Baranov aviation meteorology and meteorological support of flights. Aviation meteorology. if the wind speed increases with height


Visibility- this is the visual perception of objects, due to the existence of brightness and color differences between objects and the background on which they are projected. Visibility is one of the most important meteorological factors influencing flight operations and especially the takeoff and landing of aircraft, since the pilot receives about 80% of the necessary information by visual means. Visibility is characterized by the range of visibility (how far one can see) and the degree of visibility (how well one can see). In meteorological support for aviation, only the visibility range is used, which is usually called visibility.

visibility range- this is the maximum distance from which unlit objects are visible and identifiable during the day and light landmarks at night. It is assumed that the object is always available to the observer, i.e., The terrain and the sphericity of the Earth do not limit the possibility of observation. Quantitatively, visibility is estimated in terms of distance and depends on the geometric dimensions of the object a, its illumination, the contrast of the object and the background, and the transparency of the atmosphere.

Geometric dimensions of the object. The human eye has a certain resolving power and can see objects that are at least one arc minute in size. In order for an object not to turn the distance into a point, but to be recognized, its angular size must be at least 15¢. Therefore, the linear dimensions of objects on the earth's surface, selected for visual determination of visibility, should increase with distance from the observer. Calculations show that in order to reliably determine visibility, an object must have linear dimensions of at least 2.9 m (at a distance of 500 m), 5.8 m (at a distance of 1000 m) and 11.6 m (at a distance of 2000 m). m). The shape of the object also affects visibility. Objects with sharply defined edges (buildings, masts, pipes, etc.) are seen better than objects with blurry edges (forest, etc.).

Illumination. To observe an object, it must be illuminated.

The human eye remains resistant to the perception of objects under illumination

20…20000 lx (lux). Daytime illumination varies within 400…100000 lx.

If the illumination of the object is less than the limit for the eye, then the object becomes invisible.

The contrast of the object with the background. An object of sufficient angular size can only be seen if it differs in brightness or color y from the background on which it is projected. Luminance contrast is critical, as color contrast for distant objects is flattened by optical haze.

optical haze- this is a kind of light curtain, which is formed as a result of the scattering of light rays by liquid and solid particles in the atmosphere (products of condensation and sublimation of water vapor, dust, smoke, etc.). Objects viewed from a distance through an optical haze usually change color, their colors fade, and they appear to be a grayish-blue tint.

Brightness contrast K is the ratio of the absolute difference in the brightness of the object In and background Wf to most of them.


(condition for observing luminous objects at night), then:

K=B o - B f

If a Bf>Bo

(condition for observing dark objects during the day), then:

K=B f - b about

Luminance contrast changes in the range of 0…1. At


the object is not

visible. At Bo= 0 , To

1 object is a black body.

Threshold of contrast sensitivity e is the lowest luminance contrast value at which the eye stops seeing the object. The value of e is not constant. It is not the same for different people, it depends on the illumination of the object a and the degree of adaptation of the observer's eye to this illumination. Under conditions of normal daylight and sufficient angular dimensions, an object a can be detected at e = 0.05. The loss of its visibility occurs at e = 0.02. In aviation, the value e = 0.05 is accepted. If the illumination decreases, then the contrast sensitivity of the eye increases. At dusk and at night

e = 0.6…0.7. Therefore, the background brightness in these cases should be 60…70% higher than the object brightness.

Atmospheric transparency- this is the main factor determining the visibility range, since the observed contrasts between the brightness of the object and the background depend on the optical properties of the air, on the attenuation and scattering of light rays in it. The gases that make up the atmosphere are extremely transparent. If the atmosphere consisted only of pure gases, then the visibility range during daylight hours would reach 250–300 km. Water droplets, ice crystals, particles of dust and smoke suspended in the atmosphere scatter light rays. As a result, optical haze is formed, which reduces the visibility of objects and lights in the atmosphere. The more suspended particles in the air, the greater the brightness of the optical haze and the more distant objects are already visible. The transparency of the atmosphere is worsened by the following meteorological phenomena: all types of precipitation, haze, fog, haze, dust storm, blowing snow, blowing snow, general snowstorm.

The transparency of the atmosphere x is characterized by the transparency coefficient t. It shows how much the light flux passing through a layer of the atmosphere 1 km thick is attenuated by various impurities located in this layer.


