There will be a USSR 2. Do we need ideology

Unfortunately, during the discussion of the previous article in the series, it turned out that the author failed to convey the essence of his ideas to a significant part of the audience. Therefore, the material brought to your attention will very briefly describe the most important features of the USSR 2.0. The easiest way to do this is in the “question-answer” form.

Why do we need USSR 2.0? First of all, this is a project to build a socially oriented state, which is impossible under capitalism.

Why can't capitalism build such a state? The fact is that at a certain stage of its development, capitalism could indeed offer members of its society a very high social package. This happened due to two factors - a highly efficient economy, thanks to which the state had large resources in its hands, which it could direct, including to social needs, and a certain coincidence of the goals of the ruling class and ordinary members of society. Capitalists wanted to get maximum profit, and this could only be achieved by effectively satisfying the needs of society. Unfortunately, the “capitalist paradise” lasted relatively short-lived, and then capital found numerous ways to earn profits contrary to the interests of society, and from that moment capitalism, as an economic system, gradually began to turn into a brake on social development.

What is the key difference between USSR 2.0 and capitalism? The main value of capitalism is money, the profit it makes from its business. Accordingly, a person’s success in a capitalist society is determined through the well-being he achieves. It is interesting that initially the same American dream implied achieving success through the hard work of the individual aimed at the benefit of society. But later there was a certain change of priorities - when it became possible to legally get rich by working outside of public interests, the concept of the American dream shifted from success in working for the benefit of one’s country, which led to material well-being, to this very well-being, no matter which way achieved. At the same time, despite the fact that in USSR 2.0 the economic system is directly tied to the growth of the welfare of its citizens, this welfare is not an end in itself, but serves only as a means to achieve the true goals of society: the spiritual and physical improvement of its members and knowledge of the surrounding world.

Do we need democracy in USSR 2.0, or are we going into totalitarianism? Democracy is, of course, necessary, but the political system of USSR 2.0 will be very different from both the essentially one-party system of the Russian Federation and from the democracies of the West. However, politics is only a superstructure of the economy, so we will talk about the internal political organization of the USSR 2.0 later.

To build the USSR 2.0, do we need some special, ideal people, with a morality that should be fundamentally different from what exists now? No, this is absolutely not required. We have today's Russian Federation, very real people around us live in it, and we will not have any others. With them we will build the USSR 2.0 without any reformatting of consciousness and other hypno-emitters.

If during the creation of the USSR 2.0. “ideological communists” are not needed, then why then does the “Moral Code of the Builders of the USSR 2.0” proposed by the author so closely resemble the “Moral Code of the Builders of Communism”? The fact is that every society needs morality. What is morality? These are the socially accepted ideas about good and bad, right and wrong, good and evil, as well as a set of norms of behavior arising from these ideas.

Society does not at all demand or expect that all its members will suddenly become highly moral, because this will never happen. But morality sets a scale of values ​​for people, that is, a person, knowing the morality of society, imagines how it will react to one or another of his actions. At the same time, society should promote and encourage moral actions, and disapprove, or even punish (depending on the severity of the offense) immoral ones. If this does not happen, then people stop believing in morality and it slowly dies out.

So, the “USSR Builders Code 2.0” essentially represents a brief summary of the morality of the new state. USSR 2.0 does not expect its citizens to follow this code exactly, but only shows them the direction in which they should develop and the scale of values ​​by which their actions will be assessed in society.

A certain parallel with Christian morality is appropriate here: in no Christian country has it ever been fully observed, and people constantly saw violations of the commandments “Thou shalt not kill,” “Thou shalt not steal,” “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” etc. But despite all this, many still sought to observe these commandments as much as possible, and this, of course, made people better, reduced the number of antisocial acts, strengthening society as a whole. This is the greatest merit of Christian morality, and no one has the right to expect more from the “USSR Builders Code 2.0”.

So what then is the fundamental difference between the “Codes” of the USSR and the USSR 2.0? The fact is that communism could be built only on the condition that the overwhelming majority of the members of the society that builds it become convinced communists, firmly adhering to the “Code of the Builders of Communism.” In other words, the construction of communism required a change in the consciousness of society, and therefore was a utopia. On the contrary, the USSR 2.0 is being built without any reformatting of consciousness, because it needs the “Code of Builders of the USSR 2.0” not as a necessary condition, but as the morality of society. Therefore, USSR 2.0 is not a utopia.

Again, returning to the Christian analogy: as we see from humanity, there were many Christian countries and many of them achieved (in their historical period) high results in scientific and technological progress and personal development. But nowhere, not once, in any country did the overwhelming majority of the population live firmly according to Christian commandments, which, however, did not at all prevent the state from having Christian morals and thereby being Christian. And if a miracle suddenly happened, and the inhabitants of some country suddenly began to observe Christian commandments en masse and punctually, then it would no longer be a Christian state, but heaven on earth.

