Anna Sergeevna Vyalitsyna instagram. Anna Vyalitsyna: success story and biography. Peak modeling career

Model Date of birth March 19 (Pisces) 1986 (34) Place of birth Nizhny Novgorod Instagram @annev

Anna Vyalitsyna is a popular Russian and American supermodel originally from the Nizhny Novgorod region. She began her modeling career as a teenager, collaborating with world famous brands such as Chanel, Prada, DKNY, Calvin Klein. In the period of the 2000s, she was one of the most sought-after models of Russian origin, along with Natalia Vodianova and Evgenia Volodina. Participated in the filming of the American action movie "Die Hard. Good day to die".

Biography of Anna Vyalitsyna

The future model was born and raised in Nizhny Novgorod. Her parents worked in the medical field. During her school years, Anna had many hobbies: she attended various circles and sections, danced and, for some time, ballet. This helped her to find a toned, slender figure.

The modeling career of Anna Sergeevna Vyalitsyna began spontaneously. The girl was noticed by representatives of ING Models, one of the largest international modeling agencies. It offered to do a trial photo session. The shooting was successful, and soon Anna was already in Milan. There it was decided that the girl would present a new collection of Japanese designer Yohji Yamamoto.

After this show, success came to Anna. She has established herself as a hardworking and persistent person. She received numerous offers for filming and shows from the fashion houses Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Oskar de la Renta.

Later, the French company Chanel drew attention to the model Anna Vyalitsyna. In 2003 the girl became the face of the most popular fragrance Chanel Chance. After that, Anna and Chanel signed a contact for further cooperation.

The model actively starred for the covers of glossy magazines - Glamour, Vogue, Elle. For about 6 years, she regularly appeared on the pages of the sports publication Sports Illustrated.

In the West, Vyalitsyna is known as Anne V. Such eminent designers as Carolina Herrera, Calvin Klein, Donatella Versace worked with her.

During her relationship with A. Levin, Vyalitsyna tried herself as an actress: she starred in several music videos of the Maroon5 group.

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Anna Vyalitsyna, 30 years old This freckled beauty, like Natalia Vodianova, comes from Nizhny Novgorod. She knows how to choose both the brands with which she collaborates (Anna has contracts with Chanel, Victoria's Secret and other well-known brands), so ... Pregnant top models: how they looked in anticipation of a child and how they saved the figure after childbirth

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Personal life of Anna Vyalitsyna

In 2009 The press announced that the model has a romantic relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio. The stars themselves did not confirm the information. According to Anna, only friendship connects her with the actor.

In 2010 she began dating the vocalist of one of the American rock-pop bands, Adam Levine. The couple announced their separation in the spring of 2012.

In 2014 Anna began a strong serious relationship with Adam Cahan. The man is a senior vice president of Yahoo. Summer 2015 Anna became a mother, she had a daughter.

Anna Vyalitsyna is a supermodel with Russian roots. For more than 15 years she has been collaborating with the best photographers and world famous designers. To everyone who is interested in the biography and personal life of this beauty, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the contents of our article.

short biography

Anna Vyalitsyna (whose photo is presented in this material) was born on 03/19/1986 in the city of Gorky (now it is Nizhny Novgorod). I was brought up in an ordinary family. Her father, Sergei Arkadyevich, was a sports doctor at FC Volga. And my mother received a higher medical education with a degree in pediatrics. The woman continues to work at a local clinic.

Our heroine grew up as a restless and sociable child. She had many friends and girlfriends. During her school years, Anya was fond of drawing, attended musical and choreographic circles. It was dances that played an important role in the future profession of Vyalitsyna. After all, in the classroom, the girl learned to keep her posture, move to the beat of the music and not be afraid to speak to the public.

Modeling career

At the age of 15, Anna Vyalitsyna went to St. Petersburg. While walking through this wonderful city, an unfamiliar man approached her. He introduced himself as an employee of the agency IMG Models and invited to take part in the casting. Having received the approval of her parents, a native of Nizhny Novgorod went to the address indicated on the business card. As a result, Anya bypassed many contenders. Soon she received a ticket to Milan. In Italy, the young beauty again successfully passed the casting. She was immediately signed to IMG Paris and IMG New York.

Unlike thousands of other girls, Vyalitsyna's path to the top of the modeling business was not long and not thorny. Western photographers and couturiers began to call Anna the "Russian princess". And all because of her fair skin, sincere smile and sweet little face with hemp.

