40 days to read the psalter. How to read the psalter at home about health and about the dead. After the departure of the soul from the body

The Psalter occupies a special place among all the books of Holy Scripture. This book was created long before the earthly incarnation of Jesus and belongs to the books of the Old Testament. Of all the parts of the Old Testament, only the Psalter is wholly included in the charter of Christian Church worship.

This book is of particular value. It consists in the image of the soul striving for the Almighty. The Book provides an example of spiritual resistance to earthly temptations and sorrows. According to St. Athanasius the Great, this book contains all human life, all thoughts and movements of the soul. There is not a single feature in human essence that would not be reflected in this work. Every word and every letter The psalters are imbued with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

History of the holy book

This sacred work was loved and revered by the very first Christians. They memorized all the psalms of this book by heart.

In the Christian service to the Lord, this book occupied one of the leading places already in the time of the Apostles. For many centuries, these sacred psalms were performed in all Orthodox monasteries - both male and female. Reading was an obligatory rite, and only those who knew the psalms by heart were admitted to the monasteries.

Among believing Christians, it was considered the greatest alms to order the reading of the psalter. Such grace necessarily helped to gain physical health on earth and contributed to the salvation of the human soul in heaven. . Such a rank was a good direct support for any monastery..

Who benefits from reading the Psalter

The blessing of reading Holy Scripture will condescend not only to the one for whom it was ordered, but also to other people:

  • To the one who ordered this reading, as he did a good and merciful deed.
  • The saint of the monastery, since this is his main support.
  • To all the monks who took part in this rite.
  • An example of a person who ordered the reading of a psalter can inspire the people around him and strengthen the faith of the person himself.

You can order reading not only for another person, but also for yourself. This is done when you need the support of the Heavenly Father. In addition, in some cases, you can read this book on your own. It is allowed to read the psalter in Russian or Church Slavonic.

Special Reading Rules

The reading of this holy book is a great tradition and is based on a whole set of rules. Their observance is strictly obligatory. The modern Charter of the Orthodox Church provides for the division of the book into 20 sections. Each section is called a kathisma. It is customary to read the Psalms daily in churches during each divine service in the mornings and evenings. For a week, the book of psalms should be read from beginning to end. It is reread twice during the week of Great Lent. The reading of psalms is also included in the rule which is prescribed for the laity.

In modern Orthodoxy, there is a custom of reading by agreement:

Reading the holy book at home

If you decide to start reading at home, do not be afraid to make a mistake and read something wrong. If you go into the process sincerely, with prayer and repentance, it will help correct any inaccuracies. There are several recommendations how to read the psalm for a beginner:

Knowing these simple rules, every believer can bring good both to himself and to his loved ones. After all, the will and spirit of man are strengthened at the same time, and the soul rushes towards the eternal.

Removing damage with the help of psalms

It often happens that outwardly a person is completely healthy and prosperous, but something does not allow him to live and deprives him of peace of mind. Convinced that other practical methods do not help him, a person turns to the temple for help, wanting to get rid of the evil spirit that has taken possession of him.

The best way to remove damage is to read the psalter. The main goal is the expulsion of demons and the return of inner peace and tranquility to a person.

With the help of the Indestructible Psalter, you can get rid of corruption of various types. Many people are completely unreasonably mistrustful of such matters. But our thoughts tend to materialize. Once succumbing to sinful thoughts, a person allows the evil one to take possession of his soul. To deal with such an enemy alone is almost impossible.

In such cases, reading prayers and psalms will not only be useful, but vital. This is the only way to help a person suffering from corruption.

The Indestructible Psalter on Health

The most important thing for every person is his life and health. Without it, everything else loses its meaning. In those cases when you or your loved ones are in danger of a serious illness or other worldly troubles, it will be very useful to recite the psalms “On Health”. You can order such readings in monasteries. In response to your request, the monks will tirelessly pray for many days that the Lord will grant you or your loved one health and help them cope with sadness and despondency.

You can say such prayers not only in a temple or monastery, but also at home. Any person can turn to the Heavenly Father with sincere and fervent prayer and have the hope of being heard and accepted. However, such conversion requires a strong sincere faith and humility from a person.

Most people in a difficult moment fervently hope for God's help, as they are aware that without this help they cannot cope with earthly misfortunes. For us, turning to heaven is the “last resort”, where we will definitely be heard and receive help and support.

Reading for the dead

In the Orthodox tradition, there is a custom: people turn to clergy or specially trained people with a request to read a psalter over the dead. At the same time, those who ask give alms for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

For those who commemorate, understanding the meaning of Holy Scripture is of no small importance. And for the deceased, such a reading will be evidence that they are loved and remembered. The living can work hard in memory of their departed loved ones, for which they resort to reading the psalter. According to the priest father Alexander Kalinin, this feat of reading will be accepted by the Lord as a sacrifice not only for the departed, but also for those who remember.

In the Orthodox tradition, these prayers are read over the body of the deceased before burial. After burial, one kathisma is read. We advise you to familiarize yourself how to read the psalter for the dead at home:

Thus, those who pray for the deceased can help his soul be freed from earthly sins and achieve peace in heaven.

Another church rite of remembrance is Sorokoust. These prayers are often ordered in churches or monasteries on the day of the remembrance of the deceased. In this case, the monks and priests will commemorate the name of the deceased in prayers for 40 days in a row.

After such prayers, all sins are forgiven a person, and he can find grace. You can order a prayer for the deceased at the same time in several churches.

The psalter of repose is of no small importance not only for the deceased, but also for those who have lost their loved ones. After all, here on earth we can no longer help the departed. We can only turn to the Lord with a prayer so that the soul finds peace and bliss in heaven.

Appeal to the Mother of God

This prayer reading can be held about health both for oneself and for one's relatives and friends. At the same time, they turn to the Most Pure Mother of God with a request for health, since she is closer than all the saints to the Lord.

Valaam Psalter

This is one of the very interesting varieties of church prayer reading. At the same time, the kathismata are performed by the choir of the brethren of the Valaam Monastery, which has won a good reputation for its piety and the abundance of miracles accomplished by God's will. Among the monks of this monastery are only men. Their prayers are gracious and tireless, their chants are very beautiful and harmonious.

The Valaam Psalter is a true work of choral singing art of the Orthodox Church.

The indestructible Psalter is of tremendous importance for all who have accepted the Lord into their hearts and trusted Him. This invisible hand leads believers through life, does not allow them to fall and go astray, giving the human soul the great miracle of Faith.

