Fast ripening tomato. How to feed tomatoes to quickly turn red and pour: recommendations. Relocation under the roof

Not the entire crop of tomatoes has time to ripen during the summer season. when the first cold dews appear, many green fruits can be observed in the plots and in the greenhouse. There are a number of techniques that allow you to speed up the ripening of tomatoes and have time to harvest before the arrival of autumn.

The main ways to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes

To stimulate growth, it is not at all necessary to stuff cultures with preparations with an extensive chemical composition.

Horticultural and agricultural practice has helped to develop a number of ways to accelerate the reddening of fruits, both in greenhouses and in open ground conditions.

  1. Removing the first reddened tomato . Practice has shown that this action stimulates the ripening of other fruits, especially if the "flushed fellow" is left next to the tomato bush. The reason for this orientation to the "personal example" is quite simple. A plucked red tomato releases ethylene, which is a catalyst for the ripening of other fruits.

    We remove the first ripened tomato.

  2. Pruning stepsons and lower leaves . The stem of the bush is exposed to the first fruit. This is necessary to ensure the ventilation of the plant, as well as protect it from diseases such as phytophthora. As a rule, infection begins precisely from the lower leaf plates that touch the ground.

    These tomatoes will not ripen soon. Extra leaves must be removed!

  3. Removing young flower stalks or pinching the crown . After the start of fruiting, it is recommended to pinch the top of the head so that all the nutrients and forces go to the ripening of already set fruits. Even if new tomatoes can start during this period, they will not have time to ripen.

    Pinching the crown has two goals - improving the quality of the crop and reducing the ripening time of the fruit.

  4. . It is difficult to belittle the importance of the irrigation regime for the growth and maturation of tomato crops, however, during the fruiting period, moisture consumption should be minimized. If possible, it is worth stopping it, but here you need to focus on weather conditions. The minimum amount of water received by the tomato crop during fruit ripening increases the sugar content in tomatoes, reduces acidity and excessive wateriness. Improved pulp structure and appearance. Too much water can cause fruit cracking. Soda spraying once a week will also help improve the taste of tomatoes. To prepare the solution, mix 1 teaspoon of soda with 1 liter of warm water.

    In addition to improving the taste, the soda solution has an antibacterial effect.

  5. Turn towards the sun . When breeding undersized varieties, you can turn the bushes to sunlight. To do this, all the necessary leaves are removed, and the bush is fixed on the trellis at the right angle. If necessary, additional branches are also tied to individual stakes.

    Fruit exposed to sunlight will ripen faster.

  6. Harvesting browned tomatoes . Tomatoes that begin to turn brown can be safely removed and sent to the house for ripening, especially at the end of summer, in August. The tomatoes will turn red even outside the greenhouse, and the bush will direct all the released forces to the still green fruits.

    We remove ripe tomatoes in time.


As additional methods that accelerate the ripening of tomatoes, experts recommend spraying with ash or iodine.

Iodine stimulates the reddening of fruits and reduces the risk of late blight.

The benefits of iodine for tomato crops have been known for a long time. It improves nitrogen metabolism, is a safe alternative to saltpeter, which degrades soil composition. Iodine increases productivity, fights against. An open vial of iodine in a greenhouse disinfects the room well.

Iodine treatment stimulates well reddening of tomatoes and is s. To obtain a spray solution, 30 drops of the substance are diluted in 10 liters of water, after which the bush is treated, making sure that not only the leaves, but also the stem in the lower part of the plant are thoroughly moistened. Another advantage of iodine is that it is safe for humans and does not require the use of personal protective equipment during processing.


Spraying with ashes is one of the safest methods to stimulate the ripening of tomatoes.

The beneficial properties of ash are based on the high content of calcium and potassium salts in it.

The ash solution is prepared at the rate of 1 cup of wood ash per 10 liters of water. No insistence required. The resulting mixture is poured under the root. Feeding 1 bush requires no more than 1 liter of solution. It is worth remembering that, otherwise the root system of the plant will get an ash burn.

