
Magic numbers

Magic numbers


Wedding date by date of birth: determined using numerology

Wedding date by date of birth: determined using numerology

Many girls cannot remain in the dark for long and want to find out as soon as possible when the long-awaited wedding ceremony will take place. Help with this...

Date of birth numerology

Date of birth numerology

THE MEANING OF YOUR DATE OF BIRTH. Numerology Select your date of birth from 1 to 31 The first number in your date of birth means...

Angelic numerology: what to do if you are haunted by numbers

Angelic numerology: what to do if you are haunted by numbers

Probably, many people noticed that at some certain period of their lives they began to be haunted by numbers. For example, a person may often meet...

What do repeating numbers mean - The magic of numbers, 222, 333

What do repeating numbers mean - The magic of numbers, 222, 333

The 11:11 Phenomenon and Its Meaning Do you often see the numbers 11:11 on electronic clocks, addresses or other places and feel a joyful feeling? Sometimes...

The Devil's Dozen: the meaning of the number 13 in numerology

The Devil's Dozen: the meaning of the number 13 in numerology

From time immemorial, the number 13 has been treated with caution. Many believed that it was endowed with negative energy and therefore brought misfortune. Some...

Numerology of the apartment: the magic of numbers

Numerology of the apartment: the magic of numbers

The fact that numbers have special magic was told to the world thousands of years ago by Pythagoras, the founder of numerology - the science of numbers. The energy of these signs...

What will bring good luck or how to find out your lucky number?

What will bring good luck or how to find out your lucky number?

Since ancient times, people have used the magic of numbers. Numerologists say that for every person on Earth there is a magical number sign....

Numerology of number 1

Numerology of number 1

In numerology, one is considered a gift and a punishment at the same time. This number has incredible power. Number 1 is key: the world begins with it....

What does the EKH number mean?  FSO cars.  Decoding license plates

What does the EKH number mean? FSO cars. Decoding license plates

They have differences: the number may differ in design (each state has its own appearance of the license plate), information that may be contained there...

They say 13 is an unlucky number

They say 13 is an unlucky number

Everyone says that 13 is an unlucky number. Why? At first glance, this is a completely ordinary number. But there are many legends and beliefs associated with it. Somebody...