In the Apostolic decrees, it is commanded to perform psalmody, readings and prayers for the dead on the third, ninth and fortieth days. But for the most part, the custom was established to read psalms for the dead for three days or all forty days. The three-day reading of the Psalter with prayers, which constitute a special burial rite, for the most part coincides with the time during which the body of the deceased remains in the house.

The Psalter consists of 20 sections - kathisma, each of which is divided into three "Glories". Before the reading of the first kathisma, the preparatory prayers are said, set before the beginning of the reading of the Psalter. At the end of the reading of the Psalter, prayers are said, laid down after reading several kathismas or the entire Psalter. The reading of each kathisma begins with a prayer:

Prayers before reading the Psalter

Gently say: Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls.


(It is read three times, with the sign of the cross and a bow from the waist.)

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Lord have mercy.(thrice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord's Prayer


Have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us, bewildering any answer, we offer this prayer as the Lord of sin: have mercy on us.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit: The honor of Your prophet, Lord, triumph, Heaven, the Church of the show, Angels rejoice with the people. With prayers, Christ God, rule our belly in the world, let us sing to You: Alleluia.

And now, and always, and forever and ever. Amen: Many of my many, Mother of God, sins, I have resorted to You, Pure, demanding salvation: visit my weak soul and pray to Your Son and our God to give me resignation, even to the fierce deeds, Blessed One.

Lord have mercy, 40 times. And bow, eliko powerfully.

The same prayer of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity: All-holy Trinity, God and Creator of the whole world, hasten and direct my heart, start with reason and finish good deeds inspired by this book, even the Holy Spirit will burp out the mouth of David, even now I want to speak , unworthy, understanding my ignorance, falling down, I pray to You, and asking for help from You: Lord, direct my mind and strengthen my heart, not about the mouth of the mouth to stop this, but about the mind of the verbs, rejoice, and prepare to do good deeds, I am learning , and I say: Yes, enlightened by good deeds, at the judgment of the right hand of You, I will be a partaker of the country with all Your chosen ones. And now, Vladyka, bless, yes, sighing from the heart, and with my tongue I will sing, saying to this: Come, let us bow down to our Tsar God. Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ, our King God. Come, let us worship and bow down to Christ Himself, the King and our God.

Just wait a little, until all feelings subside. Then create the beginning not soon, without laziness, with tenderness and a contrite heart. Rtsy quietly and reasonably, with attention, and not struggling, as if to understand the verb with the mind.

Come, let us worship our King God.
Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ, our King God.
Come, let us worship and bow down to Christ Himself, the King and our God.

When reading the kathisma for each "Glory" is pronounced:

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, glory to Thee, O God! (thrice)

Remember, Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the life of the eternally reposed(up to 40 days from the date of death - "newly deceased") your servant[or: Thy servant], our brother[or: our sister] [name] and like Good and Humanitarian, forgive sins, and consume iniquity, weaken, leave and forgive all his freedom [or: her] sins and involuntary, deliver him[or: yu] eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna, and grant him[or: her] the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good, prepared for those who love You: if you sin, but do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your God in the Trinity glorified, faith, and the Unity in the Trinity and Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until his last breath of confession.
The same is merciful to that
[or: that] be, and faith, even in Thee instead of deeds, and with Thy saints, as if generously rest: there is no man who lives and does not sin. But Thou art One, apart from all sin, and Thy truth, truth forever, and Thou art the One God of mercies and generosity, and love of mankind, and to Thee we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Then the reading of the kathisma psalms continues.

At the end of the kathisma it reads:


Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.(Read three times, with the sign of the cross and a bow from the waist.)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

Lord have mercy.(thrice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord's Prayer

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Troparion the deceased

From the spirits of the righteous who have died, the soul of Your servant, Savior, give rest, keeping me in a blessed life, even with You, Humane

In Thy rest, Lord: where all Thy saints rest, rest also the soul of Thy servant, for Thou alone art the Lover of mankind

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
You are the God who descended into hell and loosed the bonds of the fettered, Thyself and the soul of Thy servant rest.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
One Pure and Immaculate Virgin, who gave birth to God without a seed, pray that his soul be saved.

Then the prayer laid down at the end of the kathisma is read:

According to the 1st kathisma

Lord Almighty, Incomprehensible, the beginning of light and superintelligent power, even the Hypostatic Word Father and the only power of Your Spirit is the emitter: merciful for the sake of mercy and inexpressible goodness, do not despise human nature, my sin content, but the Divine lights of Your sacred teachings, the law and the prophets shining to the world, follow but to us that Thy only-begotten Son, good-willed to exalt the flesh and instruct us in the illumination of Thy enlightenment: may Thy ears be heedful to the voice of our prayer, and grant us, O God, in a vigilant and sober heart, the whole night of this life, waiting for the coming of Thy Son and God ours, the judge of all, but not reclining and sleeping, but awake and exalted to the doing of Your commandments, we will find ourselves and in His joy we will live, where we celebrate the unceasing voice, and the inexpressible sweetness of those who see Your face, kindness unexpressed. Yako God is Good and Humanitarian, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

According to the 2nd kathisma

Lord Almighty, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Only Begotten Son, give me an undefiled body, a pure heart, a cheerful mind, an unforgotten mind, the invasion of the Holy Spirit, to the acquisition and contentment of the truth in Your Christ: with Him glory befits You, honor and worship, with the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

According to the 3rd kathisma

Lord Almighty, the Word of the Father without beginning, Self-perfect God Jesus Christ, for the sake of Thy unapplied mercy, do not separate Your servants, but always rest in them, do not leave me, Thy servant, All-Holy King, but give me, unworthy, the joy of Thy salvation and enlighten bind my mind with the light of the knowledge of Thy Gospel, bind my soul with the love of Thy Cross, adorn my body with Thy passionlessness, die thoughts and keep my feet from creeping, and do not destroy me with my iniquities, Good Lord, but tempt me, O God, and enlighten my heart mine, test me and make my paths clear, and see if the way of iniquity is in me, and turn away from it, and guide me to the path of eternity. You are the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, and we send glory to You with Your Father without beginning and the Most Holy, and the Good, and the Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

