Yeti the most. Scientists finally solved the mystery of Bigfoot. Who is Bigfoot, where did he come from? All Known Yeti Facts So Far

Before we talk about the mysterious Bigfoot itself, let's first talk about those who are looking for him. These are cryptozoologists. Cryptozoology is the science of animals unknown to science. Wow paradox: the science of what science does not know ...

The term "cryptozoology" was coined by the French zoologist Bernard Euvelmans. Naturally, cryptozoology cannot be called a real science, it is a typical pseudoscience, but many people who are passionate about the idea of ​​searching for unknown animals dream of their dream becoming a reality. I must say that among cryptozoologists there are also real scientists who admit that perhaps “there is something”, but they are very critical of the available information and facts.

The famous field zoologist George Schaller, in principle, without denying the possible existence of the Bigfoot and even participating in his search, complained that his remains or at least feces have not yet been found, without which it is impossible to draw conclusions about whether there are he really is and what he is.

But most cryptozoologists are enthusiasts without the appropriate education, among them there are people, to put it mildly, inadequate. Several times I happened to see them on the screen, and I immediately remembered my psychiatric past - as if I had been back in the ward. People who are carried away by one and only one idea, brushing aside all reasonable doubts and arguments of the opposite side ...

Often the basis for the search is the myths and legends of the natives, which tell about strange creatures ah, who live somewhere nearby and, if these creatures are large, strike terror into their hearts. However, the okapi, which the pygmies told the whites about, was for this African people a completely ordinary animal that lived in their native virgin forests, the Europeans simply did not believe them - its description looked painfully unusual. As a result, okapi was discovered only at the very beginning of the 20th century! The most difficult thing, listening to the stories of the natives, is to separate the truth from fiction. In addition, according to cryptozoologists, animals that are considered extinct long ago could have been preserved on earth. For example, who said that all dinosaurs disappeared 65 million years ago? Maybe they were preserved in some distant " lost worlds, untrodden places where no white man's foot has yet set foot. In the end, they discovered a living coelacanth, a lobe-finned fish, whose ancestors appeared on earth long before the dinosaurs, about 380 million years ago and were thought to have died out 70 million years ago! Moreover, at the end of the 20th century, another modern type of coelacanth was found.

From this point of view, our closest relative, man, but wild, is an ideal and beloved object of cryptozoology. Ancient people are not dinosaurs, they appeared on earth just a little over two million years ago and also died out quite recently. But are they all dead? In almost all corners of our planet, among traditional peoples, there are legends about some strange people, or monkeys, covered with wool, but moving on two legs, who live in almost inaccessible wilds and rarely catch the eye of representatives of our species. . Moreover, there are even eyewitnesses who encountered these incomprehensible creatures, and there seems to be some material evidence of their existence.

For some reason, people are very concerned about the question of our closest relatives, who managed (or did not manage?) to survive, no matter what.

So, the elusive yeti, bigfoot (in different places it is called differently: bigfoot, metoh kangmi (Tibetan), sasquatch, yeren or Chinese savage, kaptar, alamas or alamasty, etc.). Either a Neanderthal, or a Pithecanthropus, or even an Australopithecus, some not too lucky relative of the Homo Sapiens, who was forced out into the most severe living conditions, where he survived against all odds. According to the descriptions of the so-called eyewitnesses, this is a large hairy man or a giant upright monkey. Every now and then cryptozoologists go in search of him, they go somewhere in the Himalayas or on the islands of the Malay Archipelago. By the way, our cryptozoologists, who are searching for Bigfoot, currently call themselves hominologists.

Bigfoot has been “seen” or traces of him have been found on almost all continents. In North America, it is called sasquatch or bigfoot (bigfoot). Here is a description of him, made at the end of the 18th century by a Spanish scientist from the words of Canadian Indians: “Imagine that he has the body of a monster covered with hard black bristles; his head is similar to a human, but with fangs much sharper, stronger and larger than those of a bear; he has extremely Long hands; on the fingers and toes are long, bent claws." Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, there were reports of a mysterious creature, in something similar to a bear, but moving on its hind limbs; US President Theodore Roosevelt wrote about such a monster that killed a trapper in his In 1967, a short color film about a Sasquatch woman was filmed in Northern California in 1967, which was said to be a very clever hoax if it was a hoax. In Mexico, there are reports of creatures called sisimites: "In the mountains live very large wild people, completely covered with short thick brown fur. They have no neck, small eyes, long arms and huge hands. Their footprints are twice as long as human ones." Several people reported that the Sisimites were chasing them up the slopes of the mountains. Such creatures allegedly live in Guatemala, where they are said to abduct women and children. Zoologist Ivan Sandersen, who worked in Honduras, wrote in 1961:

“Dozens of people have told me that they saw him… One junior forester described in great detail two small creatures that he suddenly noticed when they were watching him at the edge of the forest. forest reserve at the foot of the Maya Mountains. ...

This folk was from 3.6 to 4 feet in height, proportionally built, but they have very heavy shoulders and rather long arms, they are covered with thick dense, almost brown hair, like a short-haired dog; they had very flat, yellowish faces, but the hair on the head was no longer than the hair on the body, except for the lower part of the back of the head and neck ... Neither a local resident, nor another person who transmitted the words of local residents, indicated that these the creatures were mere "monkeys". In all cases, they noticed that they did not have tails, they walked on two legs, and they had human features.

So, there weren’t and couldn’t be all these bigfoots and other sasquatch, you can put a bullet on them.

American monkeys are broad-nosed monkeys unlike the narrow-nosed ones, from which our ancestors descended, this is a completely different branch of primates. Well, representatives of narrow-nosed people in the face of people of our species appeared on the American continent no earlier than 15 thousand years ago. But what about Patterson's 1967 movie plot with the walking Sasquatch? See "Peculiarities of the National Hunt". There the Bigfoot looks no worse. Moreover, in 2002, the participants in the hoax said that the whole story was falsified; forty-centimeter "Yeti footprints" were made by artificial forms, and the filming was a staged episode with a man in a specially tailored monkey suit.

Of course, the most famous Bigfoot is the Himalayan Yeti. In the 19th century, messages about him met in the reports of British officials who worked in mountainous areas India and Nepal. The British resident at the Nepalese court, W. Hogdson, reported that his servants were afraid of a hairy tailless humanoid creature during their travels. Yetis are present in Nepalese and Tibetan religious images. Sherpas believe in its existence and are very afraid of it. In the last century, when the pilgrimage of climbers began in the Himalayas, new stories about Bigfoot appeared. For example, when approaching Everest, they saw the prints of his feet ... In some mountain monasteries, "material evidence" of the existence of the yeti is stored. In 1986, lone climber A. Woolridge claimed to have met a two-meter yeti in the northern Himalayas and even showed a picture that showed something very small - the photo was taken at a great distance - and humanoid.

