Application animals in the preparatory group. “Who lives in the forest” lesson plan on applique, modeling (senior group) on the topic. Photo gallery: diagrams and templates of simple animal figures using the origami technique and examples of their use

Paper creation occupies a large place in the activity schedule in a preschool educational institution. From the nursery group, pupils learn to work with scissors, glue, and a brush, and learn how to create a pattern or picture from simple parts. In classes in the preparatory group, older children should be taught how to create three-dimensional applications and be involved in mastering the skills and principles of geometry, in particular, when designing wild and domestic animals.

Features of appliqué classes in the preparatory group of kindergarten

By the age of 6–7 years, the child handles scissors well and easily cuts out simple shapes along the contour. He can connect dotted lines or dots with a continuous line, and draw simple elements for use in appliqué. In accordance with the skills of pupils of this age, the program requirements become more complex. The teacher needs to direct the children’s imagination to create plot applications. The child should accompany the process of gluing the prepared parts with verbal comments. The game moment turns on: we not only learn how to create a craft, but at the same time we compose a story.


Pupils of the preparatory group must master the following appliqué techniques:

  • Creation according to the model. The child can trace the templates suggested by the teacher, cut them out and create a picture similar to what they saw. Students are offered several samples on a given topic and are given the opportunity to combine creation techniques and compositional elements.
  • Silhouette applique. It involves the same actions as in the previous paragraph, but the template is more complicated, the work turns out to be more labor-intensive and painstaking. For ages 6–7 years, this type of application is interesting when there is a plot-role factor in the creative process.
  • Creating a symmetrical figure or a series of symmetrical figures. These are the actions of folding a sheet of paper and cutting out half of the image. For older preschoolers, tasks in this technique should be as complex as possible: the outline for cutting should have nuances, punctures or slits must be made inside the image.
  • Broken applique. Used when working in mixed media. For example, in the form of a broken appliqué, an imitation of bird feathers or the fur of fur-bearing animals is created.
  • Overlay applique. Also used in mixed media: to depict fish scales, snake skin, bird plumage.
  • Modular application. This is work with elements of the same shape, but of various sizes and colors. The parts can be bent and one of the halves can be glued to the base (then the second half will go beyond the plane, creating a three-dimensional image). Module parts can be placed on top of each other during the gluing process.
  • Collage. Not just an image of an object is created; in the process of creativity, the child comes close to the world of art. Collage involves working with various materials, shapes and has a carefully thought-out composition, color scheme and often a plot component.

Photo gallery: examples of applications of different types on the theme “Domestic and wild animals”

Creating a direct applique based on a sample using various materials Modular applique: elements in the shape of a circle were used to create an image Silhouette applique, combining elements of simple design and plot design The basis of the applique is the symmetrical cutting of image objects. The task in the preparatory group involves cutting out complex pictures, with small details and slits. Collage applique involves the use of a variety of materials (buttons, lace, natural material, beads, pieces of fabric) Multi-layer applique: parts are glued on top of each other in such a way that a three-dimensional image is obtained

Materials used

There are no restrictions on the materials used to create applications. Fine motor skills at this age are so developed that pupils skillfully handle even bulk materials made from small particles (semolina, sawdust, colored sand).

Unusual materials should be used more and more often so that children do not lose interest in this type of creativity. The process becomes especially interesting when household materials act as applique details - so familiar in everyday life, but unexpected as a component of an object of art. This is what is most often considered garbage: wrappers, candy wrappers, foil, metal or plastic lids, etc. As well as food materials: cereals, pasta of various shapes, coffee beans, dried barberries, cloves, cinnamon sticks, even popcorn, crackers, dryers.

