How to tell fortunes on the cards. Fortune telling on playing cards for the near future, for a loved one, for relationships and desire: the most truthful and simple layouts

Among the mass of variety of magical attributes used, divination by ordinary cards remains the most popular type.

Methods of divination on playing cards, deck preparation

Many different methods have survived to this day to help find out the future: a book, a comb, sticks. However, 36 playing cards are still the most affordable.

Before guessing at playing cards you need to purchase them. You can only work with those that no one has played before. The deck is intended solely for divination. After each session, it must be cleaned to avoid the accumulation of energy.

There are many cleaning methods. For example, put an attribute in salt so that it takes away all the negative energy from it. With the advent of a new magical attribute, it must be spoken.

Tune in to the right wave of card energy, make it clear that you are now the owner.

They should not be given to anyone or allowed to be used. During non-working hours they are in a special house. It can be a box, a box or a fabric cover. It is desirable that the house be black, kept away from sun rays and other people's eyes.

Before guessing on playing cards, you need to learn some lessons. For example, giving someone your deck is dangerous. The owner will be connected with this individual, and other people's hands interfere. You can start work only after having a rest, in excellent health and in a positive mood. A sick, angry and irritated person is forbidden to engage in divination.

There are favorable bad days for divination. The best thing , christmas night or Baptism, but the exact answer can be obtained in others. Refrain from fortune-telling during menstruation and on certain dates:

  • January- 7 days: 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 20;
  • February - 11, 17, 18;
  • March - 1, 4, 14, 24;
  • April - 2, 17, 18;
  • May - 7, 8;
  • June - 17;
  • July - 17, 21;
  • August - 20, 21;
  • September - 10, 18;
  • October - 6;
  • november - 6, 8;
  • December - 6, 11, 18.

These days it is strictly forbidden to practice magic. There is a high probability not only to make a mistake, but also to completely spoil human destiny. Monday is not the best day for magical manipulations.

To learn how to guess on playing cards correctly, master the most popular techniques.

Prepare 26 cards. Mix them very well before use. The topmost one is removed, remembered and set aside. All the rest must be decomposed into 5 piles. Then start opening in the first. Do this until the chosen suit appears with a value of 10 or higher. Set the image to the side. When the necessary ones from all the piles have been selected, return to the deck.

Then again, but this time four piles are laid out. The movements are repeated until one of the five cards remains. Open them one by one. The dream will come true if in front of you are all of the same suit from ten to ace. Violation of the order indicates that right now the dream cannot come true.

If you need an urgent answer to a question of interest, you can use this alignment. It is easiest to conduct it when the master's connection with the deck is very strong. Regular contacts with a magical attribute are needed.

Every day, do small layouts, carry cards with you, hold them in your hands, feed them with your energy. When a question arises, take a deck, bring it to your lips and repeat the thought of interest three times.

Then take out one card and see what fate has prepared. If you need to get a more complete answer, you can get two more from the deck. Interpret both singly and together.

If you want to know what they have prepared higher power, you can safely apply this alignment. It is simple and gives accurate answers.

It can be difficult to find out what the coming day has prepared, but also to calculate the probability of an incident. A deck of 36 cards, mix thoroughly and lay out four identical piles. Next, take out one card from each and lay it out in front of you.

Appeared 4 diamonds suits promise good luck in the future, fortune is on your side. Everything will finally come true, the efforts are noticed, and the glory will be dizzying.

4 worms- You can boast of a wonderful personal life. The partner is truly devoted to you with all his heart and soul, can not wait for the next meeting. This combination speaks of the longevity of relationships with a partner in harmony and understanding.

4 clubs- promotion is not excluded career ladder, the possible emergence of a new source of income, inheritance, lottery winnings, salary increases. A meeting with an old friend is likely, who will present an unusual surprise.

4 spades- waste of money, failure, longing, a black streak in life. Despite the fact that now everything is not as good as we would like, do not give up. The difficult period will end, and you will be able to overcome all adversity.

