Bitumen oil manufacturer plant. Oxidized bitumen: production, properties and applications. Comparison of characteristics of oxidized and modified bitumen

Roads of Russia

According to the Federal Road Service of Russia, over the past two years, the volume of international traffic has increased by 25%. Of these: cargo turnover - 157 billion km, passenger traffic - 188 billion km. According to the composition of the Technical means: 3.2 million trucks, 0.5 million buses and 16 million cars.

Currently, the length of motor roads in Russia is 956 thousand km, of which 746 thousand km are paved roads. The backbone network is formed by public roads, their length is 571 thousand km. Of the total road network, main roads account for 3%, but provide more than 30% of all traffic. The length of roads with more than three lanes is 2.2 thousand km, if necessary - 12 thousand km. In 1996 - 1997, 12 - 15 thousand km were laid in the country per year. roads, the cost of work was estimated at 45 - 50 trillion. rub.

According to experts, to meet the needs of the country, the length of the road network should be 1,500 thousand km.

Length of roads in regions

Length of roads (km)

Moscow - total

including federal

Moscow region

St. Petersburg - total

including federal

Leningrad region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Novgorod region

Yaroslavl region

Murmansk region

Arkhangelsk region

Pskov region

Smolensk region

Tver region

In 1991, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Road Funds in the Russian Federation” was adopted. In 1994, the federal target program "Roads of Russia" was approved, which was given the status of a presidential one the following year. These documents determined the prospects for the development of roads until the end of the millennium.

According to experts, in order to achieve the minimum density of the road network required for the country, about 560 billion rubles (denominated) will be required.

Target road taxes became the basis for the implementation of the program. According to the mentioned documents, two funds are formed to finance the development of roads: the Federal Road Fund (its funds are directed to the maintenance of federal highways) and the Territorial Road Funds (their funds are directed to roads belonging to the territories).

The taxes that serve as a source of the formation of the FDF are as follows: for the sale of fuels and lubricants (25% of the sales amount); for the use of roads; for the purchase of vehicles.

Territorial road funds are formed from taxes on road users, on vehicle owners and on the purchase of vehicles.

In April 1997, the Federal Road Service of Russia was created, its main task should be to control the targeted use of the road fund.

In 1997, Russia established a single base tax rate for road users for legal entities. It amounted to 2.5% of the company's revenue. Half of it was to be transferred to the FDF, from where it was distributed among the regions, and the other half was to replenish the TDF. At the same time, the subjects could form the last half themselves, changing the rate up or down.

In March 1998, in the “Federal Budget of Russia for 1998”, while maintaining the tax rate on road users at a rate of 2.5%, the distribution of the tax to road funds was changed: 2% goes to TDF and 0.5% to FDF. The share of road user tax in road funds is 90%. The Federal Road Fund of the Russian Federation for 1998 was approved in the amount of 21,328.0 billion rubles, the distribution of subventions and subsidies between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the development, maintenance and repair of public roads in the amount of 6250 billion rubles was approved.

The Federal Road Service plans to make more than 30 toll roads in Russia. Five toll routes are currently being developed. In the near future, you will have to pay for the use of roads in the north-western direction leading to the exit to the border with Finland through St. Petersburg and Vyborg, the western direction towards Belarus Moscow-Smolensk-Minsk, the southern direction - to the exit to the Black Sea coast and the eastern direction through Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod.

Roads and facilities designated for tolling.

Design speed


movements per day

Abinsk - Kabardinka (Krasnodar Territory0

Bridge over Malaya Severnaya

Dvina near Kotlas (Arkhang region)

Belgorod - Karocha - Gubkin (Belgorod region)

Samara-Ufa-Chelyabinsk (Volga region)

Bridge across the Volga near Saratov (Volga region)

Rostov-on-Don - Taganrog - the border of Ukraine (South of Russia)

Bridge across the Volga in Ulyanovsk (Volga region)

MKAD - Kashira (Moscow region)

Petrozavodsk-gran. Finland (Karelia)

St. Petersburg-port on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland. (Len.region)

St. Petersburg-Vyborg


Bypass Tosno


Ring road around St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg)

Bypass of Vyshny Volochok (Tver region)


(Moscow region)

Currently, active negotiations are underway with investors on these objects. Project documentation, estimates, implementation stages and financing schemes have been developed for them.

In the future, the introduction of toll sections will help defuse the situation on the roads and get out of the road crisis.

Total length of roads - 4520 km

Road surface area - 120 million square meters

Federal roads - 874 km.

Territorial road fund in 1997 - 9.98 trillion rubles.

In 1998 - 9.47 billion rubles

In 1997, for the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, all the main highways of the city, streets and squares were repaired. 31.6 million square meters of pavement were repaired. Reconstruction of 17 bridges, three underground passages, construction of 10 pedestrian crossings over the road.

In 1997, 26 km of the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD) was introduced, with the commissioning of this section, the reconstruction (expansion to 10 lanes) of the MKAD from Volgogradsky Prospekt in the south of the capital to Leningradskoye Highway in the northwest was completed. A new interchange has been introduced at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Shchelkovskoye Highway.

In September 1998, the reconstruction of the Moscow Ring Road was completed along the entire 109 km ring. Five additional interchanges have been built, and 78 treatment facilities have been built to keep the road in good condition. Gene. The contractor is Transstroy Corporation. Financing - on a commercial basis, several leading banks and RAO "Gazprom" participated.

The construction of the Moscow-Minsk highway is underway

Moscow region.

Area - 47.0 thousand sq. km

Number of cities - 72

Total length of roads - 20,605 km

Road surface area - 164.8 million square meters

Territorial road fund in 1997 - 1278.6 billion rubles.

TDF in 1998 - 568.0 million rubles

FDF in 1998 - 186.0 million rubles.

A feature of the development of roads in the Moscow region is that all federal highways connecting Moscow with the regions pass through the territory of the region. Thus, federal programs for the reconstruction of highways make it possible to repair most of the roads at the expense of the federal budget.