Photo gallery: examples of using waste and food materials to create crafts

Applique from grains and cereals To imitate hedgehog needles, seeds were used Using pasta as a material for applique Using candy wrappers as a material to create an imitation of fish scales Using popcorn to create an applique Applique from plastic bottle caps

Paper creation

What about paperwork? Of course, in the preparatory group it is also possible to create paper applications. But the teacher should definitely remember that the children spent several years honing their skills in working with scissors and glue, creating pictures and their first stories with this material. However, paper material is not only cardboard and a set of colored paper! Pupils aged 6–7 years willingly continue working with well-known material.
When preparing a lesson on creating a paper application, the teacher should follow several recommendations:

  1. Paper materials are varied. To create, we can use newspaper and magazine paper, wallpaper paper, wrapping and packaging paper, plain and themed napkins, tracing paper, graph paper, parchment, postcards, various cards, used tickets, etc.
  2. The use of other papermaking techniques when creating parts for appliqué. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Weaving- one of the oldest types of creativity. Pupils can weave a simple braid from paper strips and connect strips of different colors together. They are also woven from paper tubes, in which case the process requires more time (the tubes must be prepared in advance). There should be several separate lessons on weaving. Having mastered the technique of simple (satin weaving), students will be able to create elements for use in appliqué.

Photo gallery: using wicker parts when creating an applique

Slots are made in the base through which strips of paper are pulled An example of using weaving to create an image of an animal An example of using weaving to create an image of an animal Examples of using weaving to create an image of an animal Examples of using weaving to create an image of an animal The nest is made using a simple weaving technique

Origami- a type of Japanese art, a technique of folding paper figures. Understanding the basics of origami in childhood perfectly develops fine motor skills and prepares the hand for writing. The child gets acquainted with the basics of geometry, uses the terms “point”, “line”, “angle”, “right angle”, etc. However, mastering the work in the origami technique requires thorough immersion, this must be taken into account when drawing up calendar and thematic planning for the year: To create origami figures, you need to highlight several activities.
After the students have worked out how to make animal figures in origami classes, they can conduct a lesson on creating collective works using appliqué.

Photo gallery: diagrams and templates of simple animal figures using the origami technique and examples of their use

Origami scheme Origami scheme Origami scheme Origami scheme Origami schemes Application with origami elements Application with origami elements Application with origami elements Application with origami elements Application with origami elements Application with origami elements Application with origami elements

Quilling- twisting paper strips using a special tool or a simple pencil. Round or oval elements are created from spirals, from which an image is created by gluing the parts onto the base. You can cut paper strips for quilling yourself, or you can purchase ready-made sets of various colors and widths. It is recommended to conduct 1-2 separate lessons on quilling, the result of which can be small appliqué postcards. The lesson on creating a collective appliqué assumes that each student will be assigned an agreed number of parts from paper spirals to create, then together the children will glue the twisted elements onto the base.

Photo gallery: quilling details available for creating crafts, examples of working with them

The main element of quilling Instructions
Quilling element Instructions Applique with quilling elements Applique with quilling elements Applique with quilling elements

Paper art- a technique for creating elements from paper napkins by soaking and further twisting. Roll between palms. From napkin strips you can make flagella, from which you can roll up various shapes (leaves, circles, spirals, etc.), from squares you can make balls. This technique involves gluing elements from napkins onto a surface for further decoration (boxes, wooden frames, vases, etc.). Applications with such flagella and balls should be made on a base made of thick cardboard. Parts must be painted; the paper base may become deformed.

Photo gallery: creating elements and pictures from paper balls

The process of creating elements Prepared material for creating an image Applique from flagella twisted from strips of napkin Applique from balls rolled from pieces of napkin Applique from balls rolled from pieces of napkin

Application “Domestic and wild animals”

Pupils were introduced to the topic “Domestic and wild animals” during classes on the surrounding world in the junior and middle groups. They know the classification of animals, to what extent certain ones depend on environmental conditions, and how they adapt to existence. They know the habitats of wild animals, some behavioral features, which animals are herbivores and which are predators. They can tell no less about domestic animals: those who live on a farm, and about pets in city apartments.
Repetition and consolidation are most successful when calendar and thematic planning for the year is compiled in such a way that a return to the topic of animals occurs first in a lesson on cognitive and speech development. Pupils, together with the teacher, systematize previously acquired knowledge, develop oral speech skills, and develop an attitude towards an attentive attitude towards the surrounding world, including animals, towards a healthy lifestyle with the maximum harmony with nature in the modern world. And later, in planning, a creative activity is organized on the same topic: drawing, modeling, creating panels or appliqués.

If an individual form of work is chosen, then students can be asked to make several animals on the same basis or complete several crafts per lesson if a simple appliqué technique is used. It is preferable for children of this age to use a group form. The teacher divides the children into groups of several people, and then the students independently distribute the actions necessary to create the application.

