Actress Ekaterina Klimova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Ekaterina Klimova shared the secrets of an ideal figure: “Do you want to eat? Drink!” Ekaterina Klimova plastic surgery before and after

With a trained eye, he determined which of the stars performed which procedures. For example:


She, perhaps, gave rise to the greatest number of rumors and speculation regarding her plastic surgery. However, most of them are unconfirmed. It can be reliably said that the actress was fulfilled rhinoplasty, which made her snub nose with a wide bridge the perfectly thin and straight one that we see now.

Well, the well-known story with bilateral prophylactic mastectomy, when she had her mammary gland due to a high risk of cancer, and reconstruction was subsequently performed.


From plastic surgeries, it is safe to say that she did rhinoplasty, Moreover, the intervention was carried out quite delicately, only the hump On the nose.

You can also see what was once done breast enlargement. However, the results of the work are not striking. And, of course, lips and cheekbones, they are enlarged using fillers.

She is credited with at least facelift. A toned face and an ideal contour of the lower jaw speak in his favor. But we must take into account that the singer has very little subcutaneous fat, and the facial structure itself is characteristic of Western Europeans - with pronounced angles of the lower jaw and chin - which in itself does not contribute to sagging.

The singer definitely uses Botox, This is evidenced by a smooth, almost wrinkle-free face. And fillers, which emphasize the cheekbones and give extra lip volume.


The very first operation performed by the actress was rhinoplasty. She also did magnifying mammoplasty, and later replacement of implants.

She is also credited with numerous liposuction, but it’s difficult to talk about this reliably. And of course, the actress actively uses the services of cosmetologists, injections Botox and fillers.


She is credited with two operations: breast enlargement And buttock enlargement. But neither one nor the other can be said reliably. Even in her youth, Kim had rather large breasts, and given that the star herself is not distinguished by a slight physique, this suits her quite well.

In turn, lush buttocks can be explained by heredity. Their delineation is very striking; such an emphasized contour can be achieved by competently executed liposuction.

0 April 2, 2017, 20:00

Ekaterina Klimova

Not nearly as often as we would like, we can see Ekaterina Klimova in public. The actress leads a fairly private lifestyle and rarely flaunts her personal life. But a few days ago, Ekaterina changed her habits on the air of the “Evening Urgant” program, and not alone, but with her husband Gela Meskhi. The appearance of the program on Channel One was the first time the lovers went on air together. So all the talk now is about Klimova. Therefore, it was she who became the heroine of our today’s column “Evolution”. Let's see how the actress's appearance and style have changed over the years.

Ekaterina Klimova was born in Moscow. The girl's father was an artist, and her mother was involved in housekeeping and raising children. True, her father appeared in Catherine’s life when she was already 13 years old - when the girl was very little, he went to prison for manslaughter and spent 12 years there. Klimova's acting talents began to manifest themselves from childhood - the future star happily participated in amateur productions and from an early age dreamed of a creative career. And this dream was destined to come true. After graduating from school, Ekaterina entered the Higher Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkina.

Immediately after graduating from the Shchepkinsky School, Klimova got a job at the Russian Army Theater, where she got the role of Desdemona in the play “Othello.” For her acting work, Ekaterina was even awarded the “Crystal Rose of Viktor Rozov” award in the “Actors under 30” category.

Klimova’s screen debut took place in 2001 in Karen Shakhnazarov’s film “Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning,” where the actress played a cameo role. In the same year, Catherine also got a larger role - in the film "Games of Throwing". Ekaterina’s most famous film works include roles in the films “We are from the Future” and “We are from the Future 2”, the TV series “Poor Nastya” and other projects. In addition to her work in film and theater, Ekaterina has established herself as a talented singer and performer of romances.