In case you do not want to carry out additional watering or the weather conditions imply precipitation, tomatoes can be sprayed. In this case, not only the fruits, but also the leaves should be processed. However, the dosage of the spray solution should be changed to 0.5 cups of ash to 10 liters of water. Spraying should be carried out in the evening or on a cloudy, sunny day.

potassium humate

Another type of additional nutrition for tomatoes is potassium humate.

Potassium humate is produced from peat, manure, silt and other plant materials, therefore it is considered a completely natural fertilizer.

It contains a number of useful trace elements and potassium, which is necessary for maturation. This preparation is completely natural and is used for root watering. Potassium humate is produced in powder, diluted in the ratio 10 gr/200 l of water.

  1. First, a sachet of powder is thoroughly dissolved in 2 l hot water and left to infuse for 2 hours.
  2. After that, it is poured into a barrel with the remaining 180 l and used for irrigation.
  3. Feeding can be done 3 times a month, the main thing is to ensure that the solution does not get on the leaves and does not provoke late blight.

In addition to stimulating maturation, potassium humate improves the tasting qualities of fruits, increases their size. Another indisputable advantage of the tool is its low cost.

Boric acid

Many gardeners with experience are familiar with firsthand.

Boron is an essential element involved in the formation of connective tissue in plants.

Boric acid crystals are poorly soluble in water, so to prepare a working solution, you must first dissolve the powder in a small amount of hot water, and then add cold water to the norm.

It not only promotes growth, but also improves the taste of the future crop. Boron protects the plant from premature fall of the ovaries, stimulates the production of nitrogenous substances and chlorophyll.

Boric acid treatment can improve yields by an average of 25–30%. But it also strengthens the immunity of the plant, resistance to temperature extremes. The sugar content in the fruits increases, the aroma increases, and the shelf life is extended.

Boric acid can be replaced with Borofosk fertilizer.

During the fruiting period, foliar top dressing with boric acid is carried out. For this 10 g substances are dissolved in 10 l water and process the bushes on a cloudy day at temperatures from +18 °С to +20 °С . Spraying should be fine mist or drizzle. Drops rolling from the leaves are unacceptable, so a high-quality sprayer must be used during processing.

Total per season 3 treatments boron solution. The last third is carried out at the beginning of fruiting in order to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes.

Bananas and apples

Another proven way to make tomatoes turn red is bananas and apples.

Everything is simple here: the fruits are laid out under the bushes or in a box with ripening fruits and left for several days. Bananas and ripe apples release ethylene gas, which is a natural catalyst for the ripening of tomatoes. The same principle of action and the leaves of the walnut tree.

Banana as a tomato ripening stimulator.

It is he who is most often used in the southern regions of our country.

Non-standard methods

If we talk about non-standard methods, then the most original of them is alcohol stimulation.

Introduced into the nest of a tomato bush with a thin syringe 0.5 ml strong alcohol (vodka), as a result of which the ripening time is significantly reduced. At the same time, the chemical composition and appearance of reddened tomatoes does not change.

In the event that already the end of August or the beginning of September was marked by low temperatures, tomatoes from open ground can be “transferred” indoors: garage, shed or patio . There they are carefully hung up and ripen “on the vine”.

What can and cannot be done during the ripening period of tomatoes

All top dressing of tomatoes is made before the fruit ripens.

At the time of the ripening of the future crop of tomatoes, it is absolutely impossible:

  • generously water the culture;
  • carry out nitrogen fertilization.

In the first case, the tomatoes will crack. If there is absolutely not enough moisture for tomatoes, then it is better to mulch the soil with wet hay or sawdust.

In the second - all top dressing mullein, green manure or chicken manure should stop after mid-summer. Fertilizers of this type cause a sharp increase in the green mass of the plant, but not the fruits. Moreover, the taste of tomatoes may deteriorate.

