Omnivores, examples? Give examples of omnivores? — Useful information for everyone. Herbivorous animals examples

All animals, according to the degree of food specialization, are divided into two types - stenophages (feed on one food or foods similar in composition) and eurifages (omnivores).

Omnivory means the ability of animals to eat the widest range of foods and organisms: plants, mushrooms, and other animals.

Omnivores (eurifages) live mainly in cold and temperate zones northern hemisphere. The harsh conditions of nature forced these animals, in the process of evolution, to change their type of nutrition in such a way as to adapt to survival in the cold, the conditions of changing seasons and the frequency of appearance of certain food groups. So, in the summer they had to eat plants, winter time hunt other animals. As a result, they got used to changing their diet, choosing the most suitable food for themselves depending on the circumstances forcing them to do so. There are a lot of these animals, much more than one might think.

This group includes animals that are completely different from each other. These include, for example, Brown bear, pig, hedgehog, badger, raccoon dog, squirrel, wild boar, gray rat, mouse, rat, hoodie and many others. All of them are characterized mixed type nutrition and are therefore called “omnivores”. The examples can be continued.

In addition to those mentioned, this group includes some species of primates, including chimpanzees. Various birds feed on berries and nectar, along with insects, worms, fish and small rodents (chickens, crows and others). Certain species of lizards, turtles, and fish (piranhas) are also omnivores. Some species of omnivores are even able to feed on carrion.

It is quite difficult to compile a list for a given combination of “Omnivores”, because there are a lot of them and they are capable of changing the type of food. For example, chimpanzees, whose DNA is 99% identical to ours, eat mainly fruits, seeds and nuts, animal food in their diet makes up only 5%. However, there are cases when they hunted not only ants, birds and some species of small mammals, but even other primates (baboons, monkeys, galago prosimians, colobus monkeys, pottos).

All organisms that belong to the same group by type of nutrition belong to the same trophic level (first, second, etc.). Omnivores belong to several trophic levels at once, their participation in each is determined by the composition of their diet.

The concepts of “carnivores” and “herbivores” (zoophages and phytophages) often turn out to be rather arbitrary upon closer study of many animal species. Most carnivores sometimes eat fruit, while herbivores sometimes eat insects and bird eggs.

Many eurifages (bear, badger, wild boar, marten, fox and others) are able to periodically change the groups of food they consume. This is a forced adaptation to life in conditions with an unstable food supply.

Omnivores eat both plant and animal foods. From this point of view, a person, by biological definition, also belongs to this group. This is fully confirmed by its anatomy and physiology. A person can successfully eat even raw meat, digesting it quite safely (examples: the peoples of the North eat raw fish and meat in fresh, frozen and dry form; the Japanese also eat raw fish and unprocessed seafood; Italians traditionally like to enjoy carpaccio, etc.)

Omnivores have an intermediate mentality, they are quite cautious and calm, like herbivores, and at the same time they are able to be active in searching for prey, like predators (carnivores). They are able to remember information about the environment that is useful to them and reproduce it if necessary, they know how to get to food or find safe shelter.

You can judge what an animal primarily feeds on based on the structural features of its jaws.

Omnivores, according to modern ideas, these are representatives of the fauna whose diet includes both plant and animal products. Moreover, the percentage of one or the other in relation to the total volume of food consumed should be quite high. Using an example, this can be explained as follows: many have observed how cats or dogs look for some stems in the thickets of grass and eat them.

But such “mini-vegetarianism” does not allow them to be classified as omnivores, since plant foods play a negligible role in their diet. This is, rather, an attempt to make up for the lack of vitamins after winter or to find medicinal herbs in case of illness. And although many dogs are taught by their owners to eat, for example, porridge or pasta, this does not make them vegetarians. This is rather a necessity for the sake of survival, and given the opportunity to choose, even such a dog will always prefer animal food.