From the first days of her appearance in this industry, a native of Nizhny Novgorod has shown herself to be a talented, responsive and hardworking model. Real popularity came to her in 2002. It happened after signing a contract with the Chanel fashion house. What exactly made her successful? For two years, the green-eyed blonde advertised Chanel Chance perfume. These perfumes have been repeatedly called the best in the world.

Our heroine could be seen on the podium. In 2003, she walked in 80 pret-a-porter shows of the week. On her figure, all the outfits looked simply amazing. In 2004, Vyalitsyna was offered to become the face of the Escada Sport brand. And the girl agreed.

In 2005, the beauty from Russia first appeared on the cover of the glossy edition of Sport Illustrated. Her collaboration with this legendary magazine lasted almost 9 years. And this is a real record among models.

In 2008, 2010 and 2011 Anya Vyalitsyna defiled at the annual enchanting show of Victoria`s Secret (a brand of exquisite underwear for women).

Personal life

At the end of 2009, American tabloids spread information that Anna Vyalitsyna was dating the favorite of millions of women - actor Leonardo DiCaprio. However, the girl has repeatedly stated that only friendship connects them.

In 2010, she met Adam Levine from the Maroon 5 group. The American musician managed to win the heart of the Russian beauty. At one of the band's concerts, they publicly announced their relationship. Anna Vyalitsyna and Adam Levin appeared together at all secular parties and participated in the filming of video clips. However, their love relationship lasted only 2 years.

In 2013, Anya had a fleeting romance with baseball player Matt Harvey. The guy and the girl did not confess their love to each other and did not make joint plans for the future. Therefore, they were able to quietly and peacefully disperse.

A truly fateful meeting awaited the Russian beauty in 2014. Anya met the vice president of Yahoo! We're talking about Adam Kahan.

In the first minutes of communication, a spark flashed between them. Soon Vyalitsyna moved her things to Adam's apartment. In March 2015, it became known that the model was in an "interesting" position.

The Joy of Motherhood

June 25, 2015 Anna Vyalitsyna gave birth to her first child - a charming daughter. She officially announced this joyful event only a few days later. What is her daughter's name? The baby became the owner of an unusual name - Alaska.

A little later, on her Instagram page, the supermodel posted a touching photo in which she holds her daughter's tiny leg. Anya also shared with subscribers pictures from walks. Many people noticed that the famous model looks slim and radiant. But after giving birth, only 2 months have passed.

Despite having a common child, Anna and Adam are in no hurry to enter into a legal marriage. Passport stamps are nothing more than a formality for them. The main thing is mutual respect, love and care.

A few curious things about Anna Vyalitsyna:

  1. With a height of 176 cm, the girl weighs 51 kg. The parameters of her figure are as follows: chest - 82 cm, waist - 60 cm, and hips - 86 cm. Regular exercise and a healthy diet allow Anya to maintain her ideal shape.
  2. Our heroine managed to try herself as an actress. She got small roles in two films - the action movie Die Hard: A Good Day to Die (2013) and the drama Lullaby (2014). And the famous model also participated in the filming of the clips of the Maroon 5 group and the singer Alanis Morissette.
  3. Anya never thought about removing hemp from her face. She considers them her "trick".


Now you know where Anna Vyalitsyna (model) was born and with whom she met. This sweet and fragile-looking girl has a natural charm, a large supply of vitality and diligence. We wish her well-being in her family and career!

Anna Sergeevna Vyalitsyna is a legendary Russian supermodel who managed to conquer the world's best designers and publishers, as well as other figures in the fashion industry. Abroad, the girl was nicknamed the "Russian Princess", and all because of her natural and slightly naive freckled face, and a sincere smile.

From the very first days in this industry, she was able to prove herself as a talented and hardworking model. Anna was especially loved by the publishers of the glossy Sports Illustrated, inviting to shoot for 9 years in a row, starting in 2005 and ending in 2013.

In 2015, the girl got a real family: she has a loving husband and a charming daughter. But despite this, she does not plan to take a break in her modeling career, so fans will see photos of the Russian beauty on the covers of glossy publications more than once.