Preparing a teacher for a lesson

To make the lesson interesting and useful, you need to think in advance about the manner in which it will be held and what goals and objectives are desired to be achieved. First of all, it is necessary to select motivating material to lead the children to the topic and further immersion in the creative process.
Options for the initial stage of the lesson:

  • Conversation with students, answers to questions, stories from personal experience. Speech skills and thought processes develop, and memory is trained.
  • Fairy tale. Perhaps the teacher will ask the students to remember tales about wild animals and try to retell one or two concisely. To develop listening skills, the teacher tells a short story about animals. An example of a tale about pets: “In the Village”:
    Once upon a time there were two friends Petya and Roma. Petya lived in the city, and Roma lived in the village. And Petya decided to go and visit Roma in the village.
    When Petya arrived, Roma decided to show him the farm. They went to a clearing and saw a cow there.
    -Who is this? - Petya was surprised.
    -This is a cow. It produces tasty and healthy milk. And from milk they make sour cream, cottage cheese and even delicious ice cream. And the cow also has very tasty meat.
    The boys went further and saw a horse.
    “Who is this?” Petya asks again.
    -This is a horse. It helps transport heavy loads and produces delicious milk called kumiss.
    After walking a little, the boys saw sheep nibbling the grass.
    “And these are sheep,” explained Roma. “They have very warm wool, from which they knit mittens and socks.”
    The boys came into the yard and saw the chickens.
    “What kind of birds are these?” asks Petya.
    - These are chickens. They lay eggs. And chicken soup is the most delicious and healthy soup in the world.
    Petya looked around and saw a dog.
    -And I know this. This is a dog. She guards the house.
    “That’s right,” said Roma.
    And the boys went home. Roma's mother fed Petya delicious chicken soup and gave him warm milk.
    Petya really liked it in the village.
  • Reading poems about animals. It is recommended to use musical accompaniment to complete the task of developing aesthetic taste and a sense of beauty (playing audio recordings in the background or using a projector to view a presentation with audio accompaniment).
  • Use of visual material. Posters “On the farm”, “In the forest”, “At the zoo”, books about animals with illustrations, viewing slides or cards.

Photo gallery: examples of visual motivating materials

Lesson notes

The outline should reflect the stages of the lesson, indicating the approximate time for each, the materials and tools used, what goals and objectives were set and whether they were achieved, and an analysis of the work done (what was successful and what was not) is required.

Note plan:

  1. Goals and objectives
  2. Tools and materials
  3. Step-by-step progress of work: organizational moment 3–4 minutes, discussion of the topic and order of actions 5 minutes, preparation of elements 14–15 minutes, gluing parts onto the base 4–5 minutes, demonstration of work, summing up 3–4 minutes
  4. Reflection

Example of a summary: applique from cotton pads

  1. Goal: making an application on a given topic. Objectives: improving fine motor skills, developing imagination and aesthetic taste, developing discipline and accuracy.
  2. Tools: scissors, glue with applicator, brushes and paints, felt-tip pens. Materials: cardboard or felt base, cotton pads.
  3. Organizational moment: the teacher welcomes the children, informs them about the purpose of the lesson, names the tools and materials.
    Discussion: students are invited to view a presentation on the topic “Domestic and wild animals” followed by answers to questions. The purpose of the conversation is to review the classification of animals. Next, he voices the task for applied activities: “Select one or several animals and independently create its image using the appliqué technique from the proposed materials.”
    Preparation of elements by students (painting disks in the desired color, cutting disks into smaller elements, folding disks to create a three-dimensional image).
    Gluing parts onto the base.
    Demonstration of works. Summing up: the teacher thanks the children for their interest in the topic and the work done, and especially praises the most successful crafts.
  4. Reflection: what difficulties arose during the lesson, what in the notes needs improvement, whether the goals and objectives were achieved.

Schemes and order of execution of applications


– circle a template with a picture of a cat on a cardboard base;

– draw on the base the eyes, mouth, mustache, ears and paws of the animal;

– apply glue to the base with a brush, glue the cereal in accordance with the plan (the desired color and shape).