It doesn’t matter if the cards of the same suit fell out in the layout or not, pay attention to the combinations. They will help you learn more about what awaits you.

There are ways to tell fortunes on playing cards that help you find out the future, the past and get answers. Often a technique is used in which a specific question is asked, and then 1 to 3 cards are drawn, they serve as an interpretation. For the answer to be as truthful as possible, ask accurately. There are two rules:

  1. Don't ask the same question multiple times.
  2. It is allowed to guess the fate as a whole or for a further period of no more than three months.

The main types of divination:

  • Council of Higher Forces;
  • the question of the future;
  • about the future and the past;
  • neutralization of negative flows;
  • diagnosis of the individual;
  • determination of the probability of wish fulfillment;
  • building the possibility that a certain situation will occur.

The request is made depending on what exactly you want to know and what method you use. Professional fortune tellers assure that any cards give a 98% accurate answer. Even if the sorcerer is experienced, then the individual has the opportunity to change everything in 2%.

Traditional ways of divination

Here we will describe the traditional card divination methods that can be used at home. Maybe these methods are similar to others, but only the interpretation of these methods is completely different.
Fortune telling with a deck of 36 cards. The deck is carefully shuffled and the conspiracy is read: "36 sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and comrades. Do me a faithful service, unchanging friendship. 36 cards of four suits tell me the whole truth, what should I expect, expect, what to fear, for what business not I call on all of you, I call and pronounce: The word is strong and the cards are molded. Amen.

1st divination. We take a shuffled deck of cards, remove them with our left hand towards ourselves, make a wish and lay out the cards face down in an arc (fan). We draw 9 cards in total. We look at the meaning of each in the interpreter.

2nd divination. We take a shuffled deck of cards, remove with our left hand towards ourselves. We take out any card from the deck and, depending on the suit of this card, choose the same suit of the king (a man makes a guess) or a lady (a woman makes a guess). After that, lay out 9 cards around the king or queen. Then we determine the fate of what was conceived according to the interpreter.

3rd divination. We take a shuffled deck of cards, remove with our left hand towards ourselves. Next, we conceive a king or a queen of any suit and lay out the cards in 4 rows of 9 cards. Cards that surround the intended person and determine what happens to him. If the conceived card was not in the layout, then we collect the cards, shuffle, remove and lay out again until the conceived card appears.

4th divination. We take a shuffled deck of cards, remove one card after another on the table, saying out loud: "six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king, ace." We put aside all the cards that matched the words. We do this 3 times, after which, using the cards set aside, we determine the fate of the person who was laid out.

5th divination. We take a shuffled deck of cards, remove them with our left hand, lay out the cards in a cross: we put the first one in the middle, and then one on each side. The meanings of the cards are determined by the interpreter, and the time when this happens is as follows.

top map- which should happen immediately.
Right card- which will not happen soon.
bottom map- past tense.
Left map- predicts various obstacles.

6th divination. We take a deck of cards and remove sixes from it. We guess one card. Next, we carefully shuffle the deck, remove it with our left hand towards ourselves and then put the cards aside, counting to seven, put the seventh card aside. Thus, we sort through the deck 3 times, until there are 12 cards on the side. After that, 12 cards are laid out in one row without disturbing the order. In this row there must be a conceived card, otherwise we repeat the unfolding again. As soon as 12 cards contain the hidden card, then we shuffle them, remove them, and divide them into 4 piles of 3 cards each. The first pile will mean predictions to the person who is guessing, the second - his house, the third - various circumstances, the fourth - accidents.

7th divination. We take a deck and remove sixes from it, we have 32 cards left, divide the deck into 2 equal piles of 16 cards each. The person to whom we are guessing must choose one of the piles. From the selected pile we take the first card, which means an accident, and put it aside, the remaining 15 cards are carefully shuffled and laid out into 3 piles of 5 cards. From each of these piles, we take the top card and put it on the very first card meaning an accident. Thus, we will get 4 piles: the first - refers to a fortuneteller, the second - to his house, the third - to circumstances, the fourth - to an unexpected event. The meaning of the cards is determined by the interpreter.