The star of the world podium was born on March 19, 1986 in the Russian town of Nizhny Novgorod (at the time of her birth it was called Gorky). The girl grew up in an educated cultural family, so it is not surprising that her parents instilled in her the qualities of a kind and decent person. Her father is a doctor by profession and worked for the Volga sports football club, her mother also graduated from a medical university and connected her life with pediatrics.

nna Vyalitsyna spent very little time at home, because in addition to schoolwork and homework, she attended creative circles. The girl simultaneously went to choreography, drawing and music classes. It was dancing that played a key role in her future profession, because in the classroom she learned to keep her posture correctly, speak to the public and become more plastic, and as you know, this is exactly what designers and photographers require from models.

Being doctors, the parents wanted their daughter to follow in their footsteps and connect her life with medicine, but the young lady had completely different plans in this regard. Just at that time, the era of supermodels began, all teenage girls took down posters with actors and musicians from the walls, replacing them with photos of beautiful models. The luxurious life of a fashion model has become the new cherished dream of every girl: constant photo shoots, shows and interviews for glossy publications. And Anna Vyalitsyna was no exception.

Carier start

  • Height- 176 cm;
  • Weight- 51 kg;
  • Options– 82-60-86 cm.

She started her modeling career at the age of 15. Like many world-class supermodels, her career began with a chance meeting. In 2001, the girl went to St. Petersburg, where she was noticed by an employee of the popular agency IMG Models. Representatives visited the first capital in search of models for Fashionably Loud Europe and invited Anna to become a participant in the competition. The girl managed to win the casting, after which she immediately went to Milan, where she went through a similar competition, winning contracts with IMG Paris and IMG New York.

Unlike other models from Russia, Anna's path to the top of the modeling business was instantaneous and swift. She almost immediately attracted the attention of famous designers and became a frequent guest at shows around the world. The girl did not spend much time on unsuccessful castings or low-budget shooting for catalogs. Just a month after signing a contract with a modeling agency, the girl performed at her first show, which took place during pret-a-porter week in Paris.

Gallery is clickable

Anna Sergeevna was able to conquer everyone with her sincerity and naturalness, which, in fact, drew attention to her person. Already during the next season, the girl was invited to a much larger number of fashion shows, she represented the clothes of several dozen designers. She was not broken by such a large amount of work, but on the contrary, critics began to talk about the model as the discovery of the year, which served as additional advertising for her professional activities.

In addition to fashion designers, famous publishers were also interested in Anna. At the beginning of her modeling career, the girl adorned the world-famous Vogue, Glamor and ELLE glosses with her photos. However, the real fame came to the model in 2002.

Peak modeling career

Even greater popularity came to Anna only in 2002, after she signed a two-year contract with the Chanel fashion house. She became the new face of the legendary Chanel Chance perfume and took a stunning photo that graced the advertising campaign of this line. Being the official face of a perfume that has been recognized as the best in the world for two years in a row is a very responsible task, but Anna Vyalitsyna coped with it in the best possible way.

This ad campaign was created by the legendary photographer Jean Paul Goude, who managed to create a unique image that is completely suitable for both the perfume and the model. The girl seemed to have been created for this work, because, like perfume, she displays lightness, freshness and harmony. After working with Chanel, Anna Vyalitsyna became one of the most popular models in the world.

An even greater number of invitations to shoot and shows were not long in coming. In 2003, the model appeared in more than 80 pret-a-porter shows of the week, and the following year she became the official face of the Escada Sport brand. In 2005, the model first appeared on the cover of the Sport Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Cooperation with the magazine lasted for 9 years, which is a record among models.

The eminent lingerie brand Victoria`s Secret could not ignore Anna, inviting the model to defile at the annual enchanting show in 2008. In addition, their cooperation also lasted in 2010-2011.

In addition to her modeling career, Vyalitsyna was also able to prove herself as an actress. In 2004, she was invited to participate in the music video for the song "Out Is Through" by Alanis Morissette. She also appeared twice in the videos of Maroon 5: in 2010 for the song "Misery" and in 2011 - "Never Gonna Leave This Bed".

For the newly minted actress, 2013 was marked by the release of the fifth part of Die Hard and the film Lullaby, in which she played small roles.

Personal life

1 In 2009, there were rumors that the top model was the girlfriend of actor Leonardo DiCaprio. However, Anna Vyalitsyna strongly denied such gossip, arguing that she and the actor are exclusively on friendly terms.

2 In 2010, during a performance by Maroon 5, the model met lead singer Adam Levine. Since then, they have become an official celebrity couple. Young people appeared together at all secular parties, and also starred in videos together. However, this relationship only lasted two years.

3 In 2013, the girl had a small affair with athlete Matt Harvey. But this young man did not turn out to be the love of a lifetime.