The reconstruction of the highway MKAD - Kashira has begun. This section of 103 km is planned to be paid. The repair is carried out according to the European standard with the placement of camping sites and recreation sites for every 10 km of the route, and gas stations for every 40 km. Financing - on a commercial basis. It is planned to issue special bonds.

The reconstruction of the Khimki-Klin highway is underway. This section, 61 km long, is also planned to be paid.

The construction of the Moscow-Minsk highway has begun. This highway is also planned to be paid. The Italian company SPEA, which specializes in toll highways, is involved in the design of the roads.

Production and supply of bitumen for road construction in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The main supplier of bitumen in Moscow and the Moscow region is Moscow Oil Refinery (Address 109429 Moscow Kapotnya, 2nd quarter Tel. 175-23-44). In 1997, the refinery processed 9.1 million tons of oil.

Bitumen production at the Moscow Oil Refinery

The volume of production in 1998 is planned to remain at the level of 1997.

A major supplier of bitumen is Oil company "Lukoil" (Address 101 000 Moscow, Stretensky boulevard, 11 tel. 928-98-41).

Bitumen is supplied by Lukoil - Permnefteorgsintez (Address 614055, Perm, Promyshlennaya st., 84 Tel. 27-92-22).

Bitumen production at Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez

Production volume - total

Tar for oil bitumen

Incl. Building


Oil bitumen road liquid

The proceeds from the sale of NK Lukoil (Moscow) in 1996 amounted to 13,872 billion rubles, in 1997 - 24,137 billion rubles.

The volume of bitumen imports by NK "Lukoil" in 1997 amounted to $ 59.6 million, the volume of exports - $ 385.0 million.

The volume of bitumen imports to Moscow and the Moscow region in the first half of 1998 amounted to 10,152 tons worth $6,611 thousand.

Import of bitumen to Moscow and the Moscow region in

I - half of 1998.

The main supplier companies are: Ondulin-Building Materials, TAO LTD, Biotechnology, Tekhnokomservis, Glavrybtorg, Dortekhkomplekt, Mostotrest, PLM.

Export of bitumen from Moscow and the Moscow region in the first half of 1998 amounted to 11,221 tons worth $ 1,651 thousand.

Export of bitumen from Moscow and the Moscow region to

I - half of 1998.

The main bitumen exporting firms are: “Moscow representative office of Kirishinefteorgsintez”, Enkor Inc, Eurocontract, NK Lukoil.

St. Petersburg.

Total length of roads - 3220 km

Road surface area -52.8 million sq m

Federal roads - 798 km

Territorial road fund in 1997 - 1.27 trillion rubles,

in 1998 - 1.32 billion rubles.

In 1997, a record number of asphalt pavements were repaired in St. Petersburg - 5.4 million square meters, while the road fund was overspent and, at the beginning of 1998, accounts payable to construction organizations in the amount of 440 million rubles were formed.

In 1998, for the first time, a targeted road works program was approved together with the city budget, its cost volume is 540 million rubles - 29 addresses, 800 thousand sq.m.

In 1997, a complete reconstruction of Liteiny Prospekt was carried out.

In 1998, a comprehensive reconstruction was carried out on Vladimirsky Prospekt. Together with the roadbed, all engineering networks lying under it are changing. Tram tracks, as well as on Liteiny Prospekt, will be laid according to German technology, which ensures long-term operation. The customer of the work is the City Administration Improvement Committee. The main contractor is General Construction Corporation JSC, which won the tender for these works. Funding source - TDF. The cost of the work is about 30.0 million rubles.

In addition, it is necessary to complete the reconstruction of roads at 82 addresses: on Sredneokhtinsky Prospekt, Obukhovskaya Oborony Avenue, Staropetergofsky Prospect, Liteiny Prospect, etc. These works are estimated at 585 million rubles.

When carrying out repairs on Northern Avenue, the company "VAD" ("High Quality Highways") used a new technique for asphalt laying. The company purchased 4 American "Shuttle Buggi SB-2500" machines, which mix the asphalt delivered to the site, as a result of which it turns out to be homogeneous and of the same temperature. This allows you to make roads of the highest class with a minimum service life of 8-10 years.

Federal roads.

In December 1997, the construction of the St. Petersburg Ring Road began. The cost of the project is $ 1.1 billion. The duration of construction is five years. Along the entire ring, it is planned to build road junctions at different levels, 16 overpasses, 13 large and 18 small bridges, 28 flyovers. The largest objects are a 24-meter tunnel near the Rzhevka airport and a bridge across the Neva (south of the Nevsky Forest Park). The traffic will be organized along two lanes in one direction with a separating security zone of 4 meters. To carry out all the work, OJSC “Circle Road of St. Petersburg” was established. The controlling stake (51%) belongs to two constituent entities of the Federation - St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (25.5% each). The remaining shares are distributed among 39 legal entities. These are the city's leading construction companies, design organizations and construction industry enterprises, such as Mostostroitelny Detachment No. 19, the Magistral asphalt concrete plant, Lenmelioratsia, and Lendorstroy. The construction and operation of the road is supposed to be carried out on a commercial basis. The ring road will be the first toll road in Russia. To determine the construction organization, a tender was announced - the North-Western branch of the Transstroy Corporation became the winner.

Leningrad region.

Area - 85.9 thousand sq km

Number of cities - 27

Total length of roads - 14,786 km

Road surface area -118.2 million sq m

Federal roads - 1195 km

Road fund in 1997 - 653.0 billion rubles,

in 1998 it is planned for 206 million rubles. - TDF, 85 million rubles - FDF, including 55 million rubles for bringing rural roads to the standard state.

In 1997, 659 billion rubles were spent on the repair, construction and maintenance of roads in the Leningrad Region, including 133.7 billion rubles from the FDF and 519.3 from the TDF. Almost 15,000 km of roads pass through the territory of the region, including about 4,000 km of departmental roads, which must be completely reconstructed in order to be transferred to the category of public roads. Out of 1195 km of federal roads, 60% of roads require repair. The road committee is in charge of 674 bridges and 28 overpasses.