Serious expeditions were sent to Nepal looking for the Yeti, for example, under the leadership of the famous climber Ralph Izard, but they did not find anything significant. The most interesting results, but negative, were obtained by a complex expedition of Edmund Hillary (the one who first conquered Everest) and Desmond Doyle, an expert on Nepal and local languages ​​in 1960-1961; zoologists also took part in it. First, the riddle of giant footprints was solved. It turns out that under the influence of sunlight, the snow on the surface melts, and the traces of small animals, such as foxes, merge into giant prints. Secondly, the expedition members got hold of three Yeti skins - they turned out to be the skins of a local bear subspecies. Thirdly, the members of the expedition, with great difficulty, managed to temporarily borrow the “scalp of a bigfoot” from the Khutzhun monastery; for this, Hillary got money to donate to the monastery and also build five schools (he generally helped the local population a lot). Research in Chicago confirmed his assumption: the “scalp” turned out to be very old, but made from the skin of a serow mountain goat.

The mummified "yeti hand" from the same monastery was human.

AT Central Asia Bigfoot was called alamas or almasty. In 1427, the German traveler Hans Schiltenberger, who visited the court of Tamerlane, published a book about his adventures, in which he also mentioned wild people: “Wild people live in the mountains themselves, who have nothing in common with other people. The whole body of these creatures is covered with hair, only there is no hair on the hands and on the face. They run over the mountains like animals and feed on leaves and grass and whatever they can find." The drawing of the almasta is in the Mongolian medical reference book of the 19th century. There is evidence of a meeting with Almasty in the 20th century. It seems that in 1925 the body of a dead wild woman in the Pamirs was seen by the Red Army - they found her in a cave where the Basmachi were hiding. According to the traveler Ivan Ivlov, on the Mongolian slopes of Altai in 1963 he saw through binoculars several "humanoid creatures"; he also collected local stories of numerous encounters with these strange creatures.

Biologist Wan Zelin in 1940, according to him, saw the corpse of a wild man shot by hunters. According to his description, this is a woman covered with thick and long grayish-red hair. 10 years later, two wild people, a mother with a cub, were seen in the mountains by another scientist, a geologist. In 1976, in Hubei province, "a strange tailless creature covered with reddish fur" was met by six officers of the Chinese People's Army. After that, a scientific expedition was sent there, which found many mysterious footprints, hair and excrement, and also recorded eyewitness accounts. But the results of these studies are classified.

Reports of "wild people" also came from Malaysia and Indonesia. In the end, after all, quite recently, in 2004, on the Indonesian island of Flores, the remains of ancient tiny people were found, who were nicknamed "hobbits". They immediately remembered that the locals talk about "Ebo-Gogo", dwarfs who supposedly had big eyes, hair all over their bodies; they spoke to strange language and stole fruits and moonshine from people. Well, maybe these are the hobbits, Homo floresiensis? But the Floresian people died out not 17 thousand years ago, as previously thought, but, according to updated data, about 50 thousand, but traces of Ebo-Gogo, except in folklore, were never found.

Until now, the indigenous people of Sumatra are convinced that “orangpendeks” (“short guys” in the local dialect) live in the virgin forests of the island.

Like the hobbits, the hypothetical Sumatran ape-men are small in size. On the island of Borneo (another name is Kalimantan), locals call such creatures "trampolines", they, according to them, were much larger. Ape-men in this region are sought not only by amateur enthusiasts, but also by serious scientists. So, Professor Peter Chi puts special digital “traps” on mysterious hominids, but so far no one has been caught in them. That is, the cameras captured a tapir, a marble cat, the rarest Sumatran tiger, but not a hominoid. A few years ago, two fanatic cryptozoologists who professional attitude they have no science, but devote all their holidays to the search for mysterious creatures, they found tufts of hair in a primitive parking lot, which, as they were sure, belonged to relic people. But, as it turned out upon careful study, this is the hair of a modern person ...

Vague reports of local "wild humanoids" came from Africa, but no one takes them seriously. Moreover, even in Australia, their own "snow people" have appeared, which is simply ridiculous - it’s only like kangaroos have evolved in them!

In 2014, the results of a genetic study of all hair samples ever found attributed to Bigfoot were published. This work was carried out by a group of scientists led by Professor Brian Sykes from the University of Oxford. Cryptozoologists sent 57 samples, however, there were 55 of them left - because one sample turned out to be of plant origin, and one was generally fiberglass. DNA was isolated from 30 samples. Alas, these were the hairs of bears, wolves, tapirs, raccoons, horses, sheep, cows, and even human hair - sapiens and, moreover, a European. The most interesting thing is that two of the wool samples belonged to bears - but not just bears, but polar bears or their hybrids with a brown bear ancestor, judging by the analysis of mitochondrial DNA! So, those researchers who believed that the "Yeti" were bears of an unknown species were right! How beautiful it turned out! But, alas, everything is not so simple. The next year, two other groups of scientists questioned these results. It has been suggested that the polar bear hairs were accidentally included in the samples, Sykes, of course, denies this. Most likely, this wool has nothing to do with Paleolithic bears, but belongs to the Himalayan (Tian Shan) subspecies of the brown bear Ursus arctos isabellinus, which is called Ju Te in Nepal. Its range includes the northern regions of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Tibet, it also lives in the Pamir and Tien Shan mountains. This is a very rare and largest animal in this region, males reach a length of 2.2 m, many researchers believe that it was he who was mistaken for a "snowman", which no one saw up close.

In 1991, a Chinese-Russian scientific expedition, officially a glaciological expedition, worked in Chinese Tibet on the border with Nepal, but everyone knew that its main goal was to find Bigfoot.

My classmate Arkady Tishkov, now a doctor of geographical sciences, deputy director of the Institute of Geography, took part in this expedition. Russian Academy Sciences. He really met some kind of “humanoid” creature at an altitude of more than 5000 meters and even photographed it on film, however, from a long distance, and the camera was without zoom - the last century, after all. Tishkov is convinced that the yeti really exists, but this creature has nothing to do with primates, most likely it is a bear. Well, the Yeti has remained a mysterious person, but Russian researcher brought from this expedition 80 kilograms of herbariums alone, described several new plant species, one of which, with lovely blue flowers, bears his name! The grant for the search for Bigfoot was given by the Japanese, but who would give money for the study of the Alpine - in this case, the Tibetan - flora?

"Bigfoot" was also met in the mountains of the Caucasus - unless, of course, the testimony of "eyewitnesses" can be trusted. However, I absolutely believe one witness - this is Professor Yason Badridze. For many years he conducted research in the Lagodinsky Reserve, located on the South Caucasian ridge, on the border of Georgia with Dagestan. There have long been tales in this area of ​​gigantic, furry men who live high up in the forest. In the 70s of the last century, many old people in mountain villages claimed that they had seen these people with their own eyes. They were even given a name - Lagodekhi. One day small company, including Jason Badridze, gathered at the weather station in the evening. The head of the meteorological station left the room, and suddenly his cry was heard. People who ran out of the house found him on the ground, he said that someone hit him from behind and complained of severe pain. When he was taken to the station and undressed, the imprint of a human five was clearly visible on his back - only it was three times larger than from the hand of an ordinary man. Jason Konstantinovich is still wondering what it was.