8th divination. We take a shuffled deck of cards, remove it with our left hand towards ourselves, ask a question or make a thought, and pull out any card. We determine the meaning of this card according to the interpreter.


Card meanings

♠ Spades
Ace- sad letter.
King- enemy.
Lady- fulfillment of desire.
Jack- useless chores.
10 - disease, disease.
9 - the loss of a friend.
8 - danger.
7 - quarrel, skirmish.
6 - an unfortunate road.

♣ Clubs
Ace- a false step.
King- true friend.
Lady is a well-deserved reward.
Jack- sadness, good luck in business.
10 - big money.
9 - sad news.
8 - illness of a loved one.
7 - news from the state house.
6 - useless road.

Ace- the wish will not come true.
King- deceit, lie.
Lady- an insult.
Jack- money troubles, jealousy.
10 - present.
9 - an obstacle.
8 - good news.
7 - treason, betrayal.
6 - fun road.

Ace- You are loved.
King- you will succeed.
Lady- hide your feeling.
Jack- a pleasant guest.
10 - news of love.
9 - love explanation.
8 - Your fate will be decided by this man.
7 - danger.
6 - trouble.

Card combinations

4 aces- fulfillment of dreams, desires.
4 kings- big society.
4 ladies- Rumors, talk, gossip.
4 jacks- big efforts.
4 tens - new love, wedding.
4 nines- changes in life.
4 eights- trouble.
4 sevens- tears, death.
4 sixes- long road.
lady with king - married woman, mistress.
King at the feet of a lady- marriage proposal, love explanation.
lady between dozens- loyalty to someone.
King, queen, 10 (all of the same suit)- The king is responsible for the relationship with the woman.
lady and 8- gossip, rumors, chatter.
Ace of spades and 7- Illness of a relative.
King between ace and ten- promotion.
The second card in a row of hearts- nice and pleasant evening. If the second card is followed by a third card: a tambourine is a matter that is not decided; clubs are an empty joke; peaks - displeasure, disappointment.
The king next to the lady of the tambourine- the lady's wish will come true. If a jack of tambourine is under the lady, then the lover belongs only to her.
Ace between two queens- the prediction for two ladies will not come true soon. If, in addition to these cards, there are most cards in the row of the following suits, then: clubs - one of the ladies will have to leave; peaks - a pipe dream; tambourines - money, interest, desire.
Lady between two dozen- nice offers will be made to the lady.
2 kings and 2 jacks in the same row with a lady - the number of lovers of this lady.
Queen of hearts in front of 8 clubs and there is a jack of clubs- a military man loves a lady. If the lady is between the four peaks, then she will have a lot of trouble. If there are 7 spades to the left of the lady, and an ace of spades to the right, then this means the illness of some relative.
4 spades to the left of the queen of hearts- Death of a relative. If the first among these four is a lady, then a relative will die, if a jack, then a young man, if a king, then an important relative.
Queen of hearts between 7 of diamonds and 8 of any suit- the fortuneteller expects the wrong relationship.
Queen of hearts between two kings- the lady has important friends and patrons.
King of hearts between two ladies- one of the ladies is deceiving the king.
King of hearts between ace and 9 of clubs- The king will be promoted or promoted.
King between four sevens- disorder love relationship if the king lies between the 9 of spades and the ace, then he will have a big loss or an accident, a duel is possible.


Fundamentals of divination on playing cards.