During 1997, 263 km of roads were repaired. Work was underway on the construction of bypass roads around the cities of Tosno, Lodeinoye Pole, Pikalevo, bypassing the Mshinskaya station. The construction of the second lane on the Kola highway continued.

In 1998, the construction of a bypass road around Tosno and a bypass around the Mshinskaya station should be completed, and work should continue on the Maryino-Sinyavino section of the road.

Federal roads.

In 1997 - 1998, work was carried out on the Scandinavian road St. Petersburg - Vyborg - the Finnish border at the expense of a World Bank loan ($29 million loan). Gene. The contractor at the first stage of work was the Tosnensky DRSU, which won the tender for these works. Firms "Lemminkäinen", "Buer", "Torsion" were connected to the work. The firm "Neste St. Petersburg" organized the supply of 16 thousand tons of bitumen from Finland. 308 thousand tons of asphalt-concrete mass were laid on the 127 km section of the route.

The European Community has allocated 9 million ECU for the capital development of two road crossing points on the Russian-Finnish border Svetogorsk-Imatra (Leningrad region) and Salla (Murmansk region).

Petersburg trust Mostostroy-6 won the tender for the construction of the first stage of the bypass road around Vyborg. It will carry out the construction of a 440-meter metal bridge across the Saimaa Canal and a 6-km section of the route. The cost of the work is 118.9 million rubles. The bypass road will connect the highways to Lappeenranta and Svetogorsk. The completion date for the first stage is the end of 1999. The cost of building a bypass road with a length of 29 km is 600 million rubles. Financing - 50% from the FDF, 50% - at the expense of investors. The tender for the selection of investors is due at the end of 1998. The bypass road is of great importance for the development of the Scandinavia route, and also allows you to unload the center of Vyborg from heavy vehicles.

In 1998, the reconstruction of the remaining 25 km on the Rossiya highway should be completed. The tender for work on 602-625 km of the route was won by Tosnenskoe DRSU.

In 1998, work began on the first 22-kilometer section of the St. Petersburg Ring Road.

Promising projects of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region are to develop the 9th international transport corridor (Helsinki-Petersburg-Moscow-Rostov-on-Don-Novorossiysk / Astrakhan) in the form of transport branches to the southwest, south, southeast and east. Great interest in the creation of the intermodal transport corridor Baltica-Center-Black Sea is expressed by the Netherlands and is actively working on this issue.

Production and supply of bitumen for the construction of roads in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Plant “Kirishinefteorgsintez” (“KINEF”) (Address: 187110 Leningrad region, Kirishi Shosse Entuziastov) the main supplier of petroleum products in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. In 1997, KINEF processed 15.5 million tons of oil, put into operation a plant for the production of a base for synthetic detergents, and launched a plant for the production of soft roofing.

Bitumen production at KINEF

Production volume - total

Tar for oil bitumen

Oil bitumen (including shale)

Incl. Building


Oil bitumen road liquid

Production volumes in 1998 are planned to remain at the 1997 level.

Until recently, the quality of road bitumen produced by the plant was low. This was due to the fact that bitumen in the general nomenclature of oil refineries was considered almost as a waste product. To solve this problem, in 1998 the plant, together with Neste, launched installations for the production of road bitumen (700-800 thousand tons) of European quality.

The volume of bitumen exports in the first half of 1998 amounted to 26.4 thousand tons in the amount of $ 2.1 million. bitumen buyers:

IP PI International Petroleum Products OY - Finland

Westcrowth Trading Group -USA

Firm “Ecost L.L.S.” - USA

In 1998 Industrial construction company BIK A stone-forming plant was opened in the village of Siverskaya, Gatchina District. The plant is equipped with modern equipment of the German company KNAUER. The automatic plant will produce over 100 square meters of paving slabs per shift, as well as asphalt, curbstones, slopes, and gutters.

Organization "Lendorstroy-2" - carried out the modernization of the production of asphalt mix. Purchased equipment worth $2.4 million. A line for the production of asphalt chips was installed. The line covers the needs of St. Petersburg in the processing of old asphalt. A line for the production of emulsion and equipment for the production of bituminous plates was purchased. The company intends to sell bitumen sheets and emulsions to other manufacturers and road organizations.

“Asphalt Concrete Plant – 1” purchased three “Hot-Mix 30” units, a mobile mobile asphalt concrete plant. It is mounted in three days in the immediate vicinity of the place where road works are carried out. The plant's capacity is 180 tons of asphalt concrete per hour. The same mobile plant acquired SE “Suburban Road Repair Construction Department No. 3”.

CJSC Neste St. Petersburg represents the interests of all branches and divisions of the Neste concern both in St. Petersburg and throughout the North-West, carrying out wholesale and retail trade in petroleum products, petrochemical products and high-quality bitumen. The activity of the bitumen department of Neste St. Petersburg began in 1995. The main object of using Neste road bitumen in the region was the capitally reconstructed highway St. Petersburg - Vyborg - State Border "Scandinavia". The volume of imports of bitumen in the first half of 1998 amounted to 1.7 thousand tons in the amount of $ 287 thousand.

CJSC "Neste St. Petersburg" develops the construction of a terminal for petroleum products in the port of Bronka, which is under construction.

The volume of imports of bitumen in the first half of 1998 to St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region amounted to 4,947 tons worth $ 1,703 thousand.

Import of bitumen to St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region in the first half of 1998.

The main suppliers of bitumen bitumen: “AK Company”, “Neste St. Petersburg”, “High-Speed ​​Lines”, “Ninas Baltik”, Brewery “Baltika”.

Export of bitumen from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region in the first half of 1998 amounted to 17,781 tons worth $1,466 thousand.

Export of bitumen from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region to

I - half of 1998.

The main exporting companies are: Kineks St. Petersburg, Kirishinefteorgsintez Kirishi.

Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Area - 74.8 thousand square kilometers

Number of cities - 25

Total length of roads - 18,428 km

Road surface area - 147.8 million square meters

Road fund in 1997 - 533.5 billion rubles,

in 1998 the planned year is 540.0 million rubles. – TDF

26.0 million rubles - FDF

Nizhny Novgorod is the main route of Russia in the direction of Europe - Asia. The reconstruction of this route is carried out within the framework of the federal program "Roads of Russia". In addition, this route allows the development of the 9th international transport corridor in an easterly direction. It is planned to make this highway paid, so that the repair is carried out according to European standards.

In early 1998, an agreement was signed on cooperation between the Nizhny Novgorod oil company Norsi-Oil and the Italian oil concern Eni, as well as an agreement between Norsi-Oil and Agip Petroli on the creation of a joint Russian-Italian enterprise for the construction and petrol station management.

Production and supply of bitumen for road construction in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The main supplier of bitumen in the Nizhny Novgorod region and the Central regions of Russia is Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez (NORSI) . (Address 606200 Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovo Tel. 38-12-66)

In 1997, 11,520 thousand tons of oil were processed.

Bitumen production at NORSI

Production volume - total

Tar for oil bitumen

Oil bitumen (including shale)

Incl. Building


Oil bitumen road liquid

Another major supplier of bitumen in the region is Lukoil - Nizhny Novgorod. Deliveries are carried out with Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez.

The volume of import of bitumen to the Nizhny Novgorod region in the first half of 1998 was 317.7 tons at a price of $234.6 thousand. The supplier country is Finland.

The main company - supplier - "Region".

The volume of exports in the first half of 1998 was 1,354.2 tons worth $127.4 thousand.

Export of bitumen from the Nizhny Novgorod region to

I - half of 1998.

The main exporting firms are: Oil Company NORSI-OIL, Lukoil-Nizhny Novgorod.

Novgorod region.

Area - 55.3 thousand square kilometers

Number of cities - 10

Total length of roads - 9908 km

Road surface area - 64.2 million square meters

Road fund in 1997 - 206.7 billion rubles,

in 1998 -75.0 million rubles is planned. – TDF

65.9 million rubles - FDF

The Novgorod region ranks second after Moscow in terms of foreign investment in the economy. There are more than 160 enterprises with foreign investments in the region, the volume of which is about $ 154 million. An agreement was signed with the EBRD on the implementation of the Housing and Communal Services Reform project worth over $ 100 million.

The main volume of construction and road works in the Novgorod region is associated with the expansion and reconstruction of the main road in Russia, the highway St. Petersburg - Moscow. The route is included in the 9th international transport corridor. The roadbed expands to 10 m. The section ends at 32 km in the Krestetsky district of the Novgorod region, where the highway expands to 9.85 m. The builders have to hand over four crossings over the Gremyachaya, Kholova, Moshnya rivers and the railway beyond Valdai.

Supply of bitumen for the construction of roads in the Novgorod region.

Yaroslavl region.

Area - 36.4 thousand sq. km

Number of cities - 10

Total length of roads - 7,738 km

Road surface area - 54.2 million square meters

Road fund in 1997 - 139.2 billion rubles,

in 1998 it is planned for the year - 128.0 million rubles. – TDF

15 million rubles - FDF

The federal road Moscow-Yaroslavl-Vologda-Arkhangelsk passes through Yaroslavl. The reconstruction of this route is carried out within the framework of the “Roads of Russia” program. The amount of funds allocated from the federal budget does not allow large volumes of work to be carried out in 1998.

France provided the Yaroslavl region with a $25 million loan for the modernization of the construction industry using the French technology of the Fenix ​​company. The loan is provided in the form of equipment purchased in Germany, France, Italy, Sweden and Finland. The range of equipment has been agreed and supply contracts have been signed.

Production and supply of bitumen for road construction in the Yaroslavl region.

The main supplier of bitumen in the Yaroslavl region and the Central regions of Russia is Yaroslavnefteorgsintez (Slavneft) . (Address 150000 Yaroslavl GSP Moscow highway Tel. 44-32-27)

In 1997, 6,920 thousand tons of oil were processed.

Bitumen production at Slavneft

Production volume - total

Tar for oil bitumen

Oil bitumen (including shale)

Incl. Building


Oil bitumen road liquid

The volume of imports of bitumen in the first half of 1998 amounted to 11.2 tons to the amount of $ 3.3 thousand. The supplier country is the USA.

Export volume - 91.4 tons worth $ 41.8 thousand. Bitumen was exported to Moldova and Ukraine.

Murmansk region.

Area - 144.9 thousand sq. km

Number of cities - 11

Total length of roads - 3,638 km

Road surface area - 21.8 million square meters

Road fund in 1997 - 195.0 billion rubles,

in 1998 it is planned to make 50 million rubles. – TDF

130 million rubles - FDF

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has allocated NOK 9 million to complete the construction of a section of the road linking Murmansk with the county of Finnmark. The loan is irrevocable, part of it will be used to purchase equipment. The construction is carried out by the Murmanskavtodor enterprise. The total cost of the project is estimated at 45 million kroons, so the region has to pay its share of the project. The road currently in use is so dependent on weather conditions that traffic on it often has to be suspended due to snow drifts. In addition, the road is closed for foreign citizens three days a week, since military units are located in the area. On the new site, travel is possible in any weather. For foreign citizens, as well as for Russian citizens, it will be allowed all seven days a week. The government of the Murmansk region guarantees to open the section for general traffic in October 1998.

The reconstruction of the road "Kola" Murmansk - Petrozavodsk is going on. A new border checkpoint "Salla" is being built. The money for the construction was allocated by the EU.

Supply of bitumen for the construction of roads in the Murmansk region.

The bitumen used in the construction and reconstruction of roads comes from Kirishinefteorgsintez.

Arhangelsk region.