– trace the template with the image of a poodle, cut along the contour (white paper);

– glue the cut out element onto the base, in accordance with the plan, glue cotton balls onto the image of the dog;

– complete the necessary details (muzzle, claws) with felt-tip pens.


– trace and cut out elements from felt of different colors according to the template;

– stick the parts onto the base by overlapping.


– draw and cut circles of different diameters from paper of various colors in accordance with the plan;

– glue the modules to the base, bending them according to plan.

"In the Forest"

– paint the base for the workpiece;

– glue parts made from natural materials.

"Bears at the Pole"

– glue elements for creating a photo (crumpled paper, cotton wool) onto a colored base;

– draw and cut out an image of bears along the contour;

– glue new details to the background image;

– complete your plans with felt-tip pens.

– glue the leaves onto the base in accordance with the plan (overlay and design technique).


– create elements using the quilling technique (performed by a group);

– stick the elements onto the base.

"Fish in the Aquarium"

Video: how to make a cat from yarn

In the preparatory group of kindergarten it is still important to create applications. This type of paperwork plays a big role in the all-round development of a child. Older preschoolers work with all kinds of materials and use various techniques. It is necessary to conduct application classes more often in group form: this is how the guys learn to interact with each other, distribute responsibilities, and communicate on the same level. Without interrupting the creative process, students develop speech skills and fantasize. The plot application has a game form, but serves to fulfill several pedagogical tasks - educational, developmental, aesthetic.

Goal: - develop compositional skills - place silhouettes of animals in a panorama of a winter forest; develop an eye and accuracy;
- to cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature; interest in knowledge of nature and a more subtle reflection of impressions in fine art; confidence in your skills;
- teach children to create a plot composition from silhouettes of wild animals, cut out according to a self-circulated template. Introduce the concept of silhouette; learn to use new materials in your work (threads, cotton wool); support personal creativity.
Materials and equipment: unfinished composition “Winter Forest”, white sheets of paper, templates of wild animals, scissors, glue, pencils, cotton wool, colored threads, cloth napkins, oilcloth, toys - bear, squirrel, hare, fox, wolf, paintings depicting Russian nature.

Preliminary work: creating the composition “Winter Forest”, talking about wild animals, looking at illustrations in books and magazines; didactic games: “Name it correctly”, “Draw an animal”, “Who lives where”.

Educator: guys, tell me, what country do we live in? (Children: in Russia). That's right, in Russia. Our country is large and beautiful, the fields of Russia are wide, the rivers and lakes are deep, the forests of Russia are thick. (As the story progresses, pictures depicting the nature of Russia are displayed). There are many animals in the forests of our country. Name them. (Children's answers). Well done! The fauna of our country is diverse. Now I’ll tell you riddles, and you name the animals in question.
In the summer he wanders without a path between the pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost. (Bear).

Straight from the tree to the stump
The red light jumped.
And then onto the alder trunk
He jumped up with a dashing jump. (Squirrel).

When I'm hungry, don't meet me
I’ll click my teeth and eat it casually. (Wolf).

Guess what kind of hat?
Furs - a whole armful,
The hat is running in the forest,
It gnaws the bark of the trunks. (Hare).
Look what it's like
Everything burns like gold
Walks around in a fur coat dear,
The tail is fluffy and large.
She's a master at subterfuge.
What's her name? (Fox).
As the riddles are solved, the corresponding animals appear from the basket, and each of them is examined and discussed.
Educator: guys, I suggest you choose and make any animal and place it in our winter forest. To do this, you have pictures on your tables - silhouettes. You must apply glue to this silhouette, and then fill the silhouette with finely chopped threads or cotton wool. And you will end up with an animal with fluffy fur. All that remains is to make the nose, eyes and mouth and “place” the animal in the forest. But before that, we'll play a little.
A physical session “Funny Animals” is being held:

The bunny jumps through the bushes, They jump on two legs, making “ears”
Through the swamp and over the hummocks. from the palms.
The squirrel jumps on the branches, They jump with their arms bent in front of their chest.
The mushroom is carried to baby squirrels.
A bear with a clubfoot is walking, They are waddling.
He has crooked paws.
Without paths, without paths They move in a half-squat, making
A prickly hedgehog is rolling. round backs.
Children sit at tables and each make their own animal, then glue it onto the winter forest composition.
Educator: guys, look how beautiful we have turned out! Our forest came to life, as if someone had worked a magic wand here! Well done to you!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 202 City of Miracles" in the city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic


Organized educational activities

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

in the senior group

Modeling of animals according to the plan “Who lives in the forest?”

