Boa constrictor content. Boa constrictor ordinary. What does a boa constrictor eat

The common boa constrictor is a nocturnal and twilight animal (active at dawn and dusk). AT northern and southern areas, boas hibernate for several weeks to wait out the cold or dry seasons. Boas living in rainforests with high humidity are active throughout the year.

In the first year of life, a boa constrictor will grow by 300% from 35-55 cm, reaching a length of up to 1.5-1.8 m. In the second year, the boa constrictor will grow by another 0.9-1.2 m. After the second year, the growth of the boa slows down . Females give birth to 10-60 boas after a gestation period of 4-10 months (depending on temperature and other factors). Unlike others large snakes, the female boa constrictor does not give birth every year.

At the time of buying boa constrictor choose a reptile with clear, clean skin. The boa constrictor should be round in shape, the anal area holes should be clean, eyes - clear. When a healthy boa constrictor is picked up, it begins to actively move its tongue. Like pythons, boas have anal spurs - claws located on two parties anus, which are vestigial remains of the hind legs. Males have longer anal spurs than females. Females and males are slightly different in behavior and character. From of all boas, the common boa constrictor, the least aggressive.

To keep a boa constrictor, choose a terrarium specially designed for snakes, with top-closing lid. Snakes often run away from terrariums, especially boas, as they are strong. When your boa is more than two years old, it will need to be moved to another terrarium, which you can build yourself from wood and glass (plexiglass), or buy a special terrarium for large reptiles. Big snakes need a big terrarium!

Paper towels are used as a substrate first, as they are easy to remove and replace with new ones when they get dirty. On paper, it is easy to notice the presence of ticks (if they have appeared) and control the quality of the boa constrictor's feces. As soon as the boa constrictor grows up, instead of paper, you can use the decorative coating "Astroturf" or a coating made from split cypress or spruce bark. Pine and cedar sawdust should not be used, as they stick to food, can get into the mouth and respiratory tract of the boa constrictor, thereby creating many problems for its health. All wet and dirty parts of the substrate should be removed as soon as possible to prevent growth fungi and bacteria.

Boa constrictor (Boa constrictor)

In the terrarium, the boa constrictor should have secret places where he will hide. For these purposes, you can use logs, empty cardboard boxes, an opaque plastic container, etc., all that is easy to replace with a new one or easy to clean. Most boas like to hang from branches, so be sure to place strong branches in the terrarium that will support the weight of the boa constrictor (the branches must be skinned and decontaminated!). If you are using rocks and bricks to build a cave, make sure it is firmly held together as boas are very strong and can easily destroy this. building and thereby cause injury to themselves.

The air temperature in the terrarium should be 28-32'C, with an area for heating in which the temperature reaches up to 32-35'C. At night, the temperature should drop to 26-30'C. You can heat the terrarium using an electric heating pad, which is placed under half of the terrarium. To provide additional temperature, some owners use light bulbs that are placed on top (the boa constrictor should not touch them, otherwise he gets burned!). All snakes are very susceptible to burns, for the same reason, hot stones should not be used to heat the terrarium. To measure temperature, you will need two thermometers: the first arrange at a height of 2.5 cm above the substrate (cool half of the terrarium), and the second at the same height, but in the warm half. It is desirable to place a third thermometer- at the top of the heating zone. As soon as your boa constrictor grows, it is better to use a thermostat to control the temperature.

A full spectrum UV lamp can be used to illuminate the terrarium.

After buying a young boa constrictor, give it two weeks to acclimatize to a new home. During this time, give him one 10-day-old rat (the rodent must be dead). Smaller boas are given small mice, large snakes can eat large rats. The basic rule in feeding boas is that the size of the food should not be wider than the widest part of the snake. If the boa constrictor is fed too much prey, it will regurgitate the food after a few days.

In captivity, snakes are often overfed, especially pythons and boas, as they don't have enough room to move and spend calories.

Inside the terrarium there should always be fresh water, the boa constrictor will drink and swim in it. Water should be changed frequently as it gets dirty. Before molting, you can offer the boa constrictor a warm bath.