As for her personal life, Ekaterina is now married for the third time. The actress met her first husband, jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov, during her school years, and while studying at the institute, she married him. From this marriage, Catherine has a daughter, Elizabeth. In 2004, the couple divorced. In the same year, Klimova married for the second time - to her colleague, actor Igor Petrenko. The couple’s relationship seemed ideal and worthy of emulation, but it also came to an end - after almost 10 years of marriage, Ekaterina and Igor divorced. From her second marriage, the actress has two children - sons Matvey and Korney. In June 2015, Klimova again tied the knot - this time the star’s chosen one was actor Gela Meskhi. In September 2015, the lovers had a daughter, Bella.

Now Ekaterina Klimova is 39 years old and it is worth admitting that the actress looks great for her age. This is due to both good genetics and proper self-care. In her interviews, the actress has repeatedly admitted that her main beauty secret is a healthy lifestyle. The star tries to eat right, drinks a lot of water and always finds time for physical activity - that’s why she can boast of a slim figure, despite four pregnancies.

As for celebrity style, Ekaterina usually sticks to the golden mean - of course, you can’t call her outfits bold and risky in the good sense of the word, but also boring. To appear on the red carpet, the actress usually chooses win-win dresses of maxi length or just below the knee, and in everyday life she prefers well-fitting trousers and jeans, which in most cases she complements with high-heeled shoes.

Not every woman can boast of weighing 54 kilograms just a year after the birth of her fourth child. Katya - maybe. An ideal figure and a blooming appearance are the result of working on yourself, and not just mysterious genetics. “Water does not flow under a lying stone,” explains Katya. Of course, this motto concerns not only appearance, but also lifestyle in general.

Katya, you just finished filming the series “Bitch”. You said that you don’t consider your heroine to be such. Why?

The actor always acts as his character's lawyer. You must stand in his place, try to justify him. My heroine Christina is simply an emancipated woman of our generation. She has a mathematical mindset, she does not live by feelings, but at the same time she remains a sincere person who does not impose her principles on anyone. Recently I had a more complicated story when I was asked to play a woman maniac during an audition! You had to bare your teeth and flash lightning with your eyes. I realized that there are heroes whom I cannot justify, no matter how hard I try.

Have you ever had to cheat to get a movie role?

When I found out that for my role in the comedy “Love and Sax” I would need to learn to play the Celtic harp in two months, it seemed to me that this mission was impossible. For some reason, director Alla Surikova was sure that I could play the guitar, which means I could play the harp. I didn't try to dissuade her. (Laughs.) Only at the very end was I able to admit how far I am from the world of music. Of course, at the institute I took vocal classes and tried to play the piano, but God did not give me any particularly clear voice or perfect pitch. I had to go to a children's music school, study with a teacher, and learn verses at home at night. As soon as filming ended, I immediately unscrewed the legs of the harp, put it in a case and sent it back to the owner. (Laughs.)

This is the second year you have been collaborating with the Spanish jewelry brand TOUS. Tell us how your relationship is developing?

Being a TOUS ambassador is a very pleasant mission. There is nothing special required of me other than to wear jewelry, which I already like. (Smiles.) It’s great that there is variety in the collections of this brand: there are miniature jewelry that can be worn all day, and there are luxurious ones for evening outings. On my favorite pendant, in almost childish handwriting, it says: “Mom.” I love it! By the way, the Spanish brand has not only jewelry and costume jewelry, but also accessories - bags, scarves, glasses and a children's collection for the little ones.

So, your youngest daughter, Bella, already has jewelry from this jewelry brand?

Yes, our godmother, actress Katya Vulichenko, gave her her first earrings. (Smiles.) In Spain, for example, they pierce their ears very early, but we decided to hold off on this for now. My eldest daughter, Lisa, only got her ears pierced at the age of 13 and at her own request. I don’t want to force anything on the children, so for now the earrings are kept in a box and waiting in the wings.

Now Lisa is already 14. You probably have the same clothing size?

Yes, but until recently Lisa categorically did not like everything I bought for her. Now she has matured and wears my things with pleasure, we choose a lot together. I'm glad she has her own taste. When she slowly began to put on my makeup, I didn’t interfere. I just reminded her that she needs to know when to stop.

How do you, a mother of four children, manage to stay in such great shape?