Many omnivores are scavengers. A classic example is the brown bear. He, as his name implies, loves honey, and in addition, loves to devour large quantities of unripe spikelets of cereals, which have a sweetish taste. But this gourmet is also a clever fisherman, and in the case of hunting large animal The bear has this habit: after killing an animal, he leaves it for several days. When the corpse begins to decompose, the bear returns and eats the “yummy.” Of course, if other inhabitants of the forest do not have time to take advantage of the free treat. Which, by the way, happens quite often. That's his nature. Taste and color, as they say folk wisdom, no comrades.

Humans also belong to the category of “omnivores”. Unless, of course, you take the word “animals” to heart in relation to homo sapiens. In the end, according to the most well-reasoned theory, we really are representatives of the fauna, only intelligent ones. Interestingly, a person can even eat raw meat without any harm to himself. You don’t have to look far for examples: a significant part Japanese cuisine includes dishes prepared from raw fish. And the peoples of the North sometimes don’t even cook fresh meat no dishes, eating it raw, or freezing it for future use. What can I say! Open the refrigerator: most people probably have salted lard with streaks of meat. This product has also not been subjected to heat treatment. Is the legendary pemmican a camp food for North American Indians? Most of its volume is dried and ground meat.

Omnivores are not only wild animals. The average domestic pig eats fine meat products. Experienced pig breeders often remove newborn piglets from the uterus, as the mother sometimes simply devours her offspring.

Pig, bear, rat, many species of monkeys are omnivores. The list could be much longer. For many of them, meat in their diet makes up five to ten percent. Is this enough to classify an animal as an omnivore? What about three percent? The line between omnivores and carnivores and orthodox vegetarians is shaky and uncertain.

Of course, the digestive system of herbivorous animals (as well as the structure of the jaws and teeth) is quite different from digestive system and teeth of predators. In this regard, omnivores are also close to predators. Examples of the structure of the jaws of a bear or a rat differ from them depending on their belonging to different types or even populations. It is known that rats of the same species living in different territories can show preference for food different types However, in the absence of a usual diet, they devour everything. And the Asian panda, unlike its omnivorous counterparts, does not want to see anything other than bamboo shoots, although its jaw structure is characteristic of omnivores.

All animals, based on the type of food they eat, are divided into two main categories: stenophages (they eat food of the same type, or several similar in composition) and euryphages (omnivores). Omnivory means the ability of animals to consume the widest range of foods and organisms, both animal and plant origin.

Omnivores are distributed throughout the world. The term "omnivore" comes from the combination of the Latin words "omnes", meaning "all", and "vorare", meaning "to devour".

Technically speaking, omnivores are animals that can obtain nutrients and energy from any food. Carnivores have long, sharp teeth, which help them tear flesh, and herbivores - wide molars that help them crush leaves, shoots, and even twigs. Omnivores are equipped with both types of teeth: sharp front teeth and flat molars.

Omnivores have an average mentality, they are quite cautious and calm, like herbivores, and at the same time they are able to be active while searching for prey, like predators (carnivores). They also remember information that is useful to them and can reproduce it when necessary, they know how to get to food or find a safe shelter.

Such animals include, for example, cockroaches, ostriches, rats, pigs, chimpanzees, squirrels, some species of birds and fish.

Pigs eat a wide variety of foods. In addition, they need a balanced diet that includes fiber, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. They must also have constant access to drinking water. For example, wild pig, or the wild boar eats roots, acorns, nuts, fruits of fruit trees, bark, earthworms, insects, larvae, lizards, snakes, frogs, small rodents.

Chimpanzee They search for food in the forests during the day, eating leaves, fruits, seeds, tree bark, plant bulbs, tender shoots and flowers. But they also eat termites, ants and small animals. Chimpanzees are highly social animals that live in small, stable groups of about 40-60 individuals.

coati- omnivorous animals from the genus Nosukh. They spend most day in search of food. Their diet mainly consists of insects, but coatis also eat plant material such as fruits and nuts, and they also do not shy away from small prey such as lizards, rodents, snails and small birds. They find food using their keen sense of smell.