According to the 4th kathisma

To You, Lord, the only Good and Unmemorable, I confess my sins; But, my Lord, Lord, grant me tears of tenderness, the one Blissful and Merciful, as if I beseech Thee with them, be cleansed before the end from all sin: it is a terrible and terrible place for the imam to pass, the bodies parted, and a multitude of gloomy and inhuman demons will shrug, and no one to help accompany or deliver. Thus, I fall down on Your goodness, do not betray those who offend me, let my enemies boast about me, Good Lord, let them say below: Thou hast come into our hands, and Thou hast been betrayed to us. Neither, Lord, forget Thy bounties and repay me according to my iniquities, and do not turn Your face away from me: but Thou, Lord, punish me, both with mercy and bounty. May my enemy not rejoice over me, but quench his rebuke on me and abolish all his action, and give me a relentless path to You, Good Lord: having sinned, I did not resort to another doctor, and did not stretch my hand to a strange god , therefore, do not reject my prayer, but hear me with Your goodness and confirm my heart with Your fear, and may Your grace be on me, Lord, like a fire burning unclean thoughts in me. Thou art, O Lord, a light, more than any light; joy, more than any joy; rest, more than any rest; true life and salvation enduring forever and ever, amen.

According to the 5th kathisma

God the Righteous and Praiseworthy, God the Great and Strong, God the Eternal, hear the prayer of a sinful man at this hour: hear me, promising to hear you in truth calling on you, and do not loathe me, unclean in the mouth and content in sin, the hope of all the ends of the earth and wanderers far. Take up arms and a shield and stand up for my help: pour out your sword and make a stand against those who persecute me. Rebuke the unclean spirit from the face of my madness, and let the spirit of hatred and malice, the spirit of envy and flattery, the spirit of fear and despondency, the spirit of pride and all other malice be absent from my thoughts; and may every kindling and movement of my flesh, composed of the devil’s action, be extinguished, and may my soul and body and spirit be enlightened with the light of Your Divine knowledge: yes, with the multitude of Your bounties, I will achieve the union of faith, perfect in a husband, to the extent of age, and glorify with Angels and by all your saints, your all-honorable and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

According to the 6th kathisma

We thank Thee, O Lord our God, for all Thy good deeds, even from the first age to the present in us, unworthy, former, about them we know and not know, about the manifest and the unmanifest, even the deeds of the former, and in a word: loving us, as though the Only Begotten Give your Son for us, willing. Make us worthy to be Your love. Give by Your word wisdom and Your fear, inhale strength from Your strength, and if you want or not want to sin, forgive, and do not blame and save our holy soul, and present it to Your Throne, I have a clean conscience, and the end is worthy of Your humanity. And remember, Lord, all those who call on Your name in truth: remember all who are good or opposing us who want to: all are men, and every man is in vain. Therefore, we pray to Thee, O Lord: grant us Thy benevolence and great mercy.

According to the 7th kathisma

Lord, my God, as a Good and Humanitarian, Thou hast done many mercies with me, even if I do not want to see, and what will I repay Your goodness, my Lord, Lord? I thank Your many-sung name, I thank Your inscrutable kindness on me, I thank Your unapplied long-suffering. And from now on, intercede, and help me, and cover me, Master, from everyone, if no one sins before You: You, for the weight of my nature, are crawling, You weigh my madness, You weigh what I have done, even in the knowledge and not in the knowledge, even voluntary and involuntary, even in nights and days, and in the mind, and thoughts, as if God is Good and Humane, cleanse me with the dew of Thy mercy, O Good Lord, and save us for the sake of Thy holy name, in the image of destinies. You are the Light and the Truth and the Life, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

According to the 8th kathisma

Lord, Generous and Merciful, Long-suffering and Many-merciful, inspire prayer and listen to the voice of my prayer: do with me a sign for good, guide me on Your path, to walk in Your truth, rejoice my heart, to fear Your Holy Name, and work wonders. You are the One God, and there is nothing like You in boseh, Lord, Strong in mercy, and Good in strength, in a hedgehog to help and comfort, and save all who trust in Your name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and in forever and ever, amen.

According to the 9th kathisma

Master Lord, our God, Who is the only sickness of my soul, and sowing healing, heal me, as if weigh, for the sake of the multitude of Thy mercy and Thy bounty, because of my deeds there is no plaster to apply to her, below oil, below duty, but You, come call not the righteous, but sinners to repentance, have mercy, have mercy, forgive me, tear up the handwriting of many of my and studish deeds and guide me on Your right path, yes, walk in Your truth, I will be able to avoid the arrows of the evil one and I will stand unjudged before Your terrible throne , glorifying and singing Your most holy name forever, amen.

According to the 10th kathisma

Lord our God, Rich in mercy and incomprehensible in bounties, One by nature Sinless, and for the sake of us, apart from sin, being a Man, hear this painful prayer of mine at this hour, as I am poor and wretched from good deeds, and my heart is troubled inside me. You, the Most High King, Lord of heaven and earth, as if all my youth were in sin and walked in the footsteps of the lusts of my flesh, all the laughter was a demon, all the devil followed, take out in thyme of sweets wallow, darkened by the thought from infancy, even Until now, I never wanted to do Your holy will, but I was captivated by all the passions that slander me, laughter and reproach by the demon, never think in my mind, like unbearable anger even on the sinners of Your rebuke, and lying fiery hell. As if from everywhere I fell into despair, and in no way in the feeling of conversion I was, empty and naked from Your friendship. What kind of sin did you not commit? What is the devil's business? What act of cold and fornication have I not performed with advantage and diligence? Remember the mind with carnal defilers, the body with a mixture of scales, the spirit with the composition of defilers, I love every cursed flesh of my flesh and work with sin. And who else does not mourn me, accursed one? Who will not mourn me, the condemned one? I am the only one, Master, your wrath is angry, I am the only one kindling Your anger on me, I am the only one who has done evil before You, having surpassed and defeated all sinners from the ages, incomparably sinful and unforgiven. But you are much more merciful, merciful, benevolent, and you are waiting for human conversion, and I throw myself before Your terrible and unbearable judgment, and as if touching Your most pure feet, from the depths of my soul I cry out to You: cleanse, Lord, forgive, Benefactor, have mercy on my weakness bow down to my bewilderment, heed my prayer and do not stop my tears, accept me who repents, and convert the one who has erred, who turns in volume and prays for forgiveness. You did not put repentance on the righteous, you did not put forgiveness on those who did not sin, but you put repentance on me, a sinner, in them in Your indignation, I stand naked and naked before You, Lord of the Heart, confess my sins: I can’t look and see the height Heavenly, from the weight of my sins we sing. Enlighten the eyes of my heart and give me compunction to repentance, and contrition of heart to correction, and with good hope and true assurance, I will go to the world there, praising and blessing I will take out your all-holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