This is perhaps the most common type of divination. It requires a deck of ordinary playing cards. The most commonly used for divination is a deck of 36 cards, although there are divination options with a deck of 52 cards (joker cards are not used in divination). Initially, fortune-telling on playing cards appeared on the basis of. When the Tarot first appeared in Europe, this somewhat simplified and adapted version of divination allowed many to learn this great science of fortune telling. Of course, a serious role in the spread of fortune telling on playing cards was played by gypsy fortune tellers who for many centuries have earned the fame of the best fortune-tellers and soothsayers. It must be remembered that for fortune-telling you need to use only a new deck, you cannot play fortune-telling cards. Fortune telling is a delicate process and should be taken seriously.


Meaning of divination cards:

6 - trip
7 - meeting, date
8 - conversation
9 - love date, love
10 - hopes, interests (if together with 10 peak - then rather unrealizable)
Jack - problems, chores
Lady - friend, lover, possibly mother
The king is male, married or divorced
Ace - house, family hearth


This is a simple way of divination that will allow you to clarify the events that may happen to you in the near future. Why can? Because the cards describe the intended scenario of events depending on your behavior and character. The cards will allow you to lift the veil of secrecy over and prepare for possible difficulties or avoid possible troubles. That is why fortune-telling on playing cards is so popular not only in our country, but also in other countries of the world.
For gypsy fortune telling on playing cards, you will need a standard deck of thirty-six cards. Focus on yourself, drive away all unnecessary thoughts. You need to achieve that state of stillness that will allow you to hear the information that interests you. The right attitude plays huge role when reading cards. By relaxing and focusing on divination, you will be able to correctly understand what the cards are trying to tell you.


This is a simple fortune-telling method that will allow you to learn a lot about a loved one. Pre-shuffle or shuffle the deck, focusing on your loved one. Try to drive away extraneous thoughts. Fortune telling on playing cards for a loved one is easy to carry out, but just like other types of fortune telling, it requires seriousness and concentration.


A method of divination on playing cards for love (layout in a circle)

This is one of the simple and popular ways of divination on playing cards on an eternal topic - of course, this is divination for love. To begin with, you should shuffle the deck (if you do not prefer to use the method of shuffling the cards, which we talked about in the Basics of Divination with Playing Cards section), remove the top cards with your left hand, then find the king or queen - you will guess on them. The suit of the card is determined by the person who is guessing.


Fortune telling on cards for love

Classic fortune-telling - "Loves - does not love." This fortune-telling allows a girl to find out how a young man treats her. Take a deck of cards in your hands, carefully shuffle (or mix, as we said in the Introduction to divination on playing cards), focusing your thoughts on the hidden person. Try to imagine your young man, this is very important for establishing the correct connection of divination with him and with your relationship.


Fortune telling "Betrothal". It's the old fashioned way divination came to our country from France; it is intended to ascertain the "success" of a marriage. To produce it, you need to take a deck of playing cards (intended specifically for divination, as we said in

Divination by cards is very popular in modern world. Moreover, in order to tell fortunes, it is absolutely not necessary to turn to professional fortune-tellers. A fortune-telling rite is easy to carry out on your own at home. Often in order to get accurate prediction and to clarify certain issues for themselves, fortune-telling is carried out on the cards "36 cards".

Fortune telling on cards "36 cards" is different certain features which must be taken into account in order to obtain true predictions. First of all, it should be remembered that cards that are used for divination cannot be played. He recommends purchasing a new deck of cards and subsequently using it only for divination rites. In addition, such a deck must have one owner. It is important that it never fall into the wrong hands.

To charge a new deck of cards with your own energy, you need to put it under your pillow at night for a week. In addition, during the day, if possible, periodically take it in hand. By the end of the week, you should feel the response of the cards on a subconscious level. This means that they are ready to tell you the truth and can be used for divination.

Fortune telling on playing cards "36 cards" is often used to clarify relationships with a loved one. This rite can be performed by both women and men. For such fortune-telling to be true, it should be carried out in a neutral mood. If for some reason you are overwhelmed with positive emotions, or vice versa, you are annoyed by something, then it is better to postpone the fortune-telling rite to another day.

