Born on the 29th lunar day. Dreams Come True! lunar day for the wedding.

Energy of the day: active day

Lucky number 29 lunar day: 2; element of the day: Earth.

Lucky color of the 29th lunar day: red, scarlet and black.

Stones: serpentine, black pearl, mother of pearl

Part of the body: buttocks, anus, rectum.

Lucky day of the week 29 lunar day: Monday.

Lucky direction 29 lunar days: Southwest.

The effects of the moon go back to the legends and mythology of ancient civilizations. The full moon is associated with strange or crazy behavior, including suicide, sleepwalking, and violence. The lunar theory, otherwise known as the lunar effect, is the idea that there is some correlation between lunar cycles and human behavior.

Dreams - the twenty-ninth lunar day

Many people dismiss the myths about the influence of the moon, but the real effects are found through science. Madness and crazy stock from the moon, the Latin word for the moon. It is believed that people are more likely to exhibit erratic behavior during the full moon. Publication in the National help desk Criminal Justice, entitled "Lunar Effect - Biological Currents and Human Emotions", shows an extensive analysis of data on human behavior. Lunar astronomy has accurately pointed out that the suppression of the gravitational influence of the Moon leads to social tension, disharmony and bizarre results.

The predominant form of 29 lunar days: square, horizontally elongated rectangle.

Symbol of the 29th lunar day: Octopus, Octopus, Hydra.

Keywords: danger, increased self-control, spiritual transformation, purification of the Augean stables of the inner world.

Guardian Angel of the 29th lunar day: Oswada - Lord of the reverse moon. Prince of darkness. Angel of newness and birth. Despite the number of their gloomy names and titles, this guardian angel is the most peaceful and friendly. Moreover, he is the most faithful reliable defender, able to protect against all the forces of darkness. Knowing all the secret habits and laws dark forces, he is able to save you from most troubles and troubles, protect you from the invasion of any dark entities and influences. Your protection, that's his job.

Health and medical procedures

In nature, there are certain events that occur on an absolutely regular basis. The seasons have an annual cycle, moon phases 5 days, night and day 24 hours, and tides 4 hours. The menstrual cycle is about the same length as the lunar cycle, which is roughly a 5 day cycle.

Animals follow the directions of the moon. Particularly in the sea, many organisms use the phases of the moon as their clock, called the circadian clock. Animals show this through sleep patterns, synchronized playback and more. Plants and animals have this clock so they can anticipate and be prepared for regular changes in their environment.

Basic properties of the day

For the 29th lunar day, a rather bad reputation was entrenched. And this is no coincidence, since this is the most difficult day of the entire lunar cycle. Many esoteric schools even call this day "satanic". The fact is that his energy is so powerful that most people are simply unable to cope with it.

This means that organisms can predict the phases of the moon. Some animals on land, away from the influence of ocean tides, also show behavior associated with the moon, confirming that the connection can be direct and not always indirect as a result of the influence of lunar tides, Naylor said.

If a tiny organism is looking for a helper in the vast ocean, it's important that they all look at the same time, he said. The light of the moon also plays a big role; Many small animals are more active during the new moon phase because they are less visible and have a lower chance of eating.

As a rule, the twenty-ninth lunar day completes the lunar cycle. 30s lunar day in the lunar month they are not always, and if they are, then their period does not last very long. Thus, it turns out that in fact the 29th lunar day is the final lunar month.

It should be borne in mind that during this period the likelihood of various kinds of conflicts and quarrels increases greatly. And if you don’t catch yourself in time, acute situations can develop into hostile relations for many years.

"From a scientific point of view, the lunar effect on animals is clear and absolutely undeniable," Kaiser said. Science is slowly revealing lunar myths that contain some truth. “Skepticism undoubtedly comes from the realization historical myths and legends regarding supposed relationships between the human condition and lunar cycles,” said Naylor.

Health impact

The moon probably struck people and animals even before modern lighting. Light full moon caused people to get up at night, leading to sleep deprivation that could cause other problems, according to one hypothesis. No matter what the moon has an effect, but how big the effect is unknown.