Cassowaries- single, large flightless birds. Very often they are classified as frugivores, since they mainly eat fallen fruits, seeds and shoots. However, all three extant cassowary species are truly omnivorous, as they also feed on mushrooms, snails, insects, frogs and snakes. They are playing important role in the dispersal of seeds through excrement.

Omnivorous fish include roach, crucian carp and carp, as well as almost all species aquarium fish. The diet of crucian carp is dominated by adult insects and their larvae, worms, as well as aquatic plants. Carp is amazingly voracious, as it does not have digestive glands. It feeds almost continuously throughout the day, eating everything that comes in its way. Roach is widespread almost everywhere, living on river reaches with inconspicuous currents. It feeds mainly on worms and small larvae of various insects. Large individuals can prey on fry. With an abundance of aquatic vegetation in the reservoir, roach also does not disdain thin (filamentous) algae.

There are different food chains in the animal world. There are species that eat exclusively plant foods; they are herbivores. For example, a hare's usual diet is lush grass, plant shoots and tree bark. Bees feed on pollen and nectar from flowers.

Predatory animals, which include wolves, tigers, lions, owls and even ladybugs, in the process of hunting live prey, they get their food. Food for predators can include rodents, various small animals, bird eggs, and carrion.

There are also animals in nature that successfully consume plant foods along with the meat of other animals. That's why they are called omnivores.

What animals are omnivores?

Brown bear in warm time year finds various edible fruits, berries, and nuts in the forest. But a meager plant diet is not enough for him; he doesn’t mind supplementing it small rodents, some types of insects, bird eggs. After winter bear he wakes up skinny and hungry, and there is still very little plant food, so he is forced to act as a predator, attacking deer and livestock.

Wild ones have a varied menu, eating fruits, seeds and stems of plants, their rhizomes, mushrooms, nuts, bulbs, and lichens. They are also not averse to eating small rodents, worms, frogs, insect larvae, and lizards. It is very difficult for wild boars to survive. They look for food under the snow, exploring fields and vegetable gardens. In summer, wild animals love to swim in reservoirs; they swim well and quickly.

The hedgehog hibernates during the winter, settling comfortably in a nest prepared in advance in the ground. If he has not accumulated the necessary fat reserves, he may not survive until spring. Usually the hedgehog gets out of its shelter. At this time, he is very gluttonous, the food eaten is equal to 1/3 of the weight of the animal itself. It feeds on fruits, berries, acorns and mushrooms. It is not surprising, but hedgehogs run fast, swim well and climb trees. This helps them catch earthworms, slugs, insects and their larvae, snails, and snails. Hedgehogs will not refuse meat, bread and eggs.

The badger lives in a hole on winter period hibernating. It is active at night, hunting frogs, earthworms, insects, lizards, birds, and small rodents. Eats nuts, mushrooms, juicy grass and ripe berries. By autumn, they eat well and store fat, which helps them survive the winter.

In addition, omnivorous animals also include cockroaches, chimpanzees, ostriches, squirrels, gray cranes, gigantic lizards, and warthogs.

Animal and vegetable world harmoniously connected with each other. Any processes occurring among animals invariably affect the development of plants, and vice versa. And if all the animals on our planet suddenly disappear, after a while the plants will also die, because the former have helped the latter to exist since the emergence of life on Earth.


First of all, animals help by processing organic compounds created by plants. Through other links in the food chain they convert them into inorganic substances, due to which plants can create again and again organic matter. Thanks to this, a natural cycle occurs. Underestimation of the importance of animals often leads to irreversible changes in natural biocomplexes.

They also promote the spread of certain plants. Animals and birds, for example, carry spores and seeds of various flora representatives over long distances. It happens different ways. Firstly, they eat fruits, the seeds of which subsequently fall into the ground along with waste products. Secondly, animals often simply catch spores on their fur and feathers, as a result of which they can fall to the ground many kilometers from the place of birth. Ants and rodents, for example, often lose grains and nuts, carrying them into their pantries. Once in fertile soil, the grains germinate over time.