According to the 11th kathisma

Shine in our hearts, O Lord of mankind, your incorruptible light of theology, and open our eyes in thought, in your gospel sermons understanding, put fear in us and your blessed commandments, so that carnal lusts are all right, we will go through spiritual life, all, even to your pleasing and wise and active. You are the enlightenment of our souls and bodies, Christ God, and we send glory to You, with Your Father without beginning and the All-Holy, and the Good, and Your Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

According to the 12th kathisma

Lord my God, the One Good and Humane-loving, the One Merciful and Meek, the One True and Righteous, the One Generous and Merciful our God: may Thy power come upon me, Thy sinful and indecent servant, and may my temple be strengthened by the Gospel of Thy Divine teaching, Master and Lover of mankind, Lover, Kinderhearted, enlighten my wombs and all my souls by Your will. Cleanse me from all malice and sin: keep me undefiled and blameless from all influx and action of the devil, and grant me according to Your goodness, Your understanding, Your wisdom, and in Your desires to live, fear Your fear, even if You do pleasing to my last sighs, as if, by Your inscrutable mercy, keep my body and soul, mind and thoughts, any temple that resists the network is not tempted. My Lord, Lord, cover me with Your mercy, and do not leave me, a sinner, and an unclean, and unworthy servant of Yours: as You are my Protector, Lord, and I will take out my singing about You, and we send glory to You, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

According to the 13th kathisma

Holy Lord, Who lives in the highest, and with Your all-seeing eye look at all creation. We bow our souls and bodies to you, and we pray to you, Holy of Holies: stretch out your invisible hand from your holy dwelling, and bless us all: and if we sin against you, willingly and unwillingly, as God is Good and Lover of mankind, forgive us, grant us peace and good Yours. Yours is, to have mercy and save, our God, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

According to the 14th kathisma

We thank Thee, Lord God of our salvation, as if you do everything for the good deeds of our life, as if Thou didst give us rest in the past night time, and raised us up from our beds, and placed us in worship of Your honorable and glorious name. The same we pray to Thee, O Lord: give us grace and strength, that we may be able to sing wisely to Thee, and pray unceasingly: and I will look to Thee, the Savior and Benefactor of our souls, with fear and trembling, our salvation is active. Hear, then, and have mercy, O Merciful One, on us: crush our invisible warriors and enemies under our feet: accept even according to the strength of our thanksgiving: give us grace and strength to open our mouths, and teach us Thy justification. As if we were praying, as it befits, we do not know, if not You, Lord, instruct us with Your Holy Spirit. But if you have sinned even up to the present hour, in word, or deed, or thought, willingly or unwillingly, weaken, leave, forgive. If you see iniquity, Lord, Lord, who will stand? As you have purification, you have deliverance. You are the One Holy, Strong Helper, and Defender of our life, and we will bless Thee forever, amen.

According to the 15th kathisma

Master Lord Jesus Christ, You are my Helper, I am in Your hands, help me, do not leave me to sin against You, for I am mistaken, do not leave me to follow the will of my flesh, do not despise me, Lord, for I am weak. You weigh what is useful to me, do not leave me to perish my sins, do not leave me, Lord, do not depart from me, as if I have resorted to You, teach me to do Your will, as You are my God. Heal my soul, for I have sinned Thee, save me for the sake of Thy mercy, for before Thee are all those who are afflicted, and there is no other refuge for me, except Thou, Lord. Let all those who rise up against me and seek my soul to consume it be ashamed, for You are the only Strong One, Lord, in all, and Yours is the glory forever and ever, amen.

According to the 16th kathisma

Holy Lord, Living in the Highest, and with Your all-seeing eye look at all creation, We bow our souls and bodies to You, and we pray to You, Holy of Holies: stretch out Your invisible hand from Your holy dwelling, and bless us all, and forgive us every sin, voluntary and involuntary, in word or deed. Grant us, Lord, tenderness, grant spiritual tears from the soul, for the cleansing of many of our sins, grant Your great mercy on Your world and on us, Your unworthy servants. For blessed and glorified is your name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

According to the 17th kathisma

Lord God Almighty and Creator of all, generous Father, and God of mercy, creating man from the earth, and showing him in Your image and likeness, and by this Your magnificent name will be glorified on earth, and torn out because of the transgression of Your commandments, again recreating for the best him in Thy Christ, and elevating him to Heaven: I thank Thee, for thou hast multiplied Thy majesty on me, and hast not betrayed me to my enemy to the end, cast me out looking for the abyss of hell, left me below to perish with my iniquities. Now, O Lord, many-merciful and loving, do not want the death of a sinner, but expect the conversion, and accept: even the overthrown, correct, heal the contrite, turn me to repentance, and correct the downcast, and heal the contrite: remember Your bounty, and even from Your age Forget my incomprehensible goodness and my immeasurable iniquity, even if I have done it in deed and word and thought: allow the blindness of my heart, and give me tears of tenderness to cleanse the filth of my thoughts. Hear, O Lord, listen, Lover of mankind, cleanse, Merciful, and from the torment of the reigning passions in me, free my cursed soul of freedom. And let sin not hold me to anyone, let the demon fight against me below, let him lead me below to his desire, but by Your sovereign hand, his dominion, stealing me, You reign in me, Good and Humane Lord, and all Your being, and let me live the rest according to Your good will. And give me the ineffable goodness of the heart, cleansing, keeping the mouth, the rightness of deeds, humble wisdom, peace of thoughts, the silence of my spiritual strength, spiritual joy, true love, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, unfeigned faith, restraint, restraint, and fulfill all of me good fruits, the gift of your Holy Spirit. And do not raise me up in the middle of my days, below my uncorrected and unprepared soul, delight me, but complete me with Your perfection, and bring me out of this life, as if I had gone through the beginning and power of darkness unhindered, I will see Your grace and I am Your unapproachable glory, unspeakable kindness, with all your saints, in them be sanctified, and glorify your all-honorable and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

According to the 18th kathisma

Lord, do not rebuke me with Your wrath, but punish me with Your anger. Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner, a beggar, a naked, lazy, negligent, a reprobate, a damned, a fornicator, an adulterer, a malakius, a sodomy, a filthy, prodigal, ungrateful, unmerciful, cruel, a drunkard, burned by conscience, impersonal , impudent, unrequited, unworthy of Your philanthropy, and worthy of all torment, and hell, and torment. And not for the sake of a multitude of my sins, put on a multitude of torments, Deliverer; but have mercy on me, for I am weak, both in soul and flesh, and in mind, and in thought, and in the image of fate, save me, Thy unworthy servant, with the prayers of Our Most Pure Lady, the Theotokos, and all the saints who have pleased you from the ages: as blessed are you in forever and ever, amen.

