons and the first samples of guided ballistic missiles were created, missile formations were formed capable of solving operational tasks in front-line operations and strategic tasks in adjacent theaters of military operations. In 1959, the USSR Armed Forces had one formation of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), seven engineering brigades and more than 40 engineering regiments of medium-range missiles (RSMs). At the same time, about half of the engineering regiments were part of the long-range aviation of the Air Force.

The need for centralized leadership of troops equipped with strategic missiles led to the organizational design of a new type of armed forces. On December 17, 1959, a resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On the establishment of the post of Commander-in-Chief for Missile Units in the Armed Forces of the USSR" and a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the establishment of the post of Commander-in-Chief of Missile Forces in the Armed Forces of the USSR" were adopted.

In accordance with these decisions, the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR was established. Chief Marshal of Artillery Mitrofan Nedelin, Hero of the Soviet Union, was appointed the first Commander-in-Chief of the Rocket Forces.

The creation of a new independent branch of the Armed Forces of the USSR - the Strategic Missile Forces - was of great political importance, since before that the Supreme Commander-in-Chief did not have a single structure for managing strategic nuclear missile weapons.

In 1959-1965, missile formations and parts of intercontinental ballistic missiles and medium-range missiles capable of solving strategic tasks in military geographical regions and in any theater of operations were deployed and put on combat duty.

The continuous increase in the quantity and quality characteristics of the missile systems in service contributed to the establishment of nuclear parity between the USSR and the USA by the early 1970s. However, the growth of the capabilities of both sides did not stop - more and more advanced missiles appeared in service, and monoblock warheads were replaced by separable warheads, and soon these separable warheads received individual guidance. By the mid-1980s, the production of Topol mobile ICBMs began, the creation of which was a new step in ensuring the secrecy and invulnerability of strategic forces.

Throughout the entire period of the existence of the USSR, the Strategic Missile Forces formed the basis of its strategic forces, they accounted for most of the more than 10 thousand warheads that the USSR had by 1991.

The achieved balance of nuclear forces, changes in the military-political situation in the late 1980s and early 1990s made it possible to rethink and evaluate the futility of the arms race and conclude a number of agreements with the Soviet Union, and then the Russian Federation, with the United States on the mutual reduction of strategic nuclear weapons .

Since 1992, a new stage in the development of the Strategic Missile Forces began - the Strategic Missile Forces as a branch of the Armed Forces became part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the elimination of missile systems of the Strategic Missile Forces outside of Russia was carried out, the Topol-M missile system of the fifth generation was created and put on alert . In 1997, the Strategic Missile Forces merged with the Military Space Forces and Troops.

Rocket and space defense. From 1997 to 2001, in addition to missile armies and divisions, the Strategic Missile Forces also included military units and institutions for launching and controlling spacecraft, as well as formations and formations of rocket and space defense.

Since June 2001, the Strategic Missile Forces have been transformed from a branch of the Armed Forces into two types of troops - the Strategic Missile Forces and the Space Forces.

At present, the Strategic Missile Forces are a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the main component of its strategic nuclear forces. They are intended for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction as part of strategic nuclear forces or independently massive, group or single nuclear missile strikes of strategic objects located in one or more strategic aerospace directions and forming the basis of the military and military-economic potential of the enemy.

Since 2010, the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces has been Colonel General Sergei Karakaev.

At the present stage of its development, the Strategic Missile Forces include three missile armies located in Vladimir, Omsk and Orenburg and including 12 missile divisions of constant readiness.

The missile divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with six types of missile systems (RK), subdivided according to the types of basing into stationary and mobile. The basis of the fixed-based grouping is made up of rocket launchers with "heavy" (RS-20V "Voevoda") and "light" (RS-18 "Stillet"), RS-12M2 ("Topol-M") missiles. The mobile-based group includes the Topol mobile ground-based missile system (PGRK) with the RS-12M missile, Topol-M with the RS-12M2 missile of monoblock equipment and the Yars PGRK with the RS-12M2R missile and multiple reentry vehicle in the mobile and stationary basing options.

The Strategic Missile Forces currently has about 400 launchers with ICBMs. The share of new RK in the grouping of the Strategic Missile Forces will constantly increase. Until the end of 2017, formations and military units of the Strategic Missile Forces will be equipped with modern weapons by 66%.

Throughout its history, the Strategic Missile Forces have never been used for their intended purpose as a military force, but together with other components of the strategic nuclear forces, they were visibly present in the solution of many military-political problems.

More than two-thirds of the nuclear carriers of Russia's strategic nuclear forces are concentrated in the Strategic Missile Forces, capable of solving tasks of hitting targets on enemy territory in a matter of minutes. Every day, about six thousand people are at combat posts as part of the duty forces.