Alas, all the materials and facts that allegedly speak in favor of the existence of relic humanoids : plaster prints of traces, pieces of wool, photographs - cause scientists to reasonable doubt, as well as the testimonies of people who allegedly saw them with their own eyes. Plaster casts are easy to fake. And as for the wool, we have already figured it out.

The famous Zana, the "wild woman" from Abkhazia, found in the forest in the 19th century - the trump card of many Yeti seekers, from Professor Porshnev to Igor Burtsev - turned out to be a sapiens, though a Negroid, and not a Neanderthal at all. Since not everyone is familiar with its history, I will briefly tell it. Zana was caught by the hunters of Prince Achba in the forest. She was a muscular woman of enormous height, under two meters, completely naked, completely covered with dark hair, with gray, almost black skin. Her face was broad, high cheekbones, with large features, a sloping low forehead, a wide mouth, a flat nose with large nostrils, and a protruding lower jaw. Prince Achba gave it to his friend, also a prince, she passed from hand to hand until she found a permanent home in a log enclosure in the village of Tkhin. At first, Zana was kept in chains, as she was violent, but gradually she got used to it, "tamed", roamed freely around the village, still without clothes, and even did some work that required a lot of work. physical strength. She spent the night in a hole dug by herself in winter and summer. She never learned to speak, but she knew her name. She loved to swim and became addicted to alcohol. She also gave birth to numerous children from local exotic lovers, she accidentally drowned her first child, the next four were taken from her immediately after birth. Zana died in the 80s of the century before last, when no one knows for sure, but her younger son Khvit, who remained to live in Tkhin, died in 1954. Her distant descendants, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are still in good health, among their own.

In 1962, Doctor of Biological Sciences A.A. learned about Zan from local residents. Mashkovtsev, he told Professor B.F. Porshnev, who, together with his colleagues, came to Tkhin, began to look for and question the old people who personally knew Zana (recall that at least seven decades have passed since her death, rather more). In the 70s of the last century, his research was continued by the historian Igor Burtsev, who met Khvit's daughter Raisa, who, according to his description, had Negroid features and curly hair.

After a long search, he managed to find Zana's grave, and was eventually able to get hold of Khvit's skulls and - presumably - Zana herself.

According to the scientific editor of the portal Stanislav Drobyshevsky, who examined them, the skull attributed to Zana has pronounced equatorial (Negroid) features, and the skull of her son, despite its massiveness and powerful superciliary arches, belongs, alas, not at all to a Neanderthal, but clearly sapiens.

And now about how sensations are born. A year ago, loud headlines like “Zana really was a yeti!” appeared in many popular publications. (in April 2015, a similar message, for example, was printed in " Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the section - scary to say - "Science"!). The articles said that Professor Brian Sykes (the same one) examined the DNA of the skull and announced that Zana was not a human, but a yeti! Now in the hands of Igor Burtsev were supposedly irrefutable evidence of the existence of Bigfoot. What's the matter? It turns out that English popular publications published sensational news - allegedly, according to Professor Sykes, the “Russian” half-woman, half-monkey turned out to be Bigfoot! It is not clear whether this was a joke or if the publishers were trying to draw attention to Sykes' new book in this way, but this greatly damaged the reputation of the professor in scientific circles. In fact, Brian Sykes did analyze the DNA of the six descendants of Zana and her late son Kvit and concluded that Zana was a human modern look, but at the same time "one hundred percent" African, most likely from West Africa. He suggested that most likely it came from slaves brought to Abkhazia by the Ottoman Turks. Or she belonged to those people who left Africa about 100 thousand years ago and since then have lived secretly in the mountains of the Caucasus (we will leave this conclusion to the conscience of the professor). In fact, before making such assumptions, he could ask what nationalities inhabit Abkhazia - and in fact Negroes do live in Abkhazia! A small group of people ethnically belonging to the Negroid race lives in the village of Adzyubzha at the mouth of the Kodor River and the surrounding villages. They consider themselves Abkhazians, like everyone around them. Historians have no consensus on how and when they got there. Most agree that in the XVII century. According to one of the most likely versions, these are the descendants of black slaves brought by the sovereign princes of Abkhazia Shervashidze-Chachba to work on tangerine plantations.

But alas, one of distinguishing features many cryptozoologists - to ignore everything that contradicts their concept.

And still Igor Burtsev poses for journalists with the skull of a "Neanderthal" in his hands, and the furry yeti Zana flickers on TV screens ...

By the way, why furry? Indeed, it seems to be a monkey trait. According to the descriptions of witnesses, Zana was completely covered with hair. Well, you have to take their word for it, and it happens. It is worth recalling the drawings from a school biology textbook illustrating atavistic signs: portraits of Andrian Evtikhiev, whose face is overgrown with thick strands of hair, and the “bearded woman” singer Yulia Pastrana, who was distinguished not only by her beard and mustache, but also by a sloping forehead, like in ancient people. But rather, it was something else. Hypertrichosis (increased hairiness) is not only congenital, but also acquired as a result of hormonal changes due to hunger and deprivation - “wild children”, the so-called “mowglis”, are often hairy. Most likely, Zana was a weak-minded girl who got lost in the forest and became wild - this very plausible version is given by Fazil Iskander in the story "Parking a Man". This applies not only to Zana - a feral person with mental disabilities, characterized by increased hairiness, could well be mistaken for a "snowman". In particular, this can explain a rather well-known case - the detention of a "wild man" in the mountains of Dagestan in December 1941. Colonel Karapetyan, whose detachment caught the unfortunate man, described him as a deaf-mute and mentally handicapped person, completely covered with hair. But the lice on it were not human ... At one time, Carl Linnaeus, engaged in the taxonomy of the animal world, singled out feral people (he knew nine such individuals) into a special type of “Homo ferus”, a wild man.

It must be said that the USSR was almost the only country where cryptozoology was practiced at the state level, and largely thanks to one person - Professor Boris Fedorovich Porshnev (1905-1972).

He was a scientist of universal knowledge, a doctor of both historical and philosophical sciences; he had and biological education, but he did not receive a diploma, which he later regretted very much. His main historical work was devoted to the late French Renaissance, but he also dealt with the theory of anthropogenesis. In those days, the transitional links from monkeys to humans were still poorly understood, and many were not discovered at all, and now Porshnev’s theory has a purely historical meaning. He postulated that only a modern man is a man in the full sense of the word, this is a qualitative leap, and all other great-humans are closer to animals than to a rational person. That is why he and all his followers considered Bigfoot a Neanderthal, albeit degraded, although, judging by the description, he is much closer to archanthropes, to erectus, or even more ancient creatures. By the way, the Yeti was also considered a Neanderthal by Bernard Euvelmans. We now know that Neanderthals were very similar to us.