To continue the life of flowers great importance insects play. Bees, bumblebees, and, for example, not only collect nectar from flowers to produce honey, but also pollinate them. This method of propagation is especially important for shrubs and flowers that are not wind pollinated.

Animals also maintain a strict ratio of some plants to others, which helps maintain natural balance. This is achieved due to the fact that each has a specific type of plant. If this balance is disrupted, many plants may simply disappear from the face of the Earth, and with them the animals that fed on them.

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Nocturnal animals are predominantly predators. Among the birds these are owls and eagle owls, kiwi. U bats activity occurs exclusively in the dark. Many members of the cat family are also nocturnal animals.

Flying animals and birds

Owls are famous nocturnal predators. These birds prefer to live in the forest, where they hunt rodents and other animals. When searching for prey, owls use acute vision and special hearing, which helps to find the prey’s habitat on long distance.

Kiwis are birds that live only in New Zealand. Because of his appearance have become popular all over the world. These birds have a round body, powerful short legs, and a long thin beak. The plumage color of kiwi is brown or brown.

When hunting, kiwis use their keen sense of hearing and smell. They are very agile, although they look clumsy. They feed on small animals and berries.

Bats are perhaps one of the most prominent representatives nocturnal animals. In people's minds they are associated with mystery, werewolves, and vampires. But only one species of bat feeds on blood. The rest prefer small animals and insects. The appearance and size of the mouse varies depending on what species it is.

On the hunt the bats use echolocation. They emit ultrasound, which is reflected from the surrounding space and the animal understands where the prey is.

aquatic animals

Octopuses have the most highly developed central nervous system among invertebrates. These mollusks have many interesting abilities. They can tear off their tentacles to escape from their enemies. The absence of bones makes it possible to take different shapes. Octopuses change color to blend in with their environment. Or their color may change depending on your mood.

The Humboldt squid does not tolerate daylight. At night, it rises to the surface of the water to hunt. During the day, the squid lives in the dark depths of the ocean.

Land animals

The hyena is one of the most dangerous night predators. These animals easily deal with a baby elephant that has strayed from the herd. They hunt in a pack, they begin to eat the prey that is still alive, since the competition for meat is very high. It is worth noting that some species of hyenas lead daytime look life.

Coyotes and jackals primarily hunt at night, so they can be called nocturnal animals.

Scorpions are representatives of the arachnid class. The greatest activity of scorpions occurs at night, when there is a significant drop in temperature. They kill their prey with poison, which can be deadly to humans.

Scorpios were known several thousand ago. IN Ancient Egypt they were revered as sacred animals. Their poison was used for various practical purposes, for example, in medicine.

Lynx - inhabitant coniferous forests from the cat family. Lynxes hunt small animals and fish.

Domestic cats tend to be active at night. Although the daily routine may vary depending on the character of the cat and its breed. The behavior of lions is approximately the same. They like to sleep during the day and hunt at night. However, a lion may well be active during daylight hours.

Many herbivores eat meat from time to time, and, conversely, carnivores sometimes also do not neglect suitable plant foods. But there are species of animals that equally love both meat and plant foods. They are called omnivores.

Omnivorous animals include, for example, cockroaches, ostriches, rats, pigs, most types of bears, as well as chimpanzees and, of course, humans. Their digestive system is not as highly specialized as that of carnivores or herbivores, since it can digest both plant and animal foods. Omnivores have incisors in the front of the jaw and molars in the back. They do not have sharp, knife-like fangs and molars with sharp edges, like those of predators, or large teeth adapted for grinding grass, like ruminant herbivores.

