World champion in powerlifting - Anna Kurkurina. Biography, coaching activities, personal life of an athlete. Anna Kurkurina: fitness trainer, strong and happy woman Anna Kurkurina personal

When looking at photographs of these women, it is hard to believe that they represent the weaker sex. Muscles, abs, wrinkles, tattoos, gait is clearly not from the hip - nothing from the lady. How do ladies live, whose appearance is far from generally accepted standards?

What can you say about this person? - a friend shows a photograph of a muscular man.

He is 30-35 years old, often goes to the gym, maybe an athlete? - I guess. - Well dressed. He has money. Not to my taste. But, I admit, he has a lot of women.

How about this friend? - shows another card.

This one will be older. Wow, so many wrinkles. Most likely a bastard. A look with a squint, as if flirting. Tanned ... And what are they both famous for?

They are women...

I take a closer look. No I do not believe! A mountain of muscles, biceps the size of a girl's waist, short haircuts, not a hint of small breasts, looks, poses, clothes - nothing betrays the characters of women.

One of them is Anna Turaeva, the absolute five-time world champion in bench press. She is 37 years old. The last time she tried on a dress was in the 10th grade. Then she cut off her hair. And she took up powerlifting. As a result, professional sports turned a fragile girl into a strong man.

“They say that powerlifting is not a female sport. When people see me, they are shocked. But, having talked with me, they see me as a real woman. As far as looks, that's how I see myself. And I’m not going to prove anything to anyone, ”Anna admitted.

According to acquaintances of the Turaevs, once Anna wore a long braid, she was a tender, fragile girl. I met a young man. Love erupted. Then Turaeva began to engage in professional sports. But then his personal life cracked. After that, dramatic changes took place with the girl: she shook her muscles, shaved her head, completely changed her wardrobe ...

Anna Turaeva. Photo from personal archive

However, Anna still does not lose hope of meeting the one and only beloved, starting a family and having children. Perhaps for this she is ready to return to her female image.

For now, I don't have time for my personal life. I am constantly on the road, judging championships, coaching, doing it myself, - says Anna. - On the subject of my appearance and personal life, I prefer not to spread.

“It seemed to me that men are better built - this is where it all started”

Anna's colleague, her namesake Anna Kurkurina, agreed to meet with us and talk on a sensitive topic. The woman lives in Ukraine. In Russia it happens on short visits. Here she teaches fitness classes.

We agreed to meet with Anna at the Spartak sports base.

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How can I get to Anna Kurkurina? She is an athlete from Ukraine, today she has a lesson here.

There were no women from Ukraine today, - the lady muttered. - Only men passed by ...

As a result, Anna herself met me. She took me to the dining room. Kurkurina is indeed more of a man than a woman. A low voice, swaying shoulders, shapeless trousers, a tank top, a crew cut, deep wrinkles plowed up and down the face.

I'll have a bite to eat here, won't I embarrass you? Only from the road, an hour and a half left before classes, - Anna apologizes. - I am well known in Russia. Housewives watch my videos where I tell you how to get in shape quickly. My fans are low-income women who cannot afford to leave the house and play sports in the club, because they have three to five children, many have financial difficulties ... That's what I help. After all, every woman wants to look good.

- Have you devoted your whole life to sports?

Throw you! As a child, I did not think about sports at all. I dreamed of working with animals. She graduated from school with a medal, then - the biological faculty of the university, received a diploma in the specialty "zoologist". Further on the distribution, she worked at a school as a biology teacher in the city of Nikolaev. I had to live somewhere, and only teachers were provided with a corner in the hostel. There was a zoo in the city, where I worked as a livestock specialist in my free time. She dragged bags of food, fed the cubs of predators, which were abandoned by their mothers ...

Anna Kurkurina. Photo from personal archive

- Do you live in your own apartment now?