Porshnev was obviously a very charismatic person, otherwise how could he convince the USSR Academy of Sciences to send an expedition in search of Bigfoot? In the late 1950s, a Commission was established at the Academy to study the issue of the Bigfoot. It included well-known scientists: geologist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Sergei Obruchev, primatologist and anthropologist Mikhail Nesturkh, outstanding geobotanist Konstantin Stanyukovich, physicist and Nobel laureate academician Igor Tamm, academician A.D. Aleksandrov, as well as biologists G.P. Demeniev, S.E. Kleinenberg, N.A. Burchak-Abramovich. The most active members of the commission were doctor Maria-Zhanna Kofman and professor Boris Porshnev. The working hypothesis that guided the commission was that Bigfoot is a representative of the extinct branch of Neanderthals that has survived to this day.

In 1958, a complex and very expensive expedition was held to search for the Yeti in the highlands of the Pamirs. The mission was led by the botanist Stanyukovich, who, it must be said, did not believe much in the existence of the Yeti. The expedition included zoologists, botanists, ethnographers, geologists, cartographers, as well as local residents, guides and barsolov hunters. They also took with them service dogs, trained to smell chimpanzees. Porshnev was unhappy that the expedition took place in the summer, in his opinion, it was necessary to look for traces of an unknown hominoid in the winter, in the snow, but is it necessary to say what mountains are in winter? No signs of the existence of the Yeti were found, but scientists made many other discoveries, for example, they found the site of a Neolithic man, and based on the results of the expedition, a geobotanical atlas of the Pamir highlands was created.

After that, the Academy of Sciences officially closed the topic of studying Bigfoot, despite Porshnev's objections. Since then, all searches for the Yeti in our country have been carried out exclusively by enthusiasts who organized trips to the mountains of Central Asia and the Caucasus on their own..

You can learn about how B.F. Porshnev conducted research in the field from the notes of one of the participants in the 1961 expedition to Tajikistan, S.A. Said-Aliyeva: “In the vicinity of the lake. Temur-Kul we saw traces of various predatory animals. The next day at 7-8 o'clock in the morning at the shore of the lake. Temur-Kul measured the bear's footprint. It had a length of 34.5 cm to 35 cm. When it was mentioned by Prof. B.F. Porshnev, he said that this was the footprint of this animal (that is, "Bigfoot"). Then I asked B.F. what kind of claws does he have - long or humanoid. He answered: almost like a man. How easy it is to adjust the facts to fit your concept! The result of Porshnev's research was the monograph " Current state question of relic hominoids.

The term "relic hominoid", by the way, was coined by Pyotr Petrovich Smolin (1897-1975), the same teaching staff, or Uncle Petya, who became godfather several generations of Soviet biologists, heading in turn KYUBZ (a circle of young biologists of the Moscow Zoo) and VOOP (a circle of young naturalists at the All-Union Society for the Protection of Nature). Being the chief curator of the Darwin Museum, he founded the Seminar on Hominology, which after his death is called "Smolin", this seminar is still working, his works are being published. In 1987 Maria-Janna Kofman organized Russian association cryptozoologists or the Society of Cryptozoologists, which united Bigfoot seekers. Igor Burtsev founded and headed International Institute hominology (it is difficult to say whether there are employees in it, except for the director).

Work in progress! More and more "relic hominoids" are being discovered in our country, even in the near Moscow region. Chuchuns in Yakutia, Almasty in Kabardino-Balkaria, someone else in Adygea... Burtsev admits that he has never seen them. But that doesn't stop hominologists. AT last years an active search for Bigfoot is underway in Kemerovo region, cryptozoologists from almost all over the world go there. One of the expeditions was led by boxer Nikolai Valuev, who wanted to compete with Bigfoot. Cryptozoologists also visited places where a certain creature was seen most often - on Mount Karatag and in the Azas cave. Alas, the yeti hair found there turned out, as one would expect, to be bear hair. But this did not stop the authorities from arranging a tourist yeti boom, Bigfoot became a kind of symbol of Mountain Shoria. The governor of the Kemerovo region announced that whoever catches him will receive a reward of one million rubles, and the opening day of the ski season will now be a holiday - Bigfoot Day. I can quite understand the Kemerovo officials - not everyone is as lucky as Chebarkul with his meteorite, but tourism infrastructure needs to be developed!

And a few years ago, a Bigfoot showed up ... in Moscow! In the Butovo forest, where the inhabitants of Southern Butovo walk their dogs. In winter, dog walkers found huge footprints there. Women with dogs refused to go there; Terrible stories about a torn cat and people missing in the forest were passed from mouth to mouth ... They answered all persuasions with one thing: let them investigate first, and only then ... They investigated. Two men with service dogs, who were not afraid of the yeti, met village teenagers in the forest, who put on huge soles in the form of bare feet with wide apart fingers over their boots. The boys were terribly pleased with themselves and loudly discussed the behavior of the nervous ladies, who, seeing the footprints, turned with a loud squeal and ran back as fast as they could. People, as it turned out, did not disappear at all, and the corpse of a cat is on the conscience of local ravens, who are not averse to eating pets. It’s good that everything turned out, otherwise headlines like “Bigfoot are going to Moscow!” would soon flash in the yellow press!

And a summary in conclusion:

  1. Most likely the legendary yeti - Brown bear Himalayan subspecies Ursus arctos isabellinus.
  2. There has never been and cannot be any "relic hominoid" on the American continent

There is still a lot of unknown in the world, but in the future, scientists will be able to explain many phenomena based solely on real facts, and not on fictional concepts and conjectures.



  • Bernard Euvelmans In the footsteps of unknown animals
  • Igor Akimushkin Traces of unseen animals

Both of these books are freely available on the Internet, but the facts given in them are largely outdated, it is better to familiarize yourself with the modern book by Vitaliy Tanasiychuk:

  • Vitaly Tanasiychuk. Incredible Zoology (zoological myths and hoaxes). M., KMK, 2011
  • Arkady Tishkov Another meeting. “Light (Nature and Man)” No. 6-7, 1992, p.39
  • Alexander Sokolov. Myths about human evolution. M. Alpina, 2015

Many secrets keep the expanses of our vast planet. Mysterious creatures hiding from the human world have always aroused genuine interest among scientists and enthusiastic researchers. One of these mysteries was Bigfoot.

Yeti, Bigfoot, Angry, Sasquatch - these are all his names. It is believed that he belongs to the class of mammals, the order of primates, the genus man.

Of course, its existence has not been proven by scientists, however, according to eyewitnesses and many researchers, today we have a complete description of this creature.

What does the legendary cryptid look like?

The most popular image of Bigfoot

His physique is thick and muscular, with thick hair covering the entire surface of the body, with the exception of the palms and feet, which, according to people who met the Yeti, remain completely naked.