Raccoon gargle

The striped raccoon can be found almost everywhere on the North American continent. He eats meat, plants, eggs - in short, everything he can find. Raccoons are very dexterous and extremely intelligent animals. Despite the fact that they feed mainly on plants, they can also climb a tree to destroy bird's Nest, or patiently, like a badger, dig in the ground, looking for earthworms. The tips of their thin fingers are almost as sensitive as those of humans. It is still unclear why raccoons wash their food. Some zoologists believe that this behavior only occurs in captivity.

Humans have largely displaced brown bears from their natural environment habitat - forests of temperate zones of Europe, Asia and North America. Despite the fact that the bear is related to other predatory animals - such as cats or dogs - and its teeth inspire fear, this hero is not inclined to hunt and kill large animals. It is an omnivore, feeding on berries, roots, fruits, meat and eggs. Each type of bear has its own special way of hunting. Alaskan brown bears, for example, catch eels that come upriver to spawn.

The common crane is the only crane species that hatches its chicks in Europe. On the long way from Africa to the forests northern Europe flocks of cranes eat everything that comes their way, from potatoes in Spanish fields to frogs in Polish swamps. Gray cranes always migrate in large flocks and always along the same route; they land only where they can find food. Apparently, this information is passed down from generation to generation.

The common giant lizard lives in forests temperate zone Australia. Its length can reach 60 cm. Like others living in cooler climatic zones reptiles, it does not lay eggs, but gives birth to live young. They are mostly vegetarian, but some species, like the one pictured here, eat a little bit of everything, including worms, snails and insects. In case of danger, this lizard sticks out its blue tongue to scare away the enemy. In addition, like many animals, she inflates herself to appear larger.


Warthogs are related to European wild boars. Both have long, constantly growing fangs, which serve them for obtaining food. The warthog is extremely adaptable to conditions environment. It can be found in many forests and steppe zones Africa, and he is always traveling in search of edible plants. In the dry season, it digs the ground with its fangs and hard snout to find roots and tubers. It can eat carrion and small mammals. While eating, he bends his front legs, listening sensitively to see if the enemy is approaching. In case of danger, he hides, for example, in an aardvark hole, and exposes his dangerous fangs.

All animals, based on the type of food they eat, are divided into two main categories: stenophages (they eat food of the same type, or several similar in composition) and euryphages (omnivores). Omnivory means the ability of animals to consume the widest range of foods and organisms, both animal and plant origin.

Omnivores are distributed throughout the world. The term "omnivore" comes from the combination of the Latin words "omnes", meaning "all", and "vorare", meaning "to devour".

Technically speaking, omnivores are animals that can obtain nutrients and energy from any food. animals have long, sharp teeth that help them tear flesh, and wide molars that help them crush leaves, shoots, and even twigs. Omnivores are equipped with both types of teeth: sharp front teeth and flat molars.

Omnivores have an average mentality, they are quite cautious and calm, like herbivores, and at the same time they are able to be active while searching for prey, like predators (carnivores). They also remember information that is useful to them and can reproduce it when necessary, they know how to get to food or find a safe shelter.

Such animals include, for example, cockroaches, ostriches, rats, pigs, chimpanzees, squirrels, some species of birds and fish.

Pigs eat a wide variety of foods. In addition, they need a balanced diet that includes fiber, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. They must also have constant access to drinking water. For example, a wild pig or wild boar eats roots, acorns, nuts, fruits of fruit trees, bark, earthworms, insects, larvae, lizards, snakes, frogs, and small rodents.

Chimpanzee They search for food in the forests during the day, eating leaves, fruits, seeds, tree bark, plant bulbs, tender shoots and flowers. But they also eat termites, ants and small animals. Chimpanzees are highly social animals that live in small, stable groups of about 40-60 individuals.

coati- omnivorous animals from the genus Nosukh. They spend most of the day searching for food. Their diet mainly consists of insects, but coatis also eat plant material such as fruits and nuts, and they also do not shy away from small prey such as lizards, rodents, snails and small birds. They find food using their keen sense of smell.

