Great Russian Encyclopedia Cicero.  Collections of the Rare Fund. See what "Cicero Mark Tullius" is in other dictionaries

(Cicero) Mark Tullius (106-43 BC) - Roman politician, orator and writer. Supporter of the republican system. Of the writings, 58 judicial and political speeches, 19 treatises on rhetoric, politics, philosophy, and more than 800 letters have been preserved. Works a - a source of information about the era of civil wars in Rome.

Watch value Cicero in other dictionaries

Cicero (cicero) Mark Tullius (106-43 BC)- Roman political philosopher, brilliant orator. Political and legal issues are considered in his works "On the State" and "On Laws". The political doctrine of C. is based on ........
Political vocabulary

Cicero- -a; m Shutl. About someone who is very eloquent or talks too much. To pass for a local cicero. Tired of listening to parliamentary Cicero. ● Named after the ancient Roman orator Cicero (106-43 BC).
Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

Cicero- Mark Tullius (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (3.I.106 - 7.XII.43 BC) - OE. political activist, orator, writer. Genus. in Arpin (Latium), belonged to the class of horsemen. First time speaking....
Soviet historical encyclopedia

Cicero Mark Tullius- (106-43 BC) - ancient Roman politician, orator, writer. He made his first speeches in 81-80. under Sulla on the side of the opposition. Started his political career...
Historical dictionary

Cicero, Mark Tullius- (Cicero, M. Tullius). Greatest Roman orator, b. January 3rd, 106 B.C. Having received an education under the guidance of the best Roman teachers, he entered the field of orator and soon ........
Encyclopedia of mythology

Mark Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)- the largest ancient Roman philosopher. He was also an outstanding statesman and orator. He received a wide education and throughout his life engaged in ........
Philosophical Dictionary

Cicero (cicero) Mark Tullius- (born January 3, 106, Arpinum - d. (political murder) December 7, 43 BC, Formia) - Rome. politician and philosopher, brilliant orator. His merit is that he introduced the Romans to ........
Philosophical Dictionary

Cicero Mark Tullius- (106-43 BC) - ancient Roman orator, writer and eclectic philosopher. Ethical provisions are given a significant place in the practical philosophy of Ts., to-paradise, from its perspective, only ........
Philosophical Dictionary

Cicero Mark Tullius (106-43 BC)- Roman politician, philosopher, orator. Roman aedile (69), praetor (66), consul (63). Killed by political opponents. Main works: "Tusculan Conversations" in 5 books, "On the State" ........
Philosophical Dictionary

CICERO (Cicero) Mark Tullius (106-43 BC) - Roman politician, philosopher, orator. Roman aedile (69), praetor (66), consul (63). Killed by political opponents. Main works: "Tusculan conversations" in 5 books, "On the state" (54-51), "On laws" (52), "On the boundaries of good and evil" (45), "Cato the Elder, or On old age" (44 ), "Lelius, or On Friendship" (44), "On Duties" (43), etc. Ts. introduced the Romans to ancient Greek philosophy in his own interpretation. He introduced into scientific circulation the concepts of "definition" (definitio) - "a definition is a brief and exhaustive explanation of the distinguishing features of the thing that we want to define", as well as "progress" (progressio - ascent). In ethics and theology - a supporter of stoicism. Virtues (wisdom, justice, courage, moderation), according to Ts., are the only source of happiness. Tried to solve the problem of moral duty and personal benefit. The true essence of man is comprehended, according to Ts., through practical philosophy. In the aesthetic m...


cm. Tullii, Tullii, 3-11.

A real dictionary of classical antiquities. Edited by J. Geffken, E. Ziebart. - Teubner. F. Lubker. 1914 .

(Marcus Tullius Cicero)
(106-43 BC), Roman orator and philosopher.
Cicero was born in Arpina, a small town about 100 km east of Rome, on January 3, 106 BC, into a prosperous family of a local horseman. He was not only a countryman, but even a distant relative of the famous Marius, who was first elected consul in 107 BC. Cicero received an excellent education and by the beginning of the 80s he already had a treatise on oratory and several speeches in court, from which two speeches have come down to us. In the first of these, In Defense of Quinctius (81 BC), Cicero confronted Quintus Hortensius, the leading Roman lawyer. In his second speech, In Defense of Roscius Amerinsky, Cicero defeated the close dictator Sulla. In 79-77 BC The speaker has traveled and continue his...

