Our Lady of the Seven Arrows helps in what. Prayer of the Mother of God “Softening of evil hearts. How to read prayers

There are a large number of icons of the Mother of God that help in different ways. On some, the Mother of God is depicted with the Child, on others - alone. So, for example, the icon of the Seven Arrows, which must be in every church without fail. Quite often you can find another name for this icon, such as "Softener of evil hearts."

The description of the icon is as follows: it depicts the Mother of God alone, the head has a slight inclination to the right side, while in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart there are seven swords in a circle that pierce the heart of the Blessed Virgin. Three of them, as a rule, are located on the right side, 4 four swords on the left. There is also an image of the icon in a slightly different arrangement, in which the seventh sword pierces the heart of the Virgin from below, and the remaining swords are equally three on the right and left sides. Such an image of the icon is also considered correct.

History says that this icon was originally depicted on an ordinary wooden board in 1830. According to legend, the first miracle from this icon happened to a simple resident of the city of Kadniki, whom she healed from a serious illness.

Meaning of the Seven Arrow Icon

All seven swords piercing the heart mean sorrows, heart torments and tears that the Mother of God herself experienced during her lifetime. Those who are faced with some kind of misfortune and injustice go to this icon for help, because it helps to soften evil hearts and calm enmity between close and dear people. It is believed that after praying in front of this icon, a person feels peace and joy, freeing himself from bad thoughts and feelings.

In the temple, it is in front of this icon that believers also ask for intercession and help in everyday affairs. A large number of people already have this icon in their home, because it is the Mother of God who is the protector of the whole Christian family, and prayers to her are soon heard. Orthodox Christians believe that those who have such an icon in the house may not be afraid of evil and treacherous people, troubles and misfortunes, as well as attacks by evil forces, because it drives away and saves the house and its inhabitants from everything bad.

Quite often, the Seven-shooter icon is placed on your desktop in the office or on the wall in the office. Most often, these are small icons that are located opposite the entrance to the office, or are located directly on the person's desk. Also, the Seven-shot Icon of the Mother of God acts as a defense during wars, armed conflicts and dangerous situations.

If a person feels anger and a feeling of anger towards another person, he can also approach this icon and pray. Only one look at the swords piercing the heart of the Virgin is already propitiating, and prayer will completely cleanse the mind and thoughts of everything bad, and after a short time, the person will feel relieved and calm down.

Where is the best place to buy an icon?

All over the world there are a huge number of icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, which have different meanings and to which different prayers are offered. Anyone who wants to feel that he needs it can buy the Seven-shooter icon. It is worth doing this in a church or in a monastery, since they are already consecrated there.

Immediately after the acquisition, the icon can be carried home. Although you can buy such an icon in a church store or any other online market, after purchasing it, it is recommended to consecrate it, and then place it in its place in the house.

In any case, the Seven-shot Icon will help each family member in resolving difficult issues, but it is worth remembering that it is necessary to pray before it with fiery faith.

Where is the best place in the house to place the Seven-shot Icon of the Mother of God?

Many centuries ago, a strict canon was established, which says where and how icons should be placed in a room or house:

  • If possible, each house should create its own small iconostasis, where the icons will be stored. If this is not possible, then the icon is most often placed on a shelf or placed on a wall. The seven-shooter icon should be located so that its face was strictly directed to the front door, and it should be placed only from the east. Thus, the face of the icon, as it were, will meet all the guests who step over the threshold of the house;
  • Like any other icon, the Seven Arrows should also be located away from photographs, clocks, paintings and other decorative elements. Nothing should divert the eye from her holy face;
  • It is not recommended to place the icon near any consumer electronics, such as a TV or computer;
  • According to the rules, the icon should be above the level of half the wall, so that a standing person would still look at it from the bottom up.

Observing such simple rules, the icon will bring maximum protection and benefit to all residents of the house. If placed incorrectly, it may go unnoticed.

To whom and in what does the icon of the Seven Arrows help?

