Autobiography of Alexander Timchenko judicial weightlifting. Business history of billionaire Gennady Timchenko. Private life of Gennady Timchenko

Gennady Timchenko became a millionaire back in the 90s, but for many years in Russia only a few friends and business partners knew about him. He himself did not seek fame. Timchenko is the same age as President Vladimir Putin and one of his friends. He was born into a military family in Leninakan, spent his childhood in Germany and Ukraine, and received his higher education in Leningrad.

In the late 80s, Timchenko got a job at the Kirishineftekhimexport foreign trade association, which exported oil products from the Kirishi refinery, and this determined his future fate and career. Until the Crimean events of 2014, the trade in oil and oil products was his main business. In 1997, together with partner Torbjorn Tornqvist, he founded the oil trading company Gunvor. Pretty soon it became a major supplier of Russian oil to foreign markets. State and private oil companies worked with Gunvor - Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz, TNK-BP, Gazprom Neft. By the end of the 2000s, Gunvor became one of the three largest oil traders in the world: in 2010, it sold 116 million tons of oil, with revenues of $68 billion.

The day before the sanctions, on March 19, 2014, Timchenko sold 44% of the trader to Tornquist, and now the basis of his fortune is the stakes in Novatek, the country's second largest gas company after Gazprom, and Sibur, the largest petrochemical holding. Timchenko also controls one of Russia's leading construction companies, Stroytransgaz, the carrier of oil products Transoil, and invests in food production: he owns the Aquanika water plant and apple orchards in the Krasnodar Territory.

The Timchenko family lived abroad for a long time - first in Finland and then in Switzerland, but now, due to sanctions, they spend their time mainly in Russia. Timchenko's wife Elena heads their joint charitable foundation, which supports the older generation, develops sports and culture, and helps children. The eldest daughter Natalya studied English literature at Oxford, and now, according to Forbes sources, she has taken up cinema. The youngest daughter Xenia graduated from the University of Edinburgh, where she studied philosophy and French. Her husband is Gleb Frank, the son of Sovcomflot CEO Sergei Frank, and the couple has two children. Timchenko's younger son Ivan is studying international relations at the University of Geneva.

Number The ice palace in St. Petersburg, which by 2023 plans to build the SKA club under the leadership of Timchenko, can cost 20 billion rubles. It will be the largest ice arena in the world.

Deal Timchenko is actively investing in agriculture in the Krasnodar Territory, in particular in the production of apples. In December 2018, his structure became a co-owner of the Divnomorskoye Estate winery, which produces premium wines. The company has its own vineyards with an area of ​​47 hectares.

Brand Aquanika water.

Citizenship Finland, Russia.

Hobby Plays hockey, collects a collection of works by Soviet artists.

Charity The Charitable Foundation of Elena and Gennady Timchenko is engaged in supporting the older generation, developing sports and culture, and helping children.

Sport President of HC SKA, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the KHL, Vice President of the Russian Olympic Committee.

Timchenko Gennady Nikolaevich- Russian businessman, one of the richest people in the country. Owner of the investment company Volga Group, co-owner of the gas company NOVATEK, railway operator Transoil and many other successful and hugely profitable enterprises. In the world of big business, Timchenko has a very significant weight, and therefore, most Russian and foreign businessmen consider cooperation with him a success. In 2013, he was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor in France for the successful organization of an exhibition of Russian art in the Louvre.

Entrepreneur Gennady Timchenko

Family and childhood

Gennady Timchenko was born in Armenia, in the city of Leninakan (now Gyumri) November 9, 1952 where he spent the first seven years of his life. On the paternal side, his ancestors are from Ukraine. The father was a military man, in connection with which the family quite often changed their place of residence, both cities and countries. But the boy spent most of his childhood in Ukraine and the GDR. Also in Ukraine, in the city of Bolgrad, Odessa region, he graduated from a secondary school.

The dream of a young school graduate was to become a submariner. He applied for admission to the Leningrad school, but when passing the medical expert commission, it became clear that this dream was not destined to come true. The young man was not accepted as a submariner. Gennady decided to try his luck at another higher educational institution and successfully entered the Leningrad Military Mechanical Institute (the famous Voenmekh).