I'm working on myself! I can’t say that I always eat right, but I strive for it. As usual, we think: we can relax on weekends and holidays, and then somehow we’ll lose weight. But why dial and then reset? I try to find time for spa treatments, I love massage and swimming. I always have a sports bag in my car so that after the performance I can go to the fitness club, and a bottle of still water. Do you want to eat? Have a drink.

Do you have a large wardrobe?

No, my wardrobe is getting smaller and smaller over the years. It used to be like this: I’ll spend my last money on some crazy boots, and then I realize that I have nothing to wear them with. And here they are in the box... Now I try to select things in sets. Of course, I had outfits purchased during the period of hormonal imbalance during pregnancy. (Laughs.) All of them have already been distributed. I also try to travel lightly: my suitcase looks almost like hand luggage. Touring life disciplines!

Today, many actresses support Russian designers. Do you have your favorites?

You know, international brands have recently been showing something that is impossible to imagine on the average woman. These are rather works of art that exist separately from humans. Still, I prefer clothes that blend in with me and highlight my strengths. That's why, of course, I love Russian designers! I am friends with Masha Tsigal, Svetlana Tegin, Natalya Dobryanskaya, Galina Vasilyeva. You can not only find a suitable outfit from them, but also ask for advice - for example, what accessories, shoes and jewelry to choose to match the dress. Dialogue with the designer shapes taste.

Has your life changed a lot over the past year?

With the advent of my fourth child, all my interests boil down to one simple desire - to spend more time with my family. My life is somewhat similar to tennis. First you hit one ball, then two balls, then three... Now four. (Smiles.)

Style: Yuka Vizhgorodskaya. Makeup: Anastasia Kokueva/Guerlain. Hair: Tanya Rosso/Wella Professionals/Wella Podium Team

Did Ekaterina Klimova use the services of plastic surgeons? At forty years old, Katya looks at most thirty. At the moment, Klimova has four children and has received a huge number of different compliments about her appearance. She always had very beautiful hair, bright lipstick, amazing neckline, makeup, all this made the actress a beauty.

With all these parameters, Ekaterina Klimova is one of the most beautiful women in show business. Based on black and white photographs of Katya’s youth, she was often compared to Jennifer Aniston, and indeed they are like two peas in a pod. As Katya herself says, she spends a huge amount of time at work, which seriously affects her weight.

The moment an actress is on stage, she puts out all her strength, and because of this, a person is able to lose more than two kilograms of weight. Klimova loves fitness and sports, but she doesn’t have time to do it.

Ekaterina Klimova always said that she did not consider herself a beauty

In general, she did not like her protruding ears, the color of her skin, which seemed dark, and her snub nose. She also didn’t like that she was too thin and had crooked teeth. To fight them, Klimova walked around with a plate, but nothing happened. The star was also thinking about jaw surgery. Katya weighs only fifty-five kilograms, with her height being one meter and seventy.

As Ekaterina herself says, she is against plastic surgery if it is not performed for age or medical reasons. Katya also said that she trusts her appearance only to highly qualified specialists.

Plastic or not?

But still, from the photo before Ekaterina Klimova’s plastic surgery, it is clear that she looked completely different, and what dramatic changes have occurred in just a few years!

The result is obvious - (ears), rhinoplasty (correction of the shape of the nose), as well as certain procedures that helped the star make her teeth straight and beautiful, but this is already the work of a dentist.

What about the skin - this is the competent work of specialists from the field of cosmetology, who regularly give Ekaterina beauty injections.

As you can see, Klimova before and after plastic surgery are two people with a perceptible similarity. Fans still love Klimova for her roles in various TV series and films, and the plastic surgery she resorted to only emphasizes her beauty. Fans do not condemn what she did to herself, because it was all for the sake of her children and husband.

How to find yourself when you are already approaching 40, and have two divorces and four children behind you? Should I adapt to “this is the way it is” or do what I want? What to do so that they can’t take their eyes off you if nature has deprived you of beauty? Actress Ekaterina Klimova knows the answers to these questions.