According to the 19th kathisma

Lord Christ God, even with Your passions healing my passions and healing my ulcers with Your ulcers, grant me, who have sinned much to You, tears of tenderness, dissolve my body from the smell of Your life-giving Body, and delight my soul with Your Honorable Blood from sorrow, with which my adversary drink . Raise my mind to Thee, attracted to the valley, and raise from the abyss of perdition, as if there is no imam of repentance, no imam of compunction, no imam of consoling tears, raising children to their inheritance. Having darkened my mind in worldly passions, I cannot look to You in illness, I cannot warm myself with tears, even love for You, but, Master Lord, Jesus Christ, Treasury of the Good, grant me complete repentance, and a heart that is industrious for Your exaction, grant me grace Yours, and renew in me the images of Your image. Leave Thee, do not leave me, go out to my reckoning, lead to Your pasture, and count me among the sheep of Your chosen flock, raise me with them from the cereal of Your Divine sacraments, with the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, amen.

According to the 20th kathisma

Lord Jesus Christ my God, have mercy on me, a sinner, and forgive me, Thy unworthy servant, the fir-tree I have sinned through all my life, and even to this day, and if I have sinned like a man, my voluntary sins and involuntary, in deed and word, even in mind and thought, even from co-admiration and inattention, and many of my laziness and neglect. And if I swear by Your name, if I swear, or blaspheme with thought, or whom I reproach, or slander, or grieved, or in anger, or stealing, or fornication, or lying, or secretly poison, or a friend reached me, and despised him, or a brother insulted and grieved, or standing by us at prayer and psalmody, my crafty mind went around crafty, or more lepago enjoyed, or laughing madly, or blasphemous verbs, or conceited, or proud, or I saw vain kindness and deceived from it , or ridiculous mock me. If in the future I neglected my prayer, or I didn’t keep the commandments of my spiritual father, or idle talk, or other crafty things I did, this is all and the most important of these deeds, I remember them below. Have mercy, Lord, and forgive me all, that I may sleep and rest in peace, singing, and blessing, and glorifying Thee, with Your Father without beginning and with the Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Your Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

“It did not enter into the heart of a man what God has prepared for those who love Him,” writes the Christians of the city of Corinth. This means that a person will not have enough imagination to imagine what another world looks like, where he will appear before God face to face. But when a relative or friend dies, one wants to know what happens to him beyond the bounds of being. When and how to pray to God to ease your grief for the departed and the path of his soul to eternity? Church and home prayers for the newly deceased, when carefully read, give the Christian consolation and instruction.

The newly reposed (that is, those who have just appeared before God) are called deceased from the moment of death to a year. Over many centuries, several customs have been established in the Orthodox Church to commemorate the newly deceased:

  • daily reading of the Psalter with a special prayer;
  • magpie, performed in the temple;
  • memorial services on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day;
  • lithium on the grave on the days of the general commemoration of the dead;
  • donations, memorial meals.

Pious Christians try to do the above even after a year. In this way, the fate of the deceased is alleviated and the commandment of the Lord about love for neighbors is fulfilled.

Reading the Psalter for the newly deceased

When the body of the deceased is still in the house and the priest is expected to arrive for the funeral, the relatives take turns, including at night, read the Psalter over the deceased. In the absence of proper skill, they invite a church reader or a pious layman who has experience in this.

For reading, they set up a lectern (book stand) or a small table, placing it in the heads of the deceased, light a candle. It is not forbidden, along with a candle, to use a table lamp. With prolonged reading and extreme fatigue, the reader can continue the prayer while sitting, getting up only for bows at the words “Glory: and now:” and the prayer performed after each kathisma.

Friends and relatives can quietly enter and exit during the performance of the Psalter, praying for the deceased relative according to their strength. The guest reader, if possible, can read all night or limit yourself to reading the Book of Psalms once. For the work he has done, he is offered a monetary donation, part of the memorial meal, and they ask for prayers for the deceased.

The sound of psalms at the tomb of the newly deceased calms the grief of loved ones and inspires hope in the mercy of God, with whom the soul of the deceased will meet very soon.

On the day of burial, believing relatives and friends of the deceased agree among themselves to continue reading the Psalter until the fortieth day. Everyone undertakes to read one kathisma every day.

The Psalter consists of 20 kathismas, each of which is divided into three parts. After each part, three bows are made and a short prayer is read:

“God rest, Lord, the soul of Your servant (name), forgive him sins voluntary and involuntary, and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven”.

At the end of the kathisma, they read a prayer for the deceased up to 40 days, located at the end of the Psalter, in the chapter "On reading the Psalter for the deceased." If there is no such chapter in the book, a separately printed text is used.

For conscious reading, one must understand the meaning of some words and expressions that make up the text.

  • "in the hope of eternal life"- hoping for eternal life;
  • "forgive sins and consume unrighteousness"- these words refer to the Lord, Who forgives sins and destroys the wrong deeds created by man;
  • "voluntary and involuntary sin"- sins committed intentionally and unintentionally;
  • "communion of the eternal good"- receive a part of eternal blessings;
  • - everything said is true.

Magpie order in the temple

An important part of the prayer for the newly deceased is church service. Relatives of the deceased choose temples where worship is held daily and order a magpie for repose. It is desirable to do this on the day of death, but it is permissible to order a prayer on the day of burial. For forty days, before the service of the Liturgy, a piece of prosphora with the mention of his name will be taken out for the deceased.

Prayer on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day

Commemoration on special days after death existed even in paganism. Wishing to sanctify folk customs, the Church decided to pray for the soul of the deceased within the time limits established by antiquity. It is impossible for the human mind to know what is happening in a world where there is no time. To make it easier to imagine the afterlife of the deceased, The church divides it into periods:

3rd day, burial

On the third day after death, a burial (funeral service) is performed.- an Orthodox ceremony with the participation of a priest and the obligatory prayer of loved ones. Burial takes place over the coffin of the deceased. In the event of a tragic death, when the body cannot be found, an absentee funeral is performed in the temple.