Meteorological visual range (MVL)- this is the maximum distance at which black objects with an angular size of more than 15¢ are visible and identified in the daytime, projecting against the sky near the horizon or against a background of haze.

For instrumental observations, visibility is taken as meteorological optical range of visibility (MOR - meteorological optical range), which is understood as the length of the path of the light flux in the atmosphere, at which it weakens to 0.05 from its initial value.

The MOR depends only on transparency and atmosphere, is included in the actual weather information at the aerodrome, plotted on weather charts, and is a primary element in assessing visibility conditions and for aviation needs.

Visibility for aviation purposes is the larger of the following quantities:

a) the maximum distance at which a black object of appropriate size can be distinguished and identified, located near the ground and observed against a light background;

b) the maximum distance at which one can distinguish and identify lights with a light intensity of about 1000 candela against an illuminated background.

These distances have different values ​​in air with a given attenuation coefficient.

Dominant visibility is the highest value of visibility and observable in accordance with the definition of the term visibility , which is achieved within at least half of the horizon or within at least half of the surface of the aerodrome. The surveyed space may include adjacent and non-adjacent sectors.

runway visual range(RVR - runway visual range) is the distance within which the pilot of an aircraft on the center line of the runway can see the runway pavement markings or lights delimiting the runway or marking its center line. The height of the average eye level of the pilot in the cockpit is assumed to be 5 m. Measurement of RVR by an observer is practically impossible, its estimation is carried out by calculations based on Koschmieder's law (when using objects or markers) and on Allard's law (when using lights). The reported RVR is the higher of the two. The calculation of RVR is carried out only at aerodromes equipped with high-intensity (HVI) or low-intensity (LMI) lighting systems, with a maximum visibility along the runway of less than

1500 m. If visibility is more than 1500 m, RVR visibility is identified with MDR (MOR). Guidance on the calculation of visibility and RVR is contained in the Guide to Practice for Observing and Reporting Runway Visual Range (DOS 9328).

Vertical visibility- this is the maximum height at which the crew in flight sees the ground vertically down. In the presence of clouds, vertical visibility is equal to the height of the lower boundary of the clouds or less than it (in fog, in heavy precipitation, with a general blizzard). Vertical visibility is determined using instruments that measure heights at the base of the clouds. Vertical visibility information is included in actual aerodrome weather reports in lieu of cloud base heights.

oblique visibility is the maximum distance along the glideslope at which the pilot of an approach aircraft, in transition from instrument to visual flight, can detect and recognize the start of the runway. In difficult meteorological conditions (visibility of 2000 m or less and/or height of cloud base 200 m or less), oblique visibility may be significantly less than horizontal visibility at the ground surface. This happens when there are retaining layers (inversion, isothermy) between the flying box and the earth's surface, under which small droplets of water, dust particles, industrial atmospheric pollution, etc. accumulate; or when the aircraft is landing in low cloud cover (below 200 m), under which there is a subcloud layer of dense haze of variable optical density.

Oblique visibility is not instrumentally determined. It is calculated from the measured MRV (MOR). On average, with a cloud base height of less than 200 m and a MD B (MOR) of less than 2000 m, slant visibility is 50% of the horizontal range and runway visibility.


Composition and properties of air.

The atmosphere is a mixture of gases, water vapor and aerosols (dust, condensation products). The share of the main gases is: nitrogen 78%, oxygen 21%, argon 0.93%, carbon dioxide 0.03%, the share of others is less than 0.01%.

Air is characterized by the following parameters: pressure, temperature and humidity.

International standard atmosphere.

temperature gradient.

Air is heated by the ground, and density decreases with altitude. The combination of these two factors creates a normal situation of warmer air near the surface and gradually cooling with altitude.


Relative humidity is measured as a percentage as the ratio of the actual amount of water vapor in the air to the maximum possible at a given temperature. Warm air can dissolve more water vapor than cold air. As the air cools, its relative humidity approaches 100% and clouds begin to form.

Cold air in winter is closer to saturation. Therefore, in winter, a lower cloud base and their distribution.