There used to be a law: after three years of work at school, the state was obliged to provide me with an apartment. But no one provided me with housing. So I wandered around the hostels. Now I don't have anything either. Thank God I can afford to rent an apartment. I didn't deserve my own. Although I have enough awards. A couple of years ago I received the title of the most powerful woman on the planet.

- The press wrote that you still had time to give birth ...

- Have you never had a man?

Permanent companion - never.

- Is it about your appearance?

Most likely. I admit that such women do not like men. But the most powerful woman on the planet cannot look like a dystrophic.

- Do you consider yourself beautiful?

- That is, you don’t experience any complexes about your appearance?

Only fools have a complete absence of complexes, which is why they consider themselves absolutely beautiful. But now I have much less complexes. For example, I used to have complexes because of crooked legs. Imagine a girl - and with crooked legs. I could not cover such legs with any dress. Now I'm not shy. I “finished” my figure with the help of sports, and my legs now look different. But I still don't wear skirts. But I know how to turn a flawed woman into a beauty.

- Did you start doing sports to remove flaws?

The fact is that in the zoo I fed cubs - lion cubs, cubs, cubs, carried them in my arms. I calmly went into the cage to the lion - the beast literally threw itself on my neck with joy. When my lion cub grew up, it became difficult for me to hold him. Strength was required, and then I went to the rocking chair.

- At that time you looked different?

I was small and fragile. Weighed 56 kg. There was just an inch in the shoulders, but a healthy, wide pelvis. In a word, an ugly disproportionate figure. I could not pick up clothes: top - S, and bottom - L. Triangle, pear, whatever you want to call it. That's when I began to pay attention to male figures. I really wanted to have a narrow pelvis and broad shoulders. Since this all started. I decided to pump up in order to correct the figure and become stronger. I went to the usual harsh rocking chair, where I spent about three years. Of course, my body gradually changed, became less feminine.

- So you decided that you would be more comfortable with a male figure?

Definitely. I clearly understood what I want. At that time I was 25 years old.

“I pick up things in the men’s department, linen in the women’s”

- Let's talk about love.

I had love. Between jobs. I managed everything.

But you still don't have a husband...

I do not feel the need for a strong male shoulder. I have fairly strong shoulders myself. Yes, and at some point I realized that there is no such man whom I would "sink". All men, when they look at women, evaluate only their external data. No one cares what's in our hearts. I consider it abnormal.

- What about the children?

To get pregnant, you must first fall in love with the future father of this child. And what do I love? And I never wanted children. It’s wild for me when I hear on every corner: every woman wants a family and children…

- With such reasoning, one can remain completely alone in old age.

Thousands of women have created families, given birth to children - and howl from loneliness. I don’t want to be pestered with jealousy, tormented with questions: where did I go, why did I come late ... I am happy, because I live as I want. Now I have a favorite job, I can afford to look good, dress expensively. I always have well-groomed hands, I am caring and gentle. You don't have to grow long hair to be a lady. I am a woman to the core. And I pumped up my muscles so that not a single man could offend me.

- Have you ever been in love?

No. I have many male friends, but I have never been in love with any of them. Of course, I will not hide my sin, in one way or another there were men in my life, but they understood that I would not have love for them, so they did not try to re-educate me. Meaning?..

Anna Kurkurina before the transformation. Photo from personal archive

- Your parents do not ask for grandchildren?

When I asked them: “Do you want grandchildren?” - they answered: "When you yourself want, then you will give birth." They never interfered in my personal space. I sympathize with my girlfriends, whom their mothers reproach for not getting married and not giving birth. I was not touched in this regard. Thanks to my parents who did not break me, did not force me to do what I do not want.

- Are you interested in fashion?

Of course, I'm a woman. Only I am a woman in a male image. I love shopping. I can spend hours in stores, buying bags of things ...

Do you buy clothes in the men's section?

Basically - in the male. Often sellers turn to me: “Man, can I help you? ..” It’s difficult to find something for my figure in the women’s department. But I buy underwear in the women's department - there is a richer choice.