The color of the coat can be different depending on the habitat - white, black, gray, red.

The faces are always dark, and the hair on the head is longer than on the rest of the body. According to some reports, the beard and mustache are completely absent, or they are very short and rare.

The skull has a pointed shape and a massive lower jaw.

The growth of these creatures varies from 1.5 to 3 meters. Other witnesses claimed to have met taller individuals.

Features of the Bigfoot body are also long arms and shortened hips.

The Yeti's habitat is a controversial issue, as people claim to have seen it in America, Asia, and even Russia. Presumably, they can be found in the Urals, the Caucasus and Chukotka.

These mysterious creatures live far from civilization, carefully hiding from human attention. Nests can be located in trees or in caves.

But no matter how carefully the snowmen tried to hide, there were local residents who claimed to have seen them.

First eyewitnesses

The first to see mysterious creature live, there were Chinese peasants. According to available information, the meeting was not a single one, but numbered about a hundred cases.

After such statements, several countries, including America and Great Britain, sent an expedition in search of traces.

Thanks to the collaboration of two eminent scientists, Richard Greenwell and Gene Poirier, evidence has been found for the existence of the Yeti.

The find was hair that was supposed to belong only to him. However, later, in 1960, Edmund Hillary got the opportunity to examine the scalp again.

His conclusion was unequivocal: the “find” was made of antelope wool.

As expected, many scientists did not agree with this version, finding more and more confirmations of the previously put forward theory.

Bigfoot scalp

In addition to the hairline found, the identity of which is still a controversial issue, there is no other documented evidence.

Except for countless photographs, footprints and eyewitness accounts.

Photos are often of very poor quality, so they do not allow you to reliably determine if these frames are real or fake.

Footprints, which, of course, are similar to human ones, but wider and longer, scientists rank among the traces of famous animals living in the find area.

And even the stories of eyewitnesses who, according to them, met Bigfoot, do not allow us to establish for certain the fact of their existence.

Bigfoot on video

However, in 1967, two men were able to film Bigfoot.

They were R. Patterson and B. Gimlin from Northern California. Being shepherds, one autumn, on the banks of the river, they noticed a creature, which, realizing that it had been found, immediately set off on the run.

Grabbing a camera, Roger Patterson set off to catch up with an unusual creature, which was mistaken for a yeti.

The film aroused genuine interest among scientists who long years tried to prove or disprove the existence mythical creature.

Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson

A number of features proved that the film was not a fake.

The size of the body and the unusual gait indicated that it was not a person.

The video noted a clear image of the body and limbs of the creature, which ruled out the creation special suit for filming a movie.

Some structural features of the body allowed scientists to draw conclusions about the similarity of the individual from the video frames with the prehistoric ancestor of man - the Neanderthal ( approx. the last Neanderthals lived about 40 thousand years ago), but very large in size: growth reached 2.5 meters, and weight - 200 kg.

After numerous examinations, the film was found to be authentic.

In 2002, after the death of Ray Wallace, who initiated this filming, his relatives and acquaintances reported that the film was completely staged: a man in a specially tailored suit portrayed an American Yeti, and unusual footprints were left by artificial forms.

But they did not provide evidence that the film was fake. Later, experts conducted an experiment in which a trained person tried to repeat the shots taken in a suit.

They came to the conclusion that at the time the film was made, it was not possible to produce such a quality production.

There were other meetings with unusual creature, in most cases in America. For example, in North Carolina, Texas and near the state of Missouri, but unfortunately there is no evidence of these meetings, except for the oral stories of people.

A woman named Zana from Abkhazia

An interesting and unusual confirmation of the existence of these individuals was a woman named Zana, who lived in Abkhazia in the 19th century.

Raisa Khvitovna, Zana's granddaughter - the daughter of Khvit and a Russian woman named Maria

The description of her appearance is similar to the available descriptions of Bigfoot: red hair that covered her dark skin, and the hair on her head was longer than on her whole body.

articulate speech she did not own, but only uttered cries and isolated sounds.

The face was large, the cheekbones protruded, and the jaw protruded strongly forward, which gave it a ferocious look.

Zana was able to integrate into human society and even gave birth to several children from local men.

Later, scientists conducted research on the genetic material of Zana's descendants.

According to some sources, their origin originates in West Africa.

The results of the examination indicate the possibility of the existence of a population in Abkhazia during the life of Zana, which means that it is not excluded in other regions.

Makoto Nebuka reveals the secret

One of the enthusiasts who wanted to prove the existence of the Yeti was the Japanese climber Makoto Nebuka.

He hunted Bigfoot for 12 years, exploring the Himalayas.

After so many years of persecution, he came to a disappointing conclusion: the legendary humanoid creature turned out to be just a brown Himalayan bear.

The book with his research describes some Interesting Facts. It turns out that the word "yeti" is nothing more than a distorted word "meti", which means "bear" in the local dialect.

The Tibetan clans considered the bear to be a supernatural creature that possessed power. Perhaps these concepts were combined, and the myth of Bigfoot spread everywhere.

Research from different countries

Numerous studies have been carried out by many scientists around the world. The USSR was no exception.

Geologists, anthropologists and botanists worked in the commission for the study of Bigfoot. As a result of their work, a theory was put forward that states that Bigfoot is a degraded branch of Neanderthals.

However, then the work of the commission was terminated, and only a few enthusiasts continued to work on research.

genetic research The available specimens deny the existence of the Yeti. An Oxford University professor, after analyzing the hair, proved that they belonged to a polar bear that existed several thousand years ago.

Still from a film shot in Northern California 10/20/1967

At present, the discussions do not subside.

The question of the existence of another mystery of nature remains open, and the society of cryptozoologists is still trying to find evidence.

All the facts available today do not give one hundred percent certainty in the reality of this creature, although some people really want to believe in it.

Obviously, only a film shot in Northern California can be considered proof of the existence of the object under study.

Some people tend to believe that Bigfoot is of alien origin.

That is why it is so difficult to detect, and all genetic and anthropological analyzes lead scientists to wrong results.

Someone is sure that science is hushing up the fact of their existence and publishes false studies, because there are so many eyewitnesses.

But questions are only multiplying every day, and answers are extremely rare. And although many believe in the existence of Bigfoot, science still denies this fact.

Bigfoot (Yeti) - a half-monkey, half-man, living most often in high mountainous regions and forests. Unlike humans, this creature has a denser physique, relatively short hips, elongated arms, a short neck, a strongly developed lower jaw and slightly pointed.

The entire body of a Bigfoot is covered with red, gray or black hair. This humanoid creature has a sharp unpleasant odor. Bigfoot Yeti climbs trees perfectly, which once again emphasizes his resemblance to a monkey. Forest populations of snow people build nests on tree branches, mountain populations live in caves.