Water can be in three forms: solid, liquid, gaseous. Water has a high heat capacity. In the solid state, it has a lower density than in the liquid state. As a result, it moderates the global climate. The gaseous state is lighter than air. The weight of water vapor is 5/8 of the weight of dry air. As a result, moist air rises above dry air.

Atmospheric movement


Wind arises from a pressure imbalance, usually in a horizontal plane. This imbalance appears due to differences in air temperatures in adjacent areas or vertical air circulation in different areas. The root cause is solar heating of the surface.

The wind is named after the direction from which it blows. For example: the north blows from the north, the mountain - from the mountains, the valley - to the mountains.

Coriolis effect.

The Coriolis effect is very important for understanding global processes in the atmosphere. The result of this effect is that all objects moving in the northern hemisphere tend to turn to the right, and in the southern - to the left. The Coriolis effect is strongly pronounced at the poles and vanishes at the equator. The reason for the Coriolis effect is the rotation of the Earth under moving objects. This is not some real force, this is an illusion of right rotation for all freely moving bodies. Rice. 32

Air masses.

An air mass is called air having the same temperature and humidity, over a territory of at least 1600 km. The air mass can be cold if it was formed in the polar regions, warm - from the tropical zone. It can be marine or continental in terms of humidity.

When CWM arrives, the surface layer of air is heated from the ground, which increases instability. When TBM arrives, the ground layer of air cools, descends and forms an inversion, increasing stability.

Cold and warm front.

A front is the boundary between warm and cold air masses. If cold air is moving forward, it is a cold front. If warm air moves forward - a warm front. Sometimes air masses move until they are stopped by the increased pressure in front of them. In this case, the frontal boundary is called a stationary front.

Rice. 33 cold front warm front

front of occlusion.


Cloud types.

There are only three main types of clouds. These are stratus, cumulus and cirrus i.e. stratiform (St), cumulus (Cu) and pinnate (Ci).

stratus cumulus cirrus Fig. 35

Classification of clouds by height:

Rice. 36

Lesser known clouds:

Haze - Formed when warm and humid air moves ashore, or when the earth radiates heat at night into a cold and humid layer.

Cloud cap - formed above the top when dynamic updrafts occur. Fig.37

Clouds in the form of a flag - are formed behind the tops of the mountains in strong winds. Sometimes it consists of snow. Fig.38

Rotor clouds - can form on the lee side of the mountain, behind the ridge in strong winds and have the form of long wisps located along the mountain. They form on the ascending sides of the rotor and collapse on the descending ones. Indicate severe turbulence. Fig. 39

Wave or lenticular clouds - are formed during the wave movement of air in strong winds. They do not move relative to the ground. Fig.40

Rice. 37 Fig. 38 Fig.39

Ribbed clouds - very similar to ripples on the water. Formed when one layer of air moves over another at a speed sufficient to form waves. They move with the wind. Fig.41

Pileus - when a thundercloud develops to an inversion layer. A thundercloud can break through an inversion layer. Rice. 42

Rice. 40 Fig. 41 Fig. 42

Cloud formation.

Clouds are made up of countless microscopic water particles of various sizes, from 0.001 cm in saturated air to 0.025 cm with continued condensation. The main way clouds form in the atmosphere is through the cooling of moist air. This happens when the air cools as it rises.

Fog forms in cooling air from contact with the ground.


There are three main causes of updrafts. These are flows due to the movement of fronts, dynamic and thermal.

front dynamic thermal

The rate of rise of the frontal flow directly depends on the speed of the front and is usually 0.2-2 m/s. In a dynamic flow, the lifting speed depends on the strength of the wind and the steepness of the slope, it can reach up to 30 m/s. Thermal flow occurs when warmer air rises, which on sunny days is heated from the earth's surface. The lifting speed reaches 15 m/s, but usually it is 1-5 m/s.

Dew point and cloud height.

The saturation temperature is called the dew point. Assume that rising air is cooled in a certain way, for example, 1 0 С/100 m. But the dew point drops only by 0.2 0 С/100 m. Thus, the dew point and the temperature of the rising air converge by 0.8 0 С/100 m. When they equalize, clouds will form. Meteorologists use dry and wet bulbs to measure ground and saturation temperatures. From these measurements, you can calculate the base of the clouds. For example: the air temperature at the surface is 31 0 C, the dew point is 15 0 C. Dividing the difference by 0.8, we get a base equal to 2000m.