First of all, the Seven Arrows Icon of the Mother of God helps those who have envious people, crafty people and ill-wishers in their environment or at work. Praying before this icon, a person receives intercession and softening of evil hearts, which leads to a successful outcome.

For those who are sick and in need of a speedy recovery, the Seven-shooter icon will also be needed. In the past, when a serious illness came to the city, all Christians prayed before the holy icon and the attack receded.

As the clergy say, with the appearance of this icon in any home, life becomes calmer, and the household is happier. Therefore, for every believer, it is necessary to have such an icon in the house so that in difficult and troubled times one can pray in front of it and ask for intercession.

Quite often, they try to touch the holy “corners” or home iconostases as little as possible, believing that their usual location can be disturbed. Therefore, during cleaning, such places are bypassed, and this is an unacceptable violation. Since the shrines should always be clean and tidy. Therefore, at least once a week, free it from dust, clean the candlesticks and lamps, if any, in front of the icons, and place fresh flowers in front of them.

Akathist and prayer in front of the icon of the Seven-shot Mother of God: how to pray and what helps

It is believed that before placing the icon according to all the rules of the house, it is necessary to read the akathist of the Seven-shot Mother of God. Immediately after this, household members note that certain people stopped visiting them, or completely disappeared from view, while others began to visit more often. There is a light atmosphere in the house, it becomes lighter and happier.

Akathist and several prayers to the icon of the Mother of God of Seven Arrows are read by Orthodox Christians if:

  • It is necessary to get rid of the hardness of the heart and oppression;
  • Favorable resolution of conflict situations;
  • Understanding and reconciliation of warring people;
  • Preservation of the house from all troubles and misfortunes;
  • Reconciliation of spouses and softening of their hearts.

According to legend, the icon was painted from the words of St. Simeon, who spoke them on the 40th day after the Nativity of Christ in the Jerusalem temple. For a long period of time, this face was hidden from worldly eyes, being placed on the bell tower of the church of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian. The location of the face was such that it was impossible to see it without a detailed search.

The face of the Seven Arrow Icon first appeared to an exhausted peasant who suffered greatly from his illness.. He went to the monastery, but they did not let him into the bell tower. Only after two refusals, for the third time, they took pity on him, and he immediately found a holy face. After that, the holy face was washed by the monks from dust and dirt. On the same day, a service was held before the holy face, and after it ended, the sick person received miraculous healing. Thus, the first known miracle was created by the holy face of the Seven-shot Icon of the Mother of God.

How to pray in front of the Seven-shooter Icon of the Mother of God

Troparion, tone 4

“Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and quench the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the narrowness of our soul, looking at Your holy image, we are moved by Your suffering and mercy for us and kiss Your wounds, but our arrows, You tormenting, are horrified. Do not give us, Mother of Mercy, to perish in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors, Thou art truly evil hearts Softening.


“O many-sided Mother of God, Exceeding all the daughters of the earth, according to Your purity and the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the earth, accept our many painful sighs and save us under the shelter of Your mercy. Otherwise, for refuge and warm intercession, don’t you know, but, as if you have boldness to the One who was born from you, help and save us with your prayers, so that we unstoppably reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to the One God, now and forever and till the end of time. Amen".

It is believed that the 7 arrows that are depicted on the icon are human vices and sins that the Mother of God can read in everyone's heart. Therefore, when starting to read a prayer, it is also necessary to carry out serious inner work in oneself so as not to upset the Mother of God with one's sins and impure thoughts and not to plunge one's daggers into her heart. The clergy say that the prayer must be read standing in front of the icon, but a sick person is allowed to read it in bed.

Peace to you and the intercession of the Holy Heavenly Forces!

Bookmark this page for regular prayers. Write your feedback in the comments if the icon of the Seven-shot Mother of God helped you.