She can't help but delight. A smile, softness, light and some elusive feeling that with her, Katya Klimova, everything is always fine. It seems that the actress’s children are ideal - they don’t cry or get sick, and men carry her in their arms, and there are no problems. She never looks tortured or unhappy, she is always in a great mood, although she honestly admits that her life is not as carefree as everyone seems to think.

In such cases, it is customary to ask about certain notorious secrets of youth and beauty. The answers, as a rule, contain only general, meaningless phrases. But with Katya everything is quite specific. There are clear principles and rules that she strictly follows.

Principle 1:


Like all working women, Katya spins like a squirrel in a wheel. Tough filming, exhausting life, running around shopping, four children... The youngest daughter is not even a year old, which means mothers know! - chronic lack of sleep. There comes a moment when, through the veil of fatigue, nothing pleases you anymore. Everything becomes hopeless - the woman stops noticing the good things in her life.

Klimova found a way to shake herself up: she started Instagram, where she shows photos of her real life:

“This is, of course, social fun. But you won’t post something about problems and difficulties. On the contrary, I want to show joy, cuteness, and this is probably right. You have to strive for the good,” she says.

Bright, joyful photographs lift the spirits not only of blog readers, but also of the actress herself. This is an easy way to concentrate on how many wonderful things are in your life, says Katya.

Principle 2:


“I never considered myself a beauty,” Klimova admits. - I didn’t like the snub nose, the ears that seemed too protruding, the dark skin color. I was upset about being thin. In my youth I ate walnuts - someone said they made my breasts grow. I spent two years with a plate to correct uneven teeth, but it didn’t work out... I even thought about jaw surgery.

Klimova suffered and worried about her appearance for quite a long time. I was chasing the ideal of beauty that I had invented for myself. And then suddenly I calmed down and realized a simple truth: there is no limit to perfection. And men fall in love not with the right traits, but with the energy, passion and talent of a woman.

We must appreciate what nature and our parents have given us,” says Katya. - A woman’s desire to improve herself disappears with age, and is replaced by a logical desire to preserve what you have. Basically, you just start loving yourself. At least that's how I feel now. And beauty is rock. Beauties are rarely happy. And you wouldn’t wish their old age on their enemy. It’s difficult to give nature’s gifts back...

Principle 3:


With a height of 170 cm, Klimova weighs 55 kilos. At the same time, she simply does not have time to play sports. And even if time appears, Ekaterina prefers to spend it in the company of children rather than exercise equipment. But in order to always be in shape, she developed a simple rule for herself: load her body several times a day, without interrupting life.

You just need to strain very hard for at least 10 seconds, and then relax the muscles that you want to work. And do such exercises for at least 10 minutes twice a day, advises Katya. - When you travel in public transport, you pull your buttocks in. Sit at work and strain your abdominal or back muscles. When I go to filming, which can take an hour or two, I always tense and then relax my abdominal muscles.

Principle 4:


Today one lip shape is trendy, tomorrow it will be completely different. Fashion is a fickle thing. And to alter some part of your body in order to please a certain person is completely stupid. You can change yourself completely and still not become interesting to him! And what next - to reshape yourself to suit someone else? Never! There must be a core of your own inside, a feeling that you are harmonious. There is no need to chase standards from the screen; in fact, even top models have enough shortcomings. Of course, if something frankly interferes with your life, fix it in any way possible, but don’t get hung up on it. Otherwise, you can turn into Barbie or Ken.

Principle 5:


Katya does not hide: the divorce from her second husband, Igor Petrenko, was painful for both of them. And she was tormented by the same fears as any other “divorced woman.” Who will need her, and even with three children? But now Klimova is calm and happy again - she has a new husband and a full family.

You can tune in to harmony,” Katya reflects on her experience. - Remove everything that irritates you from your life. If you feel uncomfortable in some place, get out of there. If a person is unpleasant, don’t communicate. If understatement gets in the way, speak up. If you are single, use your free time for self-education and development. Take care of your appearance, do something you never got around to doing. Relax! Women so rarely allow themselves to do this. Relax, pamper yourself and see: new horizons will open up.

Photo by V. Goryachev