Cloud life.

Clouds during their development go through the stages of origin, growth and decay. One isolated cumulus cloud lives for about half an hour from the moment the first signs of condensation appear to decay into an amorphous mass. However, often the clouds do not break up as quickly. This occurs when the air humidity is at cloud level and cloud level is the same. The mixing process is in progress. In fact, ongoing thermality results in a gradual or rapid spread of cloud cover over the entire sky. This is called overdevelopment, or OD in the lexicon of airmen.

Continuing thermals can also feed individual clouds, increasing their lifetime by more than 0.5 hours. In fact, thunderstorms are long-lived clouds formed by thermal flows.


Precipitation requires two conditions: continuous updrafts and high humidity. In the cloud, water droplets or ice crystals begin to grow. When they get big, they start to fall. It is snowing, raining or hail.

Meteorology is a science that studies the physical processes and phenomena occurring in the earth's atmosphere, in their continuous connection and interaction with the underlying surface of the sea and land.

Aviation meteorology is an applied branch of meteorology that studies the influence of meteorological elements and weather phenomena on aviation activities.

Atmosphere. The air layer of the earth is called the atmosphere.

By the nature of the temperature distribution along the vertical, the atmosphere is usually divided into four main spheres: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and three transitional layers between them: tropopause, stratopause and mesopause (6).

Troposphere - the lower layer of the atmosphere, the height is 7-10 km at the poles and up to 16-18 km in the equatorial regions. All weather phenomena develop mainly in the troposphere. In the troposphere, clouds form, fogs, thunderstorms, snowstorms occur, aircraft icing and other phenomena are observed. The temperature in this layer of the atmosphere drops with height by an average of 6.5 ° C every kilometer (0.65 ° C for 100%).

The tropopause is the transitional layer that separates the troposphere from the stratosphere. The thickness of this layer ranges from several hundred meters to several kilometers.

Stratosphere - the layer of the atmosphere that lies above the troposphere, up to a height of approximately 35 km. The vertical movement of air in the stratosphere (compared to the troposphere) is very weak or almost absent. The stratosphere is characterized by a slight decrease in temperature in the 11-25 km layer and an increase in the 25-35 km layer.

The stratopause is the transitional layer between the stratosphere and the mesosphere.

The mesosphere is a layer of the atmosphere that extends from about 35 to 80 km. Characteristic of the mesosphere layer is a sharp increase in temperature from the beginning to the level of 50-55 km and its decrease to the level of 80 km.

The mesopause is the transitional layer between the mesosphere and the thermosphere.

Thermosphere - the layer of the atmosphere above 80 km. This layer is characterized by a continuous sharp increase in temperature with height. At an altitude of 120 km, the temperature reaches +60°C, and at an altitude of 150 km -700°C.

A diagram of the structure of the atmosphere up to a height of 100 km is presented.

The standard atmosphere is a conditional distribution along the height of the average values ​​of the physical parameters of the atmosphere (pressure, temperature, humidity, etc.). The following conditions are accepted for the international standard atmosphere:

  • pressure at sea level, equal to 760 mm Hg. Art. (1013.2 mb);
  • relative humidity 0%; temperature at sea level -f 15 ° C and falling with height in the troposphere (up to 11,000 m) by 0.65 ° C for every 100 m.
  • above 11,000 m, the temperature is assumed to be constant and equal to -56.5 ° C.

See also:


The state of the atmosphere and the processes occurring in it are characterized by a number of meteorological elements: pressure, temperature, visibility, humidity, clouds, precipitation and wind.

Atmospheric pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury or millibars (1 mm Hg - 1.3332 mb). Atmospheric pressure equal to 760 mm is taken as normal pressure. rt. Art., which corresponds to 1013.25 mb. Normal pressure is close to the mean pressure at sea level. Pressure is constantly changing both near the surface of the earth and at heights. The change in pressure with height can be characterized by the value of the barometric step (the height to which one must rise or fall in order for the pressure to change by 1 mm Hg, or 1 mb).

The value of the barometric step is determined by the formula

Air temperature characterizes the thermal state of the atmosphere. Temperature is measured in degrees. The change in temperature depends on the amount of heat coming from the Sun at a given geographical latitude, the nature of the underlying surface and atmospheric circulation.