Gennady Timchenko in his youth

Public activities and career

At the end of the institute, the graduate was waiting for distribution in Kolpino- a municipal formation in the south of Leningrad, in the Izhora plant functioning there. They produced electric generators for nuclear and power plants. Thus, in 1976, the newly minted mechanical engineer began his career as a master of the electromechanical shop.

Entrepreneur Timchenko Gennady

Suddenly there was a boost in his career: thanks to a good knowledge of the German language, he got into the trade department of the plant, from there he soon moved to the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade as a senior engineer. Such work meant frequent business trips to foreign countries. Because of this, assumptions about the cooperation of Gennady Timchenko with the KGB became possible. Timchenko himself does not confirm such rumors. But one thing is for sure: frequent stays abroad greatly influenced the outlook of the young man. In addition, during those trips, he established successful business relationships, mainly in Finland and Switzerland, which helped him years later in his own business.

Gennady Timchenko


Gennady Timchenko worked in the public service for six years. In 1988, a new stage in his career began - he went into business, namely oil. He is appointed to the post of deputy director of the company "KiNEks", engaged in foreign trade. It was created on the basis of an oil refinery " Kirishineftekhimexport", the largest in the country. It was this enterprise that was the first to receive the right to supply its oil outside the Soviet Union.

At work in "Kineks" Timcheno got acquainted with Evgeny Maslov and Andrey Katkov who later became his business partners. Since the sale of oil abroad involved the constant intervention of controlling and closed state structures and services, the three new friends entered into close cooperation with a former KGB officer. Andrey Pannikov. He had extensive and significant connections, and soon the joint actions of the four friends bore fruit. The beginning of cooperation with the Finns was laid, and the Russian-Finnish company Urals appeared, through which all export operations of Kinex began to be carried out. Thus, it was thanks to Gennady Timchenko that the first ways of trading oil products with Western countries appeared in the USSR, and Gennady himself became the main oilman of the Soviet state.

Businessman Gennady Timchenko

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was a turning point in the life of Gennady Timchenko. He changed his place of residence - moved to Finland - and became the head of a large oil company Urals Finland Oy. This enterprise imported Russian oil and oil products to various European countries. It also made purchases from the Russian plant Kirishineftekhimexport, which Timchenko continued to manage. Soon, when mass privatization began in Russia in 1996, Gennady Nikolaevich bought KiNEks from the state and turned it into a new oil trading company called Gunvor. His partner in this case was a Swedish businessman Torbjorn Tornqvist. Through Gunvor, the main Russian oil companies sold their oil abroad, such as Surgutneftegaz, Gazprom, TNK-BP, Rosneft. It is noteworthy that in 1999 Timchenko had to give up the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation in favor of the status of a citizen of Finland. The reason was the ban of the Finnish authorities on dual citizenship in this state. Since 2001, the businessman has been living permanently in Switzerland.

Gennady Timchenko - co-owner and member of the board of directors of OAO NOVATEK

All this activity brought Gennady Timchenko huge profits. In 2007, Gunvor had revenues of $70 billion, which made it possible for a Russian businessman to think about starting his own enterprise without the participation of other entrepreneurs. The result was a venture capital company called Volga Resources. It invests Russian businessmen, helping them to implement their projects in the most demanded sectors: infrastructure, energy, transport. Volga Resources has combined many companies, including those owned by Timchenko himself. it Novatek, Yamal LNG, Sukhodol, Petromir, Transoil, Stroytransgaz, SIBUR.

Gennady Timchenko

Timchenko and Putin

Relations between Gennady Timchenko and the Russian president have been discussed since the early 2000s. It was then that relevant references began to appear in the media. In particular, they said that it was Putin who, working in the 90s in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg, contributed to the formation of Timchenko's companies as the main exporters of KINEF. Having moved to Moscow, Putin did not leave cooperation with Timchenko. For example, it was rumored that one of their joint activities was the financial supply of the election campaign of a candidate for the post of governor of the Leningrad Region.

