Analysis of the legend of Danko from the story of M. Lesson-reflection "The Legend of Danko" from the story of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil". The romantic nature of the legend

Obidina Galina Lvovna,
Moscow region, Zhukovsky,
teacher of Russian language and literature
MOU secondary school No. 5 named after. Yu.A.Garnaeva with UIOP

M. Gorky "The Legend of Danko" ("Old Woman Izergil").
Action in the name of the people

1. About the story "Old Woman Izergil"

Today we will get acquainted with an excerpt from Maxim Gorky's story "The Old Woman Izergil". This story was published just 3 years after the first publication of the writer, but by the time the story “Old Woman Izergil” was published in 1895 in the Samara Newspaper, Gorky was already a famous and prominent writer. The theme of this story is the meaning of human life, human happiness.

In the story "Old Woman Izergil", an old gypsy tells a young man 3 stories: the legend of Danko, Larra and a story from her youth. We are working with the first of them today.

2. Biblical motifs in the story

- A student's story of a biblical legend about how Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt (ind. task):

God commanded Moses to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt. Jews lived in Egypt for hundreds of years, they were very offended there, but still they were sad to leave their homes.

Long carts were drawn up, and the Jews set off.

Suddenly the Egyptian king regretted that he had let his slaves go. It so happened that the Jews approached the sea when they saw behind them the pursuit of the Egyptian troops. The Jews looked and were horrified: in front of the sea, and behind the armed army. But the Lord saved the Jews from destruction. He told Moses to strike the sea with a stick. And suddenly the waters parted and became walls, and in the middle it became dry. The Jews rushed along the dry bottom, and Moses again struck the water with a stick, and behind the backs of the Israelites it closed again.

The Lord showed many favors to the Jews, but they were not grateful. For disobedience and ingratitude, God punished the Jews: for forty years they wandered in the desert, they could not come to the land promised by God. Finally, the Lord took pity on them and brought them closer to this land. But at this time their leader Moses died.

3. Analysis of the passage

What are the similarities between the plots of the two legends? (The main characters of both legends take people out of life-threatening places; their paths are difficult, and people lose faith in them and in their salvation).

- Are there any differences? (Moses relies on the help of God in everything, for he fulfills His will. Danko himself volunteers to save his people, no one helps him, he can only rely on himself).

- Why, for what purpose does M. Gorky change the plot of the biblical legend? (The author shows that only faith in oneself, fortitude helps to achieve something in life, to win).

- Danko has both the power of the spirit and faith in himself, so he volunteers to save his people. How does the author characterize this people? ( “They were cheerful, strong and courageous people”).

How did it happen that these "merry, strong and courageous people ... thought and fell into anguish, ... fear was born among them ... and cowardly words began to be heard in the forest"? Read the history of this people (1st paragraph).

- Pay attention to the description of nature. Read it and draw a conclusion: what effect does nature have on people, what do they feel ( “... Giant trees stood there, tightly hugging each other with mighty branches, lowering their knotty roots deep into the tenacious silt of the swamp. These stone trees stood silently and motionless during the day in the gray twilight and moved even more densely around people in the evenings... And there was always a ring of strong darkness around those people, it seemed to be about to crush them... sang a funeral song to those people... The shadows from the fires jumped around them in a silent dance, and it seemed to everyone that it was not the shadows that were dancing, but the evil spirits of the forest and the swamp were triumphant.. It seems to people that nature is hostile to them, wants them to die)

— What artistic technique does the author use in describing nature? What for? (Incarnation; he humanizes nature, makes the forest, wind, marsh shadows think and act like human beings. This is how we visualize the living conditions of this people and better understand their feelings, because in fact nature does not want them harm, she does not know how to do this , just desperate, tormented people see her like that).

“You can really get desperate living in a place like this!” “And people weakened from thoughts… Fear was born among them…” Did these people have a choice? What do they choose from? (They have a choice: or "fight to the death with those who once defeated them", or “go to the enemy and bring him your will as a gift”. And the choice is almost made: "... no one, frightened by death, was afraid of a slave life").

- And none of these people think that there is another way out - the one offered by Danko. Read his words. ( “Do not turn a stone out of the way with a thought. Whoever does nothing, nothing will happen to him. Why do we waste energy on thought and longing? Get up, let's go to the forest and go through it, because it has an end - everything in the world has an end! Come on! Well! Hey!..”).

- What does he give people with his words? What kindles in their hearts? (Danko gives his people hope, and it revives people, drives despair from their hearts, because they were still "merry, strong and courageous people").

- Why did these people choose Danko as the leader? How long did they ponder this choice? (It was an impulse, an instant decision, because it was Danko who came up with a saving thought, which means that he will cope with difficulties better than all of them: “They looked at him and saw that he was the best of all, because in his eyes a lot of strength and living fire shone”).

