Idols who look like anime characters in real life. Recommend anime similar to this Anime girls similar to me

Which looks like a Barbie doll, a competitor has appeared - her fellow countrywoman Anastasia Shpagina. The girl, thanks to her unusual makeup, 48-centimeter waist, big eyes and red hair, looks like an anime cartoon character.

The new Internet star, whose cartoonish image overshadowed the beauty of Ukrainian Barbie, admitted that she does not watch Japanese cartoons at all and is very offended when she is called an “anime girl,” Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine reports.

“It’s especially unpleasant when somewhere in the caption to my next photo you read: “a crazy anime girl decided to change her image, now she’s the heroine of such and such a cartoon,” Shpagina told the publication. - I don’t like this genre at all. I’ve never watched anime and I’m unlikely to do so.”
The girl also admitted that she hates being photographed because she considers herself unphotogenic. It was because of this that she began experimenting with her own appearance. According to her, the image of a little girl in a vintage dress that emphasizes her wasp waist is not the last. It just seems like the most successful one for her at the moment.

“I, like all girls, at the age of five got to my mother’s cosmetic bag and, while no one was at home, began to put on makeup,” the girl said. “Most people calmed down by making themselves a copy of their mother, but I got carried away and am still looking for my image.”

The new Internet star dreams of becoming a professional make-up artist.

“I want to show that a woman’s face is plastic, you can work with it like a sculpture. Partly, my appearance is evidence of how you can change with the help of professional means,” she shared.

The girl admits that people are not always ready to accept her image: “Sometimes people react to my appearance inappropriately. Some are afraid of me and avoid me on the tenth road.”

And the clients of the beauty salon where she works are speechless when they see the unusual girl.

“It happens that they come out of their stupor after we put their appearance in order,” Shpagina said. - Mostly fairly wealthy people come to us, and men - and I work in the men's department - for some reason it always seems that I will start experimenting with their appearance or hair. They are terribly afraid of this. And they start pestering me with questions: how much money did I spend on operations, what is my waist, and are those my eyes? Well, of course mine!”

The girl assured that she had not undergone any plastic surgery, although she does not exclude such a possibility in the future. “I clearly know what I would like to change in myself. First of all, I want to change the shape of my nose. Now I am correcting it visually through makeup and the play of light and shade. Then I would change the shape of the eyes. I want them to become even bigger,” admitted Shpagina. “And finally, it would be nice for the doctors to work on my waist - this is really my sore spot.”

Being incredibly talented and incredibly attractive, K-pop idols tend to seem too perfect to be real. And some even look like fictional anime characters that we can only dream about. Or they simply cosplay as anime characters, like Suga and Jungkook, who dressed up as characters from the anime Naruto and Detective Conan, or have no idea that they are real-life anime characters.

1. Jaejoong as Light

Kim Jaejoong from JYJ looks like the character Light from anime "Death note".

His charismatic image is ideal for the role of Light.

Taemin from SHINee similar to Rasiel from anime "Mafia teacher Reborn."

The same smile, the same hairstyle - it's amazing.

3. Leo similar to Haruki

Leo from VIXX similar to Haruki Nanase from anime

With a picture like this, the two look even more alike. They both follow their friends and calmly pursue their dreams.

Yongguk from B.A.P similar to Taiga Kagami from anime "Kuroko's Basketball".

They are similar in appearance, but fortunately Yongguk does not have the same character as Taiga!

5. Eunhyuk as Monkey D. Luffy

Eunhyuk from Super Junior similar to Monkey D. Luffy(or Straw Hat) from the anime "Big jackpot".

Perhaps this is the only character that looks like Eunhyuk, while Eunhyuk noticed this, he later took a photo with the same pose as in the anime.

Himchan from B.A.P looks like an anime character "The Singing Prince" by Tokiya Ichinose.

In addition, they have the same eye structure and hair style, they both have beautiful voices, but of course they also have careers in music. (If Tokiya were real, he would look like Himchan).

G-Dragon from BIGBANG similar to Gaara from anime "Naruto".