On this day, you can perceive any carelessly thrown word as a blood offense, and you will be occupied with only one question: “How to take revenge?” It is not for nothing that the octopus is a symbol of these lunar days: with its tentacles of negative thoughts and negative emotions it will envelop your entire consciousness, so try not to lose control over yourself, otherwise your whole life will be subordinated to one goal - to inflict even more offense on your offenders.

It's very hard to ignore completely because the tides on this Earth, the oceans, all follow the gravitational pull of the moon and all that. So he can't do nothing for us," Hayes said. Each of us has a special character trait, depending on what stage the Moon was at the time of birth. People born during certain lunar phases, tend to share some attributes with others born in this period. Knowing what period of time you came into this world can give you valuable insight into your character, emotions, behavior and motivation in life.

29th lunar day- On this day, you should be especially restrained and attentive. Be tolerant of other people's shortcomings, do not react too violently to attacks in your direction. Forgive your offenders: this is the best thing to do on the 29th lunar day to avoid tense and conflict situations.
During this period, you should avoid walking through disadvantaged areas of the city, not walking along dark streets, not believing any suggestions of strangers: any situation can turn into a tragedy.

It can make you aware of your deepest root causes, the main purpose you feel in life, and the contribution you can make to society at large during your lifetime. Armed with this knowledge, you can begin to understand your answers and then attune yourself to the personal cycle that you go through each month.

First, you need to find your moon birth phase, which is the phase the moon was in at the time of your birth. Just enter your date of birth and on that day you will get an image of the moon. Remember that the moon stays in each phase for three and a half days. Let's say you find a chart that shows when the moon starts at each stage, but doesn't give the period for a particular day. It's not that hard to calculate at what stage your birthday falls. Find the interval closest to your date of birth.

On the 29th lunar day, there is the highest percentage of accidents and accidents. That is why special care should be taken when crossing the street and while driving.
However, with all the danger of this period, you should not dwell on its negative aspects. An excessive sense of fear, doubt and doom is a danger in itself.

Marriage is the twenty-ninth lunar day

Then count two and a half days after that. If your birthday falls into this group, then this is your moon phase. What about those whose birthday falls on a day when the moon goes from one phase to another? You can consult the chart and use your birth time to determine exactly what stage you are in.

There are eight personality types corresponding to the eight lunar phases.

If you are a phase of the Moon - this is the phase of the New Moon, you have a childlike surprise and excitement about life. Open and demonstrative, you think and act spontaneously. With your bright, bubbly personality, you start working with great enthusiasm. Are at your best when you come up with new ideas and start new projects, always hoping for results. Your desire drives you to work fast and furiously, but with the same danger that you too often exhaust yourself before reaching your goal.

We can avoid many unpleasant situations if we change our attitude to current events. Everything just needs to be taken with humor and irony. You should not take everything to heart.
Those who pass the 29th lunar day with dignity will enter the new lunar cycle renewed and changed. The Moon Goddess will bestow such a person with her grace and blessing.

On the negative side, you have a habit of seeing life from a purely subjective point of view. You will probably make your mark on life when you are comparatively young, and you need to learn how to maintain that momentum throughout the rest of your life.

As a person of the first crescent, you are persistent, adventurous and filled with a joyful curiosity about life. Your creative disposition means you need to expand your understanding and also help you look at problems from a new perspective. Because of this, you can often be torn between the conventional approach and the desire to break new ground - a conflict between established and unorthodox approaches. You may also face the limitations of your plans and must find ways to overcome these obstacles in order to achieve your goals in life.

This lunar day, direct the flight of your thoughts to the Universe, try to establish an imaginary connection with the Cosmos. Think about everything at once, about a single world. Catch the wave of world harmony and stay on it.
Optimally combine creative and contemplative activity, for example, unhurried work on personal plot. Plant flowers and admire their beauty.

Your twenties and thirties are likely to be especially productive and successful. People of the first quarter are positive and strong-willed. Physically and mentally active and expressive, you are constantly on the go, showing a healthy interest in everything you come across. You were born with an actively challenged mind and an impulse to change the status quo. On the negative side, this can make you showy and controversial. However, constructively, it also allows you to come up with new solutions to old problems. First of all, you are a builder.