- And so "All together they followed him - they believed in him". But is it really so friendly, is it really believed? Read how nature is described at the beginning of their journey, and think about how these people actually felt. ( “It was dark, and at every step the swamp opened its greedy rotten mouth, ... and the trees blocked the road with a mighty wall. Their branches intertwined with each other, like snakes, roots stretched everywhere.. People follow Danko, and hope is glimmering in their hearts, but they do not fully believe their leader, despair has not completely gone away. And the harder and longer the way, the weaker and weaker the hope)

“And so they began to grumble at Danko”. How? On Danko? Why? (The impulse passed. People were tired, exhausted and suddenly realized that Danko "young and inexperienced". They forgot what they themselves said to him: "Lead us!").

- What artistic technique does the author use, comparing desperate, hopeless, exhausted people and Danko, who “I walked ahead of them and was cheerful and clear”? (Here the author uses the antithesis technique to show the contrast between the people and their leader).

But really, he didn't lose hope! His appearance is a reproach to those who follow him, in it they seemed to mock at their fatigue and unbelief.

— Read the episode of the feud (p. 3).

- Again, nature shows us the feelings of people. Find the epithets that accompany the description of trees, lightning, darkness, forest noise ( “A terrible noise of lightning, angry songs of trees, a cold fire of lightning, clumsy long arms of trees, something terrible, dark and cold looked out of the darkness, a triumphant noise of the forest” People are very scared. They have no strength left, they no longer support hope)

- Why they "in anger and anger fell on Danko"? Read what the author says about it “It was a difficult path, and people, tired of it, lost heart. But they were ashamed to admit their impotence, and so they attacked Danko in anger and anger ... And they began to reproach him for his inability to manage them ").

- It turns out that people decided to take revenge on Danko because the path is difficult, because they were exhausted, because hope had left them!

What about Danko? How does he feel, listening to unfair reproaches and realizing that the people he wants to save decided to kill him? ( “Indignation boiled in his heart, but it went out of pity for people. He loved people and thought that maybe without him they would perish. And then his heart flared with the fire of desire to save them.).

- But in blindness "malice and anger" people have lost the ability to reason. What would they do in the forest after killing Danko? Who would take them out of there? (They would have died in the wilds of the forest, more than once regretting the execution of their guide).

- And only Danko understands this. He loves people, therefore he sacrifices himself for the sake of these unfortunate, desperate, who have lost their human appearance: "they are like animals".

- What did Danko do for people? (…)

- What is the passage by the teacher.

“And suddenly the forest parted before him…”. Read what the people in front of you saw. What feelings took over them? ( “People immediately plunged into a sea of ​​sunlight and clean air washed by rain ... The sun was shining here, the steppe was sighing, the grass was shining in the diamonds of the rain and the river was sparkling with gold”. People are happy. They forgot the hardships and difficulties of the path, even mortal fatigue disappeared).

And Danko is dying. What does he feel in the last minutes of his life? ( “He threw a joyful look at the free land and laughed proudly. And then he fell and died. Danko is happy. He saw that he had fulfilled his duty, that his sacrifice had not been in vain. He is dying, but the people he loved so much will live in a free land)

How did people react to the hero's death? Read this episode. (“People, joyful and full of hope, did not notice his death and did not see that his brave heart was still burning next to the corpse of Danko”).

- Why do people "they didn't notice his death"? (People are too happy, their hearts are too full of hope to share someone's pain. They are not heroes, just people. Of course, when the novelty of sensations passes and the joy subsides a little, they will remember Danko and regret him. In the meantime, they simply do not have time him).

- However, not everyone forgot about Danko. "One cautious man remarked [ Danko's heart burning on the ground] and, fearing something, stepped on a proud heart with his foot.. What was this man afraid of? How can you kick a proud heart? (Also in the forest, wanting to kill Danko, people stepped on his heart, full of love for them. Why do they need it now? Maybe out of envy? Maybe you still want to take revenge, or maybe with the thought of the future: Danko - a hero, and now his people do not need heroes, they will only interfere with a peaceful life, standing reproachfully in the eyes of people).

4. Heroism and heroes

- Who are the heroes? (Ozhegov: “A hero is a person who stands out for his courage, valor, selflessness, performing feats”).

- Can Danko be called a hero? (Danko is a hero. He is brave and selfless. He accomplished a feat in the name of his people)

- What is a feat? (Ozhegov: "A feat is a heroic selfless deed". This is when you sacrifice yourself for the sake of others, without demanding anything in return. A feat is an act of Danko)

Ind. ass.: prepare messages:

1) The life of Longren and Assol in the village: the attitude of those around them, the nicknames that tease Assol

2) Meeting with Egle; Assol's secret - vyr. th-th

3) Gray's childhood; what made him stand out?

