Why is cardamom beneficial or not? Useful properties of cardamom. The magical properties of cardamom


Cardamom is another spice worthy of your attention. On Pripravkino.ru you will get acquainted with its beneficial properties and contraindications for use. Read on to learn more about what cardamom is and why it is one of the most expensive seasonings in the world.

Cardamom is a spice with an intense, slightly sweet taste and a strong resinous aroma. It consists of seed pods (pods) containing several small black seeds. Use whole or ground.

The pods vary in color and size depending on the species.

Cardamom is common in Indian cooking, where it is added to savory dishes, desserts and even drinks. Popular in Middle Eastern cooking, especially as an additive to coffee and tea. It is one of the main spices in many Scandinavian baked goods. Cardamom is often combined with other spices such as cinnamon and cloves and used in savory mixtures such as garam masala.

Cardamom is the third most expensive spice in the world, after saffron and vanilla.

What cardamom looks like - photo

general description

Cardamom is a plant from the Ginger family, growing from 1.5 to 3 m in height. This aromatic spice is native to the evergreen forests of the southern Indian state of Kerala and is grown in several tropical countries.

The leaves are spear-shaped and can grow up to 70 cm in length. The stems are stiff and straight, forming an inverted skirt around the plant. The flowers are tiny but beautiful: white, yellow or red. Different types of cardamom can produce black, white or red fruits (pods).

The pods are tripartite, with a thin but tough outer covering. Inside is the source of the aroma - tiny, dark brown seeds arranged in vertical rows. Each grain is inside a thin transparent membrane.

Types of cardamom

The main type is green cardamom (Elettaria, also known as real cardamom). Used in sweet and savory dishes. It has a thin, almost transparent, green pod filled with small blackish seeds.

This type is the most popular for both culinary and medicinal use.

Less common is black cardamom (Amomum, also known as brown, kravan, Bengal or Siamese). It has a large, thick, rough, black-brown pod filled with black seeds. Has a slightly smoky smell.

Most often, ground or green cardamom is found on store shelves. Another type is considered less healthy and not as fragrant.

How to get seasoning

When the cardamom fruit is fully ripe, it opens and the seeds fall to the ground or are blown away by the wind. Therefore, the pods are harvested while they are in a slightly immature state, and the seeds inside them are just beginning to darken. Next, the pods are dried in the sun.

Sold in whole, broken or crushed pods, seeds only and in ground (powdered) form.

What is the taste and smell?

Cardamom is considered a sweet spice, but its smell is not quite as pleasant as, for example, cinnamon or cloves.

It has a strong floral aroma reminiscent of lemon with mint and notes of eucalyptus. The taste is warm, sweet.

The floral, minty notes of cardamom quickly become unpleasantly medicinal if you add too much of it to a dish.

How to choose and where to buy

Both seeds and ground cardamom are sold in the spice section of supermarkets, while whole pods are available in specialty stores.

When purchasing cardamom, choose green cardamom as it has a complex flavor that suits both sweet and savory dishes.

It is better to choose whole cardamom pods, or rather cardamom pods, rather than ground spices. The greener they are, the better the aroma.

Cardamom is an expensive spice, but most of the cost comes from long-distance transportation and intermediary services. If you do not want to overpay, buy it in the international online store IHerb.

How and how much to store

It is best to store cardamom in pod form because once the seeds are opened or crushed, they quickly lose their scent and aroma.

Cardamom pods last up to a year when stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Chemical composition

Cardamom has healing properties due to its composition. This exotic spice contains many chemicals that can prevent disease and promote health.

Nutritional value of cardamom per 100 g.

NameQuantityPercentage of daily value, %
Energy value311 Kcal 15,5
Carbohydrates68.47 g 52,5
Protein 10,76 19
Dietary fiber28 g 70
Niacin1.102 mg 7
Pyridoxine0.230 mg 18
Riboflavin0.182 mg 14
Thiamine0.198 mg 16,5
Vitamin C21 mg 35
Sodium18 mg 1
Potassium1119 mg 24
Calcium383 mg 38
Copper0.383 mg 42,5
Iron13.97 mg 175
Magnesium229 mg 57
Manganese28 mg 1217
Phosphorus178 mg 25
Zinc7.47 mg 68

Physiological role

The therapeutic properties of cardamom are used in many traditional medicines, as it has the following effects on the body:

  • antiseptic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • carminative;
  • digestive;
  • diuretics;
  • expectorants;
  • stimulating;
  • tonic.

Why is it useful?

The beneficial properties of cardamom help improve health and prevent many diseases:

  1. Treats coughs and colds thanks to its antioxidant properties. The pods are steeped in water along with honey and this cardamom tea is drunk as an effective natural remedy for flu.
  2. Helps digestion. The strong aroma activates the sense of taste and improves appetite.
  3. Prevents Bad Breath: Cardamom's floral and sweet aroma makes it a natural breath freshener.
  4. Regulates blood sugar levels thanks to its high manganese content.
  5. Promotes weight loss: Cardamom increases energy metabolism and helps the body burn more fat.
  6. Improves Blood Circulation: It increases blood circulation in your body, especially in the lungs and is therefore often used as a treatment for respiratory problems.
  7. Treats sleep problems: Inhaling the sweet and soothing aroma of cardamom essential oil can help with insomnia.

Contraindications (harm)

Excessive use of the seasoning can be harmful to health and have a laxative effect. Avoid cardamom if you have gallstones. It can cause gallstone colic.

Cardamom is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Avoid it if you have gastritis and stomach ulcers, as well as allergic reactions.

Use in cooking

Cardamom is added to meats, fruits, legumes and grains, as well as in cookies, baked goods and other baked goods, and is even used as a flavoring in coffee, tea and alcohol.

It is indispensable in the preparation of sausages, fish, sauces, confectionery, canning and winemaking.

Be careful not to add too much cardamom or it will give off an unpleasant medicinal taste.

Whole cardamom pods are used like bay leaves to season rice and stews. If you crush the pods before tossing them into your food, more flavor will be extracted.

Cardamom seeds quickly lose their flavor, so it is best to buy it in pods and grind it yourself. You will also save money because the pods are cheaper. To grind this spice, simply remove the seeds from the pods, throw them into a coffee grinder or pound them in a mortar.

How to grind cardamom

Cardamom seeds quickly lose their flavor, so it is best to buy it in pods and grind it at home. You will also save money because the pods are cheaper. To grind this spice, simply crush the pod with the flat side of a knife, remove the cardamom seeds, throw them in a coffee grinder or pound them in a mortar.