Prepared by the teacher

Akhmeeva Natalia Anatolyevna



Topic: Who lives in the forest?

Program content

Target: continue to introduce children to the techniques of sculpting animals in motion.



  • teach children to plan their work: conceive an image, divide the material into the required number of parts of different sizes, convey the shape and proportional relationship of the parts;
  • strengthen children's ability to solve riddles;
  • arouse interest in the life of wild animals.


  • develop creative imagination, emotional responsiveness;
  • develop fine motor skills of the hands.


  • activate the dictionary on the topic “Wild animals of our forest”: little hare, fluffy, stubby (tail), cautious, cheat, etc.


  • cultivate perseverance and interest in modeling.


  • teach children to sculpt animals in motion in a constructive way, using existing skills and abilities to work with dough - rolling, flattening, dividing the whole into parts using stacks, teach to combine sculpted parts into one whole, connect them tightly by smearing one part to another and smooth out the boundaries connection of parts;
  • to develop in children the ability to convey details in modeling, to show techniques for decorating a sculpted figure with additional elements.

Material and equipment:

  1. Salt dough (multi-colored),
  2. Modeling board,
  3. stack,
  4. Silhouettes of wild animals,
  5. Beads,
  6. Forest composition of plastic trees.

Previous work:

  1. Reading Russian folk tales;
  2. Examination of illustrations;
  3. Reading stories about the life of animals in our forests;
  4. Conversations about the features of their body covering (fur, spines);
  5. Rolling out dough into columns.

Methodical techniques:

  1. Traveling to the forest by bus
  2. Riddles about animals
  3. Physical education minute. Finger gymnastics
  4. Practical part: explanation of animal sculpting techniques
  5. Independent activity for children: sculpting an animal according to design

GCD move:

  1. Invitation to travel

Educator: Attention! Attention! Those wishing to take a fascinating journey into the animal world, please take your seats! The bus is leaving! Where? Guess what. Guess the riddle and find out where the funny bus will take us today.

  • This city is not simple, it is dense and dense (Forest)

Educator: Yes, today we will go with you to the forest. Who can we meet there? But listen to who the poet Nikolai Rubtsov met there.

A hare ran through the meadow into the forest.

I was walking home from the forest -

Poor frightened hare

So he sat down in front of me,

So he died, stupid,

But, of course, at that very moment

Jumped into the pine forest,

Hearing my cheerful cry.

And probably for a long time

With eternal trembling in silence

I thought somewhere under the tree

About yourself and about me.

I thought, sighing sadly,

What friends does he have?

After Grandfather Mazai

There is no one left.

  • Who did the poet meet in the forest?
  • What happened to the hare when he saw the poet?
  • What is the hare in Nikolai Rubtsov's poem?

Educator: Guys, while we were talking, our bus drove up to the forest. I suggest you come to the table.(There is a forest on the table).Who do you think we will meet here? Guess the riddle.

  • Jumps through the forest - hides his ears, stands up like a pillar - his ears stick up" (Hare)

The teacher demonstrates a pre-fashioned hare.

  • Why does a hare have white fur?
  • Why did he change the color of his fur coat?

Educator: You can make a hare in different ways: it can be a small, touching bunny that got lost, or a frivolous hare, Boast, a hare offended by an insidious fox. In all fairy tales, the hare is bullied, so we will sculpt a hare that can run fast. The back of a running hare is arched, the legs are widely spaced, the head is turned forward, the ears are slightly pressed to the head, and the tail is to the body.

  1. Physical education minute.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

The bunny is hungry to sit

Need to warm up my paws.

Paws up, paws down,

Pull yourself up onto your toes.

We put our paws on the side,

On your toes, hop-hop-hop!

And then squat down,

So that your paws don't get cold.

  • Look what -

Everything burns like gold.