Since the formation of the Strategic Missile Forces, more than five thousand missile launches have been carried out, including about 500 combat training in the course of operational and combat training of troops.

On guard of Mother Russia,
Invisible to everyone,
Great power, terrible power,
Thunderstorm of enemies - missile shield.

You protect our peace
Simple, brave guys.
Let it bypass
Our eternal rival is NATO.

Today we want to congratulate -
Let it become known to everyone -
We hasten to glorify with all our hearts
Day of our brave Strategic Missile Forces!

And in conclusion - imperishable. Happy holiday, rocket carriers)))

APU PGRK "Topol-M" on the march / Photo: Vitaly Kuzmin

Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN) as a branch of the Armed Forces were created on December 17, 1959 by decision of the government of the USSR.

On May 31, 2006, on the basis of Decree of the President of Russia No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", a holiday for strategic missilemen was established - the Day of Strategic Missile Forces, celebrated annually on December 17.

The Strategic Missile Forces are the backbone of Russia's strategic nuclear forces. Troops consist of missile armies, military units. The structure includes associations, formations, spaceports, training grounds, a separate research station, a research institute, higher military educational institutions, training centers for the training of junior specialists and a school of technicians, arsenals, repair plants, and central bases.

In 1997, the Strategic Missile Forces, the Military Space Forces, the Rocket and Space Defense Troops of the Air Defense Forces of the RF Armed Forces were merged into a single service of the RF Armed Forces - the Strategic Missile Forces.

Since June 2001, the Strategic Missile Forces have been transformed into two types of troops - the Strategic Rocket Forces and the Space Forces.

The above Decree invalidated the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1239 dated December 10, 1995 "On the establishment of the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Day of the Military Space Forces." Space Forces Day is celebrated annually on October 4th.

Today, the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) are a separate branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a land component of the strategic nuclear forces. They are in constant combat readiness, and their main armament consists of all Russian ground-based mobile and silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. These are missile systems of the fourth and fifth generations.

The strategy for the development of the Strategic Missile Forces for the near future provides, first of all, for maintaining the combat readiness of the existing grouping of troops, the maximum extension of the service life of missile systems, as well as the development of a system of combat command and control of troops and weapons, an increase in the share of mobile missile systems capable of overcoming modern and advanced air defense systems.

On their professional holiday, military and civilians whose activities are related to this branch of the military accept congratulations from government officials, family, friends and loved ones.


The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance. It was on this day in 1959 that the Strategic Rocket Forces were created as a branch of the Armed Forces by a government decision.

The history of this kind of troops begins after the end of the Great Patriotic War. The first missile unit in the Soviet armed forces, the Special Purpose Brigade of the Reserve of the Supreme High Command (RVGK), was formed in July 1946.

© photo: Sputnik / Vadim Savitsky

Mobile ground missile system (PGRK) "Yars"

In the next decade, the first nuclear weapons and the first samples of guided ballistic missiles were created, and missile formations were deployed capable of solving operational tasks in front-line operations and strategic tasks in nearby theaters of military operations.

By the end of 1959, the Soviet Armed Forces had one formation of intercontinental missiles, several engineering brigades and more than 20 engineering regiments of the RVGK, armed with medium-range missiles.

Half of these regiments were part of the Long-Range Aviation of the Air Force. Due to the fact that missile units and formations were in two different types of troops, their effective use and further development was significantly hampered.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Kazak

Launch of the RS-18 ballistic missile from the Baikonur Cosmodrome

The Strategic Rocket Forces were entrusted with the daily operation of missile systems with ballistic missiles in peacetime, the preparation and conduct of missile launches by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in the event of a war.

In honor of the creation of the Missile Forces, a professional holiday was established - the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces, which has been celebrated since 1995.

In 1959-1965, missile formations and parts of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and medium-range missiles (RSMs) capable of solving strategic tasks in military geographical regions and in any theater of operations were deployed and put on combat duty.

In 1997, the missile troops were merged with the troops of the military space forces and the air defense forces. Therefore, December 17 was considered the professional holiday of the missile, space and air defense forces.

© photo: Sputnik / I. Baskakov

In 2001, the Space Forces were separated into a separate branch of the military, which had its own professional holiday. Space Forces Day is celebrated on October 4th.

Modern Strategic Missile Forces include a number of structures: powerful and technically equipped missile armies, research institutes, higher educational institutions, training centers, bases, repair plants, design bureaus. The Strategic Missile Forces are armed with both stationary and mobile missile launchers.