After buying a young boa constrictor, start accustoming him to you. Take the boa constrictor in your hands carefully, at first it may run away from you and hiss. Be persistent and gentle. Daily contact with the boa constrictor will establish a trusting relationship between you and the snake. When communicating with a boa constrictor, it is not advisable to make sudden movements. If the snake is wrapped around your arm or neck, grab it by the tail and gently start spinning it (don't try to spin the snake from your head, as the snake may be stronger than you).

The house should always have first aid items that will come in handy in various situations: nolvasan (for disinfection of the substrate, objects, water dishes, etc.), betadine (treatment of wounds and scratches), sponges, spare water dish, etc.

Translation: Zooschool -

This is one of the most popular snakes in the terrariums of reptile lovers around the world, and this love could not have arisen from scratch, as these snakes are really very worthy. They have an ideal size, bright, memorable, beautiful color, calm disposition, in other words, this is a snake without flaws, so an ordinary boa constrictor can be of interest to both beginner terrariumists and experienced reptile lovers.

These snakes are not as large as, for example, adult tiger pythons, but they have a dense, powerful, muscular build with a clear and bright pattern from head to tail.

The bulk of the boas currently sold in Russia are of average size for this species, which rarely exceed 2 meters in length. This is despite the fact that under natural conditions the spread of the maximum sizes of adults is quite large and, depending on the locality, reaches from 1.5 to 5.5 meters. The coloration of these boas includes a bright light general background of the body, with contrasting spots on the back, the so-called "saddles", and a very bright tail with spots from a combination of brown and red. At the same time, despite the rather powerful body, the boas have a very elegant small head.

The colors of the various localities of these boas range from light gray or pastel beige to brown, red, and almost black, while there is great variability not only in color, but also in size, both in length and in body proportions. In different countries of the world, collections are created dedicated to the maintenance and breeding of only one type of snake - the common boa constrictor. At the same time, these collections are purely individual and not similar to others, since someone stops their interest in the maintenance and preservation of natural, natural localities of snakes, another deals with only one or two subspecies, and the third is most interested in genetics and breeding new color morphs.
But not only attractive appearance makes this snake so loved and desired by lovers. Most species of snakes can boast beautiful coloration, but for some reason they are not as popular with terrariumists as an ordinary boa constrictor. In addition to the factors already mentioned, this is due to the simplicity of keeping and the very calm nature of these snakes, since an aggressive common boa constrictor is an extremely rare occurrence.

When keeping ordinary boas in captivity, the main difficulty lies in the size of the terrarium, which is necessary for keeping this species. A large terrarium is needed, although not as large as, for example, for the same tiger or reticulated pythons. For one adult individual, a terrarium of 1000 * 500 * 500 mm is quite enough. This is an average size for an average boa constrictor, and it must be borne in mind that the sizes of adult snakes vary greatly. If you know the location of your boa constrictor or saw the size of its parents and have an idea of ​​the final size of the pet, you can calculate the required size of the terrarium. The minimum length of the terrarium should be 50-60% of the length of an adult boa constrictor, and the width of 50-60% of the resulting length of the terrarium. It is better to make the terrarium bigger, as far as your living conditions allow. It is best to equip it with a simple incandescent mirror lamp fixed in one corner of the terrarium. This will immediately provide both a thermal gradient and a photogradient in the terrarium.

The power of the lamp should be chosen so that the temperature in the cold corner is room temperature, and on the floor under the lamp within 30-33 degrees. Boas should not be overheated, in nature they mainly inhabit the lower tier of the forest, where temperatures are not critical, snakes warm up in a spot of sunlight, and cool in the shade of trees. Ultraviolet irradiation for boas is not necessary. Within the limits of habitats, common boas mainly settle in rather dry biotopes, but always close to water. Therefore, in the terrarium, there must be a bathing suit in which the snake could fit completely. It is desirable to spray the terrarium, but without fanaticism, increasing the humidity mainly during the molting period.