If it seems you have a compulsion to pluck existing structures, this is because you have the opportunity to replace them with something that is not only more modern. But this is definitely an improvement in the past. You will make some of your greatest efforts in the thirties and early forties.

Any destructive actions. On the same personal plot, nothing should be torn, dug up and uprooted. Even flowers on this day are better not to give: in this case, you also become involved in the destruction. hunting enthusiasts and fishing you can say with all responsibility: this is not your day!

On the twenty-ninth lunar day, no action should be taken active action and even more so, do not start new cases. Any business started on this day is doomed not just to failure, but to complete collapse.

Living Moon faces have a calming influence, a caring, constructive nature, and a compulsion to help others. Your hope is that through your life and work you will contribute in some way to a better world. Whether consciously or unconsciously, it can become a "mission" with you. Take care not to follow ideologies too blindly in your quest to achieve your goals. Persistence in the face of obstacles will lead to maturity and bring satisfaction and enlightenment.

Look at your average age to recognize your efforts. Being born in the midst of a cycle means that your talents lie in getting things done. You are adept at hardening theory with instinct and practicality with creativity. Moreover, this period acts as a bridge, connecting you to the past, but also projecting your ideas into the future. The downside is that you can suffer from guilt and irrational fears, especially when we are talking about personal relationships. Only when you learn to control your feelings, instead of taking your emotional cue from your partner, will you find a way to maintain a mutually beneficial intimate relationship.

Finishing any projects or activities today is also not worth it. If this is done, then the labor of many days, months or years will be wasted. Why cross out something that cost you a lot of effort?

Try to limit contact with people as much as possible, or even better, cancel meetings altogether. The fewer contacts you have that day, the more likely you are to avoid problems in the future. If you are forced to communicate, remember that the 29th lunar day is fraught with betrayal. You can be called for frankness with the sole purpose of using it to your advantage later.

Your best efforts will find their bloom after middle age. Since "spread" means to scatter seeds, your impulse is to sow your ideas and knowledge so that others can learn from your experience. ~ You are a communicator and a teacher. Devoted to your ideals, if there is a touch of a revolutionary in nature, then it is pure and simple desire to reform the world. However, in your zeal to improve the lives of others, you may need to compromise and learn to align your vision with the needs of others.

Even close friends with whom you, as they say, ate a pound of salt, can give you a lot of trouble. So try to spend this day alone.
It is on this day that astrologers advise to be incredulous. Doubtful figures and facts must be checked. Do not believe any kind of forecasts: they are unlikely to come true.

Magic symbols and rituals of the twenty-ninth day

Your early 50s should lead to the achievement and satisfaction of your life. Your understanding, sympathy, maturity and balance are beyond your years, and therefore you excel in counseling or advisory work. You help others direct their thoughts, expand their awareness, solve their problems, and organize their lives. Some may interpret your idealism as inflexibility. Sometimes prone to nostalgia or melancholy, you need to put aside the past and focus on the future.

For travel and business trips, the time is not right at all. It is best to spend this period alone and devote it to creativity, then you will get good results.

I may repeat myself, but I want to draw your attention to THIS:

Of course, it was not originally conceived as a kind of "Black Monday". The fact is that his energy is so powerful and assertive, so overwhelming that most people simply cannot handle it.

Satisfaction and contentment will come to you in the late 50s. This time it is essentially a transition, an opportunity to review what has passed, tie up loose ends, go inward and prepare for new beginnings. You have inherited the meditative and introspective characteristics of this phase, and yours is a dreamy, contemplative personality. Intuitive and far-sighted, you have an innate wisdom and mystical understanding of the workings of Mother Nature and the human condition. For you, activity is spiritual and intellectual, not physical.

Tibetan astrological tradition advises to refrain from performing funeral ceremonies and rituals, as well as from commemoration. It is believed that such procedures attract various kinds of harmful entities from the afterlife, since on this lunar day they are very active and it will not be difficult for them to move to our world. In general, it should be noted that the twenty-ninth lunar day is the time evil spirits.