But it is quite possible to carry out the prevention of late blight during the fruiting period. To do this, you can use an infusion of garlic or organize a shelter for the bushes at night.


Even with an unexpected change in the weather, you should not give up. There are many ways to speed up the ripening of tomatoes and get an excellent harvest, which was honestly earned by well-deserved work in the spring and summer.

Video about pruning leaves to speed up fruit ripening

Summer weather does not always please gardeners, because summer is often too short for tomatoes to ripen. In order to enjoy the harvest of tomatoes as soon as possible and have time to collect them, before the onset of cold nights that inhibit growth, you should know what is the best way to water the tomatoes so that they are poured.

Methods to help ripen tomatoes faster.

There is no wonderful recipe that allows you to make the fruits turn red in an instant. A set of measures will be required that will help in this matter in a short time:

  • cutting off excess tops, below the level of unripe fruits;
  • cessation of all kinds of top dressing;
  • a film cover should be placed at night to avoid dew on the fruits, which leads to.

Can tomatoes be watered when they turn red?

If you do not water vegetables and fruits, then it will be very difficult for the plant to extract moisture from the soil, which means that the fruits will not pour well. This rule does not apply to tomatoes, because they need liquid until the green tomatoes are poured. Until this time, the intake of fluid should be plentiful, but rare - about once a week.

After the green tomatoes are ready to start turning red, watering should be stopped, as excess moisture delays ripening and can lead to rotting of the bushes.

How to water tomatoes to ripen?

If you don’t know what to do and how to water the tomatoes so that they turn red faster, then the old proven method will come to the rescue. Only watering in this case will be only according to the fruits and green mass, and not under the root, as we are used to.

This is very simple to do - in 10 liters of water, which are designed for spraying one and a half linear meters of plantings, 40 drops of iodine are poured and dissolved. This solution is processed using a spray gun.

In addition, if the cold is already coming, green and brown fruits are plucked and stacked in two rows mixed with mature ones. Red tomatoes emit ethanol, which contributes to "aging", that is, redness, of nearby fruits.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes? What is needed for the rapid ripening of tomatoes? How to process tomatoes, how and how to feed? What folk remedies are used for this? Does alcohol really help? Differences for greenhouse tomatoes, and growing in the open field. How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes picked green at home, the basic rules. And finally, a useful video, an expert opinion. Read, think, apply wisely. So you save your tomato crop as much as possible, even if the weather conditions no longer contribute to the ripening of tomatoes on the bush.

Very often, in the conditions of a short summer in the middle lane, tomatoes do not have time to ripen on a bush. In addition, from mid-summer, the risk of plant infection increases sharply. This is a very dangerous disease. Phytophthora literally in a day can destroy the entire tomato crop. You can read about how to diagnose and further treat this disease here.

First of all, the ripening period of a tomato depends on (early, medium or late). As well as the date of sowing seeds for seedlings. However, there are other factors that greatly affect the ripening period of the crop. If they are not taken into account, the harvest can be obtained not earlier, but even much later. In order for tomatoes to ripen faster, they need to be properly looked after.

Care of bushes for early ripening

  • Tomatoes are a must (except for those varieties on which it is written that they do not need pinching). Because if the stepchildren are not removed, many shoots with flower tassels form on the plant. All of them will not have time to ripen, but at the same time they greatly delay the ripening period of the first tomatoes. Plants that do not remove excess shoots are heavily thickened, poorly lit by the sun. As a result, without sufficient lighting, tomatoes ripen poorly.
  • It is necessary in a timely manner. This will help the plant to direct all its forces to the growth and maturation of the crop. As a rule, inexperienced gardeners do not know at what point and how to properly prune leaves. And this must be done carefully and according to certain rules. Otherwise, the plant can be damaged to the detriment of the future harvest. Pruning in tomato bushes begins with the lower aging leaves. Gradually, you need to remove the leaves under each brush that begins to pour. How to properly cut the leaves of a tomato and at what time can be read here.
  • When tomatoes ripen, watering should be reduced. It also affects the ripening process of tomatoes;
  • Proper nutrition. At the time of the onset of ripening, the tomato should be minimized by fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. Otherwise, plants will increase the volume of green mass, and not fruits. In addition, it worsens the taste of fruits;
  • At the end of July - beginning of August, you need to remove the growth point - to make the topping of the bush. That is, for each stem, cut off the top with a flower brush so that the plant does not waste energy on the formation of new ovaries. As a result, all forces and nutrients will be directed to maturation;
  • Bringing tomatoes in the garden to full ripeness does not make sense, as this reduces their overall yield. To enable the rest of the fruits to ripen as soon as possible, brown unripe tomatoes should be plucked from the bushes 1-2 times a week.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes

To speed up the ripening of tomatoes, there are a number of tricks. The purpose of which is to switch the process of plant growth to the beginning of fruit ripening.

It can be top dressing, treatment with special solutions, as well as mechanical intervention.

How to process tomatoes for quick ripening

  • The most effective and popular method among gardeners is spraying tomatoes with iodine solution. A bucket needs 30-40 drops of iodine. Plentifully water all the leaves, fruits and especially the stem at the very bottom. Such treatment will also prevent the development of phytophthora and significantly improve the taste of the fruit;
  • When the tomatoes have already reached a decent size, but remain green due to bad weather, you can water them with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. In about a week, the tomatoes will turn red.

Top dressing for the rapid ripening of tomatoes

  • Experienced summer residents to accelerate the ripening of fruits perform foliar feeding with a solution of superphosphate. For this, 2 tbsp. l. fertilizers are diluted in 2 liters of warm water. The solution is insisted for a day, then another 8 liters of water are added. Spraying is carried out by abundantly wetting the leaves.
  • Also, for quick ripening and improving the quality of fruits, it is good to use ash as a fertilizer. The following solution is prepared for top dressing: 1 cup of ash per 10 liters of water. Pour the ash into a bucket of water, stir. To avoid burning the roots, you must first water the tomato bushes. And then feed them with an ash solution of 1 liter per bush.
  • Top dressing with potassium humate (according to instructions). This is an effective fertilizer for additional nutrition and ripening of tomatoes and other crops. Feeding can be carried out once every 10 days. After that, the ripening process of the tomato is accelerated, their size increases, and the taste improves.

Folk remedies for ripening tomatoes

Many summer residents use proven "grandfather" methods to speed up the ripening of tomatoes.

  • One of them is the fruit piercing method. It has been noticed for a long time that fruits with mechanical damage ripen faster. If the fetus with a sharp wooden stick to make several punctures. Then such fruits will ripen much earlier, however, they will be stored worse;
  • To speed up the ripening of a tomato, you can carry out the following procedure: you need to damage the small roots of a tomato bush. The stem of the bush must be pulled up with both hands until the characteristic sound, when the small roots begin to come off. Or they can be cut with a shovel, sticking close to the trunk along the perimeter of the bush;
  • Another way to speed up ripening is to use apples, bananas or ripe tomatoes. They need to be placed next to green tomatoes. These fruits emit small amounts of ethylene gas, which contributes to the reddening of green tomatoes;
  • Some summer residents use ordinary vodka to speed up the ripening of tomatoes. This does not affect the taste in any way, and the tomatoes ripen much earlier. For this procedure, 0.5 ml of vodka is used, which are injected with a syringe into the inside of each green tomato. A puncture is made at the point where the tomato is attached to the branch. When alcohol gets inside the tomato, all vital processes are activated and ripening is accelerated several times. If the bush is weakened or there are signs of disease or damage on the fruits, such an injection will only aggravate the situation. After 10-12 days, the tomatoes processed by this method begin to turn brown.

Accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in the greenhouse

All methods and techniques for accelerating ripening are relevant for both greenhouse tomatoes and open ground tomatoes. But there are some nuances.