The habitat of boas is huge, it is the territory from Mexico to Argentina. This is a huge territory, with many rivers, lakes and mountains, which creates different climatic conditions in different areas of the range, providing boas with various biotopes, forcing them to adapt to completely different environmental conditions. Snakes inhabit forests overgrown with light forest bushes, open areas of the terrain, rise high enough in the mountains, which ensures high ecological plasticity of this species. This is reflected in the behavior of boas. For example, in some localities, snakes lead a semi-arboreal way of life, in others they are exclusively terrestrial. Therefore, the terrarium for boas can also be equipped with all kinds of branches, vines and climbing shelves. This is especially true for young constrictors of medium-sized localities.

Common boas are popular inhabitants of home terrariums, the maintenance of which requires a careful approach. How to care for an ordinary boa constrictor at home?

The description of common boas was first made in 1758. As soon as they did not perceive these snakes: they were terribly afraid, considered them to be monsters living in the jungle, attacking travelers, then they began to value their skin and perceive it only as material for expensive things. But today the attitude towards boas has changed, and more and more people are getting them as pets.

The size and weight of common boas can vary greatly. The body length is from 100 to 500 centimeters, and these snakes can weigh from 1 to 15 kilograms.

The habitat of boas extends from Argentina to Mexico.

The diet of boas depends on their size, they can eat frogs, rodents, birds and other snakes, and the young also feed on insects. Sexual maturity in boas occurs at 3-5 years. Common boas are viviparous, fertility can range from 5 to 60 babies. The average life expectancy is about 20 years.

Varieties of boas kept in captivity

In terrariums most often contain 3 types of boas:

  • A subgroup consisting of hybrids of the imperial boa constrictor with other subspecies;
  • A subgroup consisting of artificially bred colored forms: black boas, albinos, striped boas;
  • A subgroup consisting of individuals bred from breeding pure subspecies. This subgroup is most popular in Europe.

Terrarium for common boas

Young individuals are kept in completely transparent terrariums. The dimensions of the terrarium are 60 by 60 by 60 centimeters. Ventilation must be ensured, for this, holes are made on the back wall and gaps are left between the sliding doors.

Common boa constrictor in the exotarium of the Belgorod Zoo

Adult boas are kept in frame terrariums, the base of which is made of drywall. The back wall is finished with foam from the inside, the bottom too. The rest of the walls are made of glass, they must open. They also provide ventilation through holes in the rear wall and gaps between the panes. The size of the terrarium for adult boas should not be less than 150 by 90 by 90 centimeters.

Incandescent lamps are used for lighting and heating the terrarium, but they must be secured so that the boa constrictor does not get burned.

In a terrarium with boas, a background temperature of 22 degrees is maintained, and in a warm corner, under a lamp, it should warm up to 40 degrees. There is no need to install special or ultrasonic lamps.

Large chips can be poured into the bottom of the terrarium, but there should not be small sawdust in it, as they can get into the nostrils of the boa constrictor and provoke problems with the respiratory tract.

Juveniles often burrow into the substrate, so plain paper can be used.

Feeding boas

Boa constrictors should be fed in a way that does not overfeed them, as these snakes have weak stomachs and often have problems with regurgitation.

Boas can be fed a variety of food rodents and small chickens. If a boa constrictor is fed one type of food for a long time, then it may refuse food altogether.

Newborn boas are given 1 mouse in 7-10 days, later they begin to be fed 1 time in 14 days, but at the same time they are given 2 mice. At the age of about 1 year, pythons begin to give young rats, they are fed every 10-14 days and give 1 rat. Adult females are fed once every 3 weeks, they are given 2 large rats, and males are given 1 large rat every 3 weeks.

Boas must have access to clean water. If not just a drinking bowl is used, but a large container, then the boas will be happy to swim in it, because the water will have to be changed daily.

The common imperial boa constrictor is one of the most popular snakes among lovers of such animals. Beginners and experienced terrarium keepers often choose Boa constrictor Imperator when they decide to get another pet.

The decision to have an imperial boa constrictor is quite reasonable. These snakes have a calm and friendly disposition., as well as a surprisingly beautiful color with a clear and bright pattern throughout the body. They have a powerful dense body and small size compared to other types of pythons.