But for all that, if you spend this period alone and devote it to creativity, it will bring good results.

Business area: 29 lunar day

Businessmen today need to be extremely careful, because their business, speaking modern language, today they can "run over", and anyone, from the tax office to racketeering. Therefore, if possible, it is advisable to close your institution, company or enterprise for this period. Of course, the same tax inspectorate may come another day, but today their arrival at ninety-nine percent and ninety-nine tenths will end tragically for you.

All trading events on the twenty-ninth lunar day are recommended to be stopped. There is no need to buy or sell goods. Signing agreements, concluding contracts, establishing new business relationships, closing deals and the like are also doomed to failure, or they will go in such a way that you will regret that you started it more than once.

The bosses need to remember that now the team needs to maintain peace and order, but not at the cost of aggressive and expansive actions.

Everything that in one way or another resembles dictate and authoritarianism will only cause a negative and negative reaction, a process of resistance and rejection. For this reason, now it is not worth signing statements, issuing new orders, issuing directives, establishing new rules, and so on.

But remember that the issuance of bonuses and rewards on the twenty-ninth lunar day will also not give the proper result. People will still be dissatisfied, as the saying goes, "neither on the forehead, but on the forehead."

It is best to declare a day off during this period, so you will give your staff a rest, and insure yourself against trouble.

Matrimony and wedding: 29 lunar day

It is better to plan a wedding or marriage registration on another day, otherwise in the near future there will be a clash of interests between the young spouses and family union may crack. Divorce can be very difficult and protracted because complicated relationship entangle you with tentacles like an octopus

If you are planning a wedding and today you were going to discuss the details of the upcoming event, it is better to postpone it until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, otherwise you will quarrel at the most inopportune moment.

Today, divorce proceedings should not be carried out either, since the parties will not disperse with goodness.

Health: 29 lunar day

AT given period the whole human body exposed negative influence negative energies. Therefore, it is recommended to load yourself as little as possible. Avoid drafts and damp rooms. In training, be careful - the day is fraught with an abundance of injuries, which often end in serious complications.

On the twenty-ninth lunar day, those diseases that you have already forgotten to think about can again make themselves felt. This is a sure signal that you have actually eliminated the symptom, and not the disease itself. The "matrix" of the disease is still in your body and must be removed immediately, otherwise the disease will return to you every time until it becomes chronic, and then turns into a pathology.

Sex and erotica: 29 lunar day

Today it is better to give up any kind of sex, forget that it even exists.
intimate relationship on the twenty-ninth lunar day they will only lead to a quarrel, insults, and even to venereal diseases.

Dreams: 29 lunar day

Dreams of the twenty-ninth lunar day tell a person about the processes that occur in his subconscious, this is the so-called "shadow" side of our personality, which also requires attention. The sleep images of this period should be carefully analyzed and worked out with all care. These images indicate the problems you are trying to turn away from. Unresolved, they only accumulate and create constant tension in your subconscious. For the same reason, treat them with due respect. Work on your dream images with a psychoanalyst or a good dream interpreter.

Esoteric: 29 lunar day

In the Tibetan esoteric tradition, rituals were usually performed during this period to subdue the local angry spirits. Yes, and in other mystical directions, it was customary to dedicate the twenty-ninth lunar day to various cleansing practices, both of the person himself and of any area.

In pagan schools during this period, bonfires or candles were always lit, which burned until this lunar day ended. After the fire was extinguished, its ashes were buried deep into the ground, since it was believed that many evil spirits and harmful creatures burned in the flame, whose ashes must be buried in the earth so that they would not be born again.

Lunar ritual on the 29th lunar day

Practice of the day: Cleansing the house

On the day of concentration of negativity, you should cleanse your house with fire, water and incense smoke. It is necessary to turn to the Higher Mind and ask for strength and protection in this practice. Before the procedure, open or slightly open windows and doors in the apartment and order all entities to leave your house, as you are going to clean it.

