“We hit, we hit, we disperse.” A former special forces instructor examines police mistakes at protests. Riot police training to disperse crowds Pulse energy projectile

It's only been a few months since the Arab Spring blossomed, hippies took up residence on Wall Street, storefronts popped in the streets of London, Time magazine named a nameless protester its Person of the Year, and rallies became the main entertainment of the winter. The foundations of the world order are still shaking on the inflated financial bubbles of the global economy and so far show no signs of recovery from oil rickets, currency shortages and neglected unemployment. All this means that things will only get hotter and developed democracies will have a hard time. It will be especially bitter with the radicals who are waiting for the moment to rock the boat harder and drown the fed-up crew in the ocean of righteous anger.

Under such conditions, urban guerrilla warfare is becoming increasingly dangerous. Water cannons, pepper spray and rubber batons no longer protect law enforcement from raised fists. And since firing military weapons at a crowd is tantamount to starting a civil war in the country, we have to look for new non-lethal methods of suppressing the revolutionary spirit. As always, scientists isolated from socio-political life are rushing to the rescue, ready for the sake of science to create more than one peaceful weapon of enslavement. More recently, they decided to turn it into Israel, and into the USA. FURFUR decided to look at the latest developments in the field of pacifying popular discontent and find out how you can protect yourself from them.

Active knockback system

Let's start with the aforementioned heat ray. Scientists at the Pentagon call this weapon the Active Denial System, which, with some imagination, can be translated as “a system of energetic sending to...”. Surely, the first to experience the impact of a machine that shoots hot waves over a distance of a kilometer will be participants in the “” movement.

The scientific basis of this installation is the use of electromagnetic oscillations in the millimeter wave range with a frequency of about 94 GHz. 83% of radiation is absorbed by human skin and causes a short-term state of shock. Scientists cheerfully call this the highly motivated rescue behavior effect. If reacted properly, ADS does not cause any harm to health. But there is one big problem: the pain threshold in the affected area is reached in three seconds. It becomes unbearable after just five seconds. Now imagine: New York, a demonstration is being dispersed, a hippie has twisted/broken his leg and is lying on the sidewalk while his comrades are motivated to escape. A moment - and he ends up in the microwave. Within half a minute, the unfortunate person goes crazy with pain and most likely receives a burn, the degree of which will depend on the brutality of the local Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Sprinting out of the attack radius will save you from the beam. Coordinated movement around the city and spiked barriers will immobilize the vehicle moving the device. And in time, setting fire to a Molotov cocktail in the building will stop the installation until the firefighters arrive.

Acoustic cannon

Another high-tech anti-freedom suppression technique is called a LRAD, or long-range acoustic device. As the name suggests, pain is caused by sound. It's like beating your unloved neighbors in the morning Slayer, at full volume, right into your ear, considering you have speakers with a power of 150 dB - like a jet engine, only 30 dB more. The first time LRAD was used to disperse demonstrators in Pittsburgh three years ago.

The installation starts at a warning 90 dB, but in case of disobedience, the settings return to the factory 150. The main effect is severe pain in the ears, disorientation in space and an appointment with an otolaryngologist.


The gun's engagement range is 300 meters. First of all, you need to leave the zone of the first 100 meters, within which the pain from sound is especially painful. But this option is only for the most unprepared. Since the invention of the LRAD, tight, sound-blocking earmuffs have automatically been added to the rebel's arsenal, in addition to the face scarf and eye protection. When the effect of the installation is neutralized, it's time to use its power against the police with the help of improvised reflectors. In the form of hard, flat surfaces underfoot.


If heat agony and deafness are not enough to neutralize the raging horde of justice seekers, then they can be blinded. This is done with the help of devices under the general name dazzler - a ringing superhero pseudonym and at the same time a directed energy weapon, widely known as a laser. This type of weapon includes many models, operating at a distance of ten meters to ten kilometers. The most powerful of them take names from the arsenal of shooters: PHaSR, Disruptor and StunRay. The use of such weapons is prohibited by the 1995 UN special protocol on laser weapons, but if they protest against the state, then it has probably already used less ethical methods.

Depending on the mood of the attacking party, the dazzler can hard-boil your eyes or temporarily deprive you of your ability to see. To feel the effect, it is enough to look at the sun for a few seconds without blinking. The consequence of blindness is complete helplessness and the potential danger of causing injury to oneself.


Obviously, mirrored sunglasses will help against low-power models. But in the case of already stronger samples, it is necessary to select a special filter depending on the color spectrum of the laser. However, a confident look into the pavement and finding shelter in time will save you from the blinding effect.