In the USSR and most other countries of the world, a centigrade scale is adopted. For the main (reference) points in this scale are taken: 0 ° C - the melting point of ice and 100 ° C - the boiling point of water at normal pressure (760 mm Hg). The gap between these points is divided into 100 equal parts. This interval is called "one degree Celsius" - 1 ° C.

Visibility. Under the range of horizontal visibility near the ground, determined by meteorologists, is understood the distance at which it is still possible to detect an object (landmark) in shape, color, brightness. Visibility is measured in meters or kilometers.

Air humidity - the content of water vapor in the air, expressed in absolute or relative units.

Absolute humidity is the amount of water vapor in grams per liter of air.

Specific humidity - the amount of water vapor in grams per 1 kg of moist air.

Relative humidity - the ratio of the amount of water vapor contained in the air to the amount required to saturate the air at a given temperature, expressed as a percentage. From the value of relative humidity, it can be determined how close a given state of humidity is to saturation.

The dew point is the temperature at which air would reach saturation at a given moisture content and constant pressure.

The difference between the air temperature and the dew point is called the dew point deficit. The dew point is equal to the air temperature if its relative humidity is 100%. Under these conditions, water vapor condenses and clouds and fogs form.

Clouds are accumulations of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air, resulting from the condensation of water vapor. When observing clouds, their number, shape and height of the lower boundary are noted.

The number of clouds is estimated on a 10-point scale: 0 points means no clouds, 3 points - three-quarters of the sky is covered with clouds, 5 points - half of the sky is covered with clouds, 10 points - the entire sky is covered with clouds (overcast). The height of the clouds is measured using spotlights, searchlights, pilot balloons and airplanes.

All clouds, depending on the location of the height of the lower boundary, are divided into three tiers:

The upper tier is above 6000 m, it includes: cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus.

The middle tier is from 2000 to 6000 m, it includes: altocumulus, altostratus.

The lower tier is below 2000 m, it includes: stratocumulus, stratus, stratocumulus. The lower tier also includes clouds that extend at a considerable distance along the vertical, but whose lower boundary lies in the lower tier. These clouds include cumulus and cumulonimbus. These clouds stand out in a special group of clouds of vertical development. Cloud cover has the greatest impact on aviation activity, as precipitation, thunderstorms, icing and heavy turbulence are associated with clouds.

Precipitation is water droplets or ice crystals that fall from clouds onto the surface of the earth. According to the nature of the precipitation, precipitation is divided into continuous, falling from nimbostratus and altostratus clouds in the form of medium-sized raindrops or in the form of snowflakes; showers falling from cumulonimbus clouds in the form of large drops of rain, snow flakes or hail; drizzle falling from stratus and stratocumulus clouds in the form of very fine raindrops.

Flight in the precipitation zone is difficult due to a sharp deterioration in visibility, a decrease in the height of clouds, turbidity, icing in supercooled rain and drizzle, and possible damage to the surface of an aircraft (helicopter) when hail falls.

Wind is the movement of air relative to the earth's surface. Wind is characterized by two quantities: speed and direction. The unit of wind speed is meter per second (1 m/sec) or kilometer per hour (1 km/h). 1 m/s = = 3.6 km/h.

The direction of the wind is measured in degrees, and it should be taken into account that the countdown is from the North Pole clockwise: the north direction corresponds to 0 ° (or 360 °), the east - 90 °, the south - 180 °, the west - 270 °.

The direction of the meteorological wind (where it blows) differs from the direction of the aeronautical wind (where it blows) by 180 °. In the troposphere, the wind speed increases with height and reaches a maximum below the tropopause.

Relatively narrow zones of strong winds (speeds of 100 km/h and above) in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere at altitudes close to the tropopause are called jet streams. The part of the jet stream where the wind speed reaches its maximum value is called the axis of the jet stream.

The jet streams span thousands of kilometers in length, hundreds of kilometers in width, and several kilometers in height.



Department: "Air Traffic Control"

Lecture summary

on the course "Aviation meteorology"


"Aviation meteorology"

Tashkent, TGAI, 2005.