- I noticed that you don't wear a bra.

I don `t wear. My chest muscles are so swollen that I don't need a bra. By the way, I never liked this piece of clothing. My chest looks more like a man's than a woman's. On such a body, a bra would look strange, like on a transvestite.

- Have you ever grown your hair long?

I have never had long hair. Even in childhood. Always short hair. Only mother tied bows in the garden. There was only one dress in my entire life, and that was school. I wore it because it was meant to be. Outside of school, I always wore trousers.

- Can you admit that someday you will still go public in a skirt?

Never. Well, I don't like skirts... I prefer clothes that I feel comfortable in: trouser suits, jeans. My closet is full of suits: Italian, Spanish, expensive - it's a pity there is nowhere to wear them. From morning to evening I am at work, all the time in sportswear. I rarely allow myself to go to a nightclub or to the movies. That's when I dress up: trousers, white shirt, tie. I put on a men's classic suit for filming on television, for weddings. But even in classic suits, I prefer bright colors. I also have tracksuits in different colors - purple, blue, yellow. I recently acquired purple sneakers, in the tone of sportswear.

- Do you go to the disco?

Yes, although I'm almost fifty dollars. Girlfriends drag me out to nightclubs.

- Do men invite you to dance?

Mostly women approach me. Some even ask for a cocktail. They are sincerely surprised when I introduce myself as Anna. Recently I got into a gay club, where guys began to get acquainted with me persistently. It took a long time to convince them that they were wrong.

Anna Kurkurina. Photo from personal archive

- What cosmetic procedures do you do?

I am served in the most expensive salon in the city. I do manicures and pedicures three times a month. Look at my neat nails covered with colorless varnish ...

- Do you use bright varnish?

My nails are always natural. I don't recognize any other colors. Nails should be neat and colorless.

Have you ever tried walking in heels?

When she worked at school, she wore a small heel. But lately I can’t even imagine how women stand on them. It’s uncomfortable for me, and besides, it’s a serious burden on the spine.

- Wrinkles do not want to remove? Rejuvenate?

This is my facial expressions, emotions, why remove them? I don’t understand people who inject Botox and lose their emotions. Yes, even if I look like a man, my clients in the hall look at me spellbound, because I am lively, emotional, honest. I am almost 50 years old, I have an education, I can teach young girls a lot.

I live by the principle: in life I owe nothing to anyone. I don't care what they think of me. No one says to my face those things that could offend me - they are afraid, apparently. In fact, in which case I can give change. When they see me in the gym, they sometimes say: “She looks like a man.” Then I calmly answer: “Fine, go to the coaches who look like women.”

- Do they treat you like a man on the street too?

Yes, but I'm used to it. If they ask me in transport: “Man, give way to a woman,” I will silently give way. If they say in the store: “Man, take change,” I silently take it and leave. Why explain anything? I don't react to such things, I don't care. I don’t understand one thing: why is the average woman better than me. How is she different from me? After all, there are ladies who wear short haircuts, do not grow nails, wear trousers. But does that stop them from being women? Why am I treated differently? And how many groomed women who are difficult to consider as women! I always color my eyelashes, eyebrows and hair in the salon.

Do you still dye your hair?

I have been coloring my hair since I was 16. At that young age, I went completely gray. I remember going to prom at school. I went down from the house to the yard, and there, in front of my eyes, stray cats and dogs were killed. I was in hysterics, shock. I missed graduation ... Then I turned completely gray in a few days, even my eyelashes with eyebrows turned gray. And all over the body, on a nervous basis, age spots went - vitiligo. That's when I decided to take revenge on those who offend animals. Sometimes I think: maybe that's why I began to swing? .. Okay, I won't delve into myself. And now I'm going to start crying.

- Do you cry often?

Often. Like any woman, I can be moved by a sad movie or when I feel unfair.