Flash and sound grenade

A flashbang grenade is also an effective means of instilling fear in the minds of protesters. This loud and bright weapon has been in use by Western police for a long time, but is not particularly used here yet. However, our country is developing and growing, so don’t be surprised if something like this happens at the next rally:

The basis of the damaging effect of a grenade is simply deciphered from the name - a deafening sound and a bright flash. The most advanced models are equipped with rubber buckshot to add physical pain to the bouquet of unpleasant emotions.


Natural dexterity and observation will help you dodge a flash grenade. In addition, sunglasses will again help (even better are swimming goggles with a sun cover for subsequent protection from gas), headphones and thick clothing.

Taser XREP

If a stun gun can be found in the bag of an old lady passing by, then the long-range Taser XREP stun gun is already a weapon of the future. A shotgun loaded with shock bullets can calm or plunge the most violent ones into the abyss of convulsions in a selective manner.

The range of this type of weapon is not particularly high - only thirty meters. But progress does not stand still, and, perhaps, very soon the distance will increase significantly. The painful effect is reminiscent of the action of the most powerful stun guns, which ultimately can result in unbearable pain for the victim and, as a result, chaotic convulsions of incredible beauty.


If you have a bulletproof vest in your wardrobe, then it will obviously not be out of place. Thick clothing and natural agility will provide some protection. The most desperate ones can try to use shields taken from law enforcement officers or made from improvised means.

Pulse Energy Projectile

Finally, let us mention experimental weapons that do not yet have working analogues, but are potentially considered a universal weapon for suppressing demonstrations and other activities unpleasant for the authorities. This is a PEP (Pulsed Energy Projectile) system that creates a beam of energy that, when it collides with the victim, knocks him down and touches the nerve endings, causing severe but tolerable pain over a considerable distance. Today, the prototype of the device weighs 225 kilograms and is not yet suitable for use in the city, but specialized publications are already ready to bet money on the fact that in the near future in the confrontation between PEP vs. the demonstrators will be the last to lose.

An organized crowd (gathered to hold a protest, rally, procession) can act peacefully and with the use of violence.

The peaceful crowd holds posters or flags in their hands and shouts threats, demands, and insults against the authorities. People try to communicate with
special forces, to arouse their sympathy, sympathy, to convince them not to interfere, not to arrest the participants. It happens that crowd leaders give instructions to insult and threaten special forces in order to provoke violence. Demonstrators may block the street, traffic and entrances to government buildings. Sit-ins are practiced, as are methods of peaceful resistance such as clasping hands or handcuffing oneself to a fence or to each other. In order to complicate the dispersal, they can put the elderly and women with children in the front rows.
If the erection of barricades begins, it means that the leaders have given a command to begin active resistance using violence. Cars, trees, furniture, fences are used for barricades - all this complicates the work of special forces. Arson and the use of explosives are especially dangerous, although stones, bricks, sticks, baseball bats, and paint-filled balloons (thrown at buildings) are more often used. To block special forces' access to the action area, buildings or gasoline spilled on the street are set on fire. Leaders have been known to let snipers perched on rooftops shoot a few special forces in order to provoke violence in response (the same trick can be used by the government). It is not easy to confront small groups that disperse quickly and gather just as quickly.
The main task is to receive timely information from agents about planned riots (information about leaders, time, place, number
participants, their goals, whether they have weapons). Leaders can be arrested or formally warned against violence. At the location of the demonstration, liquor stores and pharmacies must be temporarily closed (people may break into the pharmacy to take drugs). It is possible that a peaceful demonstration turns into chaos. In this case, the entire area is immediately isolated so that passers-by do not join the demonstrators and so that none of the violators escape. Once the crowd is isolated, time starts to work on your side. Barriers and checkpoints are erected, and machines are used to block the area.
Two perimeters are immediately formed - internal (to stop the spread of unrest and external (to keep outsiders out). If we are working in a large crowd, special forces form a ring shoulder to shoulder. In no case should we allow the seizure of a radio or TV station, because demonstrators can to call on the residents of a city or even a country to mass acts of disobedience. It is very important to establish contact with the leaders of the crowd and convince them to prevent or stop the violence, or to take the crowd to a safer place (park, wasteland).
An effective method of dispersal is crowd dispersal, its purpose is to “break” the crowd into pieces. To do this, the crowd is addressed with a “convincing request” to disperse (don’t even think about shouting or giving orders to the crowd), and they are reminded of the illegality and criminal liability for violence. If, despite the measures taken, the crowd behaves aggressively, it is necessary to form a line and attack with batons, water cannons, tear gas or stun grenades. To “cut” the crowd, they build a “wedge”, and to calm a small group, they take it into a ring. Most often, the use of batons turns out to be a fairly effective means.
Leaders and active participants in the riots are arrested first

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27.04.2012 - 23:11

The problem of dispersing “inconvenient” public processions has been faced at all times, in all countries, by all authorities without exception. But simply shooting at people is a rude and short-sighted decision. If you shoot everyone, who will work? Therefore, governments were forced to come up with the most effective ways possible, but at the same time causing minimal traumatic consequences, ways to disperse the dissatisfied.