1. The Roman orator who was the first to exclaim “O times! Oh manners!
2. Ancient sage, after whom one of the typographic fonts was named.
3. Who succeeded in liquidating the Catiline conspiracy?
4. Who said the phrase: "The face is the mirror of the soul"?
5. This orator was killed in 43 B.C. by order of Mark Antony.
6. Ancient Roman philosopher.
7. A poem by the Russian poet F. Tyutchev.
8. Ancient Roman orator.


CICERO(Cicero) Mark Tullius (106 ^ 43 BC), Roman statesman, orator and writer, who first made the Latin language a full-fledged means of expressing philosophical ideas. Not being an original thinker, the founder of a philosophical school or the creator of his own philosophical system, C. sought to create philosophical prose in his native language that could bring the Roman reading public up to date with the latest achievements of Greek philosophical thought, provide material for serious reading and self-education. In the 19th and 20th centuries C. interested historians of philosophy mainly as a source of information about post-Aristotelian philosophy, the vast majority of whose texts have been lost. C. for many years studied under the guidance of the last scho...


(lat. Cicero) Mark Tullius (106-43 BC), an outstanding Roman. speaker, writer. Elected quaestor, praetor, consul. Joined Pompey, but was forgiven by Caesar. Letters of Ts., records of his destinies have been preserved. speeches, they are full of literary elegance and deep philosophy. Ts. was killed.

Dictionary of generals EdwART 2009


Cicero, Mark Tullius; Cicero, Marcus Tullius , 106-43 BC e., Roman orator, philosopher, politician. Born in Arpin in Latium, he came from a wealthy equestrian family. Together with his younger brother Quintus (see here below Quintus Tullius Cicero) he received a comprehensive education. He studied first in Rome: he studied rhetoric with Aelius Stilon, received knowledge of jurisprudence and practical skills of eloquence from such connoisseurs of civil law as Mucius Scaevola Augur, and later - Mucius Scaevola Pontifex. His teachers were also such well-known speakers as Mark Antony and Lucius Crassus. He was introduced to philosophy by Philo of Larissa, the Stoic Diodotus, who lived in the house of Cicero, and...


(M. Tullius Cicero) - Roman orator, philosopher and statesman. Both for internal reasons (the versatility of his abilities and activities), and for external reasons (an abundance of sources), this is the richest of all personalities bequeathed to us by the ancient world. We will consider: 1) the life and state activity of Ts.; 2) C. as a person; 3) C. as a writer; 4) C. as a speaker; 5) C. as a philosopher and 6) C. in his influence on later generations.

1. Life and state activity of Ts. breaks up into the following periods: 1) before reaching the consulate (106 - 63, democratic period); 2) from consulate to exile (63 - 58, protective period); 3) from exile to proconsulate (58 - 51, period of hesitation); 4) from the beginning of the second internecine war to the death of Caesar (50 - 44; C...

(Cicero) Mark Tullius (106-43 BC) - Roman politician, philosopher, orator. Roman aedile (69), praetor (66), consul (63). Killed by political opponents. Main works: "Tusculan conversations" in 5 books, "On the state" (54-51), "On laws" (52), "On the boundaries of good and evil" (45), \" Cato the Elder, or On old age \" (44), \"Lelius, or On friendship \" (44),\"On duties \" (43), etc. Ts. introduced the Romans to ancient Greek philosophy in his own interpretation. Introduced into scientific circulation the concept of\"definition \" (definitio) - \"definition is a brief and exhaustive explanation of the distinguishing features of the thing we want to define\", as well as\"progress \" (progressio - ascent). In ethics and theology - a supporter of stoicism. Virtues (wisdom, justice, courage, moderation), according to Ts., are the only source of happiness. Tried to solve the problem of moral duty and personal benefit. The true essence of man is comprehended, according to Ts., through practical philosophy. In the aesthetic worldview of Ts. art ...

(foreign language) - an eloquent speaker (a hint of Cicero - a Roman orator)

Wed Cicero- to orate, eloquent.

Wed Yes, Ammos Fedorovich, there is no one but you (to speak). You have every word Cicero flew off the tongue.

Gogol. Auditor. 4, 1.

Wed I have met people gifted with remarkable abilities; says - listen to: Cicero, perfect Cicero; put it to work, it's not good for hell!

Yu. Shtatengeym (from the notebook of D.V. Grigorovich).

Wed Maybe this same layman who cicero about the licentiousness of the hungry peasant, and he feels in the depths of his heart that all his arguments are worth a penny.

Mark Tullius (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (3.I.106 - 7.XII.43 BC) - OE. political activist, orator, writer. Genus. in Arpin (Latium), belonged to the class of horsemen. He first gave speeches in 81-80 BC. e. under Cornelius Sulla on the side of the opposition. Political he began his career after the abdication of Sulla, entering the ruling class as a "new man" (homo novus), owing everything only to himself, to his oratorical gift (in 76 - a quaestor; in 70 - a victory in a high-profile trial against the Sullan Verres; in 66 - a praetor; first political speech in support of Gnaeus Pompey; in 63 - consul). Political the ideal of Ts. is a “mixed state structure” (a state that combines elements of a monarchy, aristocracy and democracy, a model of which Ts. considered the Roman republic of the 3rd - early 2nd centuries BC), supported in the epoch crisis "the first people", "rulers", "appeasers", "guardians and trustees" of the state-va, combining philosophy. theory and politics. (oratory) practice; Ts. considered himself a model of such a person. Practical C program...


CICERO-a; m. Shuttle. About someone who is very eloquent or talks too much. To pass for a local cicero. Tired of listening to parliamentary Cicero. Named after the ancient Roman orator Cicero (106-43 BC).

Great Dictionary of Russian language. - 1st edition: St. Petersburg: Norint S. A. Kuznetsov. 1998



(Cicero) Mark Thulius (106-43 BC) - Rome. orator and statesman, rhetoric theorist, classic lat. artistic and philosophical. prose. As a philosopher, he was formed under the influence of the ideas of the syncretic philosophy of Hellenism, having been influenced by almost all of its schools: he studied with the Epicureans Phaedrus and Zeno, the Stoics Diodotus and Posidonius, the Peripatetic Staseus, the academicians Philo from Larissa and Antiochus from Ascalon. Making philosophy its main goal. enlightenment of the Romans, C. cared more about the popularization of the Greek. philosophy than about presenting one's own views...


Mark Tullius (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (3.1.106 BC, Arpinum, - 7.12.43 BC, near Caieta, modern Gaeta), ancient Roman politician, orator, writer. From the class of horsemen (See Horsemen) . He entered political life as a "new man", owing everything only to himself, to his oratorical gift. First performed in 81-80 BC. e. with opposition to Sulla's dictatorship (See Sulla) ; his first great success was his participation in 70 in a high-profile trial against the Sullan Verres; he delivered his first political speech in 66 in support of H. Pompey (See Pompey). The pinnacle of C.'s success was the consulate in 63 (his discovery of the Catiline conspiracy (See Catiline) , leading role in the Senate). With the formation of the 1st Triumvirate a (60), the influence of C. falls, in 58-57 he even had to go into exile, then support G. Pompey and Caesar (See Caesar) in 56-50; after their rupture (in 49), C. tried during the civil war 49-47 to act as a conciliator; with the victory of Caesar (at 47) he moved away from politics. Only after the assassination of Caesar in 44 C., having overcome his hesitation, did he again enter the political struggle as the leader of the Senate and the Republicans. His 14 speeches belong to this time - the "philippic" against M. Anthony (See Antony). In 43, when the senate was defeated in the fight against the 2nd triumvirate (M. Antony, Octavian Augustus, Lepidus) , Z.'s name was entered on the proscription lists; died among the first victims of the repressions of Antony and Octavian Augustus.

The political ideal of C. is a “mixed state system” (a state combining elements of a monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy, the model of which C. considered the Roman Republic of the 3rd - early 2nd centuries BC), supported by “the consent of the estates”, “unanimity of all worthy” (i.e., such a bloc of the senatorial and equestrian estates against democracy and applicants for monarchical power, which rallied the C. against the Catiline conspiracy). The human ideal of C. is “the first man of the republic”, “appeaser”, “guardian and trustee” in times of crisis, combining Greek philosophical theory and Roman political (oratory) practice. Ts. considered himself a model of such a figure. The philosophical ideal of C. is a combination of theoretical skepticism, which does not know the truth, allowing only probability, with practical stoicism, which strictly follows moral duty, which coincides with the public good and world law. The oratorical ideal of C. is “abundance”, the conscious possession of all means capable of both interest, and convince, and captivate the listener; these means are formed in three styles - high, medium and simple. Each style has its own degree of purity of vocabulary (freedom from archaisms, vulgarisms, etc.) and harmony of syntax (rhetorical periods). Thanks to the development of these tools, Ts. became one of the founders and classics of the Latin literary language.

From the writings of Ts. survived (not counting fragments) 58 speeches - political (against Catiline, Anthony, etc.) and mainly judicial; 19 treatises (partly in a dialogic form) on rhetoric, politics (“On the State”, “On Laws”), practical philosophy (“Tusculan Conversations”, “On Duties”, etc.), theoretical philosophy (“On the Limits of Good and Evil ”, “On the nature of the gods”, etc.); over 800 letters - an important psychological document, a monument to the Latin spoken language and a source of information about the era of civil wars in Rome.

Op. in Russian transl.: Fav. soch., M., 1975; Speeches, trans. V. Gorenstein, vol. 1-2, M., 1962; Complete collection of speeches, trans. ed. F. Zelinsky, vol. 1, St. Petersburg, 1901; Dialogues. About the state. About laws, M., 1966; About old age. About friendship. About duties, trans. V. Gorenstein, M., 1975; Letters, trans. and comments by V. Gorenstein, vol. 1-3, M.-L., 1949-1951; Three treatises on oratory, trans. ed. M. Gasparova, M., 1972.

Lit.: Utchenko S. L., Cicero and his time, M., 1972; Cicero. Sat. articles [ed. F. Petrovsky], M., 1958; Cicero. 2000 years since death. Sat. articles, M., 1959; Boissier G., Cicero and his friends, trans. from French, Moscow, 1914; Zielinski Th., Cicero im Wandel der Jahrhunderte, 3 Aufl., Lpz. - B., 1912; Kumaniecki K., Cyceron i jego współczesni, 1959; Maffii M., Ciceron et son drame politique, P., 1961; Smith R. E., Cicero the statesman, Camb., 1966.

M. L. Gasparov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


See what "Cicero" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Cicero) Mark Thulius (106 43 BC) Rome. orator and statesman, rhetoric theorist, classic lat. artistic and philosophical. prose. As a philosopher, he was formed under the influence of the ideas of the syncretic philosophy of Hellenism, having been influenced by ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    CICERO- TSICERO (Cicero) Mark Tullius (106 ^ 43 BC), Roman statesman, orator and writer, who first made the Latin language a full-fledged means of expressing philosophical ideas. Not being an original thinker, the founder of the philosophical ... ancient philosophy

    CICERO Dictionary-reference book on Ancient Greece and Rome, on mythology

    CICERO- Mark Tullius (106 43. BC) The "new man" from Arpina, Cicero was educated in Rome and Athens. He quickly became the greatest orator of his time. As consul, he crushed the Catiline conspiracy, and it was the best time in his political ... ... List of ancient Greek names

    I. Cicero, Mark Tullius; Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106 43 BC e., Roman orator, philosopher, politician. Born in Arpin in Latium, he came from a wealthy equestrian family. Together with his younger brother Quintus (see here below Quintus Tullius ... ... Ancient writers

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Cicero- Cicero. CICERO (Cicero) Mark Tullius (106 43 BC), Roman orator and writer. Supporter of the republican system. Of the writings, 58 judicial and political speeches, 19 treatises on rhetoric, politics, philosophy, and more than 800 letters have been preserved. ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Marcus Tullius Cicero) Cicero Marcus Tullius (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (106 43 BC) Roman politician, orator, philosopher, writer. Originally from Arpina. Educated in Rome and Athens. Pretty quickly became the greatest orator of his ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    - (Cicero) Mark Tullius (106 43 BC) Roman politician, philosopher, orator. Roman aedile (69), praetor (66), consul (63). Killed by political opponents. Main works: 'Tusculan conversations' in 5 books, 'On the State' (54 51), 'On Laws' (52), ... ... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia

    - (Cicero) Mark Tullius (106 43 BC) Roman politician, philosopher, orator. Roman aedile (69), praetor (66), consul (63). Killed by political opponents. Main works: "Tusculan Conversations" in 5 books, "On the State" (54 51), "On Laws" (52), ... ... The latest philosophical dictionary

    MARK TULLIUS (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (106-43 BC), Roman orator and philosopher. MARK TULLIUS CICERO LIFE Cicero was born in Arpina, a small town about 100 km east of Rome, on January 3, 106 BC, into a wealthy family of a local rider. ... ... Collier Encyclopedia


CICERO, Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC), rom. polit. activist, orator and writer. Rep. supporter. building. From Op. preserved 58 court. and polit. speeches, 19 treatises on rhetoric, politics, philosophy, and over 800 letters. Op. C. - a source of information about the era of civil. wars in Rome.

Big Russian encyclopedic dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is CICERO in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CICERO at the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-09-11 Time: 12:07:21 Navigation Topic = Cicero Wikipedia = Cicero Wikisource = Cicero Wikimedia Commons = Cicero Wiktionary = Category:Quotes/Cicero …
  • CICERO in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    (Cicero) Mark Tullius (106-43 BC) - Roman politician, philosopher, orator. Roman aedile (69), praetor (66), consul (63). Killed by political...
  • CICERO in Sayings of Great Men:
    To live is to think. Cicero - If there is anything worthy, it is the integrity of all life. Cicero - Nature did not give ...
  • CICERO in the Dictionary of Generals:
    (lat. Cicero) Mark Tullius (106-43 BC), an outstanding Roman. speaker, writer. Elected quaestor, praetor, consul. Adjacent to Pompey, but was ...
  • CICERO in the Dictionary-Reference Who's Who in the Ancient World:
    Marcus Tullius (106-43 BC) The "new man" of Arpina, Cicero was educated in Rome and Athens. Quickly became the greatest...
  • CICERO in ancient literature:
    (Cicero), Mark Tullius (106 - 43 BC) - Roman orator, writer and politician, ideological and literary opponent ...
    (Cicero) Mark Tullius (106-43 BC) Roman politician, orator and writer. Supporter of the republican system. Of the writings, 58 have survived ...
  • CICERO in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (M. Tullius Cicero) - Roman orator, philosopher and statesman. As for internal reasons (the versatility of his abilities and activities), so ...
  • CICERO in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • CICERO in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Cicero) Marcus Tullius (106 - 43 BC), Roman orator and writer. Supporter of the republican system. Of the writings, 58 have survived ...
  • CICERO in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (M. Tullius Cicero) ? Roman orator, philosopher and statesman. As for internal reasons (the versatility of his abilities and activities), so ...
  • CICERO in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    cm. …
  • CICERO in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • CICERO in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    Cicero, ...
  • CICERO in the Spelling Dictionary:
    tsitser'on, ...
  • CICERO in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (Cicero) Marcus Tullius (106-43 BC), Roman politician, orator and writer. Supporter of the republican system. Of the writings, 58 have survived ...
    m. A person who talks too eloquently or talks too much (usually with a touch of irony or censure) ...
  • CICERO in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. 1. Ancient Roman orator Cicero (106 - 43 BC). 2. Used as a poetic symbol ...
  • CICERO, MARK TULLIUS in the Concise Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities:
    (Cicero, ?. Tullius). Greatest Roman orator, b. January 3rd, 106 B.C. Having been educated under the best Roman teachers, ...
  • CICERO MARK TULLIUS in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (January 3, 106 Arpinum - December 7, 43 BC, near Caieta, now Gaeta), Roman orator, ...
  • CICERO, MARK TULLIUS: CREATIVITY in Collier's Dictionary.
  • CICERO, MARK TULLIUS: A LIFE in Collier's Dictionary:
    To the article CICERO, MARK TULLIUS Cicero was born in Arpina, a small town about 100 km east of Rome, 3 …
  • LATIN PROVERBS in Wiki Quote.
  • CAESAR in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    Roman emperor in 49-44. BC Ancestor Juliev-Claudiev. Genus. OK. 100 B.C. Died March 15, 44 ...