Area - 587.4 thousand sq. km

Number of cities - 12

Total length of roads - 10,076 km

Road surface area - 87.8 million square meters

Road fund in 1997 - 213 billion rubles,

in 1998, the planned year is 137 million rubles. – TDF

Repair of the federal road Arkhangelsk - Moscow is carried out by "Arkhangelskavtodor". In 1997, out of a planned 11.2 km, 3.6 km of new pavement was laid. The laying of the canvas is carried out by the Shenkur DRSU. Asphalt is supplied from the Shenkur asphalt concrete plant; in the summer of 1997, the plant was idle for a month due to a delay in the supply of bitumen from Yaroslavl.

On the Arkhangelsk-Moscow Highway, the Velsky DRSU is building a bypass around the village of Rovdino, Shenkursky district. On the same section, the Arkhangelsk Bridge Crew No. 9 is building a bridge across the Puya River. Traffic on the bridge and the bypass section will open in 1999.

The Velsk Road Construction Department, with the participation of the Finnish company Savatie-Kalotticone, is building the Kodoma-Velsk-Shangala highway. In construction, the Finnish mobile unit MX-30 is used, which produces oil gravel.

Work on local roads is progressing slowly. Work is underway on the newly constructed section of the road to Padenga Borisovskaya - Lodyginskaya. The road is being dumped by the Shenkur CDSU. On the Rossokhinskaya road, the Velskoe MEU started the construction of a bridge across the Shidrovsky Creek. On the Bludkovskaya road from Shenkursk, soil and gravel are poured on a 5-km section of the road.

Supply of bitumen for road construction in the Arkhangelsk region.

Pskov region.

Area - 55.3 thousand sq. km

Number of cities - 14

Total length of roads - 12,450 km

Road surface area - 74.7 million square meters

Road fund in 1997 - 125 billion rubles,

in 1998 it is planned to be 55 million rubles. – TDF

130.5 million rubles - FDF

The highway St. Petersburg - Pskov - Riga passes through the territory of the Pskov region. This road is one of those planned for the development of the 9th international transport corridor. The road is being reconstructed, which is planned to be paid in the future.

Of the 130.5 million rubles allocated for the construction and reconstruction of roads from the FDF, 16.0 million rubles is targeted funding for bringing rural roads to the standard state, to be accepted into the public highway network.

Deliveries of bitumen for the construction of roads in the Pskov region.

The bitumen used in the construction and reconstruction of roads comes from Kirishinefteorgsintez.

Tver region.

Area - 84.1 thousand sq. km

Number of cities - 22

Total length of roads - 16,153 km

Road surface area - 113.1 million square meters

Road fund in 1997 - 452.5 billion rubles,

in 1998 it is planned for the year - 146.0 million rubles. – TDF

204.9 million rubles - FDF

The main road works in the Tver region are being carried out on the construction of a bypass around Vyshny Volochok on the St. Petersburg-Moscow highway. This route is included in the list of roads that are planned to be made toll. The construction of the road is carried out according to the European standard, with the organization of recreation places every 10 km and gas stations - every 40 km. The length of the section under construction is 46.3 km, the completion date is 2004.

Of the 204.9 million rubles allocated for the construction and reconstruction of roads from the FDF, 75.0 million rubles are targeted funding for bringing rural roads to the standard condition to be accepted into the public highway network.

Supply of bitumen for road construction in the Tver region.

The bitumen used in the construction and reconstruction of roads comes from Yaroslavnefteorgsintez.

Smolensk region.

Area - 49.8 thousand sq. km

Number of cities - 14

Total length of roads - 10,643 km

Road surface area - 74.5 million square meters

Road fund in 1997 - 203.5 billion rubles,

in 1998 it is planned for the year - 124 million rubles. – TDF

94.3 million rubles - FDF

The main road works are carried out on the Moscow-Minsk highway, the reconstruction of which is carried out under the program "Roads of Russia". The strip is being expanded up to 10 m, the construction of interchanges is planned.

Of the 94.3 million rubles allocated for the construction and reconstruction of roads from the FDF, 50.0 million rubles is targeted funding for bringing rural roads to the standard condition to be accepted into the public highway network.

Supply of bitumen for road construction in the Smolensk region.

The bitumen used in the construction and reconstruction of roads comes from Yaroslavnefteorgsintez.

The volume of imports of bitumen in the first half of 1998 amounted to 2.4 tons to the amount of $ 5.8 thousand. Deliveries - from Canada.

Export volume -3.2 tons worth $5.8 thousand - to Ukraine.

Area - 172.4 thousand sq. km

Number of cities - 12

Total length of roads - 13,593 km

Road surface area - 85.6 million square meters

Federal roads - 8500 km

Road fund in 1997 - 263 billion rubles,

in 1998 the planned year is 178 million rubles. – TDF

50 million rubles - FDF

Every year in Karelia, 1.7 thousand km of roads require repair, in fact, 200-220 km are repaired per year. There are about 700 road bridges in the republic, half of which are wooden.

In 1997, the construction of the Vartsila-Sortavala road was completed.

The issue of reconstruction of the motor road from Oulu (Finland) through Kostomuksha, Segezha, Medvezhyegorsk, Kargopol, Nyandoma, Krasnoborsk, Kotlas to Syktyvkar is being considered. The Government of Karelia announced the allocation of funds to complete the construction of a 13.5 km section of the Pudozh-Karpol road in 1999. This will make it possible to use the new trade route Finland - Karelia - Arkhangelsk Oblast - Komi Republic.

Together with representatives of Finland and Sweden, the project of the Atlantic-Russia transport corridor, the creation of a new border crossing in the Parikkala region and the laying of a highway to it, the opening of a ferry service between Petrozavodsk and Pudozh, the construction of a bridge across the Northern Dvina are being considered. It is planned to build a commercial highway with a length of 264 km. Karelian and St. Petersburg entrepreneurs and firms CJSC Onego Motorway, JSC Stroymekhanizatsiya, Kareltrans, Karelavtodor, Onegoneft, St. Petersburg company Viaduk showed interest in it. The new route claims to be an auto standard, every 10 km - campsites, restaurants, recreation places, after 40 km - gas stations. The payback period of the road is 13 years.