4 In 2014, Anna Vyalitsyna met the vice president of Yahoo! Adam Kahan, with whom she meets to this day. More recently, on June 25, 2015, a young couple had their first child, a girl Alaska. A week later, the model published the first photo of her daughter, or to be more precise, a picture of her foot.

Anna Vyalitsyna on Instagram: @annevofficial

Famous under the name Anne VAnna Vyalitsyna, one of the most famous Russian supermodels, received American citizenship. It was about this, and only about this, that Anna wanted to talk in an interview for the magazine. Maxim, the cover of which she adorns with her photo this September.

Anna reached all possible heights in the modeling business. In 2009, she ran the New York City Marathon. She had a serious romantic relationship with a musician Adam Levine(soloist of the group Maroon 5), with whom they once starred at the show Victoria's Secret and , and with a baseball player Matt Harvey, team star New York Mets...but that's all in the past. In 2015, she gave birth to a child and married Adam Kagan, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, and most recently passed the citizenship test.

“I took it very seriously. I didn't want to just take the test, I was going to trample it." Anna was a straight A student at school, and she has kept that determination to achieve the best grades to this day. “I knew all the answers. But in fact, everything turned out to be very easy. It all went like, "No, seriously, that's the best question you can ask me? Who is the vice president?" I expected it to be more difficult."

Anne Vyalitsyna / Anna Vyalitsyna
photographer Gilles Bensimon

From Russia with Love | Max US september 2016

Anna Sergeevna Vyalitsyna (Anne Vyalitsyna). Anne V (Anne Vee). She was born on February 13, 1987 in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). Russian and American supermodel.

Anna Vyalitsyna was born on February 13, 1987 in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) in a family of doctors.

Father - Sergey Arkadievich Vyalitsyn, a doctor, was a sports doctor of the Volga football club.

Mother - Alla Vyalitsyna, pediatrician.

During her school years, she attended an art studio, a music school, and later became interested in choreography.

From an early age she dreamed of the podium. "I wanted to be a model since childhood, since I played with my Barbie dolls," Anna admitted.

At the age of 15, fate brought her to the modeling business - a spectacular tall and slender girl who knows how to move beautifully was noticed by IMG Models agents who were looking for new faces for MTV's Fashionably Loud Europe. Anna passed the casting and signed a contract with IMG Paris, and later with IMG New York.

She herself recalled the beginning of her journey in the modeling business: “I got into the modeling business at the age of 15 and did not think that I would go abroad forever. Then I still did not know what to dream about. At the very beginning of my career, the modeling agency settled me with five girls and eight boys in one apartment. None of them knew Russian. Four months later I already spoke English with might and main, and now no one perceives me as Russian. "

Just a month after signing a contract with a modeling agency, the girl performed at her first shows, which took place during the pret-a-porter week in Paris, in particular - with Sophia Kokosalaki, Cacharel and Martine Sitbon.

In 2001, she met the famous photographer Max Vadukul, who was looking for a face for the brand Yohji Yamamoto. And Vadukul chose the Russian beauty - soon Anna became the face of the brand's advertising campaign.

Western critics called her "Russian Princess" She was very young, graceful and fragile. There was a pleasant spontaneity in her charming freckles and wonderful smile. She appeared with equal ease and naturalness in Y's booklets, Dolce & Gabbana posters, and Anna Molinari advertising campaigns. Jenny Rose, an IMG scout, stated that, having discovered such a model as Anna Vyalitsyna, she can safely retire.Now they looked at Anya not just as a talented debutante, but as a future star.

Already at the beginning of her modeling career, the girl adorned the world-famous Vogue, Glamor and ELLE glosses with her photos.

The year 2002 was a milestone for her. Then she signed a two-year contract with the Chanel fashion house. She became the new face of the legendary perfume "Chanel Chance" and took a stunning photo that graced the advertising campaign of this line. Being the official face of the perfume, which was recognized as the best in the world for two years in a row, is a very responsible task, but Anna coped with it perfectly. This ad campaign was created by the legendary photographer Jean Paul Goude, who managed to create a unique image that is completely suitable for both the perfume and the model.

After working with Chanel, Anna Vyalitsyna became one of the most popular models in the world.

“Anna was just born to become the international symbol of Chance. There is a freshness and natural harmony in her, but in her eyes one can feel open defiance, ”Jacques Ellu, creative director of Chanel, said about her.