Photo taken from video clip on "Monster"! It's funny that Gaara always carries eyeliner with him, which makes him a candidate for a K-pop doppelgänger.

Kai from EXO similar to Choi Shinhyuk from anime "Beauty Formula".

They really look alike, and many thought it was a painting by an artist. But as we know, Shinhyuk from a manga or manhwa called "Beauty Formula" is impossible to find.

We won't know if there is such a character or if it's fan art, either way, he deserves a place on this list.

V from BTS and an anime character "Tokyo Ghoul" Kaneki Ken, similar.

V's appearance couldn't be more different from Kaneki's. , in a black turtleneck, blond hair, this outfit reminded V of Kaneki.

By the way, the photo of V was taken at the airport, V should be considered handsome.

Chris similar to Takumi Usui from anime "Head Maid".

Chris has had blonde hair in the past and his look went well with Usui.

Ren from NU'EST looks like an anime character Gintama, Katsura Kotaro.

Indeed, they look alike in both hairstyle and style.

Luhan similar to Nagisa from anime "Iwatobi High School Swimming Club."

Luhan not only looks like this character, but he is just as charming and energetic as Nagisa.

13. Daeryong and Soryong and Hikaru and Kaoru

Daeryong And Seoryong from TASTY similar to Hikaru And Kaoru Hatachin from anime "Guest Club of Oran Lyceum".

The most incredible thing that could happen is that the Chon brothers' hair colors are the same as the Hitachin twins'. The twins seem similar, in hairstyles and colors, but the Jeong brothers are not hooligans like the fictional characters.

Crystal from f(x) And Erza from anime "Fairy Tail".

Bright hair, violet eyes, turned Crystal into Erza. And both have good character, they do not know how to be influenced by others.

Gia similar to Sakura from "Naruto."

Photo taken from the filming of the video clip miss A “Bad Girl Good Girl”, and they really are similar.

Rap Monster from BTS And Sailor Moon from anime “Sailor Moon”

It wouldn't be a K-Pop list without an entry like this, right?!

Who do you think is more like an anime character and who is the opposite?

Imagination deficit syndrome at its best...

Tell me, dear friends, how often do you experience a feeling of deja vu when watching another anime or reading a new manga? Advanced anime fans experience this feeling all the time. These days it is very difficult to find an original work with a unique, non-repetitive plot. But even if such a creation is found, there will most likely be one small detail in it that will give you that same feeling of déjà vu. This detail is characters .

In general, in the anime industry it is widely practiced to borrow the appearance and character of characters from each other. Many manga artists are convinced that the best way to learn how to draw and create interesting characters is to partially copy them from more successful and experienced authors. Because of this, we have a whole crowd of characters that look alike like twins.

We are no longer surprised by the similarity of most shonen characters to each other, we turn a blind eye to the similarity of heroes in parody comedies, but something still worries us. Sometimes similar characters appear in completely different works. They have different creators, voice actors, and even designers, who are in no way connected with each other. And yet, these heroes are like two peas in a pod. It is difficult to find an explanation for such similarity, it is just some kind of mysticism .

It is these strange doubles that will be discussed in our top. But, before we begin, let's, as always, talk about formalities.

Since we are talking about the inexplicable similarities of the characters, then in our Top 12 included heroes falling into four categories:

First: characters must be from different anime by different authors. We all know that Gerard from is similar to Sieg Hard from Rave Masters, but this won’t surprise anyone. Hiro Mashima He himself has said more than once that this is one of his most successful heroes, which is why there are so... many of him.

Second: There shouldn't be a close, publicly known relationship between character creators. For example, created Mika Yoshikawa , similar to , created Hiro Mashimoi . The whole secret here lies in the fact that Miki Yoshikawa is Hiro Mashima’s former assistant, hence the similarity in drawing.

Third: We did not take into account the creations of the studio KyoAni and KLAMP because both of these studios are distinguished by their adherence to a single style of character design, which is why all their creations are similar to each other.

Fourth: there are no characters from the top parody anime, because the task of any parody is to create a recognizable character and laugh at his cliché.