Over the past years, several generations of rocket scientists have been brought up in the Strategic Missile Forces. On this day, it is customary to congratulate veterans, to encourage the best personnel specialists, representatives of numerous other support services.

On the day of the Strategic Missile Forces, ceremonial events are necessarily held, at which the first persons of the country are present.

All military personnel who ensure the combat readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces, civilian specialists, employees of auxiliary services, scientists whose activities are connected in one way or another with the Strategic Missile Forces and others celebrate their professional holiday.

This date is celebrated not only by those who served or are working in the Rocket Forces now, but also by civilian and military pensioners who were related to the Strategic Missile Forces in the past.

Missile system "Topol RT-2PM" on the territory of the museum of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) on the basis of the Training Center of the Strategic Missile Forces in the city of Balabanovo, Kaluga Region

There are also traditions associated with the church - many divisional churches are given icons of St. Ilya Muromets, who is the patron saint of the Strategic Missile Forces.

More than 12 million people have served in the Strategic Missile Forces since its inception. 6 twice Heroes of the Soviet Union, 101 Heroes of the Soviet Union, 2 full holders of the Order of Glory, 6 Heroes of the Russian Federation served in the Strategic Missile Forces.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

The Day of the Strategic Missile Forces is celebrated on December 17. The holiday was adopted on May 31, 2006 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", which cancels the previous decree No. 1239 of December 10, 1995 "On the establishment of the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Day of the Military Space Forces." Prior to this, the holiday celebrated its beginning. The Rocket Forces have been taking it since 1959. The next landmark date for this type of troops was 1997, when the Strategic Missile Forces, the Air Defense Forces of the RF Armed Forces and the Military Space Forces, and the Rocket and Space Defense Forces were united. In 2001, the Space Forces separated from the Strategic Missile Forces.

Winter has come, frost has come
And the holiday of "nuclear" men,
That will protect us from the threat
And they won't hurt you for no reason.

Let the formidable atom be peaceful,
Let the enemy doze in a foreign land,
Let mothers dream of soldiers
Let them love their country.

The world is calm and the rockets are sleeping,
They sleep peacefully by our walls.
I want to finish on this -
Happy Warrior's Day of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Congratulations on the Day of the Rocket Forces!
I wish you strength, endurance,
Health, loving families,
Calm, peaceful, bright days!

Let only happiness knock on the house,
Trouble will never happen
And in this merry hour
Let everyone around hug you!

Congratulations on the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces. I wish every day to make an accurate launch of my ideas to the very point of success, I wish you never lose your confidence and courage, I wish you great breakthroughs in your activities and great victories on the path of life.

Today is the day of the Rocket Forces
Of special importance
We are those who are connected with this day,
Congratulations without a doubt
We want to achieve goals
Be precise and bold
And never regret
About what has already been done!

Happy Rocket Forces Day! Good luck, accomplishments!
Courage and precision to you!
Hit targets accurately and easily
And in the service, and in your destiny!

The main thing is that the sky should be peaceful,
To not have to fight
So that a cloud only floats in the sky,
For the sun to shine brightly there!

Strategic Missile Forces, I hasten to congratulate you,
Brave, wonderful men!
I want you to smile now
Let there be a hundred reasons for happiness!

I want to wish you all the best today
Let the spirit be cheerful, the body healthy,
I always want to achieve goals
So that you can easily do any business!

Happy holiday I want to congratulate
You, rocket men, friends.
Importance and danger of service
Words cannot describe.

I wish everyone good health
More peaceful, warm days,
Happiness to you and your families,
Let life become more fun.

Let the rocket troops
Breaking through the clouds
Our peace is protected
If someone is threatening.

To all the heroes of this service
I wish you strong friendship
Hit the target accurately
And get rewards!

Strategic Missile Forces! You are pride and support
Warheads are yours!
And if you are always ready for a fight,
All the inhabitants of the country sleep peacefully!

And you peace, perhaps, and do not dream,
After all, you do not sleep - such is fate.
Let the rest happen to you,
You will switch for an hour or two!

Above your head the sky will be peaceful,
Combat stock will not be needed.
Today we raise our glasses
And standing for the brave drink now!

strategic purpose
Have your bold rocket troops.
Well, congratulations!
We shout to you all: “Gip! Gip! Hooray!".

We wish you victories in life,
We wish you to be healthy always.
Let the world be flawless
So that only the rocket troops prospered.

Rocket Forces Day today
The whole country celebrates.
Our defense even
Strong in space.

Wishes of strength, health
Helmet today to you, fighters.
You are our pride and our strength,
You are strategists, brave men.

To all rocketmen today
Congratulations, fireworks!
Let prosperity, peace, happiness
Your years just go by.

Congratulations: 87 in verse, 16 in prose.