Walks around in a fur coat dear,

The tail is fluffy and large. (Fox)

Educator: In order to mold the body, we roll out a thick cylinder, flatten it slightly, and cut it on both sides. Then we bend it in an arc. The body is ready. Apply the tail and muzzle. It turns out this is a fox. This craft is very plastic. By changing the position of the legs, we can make the fox walk or sit. You can decorate the fox with additional small details.

  • Under the moon, in cold winter,

A hungry gray beast is prowling,

From the bushes with your teeth - click!

Beware - it's... (wolf)

Educator: The head, tail and body are done in exactly the same way. You can not only put the wolf on its legs, but also sit it down. Or, by changing the position of the paws, make him “run”. Making a wolf from dough in this way is also easy. Using these sculpting methods as a basis, you can sculpt not only a wolf, but also many other animals.

  • Furry grandfather walks -

Thick-footed, club-footed -

He loves raspberries with honey

And he sleeps in the den for six months. (Bear)

  • Black-eyed - clattering.

Wears tassels on his ears,

Jumps along the branches like a light

And he hides nuts in the hollow. (Squirrel)

Educator: But the squirrel’s body is made of a figure consisting of half a circle and half an oval, this figure is called an ovoid. The head is made in the form of a small ball, slightly pointed at one end. Decorate the chest with a white cake, make two cheeks, add a black nose. To get the legs, roll two small orange sausages. Use a spatula to mark the fingers; on the top of the head – ears made of small orange triangles with brown tassels at the ends. Be sure to treat the squirrel with a porcini mushroom.

Educator: So you and I visited the forest and learned a lot of interesting things. Let's depict the animals we met in memory of our unforgettable journey.

  1. Practical part

The children are seated at the tables.

Educator: Let's think about how many parts you need to divide a piece of dough into to make a running hare.

  • See if all the parts are the same size? (No)

Stages of work execution.

1. Torso

  • The piece from which we will sculpt the body and legs is the largest.

We mark half of the piece with a stack, and then we divide one half in half again and cut it with a stack.

2. Head

  • We divide this cut piece into two equal parts: from one part we make a head: we roll out the dough in a circular motion into the shape of a ball and flatten it slightly on one side.

3. Ears and tail

  • And from the other part we sculpt ears - long, pointed at the tips. The ears are made by rolling out a “sausage”, and the tail is stubby, short and round. For the tail, take the smallest piece of dough and roll out a small ball. Then these parts are attached to the head and torso.
  • It's me, the trickster bunny! Do you know where my fluffy fur coat went? I'm completely cold!

Educator: What should we do guys? How to help a bunny? (Children's answers)

The teacher takes the stick and scratches short strokes on its back, as if drawing fur. Children draw fur on their bunnies.

Educator: Now we will all check together whether we managed to prepare the material for modeling well:

  • Show us what we will sculpt the body and legs from?
  • Find material for the head.
  • What will come out of the remaining piece? (tail and ears). You will divide this piece into parts yourself, and figure out how best to sculpt the tail and long ears.
  • Where should we start sculpting a hare? (From the body and legs). Roll out a piece of dough with circular movements of your palms to form a ball, then with straight movements roll out the dough into the shape of an oval or cylinder.

The teacher makes a column, and it is given a certain position.

Educator: The ends of the column lowered down are cut with a stack, moved apart and smoothed, then the remaining parts are attached.

  1. Independent activities of children

By observing the children’s work, the teacher helps them achieve an expressive representation of the animal’s image.

  1. Finger gymnastics.

Alternately connecting all fingers with the thumb, starting with the index finger and ending with the little finger. In the opposite direction from the little finger to the index finger. First, the child connects the fingers of one hand, then the other (on stressed syllables).

  • Hedgehog, bear, badger, raccoon

They sleep in winter every year (change of hands).

  • Wolf, hare, lynx, fox

You will find it in the forest in winter.

Educator: We need to go back to kindergarten.

  1. Final part

Educator: Well done! Now our animals will not freeze, they have warm fur coats, beautiful eyes and they can run fast. And we will put them in the forest.

  • Where were you and me and what did we do?