In 2003, she appeared in more than 80 pret-a-porter shows of the week, and the following year she became the official face of the Escada Sport brand.

In 2005, the model first appeared on the cover of the Sport Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Cooperation with the magazine lasted for 9 years.

At the same time, a flurry of offers fell upon Anna Vyalitsyna. “Anna Molinari” and “Tommy Hilfiger”, “Diesel” and “Victoria's Secret” wanted to see her as the face of her brand. For more than three years, she has starred in advertising campaigns for more than 20 fashion brands. Covers and photographic series featuring Anya Vyalitsyna by Steven Meisel, Patrick Demarchelier, Ellen von Unwerth and Gilles Bensimon, her characters have been compared to Grace Kelly in Hitchcock's To Catch a Thief. From that moment on, Anya has been assigned the image of a “wild good girl”, which is interesting to photographers for its complexity.

Anna Vyalitsyna became one of those fashion models who raised the rating of Russian models to an incredible height. Her agent Duncan Ord said: “Russians have a work ethic that no other nationality has. Photographers and designers love their looks, but absolutely everyone appreciates their attitude. They give their all to work and, no matter how old they are, they understand the rules of this business.”

Anna was also noticed by the eminent lingerie brand Victoria`s Secret, which invited the model to defile at the annual enchanting show in 2008. Later, their collaboration continued in 2010-2011.

Anna Vyalitsyna at the Victoria`s Secret show

In addition to her modeling career, Vyalitsyna starred in two videos for Maroon 5: in 2010 for the song Misery and in 2011 for Never Gonna Leave This Bed. In "Misery" Vyalitsyna appeared as an angry fury, and in "Never Gonna Leave This Bed" - a languid lover.

Anna Vyalitsyna in the video "Misery" by Maroon 5

She also played several small roles in films. She can be seen in the tapes "Die Hard: A Good Day to Die" and "Lullaby".

The growth of Anna Vyalitsyna: 178 centimeters.

Anna Vyalitsyna's parameters: hips - 82 cm, waist - 60 cm, chest - 86 cm.

Personal life of Anna Vyalitsyna:

Anna had a stormy personal life.

She was credited with an affair with an actor. But she herself denied a relationship with the star. Anna said: “Everyone tortured me with questions about the affair with Leonardo DiCaprio, but even more terrorized my mother. It so happened that we were vacationing together in the same company in Ibiza, and the journalists were able to identify only him and me. So it started in the yellow press. I have known Leonardo for a very long time, but I never had an affair with him."

In 2010, during a Maroon 5 concert, she met singer and musician Adam Levin. The most interesting thing is that at the first meeting they did not like each other at all. The model recalled: "He thought I was an arrogant bitch, and I - that he was another jerk musician." But soon they began an affair and they became the official star couple. They appeared together at all secular parties, and also starred together in videos. In November 2011, the musician performed a serenade for his beloved during the Victoria's Secret show in New York. In the same month, Anna and Adam appeared naked on the cover of Russian Vogue.

In April 2012, the couple announced their separation. According to Anna, they remained friends. "The decision was mutual, and we still love and respect each other," Anna said.

In 2013, she had a brief affair with New York Mets pitcher Matt Harvey.

In 2014, Anna Vyalitsyna met the vice president of Yahoo! Adam Kahan, with whom she began to meet and then, in fact, live in an actual marriage.

Anna Vyalitsyna with her daughter

Anna Vyalitsyna said about beauty standards: “I am for natural beauty. I don’t understand girls who prick and pump different parts of the body. As a result, everything looks the same. I’m not against correction, but individuality should remain. air and recently ran a marathon. Sleep is also very important. It's the only thing that helps you recover from flights and jet lag."

On his clothing preferences: "In any clothing, the most important thing is to feel comfortable. If you are not embarrassed by a transparent dress, then why not walk in it? As a model, I can wear everything. I like to look unconventional. But on the streets of New York, I would not risk walking in slip dresses or panty shorts. Usually I buy "unrecognizable" things, without labels. They do not have the letters G or C. Such clothes can be worn for more than one season. But the thing should attract attention, More specifically, to me. In general, I try to change my style often. It's interesting."

Prefers black: "I love black, but everyone wears it. Therefore, I always add one bright spot: a scarf or a shirt. It's not something you can stand out, you even need to."

Filmography of Anna Vyalitsyna:

2013 - Die Hard: A Good Day to Die Hard (A Good Day to Die Hard)
2014 - Lullaby (Lullaby)