The rite of burial is very long and in ancient times lasted about two hours. Today it is shortened to 20 minutes. This will not affect the fate of the deceased if relatives fervently pray for his soul.

After the ceremony, a memorial meal is arranged, to which in the old days the poor and the poor were invited, asking their prayers for the deceased.

9th day, beginning of ordeals or "twenty judgments"

On this important day, loved ones gather in the temple, to serve a memorial service. The soul of the deceased, having enjoyed the contemplation of heavenly abodes, is preparing to answer for all the untruths committed. Demons approach her, reminiscent of even the smallest offenses related to twenty types of sins. Angels answer them, pointing to the good deeds of the deceased or the church repentance brought by him. It is hard for the soul, for which the Angels cannot answer. Then the prayers of loved ones, performed on the 9th day and all subsequent time, until the 40th day, are placed on the scales.

40th day, determining the location of the soul

On the 40th day, the memorial meal is again assembled, a memorial service is ordered in the temple. You can extend the completed magpie or order the reading of the "Indestructible Psalter" in the monastery. Relatives of the deceased pray that God would have mercy on the soul and determine it to await the Last Judgment in heavenly bliss.

It is better to call as many people as possible to prayer, doing alms on behalf of the deceased. Usually they distribute food, money or clothes to the poor, saying: "Remember the repose of the servant of God (name)." The one who takes alms is baptized and answers with a prayer: “Remember, Lord, Thy servant in Thy Kingdom.”

After 40 days, the reading of the Psalter for the deceased stops, but his name is constantly commemorated when reading kathismas at home or listening to them in the temple. Enough on the "Glory" mentally say "Remember, Lord, Thy servant."

In some cases, by agreement with the priest, a funeral service can be performed in the church.


Before a year has passed from the day of death, the deceased is called the newly deceased. There is also a custom to do this only until the 40th day. Both traditions are acceptable.

Litia for the dead are celebrated every Saturday in the church., for which you should apply a note and a candle. On the days of church-wide commemoration - Parental Saturdays - they bring food for the servants of the temple so that they join in prayer. It is good to put a note with the name of the deceased in the package with the offering, be sure to mark "for the dead."

Upon completion of the year from the date of death, a capital monument (cross) is erected over the grave and a memorial service is served. After that, the deceased is called "ever-remembered" (who is remembered forever).

Home prayer for the newly deceased

Almost all the texts that sounded in the temple at the funeral service and memorial services can be used in home prayer for the deceased. You can find them in the prayer book or breviary.. Usually, the commemoration of the newly deceased is performed according to the morning rule, where a separate text is devoted to this.

Prayer for the newly deceased soothes the bitterness of separation, allows you to spiritually connect with him, help his situation. For a longer prayer, there is the "Canon for the One Who Died", where, for convenience, the commemoration is carried out in the singular. You can join the canon with the same name. These texts are found in liturgical books, so for reading at home it is more convenient to buy a separate edition in the temple or print it from the Internet. There is a tradition to read the canon and akathist on the fortieth day.

Visiting the grave, the layman himself can sing the troparia “With the spirits of the righteous who have died”, “Repose to the saints”, “Eternal memory”.

For every believing Christian, reading the Psalter for the dead is a tribute to the memory of those who left this world. According to tradition, the Psalter is read continuously over the body of the deceased from the moment of his death until burial.

The Psalter is a book that is part of the Holy Scriptures. There are only 150 psalms. Most of them are written by the biblical King David, the rest are written by other ancient Israeli rulers.

What is a kathisma?

The Psalter itself is divided into twenty chapters or kathisma. Kathismas represent several psalms gathered together (usually three or four), separated by three "Glories". In other words, after reading, for example, two psalms, the reader encounters the word "Glory" in the text. This means that in this place one should say: “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”, then other prayers are read in succession and at the end it is said “And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

The well-known Bishop Athanasius believed that during the reading of the Psalter for the deceased, after each "Glory" and "Now" one should say a special prayer for the dead and make five bows to the earth. Before and after reading the Psalter for the Dead, it is necessary to read the Canon for the dead.

The Psalter divided into kathismas is much easier to read, and the reading of the book itself can last only five hours. It is advisable to read the Psalter for the Dead continuously, especially before burial. This can be done by close people of the deceased, those who are able to do it.

In the text itself, one can feel the hope of a person in God's mercy. Thoughtful reading and listening to the Psalter consoles loved ones and relatives of the deceased.

It is not only allowed, but also encouraged to read the Psalter for the dead up to 40 days. It is often practiced to read the Psalter forty days before the date of death, and then the reading is repeated for another forty days. As a result, eighty days pass.

Seventeenth kathisma

This book has long been included in the list of liturgical books, since almost half of the text of the All-night Vigil service and the Liturgy consists of its passages. The Psalter for the Dead can be read while sitting, but not lying down. The Holy Fathers believe that prayers uttered without the burden of the body do not bear worthy fruits. Only sick and weak people are allowed to read the Psalter, the Gospel, and so on lying down.

People who are far from the church, but who want to become true believers in the future, often ask: what Psalter is read for the dead at home? Indeed, it happens that the clergy give their blessing to read not the entire Psalter, but one of its kathisma. This is the seventeenth kathisma. She was chosen because the content of the Divine text is most suitable for expressing the feelings of the deceased himself.

The seventeenth kathisma is not only the longest of all, but also the most beautiful. The reader has a difficult and honorable responsibility to remember the deceased, to work for him before God, which is why the Psalter, read for the departed, brings great benefit to the soul of the one who reads it.

How did the tradition of commemorating the dead come about?

The story, after which the tradition of commemorating the dead appeared, is recorded in the Old Testament, in the second book of Maccabees. After Abraham showed deep devotion to God, the Almighty promised the Jewish people that they would come out victorious in all wars, even if the number of enemies exceeded several times, but only if they kept His Covenant.

Indeed, as long as the people kept the Divine covenant written on the tablets, no one could defeat him in battle. However, the Old Testament commander Judas once suffered a crushing defeat on the battlefield. This happened for the first time and the remaining soldiers, led by the commander, were at a loss, realizing that the Almighty had refused His word. The alarmed warriors decided to examine the bodies of their dead friends in order to send some of their clothes to relatives and friends. On some they found pagan amulets and other signs of idol worship. This opened their eyes to the wrath of God.