How to pray in front of the Seven Arrows Icon

During the revolutionary years, most churches and monasteries were looted and destroyed. Shrines, icons stored in them, many disappeared without a trace. But there are images that believing Christians have been hiding for years, saving them from barbaric destruction. The “seven-shooter” icon of the Mother of God was considered lost for many years. Nothing was known about her fate until the miracle of finding happened. It is believed that in front of the icon of the Seven-shot prayer is the strongest.

Many icon-painting faces during the persecution of the Orthodox Church were saved by monks, clergymen or simply pious people who hid them from the authorities on pain of death. Among them was the image of the Mother of God "Seven-shooter".

The Theotokos herself preserved the icon of the “Seven Arrows”, and subsequently revealed it to the world. This incredible story of salvation and the acquisition of an iconic image took place in the Church of St. John the Theologian, which stands on the banks of the Toshnia River near Vologda.

Above the building of the bell tower, which belongs to the Church of St. John the Theologian, doves rose into the sky like a white fan, frightened by someone's plaintive cry: “Let me go! I pray to Christ God, let me go!” A peasant from the Kadnikovsky district, who had long and hopelessly been ill with relaxation, for the umpteenth time crawled to the temple with difficulty. They say that the Most Holy Lady herself came to him and ordered him to find the icon in the bell tower.

But they didn't let him in. Why did he need to climb the bell tower? Few crazy people these days. Tired of screaming, the peasant, with all his last strength, continued to whine quietly: "Let me go ...". And suddenly a priest came out of the temple into the courtyard, blessing the wretched man, he waved his hand invitingly “Go!”

The face of the sufferer lit up with joy, with the last of his strength he crawled to the bell tower. In the silence, only the rustling sounds caused by the movement crawling peasant.

He carefully ransacked each step, felt all the boards that covered them. And so almost to the very bell. And suddenly there was a jubilant exclamation of the sufferer: “I found it! People, I found! The ancient image was found on the topmost step.

The bell ringers walked on it as if on a simple plank. The shrine was carefully cleaned from years of dirt deposits. The clergy solemnly served a prayer service. And the Mother of God showed the first miracle through the “Seven-shot” icon. The peasant, who had been suffering from illness for a long time, finally received the long-awaited healing. Today it is the most revered icon; pilgrims from all over the country come to pray to it.

Historical evidence

We know from the history of the image of the Seven-shooter that he bears special care for the Volga residents. Thanks to the intercession of the Mother of God in 1830, Vologda got rid of the cholera epidemic. The pious Vologda merchants wanted to leave the icon in Vologda, they built a richly and correctly decorated kiot for it. But the locals resisted.

They themselves needed such a shrine. Then a compromise solution was found. A copy (list) remained in Vologda. It has also been preserved by the grace of God and is now in the city church. Both the prototype and the list made from it continue to patronize the city of Vologda.

Attention! In Moscow, you can bow to the myrrh-streaming image of the Mother of God "Seven-strelnaya" in the church of the Archangel Michael, on the Maiden's Field.


The “seven-shooter” icon of the Mother of God (see photo) has a rather ancient origin. Art scientists attribute to her the age of 500 years or more. The name of the artist who painted the image remains unknown.

The Mother of God is alone on it, and seven arrows (swords) were pierced into Her chest. This figure symbolizes excess, completeness. What does the seven-arrow mean - the fullness of spiritual sorrow experienced by the Mother, present at the painful death of her Son.

The icon-painting image of the Mother of God of Seven Shots is based on the well-known prophecy of Simeon the God-Receiver, which is narrated in the Gospel: "... and the weapon will pierce your soul." The future of the Infant was revealed to the holy elder by the Holy Spirit, about which he immediately announced to His Mother. The meaning of Simeon's prophecy is simple and terrible: “The body of your Son will be pierced with nails and a spear. And in your soul, Mother of the Savior, the weapon of torment and pain will pierce. And whose torment is more painful, whose pain is more terrible?

In the life of each of us there are sorrows, illnesses, various problems and troubles. We often fall into grumbling or despondency. It can be even worse: complete hopelessness and despair settle in the soul. If you look closely at the face of the "Seven-shooter", then against the background of deep huge suffering, which is symbolized by seven swords piercing the soul, we see amazing humility before the will of the Almighty.

The icon painter, without further ado, conveyed to all believers a great sermon on how to relate to earthly sorrows and carry the cross of life on your shoulders. And the Mother of God in the image of "Seven-shot" is the most obvious example of this.

Informative!: what is Amen and what is the meaning of the word

Icon of the Mother of God "Seven Arrows"

Often the face of the "Seven Arrows" is confused with other images of the Mother of God very similar to it:

  • "Softener of Evil Hearts";
  • "Simeon's Prophecy".

All three faces belong to the same iconographic type, but there are slight differences between them that are easy to notice when looking closely. The Mother of God "Seven-shot" has all the swords to the right (four) and to the left of the chest (three). On the other faces, they are depicted somewhat differently. In the image “Softener of Evil Hearts”, the arrangement of swords is symmetrical, three on each side, the seventh pierces the Mother of God from below. Often believers do not know where to hang the image in their home and what the icon helps with.

The place chosen for the home iconostasis should be at some distance from the computer, TV, so that the prayer to the Mother of God is not interrupted.

Useful video: icon of the Mother of God "Seven Arrows"

Help for believers

From what does the icon "Seven Arrows" protect a believer. In the rush and bustle of life, we very often rush past other people, simply not noticing and ignoring them. Sometimes we hurt with a shoulder, we offend with an offensive word, we commit ugly acts towards them. We often condemn, pass on evil gossip and do not think at all what consequences our carelessly thrown reproach or insult will cause. But each such word responds with pain in the heart of an offended person, causes him suffering, spoils his life.

So the Most Holy Theotokos accepted into her soul all the insults, slander, and persecution that fell upon Her Divine Son. All seven swords, symbolizing pernicious passions, pierced Her heart. The Mother of God fully drank the cup of human malice and hatred together with her beloved Child, and now she sympathizes with all people in sorrows, sorrows, heals the wounds left by an unkind word, hatred or indifference.

The seven-shot icon will give consolation and joy to every grieving soul, change the unfavorable course of life, and give confidence in the future. The Most Holy Theotokos will accept anyone who turns to her with faith and hope.

What helps the icon of the Mother of God "Seven Arrows" to believers:

  1. With quarrels and conflicts. Gives peace and harmony in relationships with other people.
  2. Improves understanding between children and parents.
  3. It does not allow cruelty and bloodshed.
  4. Eliminates such vices as irritability and anger.

There are many testimonies of reconciliation between a wide variety of people. The spouses, who were on the verge of divorce, continued their family life in love and joy, and the children, who turned away from their parents at the instigation of the evil one, returned to them again with the realization of their wrong. Often there are cases of healing after prayer before the icon. The mercy of the Mother of God is truly unlimited. Her prayer is the strongest before God for us sinners.

Attention! Information about what the icon is - "Seven Arrows", the meaning, what it helps with, must be obtained exclusively from Orthodox sites on the Internet. In Moscow, the image can be found in the Church of the Archangel Michael.

Useful video: Icon of the Seven Arrows


The Mother of God endured the fullness of suffering. On the "Seven-strelnaya" we see the tortured soul of the Mother of God. The image of the Mother of God has an amazing effect. All who flow to him receive relief in mental and physical grief.

Despite the large number of saints and miracle workers whose believer a person can ask for protection and patronage The Mother of God remains the most beloved image in Russia. There are a huge number of varieties of her icon - alone or with the Infant Christ. The image "Seven-shot icon" or "Tenderness of evil hearts" belongs to a single type.

Origin story

Like many icons, the first seven-shooter icon was found miraculously. She was found by a peasant from the Kadnikovsky district (near Vologda) in the Church of St. John the Theologian, located on the banks of the Toshni River. Until the moment of finding the icon, they walked, taking it for an ordinary floorboard or step. After the revolution in 1917, the icon disappeared and even a trace has not yet been found.

According to legend, the image was obtained in 1830, when a cholera epidemic occurred in Vologda. According to some legends, a peasant who found a shrine immediately recovered from a serious illness, after the Mother of God helped the whole district to overcome the disease. According to another version, the peasant suffered from severe lameness and weakness. The Mother of God appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to find her icon and pray before it.

Historians, however, cannot name the exact time of writing the image. Written sources of the 19th century indicate that its age is already more than the 5th century, that is, the time of writing is no later than the 14th century. However, since the icon was painted on canvas, which was then pasted onto a board, the 18th century is more often considered to be the date of painting. According to some assumptions, the Seven-shooter image is written off from the unknown image of the Virgin of the 17th century.

Description of the Seven-Arrow Icon and Its Meaning

The icon depicts the Mother of God to the waist, her head is slightly tilted to the right and down, her eyes are fixed upwards. Virgin in closed robes- usually red, but there are also options with blue fabric embroidered with gold patterns. She holds her hands near her chest, and 7 swords or daggers are aimed at her heart - 3 on the right side and 4 on the left. The background can be solid gold or with angels on it. And also angels and Christ himself can be present on the icon.

The image looks similar to the image of the Virgin "Softener of Evil Hearts", on which the Mother of God is also pierced with 7 swords. The difference is mainly in the location of the swords: in this version, they pierce the heart with 3 daggers on each side and 1 below. Today, both options are considered varieties of one common iconographic type. The meaning of the images and prayers for both icons is the same. Sometimes the full name is written as "Seven-shot Mother of God Softening evil hearts."

7 arrows or swords piercing the Mother of God is a symbol of grief and pain that she experienced when she saw her son and God on the cross. The number "7" itself has different interpretations:

  1. 7 human sins or passions who are trying to break through the protection of Our Lady;
  2. The number itself is a symbol of fullness, excess - that is, piercing the Virgin with just such a number of arrows shows that she experienced the highest, most complete pain from the execution of Christ, both as a mother and as a believing woman.

How does prayer help?

Since immediately after the miraculous finding, the peasant who found her was healed, they first of all come to her for the sake of health. But her help doesn't stop there. She helps:

In other words, the image saves people from bodily or mental ailments, the machinations of ill-wishers and envious people, from enemy weapons.

Days of veneration and location of the icon

The days of veneration of the Seven-shot Mother of God are:

  1. Her "holiday" - August 26.
  2. The first Sunday after the feast of the Holy Trinity.
  3. Sunday in the Week of All Saints is the 9th Sunday after Easter.

These days it is worth ordering a prayer service to the Virgin Mary.

In churches and monasteries there are several lists (copies) of the Seven-Arrowed Icon, where you can also purchase a “home version” that will protect the family and apartment. The most famous lists can be found:

From these places it is worth bringing not only the image itself, but also holy water or consecrated oil.

Rules for choosing a place for an image

To pray to the Seven-shot Mother of God, it is not necessary to travel to different cities. The icon can also be placed in the house in order to be able to pray to it regularly. There are several general rules for choosing the right place for the image:

How to pray correctly

The prayer of the Seven-shot Mother of God “Softening of evil hearts” is a Troparion, tone 5: this is a prayer-request for protection from all kinds of misfortunes. Then they say Kontakion, voice 2: a request to soften evil hearts. Both texts can be found on the Internet and rewritten. After they say the request itself and be sure to thank at the end for the help.

But the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos "Seven Arrows" may be independent, the main thing is that the words come from a pure heart.

  1. It is best to allocate morning or evening for prayer - a time when you can communicate with the Mother of God without fuss.
  2. Before prayer, it is necessary to wash (cleanse externally) and throw all problems and insults out of the head (cleanse internally). This will help you get the correct setup.
  3. Facing the icon, you need to cross yourself and turn to the Mother of God, then make the request itself. The latter should be polite, do no harm to anyone (one cannot ask for evil even for a bad person), completely sincere. They usually address "Mother Comforter".
  4. In the end, you need to thank the Mother of God herself and God. End the prayer with the word "Amen".