The lecture summary includes basic information about meteorology, atmosphere, winds, clouds, precipitation, synoptic weather maps, baric topography maps and radar conditions. The movement and transformation of air masses, as well as baric systems, are described. The issues of movement and evolution of atmospheric fronts, fronts of occlusion, anticyclones, snowstorms, types and forms of icing, thunderstorms, lightning, atmospheric turbulence and regular traffic - METAR, the international aviation code TAF are considered.

The lecture notes were discussed and approved at a meeting of the Department of Internal Affairs

Approved at a meeting of the Method Council of the FGA

Lecture #1

1. The subject and significance of meteorology.:

2. Atmosphere, composition of the atmosphere.

3. The structure of the atmosphere.

meteorology called the science of the actual state of the atmosphere and the phenomena occurring in it.

under the weather It is customary to understand the physical state of the atmosphere at any moment or period of time. The weather is characterized by a combination of meteorological elements and phenomena, such as atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity, air temperature, visibility, precipitation, clouds, icing, ice, fog, thunderstorms, snowstorms, dust storms, tornadoes, various optical phenomena (halos, crowns) .

Climate - long-term weather regime: characteristic of a given place, developing under the influence of solar radiation, the nature of the underlying surface, atmospheric circulation, changes in the earth and atmosphere.

Aviation meteorology studies meteorological elements and atmospheric processes from the point of view of their influence on aviation technology and aviation activities, and also develops methods and forms of meteorological support for flights. The correct consideration of meteorological conditions in each particular case for the best safety, economy and efficiency of flights depends on the pilot and controller, on their ability to use meteorological information.

The flight and dispatching staff must know:

What exactly is the effect of individual meteorological elements and weather phenomena on the operation of aviation;

Have a good understanding of the physical nature of atmospheric processes that create various weather conditions and their changes in time and space;

Know the methods of operational meteorological support for flights.

The organization of civil aviation flights of civil aviation on a global scale, and the meteorological support of these flights, is unthinkable without international cooperation. There are international organizations that regulate the organization of flights and their meteorological support. These are ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and WMO (World Meteorological Organization), which closely cooperate with each other on all matters of collection and dissemination of meteorological information in the interests of civil aviation. Cooperation between these organizations is governed by special working agreements concluded between them. ICAO defines the requirements for meteorological information arising from GA requests, while WMO determines the scientifically based possibilities to meet them and develops recommendations and regulations, as well as various guidance materials that are mandatory for all its member countries.


The atmosphere is the air envelope of the earth, consisting of a mixture of gases and colloidal impurities. ( dust, drops, crystals).

The earth is, as it were, the bottom of a vast ocean of air, and all living and growing on it owe their existence to the atmosphere. It delivers the oxygen we need to breathe, protects us from deadly cosmic rays and solar ultraviolet radiation, and protects the earth's surface from extreme heat during the day and extreme cooling at night.

In the absence of an atmosphere, the temperature of the surface of the globe during the day would reach 110° and more, and at night it would drop sharply to 100° below zero. Complete silence would reign everywhere, since sound cannot propagate in the void, day and night would change instantly, and the sky would be absolutely black.

The atmosphere is transparent, but it constantly reminds us of itself: rain and snow, thunderstorm and blizzard, hurricane and calm, heat and frost - all this is a manifestation of atmospheric processes that take place under the influence of solar energy and when the atmosphere interacts with the earth's surface itself.

The composition of the atmosphere.

Up to a height of 94-100 km. the composition of the air in percentage terms remains constant - the homosphere (“homo” from Greek is the same); nitrogen - 78.09%, oxygen - 20.95%, argon - 0.93%. In addition, the atmosphere contains a variable amount of other gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, ozone), solid and liquid aerosol impurities (dust, industrial gases, smoke, etc.).

The structure of the atmosphere.

Data from direct and indirect observations show that the atmosphere has a layered structure. Depending on what physical property of the atmosphere (temperature distribution, air composition over heights, electrical characteristics) is the basis for the division into layers, there are a number of schemes for the structure of the atmosphere.

The most common scheme of the structure of the atmosphere is the scheme, which is based on the distribution of temperature along the vertical. According to this scheme, the atmosphere is divided into five main spheres or layers: the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere.

interplanetary outer space

The upper boundary of the geocorona

Exosphere (Sphere of Scattering)


Thermosphere (ionosphere)







The table shows the main layers of the atmosphere and their average heights in temperate latitudes.