Fortune telling on the playing cards "36 cards" must be carried out in absolute seclusion. The room should create a special atmosphere. It is necessary to turn off artificial lighting and light red candles. The table should be covered with a dark tablecloth.

For this fortune-telling, it is recommended to use a new deck of cards, on which fortune-telling has not been carried out before. This is explained by accurate forecasts in the realm of feelings, they can be distorted by the energy that the cards absorbed during other fortune-telling.

Before starting fortune-telling, you should decide on a card that will symbolize you and your lover:

  • The king and queen of diamonds are suitable for free people under the age of 25.
  • The king and queen of hearts are selected if the people are married and over 25 years old.
  • Clubs king and queen for single older people.

Put on the table on the left a card that symbolizes your lover, and on the right, symbolizing you. Then carefully shuffle the cards.

After that, you need to lay out the cards in the following sequence:

  • A pair of cards on the left side of the king and on the right side of the queen. They will point out the information that is being hidden from you and what you are hiding.
  • A couple of cards from the bottom of the king and queen. They describe the events of the near future for the partners.
  • A pair of cards on top of the king and queen. They will display the thoughts of partners about each other.
  • A pair of cards again on the left side of the king and on the right side of the queen. They focus on the obstacles that prevent harmonious development relations.
  • A pair of cards directly to the king and to the queen. They indicate what feelings the partners have in their hearts.
  • One card for the king and one for the queen. They describe the true state of the relationship.
  • Three times a pair of cards between the king and the queen. They describe past, present, and future events that affect relationships.

Interpretation of the layout

The decoding of this layout is carried out in the same sequence in which the cards were laid out. It is very important to connect your own internal associations with the basic meanings of the cards:

Cards of a heart suit can mean the following:

  • Six - movement towards each other, mutual sympathy. The card may portend joint trip which will give you pleasure.
  • Seven - secret dates that will end with a decision to live together.
  • Eight - the pleasure of joint conversations that are filled with declarations of love.
  • Nine - sincere and bright love feelings.
  • Ten - planning life together, dreams and hopes for a happy future.
  • Jack - possible problems in the intimate area.
  • The lady is you, and also possibly your friend or your lover.
  • The king is your beloved person, and perhaps just a familiar man.
  • Ace - cohabitation.

Diamond suit cards can mean the following:

  • Six - not a long journey or trip together.
  • Seven - spending time with friends in a fun company.
  • Eight - joint construction of plans.
  • Nine - friendly and loving feelings.
  • Ten - only friendships.
  • Jack - there will be a huge amount of unpleasant troubles.
  • The lady is you, and possibly also your girlfriend.
  • The king is your lover or another young unmarried person.
  • Ace - official message.

Cards of a club suit can mean the following:

  • Six - business trip or business trip.
  • Seven - participation in business negotiations.
  • Eight - the beginning of a life together with the unification of budgets.
  • Nine - there is a high probability of a romantic relationship at work, which will develop into an office romance.
  • Ten - you will be presented with an expensive present.
  • Jack - the occurrence of financial difficulties.
  • Lady - you or another woman who may be a colleague or supervisor.
  • The king is a man who is loved, it can be a boss, colleague or relative.
  • Ace - most various activities in the financial sector.

Spades cards can mean the following:

  • Six - a joint long journey.
  • Seven is a period filled with quarrels and disagreements.
  • Eight - strong emotional experiences caused by jealousy.
  • Nine - the likelihood of developing a serious illness is high.
  • Ten - disappointment in love.
  • Jack - useless chores that will take a lot of time.
  • Lady - spiritual anger or rival.
  • The king is a noble man who can be an official.
  • Ace - parting with a loved one.

Divination methods on 36 cards

The great temptation is to know your future. It is even more difficult to resist it when it is known that knowledge about the future is not a secret, it can be learned about. For this they serve divination methods on 36 cards.

The easiest way to guess is on playing cards. You can guess the most different ways, but one of the simplest items for divination is playing cards.