  • For greenhouse tomatoes, pinching the growth point is very important, otherwise the forced stop of tomato growth. As a rule, tall tomatoes with unlimited growth (indeterminate) grow in the greenhouse. They constantly set new fruits, which inhibits the growth of those that have already started. Pinch tomatoes usually in August. In an unheated greenhouse, 6-7 brushes are left on tomatoes, and 10-12 in heated ones. Simultaneously with the pinching after August 10, all flower brushes are removed (by topping), the fruits still do not have time to form on them;
  • It is very important to maintain a certain temperature in the greenhouse. The optimum temperature for tomato development is 25°C. When the average temperature drops to around 15 ° C, the development of tomatoes slows down noticeably, and fruit ripening stops. If the average temperature rises to 35°C, the growth processes in the plant stop completely;
  • Sunlight is the most important condition for fruit ripening. There can be no excess sunlight in the greenhouse, since the greenhouse material reliably protects against sunlight. But the shortage is very common. Everything must be done so that the clusters of ripening tomatoes get as much light as possible. To do this, the tomatoes are tied to a pole and pulled along it. Leaves that are below the clusters with fruits are cut off. This is not done immediately, but two or three times a day;
  • A very effective, but still known to a small number of summer residents, technique is the use of a tobacco smoke bomb in a greenhouse. These checkers are designed to control pests and pathogens. At the same time, burning the checker has a very positive effect on the state of the plant itself. As a result of a chemical reaction after burning a checker, carbon dioxide is formed, which is involved in the process of photosynthesis. After fumigation, the fruit ripening period is reduced, the plants become less susceptible to all kinds of diseases. Such processing must be carried out 1 time in 5 - 7 days.

Ripening tomatoes in the open field

  • In late July - early August, cold dew begins to fall on the soil. Therefore, on open-ground tomato plantations, special arcs for shelter should be installed. At night, cover them with a film or. Shelter helps maintain the desired temperature and reduces the likelihood of late blight. With the shelter of the bushes, the tomatoes will have the opportunity to ripen;
  • Significantly accelerates the ripening of already formed fruits and their turning towards the sun. This technique is very important for. Dry and yellow leaves must be removed, and wooden spacers - slingshots - should be placed under the brushes with fruits, or the brushes should be placed on the stem so that the vegetables are well lit by the sun and do not lie on the ground;
  • Many gardeners know that in order to accelerate the ripening (ripening) of green tomatoes taken from plants, several red ones should be placed among them; Therefore, some summer residents use this technique for tomatoes still growing on a bush. A ripe tomato is placed in a plastic bag, and this bag is “put on” over a bunch of green tomatoes. Ethylene released by the red, ripe fruit accelerates the ripening of growing tomatoes.

How to ripen green tomatoes at home

The process of ripening tomato fruits at home is called ripening. Not all tomatoes are suitable for ripening. They should be removed at the stage of milky - waxy ripeness, not earlier. Otherwise, instead of ripe tomatoes, you will have shriveled wilted fruits. Of course, for ripening, you need to take only strong and elastic tomatoes. When collecting, they must be dry.

Tomatoes that have become shiny and grown to a certain size need to be removed from the bush. They ripen well in a room with a stable temperature. In addition, such fruits are better stored, as they are more dense and not overripe. And they taste better than overexposed ones, and more nutrients will go to those left on the bush.

The collected tomatoes are laid out in small layers in boxes or on the floor - on newspapers, old unnecessary fabric. If there was a risk of infection of tomatoes with late blight, it is necessary to put such tomatoes separately. Because they need to be watched. Due to the spread of the disease, they can turn black at once. It may be better not to risk it, but to remove them immediately.

The ripening time of unripe tomatoes depends not only on the degree of ripeness of the fruit, but also on the conditions of their storage, especially temperature.