Vladimir Putin and Gennady Timchenko

Ten years ago, the British newspaper Financial Times published information that the success of businessman Timchenko is closely related to the attitude of Vladimir Putin towards him. Gennady Nikolaevich then wrote a letter rebutting this assertion. Also, Western publications call Timchenko one of the friends of the Russian president in the martial art of judo. As you know, Putin has a rather limited number of such friends. Magazine Forbes in 2012, he published an interview with Gennady Timchenko, in which the businessman admitted that meetings between him and Vladimir Putin do occur from time to time. But the topics for discussion at such meetings are sports issues, most often related to hockey, and the interlocutors do not touch business. In another statement to the press, Timchenko argued that his success should in no way be attributed to the Russian president. The reason for his success was the processes that took place in the state at the turn of the era, and personal acquaintance with Putin has nothing to do with this.

Gennady Timchenko is a friend of Vladimir Putin

Timchenko's fortune

Two years ago, in 2016, the state of Gennady Timchenko reached 11.4 billion dollars. Thanks to this fact, he was ranked fifth in the ranking of the richest entrepreneurs in Russia according to Forbes magazine. Already in the next year, 2017, the businessman's fortune increased to $16 billion. This moved him to the fourth position among Russian oligarchs. In the global ranking, Gennady Nikolayevich occupies the fifty-ninth place. The main income comes from the company Volga Group through their assets. But not only they are his property. The billionaire also owns large estates in Finland and Switzerland.

Personal life

Gennady Timchenko is married, and, unlike most oligarchs, his wife has been unchanged for many decades. it Elena Timchenko, who studied with him at the same higher educational institution - Voenmekhe. But the young people were not classmates, because Elena studied as a radio engineer, but their mutual acquaintances brought them together. Gennady and Elena got married three years after they met. They gave birth and raised three children: daughters Natalia and Xenia and son Sergei. Both daughters received higher education abroad: Natalia at Oxford, Xenia at the University of Edinburgh. Son Sergei studied at a Swiss school, but returned to Russia to receive higher education. At the moment, all three children remain in Russia, realize themselves both in business and in charitable activities.

Gennady Timchenko with his wife

Elena Timchenko is not only the life partner of her husband, but also his partner in business and charity. Together they founded "Timchenko Fund", which is the largest in Russia. this foundation supports sports and culture, provides assistance to children, the elderly and families who are faced with certain problems. Everyone can get acquainted with all the achievements in this area on the foundation's website, which is very actively maintained. In addition, Gennady Timchenko regularly allocates large sums of his own money for the restoration of old and the construction of new churches throughout the country.

Gennady Timchenko with his daughter Ksenia

Among the hobbies of the billionaire are different sports: skiing, tennis, golf, hockey. He is the head of the SKA hockey club and vice president of the Russian Olympic Committee. Owns his own sailing team, participated in the international regatta.

Gennady Timchenko - President of the SKA hockey club

Timchenko today

In 2001 coal was added to the former business of the oligarch. Among other things, he became the owner of a controlling stake in a coal mining company. "Colmar» in Yakutia. He also received a significant stake in two coal mining firms from the US and South Africa. In addition, in recent years, he has acquired enterprises in various European countries: an insurance company in Germany, several hotels in France, an airline in one of the Scandinavian countries. He now owns a Russian salmon company called Russian Aquaculture. Since May 2014, all of Timchenko's capital has been fully transferred to Russia.

House of Gennady Timchenko

It is curious that the place of residence of Gennady Timchenko was the former residence Nikita Khrushchev in Sparrow Hills. Despite the ban on construction in the nature reserve, tennis courts and a helicopter pad were specially arranged for the oligarch and his family. In 2017, the billionaire solemnly celebrated his 65th birthday.

In 1976 (1977) he graduated from the Leningrad Mechanical Institute.

Gennady Timchenko is one of the richest and most successful businessmen in Russia, whose fortune in 2016 is estimated at $ 11.4 billion. The entrepreneur is considered an influential person in the country's business sphere, due to which Russian and foreign entrepreneurs seek to cooperate with him. The assets of the Volga Group founded by the oligarch include shares in the Novatek gas company, the Kolmar coal mining company, the Transoil railway company and the SIBUR petrochemical company.

Timchenko Gennady Nikolaevich was born on November 9, 1952 in the Armenian city of Leninakan in the family of a soldier of the Soviet army. By the nature of his father's service, the family of the future billionaire often moved from country to country, so the boy spent part of his childhood in the GDR and Ukraine. He graduated from high school in the Ukrainian city of Odessa region, but received his higher education at the Leningrad Military Mechanical Institute.