  • Start cleaning your house front door inside the apartment.
  • Facing the closed front door, make three circles clockwise and three crosses with a lit candle in your right hand. AT left hand you can take incense sticks of incense or juniper.
  • From the front door of the apartment, go around with a candle and incense around the perimeter clockwise all the rooms of the apartment, saying: "I clean my house, I clean my flesh, I clean the blood of my ancestors."
  • Corners should be cleaned with candle fire. running it from the floor from the bottom up until it smokes or crackles.
  • Doors and windows are cleaned with three circles and three crosses at the exit and entrance to any room. If the candle goes out, then it should be lit from the flame of another candle and continue cleaning in the place where it went out.
  • After going around the whole apartment, go to the front door and clean it with three circles and crosses. exit the apartment to the stairwell and clean the door from the outside in the same way.
  • After that, thank the higher powers for help and support in cleaning the house.
  • Do not extinguish the candle, set it to burn out for the well-being in the house to the end. Wrap leaks in paper and discard flowing water over the left shoulder right hand(possibly in the toilet).
  • After that, sweep the floors in the apartment. Start from the far left corner and sweep everything towards the threshold. Collect all the garbage in paper and take it to the trash.
  • At the end of the practice, you can sprinkle holy water on all corners of the apartment.
  • Then, slightly open the windows and doors of the room and say: “Come in good spirits. and there is no place for the evil ones.”

It is highly desirable to clean the premises in the morning, but if this is not possible, then try to clean the apartment (or other room, such as an office) before sunset.

Of course, the room that is being cleaned must be free from people. You should not be distracted from performing the ritual. Otherwise, the result will be minimal.
The candle is used household, good quality. Preferably yellow, blue. purple.

29th lunar day. Time to clear negative energy

The twenty-ninth is the most dangerous day of the lunar month. All the negativity, all the dirt that you picked up during the month, under the influence of powerful gravitational disturbances, tends outward to be destroyed. When the "darkness" is gathered together, it is easy to deal with it - that's why this day is needed. The 29th lunar day is the day of the fight against evil. Although it is dangerous, it is very important, and if you live it correctly, the unpleasant surprises that it is fraught with can be easily avoided.

The lunar month ends, the new moon comes. The Moon is as close as possible to the Sun and occupies a middle position between it and the Earth. The gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun are superimposed on each other, mutually reinforcing and "pulling" the water shell of the Earth in one direction, which causes strong ebbs and flows. And since you and I are 70% water, the same thing happens to us. At night, the fluids and energies of the body rush to the head, and during the day, since the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth, they make the opposite movement - to the legs. A strong flow of energy and fluids, directed from the head to the feet, washes the entire body and pushes all the dirt out.

For this reason, today you will feel a little worse than usual. You may be overcome by irritability, depression, headache, exacerbation of chronic diseases, causeless fear and anxiety, gloomy thoughts, bad forebodings. In such a state, it is difficult to give an objective assessment of events, make decisions, and engage in responsible, hard work. Try to refrain from all of the above, as well as from new beginnings - this is almost a rule: if you want to fail a business, start it on a bad lunar day. Do not enter into conflicts and do not sort things out, although, most likely, you will just have a very desire express pain. And save money! The less often you take out your wallet today, the safer your money will be. Remember: everything bad that happens to us happens, as a rule, in bad days, and the 29th of them is the most dangerous. If something very good happens to you on this day or you receive a valuable gift, this is a bad sign. You have received a reward for bad deeds. Difficulties and failures on the 29th day should be perceived as a blessing. They are a sign that you are a pure, bright person, and Higher power show you problems to work on.

What you need to do on the 29th lunar day to weaken the influence of gravitational forces, you probably already guessed. Relax, if possible, do not overload yourself and cleanse your energy and home. When leaving the house, be sure to install protection so as not to pick up damage or the evil eye and not suffer from the "vampire". Finish things, pay off debts, get rid of unnecessary things: this will attract new things to your house and help you avoid getting into debt. Any practices aimed at attracting money are useless today. The best that bad days can give us, and especially on the 29th, is an opportunity to get rid of the bad. Today, all practices are at your disposal, and lunar days. And if possible, perform any of the rituals described below: this will help you end bad luck and lack of money, get rid of the evil eye, if you suspect one. I specially reserved these rituals for the 29th lunar day, because they are the strongest, most effective.