Domestic boa constrictors are of average size for the species, rarely exceeding two meters in length. Then, as individuals living in natural conditions, they can reach from one and a half meters to six meters in length. The imperial boas have a peculiar and unusual color, which is very popular with many lovers of exotic animals. The body of the snake has a rather bright and light background, the back is decorated with spots of contrasting colors. The tail is brighter than the rest of the body, and also has colored spots, most often brown or dark brown, with patterns of red. The head of the boa constrictor is neat and graceful, despite the snake's muscular body.

The color of the imperial boa depends on the habitat. She may be:

  • light gray;
  • dark gray;
  • pastel beige;
  • various brown shades;
  • muted red;
  • black.

Almost all states of the world are interested in this type of snake. Collections are created aimed at keeping and breeding boa constrictor. Such collections pursue completely different goals. Someone is only interested in the snakes themselves, their maintenance and the preservation of the population in their natural habitat. And someone is studying the genetic component of boas and is trying to breed individuals with new colors. Of course, many snakes can boast of an unusual and beautiful color.

Why is the boa constrictor terrariumists so fond of? In addition to their appearance, boa constrictor has a number of advantages, which become decisive when choosing a snake for keeping at home.

  1. An ordinary boa constrictor does not require special care and does not cause difficulties in maintenance.
  2. Boa constrictor has a wonderful personality. This snake is very calm and patient. An aggressive or nervous individual belonging to this species is extremely rare.

The only difficulty in keeping an imperial boa constrictor is terrarium selection- the snake should not be cramped in it. Usually for an adult, a terrarium one meter long, fifty centimeters high and wide is enough. But as we know, a boa constrictor from a small snake can grow into a large individual and the old terrarium will seem too cramped to him.

If you have an adult snake that has stopped growing, or you have seen your pet's parents and have an idea of ​​what size it can reach, buying a terrarium will not be difficult for you. The length of the terrarium for the snake should be sixty percent of the length of the boa itself, and the width and height should be sixty percent of the length of the terrarium.

If your living conditions allow, it is better to purchase a larger terrarium than required. To maintain the temperature required by the boa constrictor, you can use an ordinary incandescent mirror lamp. You should not overheat your pet, in the natural environment boa constrictor prefer the lower tier of the forest, and the temperature in such places is not too high.

In the wild, boas settle in fairly dry areas, but always close to water bodies. Therefore, in the terrarium, it is necessary to equip a pool of water, where, if necessary, the boa can fit completely. To ensure the necessary humidity, the terrarium should be periodically sprayed with a spray bottle. This is especially true of the molting period of the snake.

Boa terrarium required arrange using various branches and vines, on which the snake can climb if she has a desire. The fact is that in the wild, boa constrictor are distributed from Argentina to Mexico itself on a vast territory with a large number of different reservoirs and mountains. Imperial boas are unusually plastic animals; they inhabit both dense forests and light forests or savannahs. Some individuals climb mountains, live in trees, or spend their entire lives on the ground.

The size of the terrarium should be increased as the snake grows. Small boas can be kept in plastic containers with a bottom size of sixty by forty centimeters. It is very convenient and hygienic. As soon as the snakes reach one meter in length, they need to be moved to a full-fledged terrarium.


Boa diet is no different from the taste preferences of snakes of other species. In their natural environment, boa prefer various small animals:

  • mammals - rodents, small monkeys;
  • birds;
  • very rarely, but sometimes they attack lizards, for example, iguanas.

When feeding a captive imperial boa constrictor, attention should be paid to its size. Large snakes are happy to eat rabbits, quails, chickens and guinea pigs. Boas of any size will not refuse small rodents: mice, rats and hamsters.

So that the snake develops well and does not remain hungry you need to follow the right diet:

  1. Adult snakes are fed once every eight to ten days. One serving consists of seven to eight adult rats weighing two hundred to three hundred grams.
  2. Young individuals are given one to three adult mice or two rats weighing forty to sixty grams once every five days.
  3. Newborn snakes should be given little mice or rats.

Imperial boas drink water, so it should be changed frequently in the pool and drinking bowl.

Pet required vitamin and mineral supplements. Along with the food, give him crushed eggshells and complexes containing calcium.