Of the 50 million rubles allocated for the construction and reconstruction of roads from the FDF, all 50.0 million rubles are targeted funding for bringing rural roads to the standard condition, to be accepted into the public highway network.

Supply of bitumen for road construction in the Karelia region.

The bitumen used in the construction and reconstruction of roads comes from Kirishinefteorgsintez.

It is difficult to imagine modern construction, both roads and buildings, without the use of bitumen. Its widest application in these areas is determined by the unique properties of the material:

  • heating leads to the fact that it becomes more ductile, almost any building materials are wetted by it;
  • when cooled, it thickens, gradually turning into a monolithic solid structure along with the fillers included in it;
  • hydrophobic, which is transferred to fillers and contact media after impregnation, this predetermines the use of bitumen for waterproofing.

The raw materials for the production of bitumen include materials containing substances with high viscosity, asphaltene components. They are obtained from the waste generated during oil refining. The fossil natural component of the resins is extracted by the method of physical impact on the bitumen-containing rock. Most often, this is the treatment of the rock with high-temperature water vapor. At the same time, the viscosity of the components decreases, and in this way they are washed out of the rock.

The described technology is classical, but at present, instead of natural extraction, the most common technology is the production of oil bitumen by industrial enterprises from waste generated during crude oil refining.

Naphthenic and naphthenic-aromatic oils during vacuum distillation give the product tar, which is the basis for the production of bitumen. If special additives are introduced into its composition, then a substance with high performance characteristics is obtained, which is used as bitumen. The processing of paraffinic oil produces a lot of useful waste, and the resulting tar is mixed with special components and sent to the reactor for oxidation.

During the vacuum distillation of fuel oil and the subsequent deasphalting of the oil components of oil, by-products of the tar composition are obtained. Our country has huge reserves of oil with a high content of bitumen, but the leading place in the production of bitumen is occupied by the oxidation method.

Taking into account the fact that Russia still lags behind the leading world powers in terms of the length of high-quality roads, opening a bitumen production plant in Russia is a very profitable and currently in demand enterprise.

Composition of bitumen

The composition determines the further use of bitumen. It consists of 14% hydrogen and 70% carbon, the rest is impurities of oxygen, sulfur and other chemical elements. To put it simply, it is carbon with various additives. Its properties are affected not so much by its elemental composition as by the types of hydrogen-carbon compounds determined by the bitumen production technology.

Let's name the types of these compounds:

  • an oil component that provides the material with fluidity;
  • resinous inclusions that give the product elasticity;
  • asphaltene compounds, due to which bitumen has viscosity.

The content of oils in bitumen in relation to its total mass reaches 60%, which is the predominant share. The higher this share ratio, the greater the material's penetrating ability in relation to other media. It contains much less resins, usually their amount does not exceed 30%. Resins are ductile, and their density is much higher than that of oils. Resins are solid, viscous and semi-liquid, their viscosity is determined by temperature. The higher it is, the lower the viscosity of the resins and the bitumen itself. With sufficient heating in a bitumen plant, a user-friendly liquid bitumen can be obtained.

Production equipment

Taking into account what is used as a feedstock, various industrial equipment for the production of bitumen is used. These are various boilers and furnaces, other devices. To make it convenient to transport the material from the manufacturer to the place of use, it is initially stored mainly in solid form. The storage of bitumen does not pose any particular problems at average ambient temperatures. Only in hot weather does it soften greatly and this significantly complicates loading and transportation operations. Most often, bitumen is stored in briquettes. But in order to use it in road and industrial construction, it is necessary to heat solid pieces to the temperature at which they will take the required viscosity. Usually they are heated to a liquid state and only then used in various technological operations.

Installations for melting at enterprises of road and construction specifics not only bring the raw material into a liquid state, but also maintain it in such a readiness for use for an arbitrarily long time. These units are manufactured in mobile and stationary versions. The mobile installation is moved by car, while the stationary one always remains in one place. But the productivity is higher for a stationary installation, since it has larger bitumen tanks and more powerful heating furnaces.

According to the method of heating, all furnaces for the production of bitumen are distinguished into direct heating devices, indirect heaters with coolant circulation and their combined versions. It is also necessary to distinguish installations for heating road and construction bitumen according to the defining features of its production. There are such installations in which the pipes with the heat carrier are located throughout the volume of the tank, while in other installations the heating pipes are located only in the receiving chamber. Those installations in which the heaters are located around the perimeter are better. After all, in them the raw material melts evenly throughout the volume and at the same time the entire contents of the container come into operational readiness.

Also, bitumen heating plants are divided according to the method of loading solid raw materials into them - these are devices with loading from above and from the side. Lateral loading is better because raw materials can be fed into the plant both manually and with the help of a special conveyor or loader.

Types of bitumen for construction

In the construction industry, this material is used for the preparation of various mastics, for waterproofing foundation work and for roofing. Basically, these are substances obtained during the refining of oil. Also, construction bitumen has found the widest application in the construction of roads.

According to the indicated areas of application, a simple classification of this building material can be made:

  • for use in the construction of buildings and structures;
  • for the production of roofing works;
  • for road construction.

The domestic industry produces liquid, semi-solid and solid bitumen for the construction segment of the industry. Liquid is also divided into several classes according to the thickening rate.

Construction bitumen grades from BN 50/50 to BN 90/10 are used for waterproofing works. This raw material is still widely used in the manufacture of roofing materials, such as hydroisol, luberite, isoplast, etc. In each of the listed materials, special additives of the polymer composition are introduced into the raw material to increase strength, frost resistance and other important operational parameters. All polymeric bitumens used in construction are combustible, their spontaneous ignition temperature is 368 °C. With the available source of open fire, they light up already at 230 ° C.

In order to waterproof the foundations of buildings and structures, special insulating bitumen is used. It is able to slowly harden and at the same time retain its properties for a long time, tightly binding to the surface of reinforced concrete products.