The strongest rites of expulsion from the house of bad luck and lack of money

If you are not doing very well, you are chronically unlucky, money luck stubbornly does not want to notice you, perform any of the rituals below. They will take you out of bad luck.

Consecration of the house

This method of cleansing is actually the consecration of the house. It has been used in Russia for hundreds of years. You will need:
church candle,
Holy water,
♥ incense,
♥ Incense burner and charcoal.

You need to go around the house clockwise three times without missing a single room.

First round. Walk around the house with a burning candle in your hand and read the prayers "Our Father" (see), the Song of the Most Holy Theotokos (see) and the "Symbol of Faith". Cross three times with a candle all the corners in each room, doors and windows, places of rest.
Symbol of faith
I believe in one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages. Light from light, true God, true from God, begotten, not created, Consubstantial with the Father, He is the whole being. For us, man, and for our salvation, who descended from heaven, and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became human. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And he rose again on the third day, according to the scripture. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And the packs of the future with glory to be judged by the living and the dead, His kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, life-giving, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. Into one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. Tea of ​​the resurrection of the dead. And the life of the next century. Amen.

Second round. Place the charcoal block in the censer and light the charcoal. When the sparking stops, place incense on the coal. Take a censer and go through the house, fumigating the rooms with incense and reciting the same prayers.

Third circle. Walk through the house with holy water. It should be sprinkled on all corners, windows and doors, all places of rest, while saying “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" For spraying, you can use a regular brush or pen.

Flushing from the house of bad luck with melt water

This rite requires a large number melt water. You will need to mop the floor with it and wipe all the surfaces in the house, so prepare in advance as much melt water as you usually use for cleaning.

The ceremony begins with the fact that you light a church candle and read the following conspiracy 12 times on a bucket of melted water:
Water runs along the roads, along the rapids, Melt water, clean water,
Washes the steep shores, helps me, the servant of God (name),
Washes away all my misfortunes.
Following the Sun I will go, I will reach the mountain of God,
I’ll collect melted water, wash my fate, bags and a hut.
I will wash away damage and curses,
Bad luck, poverty and misfortune.
How the snow lay and melted
How the ice was strong, but came down with water,
So with melt water, poverty will come down from fate,
Purse and huts.
Deed and word of my amen.

Wash the floors with charmed water, wipe all surfaces in the house with a cloth soaked in it, sprinkle your wallet and money. Leave the candle to burn out.

Conspiracy for melt water

For the ceremony, you will need a church candle, a ladle of water and a silver spoon. The water must be melted this rite this is necessary, because melt water, in its ability to wash off the negative, cannot be compared with ordinary, even thoroughly purified water. And one more condition: the water must be with ice.

Light a candle, put the ladle on the fire and, stirring the water with a spoon, whisper a plot on it:
Mother water, with your rapid and golden stream you wash steep banks, yellow sands and white stones. Do not wash your steep banks, yellow sands and white stones, but wash with the servant of God (name) all the hits and inflows, evil eye and googling, curses and spells, sorrows and ailments, evil poverty. Carry them, mother fast river, a golden stream into the open field, into the deep sea, for the trampling mud, for the quicksand, for the pine forest, for the aspen tyn. Be my words strong and sculpting. The key is in the sea, famously at the bottom, the tongue is locked in the mouth. Amen.
The plot is pronounced 12 times. There is no need to count in your head, do not get distracted, use a rosary or mark somewhere on a piece of paper how many times you have read it. Heat water over low heat, do not bring to a boil. Adjust the burner so that you have time to say the plot 12 times before the water boils.

The candle should be allowed to burn out, and the water should be put at the head of the bed for the night. Before going to bed, looking at the surface of the water, read the plot 12 more times. The next day, bring the water to a boil and exhale the air three times with force on its surface, imagining that you are freeing yourself from all your troubles, misfortunes and sorrows, from lack of money and bad luck. After that, the water must be immediately poured into the sewer.

The last dangerous day of the lunar month has come to an end. I sincerely hope that he went well. You already know so much and can do so much to protect yourself that I think I can be calm for you in this respect.