The businessman left the university with a diploma in electrical engineering, with which he got a job at the Izhevsk plant, which specializes in the production of large electric generators for nuclear and power plants. The start in Timchenko's career came unexpectedly - the young man spoke German, which made it possible to get a place in the trade department of the enterprise, from where Gennady, from the position of a shift master, was able to escape to the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. Working in a new position as a senior engineer involved frequent trips abroad, which could not but affect Timchenko's worldview.

Gennady worked in the civil service for 6 years, and after that, thanks to his own professionalism and dedication, he got into the oil business, having been appointed deputy director of the Kirishineftekhimexport state oil refinery, which was one of the three largest refineries in the country. At one time, information appeared in the Russian media that Timchenko worked in the structure of the KGB of the USSR in the first period of his working biography, but the entrepreneur himself denied this information in an interview in 2008.

At the enterprise, Gennady Timchenko began to communicate with Andrey Katkov and Evgeny Malov, who later became business partners. Since the export of oil abroad required coordination with closed state structures, friends coordinated projects with the KGB through the former service officer Andrei Pannikov. Thanks to the efforts of the military partners, they managed to reach out to Finnish colleagues and create the Urals company to conduct foreign trade operations.

Thanks to Timchenko, the first routes for the export of oil products to the West were built in the USSR, which made Gennady the country's leading oilman.


After the collapse of the Union in 1991, Timchenko moved to Finland and headed Urals Finland Oy, which specialized in importing Russian oil to Europe. This enterprise became a purchaser of the products of the Russian plant Kirishineftekhimexport, at that time the future billionaire was still listed as its leader.

In 1996, during the period of global privatization in Russia, Gennady Nikolayevich bought Kineks from the state and based on it, together with the Swedish partner Torbjorn Tornkvist, founded the oil trading company Gunvor. Through this company, Russian oil was exported by leading companies in the country, including Rosneft, Gazprom, Surgutneftegaz and TNK-BP.

In 2007, Gunvor's revenues reached $70 billion, and Timchenko decided to create his own investment holding without co-founders. Then the Volga Group company was “born”, specializing in investments in the development of Russian business in promising sectors - transport, energy and infrastructure. The group's assets include shares of Russian enterprises: Novatek, Stroytransgaz, Transoil, Sukhodol, Petromir, SIBUR.

In addition to the energy and transport areas, the billionaire invests in the development of the banking and insurance sectors, sports and culture, and also owns 100% of the shares of the drinking water producer Aquanika. In 2014, the group's asset portfolio was replenished with shares of Alma-Holding LLC, which specializes in the wholesale trade in food and non-alcoholic beverages.

In 2014, the businessman sold his own assets in the Gunvor company to the co-founder, which was done the day before the US imposed sanctions against Timchenko. The billionaire for himself considers the sanctions imposed against him a high assessment, which means a significant contribution to the development of the Russian economy. Gennady painlessly transferred assets to Russian banks, as he took care of this in advance.

Personal life

The personal life of Gennady Timchenko is carefully hidden from the public eye. The billionaire's wife Elena Timchenko has been the permanent partner of the oligarch both in life and in business for several decades.

The couple also conduct common charitable activities - together they founded the largest in Russia "Timchenko Fund", whose activities are aimed at supporting families and children, the older generation, the development of culture and sports. The official website of the charitable organization regularly publishes reports on the work done, children's sports news, notes on cultural events and the creation of new support centers for parents of adopted children.

In addition to the charitable foundation, Gennady Nikolayevich is considered a Russian philanthropist, since he allocates sums of money from his own funds for the construction and restoration of churches in the country.

The businessman has three children - two daughters - Natalia and Ksenia and son Sergei, who were born in Finland. Natalia graduated from Oxford, Ksenia - in Edinburgh. Sergei graduated from high school in Switzerland, but chose a Russian university. Now the children live and work in Russia, their daughters and son have followed in the footsteps of their father, are engaged in business and charity.

As for the leisure of the billionaire, in addition to business, Gennady has been fond of sports since his youth. Timchenko loves hockey, golf, alpine skiing, tennis, in connection with which he provides serious sponsorship to Russian tennis players. A photo of an entrepreneur in a hockey uniform regularly appears in the press. Timchenko participates in the Night Hockey League games along with other political and economic leaders of the country. In addition, he heads the SKA hockey club, is the vice president of the Russian Olympic Committee, and was also one of the founders of the Yavara-Neva judo club in St. Petersburg, whose honorary president is the president of the Russian Federation.