Some revered holy faces can be seen both in churches, monasteries, and in Christian dwellings. These include the miraculous Seven-Arrow Icon: where is the best place to hang the image of the Most Pure Theotokos in the house, read on.

Icons depicting the Savior, the Mother of God, Christian saints are not an item for interior decoration and not ordinary amulets. Orthodox images are real shrines through which believers turn to God. They occupy a special place in the heart of a person, in his house, they are carefully stored and passed on from grandfathers, fathers to children. Traditionally, iconostases were created in Christian homes, which were made up of the most revered, strong and important images for a particular family. Icons were placed in a prominent place of honor.

Seven-shooter Icon of the Blessed Mother of God

An ignorant person, looking at the face of the Mother of God of the Seven-shooter image, may be surprised. The Virgin Mary appears alone in the image, her gaze expresses restrained grief, her head is slightly inclined to the side. Most striking is the image of seven arrows, which are directed directly into the heart of the Virgin. Three arrows (or swords) are written on the left side, and four on the right (although the opposite arrangement is also possible).

There is also an icon on which there are three arrows on the right and left, the seventh one is below. The last option is another icon, known by several names "Softener of Evil Hearts" or "Simeon's Prophecy". The images have almost identical meaning and prayer power.

Prophecy of Elder Simeon

To understand the meaning of the Seven-shot image, one should turn to the gospel narrative. The holy elder Simeon the God-Receiver, who was engaged in the translation of sacred texts, was destined to die only after he saw the Messiah. The old man has been waiting for this hour for almost 270 years. And then the Holy Spirit appeared to Simeon with the message that the covenant day had come and he should go to the Temple of the city of Jerusalem.

On the fortieth day after the birth of the Christ Child, the Most Pure Virgin Mary, together with her husband, the righteous Joseph the Betrothed, brought him to the Jerusalem Temple for consecration, as required by the traditions of the Old Testament. On the threshold of the Holy Family with the Messiah, expected by all the people of Judea, Simeon met. He took Jesus in his arms and blessed him. Then, turning to Mary, the prophet uttered the words that thanks to this Baby, some will ascend, others will fall, and the very same sharp weapon will pierce the soul of the Mother of God.

The last words about weapons, like many other moments in the life of Jesus Christ, have many meanings. First of all, this is an allegorical description of the severe hardships, suffering, sorrow that the Blessed Virgin Mary had to endure, seeing the crucifixion of the Savior Christ. The very number seven in the Christian tradition denotes the fullness, the fullness of something. The icons, which depict a story with seven arrows (swords) piercing the heart of the Virgin, are illustrations of this prophecy, but carry a broader meaning applied to the human race. Seven sharp arrows are an allegorical image of the seven deadly human sins that cause suffering and pain to the merciful heart of the Holy Intercessor.

Finding a miraculous image

Today, no one can accurately determine when the image of the Seven-shot Virgin appeared, and also who exactly was the author of the icon. The first time the image appeared to people in the 15th century, this event was not without Divine Providence.

Not far from the city of Vologda (Kadnikovsky district) lived a peasant who had long suffered from incurable lameness and painful weakness. He tirelessly turned to God with a request for healing, since other tried methods did not help. Once in a dream, the Most Pure Mother of God appeared to him. She ordered the peasant to find Her miraculous image in the bell tower at the church of St. John the Theologian, pray with great faith before him, and healing would be granted.

Not daring to disobey and believing in the power of the Mother of God image, the peasant twice went to the specified temple. But they did not want to let him in, simply not believing the story. And only on the third time they were allowed to go to the bell tower. The icon with the Mother of God, pierced by seven arrows, was found very quickly, it was located face down at the turn of the stairs. The monks and bell-ringers felt dismay, because, unknowingly, they stepped on the icon many times. The seven-shot image was cleaned of contamination. They brought to the temple, served a prayer service. The peasant, with faith, knelt down and prayed to the Mother of God for healing, intercession - and the illnesses were gone.

