Affirmations to attract money

« Thoughts are material"- You have heard this phrase hundreds of thousands of times, but have you tried it on yourself? The materialization of thoughts, emotions and desires is called affirmation.

And today we will tell you how to visualize your thoughts and dreams, turning them into a source of happiness, for many people - into money.

Affirmations are akin to spells and mantras: you choose a powerful phrase that reflects your attitudes for the future, and pronounce it, fixing it in your consciousness and subconscious.

The principle of operation is based on the psychology of the subconscious:

  • many things are inaccessible to us because of the fear of starting a business;
  • fear is difficult to overcome, especially if you do not see its root, and the root of fear lies in the subconscious, manifesting itself unnoticed by the wearer;
  • affirmation is fixed in the subconscious, obscuring and displacing fear, freeing your hands and gently convincing you of the need to act.

These are not unfounded assertions. The latest discoveries and conjectures of scientists involved in quantum physics speak in their favor, i.e. exploring the world of small objects and waves, which include thoughts, since they are presumably just waves.

When compiling a mantra, you need to follow several rules:

  1. Saying "I want money" won't get you anywhere. Saying "I will have money" will not get the desired effect. Say: "I have money." Use only the present tense.
  2. Do not use the particle "not" or words with a negative connotation. The phrases “I am not poor” and “There is no poverty in my life” are not good. The concept of poverty does not carry a positive charge. “I am rich” is positive energy.
  3. Use images, even if only you understand them. Affirmation should be short and bright. What do you associate with prosperity? Scrooge McDuck? Then - "I'm Scrooge McDuck."
  4. When pronouncing a phrase, you should feel the drive, understand yourself as a perfect source of energy, inspiration, ideas.
  5. Use verbs of movement and development. The expression “I accept myself as I am” does not give an attitude to development - your subconscious mind rooted the image, preventing creation. Say: "I am growing, I am getting richer, I am developing."

Affirmations can be created by specialists: they have experience and knowledge of many psychological subtleties on their side. But no one knows you better than yourself, and the mantra should have a bright stamp of your individuality.

Powerful affirmation to attract money

Phrases that will help you create your own affirmation to attract wealth and acquire other attributes of prosperity:

  • “The income from my work increases with every passing day.”
  • "My fortune is growing exponentially."
  • "I'm wealthy and rich."
  • “My purpose is to be rich. I am fulfilling my purpose."
  • “Today gives me joy and big money.”
  • “I have talent and opportunity. I realize my talent and use all the opportunities.
  • "My life is a cornucopia, the pinnacle of prosperity and the triumph of good luck."

Got an expression? Apply it correctly and don't make the typical mistakes that lead you nowhere.

Mechanical pronunciation of affirmations

The brain is designed in such a way that it perceives only bright elements: pictures, sounds, smells. Words that are not clothed in emotions will not hurt your mind and will pass by.


This is also a method of attracting what you want, but it is fundamentally different from affirmations. Pictures prevent you from focusing on the goal and lead you into the world of illusions.


Doubt is the enemy of dreams. Drop them: you are a hero and a warrior, you will achieve everything. Take a leap of faith and it will pay off.

The most powerful affirmations are sealed in your subconscious and end up in long-term memory.

To increase the power of the word:

  • pick up a positive motive and sing a mantra;
  • read it aloud with such an expression as if you were at a reception at the British queen;
  • print the text and hang it on a wall or a mirror.

Reviews of affirmations for money and success

Zakharova Alexandra:

“A couple of months ago I got an affirmation that was supposed to change my attitude towards money. I transcribed the words to my favorite song and recorded on the recorder. Now this song is always with me. Previously, I did not try to earn extra money, but now somehow new opportunities have appeared, and finances have increased. Recently offered a new job in three places! And I began to value my time more, not being distracted by “lie down”. The energy made me get up and do things.”

Makotkina Svetlana:

“I read the affirmation for almost days. I can’t deny the effect: some opportunities have appeared, but in a different direction, and not those that I expected. Because the goal was wrong. Now the affirmation needs to be adjusted to achieve exactly what I want.

Chuvaev Oleg:

“I wanted to achieve a financial goal with the help of affirmations. The money itself, of course, did not appear. But it turned out to be easier to go to the planned points! Depressions disappeared, disorders also stopped. I also realized that you need to appreciate the moment and you need to act every second of time, because time is money.

Believe the words spoken - and you will achieve great success!