Gennady Nikolaevich has another interesting hobby - the entrepreneur brings up Romi the Labrador, the daughter of the dog of the Russian head.


The fortune of Gennady Timchenko for 2016 was estimated at $ 11.4 billion. This allowed the entrepreneur to take the 5th position in the ranking of the richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes. In addition to the assets of Volga Group, the oligarch owns estates in Switzerland and Finland. In 2017, Timchenko's fortune increased to $16 billion, which allowed the entrepreneur to climb one place in the Russian list of oligarchs. In the world ranking, the entrepreneur is in position 59.

Gennady Timchenko now

Now Gennady Timchenko lives with his family in the former residence of the Soviet leader on Sparrow Hills. Despite the fact that there is a ban on construction in the reserve, a helipad and sports courts were built on the territory of the mansion.

In 2017, Gennady Timchenko celebrated his 65th birthday. The leadership of the KHL, the chairman of the board of directors of which is the entrepreneur, as well as employees of the charitable organizations "Charitable Fund of Elena and Gennady Timchenko", "Key", "Neva" congratulated the entrepreneur on the triumph.

Gennady Timchenko (born 1952) is a Russian businessman and billionaire. He owns the Volga Group investment group founded by him, which specializes in investing in energy, transport and infrastructure assets. Previously, he was a co-owner of the international energy trader Gunvor Group. In 2014, Timchenko ranked 62nd in the ranking of billionaires according to Forbes magazine. As of April of this year, this magazine estimates his net worth at $ 11.3 billion.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the KHL and the president of the SKA club (St. Petersburg) is still the same Gennady Timchenko. The photo below was taken last year and shows him as an open and friendly person.

Youth and family

Gennady Timchenko was born in Armenian Leninakan (now Gyumri) in 1952. His family was quite typical for that time. His father served in the Soviet Army, and several years of his service were in the group of Soviet troops in Germany (GSVG). Therefore, Gena Timchenko spent 6 years of his childhood (in the period 1959-1965) in the GDR, where he learned German, as well as in Ukraine, in the city of Bolgrad in the Odessa region, where his father was subsequently transferred.

Where did Gennady Timchenko go after graduation? His biography continued in Leningrad, where he studied at an elite Soviet university - the Leningrad "voenmekh", which trains personnel for enterprises of the military-industrial complex. After graduating in 1976, he became an electrical engineer.

Who is Gennady Timchenko married to? His wife Elena, who is a citizen of Finland, actively helps her husband in his affairs, especially those related to charity. They have three adult children - two daughters and a son.

As of August last year, Timchenko and his wife lived in Moscow in a rented house that had previously been the residence of Nikita Khrushchev. He also owns a house in Switzerland, by the way, next door to a well-known Ukrainian oligarch

Gennady Timchenko himself told ITAR-TASS last year that his son continues to be a citizen of Finland and studies at the University of Geneva.

The path to the heights of business

In 1977, Timchenko began working as an engineer at the Izhora plant in the city of Kolpino near Leningrad. The enterprise then specialized in the production of large electric generators for power plants, including nuclear ones. Since the young specialist spoke German, he was transferred to the sales department of the plant. Here Timchenko began to make a career, and already in 1982 he moved to Moscow to the Ministry of Foreign Trade as a senior engineer in one of the departments of the ministry.

In 1988, when Russia began to liberalize its economy, he was appointed deputy director of the state oil company Kirishineftekhimexport (Kineks), which was established in 1987 on the basis of a refinery in one of the three largest refineries in the RSFSR. Timchenko's team built the first routes for the export of certain petroleum products from the USSR to Western countries, and Gennady Timchenko himself became one of the leading figures in the Russian (then Soviet) oil trade. Timchenko was, in fact, a pioneer in the sale of liquid petroleum products to the West, which allowed him to build ways for the movement of commodity-money flows in an almost complete absence of competition, to establish promising connections with an eye on the market future.