Why doesn’t the author simply return to the socialist economy, since it most fully reflected the concept of the welfare state? Unfortunately, the main condition for the effectiveness of a socialist economy is the growth of consciousness of the masses, that is, it was assumed that high-quality work for the benefit of society would become an internal need of the individual and would not require external stimulation. This, as we know, did not happen, and could not have happened, since such a reformatting of consciousness is impossible. As a result, socialism never created an effective system of reward (moral, material, etc.) for quality work in a planned economy. Again, the areas in which the USSR achieved success worked, let’s say, not quite in a socialist way. Take, for example, the aircraft industry: a single customer (the state) had several possible contractors - the design bureaus of Yakovlev, Tupolev, Sukhoi Mikoyan and Gurevich, etc. As a result, when the state announced its desire to obtain a new aircraft, fierce competition arose between these design bureaus. The importance of consciousness should not be downplayed, of course, but we must also remember that winning this fight promised the team a lot of preferences - additional funding, a large order for factories “subordinate to” the design bureau, considerable bonuses, orders and medals, etc. In general, people had something to fight for, in addition to adherence to the teachings of Marx-Engels, and they fought, and in this struggle they created magnificent aerial technology.

What do the economics of capitalism and USSR 2.0 have in common? In both systems, private ownership of the means of production is allowed, but in USSR 2.0 private owners are on the sidelines. At the same time, in USSR 2.0, the most important elements of a market economy, such as competition, as well as contractual relations between market participants, are preserved. The latter refers to the right of an enterprise to independently select suppliers and contractors for conducting business activities, as well as the right to independently determine the range and volumes of products or services produced. But freedom of pricing will remain only to a certain extent.

What is the difference between the economic system of capitalism and the USSR 2.0? Under capitalism, private business plays a key role in the economy; in USSR 2.0, state corporations play a key role. Accordingly, centralized planning, a planned economy in USSR 2.0 is much more developed than under capitalism, but it has different forms and tasks than in the USSR. In general, we can say that the role of the state in the USSR 2.0 economy will be much higher than in capitalist countries, but not as comprehensive as it was in the USSR.

Okay, USSR 2.0 does not need a massive reformatting of the consciousness of its citizens. But there are some conditions, requirements that are absolutely necessary for its construction, and without which USSR 2.0 simply will not happen? Yes, there is such a condition/requirement. The fact is that USSR 2.0 is possible if one key condition is met - if we can build an economic system in which state-owned enterprises will be managed no less (or better yet, more) efficiently than private ones. The description of such a system will be the subject of the following material on USSR 2.0.

And this is up to you, dear readers...

Future news
USSR 2.0

In the corridor, the guests - two blacks dressed in identical Hugo Boss suits, brown Gucci ties and white Armani shirts - further emphasizing the perfect blackness of their skin - were searched again. And only then were they invited to enter the hall, where Mr. Panin, the head of the Vostok corporation, a giant private security company inside the country and a private military company outside it, was sitting at the table. Both Panin and the men with short haircuts standing behind him were very tanned - as if they had just returned from some very sunny resort.

“Welcome,” said Panin, rising from the table when the guests entered.

He kindly invited them to sit in the leather chairs opposite the table.

Vodka, whiskey, beer?

There were several bottles of different sizes on the table.

No thanks. Is it milk? – answered one of the guests, holding a silver metal suitcase in his hand. His American accent was impeccable.

Milk? – the owner was surprised and looked at his people. He said quietly in Russian:

Guys, is there milk in this house?

One of them shrugged his shoulders uncertainly:

I'll go have a look.

And he left the hall.

The host and guests sat down, the rest of the men remained standing.

So? - the owner said again in English, pouring himself some whiskey.

The money is here,” said the black man with the suitcase. He opened it and showed the owner neat stacks of green pieces of paper.

OK,” Panin said and made a sign to one of those standing behind him. He turned around, fiddled a little with the handles of the massive safe and pulled out something wrapped in opaque polyethylene. He handed the package to Panin. He placed it on the table in front of him.

The man sent for milk returned. He threw up his hands guiltily. The second black man smiled knowingly.

“We just arrived,” said Panin. - Long business trip. Africa. Our housewives had not yet had time to fill the refrigerator. Have you been to Africa?

“Alas,” said one of the blacks. “Although as African Americans we should have.” Touch the roots.

It’s hot there now,” Panin said. - In all senses.

He looked sideways at the wall. On the wall hung a large photograph of the owner of the house in a spotted military uniform with a machine gun, surrounded by other men in spotted uniforms with weapons.

The blacks followed his gaze, but made no comments. They turned their gaze back to the package lying on the table.

“Yes,” Panin said, catching himself. - So, to our business. We found the thing you asked to find. Please.

He made a permission sign. The black man without a suitcase stood up, took the bag from the table, took the Thing out of the plastic, and examined it carefully. I passed it on to my partner. He began to study her carefully. Then they looked at each other, and he shook his head. The first one took the Thing, without putting it back in the packaging, he put it back on the table.

“This is not authentic,” said the person sitting. - That time, but not that one. Sorry.

He stood up and turned to the door. His companion followed him.

“Just leave the suitcase,” Panin said, politeness itself.


You can go. But you'll have to leave your suitcase behind.

The blacks looked at each other.

Our client, a collector in New York, won't like it very much.

“I don’t give a damn,” Panin said rudely. His politeness suddenly disappeared somewhere.

“We are only intermediaries,” the black man said calmly and put the suitcase on the floor. -Can we go?

“You can,” said Panin, pouring himself another whiskey.

Two men from behind him followed the guests to the doors and went out with them into the corridor. When the door closed behind the guests, Panin laughed:

Pindos bastards!

His people relaxed and reached for their whiskey. One of them picked up a suitcase from the floor.

Two blacks and Panin’s people accompanying them were in the corridor when a bomb planted in a suitcase went off and the door to the hall flew out into the corridor along with clouds of smoke. Instantly and almost synchronously, both blacks hit their momentarily confused companions with identical blows to the throat - while the ominous crunch of broken cartilage left no doubt about the fatality of these blows.

Take away these weapons,” one said to the other. He no longer spoke English, but one of the African languages. - And I’ll go pick up the Thing.

For what? – asked the second. - This is practically fake. The task is completed, the executioners are eliminated, that’s it.

I came up with a great idea. I think that the Chairman will also like it.

“We still have to break out of here,” his partner muttered. – And you keep getting creative.

In the Tanganyika dialect, the word “to be creative” was literally translated as “you come up with different cunning traps for wild elephants.”

Moreover, the Thing is probably covered in blood.

“You know,” the other answered him. “The blood on it won’t be visible at all.” Unlike counterfeit dollars.

And both suddenly smiled.

Given the importance of the event in front of the former palace, which now housed the headquarters of the Command, the Party and the Chairman, Comrade Nkomo, there were very few people. Two mixed battalions of the most experienced fighters - oil workers from the North, dockers from the east coast ports and miners, that is, all those who formed the core of the Party and the Revolution, plus one incomplete battalion of Bangladeshi communist volunteers. There is also a small television crew and a few guests. And the orchestra is a strange group of musicians, half in African national dress, half in military uniform. With an equally strange mixture of European and African national instruments, including even a few plastic vuvuzelas.

In the North, in the oil-bearing regions, there were fierce battles with private military companies from Europe and North America; in the South, several more cities remained in the hands of Islamic radicals. Therefore, such a small number of people took part in such an important ceremony.

Chairman Nkomo, in military uniform, but without insignia, tapped the microphone with his hand, checking, then spoke into it.

Comrades! Friends! Dear guests! As you know, there has been a lot of controversy about what we should call our Federation of the Three Socialist States of East Africa. And this is what came to our minds - shouldn’t we call it, without inventing unnecessary entities, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - that is, exactly the name of the great state that existed in the last century in Eurasia. This would emphasize our continuity in relation to those who were the first to build communism on our planet - and let them lose, let black reaction and the most disgusting capitalism and religious obscurantism reign there now - but the fire that they lit did not go out, and the flame it's burning here now. In African countries freed from exploitation of man by man.

Chairman Nkomo signaled to one of the People's Army officers standing behind him, who handed him the Thing. A red flag neatly folded several times.

Perhaps this particular flag was not lowered many years ago over the Mausoleum, in which dear comrade Lenin sleeps in eternal sleep (we will forgive the African communist for his inaccuracy! - A.K.) - but this is the authentic flag of the times of the first USSR. Which will henceforth be our common flag and which we will now raise over the new Soviet Union.

He walked up to the flagpole, deftly attached the banner to the cable, and walked away a couple of steps. His assistant began to raise the flag, and the musicians, out of tune but with enthusiasm, began to play “The Internationale”. The vuvuzelas sounded very organic. Chairman Nkomo, followed by all the other military personnel, stood at attention and saluted.

Among the guests, only two whites stood out - two middle-aged men of Slavic appearance - although, of course, the locals did not understand such subtleties. Europeans in general, and Eastern Europeans, Poles, Russians and Ukrainians specifically, were extremely unpopular in these parts - after the recent atrocities of private military companies - so that they even had to be assigned armed guards.

These two raised their heads and watched as a tattered red flag with a star, a hammer and a sickle rose into the bottomless sky of Black Africa - and there were tears in their eyes.

COMRADE! All this was created for you! I, the author, did not receive any money for this. This is all from a pure heart - with the help of a pure mind - for pure souls. Free yourself!

1. Read this book: (read from beginning to end - the book contains a lot of materials and details that are not on the blog; tell your friends about it, quote it on social networks indicating the page and link to the blog - I HAVE CAME OUT OF THE INFORMATION MATRIX - SO HELP OTHERS).

2. And listen to this music:("like" tracks, subscribe to the channel, repost, send to friends).

(ATTENTION! The information provided later in this original article is gradually becoming outdated, including outdated data on weapons and rearmament processes - while changes are happening quickly and significantly, many of the data are completely out of date and require re-checking. But the text of the article remains unchanged, otherwise it will have to be monitored and change every day. Just imagine for yourself the growing seriousness of the problem on a global scale, taking into account that the article was written when the Doomsday Clock was “Within three minutes”, and already, after as many as two edits - “Without two” - as in the 53rd )...

This article will focus on Russia's path. But I will not try to convince the reader that tsarism, the bourgeoisie and the oligarchy, as well as the dominance of religious obscurantism, are a priori alien to the Russian people and the Slavs in general. I believe that these things should already be clear to all who have AWAKENED from the hypnotic sleep of the enemy information matrix - sensible and pure-hearted people. There is an opinion among the people that since it is now obvious that there is a war on post-Soviet territory, then changing the social system during the war is pure suicide of the state, which, in principle, is what the “anti-Putin parties” directly or indirectly want. 

For those who think so, you are mistaken. You just continue to sing the naked king's praises. However, the real situation and its hypothetical resulting scenarios are much more dangerous than the insult and desecration of the honor of a stupid king... I argue that it is urgently necessary to implement in Russia - without any revolution - not from the bottom up, but from the top down - bloodlessly, but also categorically - USSR project 2.0. I am ready to prove this with reason.

If not for the advent of Soviet Power and the Great October Revolution, Tsarist Russia would no longer exist... It simply would not have survived the Second World War - it would have been attacked by Germany, Great Britain and the USA at the same time... Tsarist Russia was a bast state, where there was nothing at all industrially significant and conducive to the development and support of military resistance to external aggression (since the time of Napoleon, methods of war have changed, military technologies have evolved - motorized infantry, armored personnel carriers, tanks, sniper weapons, aviation appeared - everything that was not produced in Russia - those areas , in which disproportionate omissions and delays of decades were made) - neither their own automobile industry, nor their own modern, mass and competitive technologically advanced military industry (like the direct enemies of that time), nor electrification, nor industrialization, and peasants and workers - so in general - they walked in bast shoes and chased with whips - grimy, illiterate, poor and downtrodden... Lenin had to engage in unprofitable diplomacy in order to stop the war and delay the plunder of Russia, which in the future could only be avoided by preparing to fight back during the delay, and Stalin for the same reason I had to make a deal with the Reich in 1939. Even then, the USSR was not ready for war (which was simultaneously discussed by Hitler’s emissaries in Great Britain - joint seizure, genocide and division of the USSR and the wealth of Siberia). This temporary decision gave the USSR another delay for further preparation until 1941. And even if tsarist Russia (if it weren’t for the revolution of 17) had survived the Second World War (if it weren’t for the USSR), the American Dropshot plan to destroy its territory in a nuclear holocaust would have ended its existence.

In other words, the victory in the Great Patriotic War and the victory of Arzamas 16 (and the entire People hunched over Arzamas 16) in the production of nuclear and hydrogen (and later neutron) weapons of retaliation (capable of incinerating any aggressor) is a feat of the Soviet People, and, if not for him (if not for the Soviet People - driven by communist ideology, as a single living and progressive organism), Russia would not have existed for 60-70 years already...

You see - I am a supporter of mathematical history - I study it unbiased - exclusively by comparing facts, trends and figures. Neither I, nor you, nor anyone else has power over mathematical history - this is not a book that can be rewritten (as they do for schoolchildren in Ukraine and the Baltic states). This is a complex method of scientific analysis that reveals the true meaning of processes. So here it is. The true meaning of the processes is that Russia is still protected by the Heroic Feat of the Soviet People - Russia cannot be “moved” today at all, and it cannot be attacked in any way (except ideologically, while it is struck by the plague of lack of ideology, oligarchy, drinking and bribery, exploitation of workers , bourgeoisie, class stratification, lawlessness, banditry and monarchism). Russia has the most powerful, most modern and most combat-ready nuclear potential (this is also the technical groundwork of the great Soviet minds, which continues to be implemented decades after the division of the USSR according to the Harvard Project). And the United States has almost no (nuclear potential) at all - this is their main military secret - their combat readiness of missile forces tends to zero!

The Minutemen are so old that they are even afraid to test them in periodic tests. The same applies to the sea-based Tridents, which are not much fresher than the Minutemen... And nuclear weapons are an unstable thing - they themselves are destroyed due to the nuclear active filling, which itself is modified - disintegrates, isotopized and becomes unusable, and is also removed by its radiation disintegrating electronics. They have virtually no combat-ready bomber aircraft at all - the B-52 Stratofortress is so old that no more than 40-50 of them are suitable for attack, and the Nostop-Grumman B-2 Spirit - that’s what it was - just a project for drinking money - and of them in general - only 21 units were produced, and no more than a dozen and a half were fully equipped with ammunition and ready for operation - the economy could not cope with the order and maintenance of this engineering mockery at 2.5 billion dollars apiece.

The average person does not see the real facts - he, without bothering to conduct his own analysis (read hundreds of sources and compare the information received from them in order to begin to present a real, and not an illusory MATRIX propaganda picture), thinks only with someone else's propaganda, which puts certain thoughts in his head. The average person who is afraid of direct US aggression does not understand that the US is really falling apart at the seams! Their economy doesn't exist! She doesn't exist! Soap bubble - debt of 20 trillion! Which it is not possible to give away - and will not be. That is why all their power is supported exclusively by colonial wars and the selection of foreign resources. But, there is one “But”. They can wage colonial wars only with weak peoples, technologically stuck due to religious obscurantism in the Middle Ages (at best, such peoples will resist decommissioned Soviet scrap metal from 60 years ago, and even though this scrap metal can still give the Americans heat, it is not enough , it is very worn out, there is little ammunition for it and they have never learned to use it properly).

But American aircraft carrier groups cannot fight with Russia - they will fall to the bottom in the very first battle - Russian anti-ship missiles and air defense systems will wipe out all aircraft carrier groups and their carrier-based aircraft on the way. These American weapons are effective only for “kneading desert peoples” and other aborigines who are technically unable to fight back in a war for the seizure of their resources (which is what they were designed for - precisely for constant overseas aggression against unprotected peoples). This trick won't work with Russia. The mathematical reality is that the US does not have the weapons to fight Russia at all. Carrier groups will be flooded, and their strategic aviation - flying coffins - the rusty last 40-50 B-52 aircraft from the beginning of the Cold War (which are constantly being replenished from the same aircraft corpses that have already been laid up) and a couple of dozen B2s, which are visible to any Russian radar (invisible people like me - Papa Carlo). Most of them mainly carry “smart bombs” rather than missiles, which makes it impossible for these bombers to launch any strike against Russia at all, because with such ammunition they will be 100% shot down by the air defense missile system on approach - 500-1000 km before the border with Russia. Most of the nuclear cruise missiles in service with the United States are slow and do not pose a threat to Russian air defense systems. These are the mathematical facts that must be taken into account before being afraid of the United States. If there is anyone to be afraid of, it is only Russia! This is generally the only force in the world today! And they are defeating it - not with the military, but with ideology (which is spread unhindered while the Russian leadership, making money for themselves and the oligarchs, lulls the people's vigilance by talking about "effective management")!

Russia is mired in the implementation of the Harvard and Houston Projects! She is sliding into the abyss with her entire army! Russia is suffocating from the oligarchy and middle-level bourgeoisie, from bribery, drunkenness and corruption! But this is very easy to solve. And not at all like in the 30s... Today Russia is the world leader in the development and production of the most accurate polygraphs. In fact, the whole problem is solved by just one or two laws - the revival of the OBKhSS (preferably on the basis of the FSB) and the law on the polygraph. Everyone will be given a polygraph - and then - to Siberia... And you won’t even have to shoot anyone - include an amnesty for everyone who gives everything themselves (you’ll see - at least 60% will give it up immediately - and you won’t have to exile anyone either). And calmly - slowly but surely - in 2 years - a complete return to the USSR, only on a completely different level. Wealth and prosperity will be such that no one even dreamed of in the 70s! Because now it has finally become technologically possible! And no one will stop this! They are trying to force Russia, like Rome and the 3rd Reich, to fight on all fronts at once. But this happens only because it is unable to solve geopolitical and geo-economic problems with lightning speed and efficiency (as the USSR did), which is due to internal paralysis of power.

Putin's hands are tied. BUT he tied them for himself... This is the only truth. The country needs Stalin! But no longer bloody (now this is not necessary - amnesty and fear work much better than mass executions), but simply wise and unbending. The only one who can now change the course of events with one stroke is Putin himself. Two decades of Putin’s propaganda and “effective management” is, of course, good. I respect him as an economist. But this will not save Russia! We urgently need to bring it out of ideological collapse! If you don't do this now, you may never get a second chance! We need popular unity (and it can only be class-proletarian) and cleansing of rot! There is an urgent need to introduce strict censorship of information flows! Strict cultural censorship! Urgently issue ultimatums about the self-dissolution of all neo-Nazi groups - or send them all to Siberia, by the trainload! There is an urgent need to regenerate the CPSU (it can be called whatever you like - preferably by the method of uniting United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party into a single party and returning to a one-party system - but it will be necessary to carry out mass purges of the ranks of the Party - all thieves, drinkers, oligarchs, unprincipled and compromisers - out) - but this requires IDEOLOGY! And its place in the Kremlin is taken by trade flows, kickbacks and schemes! If Putin needs help in an ideological victory, let him call ideologists to work in his apparatus - we are ready for free! For we understand that we are talking about those processes on which not the future of a city, region or country depends, but the future of the entire Planet! All peoples! For whom Russia should become a mother, and not an evil stepmother, which it has been since 1991, being under the control of oligarchic clans, which for the sake of parties with prostitutes, penthouses, cars, palaces, servants, slaves, tons of money, yachts and cocaine the entire Country has already been bent over and the entire People have been bent!

I hope that the Colonel will remember who and what he swore an oath to, and what is his Motherland! And he will take all the necessary steps! There is no time to whine, lament and be afraid. And most importantly - there is no one! The USA is not a power! Their F117s have been written off for fifteen years, the Lockheed-Martin Blackbirds too - they crawled into components 15 years ago, the Norstop-Grumman B2 Spirit and the last 40 units of the B-52, old as mammoth shit, will not even reach the border, because... Most of them are designed for targeted or carpet bombing - as during the Second World War, and the US hypersonic air-to-ground missiles are only in development and are not in mass production (at the time of 2015), Their F-22s break down without taking off from airfields, and did not participate in the Libyan campaign at all simply due to lack of funds - and stood at the airfields in a mothballed state (the Americans don’t even have the money to re-mothball them)! Their F-35 project is another one - it doesn’t even fly, and its characteristics are inferior to any other aircraft, and the order for them was never completed, because these aircraft are an unfinished misunderstanding (built on the principles of the old Yak-141 - a principle that was tested in the USSR only for the sake of experiment, but was immediately abandoned, because it was and is - unpromising and detrimental to the entire design of the aircraft, which the Americans realized, only now), and the funds for implementation have run out! Their aircraft carrier groups are a piece of meaningless commando unit, which will immediately sink to the bottom under the attack of Russian Granites, Onyxes and more modern analogues of anti-ship missile systems! All carrier-based aircraft will be 100% cleared with the S-300, S-400 and the latest S-500 complexes.

But they are not capable of launching a nuclear strike on Russia. Firstly, the S-400 and S-500 are shot down by all their ancient, mammoth-shit Minutemen and Tridents while still in space (and the United States itself has no missile defense at all - this is nonsense - I drank money from the 80s, which ended in nothing), and secondly, the combat readiness of these Minutemen is generally absurd! They are 10-20 years older than the Soviet RS-36 (Voevoda - according to NATO classification - Satan), which will soon also be completely written off and replaced in the silos with newer and more modern Sarmat missiles according to planned rearmament, as has become the case with those already instilled in the American command of the terrible mobile Yars, which replaced the Topols. They cannot even theoretically attack Russia! They understand what this will mean - their death and the Russian occupation of all of North America. This war is impossible, even if it takes place in the format “the entire NATO bloc against Russia” - from the entire NATO bloc at the moment there will only be ashes left, and they understand this perfectly well! They can only undermine Russia ideologically, which is what they are doing, which the Kremlin does not oppose, because continues to persistently play capitalism according to the rules implanted by the enemy in 1991, which are contrary to the Soviet worldview, honor and conscience of the Soviet Man - an honest, spiritual and bright person in heart and mind. In general, Russia today is the only advanced manufacturer and developer of new strategic missile weapons, laying the technological gap for the next 30 years! Only Russia also continues to develop and produce heavy submarine nuclear missile carriers and other specialized nuclear submarines. US submarines are as ancient as their Minutemen and Tridents. The United States does not have serious tank troops at all - those last couple of hundred modernized Abrams that are swinging back and forth around the world in all the oil colonial conflicts are just mobile self-propelled guns - they are well armed, but in order to knock out this unfortunate Abrams (which in no way a populated area cannot penetrate due to its constructive absurdity and insecurity) it is enough to fire a burst from a large-caliber machine gun at the additional rotary engine behind the turret - it immediately lights up, and the fire spreads through the fuel system to the main engine - and that’s it - the tank is finished - the blacks fly out out of it in smoke and fire with panicky Harlem “fucks”... Well, who should we be afraid of?

And who should be afraid - Russia? A country that is capable of lowering entire continents to the bottom and raising them with underwater tsunami explosions 2 kilometers high, which can wash away any continent?... A country that, with the explosion of neutron bombs in the stratosphere, can arrange even a Global Blackout and cut off all the Internet and communications on the Planet?! A country that can launch several ballistic missiles into orbit with warheads full of ball bearings and with one blow sweep away all satellites in orbit and completely deprive the entire bourgeois world of media and propaganda, means of communication and tracking?... This country is afraid of someone and Should I ask someone's permission for something? Absurd! Apparently you're joking?... Yes, this country in general should - like a wet bear crawling out of the river with a fatty fish in its teeth - just stand on all 4 paws and shake itself off - throw off all the junk that has stuck and suctioned to the body! There are specialists in ideology and strategy for this, and there are all the necessary resources for this! I repeat - if the Presidential Administration needs help in planning and regenerating the Great Power and the reunification of the USSR, they are ready to provide it immediately and come to the rescue with all their brains!

Nevertheless, the reverse processes show a simple objective reality - the tsar, father, is the same capitalist as his entourage, and he is satisfied with everything as long as there are those who justify the thesis that “is it easy for us, kings,” and are trying to justify it royal inaction, because everything is “oh, how difficult” and “oh, how difficult” for him, but at the same time he is “what a great guy - an effective manager”! No way! If he wants to show that he is not what he looks like (and he looks like an ordinary oligarch monarch, like Nicholas II, who fucked up the country by mocking the People) - let him begin, firstly, to speak openly to the People, and not to do make a fool out of him and don’t blow his mind with all sorts of nonsense and your “effective management”, and, secondly, let him start doing something fair! Because the fact that he began to rearm the army is all good, but for whom is it all? To protect the Abramovichs' golden toilets? De facto - certainly not to protect the interests of ordinary working people - who were in the military and remain in it! Let's get to the point... If he needs help, we are ready to provide it. Let us all rise up to defend the Soviet Motherland! But if he is simply the way he is, then this is not heroism. This is ordinary tsarism. And any tsarism ends with only one thing - regime change (usually through chaos, civil war, plunder and redistribution of property, and in the case of Russia - this can become a physical colonial takeover, which will entail complete disarmament from nuclear potential and the plunder of all resources) .

If Putin does not listen to the ideologists and does not include the USSR 2.0 project, he will end badly. Russia will definitely be covered by the “Maidan”... This is the only possible plan of victory for the United States - everything that the United States has enough money for is only for the last ideological blow. Because ideological emptiness and demoralization are the only gap in the defense of Russia (the current heir to the USSR). If Putin does not counteract this (and this can only be counteracted by the USSR 2.0 project and the strict imposition of the correct humane and moral ideology, capable of uniting the entire proletariat - 90% of the population into a single ideological fist, which absolutely peacefully and bloodlessly can give legitimacy to the legal processes of the return of People's Property, legislation and the Constitution of the USSR, as well as territorial unification with other Fraternal Peoples - which can only be initiated by Russia - no other republic), but if he continues to play the enemy’s games, then he is participating in this. And then everything is still much worse... Then, perhaps, we have already lost... We urgently need to revive the USSR! Otherwise, Russia cannot be saved, it will simply be divided and sold... Without a single shot being fired. Although, maybe you prefer the scenario in which the new pompous tsarist Russian Empire, hung with all the idols of the Judeo-Christian sect, simply exchanges place with the United States at the behest of the masters of the world financial system and becomes the main colonist, who, instead of the United States, will begin to trample on the rights and freedoms of all peoples, telling about what brings “peace and democracy”? Is this version of slavery and the Fall somehow better? Or has someone already canceled the Harvard and Houston projects and Russia, which was subjected to ideological, financial, economic, political, spiritual and cultural colonization in 1991, suddenly regained sovereignty? The state had no sovereignty, just as citizens did not have any key rights and freedoms under capitalism, does not have and never will. The inevitable merger of capital with power under capitalism has not been canceled.

A holy place is never empty! Remember this. If we do not introduce our own ideology, they introduce an enemy one that destroys us...

Over the past six months in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, one of the main topics discussed by political scientists is the prospects for the Eurasian Union. More often this union is called “USSR-2”, and sometimes even supporters of close integration with Russia, such as Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, cannot clearly define their attitude towards it. The elites of the former Soviet republics are afraid of losing their independence, but at the same time they dream of the revival of a single economic space with Russia. However, in Minsk and Astana they have already made their choice, and not today, tomorrow they will decide in Kyiv.

The Eurasian Union (EAU) was conceived as an eastern analogue of the European Union. The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, first spoke about it in 1994, and until recently he floated around the idea of ​​creating it on the basis of several CIS republics without much success. As a theoretical basis, Nazarbayev chose the works of the “Eurasianist” academician Georgy Vernadsky, who predicted half a century ago that our country would go through a difficult path from the Russian Empire through the Soviet Union to a kind of “Eurasian unity.” But Nazarbayev was unable to promote the idea of ​​the EAC alone for 15 long years, until Vladimir Putin became interested in it. In the fall of 2011, the current president of Russia published an article “A new integration process for Eurasia - the future that is being born today,” and from that moment the formation of a new supranational association was actually launched, which, according to Vladimir Putin, “will allow Russia to become another global pole influence." To date, five countries have signed the declaration on the creation of the Eurasian Union - three “founders” (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan) and two “candidates” (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan). Ukraine took a timeout until the end of this year. But few doubt what the solution will be - the prospects are too tempting. Judge for yourself: the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union is the first in the world, more than 20 million square kilometers. It ranks sixth in terms of GDP in the world, and if Ukraine joins the project, then in three or four years the EAC will take third place. Why not Soviet Union-2?

What will Russia get? Increasing the burden on the Pension Fund: the average pension in our country, according to Rosstat, today is approximately 8,500 rubles, while in Ukraine it is 3,000 rubles, and in Kazakhstan – 2,000.
The Declaration of the Eurasian Union should be signed this year - Vladimir Putin announced this last summer - and the EAU will begin full-fledged activities in 2013. The project should be fully implemented by 2015. The deadlines are very tight, you will agree. Perhaps it is for this reason that numerous doubters began to fuss - both in the leadership of the signatories of the agreement on the creation of the EAC of Belarus and Kazakhstan, and in Kyiv, where they continue to measure seven times. Doubts are raised, first of all, by a single emission center and a single currency - few doubt that it will be the Russian ruble - a single pension fund with management in Moscow and, of course, a single system of economic management - everything is the same as it was in the USSR.

“The elites of post-Soviet countries doubted whether their Russian partners would crush them,” believes famous political scientist Sergei Markov. – Competing is unsafe and futile in the grand scheme of things, and no one provides guarantees. Perhaps it was for this reason that even Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, who was previously considered “pro-Russian” and welcomed the ideas of economic integration, doubted. If local elites do not receive security guarantees, they will resist unification, as is happening today in Kazakhstan.”

Indeed, in this former Soviet republic, state television is now scaring pensioners with rising prices and reduced pension payments, completely forgetting what a gift Moscow gave to Astana by establishing the production of small cars in Northern Kazakhstan to the detriment of its own Tolyatti production (“Our Version” wrote about this in Last year). After all, more than half of the cars that will be assembled in Aktyubinsk will be sold to buyers from Eastern Siberia and the Far East only in order to support the Kazakh economy - it would be easier and cheaper to ship these same cars directly from Tolyatti.

And one more circumstance makes representatives of the republican elite think. It is purely political: the fact is that the so-called unrecognized republics – Abkhazia, North Ossetia, Transnistria and even Nagorno-Karabakh – will probably be accepted into the Eurasian Economic Union. The leadership of these republics, in any case, has already declared their desire to join a new union. And if everything is more or less clear with the Transcaucasian republics, then things may not turn out well with Tiraspol and Karabakh. The fact is that Moldova does not seek to join the Eurasian Economic Union, despite the fact that the largest parliamentary party in the republic - the Communists - called on the authorities to take a course towards joining the Eurasian Union. And it turns out that the union has not yet taken shape, but the new supranational entity already has one territorial dispute. The same is with Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenia is ready to join the EAC even tomorrow, but Azerbaijan is on the contrary. In this case, it will also not be possible to transfer the territorial conflict within the supranational association. There are no solutions yet, but there is a desire to at least somehow involve the unrecognized republics in modern economic processes and let their residents finally earn money.

However, for now the leadership of the Eurasian Economic Union is solving other problems that are no less important. On January 1 of this year, the Common Economic Space (CES) began to operate on the territory of the three countries participating in the Customs Union. The structure will be fully operational in July. And the next stage is the creation of a supranational Eurasian Parliament and the development of unified legislation. State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin recently announced that the EAC Parliament will begin to be created this year. They say that all the formalities have been settled long ago, and the documentary base will be the developments created over almost two decades of the existence of the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

One intrigue remains - the participation of Ukraine. Integration into the EAC provides Kyiv with a number of undoubted benefits. In particular, a sharp increase in exports of products from three budget-forming industries - metallurgy, chemical industry and agriculture. Participation in the EAC will allow Ukrainian GDP to grow by one and a half times and will lead the country, in which 35% of the population lives below the poverty line, out of a protracted crisis. It is expected that the total positive effect from Ukraine’s integration into the Eurasian Economic Union in the period from 2012 to 2030 will be at least $220 billion in prices of the year before last - this is, as Verkhovna Rada Chairman Vladimir Lytvyn put it, “five additional annual budgets.” And this is not counting integration in the aircraft industry and defense industry, which is extremely beneficial to the Ukrainian side. “For Russia, the arguments for such an alliance are obvious,” says Litvin. – This is, first of all, the expansion of investment opportunities in neighboring countries and the strengthening of international influence. But we are more interested in the economic component. If we agree, it will be a mutually beneficial alliance. But we are moving slowly."

Since the “control center” of the pension system will be located in Moscow (the EAC member countries have already agreed on this), it is logical to assume that the pension payments of our partners will have to be brought up to the average Russian mark. At whose expense is a rhetorical question.

The case of relocating car production from Tolyatti to Aktyubinsk is in fact very typical: the same thing will happen in metallurgy and other industrial sectors. In order to make money for our partners from the allied states, we, roughly speaking, will have to transport small cars in the same way not directly from Togliatti to Vladivostok, but do it exclusively through Aktyubinsk. What's the point? The point is to allow partners to earn money while a single reasonable economic model of interaction according to the Soviet model takes shape.

Yes, this is not profitable for our country in a financial sense. Yes, we are actually starting from where we left off in 1991.

“But in this way we pay for the political mistakes of the Soviet leadership,” says State Duma Deputy Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky. – Whether we like it or not. Integration is beneficial to us in a political sense, and if we are going to become a superpower again - and our country simply has no other way, otherwise it will collapse - we will have to pay for it. Provide work for Ukrainian metallurgists and Kazakh automakers, at first even to their own detriment. But this is right: today we won’t eat candy, we’ll share it with our friends, and tomorrow we’ll get a whole confectionery factory.”

..And what is the subject of nostalgia for a devout Soviet Jew in Israel?
This is a special Soviet culture, where Soviet Jews ruled.

On state level they are clearly already afraid of their people.
The people are mostly dealt with by liberals, who at some point may find themselves
unexpected rebels like in Libya and Syria.

And there are Russian nationalists with whom the authorities prefer not to cooperate.
There are Rodnovers - the authorities are also afraid, this is not why they divided property in the 90s.

The authorities are looking for support and find it in the person of Soviet Israel, the former Soviet people there.

Soviet Israel takes over a contract from power to pollinate the new Russia with a special atmosphere
Soviet cultural layer.

The people fall into a pleasant hibernation.

A unique task to create a psychological hole.
A kind of conflict between the social system and culture.

Culture should be Soviet, and business should be capitalist and even imperialist,
judging by the dispersion of Soviet ownership among foreign banks around the world and
judging by the investments of Russian oligarchs around the world.

It has come true - PEACE IN THE WHOLE WORLD - the sacred slogan of the Kabbalists.

The biblical dove as a symbol of peace, but in fact the approbation of dried matzah-unleavened bread in the world -
has there been approval for matzah all over the world, for mixing everyone into a single zombie-miracle-yudo swamp:

The New Culture in Russia should lull and induce sleep according to Stalin, according to Soviet films,
on the Soviet stage, where Soviet Jews ruled the roost.

For this matter, the Minister of Culture was replaced.
New Minister of Culture Medinsky clearly conveys love for everything Soviet,
which resonates with some good Russian people and not only Russians.

Medinsky gathers the same guys around him - Denis MATSUev, Adagamov, Goblin, etc.

This is a generation of good Jewish boys.
Properly raised in Yiddish by their mother. They perfectly convey their love for the USSR.

They are convinced that the USSR is good.
The boys are stuck in such good nostalgia and want to sell it to the Russian people.

Or rather, they don't sell. They are naive visionaries - they dream of the USSR and, perhaps, they will even work for little money.

Others are selling, another show business, those who have taken a contract to transform modern Russia into sphinx:
the head and raking hands of a lion, and the body with Soviet naive wings.

Mrs. Pugacheva, Sobchak perform their services on the basis of introducing depravity into the souls of the young.
Young people are also sick of THEIR values.

And young people begin to informally gather around Russian ideas and the ideas of liberalism - such a division.

This is a convenient situation for the authorities - an irreconcilable division of Russians.
And the soporific fairy tale about the USSR is introduced into such a division.

But the contract for culture was taken not only to euthanize and to please us.

As always, there are big military goals behind this.
Create a holy army from the Russians for the purposes of the New World Order.

The United States is clearly not coping and is even behaving inappropriately to Israel’s wishes.
The time has come to launch Russia, and for
we need warriors.

Directly according to the unforgettable Ostap Bender: We launch Berlaga and