If you need to grind cardamom pods:

  1. Preheat them in a dry skillet over medium heat for 2 or 3 minutes, stirring constantly. This will enhance the aroma.
  2. Place the cardamom pods in a mortar (or just place them on a cutting board) and crush them with a pestle to break them open.
  3. Use your fingers to crush the cracked pods, remove any large husks, and discard. There is no need to remove all the cardamom husks, down to the last fragment.
  4. Cardamom seeds are quite hard, so it is better to grind them in a coffee grinder or a special spice grinder for 30 seconds until it becomes a fine powder.

One cardamom pod equals 1/6 tsp. seeds This means you need to buy six pods to make a teaspoon of cardamom.

Where to add

Here are some ways to use cardamom:

  1. Substitute cardamom for vanilla when making ice cream and prepare as usual.
  2. Remove the tiny seeds from the cardamom pod. Place them in a mortar along with a teaspoon of sugar. Grind with a pestle until they become a powdery mixture. Use cardamom sugar for flavored drinks and baked goods.
  3. Use a spoonful of cardamom sugar to add to the whipped cream. Whisk as usual and use for hot cocoa or cupcakes.
  4. It works wonders in savory dishes. For example, when you make tomato sauce, add crushed cardamom seeds and a cinnamon stick to the mixture.

Cardamom goes well with cumin, chili powder, cinnamon, coriander, cumin, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, paprika and ground black pepper.

This warm, aromatic drink is especially popular in the Middle East, where cardamom seeds are often ground into coffee beans.

Start with one crushed cardamom per cup of coffee and then adjust the amount to suit your taste. You can add this spice to the coffee grounds in a coffee machine, French press, or coffee pot, depending on the method you use to prepare your coffee.

How to make spicy cardamom tea - recipe

You can simply add cardamom seeds when brewing black, green or ginger tea. The amount of spice will depend on your preference.

It is much more interesting to prepare spicy tea with cardamom. To brew it, you need to open the pods and grind the seeds to create a coarse powder. This will help release oils and powerful beneficial components.


  • 1 tablespoon cardamom seeds (crushed);
  • 3 cloves (whole);
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey (optional).

How to cook:

  1. Boil water in a stainless steel pan.
  2. Add all the ingredients - cardamom seeds, cloves, pepper and cinnamon stick to boiling water.
  3. Now let the liquid simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and let sit for a few minutes.
  5. Strain the tea and pour it into glasses. You can add natural honey or do without sweeteners if you are watching your figure.

Cardamom tea recipe – video

What to substitute in the recipe

How can you replace cardamom if you can’t buy it because of the high price? While it has its own completely unique flavor, there are still other spices you can use as a substitute.

Mix equal parts cinnamon and nutmeg and use in place of the same amount of cardamom called for in your recipe.

Try 1 part each cinnamon and ginger or cinnamon and ground cloves.

So, you have learned what cardamom is, how to use it and why it has been famous for centuries for its culinary and medicinal properties.

Cardamom is a perennial herbaceous plant from the exotic countries of India and Ceylon. Cardamom fruits resemble bean pods, and the seeds have a pronounced camphor aroma and are considered one of the most expensive spices around the world. Both the leaves and seeds of the plant are valuable. Their properties are used in various fields. The most valuable cardamoms are black, white and green.

Cardamom ranks third in price among other spices.

Cardamom, not only in eastern countries, but also in our regions, is valued not for its originality, exquisite taste and healing properties. So in ancient times, healers attributed magical qualities to the plant and prescribed it for the manifestations of any disease.

Composition of cardamom

One hundred grams of fresh cardamom contains:

15 Health Benefits of Cardamom

  1. Cancer Prevention

    The statistics of diseases caused by the formation of malignant tumors have taken first place all over the world. At the same time, the cost of anticancer therapy is quite high; this fact has motivated scientists to consider alternative methods and methods of combating the disease. Scientific research conducted in the field of malignancy by the Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute in Kolkata has confirmed the properties of cardamom against colorectal cancer.

  2. Cardamom helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system

    Substances of the chemical composition of cardamom are able to control the state of hyperlipidemia, an increased level of lipids in the blood plasma, which convey a detailed picture of the body’s fat metabolism. It is the elevated lipid levels that “speak” of the presence of excess cholesterol in the body. Scientific research from an institute in Saudi Arabia has confirmed the effect of cardamom on lowering cholesterol in the blood, and its positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole, which was proven experimentally on experimental rats. And the balanced combination of trace elements potassium, calcium and magnesium in the plant are the primary components for eliminating thrombosis and restoring normal blood pressure, while reducing the risk of strokes.

  3. Antidepressant properties of cardamom

    Among the oils used in aromatherapy, cardamom oil is perhaps the most popular. Possessing an antidepressant effect, it can act as an additional remedy in the treatment of depressive conditions, helping to relax and gain emotional balance.

  4. Treatment of genitourinary diseases

    In the Ayurveda system of medical knowledge for the prevention and treatment of diseases, existing and developing in India, cardamom has a special place. The texts describe its beneficial effects on diseases such as cystitis and nephritis caused by infection. The seeds of the plant in combination with a banana, consumed three times a day, help with purulent inflammation of the urinary canal and burning, and can also stop involuntary urination.

  5. Properties of the plant for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    Indian researchers in the field of studying the beneficial properties of cardamom essential oil came to the conclusion that the methanolic substance included in its composition can eliminate such negative symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract as flatulence, bloating, reduce high acidity and generally improve peristalsis. The plant helps to naturally accelerate digestion, while reducing swelling of the gastric mucosa, reduces acidity, and the liquid and air entering the stomach, with the help of cardamom, are absorbed by the body without side effects such as heartburn and nausea.

  6. Spice for weight loss

  7. Antimicrobial properties of cardamom for respiratory diseases

    The presence of vitamin C in the plant extract gives it capabilities aimed at “fighting” microorganisms of various kinds. Experts studying the composition of volatile plant extracts noted the ability of the latter to prevent the development of bacteria and microbes.

    An aromatic spice in combination with a cup of tea can envelop you in warmth and comfort during the winter cold, providing not only a warming effect, but also an anti-inflammatory effect. In case of respiratory diseases, cardamom will reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, relieve a sore throat, reduce headaches during colds and facilitate the easy removal of mucus from the lungs.

    Gargling with a solution of cardamom in combination with cinnamon during inflammatory processes also has an analgesic effect. These rinses should be used every three hours. This will help stop the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and relieve the sensation of itching.

  8. Antispasmodic properties of the plant

    Involuntary muscle contraction, accompanied by pain, leads to spasms of smooth muscles, bronchi, and esophagus. In particular, spasms of smooth muscles impede the functioning of the intestines, causing acute pain attacks and destroying the functions of internal organs. Muscle spasms occur not only in older people, but also in the younger generation. Scientists at the University of Saudi Arabia, having conducted a study on experimental animals, came to the conclusion that the use of cardamom to relieve muscle spasms can significantly reduce the pain threshold and duration of pain.