Don't gather more than three!

In Russia, before the revolution, mounted Cossacks were considered the most effective weapon in the fight against demonstrators. It’s clear why horsemen. After all, from a horse you can see far away, and it’s easier to break into the crowd, pushing back the dissatisfied with the broad chest of a horse, turning the dense formation of formidable demonstrators into a scattered gathering of peaceful citizens.

It was risky to use hussars or dragoons, since in the heat of the “attack” they could use checkers. And the Cossacks were armed with whips, which, of course, left a noticeable mark both on the bodies and on the self-esteem of the protesters, but they did not particularly maim anyone, and most importantly, they did not kill. By the way, mounted police are still successfully used (and to disperse demonstrations too), say, in Britain.

After the October coup, all the dissatisfied were imprisoned, there was no one to disperse in the USSR, and the need to create “humane” means of combating the population faded into the background for a long time. In the West, the issue of fighting demonstrators has always been very acute. Therefore, the development of pacification technologies in democratic countries has sharply advanced.

Full protest pants

Rubber bullets, batons and gases have long been considered the most effective means of dispersing demonstrators. Of course, the gases are not poisonous, but tear gases. Having inhaled the dope, people began to choke on tears and snot, and most often they completely forgot why they took to the streets in the first place.

In France, during the period of hippie revelry, the government used rather original, albeit humiliating, gas attacks against women's protests. Gas was released on women on strike, causing uncontrollable bowel movement. The ladies, feeling that they had a “great embarrassment,” threw their posters on the ground and ran home quite quickly and peacefully.

This gas, of course, had a similar effect on the male body, but the harsh French hippies did not take such inconveniences seriously, quickly sniffed each other and continued the protest march. And since many of them, along with the contents of their pants, sooner or later ended up in the police station, the police themselves eventually refused to use these weapons.

In Britain, they recently remembered the French experience and improved it somewhat. Namely, they created bullets that, when they fly into a crowd, burst and cover those around them with an oily, foul-smelling liquid. The developers assure that the “fragrance” spreading in the air will disperse even the most hardened inhabitants of garbage dumps, not to mention noble gentlemen.

In addition to the “stink” bullets in England, due to the increasing frequency of street brawls, another new product has appeared - the SMU 100 laser rifle. It has a range of 500 meters and creates a wall of light with an area of ​​three square meters, literally blinding the enemy. Paul Kerr, the head of the development company, claims that the effect the rifle produces is about the same as trying to look at the midday sun on a clear day.

Do you hear the voice of God?

In general, technological progress has brought many new products to the government’s fight against the spontaneous anger of the masses. For example, in the United States, police officers have the LRAD Sound Cannon device, which emits a directed beam of sound waves with a power of 162 decibels, designed so that it can be installed on almost any vehicle. If the device is used as a megaphone, then the commands will be heard at a distance of nine kilometers.

When using the LRAD Sound Cannon for its intended purpose, the effect of a sound wave of such power causes a hellish headache, loss of orientation and a desire to leave the “firing” sector for anyone who is in the path of the beam at a distance of up to 300 meters. Those who find themselves in close proximity to a working device can easily lose their hearing.
In peacetime, the LRAD Sound Cannon is used to disperse birds at airfields.

But suppose the demonstrators tightly plug their ears and continue their unauthorized march. Then you can put the “Voice of God” into action.

This unique development (which is still at the testing stage), codenamed MEDUSA, is based on the use of directional microwave generators that can cause the appearance of “sound” directly in a person’s head, bypassing the ears, and therefore cannot be blocked. The “voice of God” in the brain, depending on the volume, can simultaneously affect a group of people and can both cause discomfort and incapacitate demonstrators for a long time.

In the USSR, similar developments were also carried out using microwave generators. Thanks to them, a device called “Radiohypnosis” was born. It is believed that this emitter of electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency can put an entire city to sleep from a distance of several tens of kilometers.

There are simpler ways to disperse disgruntled crowds. For example, the American military in Arab countries uses a heavy cargo helicopter, the Boeing CH-47 Chinook, for this purpose. It is enough for such a machine to simply hover over a rebellious crowd, and its two main rotors will literally blow away the demonstrators along with tents, flags, posters, fittings and other attributes of popular anger.