The time in which Gorky's early romantic works were created was difficult and uncertain: revolutionary clouds were gathering over the country, all social contradictions were aggravated to the limit. The best realist writers of that time A.P. Chekhov, I.A. Bunin, A.I. Kuprin depicted that period in his works with the utmost truthfulness. Gorky at this time declares the need to search for new ways in literature: “The task of literature is to capture in colors, in words, in sounds, in forms, what is best, beautiful, honest, noble in a person. In particular, my task is to arouse in a person pride in himself, to tell him that he is the best, the most sacred in life ... ”In 1894, he wrote his famous story“ Old Woman Izergil ”, which included two wonderful legends: the legend of Larra and the legend of Danko.
The theme of a free man is the main theme of the entire work, but in the legend of Danko it is viewed from an unexpected angle. For the writer, the concept of "freedom" is associated with the concept of "truth" and "feat". Gorky is not interested in "freedom" "from something", but freedom "in the name".
Legends have been created by people since ancient times. In a vivid, figurative form, they told about heroes and events, conveying to the listener or reader folk wisdom, folk aspirations and dreams. Gorky uses the genre of literary legend, because it was the best fit for his plan: briefly, excitedly, vividly sing of all the best that can be in a person. Most of all, the writer was indignant against selfishness, selfishness, narcissism and pride. In his favorite romantic hero Danko, he emphasizes, first of all, philanthropy, kindness, the desire to sacrifice himself for the sake of the happiness of his people.
The legend begins with a peculiar beginning: “Only people lived on the earth in the old days, impenetrable forests surrounded the camps of these people on three sides, and on the fourth there was a steppe.” Very much like a fairy tale. Anxious and instructive. To show what a difficult situation people are in, Gorky creates an ominous image of a dense forest, through which they are forced to make their way, running away from enemies: “... stone trees stood silently and motionless during the day in gray twilight and moved even more densely around people in the evenings, when bonfires were lit ... And it was even more terrible when the wind beat on the tops of the trees and the whole forest hummed dully, as if threatening and singing a funeral song to those people ... ”In this darkness and fear, the appearance of Danko, who led people from the swamps and the dead forest, seems especially bright and desirable.
The author also raises the theme of the ungrateful, capricious crowd in the legend, because people, having fallen into the thickest darkness of the forest and swamps of swamps, attacked Danko with reproaches and threats. They called him "an insignificant and harmful person", they decided to kill him. However, the young man forgave the people for their anger and unfair reproaches. He pulled out of his chest a heart that burned with a bright fire of love for these same people, and lit the way for them: “It (the heart) burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch of great love for people ... » Danko's act can be called a feat, because a feat for Gorky is the highest degree of freedom from self-love. The hero dies, but the sparks of his ardent heart still illuminate the path to truth and goodness.
In the composition of the story "Old Woman Izergil" the legend of Danko is the third, final part. It completes the author's reflections on the meaning of human existence, gives an answer to the question: "What is it worth living and fighting for?"
This third part of the work is opposed to the first, where the image of the selfish and proud Larra is given. Danko and Larra are antipodes, they are both young, strong and beautiful. But Larra is a slave to his egoism, and this makes him lonely and rejected by everyone. Danko lives for people, therefore he is truly immortal.
It is no coincidence that Gorky introduces the image of the narrator into the narrative. The old woman Izergil is the bearer and exponent of the people's truth. In addition, the writer has the opportunity to compare real life with the world of legends. The old woman Izergil, the story of whose fate occupies a central compositional place in the story, survived both the fate of Larra and the fate of Danko in her youth. This, according to the writer, is the best evidence that in the life of every person there is a place for both individualism and achievement. The narrator of the legend about Danko is also a romantic hero, the ideal of her life is freedom. But her personal selfishness, life for a loved one and herself, makes her look like Larra. And here is the finale of her life: before us is a desiccated, disembodied old woman with black holes in her eye sockets, but with a red rag on her head - a symbol of ardent admiration for such heroes as Danko.
In his legend, Gorky skillfully uses artistic and visual means: hyperbole (“It became so dark in the forest, as if all the nights had gathered in it at once ...”); personification (“... giant trees ... angry songs hummed”, “... a swamp ... opened its greedy rotten mouth ...”); bright epithets ("... cold fire"; "poisonous stench", "blue airy flowers"). The text of the legend contains many exclamatory sentences, rhetorical questions and dots, i.e. omissions. All this conveys a tense and agitated tone of the story. The final words, speaking about the feat of Danko, sound firmly, sublimely, loudly.
The legend of Danko made a very big impression on me: there is not only a clear and beautiful language, not only an interesting, exciting plot, but also the depth of philosophical thought, the depth of generalization. I have no doubt that this small work is destined to touch the hearts of many generations of people, because it makes you think about the meaning of human activity, the meaning of life in general.

“In the old days, only people lived on the earth, impenetrable forests surrounded the camps of these people on three sides, and on the fourth there was a steppe. They were cheerful, strong and courageous people. And then one day a difficult time came: other tribes came from somewhere and drove the former into the depths of the forest. There were swamps and darkness, because the forest was old and its branches were so densely intertwined that it was impossible to see the sky through them, and the rays of the sun could hardly make their way to the swamps through dense foliage. But when its rays fell on the water of the swamps, the stench rose, and people died from it one after another.