Cassowaries- solitary, large flightless birds. Very often they are classified as frugivores, since they mainly eat fallen fruits, seeds and shoots. However, all three extant cassowary species are truly omnivorous, as they also feed on mushrooms, snails, insects, frogs and snakes. They play an important role in dispersing seeds through excrement.

Omnivorous fish include roach, crucian carp and carp, as well as almost all types of aquarium fish. The diet of crucian carp is dominated by adult insects and their larvae, worms, as well as aquatic plants. Carp is surprisingly voracious, as it does not have digestive glands. It feeds almost continuously throughout the day, eating everything that comes in its way. Roach is widespread almost everywhere, living on river reaches with inconspicuous currents. It feeds mainly on worms and small larvae of various insects. Large individuals can prey on fry. With an abundance of aquatic vegetation in the reservoir, roach also does not disdain thin (filamentous) algae.

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To the question Give examples of omnivores asked by the author Anna Galyak the best answer is man, brown bear, pig, hedgehog, badger, raccoon dog, squirrel, wild boar, rat, mouse, hoodie....

Answer from Alesya Ulyanova[newbie]
And also: Toothless whale, earthworm

Answer from JEEA TEKNA[newbie]
man, brown bear, pig, hedgehog, badger, raccoon dog, squirrel, wild boar, rat, mouse, hoodie.

Answer from Oliya Moshchenskaya[newbie]
Ole Odoevsky

Answer from Diana Kravtsova[expert]
examples of omnivorous insects

Answer from Alexei[newbie]
toothless whale earthworm hedgehog bear pig badger rat mouse. These are all omnivores.

Answer from Batyana Zgerya[newbie]
Omnivorous animals also include crucian carp, hedgehog, badger, some primates, bears, etc.

Answer from Yoasha Zinkov[newbie]
Fox, raccoon

Answer from Ilya Khmelinsky[newbie]
man, brown bear, pig, hedgehog, badger, raccoon dog, squirrel, wild boar, rat, mouse, hoodie....

Answer from Proslav Ponomarev[newbie]
damn man is not an animal

Answer from NikaPlayFeed 20061106nika[newbie]

Answer from Liliya Zaripova[newbie]
Human, polar bear, brown bear, wild boar, mouse, rat, squirrel, hoodie, hedgehog, badger, marten, hamster, ostrich, chimpanzee, pig, carp, monkey.

Answer from Alyosha Svodokachkin[newbie]

Answer from Oliya Reznikova[newbie]
human, chimpanzee, raccoon, badger, bear, pig, rat, hedgehog, carp, raven, cockroach, hamster, ostrich, ant, crane

Answer from Ekaterina Kudinova[newbie]
bear crow limur

Answer from Vita Matveeva[active]
bear, badger, wild boar, marten, fox

Answer from Yoonechka Marmeladova[expert]
Omnivory means the ability of animals to eat the widest range of foods and organisms: plants, mushrooms, and other animals.
Omnivores (eurifages) live mainly in the cold and temperate zones of the northern hemisphere. The harsh conditions of nature forced these animals, in the process of evolution, to change their type of nutrition in such a way as to adapt to survival in the cold, the conditions of changing seasons and the frequency of appearance of certain food groups. So, in the summer they had to eat plants, and in the winter they had to hunt other animals. As a result, they got used to changing their diet, choosing the most suitable food for themselves depending on the circumstances forcing them to do so. There are a lot of these animals, much more than one might think.
This group includes animals that are completely different from each other. These include, for example, brown bear, pig, hedgehog, badger, raccoon dog, squirrel, wild boar, gray rat, mouse, rat, hoodie and many others. All of them are characterized by a mixed type of nutrition and are therefore called the term “omnivores”. The examples can be continued.
In addition to those mentioned, this group includes some species of primates, including chimpanzees. Various birds eat berries and nectar, along with insects, worms, fish and small rodents (chickens, crows and others). Certain species of lizards, turtles, and fish (piranhas) are also omnivorous. Some species of omnivores are even able to feed on carrion.