This was the first miraculous healing, the fame of which quickly spread for many kilometers from Vologda. Other cases followed. In 1830, outbreaks of cholera suddenly appeared in the villages of the Vologda region. The epidemic quickly spread, then people began to fervently pray to the Seven-Arrowed Icon of the Mother of God, they walked around the temple in a procession. After that, the disease began to fade, and the people began to recover. Since then, the icon has gained fame as an assistant in the fight against cholera and other terrible diseases.

Where to place the Seven Arrow Icon

Favorite Orthodox icons are most often hung above the front door, at the head of the bed, or in a special place such as the iconostasis. The seven-shooter image of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most powerful, so it is often chosen for their homes.

There are no strict rules about the place of the icon, but some advice given by priests should be heeded:

  • It is advisable to place the Seven-shot image of the Virgin on one of the eastern walls of the apartment / house. If this is not possible, hang at the head of the bed, above or better opposite the front door.
  • If you are going to select a corner to equip a home iconostasis, make sure that the place is within easy reach for cleaning. Icons should be kept clean.
  • There should be no household items (cosmetics, jewelry, toys, talismans, aroma lamps, souvenirs) on the shelf or on the wall next to the icon or home iconostasis.
  • Personal photographs, paintings also have no place near the icons. When saying prayers, turn to the Mother of God, Jesus, saints, and not to archival photos of even people very dear to you. Store such photos in other places or hang them on another wall. Next to the shrines, even paintings on biblical themes are out of place.
  • If you want to have a large number of icons at home, do not put them on one small shelf. Relics should not cover one another. Plan a composition on the wall, try to place the images symmetrically so that everyone is clearly visible, open to access.
  • Traditionally, you should not hang one icon of the Seven Arrows above the dining table. Here the image of the Savior will be more appropriate. In Christian families, before eating, the Lord's Prayer is read. Sometimes cooked food is also consecrated with Gratitude to the Lord.
  • The seven-shooter icon is close in content to the image “Softener of Evil Hearts”, so it can be hung in the nursery next to or instead of the face of the Guardian Angel or the patron saint of the child.

Before the Seven-shot Shrine, one should pray for an end to turmoil, quarrels, she will give peace and tranquility to every home, preserve and strengthen family ties, improve relations, mutual understanding of spouses. Prayer appeals to this image of the Most Pure Virgin Mary help to soften the hearts of unkind people, envious people, ill-wishers. The Mother of God will protect from serious illnesses, injuries, and if an ailment has appeared, she will help to overcome it faster. The main thing to remember is that it is not enough to buy an icon you like, hang it on the wall. Sincere constant prayer is needed with faith in the mercy and power of the Heavenly Queen. And according to faith, prosperity and healing will be granted to everyone.

The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Seven Arrows" is one of the most miraculous icons in Rus'. For many centuries, Christians have called out to the Queen of Heaven through this icon if wars or rebellions broke out in the country.

The icon of the Mother of God "Seven Arrows" reflects the gospel narrative of how the Virgin Mary with Joseph the Betrothed brought the Christ Child to the Jerusalem Temple on the 40th day after His birth. The holy elder Simeon the God-bearer, present in the temple, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, saw in the God-child the Messiah, the Redeemer, expected by all the people of Israel. Foreseeing the sorrow that the Mother of God would have to endure at the crucifixion of Christ, the righteous Simeon turned to Her with the words: “Behold, this lies for the fall and for the uprising of many in Israel, and for the subject of controversy;(Luke 2:34-35).

The icon depicts the Most Holy Theotokos without the Divine Infant with seven arrows or swords piercing Her heart. The number 7 in Holy Scripture generally means the “fullness” of something. In this case, seven arrows piercing the Body of the Most Pure One, about which Simeon the God-bearer prophesied allegorically: "weapons will pass the soul". signify the fullness of that grief, "sorrow and disease of the heart", which were endured by the Blessed Virgin Mary in Her earthly life.