Then the wives and children of this tribe began to cry, and the fathers thought and fell into anguish. It was necessary to leave this forest, and for this there were two roads: one - back, - there were strong and evil enemies, the other - forward, - giant trees stood there, tightly hugging each other with mighty branches, lowering their knotted roots deep into the tenacious swamp silt. These stone trees stood silent and motionless during the day in the gray twilight and moved even more densely around people in the evenings when the fires lit up. And always, day and night, there was a ring of strong darkness around those people, it was definitely going to crush them, and they got used to the expanse of the steppe. And it was even more terrible when the wind beat on the tops of the trees and the whole forest hummed dully, as if threatening and singing a funeral song to those people.

They were still strong people, and they could have gone to fight to the death with those who once defeated them, but they could not die in battles, because they had covenants, and if they died, they would be lost with them from lives and covenants. And so they sat and thought in the long nights, under the muffled noise of the forest, in the poisonous stench of the swamp. They sat, and the shadows from the fires jumped around them in a silent dance, and it seemed to everyone that these were not shadows dancing, but the evil spirits of the forest and swamp were triumphant.

And people weakened from thoughts. Fear was born among them, fettered their strong hands, horror was born by women weeping over the corpses of those who died from the stench and over the fate of the living, chained by fear, - and cowardly words began to be heard in the forest, at first timid and quiet, and then louder and louder ... Already they wanted to go to the enemy and offer him their will as a gift, and no one, frightened by death, was afraid of a slave life. But then Danko appeared and saved everyone alone.

Danko is one of those people, a handsome young man. Beautiful - always bold. And so he says to them, his comrades:

Do not turn a stone out of the way with thought. Whoever does nothing, nothing will happen to him. Why do we waste energy on thought and longing? Get up, let's go into the forest and go through it, because it has an end - everything in the world has an end! Come on! Well! Hey!..

They looked at him and saw that he was the best of all, because in his eyes a lot of strength and living fire shone.

Lead us! they said...

Danko led them. Everyone followed him together - they believed in him. It has been a difficult journey! It was dark, and at every step the swamp opened its greedy rotten mouth, swallowing people, and the trees blocked the road like a mighty wall. Their branches intertwined with each other; like snakes, roots stretched everywhere, and each step cost a lot of sweat and blood to those people. They walked for a long time. The forest became thicker, there was less and less strength! And so they began to grumble at Danko, saying that in vain he, young and inexperienced, led them somewhere. And he walked ahead of them and was cheerful and clear.

But one day a thunderstorm struck over the forest, the trees whispered muffledly, menacingly. And then it became so dark in the forest, as if all the nights had gathered in it, how many there were in the world from the hole in which he was born. Little people walked among the big trees and in the terrible noise of lightning, they walked, and, swaying, the giant trees creaked and hummed angry songs, and the lightning, flying over the tops of the forest, illuminated it for a minute with a blue, cold fire and disappeared just as quickly, as they appeared, scaring people.

And the trees, illuminated by the cold fire of lightning, seemed to be alive, stretching around the people who were leaving the captivity of darkness, clumsy, long arms, weaving them into a dense net, trying to stop people. And from the darkness of the branches, something terrible, dark and cold looked at the walking ones. It was a difficult path, and people, tired of it, lost heart. But they were ashamed to admit their impotence, and so in anger and anger they fell upon Danko, the man who was walking ahead of them. And they began to reproach him for his inability to manage them - that's how!

They stopped and under the triumphant noise of the forest, among the trembling darkness, tired and angry, began to judge Danko.

You, they said, are an insignificant and harmful person for us! You led us and tired us, and for this you will perish!

You said: “Lead!” - and I led! - Danko shouted, standing against them with his chest. - I have the courage to lead, that’s why I led you! And you? What did you do to help yourself? You just walked and didn’t know how save strength for a longer journey!You just walked, walked, like a flock of sheep!

But these words infuriated them even more.

You will die! You will die! they roared.

And the forest hummed and hummed, echoing their cries, and lightning tore the darkness to shreds. Danko looked at those for whom he had toiled, and saw that they were like animals. Many people stood around him, but their nobility was not on their faces, and he could not expect mercy from them. Then indignation boiled up in his heart, but it went out of pity for people. He loved people and thought that maybe without him they would perish.

And then his heart flared up with the fire of desire to save them, to lead them to an easy path, and then the rays of that mighty fire flashed in his eyes ... And they, seeing this, thought that he was furious, which is why his eyes flared up so brightly, and they became alert , like wolves, waiting for him to fight them, and began to surround him more densely, so that it would be easier for them to grab and kill Danko. And he already understood their thought, because of which his heart burned even brighter, for this thought of theirs gave birth to melancholy in him.

And the forest kept singing its gloomy song, and the thunder rumbled, and the rain poured down...

What will I do for people?! Danko shouted louder than thunder.

And suddenly he tore his chest with his hands and tore out his heart from it and raised it high above his head.

It burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch of great love for people, and the darkness scattered from its light and there, deep in the forest, trembling, fell into the rotten mouth of the swamp. The people, amazed, became like stones.

Let's go! Danko shouted and rushed forward to his place, holding his burning heart high and illuminating the way for people.

They rushed after him, fascinated. Then the forest rustled again, shaking its peaks in surprise, but its noise was drowned out by the clatter of running people. Everyone ran quickly and boldly, carried away by the wonderful sight of a burning heart. And now they were dying, but they were dying without complaints and tears. But Danko was still ahead, his heart was burning, burning!

And suddenly the forest parted before him, parted and remained behind, dense and mute; and Danko and all those people immediately plunged into a sea of ​​sunlight and clean air, washed by rain. There was a thunderstorm - there, behind them, over the forest, and here the sun was shining, the steppe was sighing, the grass was shining in the rain diamonds and the river was sparkling with gold ... It was evening, and from the rays of the sunset the river seemed red, like the blood that beat with a hot stream from Danko's torn chest.

The proud daredevil Danko cast a glance ahead of himself at the expanse of the steppe, - he threw a joyful glance at the free land and laughed proudly. And then he fell and died.

People, joyful and full of hope, did not notice his death and did not see that his brave heart was still burning next to the corpse of Danko. Only one cautious person noticed this and, being afraid of something, stepped on the proud heart with his foot ... And now it, crumbling into sparks, died out ... That's where they come from, blue sparks in the steppe that appear before a thunderstorm!

The early work of M. Gorky is marked by the influence of romanticism. One of the most striking romantic works of this artist is the story "Old Woman Izergil", written in 1894.

All the heroes of Gorky's early stories are beautiful and selfless, their life has a high ideological meaning. One of these heroes is Danko.

He was originally declared by the author as "the best of all", an exceptional person. Despite his youth, this hero led the people of his tribe through the swamp and forest so that they would know a better life.
Danko, even in the most difficult moments, was cheerful and clear. This courageous and freedom-loving hero of Gorky brings to life the ideas of love and selflessness. He seeks to awaken in people truly human qualities, which, under the influence of fear, are defeated in them by animal principles. No wonder the author notices that the people of the tribe looked at Danko "like animals": "they were alert, like wolves."

At the end of the story, Danko dies with a joyful consciousness of his duty. But, unfortunately, the feat of this hero, his assertion of a new attitude to life and man, was not truly understood by his fellow tribesmen. Very soon they forgot about their savior. The "cautious man" from the tribe stepped on Danko's proud heart, and it, crumbling into sparks, died out.

Such an ending, in my opinion, does not reconcile Danko and his tribe. On the contrary, the nobility of the hero, who “burned his heart for people and died without asking them for a reward for himself,” and the ungrateful behavior of people who did not appreciate the high feat of self-sacrifice, are emphasized here.

It seems to me that this turn of events expresses Gorky's protest against miserable people who are deprived of true burning, striving for beauty and freedom. The mention of the "cautious man" is introduced into the legend of Danko in order to emphasize, in my opinion, the exclusivity of the hero. This "cautious person" is perceived as one of many people - "non-heroes" who are incapable of sacrificial impulses and are always afraid of something.

In general, the introduction of the legend of Danko into the story "Old Woman Izergil" is unusual. This legend seems to be surrounded by a landscape, which includes images of the sea, clouds, moon, steppe distance. Moreover, each of these images is emotionally saturated, creates an atmosphere of mystery and unusualness: “the sea was noisy”, “a black cloud, heavy, harsh outlines, similar to a mountain range”, “dense flocks of shadows fell from the clouds to the ground”, “in place of the moon there was only a cloudy opal stain”, “and in the steppe distance, now black and strange…”.

In the legend, we observe, as it were, a confrontation between “little blue lights” and the night blackness of the steppe. In the legend of Danko, it is noteworthy that its final lines are literally saturated with light. Thus, the author draws a landscape full of rich colors.

The very choice of colors is indicative here: sunny, gold, red. It is well known that holiness is associated with glitter, radiance, golden and purple colors. The choice of red color is especially important in the legend. Since ancient times, the confrontation between red and black symbolizes the opposition of life and death. It is no coincidence that Gorky notices that "the river seemed red, like the blood that was beating with a hot stream from ... Danko's chest." With this comparison, the writer, as it were, emphasizes that, thanks to the feat of Danko, people will live a full-blooded, “hot” life, just as the earth itself will live.

Thus, in the story "Old Woman Izergil" Danko personifies humanity, holiness, light.

The name of the hero of the legend - Danko - is associated with the words "tribute", "give", "giving". Such words of this man in the legend are very important: “What will I do for people!?”, that is, “What will I give people?” In this sense, the image of Danko, it seems to me, echoes the image of Prometheus, who gave himself to the greatest torment for the good of people.

The motives of heroic deeds in the name of the people are not new in Russian literature. But the idea that only a person who gives his life for others becomes happy was something new that sounded in Russian literature on the eve of the twentieth, revolutionary century.

Organization: MBOU Murzitskaya OOSh

Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Kulebaksky district, village of Murzitsy

Lesson objectives:


analyze the legend of Danko from the point of view of its ideological and artistic originality; introduce the features of a romantic work.


to instill in students such moral qualities as: love for people, kindness, disinterestedness, purposefulness, perseverance, self-confidence.


contribute to the formation of the reader's position;

develop the creative abilities of students;

build communication skills.

Type of lesson: lesson - reflection

Methods: conversation, partly - search, project method.

Work form: group

Lesson equipment.

1 M. Gorky “The Legend of Danko (text).


3.Multimedia projector.

4. Presentation for the lesson.

5. Video "The Legend of the Fiery Heart"

Epigraph to the lesson

Love for people is, after all, those wings

on which man rises above all.

M. Gorky

During the classes

- Hello guys. Today we will get acquainted with another wonderful work by M Gorky "The Legend of Danko"

- Open notebooks, write down the number, the topic of the lesson and the epigraph to it.

Who are we going to talk about in class today? (About Danko, about the "Legend of Danko").

However, today we will not just talk about a hero, about a legend, but also talk about such a literary movement as romanticism and the features of a romantic work.

“The Legend of Danko” is one of the stories told by the old woman Izergil in the story of the same name.

The story "Old Woman Izergil" was written by Gorky in 1895. The theme of the story is the meaning of human life, questions of human happiness.

The student reads the text.

« A cloud was rising from the sea - black, heavy, harsh outlines, similar to a mountain range. She crawled into the steppe. From its top shreds of clouds broke off, rushed ahead of it and extinguished the stars one by one. The sea was noisy. Not far from us, in the vines, they kissed, whispered and sighed.

Deep in the steppe, a dog howled... The air irritated the nerves with a strange smell that tickled the nostrils. Thick flocks of shadows fell to the ground from the clouds and crawled along it, crawled, disappeared, appeared again ... In place of the moon, only a muddy opal spot remained, sometimes it was completely covered by a gray patch of cloud. And in the distance of the steppe, now already black and terrible, as if hiding, hiding something in itself, small blue lights flashed. Here and there they appeared for a moment and went out, as if several people, scattered across the steppe far from each other, were looking for something in it, lighting matches, which the wind immediately extinguished. These were very strange blue tongues of fire, hinting at something fabulous.
Do you see sparks? Izergil asked me.

Are those blue ones over there? - pointing to the steppe, I said.

- Blue? Yes, it's them ... So, let's go! Well, well ... I don’t see them anymore. I can't see much now.

Where are these sparks from? I asked the old woman. I had heard something before about the origin of these sparks, but I wanted to hear how old Izergil would tell about the same.

- These sparks are from the burning heart of Danko. There was a heart in the world that once burst into flames ... And these sparks from it. I will tell you about it…”

Video "The Legend of the Fiery Heart" (First before the words "evil enemies")

Why didn't these strong, brave people resist the enemy? (Student answers)

Whether we are right or not, we will understand after analyzing the legend.

Work with the text of a work of art.

1 group "Nature".

- Find a description of nature. How does the author draw? What linguistic means does he use?

There were swamps and darkness, because the forest was old, and its branches were so densely intertwined that it was impossible to see the sky through them, and the rays of the sun could hardly make their way to the swamps through dense foliage. But when its rays fell on the water of the swamps, the stench rose, and people died from it one after another ... ..

there stood the giant trees, tightly clasping each other with mighty branches, lowering their gnarled roots deep into the tenacious silt of the swamp. These stone trees stood silent and motionless during the day in the gray twilight and moved even more densely around people in the evenings when the fires lit up. And always, day and night, there was a ring of strong darkness around those people, it was definitely going to crush them, and they got used to the expanse of the steppe. And it was even more terrible when the wind beat on the tops of the trees and the whole forest hummed dully, as if threatening and singing a funeral song to those people.

( Gorky personifies nature, she lives and acts on a par with man, but she is hostile, like enemies, threatens him with death. The following language tools help to draw an image of nature:

epithets: old forest, stone trees, strong darkness, poisonous stench, funeral song.

Metaphors: a ring of strong darkness .. as if it was going to crush them, the trees are giants.

Personifications: the trees stood silent and motionless, moving around people in the evenings, the forest hummed, threatened, sang, the shadows jumped in a silent dance, the evil spirits of the swamps triumphed.

Hyperbole: the rays of the sun could not make their way to the swamps through the dense foliage.)

Group 2 "People"

Then the wives and children of this tribe began to cry, and the fathers thought and fell into anguish ...

They were still strong people, and they could have gone to fight to the death with those who once defeated them, but they could not die in battles, because they had covenants, and if they died, they would be lost with them from lives and covenants. And so they sat and thought in the long nights, under the muffled noise of the forest, in the poisonous stench of the swamp ... People all sat and thought. But nothing - neither work nor women exhaust the bodies and souls of people as exhausting dreary thoughts. And people weakened from thoughts ... Fear was born among them, bound their strong hands, horror gave birth to women crying over the corpses of those who died from the stench and over the fate of the living, chained by fear, - and cowardly words began to be heard in the forest, at first timid and quiet, and then getting louder and louder...

They already wanted to go to the enemy and offer him their will as a gift, and no one, frightened by death, was afraid of a slave life ...

(At first, longing, then fear, and then horror fetters people (gradation reception), they are “weakened from thoughts”, ready to surrender. Gorky shows how people gradually surrender and are ready to “go to the enemy and bring him their will as a gift. ."

For this, M. Gorky uses epithets: chained by fear, cowardly words, timid, quiet words, slave life; metaphors: fear was born among them, fettered their strong hands, horror gave birth to women crying, to donate their will, repetitions)

“But then Danko appeared and saved everyone alone,” writes M. Gorky.

- Why did people believe Danko and made him their leader?

(Danko is one of those people, a handsome young man. Beautiful ones are always brave ... They looked at him and saw that he was the best of all, because a lot of strength and living fire shone in his eyes.)

What words does Danko say? What does he offer people?

(“And so he says to them, his comrades:

- Do not turn a stone out of the way with a thought. Whoever does nothing, nothing will happen to him. Why do we waste energy on thought and longing? Get up, let's go into the forest and go through it, because it has an end - everything in the world has an end! Come on! Well! Hey!..")

And so Danko led the people. How did people get on in the beginning?

("All together they followed him - they believed in him").

What happens next? Why did people behave differently?

(The path was difficult, and "people lost heart")

Find a description of this path. What linguistic means does the author use for this?

It was a difficult path! It was dark, and at every step the swamp opened its greedy rotten mouth, swallowing people, and the trees blocked the road with a mighty wall. Their branches intertwined with each other; like snakes, roots stretched everywhere, and each step cost a lot of sweat and blood to those people. They walked for a long time ... The forest became thicker, there was less and less strength! And so they began to grumble at Danko, saying that in vain he, young and inexperienced, led them somewhere. And he walked ahead of them and was cheerful and clear.

But one day a thunderstorm struck over the forest, the trees whispered muffledly, menacingly. And then it became so dark in the forest, as if all the nights had gathered in it at once, how many there had been in the world since the time he was born. Little people walked among the big trees and in the terrible noise of lightning, they walked, and, swaying, the giant trees creaked and hummed angry songs, and the lightning, flying over the tops of the forest, illuminated it for a minute with a blue, cold fire and disappeared just as quickly, as they appeared, scaring people. And the trees, illuminated by the cold fire of lightning, seemed to be alive, stretching around the people who were leaving the captivity of darkness, clumsy, long arms, weaving them into a dense net, trying to stop people. And from the darkness of the branches, something terrible, dark and cold looked at the walking ones. It was a difficult journey, and the people, weary of it, lost heart.

(Metaphors: the swamp opened its mouth, swallowing people; the trees blocked the road with a mighty wall; personifications: the trees whispered deafly, menacingly; creaked, hummed, seemed alive; comparisons: their branches intertwined with each other; like snakes, a thunderstorm began, and "in the forest is so dark, as if all the nights had gathered in it at once. " The fear of people, their helplessness before nature is emphasized by the antonyms: "little people" and "big trees", and the framing of this part: it begins with the words "hard way" and ends with them , which once again emphasizes the hopelessness of people in this situation.)

Why did people "in anger and anger" fall upon Danko and sentence him to death?

(People were "ashamed to admit their powerlessness", and they were afraid to admit it to themselves and others)

A trained student reads by heart.

"- You will die! You will die! they roared.

And the forest hummed and hummed, echoing their cries, and lightning tore the darkness to shreds. Danko looked at those for whom he had toiled, and saw that they were like animals. Many people stood around him, but their nobility was not on their faces, and he could not expect mercy from them. Then indignation boiled up in his heart, but it went out of pity for people. He loved people and thought that maybe without him they would perish. And then his heart flared with the fire of desire to save them, lead them to an easy path, and then the rays of that mighty fire flashed in his eyes ... And they, seeing this, thought that he was furious, which is why his eyes flared up so brightly, and they were alert, like wolves, expecting that he would fight them, And he already understood their thought, because of this, his heart burned even brighter, for this thought of theirs gave birth to melancholy in him.