Why cards

A standard game deck consists of 36 cards, there are also large ones - they include 52 cards. Each card has its own uniqueness, which means it can have its own separate meaning. That's why playing deck has a large range options use for .

Card reading since ancient times it has been popular, which means that at least one person in the house knew how to guess, for example, with the help of playing cards. Usually this role was performed by the oldest woman, such a tradition originates from Eastern traditions where a woman is initially associated with magic. That is why in divination special meaning ladies have. The lady in the cards personifies the very woman, a family member who possessed magical knowledge.

There is a great many ways on playing cards, but they are all united general principles. By using certain rules and traditions, several cards are selected from the deck and stacked on the table in a certain order. It is important not only the face value of the cards taken out of the deck, but also their place in divination.

Each arrangement has its own meaning, for example, "what was" or "what he thinks about." Then the meaning of the cards is interpreted according to the basic principles of interpretation and their placement, where they are located.

Classic card interpretation

In simple classical layouts, which will be discussed in this article, it is usually used exactly the following interpretation. The deck for such fortune-telling consists of 36 cards. Each suit contains the following cards:

  • Six. Six in fortune-telling indicates the road. If the six is ​​red, the road will be easy or happy, and if it is black, it will be empty or useless. A road can have a direct meaning and mean a journey, a trip, a move, or it can have a figurative meaning, meaning a path or movement in any direction.
  • Seven. This is something unexpected. Again, in the case of red cards and clubs, the surprise will be rather pleasant, this is a surprise or a gift, and if the suit is spades, the seven will mean a quarrel.
  • Eight is a meeting. In hearts and diamonds, this is a pleasant meeting, perhaps even flirting; in clubs, this is a sad meeting; and in spades, a meeting means treason.
  • Nine. This card means news, news. For worms, this is news of love, a declaration of love, for a tambourine, this is just good news. Clubs are news related to finances, money, and the appearance of nine peaks may indicate news of a serious illness.
  • Ten. Ten means seven. In hearts, these are family chores that bring joy; in tambourines, the appearance of this card means a gift. Clubs are associated with receiving a material amount, and peaks signal brewing problems in the family. Jack is always a young man. For worms, it means a love meeting, for a tambourine it is just a pleasant acquaintance. Clubs will be associated with obtaining a new source of income, and spades mean an ally.
  • Lady- most often a married woman, but can mean a young girl. For clubs, this is a homemaker, and for spades, an elderly, unpleasant woman.
  • King- a married or elderly man.
  • Ace means letter. For worms it love letter, and for peak - a letter from a government house, that is, from an organization or institution.

In order to complete, it remains only to understand how to properly lay out the cards.

Let's guess?

It is advisable to take a deck that has never been in the game, but any will do. The main thing is that this deck belongs to the fortuneteller, cards taken from the wrong hands can “lie” or predict the future not of the one you are guessing at, but only the owner.

A simple divination for a couple. Order:

  1. Take a deck of 36 cards. Choose one card for the companion and for the companion (similar to the previous divination). Take them out of the deck and put them next to you (the card of the fortuneteller on the left, his companion or companion on the right).
  2. Shuffle cards. With your left hand, take the first two cards and put them to the left and right of the lying pair of cards. This is what worries, what each of the couple thinks about.
  3. Shuffle the deck again and take off twice.
  4. Take two cards from the deck and place a pair of cards on top. This is the future of the couple. Joint, but the card that lies above each partner means the event that will happen because of him.
  5. Repeat step 3 again and take two cards from the deck. Put them at the bottom of the pair cards. It's a couple's problem. They are joint, but so the card that lies above the partner means problems that he will have to solve first of all.

With the help it is easy to get information about your near future. The results can even be recorded so that later you can watch how the predictions come true.

The main thing is not to forget that everything depends on the person himself, and if fortune-telling prophesies problems, you can have time to prepare for them in advance and solve them with the least damage.