Well now we are ready to start our Top 12 Doppelgangers in Anime !

Gray Fullbuster () and Rin Okumura ()

Gray (left) and Rin (right)

How it happened that the fifteen-year-old son of Satan from one work resembles a nineteen-year-old wizard from another, which is in no way connected with the first, is unclear. Perhaps the studio played a role A-1 Pictures, on which both series were filmed, because in the manga the drawing differs more significantly. And in the second season of Fairy Tail, Gray's design changed a lot, and his resemblance to Rin disappeared.

L () and Ulquiora ()

L (left) and Ulquiora (right)

Perhaps there are no anime more dissimilar from each other than Bleach and Death Note. However, there are characters in these series that have some similarities with each other. Fans who have a good imagination even suggested that Ulquiora is L after death)

Fan art: ElKiora

Ryoko Okami () and Taiga Aisaka ()

Ryoko (left) and Taiga (right)

The two tsunderes differ from each other, perhaps, only in height. And so, both are flat-chested, both have animal names (Wolf and Tigress), both fight well, both become a little softer after they fall in love...

S.S. () and Amber ()

Amber (left) and S.S. (right)

The mysterious green-haired heroines of two unrelated anime are no less striking in their similarities.

Shirley Fennet () and Orihime Other ()

Shirley (left) and Other (right)

Both of these heroines not only have equally large breasts and similar appearance, but are also similar in character. In addition, both are secretly in love with the main characters.

Finny () and Sho ()

Sho (left) and Finny (right)

They are united by a love of hats and hair clips. Maybe this is what makes them so similar?

Kururugi Suzaku () and Masaki Ichijo ()

Masaki (Left) and Suzaku (Right)

In general, these anime in some sense have something similar in addition to these characters, but it is impossible to deny the obvious similarity of Suzaku and Ichijo.

Kuroneko () and Tsugumi ()

Tsugumi (left) and Kuroneko (right)

Non-code girls, of course, have been popular at all times. But who would have thought that fans would meet such similar heroines in such dissimilar series.

Armin () and Hoshimura ()

Armin (left) and Hoshimura (right)

What can a psychological anime based on the works of Shakespeare have in common with a bloody meat grinder with references to Jonathan Swift? Our answer: the characters, of course!

", and suddenly an image from a completely different series appears in front of you, which should not exist here - he is generally a magician and wizard, and never a pirate. This is exactly what we are talking about.

On the other hand, one can always assume that anime characters are just actors who star in different TV series, grow and change. Well, almost always.

1. Joe Kido and Ray Ryugazaki

This is exactly the case when the actor grew up: Joe Kido - 12 year old boy from the anime about almost-Pokemon "Digimon", Ray - grown up version from Free! , who became cute handsome guy and started going to the athletics section (naturally, everyone wants him). However, the similarities are impossible not to notice.

2. Shanks and Gildart Clive

Pirate-adventure "Big Snatch" And purely magical"Fairy tail " - nothing in common at all. But the pirate captain Red Hair Shanks and the S-class magician (yes, almost like a Mercedes) look surprisingly similar to each other. Take a look at these beards, scars and brutal smiles.

3. Akito Takagi and Light Yagami

Perhaps everything is explained by the fact that the guys have the same creators. Be that as it may, it is impossible to notice the obvious relationship between Beginner mangaka Akito from "Bakuman" and arbiter of destinies Light from " ", writing down the names of those undesirable in the divine notebook is very difficult. AND change hair color didn't help here at all.

4. Misa Amane and Utau Hoshina

And again Death Note is under suspicion, but this time it’s girls. Misa Amane, recently seduced innocent souls in our yandere, suspiciously reminiscent of innocent blond ponytails Utau fromShugo Chara! - frankly childish creations about the innocence of souls and, excuse me, colorful eggs.

5. Asuka Langley Soryu and Sakurako Tenmaku

The characters' stories have little in common, but outwardly they are clearly twins separated at birth. Moreover one of the sisters is clearly more successful: about Sakurako Tenmaku from Ai Kora Few people know, but about Everyone heard Asuke, who has ever used the word " ": " " - this is not a series, this is a cult creation. By the way, you can buy a figurine of the latter recently for some .