  9. Cardamom helps with dental diseases

    The plant is repeatedly mentioned in the teachings of Ayurveda as having the ability to cope with microorganisms that cause dental problems. In traditional medicine, the properties of cardamom have been used for many centuries.

    Cardamom extract can also be used for diseases associated with the respiratory system. It is able to relax the muscle tissue of the trachea, thereby relieving bronchospasms that lead to pulmonary asthma. Essential oil vapors are an auxiliary means for inhalation during exacerbation of bronchitis, improving blood circulation in the lungs and clearing them of phlegm.

  10. The tonic effect of cardamom

    By inhaling cardamom odors, you can prevent symptoms in the body such as nausea and vomiting. This property of the plant is recommended for those who get motion sickness on the road. You just need to take a whisper of the extract and your journey will be a joy.

  11. The ability of cardamom to resist anemia

    Iron, copper, riboflavin, niacin present in cardamom have a positive effect on the formation of red blood cells and cellular metabolism in general, which undoubtedly plays an important role in the use of the plant for signs of anemic conditions associated with the formation of red blood cells.

  12. Improves your sex life

    Cardamom is also an excellent stimulant. The Elaichi substance found in its components is capable of counteracting sexual dysfunctions and premature ejaculation. This ability of the plant will provide a good service in cases of impotence, enhancing male power. A small pinch of cardamom powder added to warm milk and drunk before going to bed gives excellent results for this problem.

  13. Cardamom for skin care

    In addition to being used for medicinal purposes and cooking, the seeds of the plant have also found application in the cosmetology field, where it manifests itself as a cleanser, disinfectant and antioxidant properties. The essential oil obtained from the seeds of the plant, in addition to its pleasant smell, also has a therapeutic effect and is used as an aid in body massages, relaxing muscle tension. The antibacterial properties of the plant make it possible to use its oil as an antiseptic for allergic skin reactions. Soaps, shampoos, powders scented with cardamom essential oil carry a subtle aroma associated with oriental culture, and when used, soothe the skin, filling it with the beneficial substances of the plant.

    Face mask with cardamom oil

    Mix one tablespoon of melted honey, two tablespoons of milk and half a tablespoon of sea salt, mix the mixture well, add 3-4 drops of cardamom essential oil. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

    Hand mask

    This mask is quite simple to make. You should add a few drops of essential liquid to the hand cream and massage the mixture onto the skin of your hands. It is good to do this procedure before going to bed, wearing cotton gloves on your hands.

  14. Uses of cardamom for hair

    Not only our skin, our hair needs extra care. The antioxidant qualities of the plant can strengthen the hair follicles, optimizing and accelerating the growth of hair strands. Antibacterial properties will have a positive effect on seborrhea and irritations.

    Hair Mask

    Add a few drops of cardamom to the comb and comb through your hair. With this procedure, your hair will get rid of signs of dandruff and acquire a healthy shine.

By drinking a whisper of boiled cardamom in water, you can relieve yourself of hiccups. Moreover, no one has yet answered why it occurs and why exactly cardamom stops it.

Cardamom - contraindications

  • Plants should not be consumed if you have an individual intolerance.
  • It should be remembered that an overdose of cardamom spice can cause diarrhea and excessive removal of water from the body.
  • People suffering from manifestations of peptic ulcer disease.
  • Use with caution during all stages of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Remember that the beneficial properties of cardamom can only be in reasonable quantities.
The first mention of the plant can be found in the works of Theophrastus, the famous Swiss alchemist and natural scientist. He was the first to describe the Indian spice.
In the Middle Ages, cardamom was used exclusively for medicinal purposes and was considered a panacea for all diseases.
Much later, it began to be used in cooking, flavoring sausages, fish, cheeses and even tobacco products. Due to its high cost, the spice was available only to wealthy segments of the population. Representatives of the nobility knew about the ability of cardamom to “excite passion and fire of the body.” In the 18th century, France and England established their first cardamom plantations in colonial countries, which significantly reduced the price of exported raw materials.
Bedouin coffee, which Arabs prepare as a sign of hospitality, certainly includes cardamom extract. This drink is prepared for every celebration.
In India, the essential oil of the plant is used to treat snake bites.
Traditionally, cardamom is used by Thai cooks. In Europe, they like to add it to alcoholic drinks in winter to give them a warming effect.
In today's world, two types of plants are valued: Indian and Ceylon. The latter has more pronounced aromatic qualities. But the price for this spice is still quite high.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Looking at nature’s pantry, it can be noted that it is enriched with quite valuable medicinal plants, which both add variety to culinary dishes and help cure numerous ailments, while increasing the tone of the entire body as a whole. The list of such plants includes: cardamom– a spice that is very highly valued by adherents of a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. What this spice is and what specific beneficial properties it is endowed with, you can find out by reading this article.

Botanical characteristics and production

Cardamom is a fruit ( seeds) is a perennial herbaceous tropical plant of the ginger family. This plant tends to reach a height of 3 to 4 meters. The root of the plant is creeping, but its leaves are lanceolate. 2 stems extend from the root, one of which is leafy, and the other is a creeping flower. The flowers are white in color and collected in small brushes. The leaves are spear-shaped and pale green. The fruit is represented by a three-chamber capsule, which is covered with a leathery green peel. It is these boxes that are collected, and not fully ripe ones. They are collected by hand and only 2 years after planting. They are dried in direct sunlight so that they do not open. Then they are moistened and dried again. It is in this form that the fruits are a spice, which is endowed with a spicy and sweetish taste, as well as a very pleasant strong aroma.

Origin, distribution, species

The evergreen forests of Sri Lanka and South India are considered to be the birthplace of this spice. These same territories are still the main centers for the production of this spice. For example, India alone exports this spice to more than 60 countries around the world. Cardamom also grows in Scandinavia, Laos, New Guinea, Guatemala, Cambodia, Tanzania, Central America, El Salvador and Vietnam. Modern experts distinguish two main types of this plant, namely green or true and black cardamom. In addition to the main types, there are also Chinese, African, tall, Bengal, Java and narrow-leaved cardamom.

Biological characteristics and reproduction

The plant begins to bear fruit only in the 3rd year after planting. It can be harvested from 6 to 15 years. The plant is grown at an altitude of 600 to 1200 meters above sea level. Its favorite places are forest loamy soils, which contain large amounts of nitrogen and organic matter. In this case, the amount of potassium and phosphorus should be insignificant. From 1 hectare it is possible to collect up to 100 kg of fruits. Note that cardamom is very easily damaged by various diseases. It reproduces mainly by seeds, and sometimes by root suckers. Seeds for propagation must be collected exclusively from healthy plants that produce an excellent harvest. The first shoots are observed after 30 - 50 days.

This is interesting!

This spice was brought to both Greece and Rome by Arab merchants, who sold it for a lot of money. Until the 19th century, the plant grew only in the wild, after which it began to be cultivated. Already in the Middle Ages, the fruits of the plant could be purchased in pharmacies, as they were part of a variety of medicines. It was during this period that experts said that with the help of these fruits one could be cured of almost all diseases. Both Pliny and Dioscorides were aware of the healing properties of this spice, who claimed that it was endowed with a fairly powerful stimulating effect.

Chemical composition of seeds

The seeds of this plant are enriched with numerous beneficial components.
They include:
  • protein;
  • fatty oil;
  • amidon;
  • cineole;
  • terpeneol;
  • terpinyl acetate;
  • rubber;
  • starch;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • group vitamins IN ;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.
This composition makes it possible to use these seeds as a carminative, strengthening, gastric, stimulating, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory agent.

Medicinal properties of seeds

By influencing the human body, cardamom tends to both strengthen the muscles of the stomach and enhance the synthesis of gastric juice, stimulate the functioning of nerve cells, as well as relieve tension and relieve depression. This spice also has a beneficial effect on brain function. She also treats colds, bronchitis, asthma, cystitis, nephritis, pharyngitis and skin diseases.

Since the spice has a peculiar lemon flavor mixed with the taste of camphor and eucalyptus, its use also freshens the breath. Various digestive disorders are also indications for the use of this spice. With its help, you can cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity, reduce the severity of toothache, improve the functioning of the heart muscle, neutralize pathogenic microflora in the mouth, and alleviate signs of flatulence. To get rid of hiccups, you need to brew these seeds along with mint. Cardamom is also effective for male potency, for migraines, coughs, and abdominal pain. This spice is also endowed with an antiemetic effect. It has a positive effect on vision, improves mood, increases body tone, eliminates involuntary urination, and relieves urolithiasis. The seeds of this plant are also a pronounced tonic, which is especially useful for regular physical activity. This spice must be included in the daily diet of all those people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Regular consumption of seeds will significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Folk recipes

  • For pharyngitis: 0.5 tsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the spices and let it brew. We filter the resulting infusion and use it to gargle 4 – 5 times a day.
  • For insomnia: 1 tsp. Brew mashed fruits for 10 minutes in 1 glass of boiled water. As soon as the broth has cooled, drink it. It is best to do this 30 - 60 minutes before going to bed.
  • To improve digestion: mix 20 gr. cardamom with the same amount of cumin and 10 g. fennel 2 tsp. Steam the resulting mixture in 1 glass of boiled water for 10 minutes. Then we filter the infusion and take 100–150 ml per day orally.
  • For impotence: add 1 tsp to 1 glass of hot milk. honey and a pinch of spice. You need to drink this remedy every evening.
  • To improve vision: mix 1 tsp. honey with 4 - 5 seeds. This remedy must be used daily.

As an aphrodisiac

Even in ancient times, people considered this spice to be one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, which was the impetus for the beginning of its use in love magic. It is enough to eat one grain of this spice to tune in to the wave of romance and love. In magic, this spice is considered a source of energy, with the help of which every woman can attract the attention of almost every representative of the opposite sex. Just a few seeds can charm your partner and give you charm. They will make you a pleasant conversationalist, as they will reveal the gift of eloquence.
For love purposes, the following recipe is suitable: take the same amount of ginger, vanilla, lemon balm and cardamom. Grind all the ingredients in a mortar and pestle, and then brew. As a result, you will receive a wonderful “potion” for aromatic magic.

Acceptable dosages and contraindications

Since this spice is concentrated and has a pronounced taste, consuming it in large quantities is strictly contraindicated. The permissible dosage directly depends on both the age and the total weight of the person. In any case, you can eat no more than 0.25 tsp at one time. ground seeds.
As for contraindications, their list includes:
  • pregnancy period;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Use for weight loss

Despite the fact that this seasoning is a high-calorie product ( per 100 gr. accounts for more than 300 kcal), experts recommend using it to reduce overall weight. The thing is that this spice both stimulates and increases the activity of metabolic metabolism. As a result, both fats and carbohydrates, as well as calories, are burned much faster, causing weight loss. This fact was known to the ancient inhabitants of India, who used this spice to treat various forms of obesity, and the course of therapy was quite successful. An important condition in this case is the selection of boxes of a given plant. They must be whole and green, not gray-yellow. Otherwise, you will not get the necessary therapeutic effect. A mixture of cardamom and cinnamon, which tends to significantly lower glucose levels, will help you lose extra pounds even faster. According to Ayurveda, to lose weight, you just need to sprinkle seeds on any dish that you have prepared. A special massage mask will help get rid of problematic oily skin, which is often observed in obesity.

Its recipe is quite simple: we take the boxes of this plant, grind them in a coffee grinder or blender and mix thoroughly with olive or sesame oil. The mask should be applied to the skin with massage movements while taking a bath.

The healing effects of essential oil

Cardamom essential oil is a pale yellow or clear liquid that is endowed with a delicate spicy aroma and a large number of beneficial properties. There is an opinion that this oil was first obtained by distillation. This happened around 1544. By influencing the human body, this oil helps normalize the digestion process, has an antiseptic and carminative effect, enhances the activity of the stomach and brain, increases sexual activity, and also strengthens the entire body as a whole. It is also endowed with a tonic, diuretic, and antispasmodic effect. With its help, you can increase the secretion of saliva.

1. Impact on the body: The use of this oil is possible in the treatment of both heartburn and flatulence, nausea, diseases of the gall and bladder, as well as various ailments of the respiratory system.
Dyspepsia ( feeling of discomfort in the upper digestive tract) is another indication for the use of this oil. You cannot do without its help if you need to improve appetite, get rid of bad breath, reduce irritability during premenstrual syndrome, forget about headaches and various disorders of the urination process.

2. Effect on skin: The skin is first regenerated under the influence of this oil. In addition, the oil effectively fights scabies, various fungal infections and lichens. It also cleanses the skin, makes it elastic, tones, deodorizes and stimulates natural cellular renewal.

3. Impact on consciousness: helps relieve fatigue, eliminate melancholy, get rid of depression, forget about fears and headaches. It also lifts your spirits and restores your strength. Enriches the body with the necessary amount of energy, gives self-confidence, awakens hope.

Attention! If you have sensitive skin, then use this oil with extreme caution. Otherwise, it is quite possible to develop a severe allergic reaction.

Homemade mask recipes

  • Mask to improve facial contour: mix 3 drops of almond oil with the same amount of cardamom oil, 5 drops of rose oil and 2 drops of avocado oil. Apply the mask to the face and after 15 minutes wipe the skin with a damp cotton swab.
  • Mask for oily problem skin: mix thoroughly 1 tsp. honey with 0.5 tsp. fine sea salt. Dissolve 3 – 4 drops of cardamom oil in 2 tbsp. l. milk. Combine both mixtures and mix them well again. Using a cotton swab, apply the mask to the face and other problem areas of the skin. After 20 - 25 minutes, wash it off with warm water. This mask should be done no more than once every 5-6 days. The course of therapy is one and a half months.
  • Massage anti-cellulite mask: mix 10 drops of cardamom essential oil with the same amount of tea tree oil and 30 g. olive oil . Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the skin with massage movements.

Use in aromatherapy

Modern aromatherapists use cardamom essential oil as a stomachic, invigorating, carminative, warming, and also antispasmodic. This oil is especially often prescribed in the presence of peripheral circulatory disorders. The first sign of such disorders is considered to be cold upper or lower extremities. For coughs, the oil is prescribed in the form of inhalations. To increase sexual activity, experts recommend drinking a glass of wine daily, after adding 1 to 2 drops of this oil to the drink. The oil in the aroma lamp will help get rid of neuroses and stress. Oil is added to baths to treat joint pathologies and colds. For colds, the oil can also be used as a gargle ( for 1 glass of water 1 – 2 drops). Pairs perfectly with essential oils of incense, juniper, pine, coriander, cedar, caraway, and anise. For what pathological conditions these combinations of oils are used, you can find out by consulting a specialist.

Milk with cardamom - “healing potion”

Milk with this seasoning is considered not only tasty, but also a healthy drink that will appeal to both adults and children. It is especially useful for children, as it helps calm the nervous system and significantly improves heart function. Most often, this drink is drunk before going to bed.
Cooking time: 5 minutes.
Ingredients: 3 glasses of milk, 10 pieces of almonds, 0.5 tbsp. l. cardamom, sugar to taste.
Recipe: Mix peeled almonds with milk in a blender. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. As soon as the mixture boils, add sugar and spices to it. Cook everything for 5 minutes. This drink must be consumed warm.

How to make cardamom tea?

There are many recipes for making this tea. Here is one of them: mix 20 grams. of this spice with the same amount of cumin and 10 g. fennel. The resulting collection in the amount of 2 tsp. steam for 10 minutes in 250 ml of boiling water. After just 10 minutes, the tea can be strained and drunk. Experts recommend drinking it in the amount of 1 cup per day for severe flatulence, to improve appetite, and also for Roemheld syndrome (a complex of reflex functional cardiovascular changes that occur mainly after eating).

Cardamom and coffee

Coffee in combination with this spice is a drink that will first of all wake you up and provide you with energy for the whole working day, so experts recommend drinking it exclusively in the morning. There are several ways to prepare this coffee. One of the options is this: pour coffee into a Turk and add whole boxes of spices to it. In this case, there is no need to remove the grains from the boxes. We brew coffee as usual. As soon as a foamy head forms on the coffee, remove it from the heat, pour it into a cup and drink with pleasure.

Cardamom in cooking

Despite the fact that this spice is expensive, it is used quite widely in cooking, and all because it goes well with many different dishes. Both seeds and pods, as well as fresh herbs of this plant, are added to dishes. Westerners use this spice to prepare both rice, potato, and vegetable dishes. It is often added to soups, mainly from legumes - peas, beans, etc. The population of Asian countries most often uses this spice to prepare pilaf. All over the world it is also used to improve the taste of meat dishes made from lamb, beef or veal. This spice goes well with garlic and onions. In this combination, it significantly improves the taste of poultry dishes. In the food industry, cardamom is added to minced meat, seafood, sausages, ketchups, pates and canned fish. The spice is often added to desserts, namely puddings, fruit salads and sweet cottage cheese dishes. As a natural flavoring it is added to cakes, pies, crispbreads, muffins, buns, cookies, rolls and pastries.
  • To prepare boiled fish, this spice is best used in combination with nutmeg;
  • When buying cardamom boxes, make sure they are intact. Otherwise, you will not feel the wonderful aroma;
  • This spice can be added to dishes either in whole boxes or in the form of removed seeds, after grinding them.

Cooking recipes

1. Rice pudding with cardamom: To prepare this dish you will need 70 grams. rice, 75 ml heavy cream, 900 ml milk, 70 gr. sugar, 5 grains of this spice, 2 chicken yolks and 0.5 tsp. salt. Place a 5-liter saucepan over low heat, bring rice, milk, salt, spice grains and sugar to a boil. Reduce heat and cook everything for 60 minutes, stirring occasionally. During this time, beat the egg yolks and cream. Gradually add 200 grams to them. hot rice pudding. Place the mixture in a saucepan and cook for about 3 minutes. Once the mixture boils, pour it into a bowl. This pudding is best served warm.

2. Wreath with cardamom: you will need 50 gr. warm water, the same amount of yeast, 180 ml of melted butter, 2 small eggs, 250 gr. Sahara. Also 375 ml of warm milk, 800 gr. flour, 0.5 tsp. ground spices and 0.5 tsp. salt. To prepare lemon glaze, you need 50 ml of milk or water, 500 ml of powdered sugar and the zest or juice of 1 lemon. Mix water with yeast and leave the mixture for 5 minutes. Then add butter, milk, sugar, salt, eggs and cardamom to it. Stir everything thoroughly, gradually adding flour. As a result, you will get a fairly thick dough. Place it in a large bowl, cover with a cloth and leave in a warm place for 1.5 - 2 hours. Then we divide the dough into 6 equal parts and roll them into ropes, the length of which should reach 60 cm. We weave 2 braids and connect them around. We get 2 wreaths, place them on a baking sheet and leave for 40 minutes. Bake wreaths for no more than 35 minutes at a temperature of 160 - 170 degrees. Serve warm, first coated with lemon glaze. If desired, you can decorate the dish with candied fruits or candied fruits.

3. Curd bombs with persimmon and cardamom: you will need 1 glass of flour, 1 yolk, 400 gr. cottage cheese, breadcrumbs, sour cream, 4 ripe persimmons. In addition, 3 - 4 cardamom seeds, a pinch of sea salt, 2 tsp. sugar, as well as olive oil. Place the cottage cheese in a deep bowl and knead it with a spoon. Peel the persimmon and cut it into small cubes. Mix everything thoroughly. Add the yolk, sugar, salt and a quarter cup of flour to the resulting mixture. Pound the spice grains in a mortar and add to the dough. We also put the remaining flour in it. Pour breadcrumbs onto a cutting board and roll each piece of curd dough into it, taken with a large spoon. You need to roll the dough on all sides. Heat the oil and deep fry the bombs, each for about 3 - 5 minutes. After this, put everything on a plate lined with a paper towel, which will help remove excess fat. This dish is best served with sour cream.

Cardamom is the fruit of a spicy plant from the Ginger family. It is considered an exotic spice native to India. Black seeds, which are 3 mm long, are especially valued. In addition to the spicy-hot taste and sweetish aroma, this spice also has a number of beneficial properties used in folk medicine.

Calorie content and composition

Cardamom is valued for its high content vitamins group B - thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, as well as vitamin C. Among microelements zinc, calcium, iron, copper, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and potassium present in the seeds and fruits of the plant.

Cardamom seeds are high enough for spices calorie content- 311 kcal per 100 grams. However, the product is not considered the most high-calorie among spices - mustard seeds have an energy value of 474 kcal.

Among the most valuable components of these fruits is essential oil. The substances included in it have the following beneficial properties:

  • Limonene is a hydrocarbon compound with a pronounced citrus aroma, useful for the prevention of cancer;
  • terpineol is an isomer of alcohol with a lilac aroma, provides the spice with a fragrant aroma and is valued for its antimicrobial properties;
  • borneol - alcohol with a pine smell, reduces blood pressure;
  • cineole - another hydrocarbon compound, often called equaliptol, has antiseptic properties and improves expectoration;
  • amidon is an opioid with analgesic properties.

The beneficial properties of cardamom are valued in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. In addition, the fruits of the plant act as an excellent spice with an exotic aroma and taste.

Benefits of cardamom

The beneficial properties of cardamom fruits are used in the treatment of the following: ailments:

  • inflammatory reactions in the body;
  • general decrease in immunity;
  • infectious or viral infection;
  • dry cough, difficulty removing sputum;
  • low level of gastric juice production;
  • flatulence, nausea, vomiting;
  • digestive disorders, low appetite;
  • high content of waste and toxins in the body;
  • muscle pain and spasms;
  • high blood pressure;
  • deterioration of intestinal microflora, concentration of harmful microorganisms;
  • depression, lethargy, physical or psychological fatigue;
  • low sexual desire, problems with potency;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • bad breath.

For women The benefits of cardamom include reducing pain during menstruation, as well as alleviating premenstrual syndrome. Spice also helps cope with emotional stress, increases sexual desire, and helps get rid of excess weight.

Cardamom is actively used in cosmetology; its fruits and seeds have a beneficial effect on skin and hair. Creams, scrubs and masks are prepared on the basis of this spice, providing healing of skin microdamages, as well as strengthening tissue and hair roots.

In men Cardamom spice is also valued for increasing sexual desire and potency. The spice eliminates nervous and physical tension, which often becomes the cause of erectile dysfunction.

Use in folk medicine

Cardamom is actively used as a spice in cooking for preparing various dishes. Spice is also added to coffee - a quarter of a teaspoon per mug.
In addition to the spice, cardamom oil is also valued in folk medicine. It is used:

  • in baths to obtain a calming effect;
  • for inhalation, providing an expectorant effect for pneumonia and bronchitis;
  • internally against heartburn, to improve appetite and digestion;
  • externally in the treatment of fungal infections and skin diseases;
  • for diseases of the gums and oral cavity, cardamom oil is used for rinsing;
  • To calm the nervous system, in addition to baths, the spice is also used in aromatherapy.

Cardamom fruits are often used in folk medicine to prepare decoctions and infusions. They are used as medicines, added to baths, and made into compresses. Also, cosmetic products are prepared based on this spice.

For the cardiovascular system

In the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies, cardamom is used both as a spice for drinks and dishes, and as a raw material for the preparation of medicines. The spice is also consumed in its pure form - just a couple of chewed seeds can cope with an attack of cardiac arrhythmia.

For pathologies of the cardiovascular system, a mixture of cardamom, ginger and cinnamon is considered a recommended remedy. The resulting collection is used to make tea and infusions.

To increase blood pressure during hypotension, cardamom-based tea is made. The fruits are used in ground form; for the desired effect, tea with the addition of this spice is drunk 3-4 times a day.

For the stomach

In relation to the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardamom is used:

  • with bloating, flatulence and colic;
  • for the prevention of hemorrhoids;
  • in cleansing from toxins and impurities;
  • to stabilize acidity during hiccups, belching, heartburn;
  • with nausea and vomiting;
  • to improve appetite, especially with anorexia;
  • in the treatment of obesity and weight loss.

For these purposes, cardamom fruits are used as spices in regular dishes. They also prepare coffee with added spices. Additionally, grind a couple of grains and mix them with 1 tsp. honey This remedy is especially good for indigestion.

For constipation

In case of defecation disorders, cardamom also helps to normalize intestinal function. The spice helps with constipation and diarrhea. After consultation with a specialist, this spice can be added in small quantities to the food of small children and nursing mothers.

Ground cardamom fruits are added as a spice to dishes rich in fiber and oils. The optimal combination is considered to be a mixture of this spice with fennel, ginger and asafoetida. In addition, for better absorption of nutrients, cardamom is combined in dishes with:

  • nutmeg;
  • red pepper;
  • long pepper (pippali);
  • cumin;
  • fresh ginger root.

For diarrhea cardamom is mixed in equal proportions with, and. 1 tsp. The resulting mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse. For young children, take this remedy with 1 tsp; in the absence of allergies, the dose is gradually increased. Adults can use directly as tea.

For the genitourinary system

In the treatment of the genitourinary system, cardamom fruits are used for the following purposes:

  • reduction of burning sensation;
  • elimination of delays in urine output;
  • improvement of erectile functions;
  • reduction of swelling and removal of accumulated fluid;
  • recovery from nephritis, cystitis and gonorrhea;
  • helps with kidney stones and, however, can increase pain in cholelithiasis;
  • with moderate consumption, it improves potency and duration of sexual intercourse;
  • provides treatment for prostatitis and adenoma;
  • helps in treatment.

To obtain the desired effect, spice is added to coffee and food. Also add some seeds to the milk and bring to a boil. The resulting product can be consumed with honey; it has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

For men's health, it is suggested to prepare cardamom tincture. To prepare it, 1 tsp. The seeds are crushed and poured with half a liter of vodka. Leave in a dark place for two weeks. Then filter, add 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Take 50 ml of tincture before bed.

To cleanse the body

Cardamom fruits can also be used as spices to cleanse the body. The spice has antiseptic properties and helps with viral diseases and fever. Cardamom essential oil is used externally in the treatment of fungal infections.

In addition to cleansing the body of viruses, cardamom is also used in getting rid of toxins. The optimal remedy is coffee or tea with the addition of a couple of seeds. The drink is especially helpful after a heavy feast and overeating.

Also, the beneficial properties of cardamom help:

  • neutralize the effect of caffeine when added to coffee;
  • counteract the toxins and poisons of snakes, scorpions and poisonous insects;
  • improve the body's condition in case of food poisoning.

An effective way to cleanse the body with cardamom is to prepare an infusion. 1 tsp. crushed seeds are poured into a glass of boiling water; it is recommended to drink this tea hot.

For impotence

In the treatment of impotence and sexual disorders in men, either simply adding cardamom to everyday dishes, tea or coffee, or preparing a special remedy is suitable. A universal drink made from spices, milk and honey is considered recommended.

To prepare this remedy for impotence, 1 gram of cardamom spice is added to 200 ml of milk and put on fire. As soon as the milk begins to boil, remove it, cool, and add honey. Drink the drink before bed.


The beneficial properties of cardamom are also in demand for nervous disorders, stress, and depression. In this case, the spice acts as a tonic, eliminating tension and increasing mental and physical activity.

To obtain the desired effect, cardamom is also used in making coffee and tea, and added as a spice to everyday dishes. A soothing decoction from the seeds of the plant is also recommended. To prepare it, 1 tsp. raw materials, pour 250 ml of boiling water and cook for another 10 minutes.

After this, the broth is allowed to cool, then the drink is strained. Take 50 ml an hour before bedtime. The drink calms the nervous system well, especially helps with sleep disorders, provides complete rest and vigor for the next day.

For the throat

Cardamom for the throat and respiratory tract is used in several ways:

  • the use of spices, as well as infusions and decoctions of seeds helps with bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, colds - the spice removes accumulated mucus and provides an expectorant effect;
  • drinks with the addition of cardamom reduce pain from sore throat, laryngitis and other throat diseases, restore damaged vocal cords;
  • for colds, rubbing cardamom oil into the chest helps;
  • for pharyngitis, brew half a teaspoon of cardamom seeds with 200 ml of boiling water, and use the infusion for rinsing.

To obtain the desired effects, the spice is used as an additive in coffee. Cardamom seeds are also added to tea, drinking the drink with milk or honey. It is optimal to use up to two crushed grains.

During colds, special cardamom-based tea is used. To do this, boil 4 fruits of the plant for 5 minutes in 600 ml of water, then add 2 tsp. green tea and lemon zest to taste. The drink is allowed to boil for another 2 minutes, then left for 15 minutes. For the throat, drink a cup of this tea a day.

Application for weight loss

Cardamom not only normalizes microflora and the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, but also discourages cravings for sweets. Spice also improves metabolism and promotes healthy weight loss. To do this, the spice can be used as an additive to tea or coffee.

In addition, traditional medicine offers several recipes based on cardamom that allow you to lose excess weight:

  • 1 tsp. seeds, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, take 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals, course - 2 weeks;
  • one dessert spoon of cardamom is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. instant coffee, pour 300 ml of boiling water into a thermos, leave overnight, drink the drink in the morning;
  • mix 1 tsp. cardamom and cinnamon, add 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee, pour water and put on fire, do not bring to a boil, each time before boiling, remove the Turk for a minute, then put it back on the fire, repeat this 2-3 times;
  • 1 tsp. honey mixed with 5 ground spice grains, taken daily.

Use in cosmetology

The beneficial and cleansing properties of cardamom are also used for skin rejuvenation. Internal use of the spice already promotes cleansing of toxins, which affects the health of external tissues.

In addition, cardamom essential oil is actively used in cosmetology. To prepare a face mask: 1 tbsp. l. honey mixed with half a teaspoon of sea salt. Separately mix 4 drops of cardamom essential oil with 2 tbsp. l. milk.

After this, all components are combined and thoroughly mixed. The resulting mass is applied to the face, kept for 10-15 minutes, and washed off with warm water.

Cardamom essential oil is also used for detangling hair. To do this, just drop a drop on a wooden comb and comb your head for five minutes daily. The course of such hair strengthening lasts a week, and this method also allows you to get rid of streborrhea and oily shine.

Before using cardamom-based products, you need to check your body for an allergic reaction. To do this, simply apply a small amount of the substance to the inside of your wrist or elbow.

If an allergic reaction occurs, the external and internal use of spices should be avoided.

In aromatherapy

Cardamom essential oil is successfully used in aromatherapy as an invigorating, carminative, warming and antispasmodic agent. In addition, the spice helps increase appetite.

For coughs and peripheral circulation disorders, inhalations using the essential oil of this spice are recommended. Adding oil to the aroma lamp helps calm the nervous system and improve the condition of neurosis and stress.

Essential oil is added to baths - in this case, not only aromatherapy is provided, but also a direct positive effect on the skin. However, cardamom should be used with caution. In addition to its beneficial properties, the spice has a list of contraindications and dosage instructions.

Contraindications and permissible dosages

In cooking and folk recipes, as well as for adding cardamom to coffee and tea contraindicated:

  • for allergies and individual intolerances;
  • in case of ulcerative and erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with intestinal irritation and frequent diarrhea;
  • with acute forms of hypertension.

Cardamom is used with great caution during pregnancy; to use the spice, consultation with a doctor is necessary. During lactation, it is better to avoid using the spice altogether. It is also not advisable to give seeds and fruits to children under 7 years of age.

Dosage abuse and excess cardamom can provide a laxative effect. It often progresses to diarrhea and subsequent dehydration. Before using spices in treatment and cooking, you should consult a specialist regarding tolerance and dosage.

Permissible measure use of cardamom - 3-4 cups of tea per day, in each of which the concentration of the spice does not exceed a quarter of a teaspoon. However, a number of experts recommend drinking no more than one such cup of tea or coffee per day with the addition of this spice.

This spice is popularly called the berry of paradise and the royal spice. In terms of sales in the Indian spice market, cardamom is second only to black pepper. Such popular love and popularity is due to its excellent taste and healthy qualities, noble aroma.

As a naturally occurring flavoring agent, cardamom is widely used in cooking and perfumery. Its luxurious scent, combining strength and tenderness, is reminiscent of lemon, eucalyptus and camphor at the same time - fresh and slightly tart. Taking advantage of this versatility, in the Middle Ages pharmacists passed off ground cardamom as a potent medicine made from several expensive components. Considering that such a deception on a European scale continued for quite a long time, we can draw conclusions about how high the healing power of this luxurious spice is.

Cardamom in nature

The cardamom plant is a shrub with a large rhizome, growing up to 4 meters in height, decorated with oblong leaves and inflorescences of 3-5 flowers. The fruits are pods containing brownish or black seeds inside.

Cardamom belongs to the ginger family, like. However, while the latter use powder from the rhizome in cooking, cardamom is presented in kitchens in the form of pods with seeds. The rhizome is also used, but exclusively for medicinal purposes.

To grow cardamom, shade is required; plantations are located directly among evergreen forest thickets. Today, the spice is grown on an industrial scale mainly in South India and China, and Sri Lanka. The quality of cardamom from India is higher, and the pods are larger; the Ceylon variety is more fragrant. India is a leader among cardamom exporting countries; the country even has a state support program for spice producers, as well as breeders working to develop higher quality and more productive varieties.


The most popular cardamom is green, growing mainly in India, followed by black (other names: Java and Bengal).

It is extremely rare to find white on sale, under the guise of which ordinary green with seeds that have lost their pigment during steam treatment is offered.

Black cardamom has a resinous and slightly smoky smell, and the fruits are larger. It is used in preparing savory dishes, and green gives any food and drinks a refined taste and aroma.

Black cardamom has a less pronounced medicinal effect; it is consumed with virtually no restrictions on quantity.

How to choose and determine the quality of cardamom

On sale, cardamom is presented either as dried boxes, or grains, or ground. The grains retain their beneficial properties and fragrant smell much longer than ground cardamom, which is purchased for adding to mixtures and roasting.

Cardamom powder should only be purchased in whole packaging. Also check the country of origin and the packaging date with the expiration date.

Cardamom seeds should only be purchased if they are not too dry or hard. Squeeze the seed between your fingers. If it crumbles easily into powder, the cardamom is expired. Good grains burst, but do not turn into dust.

If you buy cardamom in pod form, remember that if the harvesting and drying method is followed perfectly, the cardamom pods will not open. It is best to choose fresh, even boxes without dents or damage. They will be dry in any case, because the collected pods are dried in the sun, but the greenish color should remain.

How to store cardamom

Whole grains remain healthy and nutritious longer than powder, even without special packaging. If it is necessary to use ground cardamom, the grains are crushed immediately before cooking.

The ground spice is stored in an airtight container; its usefulness in this form is preserved for up to 3-5 weeks.

Useful properties and contraindications of cardamom

Composition of cardamom

Cardamom seeds are rich in essential oils. Cardamom is the leader in zinc content among spices; cardamom is also rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and vitamins A and B.

Therapeutic effect

Cardamom is extremely beneficial for the nervous system. It relaxes, relieves depression and despondency. Thanks to this, the activity and clarity of the mind increases, a stable feeling of lightness and peace appears.

Eating cardamom is a highly effective prevention against germs and flu. For pharyngitis, it is useful to gargle with a solution of cardamom and cinnamon diluted in boiling water. The spice treats dry throat and hoarseness.

Cardamom is an effective mucus neutralizer, removing it from the lungs and spleen during asthma, bronchitis, colds or coughs. Treats excessive salivation. For this purpose, it can be combined with fruits, for example, the core of a pear is removed and honey is added instead, 0.5 tsp. spices - and baked.

Cardamom harmonizes the functioning of the digestive system as a whole, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from poisons and toxins. Its use normalizes digestion in various disorders - usually as part of herbal preparations. When overeating, feeling heavy or indigestion, take cardamom tea with the addition of either ground ginger and cloves, or cumin and coriander, 0.5 tsp each. Cardamom gently relieves problems such as diarrhea, including children's diarrhea. For diarrhea, it is infused in boiling water equally with fennel, dill and calamus. For infants, the infusion is used by a nursing mother. For constipation, cardamom is added to food along with asafoetida, ginger and fennel. Cardamom eliminates flatulence: you need to chew a few grains or brew cardamom tea with fennel, you can add ginger. Chewing the seeds also helps stop nausea, vomiting, and mint cardamom tea is effective in eliminating hiccups.

The spice is an excellent antiseptic used in external preparations for skin regeneration, getting rid of fungal diseases, lichen, scabies, and candidiasis.

Cardamom improves oral health: relieves toothache, freshens breath, neutralizes pathogenic bacteria.

The properties of cardamom as a tonic for increased physical stress are successfully used: the spice is used as part of food. If you chew grains in the morning, it is easier to wake up; the spice relieves weakness and lethargy.

Alone or with hawthorn, ginger, cinnamon or saffron, it improves heart function. Cardamom stimulates blood circulation and is useful for hypotension and menstrual irregularities.

This spice also perfectly helps to get rid of obesity, as it enhances metabolism and helps the substances entering the body to be absorbed and digested.


Cardamom grains and oil should not be used by people with gastrointestinal diseases, stomach and duodenal ulcers, or gastritis. Pregnant and nursing mothers should consult a doctor before consuming cardamom.


Cardamom has a fairly mild effect. It is recommended to use 1/5 – 1/4 tsp. powder or 2-4 grains at a time.

In addition to medicine, cardamom has been used in cooking. Its beneficial properties, aroma and taste are not destroyed by heat treatment.

You can eat cardamom without cooking; for example, in Indian restaurants, the grains are served on a platter after dinner instead of chewing gum - to freshen breath and stimulate digestion.

It should be remembered that the taste and aroma of cardamom takes time to develop, so it is better to prepare dishes several hours or even a day in advance.

Where is cardamom added?

Green cardamom is ideal for any dish. Black is added to unsweetened foods and drinks.

Ground cardamom is present in almost all Indian spice mixtures such as garam masala.

The aromatic spice is found in soups - especially those containing peas, beans, lentils, legumes, in dishes with potatoes and rice, and it is added to vegetables, fruits and nuts.

It is used in drinks as an infusion (without boiling), powder, or milk decoction. Cardamom is also found in liqueurs, for example, Curacao and Chartreuse, compotes, jelly, and added to tea and coffee.

In the dessert menu, cardamom is found as a component of sweet milk porridges and pilafs, cakes, gingerbreads, cookies, muffins, pastries, halva, and mousses.

Coffee with cardamom

This drink is considered traditional in Arab and Asian countries. Cardamom gives coffee a noble taste, eliminating the toxicity of caffeine and reducing the risk of tachycardia and high blood pressure. To prepare the drink, several ground seeds are placed in a pot before brewing or in ready-made coffee.

Cardamom tea beneficial properties

Cardamom can be added to black teas instead - in pods or beans. The taste of this drink will especially appeal to those who love tea with bergamot. The tradition of drinking cardamom tea came to us from India and China, where it is considered the “drink of wisdom.”

Indian teas are brewed from a variety of spicy masala mixtures, which usually include cardamom and cinnamon. The Kashmiri tradition of drinking sweet green tea with cardamom boxes may seem more original.

Milk with cardamom

It is useful to take cardamom with milk, because this spice neutralizes the increased secretion of mucus, which can be provoked in the body by consumption, especially when cold.

As a medicine, cardamom is best consumed with warmed, but not brought to a boil, milk. Honey is added to the finished drink; almond grains can be ground or eaten as a bite.

Milk with cardamom is a traditional remedy for calming the nervous system before bed, relaxing, relieving fatigue; when consumed daily, it is also considered highly effective in treating impotence.