“A barbell of 90 kg fell on the throat”

- In sports, have you achieved everything you dreamed of?

I have the title "The strongest woman on the planet." I am also a world champion in powerlifting, I have world records on my account - bench press 145 kg and 147.5 in the 75 kg weight category. Now I am fighting for the title of absolute champion.

Anna Kurkurina. Photo from personal archive

- Where do you get money for trips to championships? I take it no one pays you?

So you asked why I'm without an apartment? Because all the money that I earn, I spend on preparing for tournaments. Last time I went to Australia. This trip was promised to be paid for by our Ukrainian businessmen. But then the war in the Donbass began, and everyone “jumped off” at once. Then I posted a post on my page on the social network, where I have 100 thousand subscribers, with a request to chip in as much as possible. If everyone transferred a dollar - can you imagine what amount would be accumulated. But in total they transferred me 800 dollars.

A ticket to Australia cost more than two thousand dollars. I had to get into debt, take out loans. I returned from Australia with an injury: my pectoral muscle was torn off. For four months I saved up money for the operation. The shoulder was twisted, the muscle was attached to the place. I still haven't paid my debt for Australia. And you say, an apartment ... But nevertheless, now, after a serious injury, I am again going to go to the championship to prove that nothing is impossible.

- Someday you will finish with the sport. And then what?

In the future, I am going to work with children, put children with cerebral palsy on their feet, and treat scoliosis patients. So far, I'm quite satisfied with the position of a fitness trainer. I sincerely wish each of my pupils to become a beauty. That is why they go to my training. Most of my clients are terribly neglected. These are the ones I pull out of the pit - I not only ask them to stupidly raise their arms and legs, but also work as a psychologist.

- Probably, they see you as a caring man, that's why they go to you? ..

Sometimes it seems to me that they really perceive me as a man. Some are even jealous. But rather, my clients see me as a friend, mother, psychotherapist. I've been pretty beat up by life. How many sports injuries have I experienced ...

For example, when I was preparing for my first championship, a 90 kg barbell fell on my throat, shattered my cartilage. I didn’t go to the doctor then, but just caught my breath - and again lay down under the bar, although I understood the danger. But I realized that if I didn’t take the bar right away, I would develop a fear of the projectile. The next day my throat was blocked, there was nothing to breathe, - that's when I asked for medical help. At my first championship in America, I set six world records, became the absolute world champion. A year later, my shoulder muscle tore off. I couldn't raise my hand. I did not go to the doctor, but began self-rehabilitation. Somehow got out. So I don't let myself break.

- It turns out that you not only have a masculine appearance, but your psychology is clearly not feminine.

There are many women in history who never gave up. It all depends on the person.

- Do you train men?

Of course. Look at my body! Men, looking at me, trust me with their figure. Sometimes they come and say: “We want the same torso, biceps ...” In general, now there are so few men who look like men that I really look like a man compared to them.

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Biography, life story of Anna Ivanovna Kurkurina

Kurkurina Anna Ivanovna - Ukrainian athlete, world champion in powerlifting.

humble teacher

Anna Kurkurina was born in Kramatorsk (Donetsk region, Ukraine) on August 25, 1966. According to Anna herself, in childhood and adolescence she was a very thin and weak girl, while nature rewarded her with a wide pelvis. A non-standard figure, for which it was difficult to choose clothes, contributed to the fact that Anna had a whole bunch of complexes. Perhaps that is why she fell in love with animals from an early age and that is why she decided to connect her future with caring for them. After school, Kurkurina entered the Vasily Stus Donetsk National University at the Faculty of Biology.

Having received a diploma of higher education, Anna Kurkurina left for the city of Nikolaev and began working as a teacher in an ordinary high school. A little later, in addition to her main job, she became an employee of the Nikolaev Zoo. Working at the zoo has greatly changed meek Anna. She had to carry heavy bags of pet food, feed babies abandoned by their mothers, and so on. All this tempered Anna and gave her self-confidence.