Road bitumen is used to impregnate the top road layer and to pre-treat the ground before asphalt is laid. In this specificity, both liquid and viscous formulations are used. They are also combustible, the flash point of the material at an external open source is in the range from 60 to 120 °C.

Bitumen for road construction

In the construction of roads, a polymeric bitumen product is used, now in Russia the production of road bitumen is increasing, but still, in terms of the volume of material produced, it lags far behind world indicators.

Such installations are characterized by high energy consumption, their electrical power reaches 200 kW or more. Due to the high cost of electricity, many asphalt concrete plants cannot organize the modification of bitumen with binder polymer compositions.

Bitumen can be safely attributed to products with seasonal demand, this is primarily determined by the seasonality of road works in our country. The price of bitumen per ton rises sharply in summer and falls in winter. Due to the fact that this material is produced from oil, the instability of oil quotations on the world market also has a significant impact on the cost of bitumen.

Also, the price of bitumen strongly depends on the remoteness of the consumer from the production complexes, this is due to the considerable costs of transporting the material both in liquid state in containers and in solid form when solid bitumen is transported in bags.

Bitumen trade

Currently, bitumen trade in Russia is steadily increasing. Selling companies mainly organize the sale of bitumen in bulk, but do not refuse from the retail trade of this material of wide and steady demand.

Consider the prices for bituminous raw materials that have been established in the domestic market at the present time:

Analyzing the above table, we can conclude that the cost of bitumen is currently quite high. All available old stocks and bitumen waste generated during production and transportation are used. This allows the oil producing companies to earn an estimated profit, but hinders the development of road construction in the country.

What is bitumen is known not only by builders, but also by many consumers. This material was widely used several decades ago for covering small outbuildings, arranging a moisture barrier between the foundation and the wall of buildings, and for many other purposes. But pure bitumen is not the best option for the production of roofing. After all, it lends itself to aging, becomes brittle and hard under the influence of oxygen and sunlight. As a result, cracks appear on the surface, and it loses its waterproof function. To get rid of these shortcomings, oxidized bitumen is used for the production of roofing.

Production features

The production of bitumen is a complex technological process that is carried out on the territory of oil refineries. The raw material is oil, and not one grade, but several, which are carefully selected. The quality of the finished product depends on the quality of the source material.

The production of oxidized bitumen is a forced process and is carried out in a special plant. The feedstock is heated in it and oxygen is passed through it. The feedstock can be fuel oil, tar, cracked residues, semi-tar, or a mixture thereof.

Advantages and Features

The consequence of the oxidation process will be the acquisition by the product of characteristics important for operation, which include:

  1. Changing the heat resistance of the coating from the initial +45 degrees to the final +120 degrees.
  2. By stopping all chemical processes, the roofing product acquires the necessary rigidity.
  3. Higher fire resistance than non-oxidized counterpart.
  4. Lack of emission of vapors and unpleasant smells when heated.
  5. Due to the improved quality, basalt granulate does not crumble from the surface.
  6. The coating retains its appearance, does not swell or crack.
  7. Improved wind resistance. Due to the fact that the rigidity of the material has increased, the coating easily resists even the strongest winds.

The oxidation process will not end there - it will continue after the installation of the roof for a certain period during its operation.

Disadvantages of oxidized bitumen

Unfortunately, the oxidation process gives the coating some disadvantages:

  1. Fragility at sub-zero temperatures - the material hardens in the cold, becomes rigid. Therefore, it cannot be used for mounting. This is a significant disadvantage for professional builders who have to work not only in the summer.
  2. Due to the fragility of the canvas, if necessary, it is difficult to repair it in the cold - at the slightest load, for example - it is enough to stand on the roof, it begins to crack and break.

Production of modified bitumen

What is modified bitumen? This is the name of the material, in the initial mixture of which a certain type of modifying substance is added. This is necessary so that the finished product for roofing can withstand various weather conditions. What does the addition of modifiers give? Mixing bitumen with polymer added in the correct proportion gives the final product important performance properties:

  1. UV resistant.
  2. Good adhesion.
  3. The ability to keep a good shape.
  4. Resistant to sudden changes in temperature.

Many consumers wonder if the added polymer is harmful to people and the environment. The following fact testifies to how safe the thermoplastic is - after several years of operation, fungi, moss and other biological organisms begin to grow on the surface of the coating. To destroy them, it is enough to treat the surface with any substance, the basis for the creation of which was copper sulfate.

Comparison of characteristics of oxidized and modified bitumen

The properties of oxidized bitumen and sbs-modified are largely the same. This is a long-term operation, excellent appearance. But there are also differences. To understand which of the materials has the best performance and is more suitable for a particular object, it is necessary to compare their characteristics and consider the differences.

Description of characteristics

oxidized bitumen

modified bitumen

Temperature range at which operation is possible.

from -55° C to +120° C.

From -25° to +120° C. At lower temperatures, the coatings begin to crack and crumble. This leads to a violation of tightness and a change in the appearance of the roof.

High adhesion. Due to this, the material has excellent wind resistance - even in strong winds it does not break off the roof. In addition, the granulate adheres perfectly to its surface.

Minimal adhesion, due to which the granulate can crumble.


The final material is of high quality, independent of the quality of the raw material.

The quality of the finished roof depends entirely on the quality of the raw materials. If it did not have the required quality, in order to achieve a good quality of the final product, manufacturers have to use various stabilization additives.

Flexibility, elasticity

High rate

High rate, but only at positive temperatures.

The use of chemical modifying additives

Not provided

Used to extend the life of the roof.

Ecological cleanliness

Does not contain harmful or chemical substances. Therefore, it is considered safe for humans and the environment.

May emit harmful substances, although in small quantities.

Conclusion: although the modified bitumen is cheaper, according to various indicators, it is slightly inferior to the oxidized counterpart.

Mounting Features

As they say about experienced builders, if the laying of each type of coating was carried out correctly, there are no significant differences in the behavior of the roof. But there is one important nuance. It is necessary to choose and install a coating from both materials, taking into account their characteristics and properties. So, in summer it is more convenient to work with modified bitumen - it has greater heat resistance and has proven itself well at high temperatures. If an oxidized analogue is used for installation, it is better to work with it in winter. It remains flexible even at very low temperatures.