The humanoid primate (Chinese savage) very often caught the eye of curious Chinese peasants. He had a height of about 2 m, was able to weave baskets and make simple tools. Hundreds of cases of peasants meeting with this creature were left without attention. In the late eighties of the last century, six countries, including America and Great Britain, sent a research expedition to the sparsely populated forest areas of China to study evidence of the Bigfoot yeti. .

The participants of the expedition were prominent professors of anthropology Richard Greenwell and Jean Poirier. They had no idea what outstanding discovery awaits them! The two-year collaboration between the American and English professors has brought remarkable results. The expedition included an independent television crew led by Geraldine Easter.

What evidence was found

Confirmation of the presence of a "snow creature" is his hair, which were picked by Chinese farmers. English and American scientists, as well as their Chinese colleagues, came to the conclusion that the hairs found have nothing to do with humans or monkeys, which indicates the existence of Bigfoot (Chinese savage). Several thousand teeth and jaws of this ancient man have been found in India, Vietnam and China. The Chinese wild man is a little-studied creature. Somehow miraculously, he managed to avoid extinction in individual areas. He is a contemporary of the famous panda bears, and we all know that pandas also miraculously survived.

September 1952 was remembered by the locals for the fact that in the state of Virginia, several eyewitnesses observed a height of about 9 feet, exuding a very unpleasant odor. In 1956, a huge creature was seen in the state of North Carolina, whose offhand weight was about 320 kg. Year 1958 - the yeti appears near the state of Texas, in 1962 - near the state of California, in 1971 in the Oklahoma region, in 1972 the creature was seen near the state of Missouri.

There is evidence of a meeting with Bigfoot from a relatively recent period of time. In the early 90s of the last century, while climbing to an eight thousandth height, climber R. Meisner saw Bigfoot twice. The first meeting was unexpected, yeti Bigfoot quickly disappeared, and it was not possible to photograph him. The second meeting happened at night - the creature was seen near the place of spending the night.

Attempts to catch a man, nicknamed the snowman, were made repeatedly. In its issue dated August 19, 1988, the Pravda newspaper wrote that traces of a “snow creature” were found in the Kekirimtau mountains, and a farm worker K. Juraev encountered him personally.

The expedition sent to capture Bigfoot returned with nothing. But what is surprising, being at the lair of this strange creature, all members of the expedition experienced terrible psychological discomfort, a decline in mood and efficiency, lack of appetite, rapid pulse and high blood pressure. And this is despite the fact that the group included trained people who had acclimatized in high mountain conditions.

Who has seen Bigfoot?

In 1967, two shepherds R. Patterson and his partner B. Gimlin filmed Bigfoot. It was a warm autumn day at 3.30 pm. The horses of the men, frightened of something, abruptly reared up. Losing his balance, Patterson's horse collapsed, but the shepherd did not lose his head. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw on the bank of the stream a squatting large creature, which, noticing people, immediately got up and walked away. Roger grabbed his camera, turned it on and ran towards the stream. He managed to make out that it was Yeti Bigfoot. Hearing the chirping of the camera, the creature, continuing to move, turned around, and then, without slowing down, continued on its way. The size of the body and the unusual style of walking allowed him to rapidly move away. Soon the creature was out of sight. The tape ended and the stunned men stopped.

An in-depth study of the film, conducted by members of the Darwin Museum workshop, and its frame-by-frame playback showed that the head of the creature filmed on film is identical to the head of Pithecanthropus. The clearly visible muscles of the arms, legs and back exclude the possibility of using a special suit.

Arguments supporting the authenticity of Patterson's film:

  • Increased flexibility of the ankle joint of the creature depicted on the film, which is impossible for a person.
  • The creature's gait is not typical of a human and cannot be reproduced by him.
  • A clear image of the muscles of the body and limbs, excluding the possibility of using a special suit.
  • Strongly protruding back heel, which corresponds to the structure of the Neanderthals
  • Comparison of the frequency of hand vibrations and the speed of the film on which the film was shot, they speak of the creature's height of 220 cm and weight of over 200 kg.

Based on these and many other facts, the film was recognized as authentic, as reported in scientific publications in the USA and the USSR. Entire volumes of scientific literature are devoted to observations of Bigfoot and their careful analysis. Many unanswered questions remain. Why do we meet only single individuals of the yeti? Can small populations of these amazing creatures survive? When can we fish out the snow creature? There are no answers to these questions yet, but there is confidence that in the near future they will definitely appear.

Of great interest is the Yeti or Bigfoot. Various rumors have been circulating about this creature for several decades. Who is Yeti? Scientists can only guess, since it is very difficult to prove its existence due to lack of facts.

Eyewitnesses who met a strange creature describe in detail its fearsome appearance:

  • a monster resembling a man walks on two legs;
  • limbs are long;
  • height 2 - 4 meters;
  • strong and agile;
  • can climb trees;
  • has a fetid odor;
  • the body is completely covered with vegetation;
  • the skull is elongated, the jaw is massive;
  • wool white or brown;
  • dark face.

  • In addition, scientists had a chance to study the size of the monster's legs from the prints left on the snow or the ground. Also, eyewitnesses provided shreds of wool found in the thickets through which the yeti made its way, drew it from memory, tried to photograph it.

    Direct evidence

    It is impossible to determine with accuracy who a Bigfoot is. When approaching it, people begin to feel dizzy, their consciousness changes and their blood pressure rises. Creatures act on the energy of a person in such a way that they are simply not noticed. In addition, yeti instill animal fear in all living beings. When he approaches, there is complete silence around: the birds fall silent, and the animals run away.

    Numerous attempts to film the creature on a video camera turned out to be practically fruitless. Even if they succeeded, the pictures and videos were of very poor quality, despite the high-quality equipment. This is not only due to the fact that yetis move too fast, despite huge growth and a dense physique, but also by the fact that equipment, as well as people, begins to fail. Attempts to catch up with the fleeing "man" did not bring success.

    Those who wanted to photograph the yeti say that when you try to look into his eyes, a person ceases to control himself. Accordingly, pictures are simply not taken, or foreign objects are visible on them.

    Fact. Eyewitnesses from different corners the planets depict beings either female or male. This suggests that Bigfoot most likely reproduces in the usual way.

    Who is Bigfoot really is not clear. Either this is an alien creature, or an individual from antiquity, who miraculously managed to live up to our time. Or maybe this is the result of experiments conducted between humans and primates.

    Where does Bigfoot live?

    Tibetan ancient chronicles have a story about the meetings of Buddhist monks and a huge hairy monster on two legs. From Asian languages, the word "yeti" is translated as "someone who lives among the stones."

    Fact: the first information about Bigfoot appeared in print in the 50s of the last century. The authors of these texts were climbers who tried to conquer Everest. The meeting with the yeti took place in the Himalayan forests, in which there are paths leading to the top of the mountain.