Boas have a delicate digestive tract. Overheating or extreme cold, feeding too often, or a rodent that is too large can cause burping. Boas take a very long time to recover from this process.


Sexual maturity in imperial boas usually occurs in the third or fourth year of life. Although, sometimes there are sexually mature individuals aged one year and seven months.

This species is ovoviviparous, that is, kites are born in eggs with a very soft shell, immediately tear it and crawl out. Not all snakes manage to do this manipulation, so when breeding boas at home, you can help the kids and tear the egg shell yourself.

Pregnancy in females takes about five to seven months. In the third month of pregnancy, expectant mothers often refuse food and do not eat until the very birth. Depending on age and size, the female gives birth to seven to sixty cubs. Small boas are born with a gall sac and an umbilical cord, which falls off on its own within two to five days.

Newborn snakes look inactive and weak, but everything will change in a couple of days. The cubs will begin to actively move and even defend themselves by lunging and trying to bite. Then, within two weeks, the babies molt and move on to self-feeding.

Breeding imperial boas in captivity rather difficult activity. The fact is that among breeders and terrariumists there is still no clear and unanimous opinion about what determines the desire of snakes to mate and how to effectively push them to this. At the moment, there are several ways to encourage snakes to mate. Some of them may work with your pets, but you should be prepared for the fact that none of the above methods will lead to the desired effect:

Also, many researchers offered the public for consideration such cases when intentionally rude to a male, motivated him to go to reproduction. Some males, after leaving hibernation, simply ignore the female, but after her molting, they suddenly have a desire to mate with her.

Some scientists even tried to find a relationship between the desire of emperor boas to mate and the phases of the lunar calendar. Unfortunately, none of the studies has yet produced the desired results. For terrarium studies, it is still a mystery how to provoke snakes to breed and why the methods that worked on some individuals no longer work on other boas of the same species.


Thanks to modern technologies, it has become easier for terrariumists to communicate with each other and share experience and knowledge. Each successful mating attempt in captivity gives a chance to restore the population of endangered boa constrictors.

The common imperial boa constrictor (Boa constrictor imperator) is a non-venomous snake belonging to the subfamily of boas and the false-legged family. Non-aggressive and non-venomous snake is easy enough to keep, so it is very popular not only with experienced reptile connoisseurs, but also with beginners.

Appearance and description

The imperial boa constrictor is not too large in size, but has a fairly strong and muscular body.. Under natural conditions, imperial boas reach a length of five meters. Despite the powerful body, the boa constrictor has a rather elegant head.

It is interesting! At home, such a reptile has a more modest size, and the body length, as a rule, does not exceed a couple of meters.

The imperial boa is most often characterized by an attractive light color and a large, well-defined pattern, represented by red and brown spots, but some individuals have a beige, light brown, brown or almost black body color.

Range and habitats

The main habitat of the imperial boa constrictor is very wide. The snake is distributed from Argentina to Mexico. A large territory has allowed nature to get just a huge variety of biotopes adapted to various external conditions of climate and environment.

A boa constrictor of this species prefers to settle in forests and open areas, in mountainous regions and woodlands, overgrown with undersized shrubs. By itself, the imperial boa constrictor is a fairly ecologically plastic species, so such a reptile can lead both a terrestrial and semi-arboreal lifestyle.

Buying an imperial boa constrictor, price

There are no fundamental differences in the size and body coloration of the male and female, so it will be quite difficult for non-professionals to choose a snake of the desired gender.

In this case, you need to pay attention to the fact that the tail of the male is longer and has a characteristic thickening at the base, turning into a cone. Females have a shorter and straighter tail. Among other things, the female is usually more massive and larger than the male.

Important! It is best to purchase an imperial boa constrictor in pet stores that specialize in the sale of exotic pets and reptiles. The boa constrictor must be completely healthy, quite active and well-fed.

The cost of such an exotic pet varies greatly depending on many factors, including color rarity, age, size and gender. For example, the average cost of the imperial boa constrictor of the Costa Rica locality, which is one of the smallest representatives of this species, is about 6.5-7.5 thousand rubles. The cost of rare specimens easily reaches two tens of thousands of rubles.