Cicero Mark Tullius (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (3.1.106 BC, Arpinum, - 7.12.43 BC, near Caieta, modern Gaeta), ancient Roman politician, orator, writer. From class riders. He entered political life as a "new man", owing everything only to himself, to his oratorical gift. First performed in 81-80 BC. e. with opposition to dictatorship Sulla; his first great success was his participation in 70 in a high-profile trial against the Sullan Verres; delivered his first political speech in 66 in support of G. Pompeii. The pinnacle of C.'s success was the consulate at 63 (his revelation of a conspiracy Catilines, leading role in the Senate). With the formation of the 1st triumvirate (60) the influence of Ts. falls, in 58-57 he even had to go into exile, then support G. Pompey and Caesar at 56-50; after their rupture (in 49), C. tried during the civil war 49-47 to act as a conciliator; with the victory of Caesar (at 47) he moved away from politics. Only after the assassination of Caesar in 44 C., having overcome his hesitation, did he again enter the political struggle as the leader of the Senate and the Republicans. By this time, his 14 speeches belong - "Philippic" against M. Anthony. In 43, when the Senate was defeated in the fight against the 2nd triumvirate (M. Anthony, Octavian August, Lepidus ), Z.'s name was entered on the proscription lists; died among the first victims of the repressions of Antony and Octavian Augustus.

The political ideal of C. is a “mixed state system” (a state combining elements of a monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy, the model of which C. considered the Roman Republic of the 3rd - early 2nd centuries BC), supported by “the consent of the estates”, “unanimity of all worthy” (i.e., such a bloc of the senatorial and equestrian estates against democracy and applicants for monarchical power, which rallied the C. against the Catiline conspiracy). The human ideal of C. is “the first man of the republic”, “appeaser”, “guardian and trustee” in times of crisis, combining Greek philosophical theory and Roman political (oratory) practice. Ts. considered himself a model of such a figure. The philosophical ideal of C. is a combination of theoretical skepticism, which does not know the truth, allowing only probability, with practical stoicism, which strictly follows moral duty, which coincides with the public good and world law. The oratorical ideal of C. is “abundance”, the conscious possession of all means capable of both interest, and convince, and captivate the listener; these means are formed in three styles - high, medium and simple. Each style has its own degree of purity of vocabulary (freedom from archaisms, vulgarisms, etc.) and harmony of syntax (rhetorical periods). Thanks to the development of these tools, Ts. became one of the founders and classics of the Latin literary language.

From the writings of Ts. survived (not counting fragments) 58 speeches - political (against Catiline, Anthony, etc.) and mainly judicial; 19 treatises (partly in a dialogic form) on rhetoric, politics (“On the State”, “On Laws”), practical philosophy (“Tusculan Conversations”, “On Duties”, etc.), theoretical philosophy (“On the Limits of Good and Evil ”, “On the nature of the gods”, etc.); over 800 letters - an important psychological document, a monument to the Latin spoken language and a source of information about the era of civil wars in Rome.

Op. in Russian transl.: Fav. soch., M., 1975; Speeches, trans. V. Gorenstein, vol. 1-2, M., 1962; Complete collection of speeches, trans. ed. F. Zelinsky, vol. 1, St. Petersburg, 1901; Dialogues. About the state. About laws, M., 1966; About old age. About friendship. About duties, trans. V. Gorenstein, M., 1975; Letters, trans. and comments by V. Gorenstein, vol. 1-3, M.-L., 1949-1951; Three treatises on oratory, trans. ed. M. Gasparova, M., 1972.

Lit.: Utchenko S. L., Cicero and his time, M., 1972; Cicero. Sat. articles [ed. F. Petrovsky], M., 1958; Cicero. 2000 years since death. Sat. articles, M., 1959; Boissier G., Cicero and his friends, trans. from French, Moscow, 1914; Zielinski Th., Cicero im Wandel der Jahrhunderte, 3 Aufl., Lpz. - B., 1912; Kumaniecki K., Cyceron i jego współ czesni, 1959; Maffii M., Ciceron et son drame politique, P., 1961; Smith R. E., Cicero the statesman, Camb., 1966.