And it was not long in coming. As soon as the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Timchenko left Russia and was hired by Finnish-based Urals Finland Oy, which specializes in importing Russian oil to Europe. He settled in Finland and became a citizen of that country.

This is where the developments of the perestroika period came in handy. Over the course of four years, Timchenko rose to the position of first deputy and then general director of the company, which became known as International Petroleum Products Oy (IPP). And Gennady Timchenko did not forget about the family. His children, who were born in Finland, a daughter and a son, became its citizens.

This period of activity also includes acquaintance with V.V. Putin, who at that time worked in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg. However, it would be naive to believe that Timchenko's fortune arose thanks to the patronage of the then modest St. Petersburg official. The conditions for the accumulation of initial capital by him were created much earlier, back in the late eighties. While in Finland, Timchenko continued to use the Kirishi refinery as a source for importing oil products to the West, especially since until 1994 he was listed as the head of Kineks.

Having accumulated money from trading Russian oil abroad, in 1996, during the privatization, Timchenko and his partners bought out Kineks. On its basis, in 1997, the trading company Gunvor was founded, specializing in oil trading. In addition to Timchenko, the Swedish businessman Thorbjorn Turnqvist became its second major shareholder. who baffledly bought out Timchenko's stake in the company in March 2014, the day before the U.S. sanctions took action against the latter and his assets.

In 2007, Timchenko founded the private investment fund Volga Resources. Gradually, it developed into the Volga Group investment group, which consolidates its Russian and international assets in the energy, transport, infrastructure, financial services and consumer sectors.

In July 2013, he became a Chevalier of the French Legion of Honor for organizing a permanent exhibition of Russian art in the Louvre, supporting the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg and helping chess players to hold the Alekhine Memorial tournament.

Last March, following the Crimean referendum, the US Treasury placed Timchenko on a list of individuals identified as "members of the inner circle of the Russian leadership." The sanctions froze all assets he held in the US and banned him from entering that country.


In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Timchenko said that in 1999 he ceased to be a Russian citizen and received Finnish citizenship. Helsingin Sanomat wrote in 2004 that he acquired Finnish citizenship while living in Geneva at the time. In October 2012, in an interview with the Russian edition of Forbes, Timchenko said that he was both a Russian and a Finnish citizen. He told ITAR-TASS last August that he needed Finnish citizenship to travel abroad in the 1990s, when it was difficult to travel on a Russian passport, and that he never hid the fact that he had two passports. In the United States, the Department of the Treasury, when listing individuals under sanctions in connection with the Crimean events of 2014, lists him as a citizen of Russia, Finland and Armenia.

Gennady Timchenko: fortune

He has a stake in various gas, transport and construction organizations. Among his possessions: the gas company Novatek, the petrochemical concern SIBUR Holding, the railway operator for the transportation of oil products Transoil, the construction corporation STG Group and the insurance corporation SOGAZ. He is considered one of the most influential Russian oligarchs, having close ties to V.V. Putin, for which he was sanctioned by the United States as punishment for annexing Crimea to Russia. In response, Timchenko said: "You must be responsible for everything, even for friendship with the president." Until March last year, he was one of the founders of the Gunvor Group, one of the largest international energy traders.

According to the Russian edition of RBC, in 2012 Timchenko's assets were estimated at $24.61 billion.

In addition to business assets, he also owns a property in Geneva with an area of ​​341 m², which is located on a plot of just over 1 hectare, according to media reports. According to data from the Geneva Land Registry, the purchase price of the property was SFR 8.4 million (at the time of purchase in 2001 - about $11 million).

His income, according to the Finnish tax authorities, increased tenfold from 1999 to 2001. In 2001, he claimed an income of EUR 4.9 million. Due to high taxes, Gennady Timchenko moved to Switzerland in 2002 lived in Russia for the last few years.


Gennady Timchenko was a co-founder of the Gunvor Group corporation, registered in Cyprus and operating in trade and logistics in the international energy market. On March 19, 2014, he sold his stake in Gunvor to another co-founder. The sale was made the day before Timchenko was placed on the US sanctions list. The amount of the deal was not disclosed.

In November 2014, The Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York was considering allegations of illegal transactions in which the Gunvor Group bought oil from Russia from Rosneft and sold it to third parties through the U.S. financial system. Gunvor issued a retaliatory statement on November 6, denying any crime.