And the forest kept singing its gloomy song, and the thunder rumbled, and the rain poured down ...

What will I do for people? Danko shouted louder than thunder. And suddenly he tore his chest with his hands and tore out his heart from it and raised it high above his head. It burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch of great love for people, and the darkness scattered from its light and there, deep in the forest, trembling, fell into the rotten mouth of the swamp. The people, amazed, became like stones.

- Let's go! Danko shouted and rushed forward to his place, holding his burning heart high and lighting the way for people with it.

"and began to surround him more tightly, so that it would be easier for them to grab and kill Danko")

How is Danko doing?

(Danko " tore his chest with his hands and tore out his heart from it and raised it high above his head "and again led the people behind him)

Why did Danko do this?

(“He loved people and thought that maybe they would perish without him.”)

(Danko's heart - "a torch of great love for people" (paraphrase) "blazed as brightly as the sun, brighter than the sun" (comparison)).

Read the end of the legend. (From the words: "And now the forest parted ..")

Danko brought people out and died. Why didn't people notice his death?

(They were happy, joyful, full of hope, because the sun is shining, the wide steppe is before their eyes).

Was Danko happy before his death? Support your idea with words from the text.

(Of course. Gorky writes: “He threw a joyful look at the free land and laughed.” He loved people and did not expect anything in return for his love. Danko is happy because he helped people).

Why did one "cautious person" step on Danko's heart? Pay attention to the epithet "cautious". Careful - what is it?

Look at the meaning of the word "cautious in Ozhegov's dictionary."

1. Foreseeing possible danger, not reckless . He is a very careful person.

2. Restrained, careful not rude. Careful handling of patients.

(I was afraid to seem worse than him, not everyone is capable of a feat).

So, why didn't these strong, brave people resist the enemy?

(They were strong physically, and not in spirit, and therefore they were afraid, they were afraid of danger, each thought only about himself, and not about the other).

Could what Gorky described happen in real life?

Pay attention to the genre of the work. Recall the definition of genre.

A legend is a work created by folk fantasy, which combines the real and the fantastic.

The "Legend of Danko" was based on the biblical story of Moses.

“God commanded Moses to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt. Jews have lived in Egypt for hundreds of years, and they are very sad to leave their homes. Convoys were drawn up, and the Jews set off.

Suddenly the Egyptian king regretted that he had let his slaves go. It so happened that the Jews came to the sea when they saw behind them the chariots of the Egyptian troops. The Jews looked and were horrified: in front of the sea, and behind the armed army. But the merciful Lord saved the Jews from destruction. He told Moses to strike the sea with a stick. And suddenly the waters parted and became walls, and in the middle it became dry. The Jews rushed along the dry bottom, and Moses again struck the water with a stick, and behind the backs of the Israelites it closed again.

The Lord showed many favors to the Jews, but they were not grateful. For disobedience and ingratitude, God punished the Jews: for forty years they wandered in the desert, they could not come to the land promised by God.

Finally, the Lord took pity on them and brought them closer to this land. But at that time their leader Moses died.

(Micro-study: a comparative analysis of the "Legend of Danko" and the biblical story. Speech by a student) .

We have noted that the legend is based on biblical motifs, but there is also a lot of fantastic in it. This is a romantic work and belongs to such a direction as romanticism.

Romanticism is a trend in literature, a characteristic feature of which is the display and reproduction of life outside the real-concrete connections of a person with the surrounding reality, the image of an exceptional personality, often lonely and not satisfied with the present, striving for a distant ideal and therefore in sharp conflict with society.

Characteristic features of a romantic work.

the hero is opposed to the "crowd";

the hero has qualities that are presented by the author only in superlatives;

an unusual landscape, necessarily free, accessible to all winds and rains.

Let's prove that "The Legend of Danko" is a romantic work, and Danko is a romantic hero.

(Student answers)

Danko is a hero, a man who gave his life to save people, but this is a romantic hero, but in real life there are many people who sacrificed themselves for the sake of the lives of others. On February 23, we celebrated a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, the holiday of those who defeated fascism, those who guarded and will guard the borders of our country.

(Information about the heroes - Kulebachans who went to the front)

On February 23, another significant event took place - the closing of the XXII Olympic Games in Sochi. We can also rightfully consider all our Olympians as heroes. Why?

(They defended the honor of our country, won the team championship, winning 33 medals (13+11+9))

So what kind of person is a hero? What traits should he have?

(Students attach tablets on the board on which the hero’s traits are written: courage, courage, strength, beauty, love for people, courage, willpower, courage.)

Which one is the most important?

(Love for people.)

“Love for people is, after all, those wings on which a person rises above everything,” - M. Gorky spoke. It was about this love that he wrote in his works. If a person loves another, he is capable of self-sacrifice, and in his life "there is always a place for a feat."

D/z.Write a mini-essay about a person who has committed a heroic deed, or a hero - a Kulebachan.