List of used literature

  1. Fun plasticine. Learning to sculpt / artist O.S. Moskovka. – M.: Flamingo, 2014.
  2. Raising and teaching children in the senior group of kindergarten / ed. V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006.
  3. Kazakova, T. G. Classes with preschoolers in visual arts / T. G. Kazakova. – M.: Education, 1996.
  4. Kazakova, T. G. Develop creativity in preschoolers: a manual for kindergarten teachers / T. G. Kazakova. – M.: Education, 1995.
  5. Komarova, T. S. Visual arts classes in the senior group of kindergarten: lesson notes / T. S. Komarova. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008.
  6. Komarova, T.S. Visual activities in kindergarten: programs and methodological recommendations / T.S. Komarova. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006.
  7. Tomilova, S. D. A complete reader for preschoolers with methodological tips. In 2 books / S. D. Tomilova. M.: AST, 2013.
  8. Khananova, I. Salty dough: fantasies made from flour, salt and water / I. Khananova. – M.: AST-Press, 2012.

Irina Polomoshnova
Summary of GCD for application for children of the preparatory group “Kingdom of Wild Animals”

Lesson topic: « wild animal kingdom»

Target: Continue introducing children with applique techniques– gluing the silhouette with finely chopped threads, conveying the effect "fluffy fur".

Educational objectives:

Expand knowledge children about wild animals;

Continue to strengthen the skill children work with templates, trace along the contour;

Improve your ability to use scissors;

Learn to apply glue to the base evenly, in a thin layer.

Developmental tasks:

Continue to develop imaginative thinking and attention;

Develop fine motor skills and perseverance.

Educational tasks:

To develop independence, the ability to plan one’s activities, and accuracy in performing work;

Instill a friendly attitude towards others.

Integration of educational regions:

"Cognition"- consolidation of knowledge about wild animals, broadening your horizons.

"Reading fiction"- riddles about wild animals;

M. Prishvin "Belyak"; N. Sladkov "Mysterious beast» , "Forest Tales".

"Health"- checking seating arrangements at tables, developing cultural and hygienic skills.

"Physical culture"- warm-up; dynamic pause: “A bear walks through the forest...”

"Communication"- free communication between adults and children.

"Safety"- establish rules for safe handling of scissors.

"Work"- tidy up the workplace.

"Music"- audition audio recordings: "Sounds of Nature".

Types of children's activities:



Perception of fiction


Preliminary work:

Looking at the album « Wild animals» , conversations, reading fiction literature: M. Prishvin "Belyak"; N. Sladkov "Mysterious beast» , "Forest Tales".

Progress of the lesson

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher conducts an outdoor game “The little gray bunny was jumping...”

The gray bunny jumped,

(jumping on two legs moving forward in a circle)

The bunny was looking for food for himself,

(we look out from under the palm in different directions)

Suddenly the hare’s ears rose up like arrows on the top of his head,

(raise our palms behind our heads)

The bunny confuses his tracks

(jumping on two legs left and right)

Running away from trouble!

(running in place)

The teacher turns to children: “Guys, tell me who the hare is afraid of!”

Children answer: "Wolf, fox, bear".

The teacher tells the children that we are in kingdom of wild animals, and offers to guess riddles about wild animals:

Look what she is like -

Everything burns like gold!

Walks around in a fur coat dear,

The tail is fluffy and big!


He looks like a shepherd

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep.


Not a lamb or a cat,

Wears a fur coat all year round.

Gray fur coat - for summer,

For winter - a different color.


In summer he wanders without a road

Between pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hiding your nose from the frost.


Educator: “Well done guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly!”

And now we will look at the illustrations with the image wild animals. Children look at the images, the teacher invites the children to name their favorite animal, talk about its lifestyle and habits. After the story children, invite them to choose the animal they like and choose the appropriate color of thread for it.

Physical education minute

A bear walks through the forest,

(bear walking)

Wants to sit down and sit.

Where is such a place?

(spreads his hands in front of him)

So the bear could sit down?

That stump is tall,

(right hand in front of chest)

There's a twig sticking out

(left hand on the belt, right hand clenched into a fist,

Index finger sticks out)

That's wet moss

(spread your arms in front of you)

The moss has dried up

(rub your palms)

That's a low stump

(sit down)

It's a thick shadow

(raise your hands)

It's a narrow ditch

(stretch forward with both hands)

That's a nest of ants

(show a semicircle in front of you)

Then the magpie screams

(waves arms, jumps)

Those are the thorns on the side,

(jump to the side)

Those are bushes

(semicircle in front of you)

It's a river

(left, right with hands)

There is no good place.

(grab your head)

This is a tale about a bear,

About the bear - picky!

Children are seated at tables (the teacher monitors posture children) .

(an audio recording is played in the background during the practical part "Sounds of Nature")

The teacher explains to the children the sequence work: Trace the animal template onto cardboard and cut out the silhouette of the animal. Finely chop the threads. In order to speed up the process, wind the threads, remove and finely chop. The finer the threads are cut, the neater the work will look. Apply glue evenly to the cardboard base and glue the threads. Make eyes and beads. The animals are ready.

After completing the work, ready the little animals are attached to the prepared Whatman paper with a picture of a forest. Children clean up their work places.

Summary of the lesson. The teacher invites the children to remember what they did in class today. Then the teacher evaluates the work of each child.

Direct educational activities in the preparatory school group. Collective application “Animals in the forest”.
Goal: - develop compositional skills - place silhouettes of animals in a panorama of a winter forest; develop an eye and accuracy;
- to cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature; interest in knowledge of nature and a more subtle reflection of impressions in fine art; confidence in your skills;
- teach children to create a plot composition from silhouettes of wild animals, cut out according to a self-circulated template. Introduce the concept of silhouette; learn to use new materials in your work (threads, cotton wool); support personal creativity.
Materials and equipment: unfinished composition “Winter Forest”, white sheets of paper, templates of wild animals, scissors, glue, pencils, cotton wool, colored threads, napkins - cloth, oilcloth, toys - bear, squirrel, hare, fox, wolf, paintings depicting Russian nature.

Download abstract

Preliminary work: creating the composition “Winter Forest”, talking about wild animals, looking at illustrations in books and magazines; did. games: “Name it correctly”, “Draw an animal”, “Who lives where”.

Educator: guys, tell me, what country do we live in? (Children: in Russia). That's right, in Russia. Our country is large and beautiful, the fields of Russia are wide, the rivers and lakes are deep, the forests of Russia are thick. (As the story progresses, pictures depicting the nature of Russia are displayed). There are many animals in the forests of our country. Name them. (Children's answers). Well done! The fauna of our country is diverse. Now I’ll tell you riddles, and you name the animals in question.
In the summer he wanders without a path between the pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost. (Bear).

Straight from the tree to the stump
The red light jumped.
And then onto the alder trunk
He jumped up with a dashing jump. (Squirrel).

When I'm hungry, don't meet me
I’ll click my teeth and eat it casually. (Wolf).

Guess what kind of hat?
Furs - a whole armful,
The hat is running in the forest,
It gnaws the bark of the trunks. (Hare).
Look what it's like
Everything burns like gold
Walks around in a fur coat dear,
The tail is fluffy and large.
She's a master at subterfuge.
What's her name? (Fox).
As the riddles are solved, the corresponding animals appear from the basket, and each of them is examined and discussed.
Educator: guys, I suggest you choose and make any animal and place it in our winter forest. To do this, you have pictures on your tables - silhouettes. You must apply glue to this silhouette, and then fill the silhouette with finely chopped threads or cotton wool. And you will end up with an animal with fluffy fur. All that remains is to make the nose, eyes and mouth and “place” the animal in the forest. But before that, we'll play a little.
Physical examination is carried out. minute “Funny Animals”:

The bunny jumps through the bushes, They jump on two legs, making “ears”
Through the swamp and over the hummocks. from the palms.
The squirrel jumps on the branches, They jump with their arms bent in front of their chest.
The mushroom is carried to baby squirrels.
A bear with a clubfoot is walking, They are waddling.
He has crooked paws.
Without paths, without paths They move in a half-squat, making
A prickly hedgehog is rolling. round backs.
Children sit at tables and each make their own animal, then glue it onto the winter forest composition.
Educator: guys, look how beautiful we have turned out! Our forest came to life, as if someone had worked a magic wand here! Well done to you!

  • Summary of a lesson on speech development. Topic: Steppe riddles
  • Synopsis of an integrated educational activity in the educational areas “Cognition”, “Socialization” in the preparatory group “The Country in which we live”