    Places where he lives mystical creature, represent forests and mountains. Bigfoot in Russia was first recorded in the Caucasus. Eyewitnesses claim that as soon as they saw a huge primate, he disappeared right before their eyes, leaving behind a small cloud of haze.

    Przhevalsky, who was studying the Gobi Desert, encountered the Yeti back in the 19th century. But further research was stopped due to the refusal of the state to allocate money for the expedition. This was influenced by the clergy, who considered the yeti a creature from hell.

    After that, Bigfoot was seen in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and other places. In 2012, a hunter from Chelyabinsk region encountered a humanoid creature. Despite the strong fear, he managed to film the monster on his mobile phone. Then the Yeti was seen many times near the settlements. But his approach to people has not yet found an explanation.

    Despite the fact that no one can tell who the Yeti is, . This is supported not only by weak facts, but also by faith, which is sometimes stronger than all evidence.


    There is information about the cohabitation of Bigfoot with people. Of course, there is not even a hint of happiness in such a relationship. In all such legends, the desperate loneliness of Bigfoot is clearly guessed. After a night spent with a snowman, a woman is no longer able to return to people, he seems to bewitch, bewitch her.

    According to Mikhail Yeltsin, a relic man researcher, in the mid-1980s he was told the story of a Soviet geologist in the mountains of Tajikistan. On a hot summer day, two lightly dressed men were surveying for the needs of the border guards. Suddenly one of them heard a scream. He rushed to the place where his colleague was, but saw only scraps of clothing. The comrade was abducted by a huge female Bigfoot, who mistook an adult male for a cub. After all, hominin babies are hairless. The unfortunate geologist managed to escape, or rather, the yetis themselves did not stop him, who realized that he was a stranger: all children are like children - they eat, grow and become covered with wool, and this one eats food chewed by their mother, but does not grow and does not play. Returning to the people, the geologist spent the rest of his life in a psychiatric hospital.

    Legends about this kind of abduction exist on all continents in mountainous and wooded areas: females steal men, males, respectively, girls. In the Caucasian gorge Uchkulan, local residents have a legend about the daughters of Bigfoot. It is possible to see them, but it is dangerous to come into contact with them - they paralyze the will of a person.

    1942 - in the Murmansk region. an unusual event occurred. In one of the villages of the Lovozersky district, a boy disappeared in the winter. For a week, people searched for the child in the taiga. But suddenly the child returned by itself. He said that the "big hairy man" carried him to the cave. There lived a few more of the same "hairy". They ate the roots, the boy also ate them. Then the child began to feel bad, and, probably, they decided to return him to people.

    In Kyrgyzstan, relatively recently, there were two cases of yeti sightings in public. Hunters from the Naryn region found traces of a strange creature in the mountains. The dimensions of the foot were amazing: the length was 45 cm, the width was 35 cm. According to witnesses, one of the meetings with the Yeti ended tragically for a person. Once a group of geologists was forced to stop their work in one of the mountain villages of the Kekirimtau massif (northwest of the Tien Shan). The reason for this was the inexplicable panic of the workers, a premonition that someone else was in the area.

    On one of the expeditions mysterious case. In the mountains near Lake Piron (Tajikistan), the researchers were on duty in the tent in turn. One of them heard steps nearby, looked out of the tent - no one. This happened several times. Then something incomprehensible began to happen: there was a pounding in the head of the duty officer, he was stabbed, drowsiness flooded over him, the man lost consciousness. How long he remained in this state, he does not know. He came to himself because something stroked his cheek. The sensation was something solid, like dermatin. The researcher held out his hand and, to his horror, realized that it was a human hand, which was covered with thick hair. Screaming in horror, he again lost consciousness.

    In Abkhazia, the story of Zana, a wild, hairy woman who was caught in the 1860s, is well known. For a long time she lived in the estate of Prince Genaba in the village of Tkhina, Ochamchira region. It is known that she had children from local men. Zana died in 1890, and her youngest son Khvit died in 1953. B. Porshnev and I. Burtsev were engaged in the search for their graves. In 1974, the remains of Khvit were discovered and sent to Moscow for research. The Abkhaz warned I. Burtsev not to do this. The scientist did not listen to them and suddenly fell seriously ill with mosquito fever. This disease has not been in the Soviet Union since 1918. After recovery, friends joked: they say, this is “revenge of the pharaohs”.

    In the area of ​​Malaya Vishera, researchers in the swamps also found traces of yeti of enormous size. On the tree, moreover, there were clear stripes from the teeth. When laboratory tests were carried out at the Institute of Genetics, it turned out that the distance between the fangs of this strange creature is 2-3 times greater than that of a person.

    Petersburg scientist O. Sapunov told a story from his childhood. Once, while fishing, he and a friend saw a bare footprint on the trail. They were struck by the size: about 40 cm. After a while they picked berries in the same places - again traces. On them, the guys came across the bones of the fish and the head. And then they saw the fishermen themselves - two large and two small humanoid creatures, overgrown with thick hair. Not understanding the road, the boys rushed away.

    A man with his adult son met a strange creature in the Siberian taiga, very reminiscent of a wolf walking on its hind legs. According to the description, it was an ordinary ... baboon. The whole mystery of the situation is that this species of tropical monkey is not found in the Siberian forests. The two intimidating men recalled the horror that gripped them at this meeting, and an incredible, extremely strange feeling, as if they had spied something forbidden. If their story is true, the little Bigfoot may live not only in the Himalayas, its distribution area is wider and covers the uninhabited spaces of Central Siberia.

    We met a Bigfoot in the Leningrad region. In the Priozerny district, near the village of Orekhovo, tourists have repeatedly noticed a humanoid creature covered with hair. The most curious find is the excrement of an unknown creature. Laboratory analysis showed that they cannot belong to either a person or an animal.

    american bigfoot

    In forests and mountains west coast North America has its own mystery. In this wild area, to this day, you can see two-meter hairy humanoid creatures. They called them bigfoot (eng. - “ big foot"). The first reports about them began to appear at the beginning 19th century. American President(1901-1909) Theodore Roosevelt was an avid hunter, and there is evidence of a 1903 Bigfoot attack on two hunters in the Salmon River region of Idaho.

    1905 - Johnny Tester, an Indian from Northern California, watched for an hour as a large male Bigfoot taught two of his children to swim and fish with sharp sticks.

    1924 - a team of lumberjacks from the city of Kelso, Washington, flatly refused to go to work. The reason was that in a remote area of ​​the forest near the Cascade Mountains, the workers were attacked by huge hairy wild people who threw stones at them. An armed group went to the place of the incident. The lumberjacks' hut was destroyed, and everything around was trampled by huge footprints.