Test questions.

1. What aviation meteorology studies.

2. What functions are assigned to IKAO, WMO?

3. What functions are assigned to the Glavgidromet of the Republic of Ukhzbekistan?

4. Describe the composition of the atmosphere.

Lecture number 2.

1. The structure of the atmosphere (continued).

2. Standard atmosphere.

Troposphere - the lower part of the atmosphere, on average, up to a height of 11 km, where 4/5 of the entire mass of atmospheric air and almost all of the water vapor are concentrated. Its height varies depending on the latitude of the place, time of year and day. It is characterized by an increase in temperature with height, an increase in wind speed, the formation of clouds and precipitation. There are 3 layers in the troposphere:

1. Border (friction layer) - from the ground up to 1000 - 1500 km. This layer is affected by the thermal and mechanical effects of the earth's surface. The daily variation of meteorological elements is observed. The lower part of the boundary layer with a thickness of 600m is called the "surface layer". The atmosphere above 1000 - 1500 meters is called the "free atmosphere layer" (without friction).

2. The middle layer extends from the upper boundary of the boundary layer to a height of 6 km. Here, the influence of the earth's surface almost does not affect. Weather conditions depend on atmospheric fronts and vertical balance of air masses.

3. The upper layer lies above 6 km. and extends to the tropopause.

tropopause - transitional layer between the troposphere and the stratosphere. The thickness of this layer is from several hundred meters to 1 - 2 km, and the average temperature is from minus 70 ° - 80 ° in the tropics.

The temperature in the tropopause layer can remain constant or increase (inversion). In this regard, the tropopause is a powerful retaining layer for vertical air movements. When crossing the tropopause at the echelon, temperature changes, changes in moisture content and air transparency can be observed. In the zone of the tropopause or its lower boundary, the minimum wind speed is usually located.

Aviation meteorology

Aviation meteorology

(from the Greek met(éö)ra - celestial phenomena and logos - word, doctrine) - an applied discipline that studies the meteorological conditions in which aircraft operate, and the impact of these conditions on the safety and efficiency of flights, developing methods for collecting and processing meteorological information, preparation of forecasts and meteorological support for flights. As aviation develops (the creation of new types of aircraft, the expansion of the range of altitudes and flight speeds, the scale of territories for performing flights, the expansion of the range of tasks solved with the help of aircraft, etc.), before M. a. new tasks are set. The creation of new airports and the opening of new air routes require climate research in the areas of proposed construction and in the free atmosphere along the planned flight routes in order to select the optimal solutions to the tasks set. Changing conditions around already existing airports (as a result of human activities or under the influence of natural physical processes) requires constant study of the climate of existing airports. The close dependence of weather near the earth's surface (aircraft takeoff and landing zone) on local conditions requires special studies for each airport and the development of methods for forecasting takeoff and landing conditions for almost every airport. The main tasks of M. and. as an applied discipline - increasing the level and optimization of information support for flights, improving the quality of the meteorological services provided (accuracy of actual data and justification of forecasts), and increasing efficiency. The solution of these problems is achieved by improving the material and technical base, technologies and methods of observation, in-depth study of the physics of the processes of formation of weather phenomena important for aviation and improving the methods for forecasting these phenomena.

Aviation: Encyclopedia. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. Chief editor G.P. Svishchev. 1994 .

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    Applied meteorological discipline that studies the influence of meteorological conditions on aviation technology and aviation activities and develops methods and forms of its meteorological service. The main practical task of M. a. ... ...

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    aviation meteorology- 2.1.1 aviation meteorology: Applied discipline that studies the meteorological conditions of aviation, their impact on aviation, forms of meteorological support for aviation and ways to protect it from adverse atmospheric influences. ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Aviation meteorology- one of the branches of military meteorology that studies meteorological elements and atmospheric phenomena from the point of view of their influence on aviation technology and the combat activities of the air force, as well as developing and ... ... Brief dictionary of operational-tactical and general military terms

    Aviation science and technology In pre-revolutionary Russia, a number of aircraft of original design were built. Their planes were created (1909 1914) by Ya. M. Gakkel, D. P. Grigorovich, V. A. Slesarev and others. 4 motor aircraft were built ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia