Brown hyena. Brief description and her life in the wild. Appearance and habitat

The brown hyena, also called the brown hyena, lives in Central Africa, mostly in the Kalahari and Namib deserts. Their range stretches from the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe to Namibia and southern Angola. In South Africa, brown hyenas are almost completely destroyed, with the exception of the Cape Province and the Transvaal.

Features of the appearance of a brown hyena

Brown hyenas are much smaller than spotted hyenas - the body length is 71-82 centimeters, plus a tail 25-30 centimeters long. The average weight varies from 25 to 35 kilograms, and the maximum body weight is 39 kilograms. Males are slightly heavier than females.

In isolated areas - the provinces of Mpumalanga and the Eastern Cape - exceptionally large individuals weighing about 70 kilograms were found.

This species has external features typical of the family: a reverse inclination of the body, a large head, long and strong legs. The head is broad, the ears are narrow, the teeth are large. The front legs are much better developed than the hind legs. Fingernails do not retract.

The mane of the brown hyena is very long, not upright and shaggy, it runs along the back and hangs down on the sides of the body. The color of the mane is much lighter than the color of the whole body. The coat is a solid brown color, and the stripes are located only on the legs. The lower part of the body is lighter. The tail is shaggy.

The anus has odorous glands, a secret with an unpleasant odor is secreted from them, so hyenas smell bad.

Brown hyena habitat

This species is endemic to the dry and barren regions of southern Africa. Although the range of brown hyenas has declined significantly in recent years, they are still quite numerous in southern Africa. They have learned to survive close to humans.

Mostly brown hyenas live in barren savannahs, they also live in deserts. Brown hyenas prefer semi-deserts, savannas and wooded areas. They hunt and hide in rocky areas.

The lifestyle of brown hyenas

These are fairly solitary animals that are active mainly at night.

Although brown hyenas have excellent hearing and vision, they most often rely on a keen sense of smell to detect carrion and other prey. Feeling the prey, the hyena runs quickly, overcoming a considerable distance to arrive at the place first than the rest of the scavengers.

During the dry season, brown hyenas are actively looking for food, they hunt for about 10 hours, while walking 30-50 kilometers a day.

Fortunately, there is more food during the rainy season, so the hyenas don't have to travel as much.

Brown hyenas live in clans, but they hunt alone. Most of the group are close relatives, but sometimes migrating males join the clan. Within the clan, relations are more peaceful than among other hyenas, and the cubs are not as aggressive towards each other. Older pups even guard their younger counterparts and make alarming sounds when a predator approaches their lair.

Females mate with migrating males. Females and some males remain with the clan even after maturation, which occurs at 2.5 years. But more often than not, males leave their clan and join someone else's, or constantly migrate.

The brown hyena encounter takes place in the den, when the hyenas are outside the den, it is a loner. Individuals forage alone and can only gather in a few pieces near a large carcass.

Juveniles rest near the den and play, while grabbing each other's manes with their teeth. These games are so tough that all the cubs have numerous scars on their necks.

In conflict situations, hyenas raise their manes on their backs and necks. Brown hyenas have overdeveloped chemical communication. There are scent marks throughout the clan's territory. Each individual has a unique smell, so other hyenas are able to identify each other. Brown hyenas have two types of odorous secretion. One has a short effect, it disappears after a few hours, with the help of this secret, the hyenas will find out where the individual got food. The second secret has a persistent aroma that does not fade for a month, with the help of which the hyena strengthens its position in the clan.

The coastal hyena is the largest land animal, whose diet consists mainly of carrion.

Brown hyenas, like spotted hyenas, are very vocal, but unlike their counterparts, they do not make cackling sounds. The brown hyena can most often be heard at night. When individuals quarrel over food, they growl, whine and howl.

Listen to the voice of the brown hyena

Natural enemies of brown hyenas are lions and common hyenas.

Nutrition of brown hyenas

In the Namib and Kalahari deserts, brown hyenas feed mainly on carrion. If there is no carrion, then hyenas pass to fruits, vegetables, termites, locusts, dung beetles, small birds, rodents, lizards. Occasionally they attack domestic birds. Also, brown hyenas can attack larger prey, such as young antelope.

During the rainy season, leftovers from the meals of cheetahs, lions and leopards are the basis of the diet of brown hyenas. In the dry season, the percentage of vegetables and fruits decreases sharply in the diet, so melons become the main source of moisture for them during the 8 months of drought.

The jaws of the brown hyena are not as powerful as those of the spotted hyena, but it is able to bite through an ostrich egg. Hyenas, like foxes, stock up on food. They also bring additional food to the den by feeding the pups.

Brown hyenas can chase small game for a short distance, but only one out of 6-10 hunting attempts is successful.

Reproduction of brown hyenas

Seasonality in the mating season in brown hyenas is not observed. Females mate with various nomadic males. Some males mate with females and leave the clan, while others remain after mating and take part in raising offspring. If the female dies, then other females begin to feed her babies.

Pregnancy lasts 92-98 days. There are usually 2-4 babies in a litter. The first 3 months, the mother comes to the cubs at sunrise and sunset, and spends about 5 hours with them. There are juveniles in the den so the puppies don't get bored and the mother doesn't have to come over too often. As the babies grow, their milky diet is supplemented by the meat that the mother and other clan members bring to the den.

When the babies begin to feed on solid food, the mother comes to them once a day, staying with them for about half an hour. And teenagers aged 8 months can stay on their own for 2-3 nights.

At 10 months, young individuals already begin to hunt on their own, foraging near the den. Over time, the range of their sorties increases. Females feed their offspring with milk for 10 months, and wean them completely at 15 months. The juveniles continue to return to the den where they socialize, play and sometimes receive additional food from the males. Brown hyenas begin to breed at least 2.5 years.

Coast hyenas are social animals that can live in clans.

Brown hyena population

Brown hyenas are useful animals, as they eat carrion and clear the area of ​​infected remains. Occasionally they harm people by attacking poultry.

The number of brown hyenas in Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe Botswana and Zambia is about 5070-8020 individuals. It is also believed that about 220 brown hyenas live in Lesotho, Angola and Mozambique. As of 1995, 16 brown hyenas were registered in zoos.

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The brown hyena belongs to the hyena family. She, like most of her relatives, lives on the African continent. The main difference between the brown hyena and other representatives of the hyenas is the color and long, coarse, monochromatic brown mane.

Unlike spotted hyenas, brown ones are slightly smaller, and males and females do not have significant differences. The family structure of brown hyenas is also different - the alpha male is considered the leader of the clan.

If we talk about the nutrition of the brown hyena, then it is she who is the biggest scavenger. In her diet, about 95% percent of marine debris and carrion.

Description of the brown hyena

The size of the brown hyena is quite large. Body length - from 86 to 150 cm, without a tail. The tail is from 25 to 35 cm. The height at the withers is approximately from 70 to 90 cm. Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed, sometimes males are slightly larger than females. The weight of an adult male is from 40 to 45 kg, but there are individuals of larger sizes weighing from 65 to 73 kg. Females weigh on average 36 to 41 kg. The color of the coat is monochromatic dark brown, on the back and neck the length of the coat is about 30 cm, on the paws there are dark and horizontal stripes. Brown hyenas have strong jaws that can gnaw through the leg of an African antelope. Although with age, the jaw of a hyena wears out a lot and the animal is no longer so good at cracking bones.

Brown hyenas have an anal gland, which is located below the base of the tail, from which the hyena secretes a black and white secret, with which the animal often marks its possessions. In general, the selections are applied to grass stalks along the territorial boundaries of the clan.

Where does the brown hyena live?

The brown hyena is common in central Africa. Its habitat extends from the south of the Sahara to the western coast of South Africa. Countries where the brown hyena is found: Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa. Most often, this animal is found in the Namib and Kalahari deserts near the ocean coasts.

What does the brown hyena eat?

The diet of the brown hyena mainly consists of carrion. If there is no carrion, for some time the animal can eat fruits, fruits, vegetables, small rodents, insects, marine animals, small birds and their eggs, ostrich eggs. Occasionally hunts African antelope. But only 6% of all food is obtained by the brown hyena on its own.

In the dry season, the brown hyena feeds mainly on carrion and vegetables. Also during this period, she eats a large number of cucumbers and melons, as this is the only source of moisture. Hyenas that live along the coast of the ocean in the Namib Desert often eat marine life washed ashore: fish, shellfish and even whales. Occasionally, the brown hyena even preys on the seal pups living in this region.

With the onset of the rainy season, brown hyenas mainly feed on the remains of the meals of big cats, lions, leopards and cheetahs.

Lifestyle and reproduction of brown hyenas

Brown hyenas live in family groups. Each group has a hierarchy. The head of the clan is an alpha male and an alpha female. Dominance is demonstrated by a display of strength and aggression. Most of the group consists of relatives and cubs of leaders, but strangers can also join the family. More often this happens during the mating season, when young males leave their clan in search of a female.

Brown hyenas hunt alone and mainly at night. An acute sense of smell and hearing helps the hyena to get food. The brown hyena is capable of smelling prey or carrion at a fairly large distance. In one night, in search of carrion, the animal is able to overcome from 30 to 50 km. You can see several brown hyenas feeding only near a large carcass. Upon returning from hunting, members of the pack sniff each other, thus they greet their relatives.

The territory where brown hyenas live is actively guarded and marked with a secret from the anal glands. Markings are made to prevent other clans from encroaching on their territory.

The mating season for brown hyenas is from May to August. For the first time, the female is ready for mating at the age of 2 years, and the male at 2.5 years. Often, the females of the clan mate with the alpha male or with emigrant males who came from other clans. After mating, the female brings offspring after 97 days. Just like earthen wolves, males of the brown hyena clan raise offspring along with females. The offspring are born in burrows hiding in the sand dunes, where their sworn enemies, lions, spotted hyenas and hyena dogs, do not have access. Babies are born weighing up to 1 kg with their eyes closed. In the litter, most often from 1 to 5 babies. Up to 3 months, the cubs remain in the hole and do not go outside. After 3 months of age, the babies begin to leave the den. At the same age, parents begin to feed their offspring with meat, bringing the remnants of their meal to the hole. Until the age of 14 months, the cubs continue to feed on their mother's milk. At 2.5 years old, young males leave their clan. Females often remain in their clan, although occasionally they leave their family. The life expectancy of brown hyenas is 20-25 years.

The hyena genus includes 4 species, one of them is the brown hyena. It lives in southern Africa. These are the territories of Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa. The largest populations live in the Kalahari Desert and in the coastal strip of South West Africa. The habitat is deserts, semi-deserts, open forest savannahs. Also, these animals can be found in rocky mountainous areas. They do not depend on rivers and large reservoirs, as they drink little and rarely. This species is not numerous (habitat area is not more than 470 sq. km) and is on the verge of extinction.


Representatives of the species differ from other hyenas in long and shaggy hair, sharp ears, and dark brown color. The head is grey. The limbs are covered with gray and brown stripes. The neck is covered with long cream-colored hair. The hair on the neck and back may stand on end.

The length of the body varies from 110 to 160 cm. The height at the withers is 70-85 cm. The tail is 25-35 cm long. There is no conspicuous difference between males and females, the only thing is that males are somewhat larger. The average weight of males reaches 40-44 kg, and females weigh 38-40 kg. The maximum weight does not exceed 55 kg.

The jaws of these predators are powerful. Young brown hyenas easily crush the bones of prey, but with age, the teeth wear out and the jaws weaken. These animals live in clans, each of which has its own territory. It is marked with a special secret secreted by the anal gland. It is under the tail.

Reproduction and lifespan

The clan usually has from 4 to 12 individuals. As a rule, the dominant female mates with the dominant male or nomadic males. Sometimes it happens that other females become pregnant. But their broods do not kill. They feed on a par with the brood of the dominant female.

The mating season can be at any time of the year, but most often takes place from May to August. Pregnancy lasts about 3 months. The female produces her first litter at the age of 2 years. In the litter there are from 1 to 5 cubs weighing 1 kg.

Babies are born in a den, which is arranged in the sand dunes away from predators. Cubs are born with their eyes closed. They open on the 8th day of life. Dairy feeding lasts about a year. At the age of one and a half years, the cubs become independent. At two and a half years they reach the size of adults. Females give birth at intervals of 20 months. All adult predators feed the cubs, bringing them food after the hunt. In the wild, the brown hyena lives 12-15 years.

Behavior and nutrition

As already mentioned, these predators live in clans. All its members protect their territory, feed and raise offspring. The clan has a hierarchy with dominant males and females. The male raises his status, thanks to aggressive behavior. Sometimes fights occur, ending in the death of one of the males. Among the females, the oldest always occupies the leading position. Young males, as adults, usually leave their clan and join others. And among females, this behavior is rare.

The diet consists mainly of carrion. The brown hyena supplements its diet with rodents, bird eggs, mushrooms, fruits, and insects. But live prey makes up only 4.2% of the diet. The sense of smell of these animals is exceptional, so they can smell carrion for several kilometers. It should also be said that representatives of the species are quite aggressive and can take prey from jackals, cheetahs, leopards. In the Kalahari desert, this species is at the top of the food chain, as there are no lions, spotted hyenas, wild African dogs.

conservation status

The total number of this species is less than 10 thousand individuals. Therefore, brown hyenas have a threatened status. The number of these animals is decreasing mainly due to their systematic shooting by farmers. They believe that animals harm livestock. At the same time, this species is not in demand as a hunting trophy.

There are several reserves for brown hyenas. These are the National Park in Namibia, the Central Reserve in Botswana, the Natural Park in South Africa. In these places, the animals feel safe, and their number is kept at a stable level.

Titles: brown hyena, brown or coastal hyena.

area: The brown hyena lives in central Africa south of the Sahara desert, mainly in the Kalahari and Namib deserts. The range lies south of the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia and southern Angola. On the territory of South Africa, the species is practically exterminated, except for the northernmost Transvaal and the Cape Province.

Description: The brown hyena has a typical family appearance: a large head, a reverse slope of the body (directed towards the rear end), strong and long legs. The head is broad, the muzzle is short with large teeth, the ears are long and narrow. The forelimbs of the brown hyena are much better developed than the hind limbs. Fingers on all limbs are armed with non-retractable claws. While walking, animals step on their toes.
The hyena has an extremely long, coarse and shaggy, non-standing mane, hanging from the back to the sides and running from the neck along the back. The mane is light, contrasting with the rest of the dark color. The coat of the brown hyena is longer than its closest relatives, solid in color, stripes are present only on the legs. The tail is shaggy.
This hyena has 5/4 molars, and only in the upper jaw, behind the carnivorous tooth, there is a small, often falling tuberculate tooth, false-rooted teeth are equipped with wide conical crowns.
On the sides of the anus, the brown hyena has special odorous glands, from which a secret is released that gives this animal an unpleasant odor.

Color: The coat is dark brown to brownish black in color, with a lighter brown (straw-colored) mane and legs. The underside of the hyena's body is painted in a lighter color. The hind legs have white or yellow-brown stripes.

The size: The brown hyena is much smaller than the spotted hyena: body length up to 1.2 m, of which 71-87 cm fall on the body length, and 25-30 cm on the tail.

The weight: On average, it weighs from 25 to 35 kg, with a maximum of 39 kg. The males are somewhat heavier than the females. Exceptionally large brown hyenas (up to 70 kg) have been recorded in isolated areas such as the Eastern Cape and the Lowveld mountain passes of Mpumalanga province (South Africa).

Voice: Like the spotted hyena, the brown hyena is very vocal, but unlike the first, it does not make characteristic laughing (laughter) sounds. The voices of these hyenas can most often be heard at dusk or at night. When quarreling with each other over food, hyenas howl, whine and growl.

Habitat: The brown hyena is endemic to the southwestern, barren, and arid regions of southern Africa. Although its range has shrunk in the twentieth century, especially in its southern part, it is still widespread and able to survive close to human habitat.
It mostly inhabits barren savannahs, but has also been found in deserts. Basically, the brown hyena prefers grassy semi-deserts with a mosaic of shrubs, a typical tropical savannah and woodland (with a well-developed layer of cereal vegetation, under the forest layer).
This species of hyena can survive with very little water and therefore lives in areas with an annual rainfall of less than 100 mm. They also live in savannahs and wooded areas with a maximum annual rainfall of up to 650 mm. They regularly use rocky areas for protection and hunting.

Enemies: The main predators are lions and common hyenas.
The main threat is human persecution, although the brown hyena is protected in game reserves, it is considered and considered a pest due to its habit of attacking livestock, and therefore a large number of hyenas have been killed by farmers. In fact, attacks by these hyenas on livestock have never been observed.

Food: The brown hyena is a large carnivore in the most barren parts of the Kalahari and Namib deserts. Here it feeds mainly on carrion. Dr. Mills once saw a young hyena eat the body of its dead mother for almost a week.
In the absence of carrion, the coastal hyena makes do with fruits, vegetables, marine organisms, insects (such as locusts, termites, and dung beetles) and other invertebrates, and can also take small bustards and other birds, ostrich eggs, and can prey on small animals such as rodents, lizards and occasionally poultry. It also takes live vertebrate prey up to the size of young antelope (springbok in particular). But of the approximately 58 different types of food identified in the litter of these hyenas, less than 6% by weight is live vertebrate prey that these animals have taken on their own.

During the rainy season, when antelopes and zebras disperse across the Kalahari, leftovers from the meals of lions, leopards, and cheetahs are the main source of food for these hyenas. During the dry season, due to the scarcity of food in the desert, carrion, as well as fruits and vegetables, increase dramatically in their diet. Tsama (or gemsbok cucumber) and melons are the main source of moisture during eight dry months, and at other times hyenas drink rainwater from temporary reservoirs.
The brown hyena, which lives along the coastline of the Namib Desert, has been found to occasionally prey on the pups of seals living there (but only about 3% of them are hunted by itself), and also eat marine life washed ashore (fish, crustaceans).
When a brown hyena encounters an ostrich nest containing eggs, it is able to bite open the egg even though it has slightly less powerful jaws than the spotted hyena, which kicks or beats the egg until it breaks.
Hyenas store food like foxes. They also bring extra food to the den to feed the pups.

Behavior: The brown hyena is a fairly solitary animal and is mostly active at night.
Although this hyena has keen eyesight and hearing, it usually relies more on its sense of smell. The hyena has an excellent sense of smell, which aids it in detecting carrion and other prey over long distances. Having sensed the prey, the hyena is able to run at high speed for long distances in order to get to the carcass of carrion before other scavengers.

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African savannas are very unpredictable. In them you can meet both ferocious predators and small fluffy jerboas. One of the most interesting animals of this area is the hyena. This species filled the entire area of ​​the African valleys.

Where do hyenas live?

African animals include a mammal that inspires fear in many safari visitors. The open area is an ideal place for a pack of hyenas to settle.

It is noteworthy that these animals choose places with a not hot climate, and how dogs mark the territory on which they build their home. In addition, this member of the feline family puts a representative from the pack on guard when they settle down for the night, to protect the family.

The hyena is mistakenly classified as a member of the canine family. In fact, she belongs to the cat family.

Hyena, to a greater extent, nocturnal animal. During the day, flocks sleep off, from night hunts or transitions. Although they are not too fond of changing their territory, they occasionally have to do this to find places with a lot of food.

There is a misconception that this mammal is a dangerous animal. This opinion is based on the fact that they kill the innocent, and also eat carrion. In fact, there are much more dangerous creatures in nature, and thanks to the ability of a person to tame and train, even domestic hyenas are found. At the same time, they become the best friend at home. If an animal goes to a meeting and begins to trust a person, then in terms of devotion it will not yield to an ordinary dog ​​in any way.

Nature endowed the nimble predator with amazing abilities at first glance. For example, they are able to make peculiar sounds. With a devilish laugh, the hyena notifies its family of the discovery of a large amount of food. But animals like lions have learned to recognize these urges. Often lions take food from hyenas. A flock of predators is not able to fight such a serious opponent and retreats. And they have no choice but to eat up the leftovers or look for a new place for lunch.

In addition, nature endowed the ends of the paws of the animal with glands. According to the specific smell of the produced secretion, the "hunters" learned to identify the individuals of their flock. That allows them to identify and scare away the stranger.

The hyena is not a terrible animal. In fact, they perform a very important role by eating carrion - they perform the function of orderlies. At the same time, by hunting other animals, they ensure the equality of the animal world.

Matriarchy reigns in a pack of predators. The hierarchy is built according to the following principles:

  • Older females are the most important. They are given the greatest privileges: to rest in the coolest place in the hole, to be the first to taste dinner. In turn, they bring and grow the largest offspring.
  • Low class females. They follow the elders, that is, they start eating in the second turn, rest at a distance from the elders.
  • Males. They belong to the lowest class.

Types of hyenas

In nature, there are the following types of hyenas:

  • spotted;
  • striped;
  • brown;
  • aardwolf;
  • African.

It is worth noting that the largest of this cat family is African. In third place is spotted.

In addition to ordinary hyenas, animals such as hyena dogs live in the expanses of Africa. Between these species, at a meeting, there are always slaughters for the territory. The family with the most animals wins. In addition to dog hyenas, there are quite a few other enemies in the wild. The most feared is the lion.

The spotted hyena, like no other, looks like a large dog. She has a powerful and broad head, her eyes are not deep set. The ears are rounded and not large. The fur is much shorter than in other species. This predator with the onset of old age loses 50 percent of its coat. Has an impressive tail. Also a distinctive feature is the presence of coarse long hair from the withers to the tail. Visually, this wool forms a mane.

This representative has very sharp and strong teeth. There is an opinion that the jaw of this species is one of the strongest among all mammals. The animal is capable of speeds up to 65 km / h. If you look at him in profile, you may see a small hump on his back.

Outwardly, it is quite difficult to distinguish the female from the male. Strange as it may sound, their organs are very similar. It is possible to accurately determine the sex only in a lactating female. She has a clearly visible pair of nipples, which are located near the hind limbs.

A spotted mammal can have a different color. It varies from light sand to brown. A distinctive feature are rounded dark spots all over the body. The tail of the predator is fluffy and decorated in dark rings, the tip is black.

This species produces more than 11 sounds, several of which are lingering. If you hear the howl of this hyena from afar, then you can confuse it with loud laughter.

The spotted hyena is the largest member of its family. The body length is from 100 to 166 centimeters, and the average weight is 75 kilograms.

And in nature, this species lives for about 20-25 years.

The striped hyena is a rather large subspecies of the family, the weight of an adult individual is about 60 kilograms. Males are always much larger than females. The upper part is covered with stiff long hair that forms a mane. The rest of the hair barely grows 7 centimeters. Throughout the body there are pronounced stripes. Hence the name of the subspecies.

Their paws are very curved, and the front ones are longer than the hind ones. If you see this predator from afar, you might think that he is injured.

The body of this representative is not massive. The neck is short but thick. The head is large with a heavy lower jaw. The ears are pointed at the top.

Basically, this species only growls and howls. They don't make any other sounds.

The spotted hyena feeds mainly on carrion. Although in the first years of life he likes to eat vegetation.

In captivity, this species lives for about 40 years.

Outwardly, the brown hyena resembles an ordinary medium-sized dog. In this species, the body is raised at the withers and externally, you can see a small hump. The head is large and set on a thick neck. Their ears are the largest compared to individuals of other subspecies. The legs are curved, but at the same time quite strong. The tail is large and shaggy.

The brown hyena is one of the smallest members of the family. Its weight is about 35 kilograms, although the body length is about 70 centimeters.

There is little hair on the body of this individual. The entire coat is very hard and dyed dark brown. Sometimes you can meet a representative with a gray tint. The jaw is equipped with sharp teeth that can easily crush even bones.

An interesting feature is that this predator turns gray with age.

Males and females are very similar. Outwardly, it is almost impossible to find distinguishing features. The only feature is the sounds made and the attitude in the pack. If a female makes a sound, then the rest of the family gathers around her. If the male howls, then it goes unnoticed.

Lives in nature for about 20 years.

The earth wolf is a hyena that lives in Africa. Outwardly similar to the striped hyena, but it is difficult to confuse them. The earth wolf weighs up to 14 kilograms and the length of the body without a tail is about 55 centimeters. This is the only species that does not show sexual dimorphism. Outwardly, it is easy to distinguish the female from the male.

The muzzle of this type of hyena is similar to that of a dog, but very small, one might even say elongated. Paws are high and not massive. The fur is thick and not harsh. Inside is soft light-colored down. In case of danger, the mane of an earthen wolf rises on end. Thus, the individual warns the flock.

The hyena of this subspecies can have several colors. The color varies from sandy to brown. A distinctive feature are pronounced stripes all over the body.

An interesting feature of the earthen wolf is the presence of 5 fingers on the forelimbs.

The entire jaw is equipped with sharp teeth. The fangs are especially large and long. With them, a hyena can tear apart an enemy many times larger than itself.

The African hyena is a large predator. Its average weight is 70-80 kilograms. Outwardly similar to a large dog, but with a small head. The muzzle is outwardly extended, 2 small rounded ears are planted on top. This hyena looks pretty awkward.

The color is usually yellowish. The whole body is covered with dark spots. Wool reaches a length of 5-7 centimeters. From the withers to the tail, a hairline of increased rigidity grows. Outwardly, these hairs form a mane.

The front legs of this subspecies are longer than the hind legs, so it may seem that the hyena is limping.

This species mainly feeds on carrion, but can occasionally attack zebras and antelopes. Irritable character. It can even attack a person.

This species has pronounced sexual dimorphism. There are no external differences between females and males.

The only significant opponent of the African hyena is the lion.

Hyena breeding in nature

To continue offspring and conceive cubs, the female hyena prepares for a year. Pre-mating of hyenas occurs once every two weeks. While the genitals of males are ready for fertilization in certain seasons.

The genital organs of the hyena are unique in their structure. An inexperienced person will not be able to distinguish between a female hyena in front of him or a male. In the female hyena, the clitoris, under which the scrotum is located, is identical to the penis of the male. Mating of two individuals occurs by penetration of the penis through the clitoris into the urogenital canal.

Male hyenas for breeding, fighting in front of the female. The winner, lowering his head and tail, approaches the female, and with her permission, offspring are conceived.

Hyena cubs

The first hyena cub is born one hundred and ten days after conception. At the same time, up to three puppies can give birth to an animal at a time. The representative of the cats, in order to continue the family, equips a separate hole.

Hyenas are born immediately with their eyes open and weighing about two kilograms. The creature feeds its offspring for a year and a half with breast milk.

The color of the cub is brown. With age, the color changes and becomes darker. An interesting feature in the life of a hyena is that children occupy the status in the pack on which their parents were. Such a kind of legacy. The maximum age for hyenas is about twelve years.

What age the beast has reached can be determined based on color. The darker the color, the older the animal. Basically, the color of the coat is yellowish brown with dark gray spots like a leopard. The hyena's head is solid brown, but the muzzle is clearly black. In addition, a burgundy shade is observed on the occipital side.


To catch prey, nature endowed hyenas with short hind and long front legs, which allows them to develop tremendous speed and cover quite long distances without stopping.

As a hunter, the animal is much superior in skills to lions. They mainly hunt at night overcoming more than seventy kilometers. In hunting, the mammal simply exhausts its prey by running long distances. At the same time, frightening her with devilish laughter, turning into a howl. When the victim is unable to run, they bite her legs, thereby completely immobilizing her. They eat prey alive, and not like other hunters pre-suffocate.

Their hearing, sense of smell and vision are at the highest level. For example, they smell carrion at a distance of more than four kilometers.

What does a hyena eat?

The animal feeds mainly on animals that it catches on the hunt. At the same time, the size of the prey can be many times greater than the size of the hunter himself. Although much more nutrients and nutrients enter the body from such food, the predator does not disdain and eats carrion.

If the flock did not find animal food, then it goes to look for vegetable food. Individuals with great pleasure can eat juicy grass and even fruits. This way, the hyena will never go hungry!

It is not strange, but alone hyenas are very cowardly. Therefore, hyenas are often hunted in a pack, thanks to which it is very difficult to defeat them for another beast.

Hyenas have a unique digestive system. Thanks to her, these creatures easily absorb bone, horns, hooves and wool. During the day, the stomach of these animals is able to digest everything eaten.

Domestic hyena, how to keep a hyena at home?

If a person decides to have such an exotic animal as a hyena at home, then first you need to take care of safety. It is not recommended to have such an animal in an apartment; a country house is the best option. In this case, it is necessary to build an aviary from strong metal rods. When determining the site for the enclosure, the habitat of the hyenas must be taken into account. They love the cool, but not the cold.

It is best to opt for a baby, not an adult. Since, the cubs are more amenable to training and have not yet had time to get used to the wild habitat. As mentioned earlier, hyenas easily make contact with a person, but only if they gain trust. In order for a predator to recognize a friend in a person, you do not need to constantly keep it in an aviary. Still, this is a wild animal and he needs freedom.

It is advised to feed this cat dry food. Meat should be given very rarely and in small portions. It is worth noting that after eating meat food, an animal, even grown at home, instinctively becomes aggressive. As often as possible, the pet should include vegetables and fruits in the diet. They will fill the body with vitamins and minerals, make the coat thicker.

It is necessary to treat such a pet with affection and love, and then he will reciprocate.

Given all the diversity of the flora and fauna of Africa, hyenas do not stand out for their appearance. But it is worth paying attention to a few facts:

  • Females of this family are the most caring mothers of all predators. All the prey first goes to the kids, and then the adults eat it;
  • By their nature, single individuals are shy and can cling to stronger predators;