"Volga Group"

In 2007, Gennady Timchenko founded the Luxembourg-based Volga Resources Foundation. The fund, which unites Timchenko's assets, was renamed in June 2013 into the Volga Group investment group, represented at the international economic forum in St. Petersburg. He noted that over the next few years his group will focus on the development of infrastructure projects in Russia.

The Group owns assets in energy, transport and industrial infrastructure, as well as provides financial services, trades in consumer goods and real estate. Her most famous investments are in the gas company NOVATEK and the petrochemical company Sibur.

In April last year, Gennady Timchenko sold a 49% stake in the Finnish company IPP Oy, which owned 99% of the Finnish aviation company Airfix Aviation. It was a small part of the Volga Group portfolio.

Volga Group was listed in the 2014 sanctions list of the US Department of the Treasury (OFAC - Office of Foreign Assets Control).

Sports and recreation business

In July 2013, together with brothers Boris and Gennady Timchenko, he created Arena Events Oy, which bought 100% of the shares of Hartwall Areena, a large sports hall in Helsinki. It also has a multi-storey car park with a capacity of 1,421 private vehicles. The partners also bought a stake in the Jokerit club, whose team became the six-time champion of Finland in the top-level hockey league Liiga. Consequently, the Jokerit were transferred to the Kontinental Hockey League for the 2014-15 season, where they played in the Western Conference in the Bobrov Division.

Public activity and charity

What else is Gennady Timchenko famous for? His biography will be incomplete, if not to say a few words about his patronage. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Geographical Society.

In 1998, he became one of the co-founders of the judo club "Yavara-Neva".

In 2007, Timchenko and the Surgutex company founded the Klyuch charitable foundation, which supports family orphanages in Leningrad, Tambov and Ryazan regions.

In 2008, the Neva Foundation was founded in Geneva by the Timchenko couple in order to support and finance cultural projects in Switzerland and Russia. The main direction of work was a partnership with the Geneva Opera. The St. Petersburg Philharmonic was his trustee.

In 2010, they also created the Ladoga Foundation. Its main activity was aimed at helping the elderly, as well as restoring historical monuments, supporting cultural projects and introducing modern medicine technologies. Since September 2013, the Ladoga Foundation has been called the Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable Foundation. Reviews in the press indicate that its activities correspond to the stated focus, and the founders of the fund finance it on a regular basis.

Timchenkr is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Museum and the Tolerance Center in Moscow.

Sports and hobbies

Timchenko is a fan of playing and watching tennis. Through his former Finnish company IPP, he has sponsored an open tennis tournament in Finland since 2000. According to some reports, he was a sponsor of the Finnish team in the Davis Cup and financed a number of Russian tennis players.

In April 2011, Timchenko became the chairman of the board of directors of HC SKA (St. Petersburg), replacing Alexander Medvedev. In May of the same year, as part of the new management structure of the club, he was appointed its president.

In July 2012, he replaced him as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the KHL.


October 12, 2013 Timchenko received the French Legion of Honor. This award was the reason for the opposition Russian publicist and writer Andrei Piontkovsky to write in his blog on Ekho Moskvy that “... awarding a criminal with the nickname Gangrene with the highest distinction of the country covers the French state with disgrace.” Only one thing is not clear: from which finger Piontkovsky sucked this "gangrene". Timchenko, of course, is not an angel, but he obviously made his capital not in the criminal environment, but among the Soviet party nomenklatura, which took advantage of the “Gorbachev” perestroika to accumulate its initial capital.

Is it possible to chat with Timchenko on the Web?

In an interview with ITAR-TASS on August 4, 2014, Timchenko stated that he does not use a computer, unlike his wife Elena, who has her own email address. According to him, she receives up to one and a half hundred letters a day and tries to answer everything. Imagine how many letters Gennady Timchenko himself could receive! Contacts with him for this reason are not available to the general public.

It turns out that it is a very closed figure. Actually, this is a very convenient position, which Gennady Timchenko took advantage of. Contacts, mail - all this carries the potential risks of information leakage about his business, which, in the conditions of very intense competition, can cause irreparable harm to him. That is why Timchenko is in no hurry to reveal himself to the public. However, if someone is eager to communicate with him, then you can try to write to the email address of the Timchenko Foundation: [email protected]