Conclusion: you can work with any material, if the work is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and strictly follow all their instructions, the roofing can be used for many years, retaining its characteristics.

And what do the reviews of the owners of houses covered with similar material say about flexible tiles? The most important thing that each of them says is the high aesthetics of the coating and its reliability. After several years of operation, the surface remains intact and performs its function.

Types of modified bitumen

Depending on the type of modifier added, there are two types of modified bitumen:

  1. SBS (rubber bitumen). To get it, rubber is added to the bituminous mass. Due to this, the mass changes its structure at the molecular level. Bituminous roofing made of material has higher flexibility and strength at sub-zero temperatures, and also acquires the ability to repeat all surface bends and even after significant stretching, return to its original state.
  2. APP. This is the name of the mixture to which the polymer (atactic polypropylene) is added. Due to this, the finished canvas changes its plasticity with temperature changes (the higher the temperature, the higher the plasticity and vice versa). The added polymer has a low cost. Therefore, the bituminous roof obtained with its use costs less than with SBS additives.

Advantages and features of modified coatings

SBS modified material:

  1. It has a high coefficient of elongation - the canvas can be stretched to a length greater than the original one by 20 times, and at the same time it will not collapse, but remain intact. For oxidized bitumen, this figure is much lower.
  2. At temperatures below zero, the canvas retains flexibility and elasticity.
  3. When bending, cracks do not appear on the canvas, even if the ambient temperature is below zero.

APP modified material:

  1. Changes plasticity with temperature changes. The higher the thermometer index, the faster the plasticity improves, and vice versa - with a decrease in temperature, the flexibility of the coating sharply decreases.
  2. The cost of coverage based on AMS modifiers has a lower cost than the SBS counterpart.

Disadvantages of a modified roof

Coating with APP-modifiers is not intended for use in regions where the temperature drops below -25 degrees in winter. It starts to crack and crumble. When applying a coating to the roof, it is necessary to work with it carefully. The material is completely inelastic, and if stretched, it does not return to its original state.

Due to the variety of bituminous roofing materials on the construction market, each consumer can choose the option at the most suitable price and with the characteristics that suit him.

In September 2016, the market of the Customs Union expects a transition to a new bitumen production standard (GOST 33133-2014). Formally, the standard is voluntary, but its observance can be included among the mandatory requirements for participation in tenders for government orders. According to the calculations of the Ministry of Energy, the total investment required by Russian companies to modernize their bitumen production to meet the new requirements will be at least 2.5 billion rubles. At the moment, manufacturers seem to be aiming to make the most of existing capacity while they can.

Russian enterprises have shown a steady upward trend in bitumen production since last September. According to the study, in In 2016, the production index was positive compared to the previous month for 3 months out of 4. The volume of bitumen production in April 2016 in physical terms increased by 43% y/y.

Bitumen finds a variety of uses in construction, in the production of materials such as asphalt concrete, building insulation, roofing. Today, bitumen is most often obtained during the processing of coal, oil, shale tars and peat extracts.

The cumulative increase in production volumes for 4 months of 2016 amounted to more than 50% y/y. IndexBox experts note that the increase in bitumen production is mainly due to stable demand from the road construction sector, where bitumen is used as a key raw material in the composition of the road surface. Moreover, according to Rosavtodor, the market still remains in short supply.

Dynamics of bitumen production in Russia

The dynamics of bitumen production in value terms differs from the dynamics of production in physical terms, being characterized by a fall. Thus, in January-April 2016, the volume of production in value terms was 50% lower than y/y. According to a study conducted by IndexBox specialists, a significant decrease in bitumen prices is associated with fluctuations in oil prices, as well as an increase in supply in the market.

Volume of bitumen production in Russia

In the structure of the bitumen market, the main volume is still accounted for by road bitumen: in 1 sq. In 2016, 812.6 thousand tons were produced, which is 68% of the total production volume in physical terms. The absence of structural changes in the production of products by product categories is due to stable demand from the consuming industries.

Bitumen is produced by most refineries. Among the most important enterprises engaged in their production, one can single out LLC LUKOIL-NIZHEGORODNEFTEORGSINTEZ, LLC LUKOIL-PERMNEFTEORGSINTEZ, LLC LUKOIL-VOLGOGRADNEFTEPERERABOTKA, JSC GAZPROMNEFT - MOSCOW REFINERY, as well as subdivisions of Rosneft Oil Company - Angarsk Oil Refinery, Achinsk refinery, Novokuibyshevsk refinery, Syzran refinery, etc.

Bitumen market in Russia: production geography

The largest volume of production among all federal districts falls on the Volga Federal District: in January-April 2016, 599 thousand tons of bitumen were produced there, which is 33% of the total volume. In second place with a share of 32% is the Southern Federal District, in third place is the Central Federal District with a share of 25%. Together, these federal districts account for 91% of Russian production in January-April 2016, while in Q4. In 2015, the same districts accounted for a combined 94%. The stable distribution of shares in the total production volume shows the even intra-annual use of capacities in the key districts of production.

In 2016, the Ministry of Economic Development estimates the volume of oil production at the level of 538 million tons. Despite the economic attractiveness of crude oil exports compared to petroleum products, oil exports are expected to decline (99.4% by 2015) due to global oil market trends. Against this background, the volume of oil supplies to Russian refineries in 2016 will slightly decrease (99.6% by 2015). In the current economic situation, the Ministry of Economic Development expects a decrease in production by 2019 to 532 million tons.

The decrease in oil refining margins under the current tax conditions, the consequences of the deteriorating economic situation in the country, as well as the change in the timing and pace of refinery modernization indicated by companies, according to the Ministry of Economic Development, will have an impact on investment activity in the industry and lead to a further decrease in investment in the production of petroleum products in 2016. Starting in 2017, on the contrary, a slight increase is expected.