The need to maintain good physical shape led Anna Ivanovna to the gym. In those days, strength training was considered an exclusively male occupation, while aerobics was assigned to women. But this was not enough for Anna Kurkurina. A brave woman began to train with men. Over time, she began to make special programs for women. The fame of a talented coach with a higher biological education very quickly "went to the people."


In 1998, Anna Kurkurina opened her own fitness club "Bagheera", where she began to train according to a unique author's method. A little later, Kurkurina's channel appeared on YouTube. Anna Kurkurina not only teaches people how to strengthen muscles and develop joints, she has an incredible ability to find an individual approach to absolutely every client. Having become popular, Anna Ivanovna began to appear on various talk shows as an expert.


Anna Kurkurina is the absolute world champion in powerlifting (2008, 2010 and 2012) and the owner of 14 records.

Personal life

At the age of 41, Anna Kurkurina gave birth to a son. About who the father of the child, the athlete chose to remain silent.

Anna's beloved name is Elena Serbulova. Elena is 24 years younger than her chosen one, but such a big age difference does not in the least prevent women from finding true happiness in communicating with each other.

The most powerful woman on the planet - Anna Kurkurina. The biography of the athlete is quite diverse, including both world victories and personal defeats. The champion has come a long way to achieve her dream.

The early years of the athlete

In her youth, she was a very "frail" girl. Her figure was far from perfect: crooked legs, thin arms. She was unhappy with her appearance and was very shy about wearing revealing women's outfits.

After graduating from the Biological Institute in Donetsk, Anna worked for ten years at a school in the city of Nikolaev. She taught biology in high school, already here the girl showed her masculine strong character. After all, working with children is the most difficult, but Anna coped with it perfectly. All her life, Kurkurina dreamed of working with animals, therefore she perfectly combined teaching at school with the position of a livestock specialist in Kurkurina, she is closely connected with the education of animals. The girl fed the cubs of predators, boldly carried them in her arms from cage to cage. She cared for and gave all her love to animals. Anna's duties included compiling photo reports and video materials on feeding small predators. Kurkurina sent her works to the program “The director himself” and repeatedly received first places.

Life changes

Year after year, Anna improved her body, she trained and actively engaged in powerlifting. In this sport, at the age of 46, Kurkurina achieved her highest goal: she became the world champion. People all over the world knew about it.

World champion in powerlifting, wonderful mother, professional coach - this is Anna Kurkurina! The biography of the female hero changed radically when she became a popular person. The athlete gained self-confidence, ceased to be ashamed of her figure and, on the contrary, began to be proud of her. Any man can envy Anna's body.

But a short haircut, pumped up muscles look a little intimidating to others. Often people refer to her as a man, but Kurkurina is not offended and does not consider it necessary to make excuses to everyone she meets. After all, she is the strongest woman on the planet and should look accordingly. Can a skinny little girl press a 120 kilogram barbell?

coaching activities

In 1998, Anna Kurkurina founded the first fitness club in Nikolaev under a loud

the name "Bagheera". She began to train people who want to improve their physical data. This woman knows exactly how to do it. Kurkurina set a world record in the 75 kg weight category. She is a three-time powerlifting champion.

Training with Anna Kurkurina helps people restore their health and keep their figure in good shape. Although she holds the position of director at the Bagheera fitness club, she still conducts classes. Anna is happy to go to the gym to show her exercises for the muscles of the whole body. Training with Kurkurina is shown online on local television, and there are also many videos on the Internet where the athlete conducts classes.

In connection with the chosen profession, the champion had to abandon many women's outfits. “Of course, I can’t wear dresses and skirts like most girls,” says Anna Kurkurina. The biography of this athlete shows that in the wardrobe of the champion there are only sports and trouser suits.

A little about the second half of Anna Kurkurina

For a long time, little was known about this. But recently, Anna introduced her chosen one to the general public, this is twenty-six-year-old Elena Serbulova. They talked about their relationship on the talk show "Ukraine Speaks". Elena came to support her beloved.