  • If you need slow ripening of plucked tomatoes, then select tomatoes of approximately equal size, lay them in two or three layers, sprinkling them with sawdust. The temperature in the room should not be higher than 10°C, humidity 80-85%. If the air is dry, the fruits will quickly become flabby and shriveled. Sunlight accelerates ripening, so a darkened room is preferable for long-term storage.
  • For quick ripening of tomatoes (7-10 days), a temperature of 20-24 ° C (warm room) is required.
  • For very fast ripening (only a few days), the tomatoes are kept in the sun at an air temperature of 28-30°C.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes-useful video

Finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video on how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes

Experienced gardeners already in June begin to "puzzle" their brains on the subject of accelerating the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse or open field. After all, the Russian summer is short and people throw away bushes with unripe fruits after the first September rains (smoothly turning into frosts). Many gardeners use ripening as one of the ways to speed up the ripening of tomatoes.

Any of the methods of stimulating the ripening of tomatoes is suitable at their summer cottage for both greenhouse vegetables and those grown on open soil. By combining the following techniques, you can control the formation of fruits in tomatoes, accelerate their development and ripening. Processed tomatoes ripen a week and a half ahead of schedule. In addition, well-cared for tomatoes of simple varieties will be protected from blossom end rot as well as some hybrid counterparts.

Stepchildren at the tomato extra shoots

The larger (bigger) the bush, the longer the tomatoes will ripen. Lateral shoots draw off nutrients and interfere with the formation of the main clusters. Metabolic processes in a neglected plant proceed more slowly, and signs of late blight and vertex rot appear on its fruits (more details,). The pasynkovanny tomato develops quickly and gives a quality crop.

The first stripping of side shoots is carried out when transplanting seedlings into the ground on the site. Subsequent - as the bush overgrows, but at least once a week. The last pinching (especially in the conditions of the Middle Stripe) falls at the end of July. By this time, we cut off all the leaves and branches to the upper flower brush (or maybe you?). It is best to use scissors or secateurs. Moving from one vegetable to another, it is advisable to disinfect the blades in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. After pruning, a stump remains at the place of the escape. He will not let the bush start a new forcing.

Removed lashes and leaves should be collected in a bucket and disposed of, because they provoke infectious plant diseases. It is best to lay the tops in a compost pit (box) in the garden. In it, plant residues will turn into a natural substrate.

Pinching in cultivation

The fruits of the first brush (the earliest) are often subject to fasciation. This physiological disorder is associated with diurnal temperature fluctuations. As a result of a sharp change in weather, distorted tomato fruits are formed. Such tomatoes do not sing well and grow slowly. They are disposed of in order to accelerate the growth of others.

In the third decade of July, we remove small fruits, ovaries and inflorescences from grown vegetables. They do not ripen by the end of the summer season, but they absorb a lot of energy and top dressing. In late-ripening varieties (we read about), we cut off the tops.

The operation to remove neoplasms is called tweezing - pinching. It should be carried out with protective gloves, because the tops used to cause itching and inflammation. We pinch greenhouse tomatoes in the garden three weeks later than those growing in open soil. In heated greenhouses and greenhouses, we leave 10 lashes on the plant, in cold ones - 6. We collect the last crop after the first frost.

We arm ourselves with a needle

Abundant watering is necessary for young ovaries, but is harmful for already browned tomatoes. With a needle or toothpick, we make 3-4 longitudinal punctures on the stalk of the vegetable. Through holes will limit the flow of moisture and nutrients into the pulp. Over time, they will overgrow, but the vegetation will not resume. The tomato will stop growing and begin to ripen. The same effect can be achieved by breaking a branch with a bunch of green tomatoes. This method prevents the formation of rot and allows you to properly redistribute water and mineral resources.

We get iodine from the first-aid kit

Leaf and root baits with iodine also accelerate the ripening of tomatoes. We carry out the first treatment on the site during the period of budding of inflorescences, the second - in a couple of weeks. In order to prepare the composition, dilute 40 drops of pharmacy iodine in 10 liters of warm water. We fill the spray bottle (sprayer) with the solution and process the leaves. Or pour up to half a liter of solution under each plant.