This image is sometimes supplemented by the image of the dead Christ on the knees of the Mother of God.

There is another interpretation of the image: the seven arrows piercing the breast of the Most Holy Theotokos denote the seven main human sinful passions that the Mother of God can easily read in every human heart. And the passions of a fallen nature pierce her soul no less than the vision of a host of demons rejoicing around the desecrated, tormented Son on the Cross.

According to legend, the original miraculous image of the “Seven-shot” Mother of God was painted in ancient times, more than 500 years ago.

The appearance of the icon is associated with healing help given to a peasant in the Vologda province in his illness, who lived for a very long time in the Kadnikovsky district near Vologda (on the banks of the Toshni River). For many years he suffered from relaxation and lameness and unsuccessfully tried in various ways to overcome his illness. Once, in a thin dream, a Divine voice commanded him to find the image of the Most Holy Theotokos on the bell tower of the church of the holy Apostle John the Theologian, where the dilapidated icons were kept, and with faith to pray before him for the healing of his illness. Arriving at the temple, the peasant was not immediately able to fulfill what was indicated to him in the vision. Only after the third request of the peasant, the clergy, who did not believe his words, allowed him to climb the bell tower. It turned out that for a long time this holy image was at the turn of the stairs of the bell tower of the temple. The icon turned face down was mistaken for an ordinary board, which served as a step of a ladder along which the bell ringers climbed. Horrified by this involuntary blasphemy, the clergy washed the image and served a prayer service before it, after which the peasant found complete healing.

Unfortunately, after the revolution, the miraculous icon disappeared. But numerous lists remained, which are also miraculous. One of them, m iris icon "Seven Arrows" is in temple Archangel Michael on Maiden's Field in Moscow .

Church of the Archangel Michael at the Clinics on Devichye Pole (Moscow, Elanskogo st., 2a)

There is also a very similar type of icon of the Mother of God, which is called icon of the Mother of God "SOFTENING OF EVIL HEARTS" ,or "Simeon's Prophecy". Its difference lies in the fact that the arrows piercing the heart of the Mother of God on this image are located three on the right and on the left, and one on the bottom, while the “Seven-shot” icon has four arrows on one side and three on the other.

In modern iconography, these icons are considered to be varieties of the same iconographic type, and despite the differences, they are often combined and called the same - "Seven-strelnaya" ("Softener of evil hearts"). At the same time, in prayer practice, these two images are also combined, because. have the same meaning.

Finally, there is another icon that is similar in iconography to the “Seven Arrows” and “Softener of Evil Hearts” - this icon is called, which was previously located in the village of Zhizdra, Kaluga Region, "Passionate" or “And weapons will pierce your very soul”. She was set to celebrate on the same day as the Seven-shot. Unlike the common icons of the “Passionate” Mother of God, which belong to a completely different iconographic type - Hodegetria, the image from Zhizdra depicts the Mother of God in a prayerful pose. With one of her hands she supports the Baby Jesus, and with the other she covers her own chest, on which 7 swords are aimed. Praying to the Mother of God and asking Her for intercession before this icon is customary in the same way as before the “Seven Arrows”.

The Zhizdrinskaya Passionate Icon of the Mother of God or “And Weapons Will Pass Through Your Own Soul”

The celebration in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Seven Arrows" takes place once a year - August 26 (August 13 old style). This date is timed to coincide with the miraculous deliverance of Vologda from cholera in 1830 after the townspeople fervently prayed to the Mother of God in front of Her image of the "Seven Arrows" and made a procession around the city with the icon.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Seven Arrows" they pray when any discord, quarrel occurs in a person's life, enmity or complex litigation begins. This bright image of the Mother of God is also revered as the guardian of the hearth. They pray to the Blessed Virgin in front of the “Seven Arrows” icon in order to maintain harmony in the house, reconcile with relatives, resolve a long conflict with loved ones, improve relations between spouses, as well as children and parents.