Judas gathered the surviving soldiers, and they all stood up for prayer, first thanking the Creator for not hiding the truth from them. In an appeal to God, the pious warriors asked for forgiveness for the dead brothers who had departed from His covenant. The Lord accepted their prayer and highly appreciated the act of Judas.

There are several other Old Testament stories in which ancient people showed concern for the dead.

Why should one read the Psalter?

Even before the Lord Jesus Christ revealed himself to people and before the appearance of the New Testament, pious Old Testament people read the Psalter. who wrote it was a humble man with a meek heart, which was unusual in those cruel times.

Through his psalms or, in modern terms, songs, he showed the highest qualities of a person, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. The collection of psalms, read for the soul of the deceased, protects it from persecuted evil spirits.

How to read the Psalter?

Usually they read it, which causes some bewilderment and inconvenience. The reader may not fully understand the meaning of words and expressions. There are two opinions on this.

Another opinion is a thoughtful reading of the psalms, with an extract of incomprehensible words and with a translation into Russian.

Of course, conscious reading is a priority, but the first option is acceptable. If you wish, you can find explanations for the collection of psalms both on the Internet and in books devoted to this topic, which are many in church shops.

It is useful to study the Holy Scriptures, both New Testament and Old Testament. The fiftieth psalm, most often used during Divine services, has its own explanation, which can be found in the Second Book of Kings. David wrote this penitential psalm in heavy contrition, so it is useful to know it by heart for the repentance of the soul.

If the Psalter is read in front of the coffin of the deceased, then the reader should stand at his feet with a burning candle. While reading the words of Scripture, it is necessary to pronounce them with reverence, since casually spoken words are an insult to both the sacred rite and the Word of God.

It is believed that every Orthodox Christian is obliged to pray for their dead. For this, there are codes of various traditions, rules and dates.

In order to avoid wandering in the rules, conventions and stereotypes with which this matter of love has been enriched for more than 2 thousand years - a prayer for a loved one.

Today, to commemorate the dead, it is customary to read the Psalter - a collection of Old Testament psalms (there are 150 in total). They begin reading on the very first day (or better, immediately after ascertaining the fact of death). You can pray in person - that is, directly at the tomb of the deceased - or in absentia, for example, in a temple or at home. They usually read up to 40 days, they stop at the fortieth. In the future, often practice reading 40 days before the date of death and after, total 80 days. You can read both aloud and silently.

From the video you will learn how prayers help the dead.

This book, which has long passed into the category of Liturgical, since almost half of the texts of the service in churches consist either of its texts, or of imitation of them, is allowed to be read while sitting. This is what is called the "sciatic" book. You can also read while standing. But not lying down. The Holy Fathers, who acquired the Holy Spirit by their relationship with the Heavenly Father (that is, they verified their inner state with God), teach that God does not hear those prayers in which the body is not troubled and the heart does not grieve.

In general, the Psalter is a collection of psalms. A psalm, in turn, is a semi-prayer, semi-poetic text that literally expresses all the possible states of a person who has already begun his relationship with the Heavenly Father. There are several authors whose works have been imprinted in it for centuries. But the main content belongs to the Old Testament king named David, who is best known to us from the battle with Goliath.

However, for God himself, this man was dear for other merits - for his meekness and gentleness, the ability to forgive, not to take revenge on his enemies. After all, these qualities, which we inherit from God, were extremely rare in the cruel times of David. Therefore, the state of mind of this holy man before God is expressed in psalms and sets the reader in an appropriate, peaceful mood. And the soul, full of states and moods consonant with God, is very pleasing to the Heavenly Father, He hears it and responds to its requests and needs. Through this, even the deceased is greatly benefited.

From this video you will learn how to pray for the dead.

The Psalter is divided for the convenience of reading it into 20 chapters, each of which is called "kathisma", it, in turn, includes 3-4 psalms. There is a pious tradition in the first three days before the burial of the deceased, 1 day on any of the indicated days, to read the entire book at the tomb of the deceased. Partially, N.V. Gogol tried to tell about this in his story "Viy". Khoma Brutus fulfills precisely this church obedience: he reads the Psalter at the tomb of the deceased.

Reading scheme of the Psalter

Vladyka Athanasius (Sakharov) devoted many works to help in studying the issue of how it is appropriate to pray according to this divinely inspired book at the tomb of the deceased. He notes in his research that in order for everything to go right, efficiently and without unnecessary difficulties, it is necessary to adhere to some rules. He says that during the funeral reading there is no need to read the prayers that are placed after each kathisma.

They are intended for a simple cell rule (that is, when a person, simply for the sake of praying to God, includes one or more kathismas from the Psalter in his daily prayer rule). During the memorial prayer, the bishop writes, it will be more “corresponding” after each “Glory” (Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit), and after the end of the kathisma, to say a special prayer for the dead. It starts with the words “Remember, Lord our God, in faith and hope…” . And also during the reading, Vladyka notes, it is fitting to make five bows to the earth, and the troparion itself is read three times.

In accordance with the same ancient practice, the reading of the Psalter for the dead is preceded by the reading of the Canon for the one who has presented himself, after which the psalms will begin. When the entire book has been read, the mortuary canon is again laid down. Upon its completion, you can again proceed to the inspired book. And so in a circle throughout the reading of the Psalter for the repose.

How to remember the dead.

Reading order of the psalms

There is an established order for reading the psalter about the deceased. This church liturgical text is usually always placed before the first psalm. If it is not there, then you can turn to the online version, if this is not possible, then you can proceed to the following scheme:

  1. We say the opening prayer: “Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen".
  2. Then "Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee."
  3. And then turn to the invocation of the Holy Spirit for joint prayer with God (prayer is not only a request, but also communication): "King of Heaven ...".
  4. After that, you can start reading the kathisma.
  5. At each “Glory” (“Glory to the Father ...”), a memorial prayer is read.
  6. After its completion and the reading of the prayers after it, they end the prayer with a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos "It is worthy to eat ...". Since, according to the rules, if at the beginning of the prayer there was an invocation of the Holy Spirit, then it is appropriate to end your communion with the Heavenly Father through a thankful appeal to the Queen of Heaven.

Variants of prayer according to the Psalter for the repose

Sometimes for a one-time, but strong, that is, tangible for the deceased, memorial, there is a tradition (and for good reason) to read one kathisma from the entire book, which, as it was realized through rich church experience, is most suitable for expressing the feelings and moods of the deceased himself.