Introduction to Vodka Injection Tomatoes

In a green tomato at the base of the stem, we inject a little ethanol (vodka) solution with a syringe. "Alcoholized", the crop ripens 16 days ahead of schedule. The vodka introduced into the peel is split and does not affect the taste and chemical composition of the product. In addition, the seeds of such tomatoes are absolutely healthy and can give good shoots next season.

We attach a ripe tomato to a green bunch of tomatoes

Ethylene activates the ripening process of tomatoes. A high concentration of ethylene ether is found in ripe fruits. Experienced gardeners familiar with such a system always put ripe tomatoes in boxes (boxes) for ripening (preferably in the dark, but, in extreme cases, can be covered with newspaper or a light cloth). As a result, the brown flesh of vegetables turns red in a couple of days. If you don't want to harvest ahead of time, place a ripe tomato in a clear plastic bag and place it over a bunch of brown fruits. The maturation period will be reduced by one and a half weeks. I want to note that this method is controversial, since vegetables must "breathe", which they do, releasing moisture, and in a confined space this is fraught. What we read about in the next paragraph.

We stop watering and feeding tomatoes

Entering a greenhouse or garden early in the morning, we will see how moisture accumulates on the leaves of plants. This process is called guttation. With it, the bushes themselves emit excess moisture. And the colder the night is, the more vegetables "cry" in the morning. At the end of summer, tomatoes took strength and filled with juice. They no longer need nutrients from the soil, and rare rains are enough to maintain the main vegetative processes in the stems.

Therefore, by continuing to water abundantly, remember that the tomatoes will get rid of excess water. At low night temperatures, this will lead to wilting of the bushes and curling of the leaves. In addition, in greenhouses with high humidity, fungal infections breed, destroying the crop.

Tighten the stems with wire

If we finally stopped watering, and the end of the season turned out to be rainy and cloudy, we are in a hurry to limit the flow of water to the stems. The easiest method is to pull the bush until the root system crackles. Damaged roots will not be able to saturate the plants with moisture and vegetables will stop "sweating" at night.

Another way is splitting the stem. You will need a knife and wood chips. Measure 12 cm from the base of the trunk, stick a knife into it and draw a ten-centimeter cut up. Insert a small spacer between the pieces. This will help speed up the ripening of the tomatoes. If the main stem of the bush is thin and it is not possible to cut it, we will carry out an annular winding. Why, at a height of four centimeters from the soil, we pull the trunk with copper wire.

In addition to the general ones, there are other systems of "work" with green fruits.

Special methods for accelerating the ripening of tomatoes (for open ground)

Let's consider them in more detail.

Orientation - in the sun

Tomatoes are heliophyte plants. We plant them on sunny plots of land at a sufficient (60-70 cm) distance. This distance provides the fruits with not only access to light, but also aeration (blowing). The latter prevents the tomato from rotting on the bush. In the second decade of July, we turn branches with large leaves towards the sun and install them on special spacers. Of course, this is a dreary business, but such orientation speeds up the metabolic processes in the stems and helps brown vegetables to ripen.

Drying the bush

Before the first frosts, we cut the plants from the open area at the root and dry them in a warm, ventilated room. To do this, tops with green tomatoes are hung upside down and small vegetables and ovaries are peeled off. Tomatoes ripened on the bush will be tastier and more nutritious than those that have been ripened in boxes or boxes.

We use copper-containing preparations when spraying a tomato

In August (different regions have very different dates this month), the first cold dew begins to fall. It cannot harm greenhouse plants, but bushes in the open field become ill with late blight. Sorry, I lied a little, do not forget about the high humidity (like ours) in July and beyond in some regions! Gray spots cover the fruits and tops, which leads to the death of vegetables. But you can wrest additional time from nature for the ripening of tomatoes. Why, from the beginning of July, it is worth starting treatment with HOM, as one of the most effective preparations containing copper, which destroys phytophthora in the bud. Or, at least, very constraining its development.