6. Zig Hart and Jellal Fernandez

The first one is from animeRave Master , second -Fairy tail. The first is 27, the second is 19 at the beginning of the story, which in no way prevents the guys from stuffing themselves matching face tattoos and wearing trendy blue hair color.

7. Shizuo Heiwajima and Izumo Kusanagi

Shizuo is super strong and a bit psychotic participant in street fights inDurarara!! who prefers to wear bartender costume, Izumo - calm, pragmatic and calculating participant in a completely different showdown - between royal clans"Project Kay " . But he's already real bartender.

8. Spike Spiegel and Wang

AND V " ", where is Spike from and " With fire and sword ", who gave life to Van, The action takes place in an alternative reality. Moreover, in the first case we have a team space crime hunters, and in the second - a variation on the theme of "Riddick" with the planet the same criminals in the spotlight. And by the way, both guys are suspicious similar in their closed character and desire for universal justice. Coincidence?

Decide on your basic character type. Anime and manga characters are not very different from ordinary people. They can be shy, cheerful, sarcastic and so on. Even if you're not trying to imitate someone specific, it won’t hurt you to choose some basic character type for yourself. Once you have a base to build off of, it will be easier to add some features to make your character more like an anime or manga character.

  • Don't know which character to choose? Try something opposite to your own character! If you are shy, try to transform yourself into an outgoing and outgoing character!
  • Consider basing your character choices on real-life characters. For example, you can try to become as cold-blooded as Sephiroth from the game Final Fantasy VII.

Learn to slightly exaggerate your emotions. If you've watched anime or read manga, you may have noticed that many of the characters' reactions are extreme. You need to take your character's basic personality traits and exaggerate them. If you want to look happy, act as if you are on the edge of happiness. If you want to appear cool or serious, be especially cool or serious.

  • One of the most notable characters in this regard is Edward Elric from the Fullmetal Alchemist manga. He very much gets upset every time someone makes allusions to his short stature.
  • There are also many characters who are completely devoid of emotions. In this case, instead of exaggerating your emotions, try to remain cool, calm and collected.
  • Supplement your behavior with some habits or gestures. Each person has his own special habits and gestures, such as twirling his hair on his finger or a special style of laughter. And characters from anime and manga are no exception. A good example is Detective L's habit of rubbing his big toes in Death Note. Even if you act like a generic anime character, your behavior will be more realistic if you come up with a unique habit or gesture. Below are a few ideas to get you started:

    • a sarcastic character may have a habit of raising one eyebrow;
    • a shy girl may fiddle with her curls;
    • a character with a lot of enthusiasm may defiantly throw his hand into the air with a clenched fist.
    • A female character of the tsundere archetype may cross her arms or pout her lips in displeasure, especially when talking to someone she likes!
  • Stock up on a characteristic phrase. By analogy with habits and gestures, having a character with a characteristic phrase that he often repeats allows you to enliven the atmosphere of an anime or manga. A famous example of this plan is Naruto, who often says "Trust me!" Other possible words could be "fi", "hmm" or the Japanese curse word "baka" (idiot). If you have a favorite anime character, you can use some of their catchphrases as a basis.

    Try to embody the tsundere character type if you want to show the character from two different sides. Girls with a tsundere personality are known for being calm and collected, except when they are around someone they like. In this case, they easily feign awkwardness and often commit mean acts to hide their true feelings. They usually help to someone they like, but at the same time they tend to accompany their help with cacophonous phrases like the following:

    • “Don’t think that I like you”;
    • “I’m doing this only because I like you. But just don’t think too much about yourself!”
    • If they accidentally offend their object of affection, they may say: “That’s not what I wanted to say at all. Don’t take it to heart!”
  • Choose the kuudere character type if you want to play a calm, collected, and serious personality. These traits are the hallmark of the kuudere, especially in situations where everyone else is panicking. Characters with this personality tend to speak in a monotone voice, are wary of showing their own emotions or weaknesses, and are natural leaders.