Such a kathisma, unique and the most extraordinary, beautiful not only in its content, but also in artistic expression, language, is the 17th kathisma. She is not only one of the most beautiful, but also one of the longest of the entire text of the book. The reader of this chapter has the opportunity to truly, albeit relatively briefly remember the dear deceased, work for him (bring to God not only a word, but also an action, work), and the one who prays himself receives great benefit from this for his soul.

Prayer for the dead and the emergence of tradition

As one Christian once said, rules (read - traditions) are needed for those who have not learned to love. The remark is at least correct. After all, if the heart itself does not lead a person to any good action in the name of the deceased, then one of the best options is to imitate in this those who showed their love for the dead from a full heart and received approval from the Lord. Such a person who became, one might say, the founder of the commemoration of the dead was an Old Testament military leader by the traditional Jewish name Judah. The story that is associated with a significant event is recorded in the Old Testament body in the second book of Maccabees (see 12, 39-46).

As you know, when Abraham believed God (which was imputed to him as righteousness forever), the Almighty promised his followers that if they keep his covenant (including not worshiping anyone other than Him), then the Jews will win in all battles, even with a minimum army. As long as His people kept the covenant, their every battle, according to Scripture, was won. And then one day the army of Judah suffered a crushing defeat.

The survivors and the commander himself were in turmoil, alarmed that God had somehow gone back on His word. When, according to the rules, they began to examine the bodies of the dead in order to send some of their belongings to their relatives, the soldiers discovered that many of them carried signs of idol worship. This was the explanation why the victory was for the enemy.

The pious Jews thanked God, who did not hide the truth from them and honored them with His answer. It was then that Judas and the rest of God's faithful stood up to pray for the stumbled dead, so that the Lord would forgive the dead their sins. After praying, Judas appealed to those who remained with a call not to depart from God, who intercedes for them and honorably observes the agreement between Himself and people, in order to avoid such horrific defeats and unnecessary death of people in the future. This act was accepted by the Almighty and highly appreciated. and was "accounted for righteousness" to Judas.

There were other examples of people from the Old Testament when they took care of the dead, confessing the unconditional existence of a future life after the loss of the body:

  • Jesus, the son of Sirach, writes in his book of Wisdom that he teaches the need to help the dead as well as those who are on earth, to do good to those living not only here, but also there: “Grace of giving (that is, alms for the deceased material and verbal - prayers) before every living one, but he does not forbid grace over the dead” (7, 36);
  • The same author in the indicated book writes: “with the reassurance of the deceased, calm the memory of him, after the exodus of his soul you will be comforted by him” (38, 23);
  • The dying Tobit commands his son Tobias: "Distribute your bread at the tomb";
  • The Holy Prophet Jeremiah in ch. 16 of his book he calls cursed and outcast from the face of God those who, after death, are not remembered and do not do alms.

Prayer for the deceased 40 days

Many people who do not yet believe, but are in search of truth, are repelled by some specific figures and statements. After all, there are no set deadlines., documentary evidence that, specifically, after such and such a number of times, if you do certain actions, everything will be in order with the soul of a person.

The video will tell you about the commemoration of the dead.

The skepticism of such people is justified and understandable. Indeed, such documents do not exist. However, a person on the path needs to understand one thing: the only way to interact with God, as He himself said, is by faith. You can draw a simple, though far from perfect analogy: to interact, for example, with a magnet, you need metal. This condition. Anyone who wants to begin to interact with the magnet and touch its properties can express his dissatisfaction and disagreement for a long time, but still, if he does not do what is required, the magnet will remain silent.

In order to discover interaction with God, as countless people did, and through approaching God they received some of his properties (to overcome nature, to love with divine love, to heal, to cast out evil spirits, to see the future and see the true state of things), faith is needed. Many examples from the New Testament, where Jesus works miracles, show that the first thing He, as God and the Son of God, looks for in a person is the ability to believe Him and His omnipotence.

You can start by taking on faith some church experience and the experience of people who have already approached God, into a slightly mystical experience. We know about 40 days thanks to Blessed Theodora, a holy woman who had the opportunity posthumously, after she reached paradise, to report what she met on the way from earth to the Kingdom of God. It was she who named this figure - 40 Earth days. That is how much time has passed with us while she overcame this responsible path.

Thanks to the experience of St. Theodora, we know exactly the period that is the most important for the one who was called from the earth into another existence. We know that our constant mental presence through prayer for the called, especially necessary in the first 40 days after the physical death of a person.

Why Read the Psalter

The following arguments are indicative:

  • The Psalter is one of the most effective ways to help the deceased. As you know, the free “flight” to their heavenly homeland is hindered by demons - evil spirits that claim to control souls on a par with God.
  • The collection of psalms is an expression of the highest qualities of the human soul, which is sanctified by God, united with His Spirit and therefore has a special influence.
  • Before the advent of the New Testament, it was the Psalter that was the book that could allow "chastising" a person possessed by evil spirits and freeing him.
  • The Psalter allows you to protect the soul ascending to God from evil spirits that injure it, and spiritually support the one who prays, and help him express all his feelings, because this great book reflects almost all the situations that a Christian finds himself in during his life on earth.

Understanding the Psalms

  1. First approach. Someone advises reading the Psalter for the dead and for the living, regardless of whether you understand what you are reading or not. The main consideration is that a person does not understand, but crafty spirits understand everything and retreat in fear, because God himself is acting here. After a while, the one who regularly prays, in turn, will eventually begin to understand, because the Lord begins to reveal meaning to a person. However, this happens gradually.
  2. Second approach. Others strongly recommend resorting to translations into Russian, writing down incomprehensible words, expressions, terms and using the Church Slavonic dictionary to translate them into Russian. It is advised to read historical information about the creation of any psalm and apply the explanations of the holy fathers and theologians.

You can find similar explanations in the church shop and on useful Christian websites. And also, in order to understand the meaning of each individual psalm, one should study the Holy Scriptures. For example, how to understand the 50th psalm, the second book of Kings will explain to the reader. It explains what its author, King David, experienced before writing it.

To any reader of the Psalter(experienced or inexperienced), it is more fitting to stand like a person praying (at the feet of the coffin of the deceased), if a special extreme does not make him sit down. Negligence in this matter, as in the observance of other pious customs, is offensive both to the sacred rite, blessed by the Holy Church, and to the word of God, which, in case of carelessness, is read as if inconsistent with the intention and feeling of the praying Christian.


From this video you will learn how to read the Psalter for the deceased correctly.

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