    1955 - interesting story happened to the hunter William Rowe. Hiding in the bushes, he sat in ambush. Suddenly, a huge animal, more than 2 meters tall, sat down next to the other side of the bush. Bigfoot did not suspect that someone could be watching him. The hunter was confused, but he had enough time to take a good look at the hairy creature. Probably, having smelled someone else's smell, it looked into the gap between the branches. Their eyes met. On the muzzle of Bigfoot, a grimace of extreme surprise froze. The hunter froze. The creature slowly straightened up to its full height and quickly walked away. Rowe had the opportunity to shoot after him, but he was unable to do so. “Even though I call it “it”, I now feel that it was a person. And I realized that I would never forgive myself if I killed him ”- this is how he later ended his story.

    August 19, 1970 - Early in the evening, Mrs. Louise Baxter of Skamania, Washington, USA, was driving past a parking lot in Beacon Rock when her car had a flat tire. The woman changed the tire and suddenly, completely unexpectedly, she felt that someone was staring at her. Her sensations did not fail her, although the observer was not at all what she could expect to see. Looking at the stretch of forest that stretched from the roadside, she saw with horror the huge face of some brown, like a dirty, dirty creature with large rectangular white teeth and large nostrils, like those of monkeys. As expected, the woman screamed, jumped into her car and stepped on the gas in a panic. Looking in the rearview mirror, she saw that the creature had climbed out onto the road and froze, straightening up in full height, which, according to her, was no less than 3.5 meters. “It was just huge,” she later recalled. - Such a giant, similar to a monkey. Definitely bigfoot."

    Although the description came from a frightened woman, yet the encounter described by Mrs. Baxter was not something completely unusual among the inhabitants of the state. After all, both in our time and before, there have been many reports of a creature that seems to be the most elusive of all primates on our planet.

    In recent decades, Bigfoot Yeti footprints have become the subject of serious study at several US universities and Canadian laboratories. It was found that typical adult footprints are about 40 cm long and 17-18 cm wide and show a clear lack of foot flexion. At the same time, the clearly distinguishable two phalanges on all fingers indicate a peculiar adaptation, acquired in the process of evolution, for carrying significant burdens. And, accordingly, the depth of the prints allows you to simulate a bipedal creature weighing more than 130 kg, and sometimes much more. The absence of markings that would indicate the presence of claws excludes the possibility that the prints actually belong to bears, while other anatomical details that are available, such as data on skin growths along the edge of the foot, sweat pores and abrasions, would be absolutely impossible to reproduce artificially which reduces the likelihood of fraud. More recently, a chain of more than 3,000 footprints was discovered, stretching for several miles, in a rather deserted place.

    For many years, Bigfoot encounters such as Mrs. Baxter's account were perceived as for the most part American zoologists with disbelief, despite supporting evidence in the form of footprints. But what happened on October 20, 1967 can be safely called a breakthrough in the hunt for bigfoot. Cowboy and rancher Roger Patterson and his Native American friend Bob Gimlin roamed the woods near Bluff Creek in Northern California. When they stepped out into the clearing, they could not believe their eyes. A female Bigfoot was walking along the opposite bank of the stream. The movie camera captured 71 cm of stunning color footage. Then they made footprints. Filmed with trembling hands, the video spread around the world, and most experts confirmed and recognized its authenticity.

    Tree trunks on the ground, visible in the background, make it possible to quite accurately establish the growth of the creature and its size. An analysis of the film, made by experts at the biological departments of the universities of London, New York and Moscow, leads to the conclusion that the creature was about 1.9 meters tall, with hips and shoulders clearly larger than any person, and a step width of about a meter. Although it is not impossible that a tall, massive man dressed in a monkey skin with various artificial linings is captured on film, scientists tend to believe that it would be extremely difficult for any fraudster to achieve such a casual gait, gesticulation and other body movements. According to the experts who conducted the study of the film, the creature's gait shows "natural movements without any signs of awkwardness that would inevitably be read in imitation." Distinctly noticeable features - a flat face, a sloping forehead and protruding superciliary arches, a clear absence of a neck and legs slightly bent when walking - give the right to believe that the closest relative of the American Bigfoot - Pithecantropus erectus, an ape-like creature believed to have gone extinct about a million years ago.

    Whatever is walking along Bluff Creek in the film, it is clear that it is definitely not a bear, as skeptics sometimes claim.

    From eyewitness accounts, two types of yeti emerge. One is a huge creature, from 2.5 meters and above, appearance immortalized by Hollywood designers is the famous "Harry the Bigfoot". It is this picturesque image that haunts researchers. Another species is a small yeti that resembles an ordinary monkey.

    Increasing evidence of the existence of wild man in the forests of North America - they come in increasing numbers from such remote places as Florida, Tennessee, Michigan, Alabama, North Carolina, Iowa, Washington, and from the vast expanses of the northwest , where legends about the Sasquatch were common among the Indians. Although to this day no bones, no skin, no bodies of these strange creatures have been found.

    The search in Alaska was a completely natural continuation of the research on the northwest coast. Pacific Ocean- there, in the mountains, for more than a century, residents have been transmitting strange legends. Many people said that they saw with their own eyes huge, ape-like creatures, as well as their footprints - unique, surpassing all others in size.

    Some Alaskans are reluctant to discuss their encounters with this strange creature, for fear of being laughed at or called crazy. The Aleuts, who live on the islands of Kodiak and Afognak, pass on legends about a mysterious, human-like animal from generation to generation. They call this strange creature the Oulakh.

    1974 - four fishermen from Kodiak went fishing to the Gulf of Kazakov (Danger), into which two rivers flow. They saw how someone jumped into the water from one side of the river and rushed to the other side. One fisherman thought it was an elk and grabbed his gun. But a friend stopped him. They clearly saw the swimmer's upper torso. We saw how he swims, how he waves his arms - his arms were very long, up to 1.2 meters long, as the fishermen describe. They saw how water dripped from the long hair with which their hands were overgrown.

    Oulakh is also associated with superstitious fear-inspiring screams and a smell that clogs everything else - this is repeatedly mentioned in testimonies, this is recorded in all descriptions made in Alaska.

    A family of fishing farmers living near Clam Gulch reported that during July 1971 they heard blood-curdling inhuman screams. Nearby, huge footprints resembling bears were found, without prints of bear claws.

    Tourists from Anchorage who stopped for the night south of the city, on a mountainside near McHugh Creek, heard noises and rustles in the dark, which, they argue, cannot be produced by a bear or an elk.

    One of the more interesting testimonies comes from an Anchorage resident who owns a small house near Petersville. He and a few companions rode on horseback at the foot of the mountains in the south of Mount McKinley National Park. It happened at the end of the summer. Through binoculars they saw three strange creatures. A group of riders began to chase the bigfoots, smelling a distinctive scent and noticing clear footprints similar to human ones, but with a strongly arched arch of the foot. At night the riders heard terrible screams. This person also reported that he apparently found a place where the creatures spend the night. He does not have the remnants of the hair he found at this site, he describes them as similar to stubble, but thicker than bear hair. This eyewitness also said that he saw how these creatures ate berries. He claimed that they resembled the Bigfoot he saw in the drawing, but seemed shorter and more upright.