“I don’t want to prove to everyone that I am the strongest woman on the planet. I want to show people that anything is possible at any age!” - says Anna Kurkurina. The biography of the athlete has changed radically with the advent of Serbulova. She finally became happy and loved, isn't that what every woman wants? And behind the rough male appearance of Anna lies the tender and subtle soul of the girl.

Kurkurina has a son, whom she loves very much. The athlete often takes him to the gyms so that the boy from childhood learns to take care of his body and is ready for physical exertion.

public life

Currently, Anna Kurkurina takes great pleasure in photo shoots for sports magazines. On Nikolaev television, he broadcasts his workouts online. A strong woman is satisfied with her success both in her personal life and in her sports career. Only recently she was a simple biology teacher, and now a world famous star. In total, Anna Kurkurina achieved her hard work and great desire for self-improvement. Now she helps many people gain self-confidence, improve the beauty of their figure.

Anna Kurkurina is the absolute champion in powerlifting, who won the title of the strongest woman on the planet when she was already 50 years old. Anna's appearance is striking, since not every male athlete can boast of such muscles. Today we will figure out why the fragile and vulnerable soul of Kurkurina is hidden behind a huge lump of muscles.

Childhood years and youth of the champion

The future holder of the strongwoman title was born in the small labor town of Kramatorsk, which is located in the Donetsk region on August 25, 1966, in a Greek-Ukrainian family of a steelworker and a boarding school teacher. Here are the main facts of what Anna Kurkurina was like in her youth:

  • By nature, the girl was the owner of a strange masculine figure: a narrow pelvis + a wide shoulder girdle in total gave rise to a bunch of complexes in the girl. From embarrassment of her own appearance, the girl kept aloof from her peers, because she expected only ridicule and mockery from them.

  • At school, the girl tried to wear bulky unisex clothes, avoiding heels and dresses.
  • Anya loved to mess with animals, so after graduating from school she continued her studies at the Donetsk National University at the Faculty of Biology.
  • At the end of her studies, the future celebrity moved to the city of Nikolaev for distribution. There she had to work for 5 years, which is why she became a biology teacher.

  • She managed to combine her main job with a part-time job at the Nikolaev Zoo. It was there that the girl disappeared every minute free from work.
  • Close contact with animals radically changed the character of the Ukrainian woman. She had to constantly carry weights: bags of feed, shovels and wheelbarrows with waste. In addition, she was always engaged in cleaning the cages and premises of the zoo. Often, by the end of the working day, her back and neck literally fell apart, so Anya decided to come to grips with improving her physical performance. In addition, she became more liberated in communication and gained confidence in her abilities.

  • At the zoo, Kurkurina also had nice chores - she had to nurse babies who refused mother's milk. Many times Anna sent funny photos and videos to television in the show "Director for Yourself", and received prizes several times.

Sports hobbies of a biology teacher

Incredibly tired of the efforts at the zoo, the biology teacher began to visit the hall with simulators.

  • Initially, she mastered exercises for beginners, focusing on exclusively female areas: gymnastics, aerobics and Pilates. Soon, the loads turned out to be insufficient for her, and in all her movements, masculinity and a certain clumsiness were traced. Kurkurina left attempts to become flexible, and began to work out on a par with men. Her choice fell on powerlifting.

Interesting! During this time, Anya recalls, she used her physical strength at school. She offered all the spoiled students to fight on hand, so that later he would be ashamed that he had lost to a woman.

  • A year later, the biography of Kurkurina began to change. She first began to help the coach in developing training programs for fitness club clients, and soon she herself moved into the ranks of trainers. Anna Kurkurina's workouts have become mega-popular.

  • In 1998, already as a qualified trainer, Anna opened a fitness club under the sonorous name "Bagheera". Clients were offered the author's program Kurkurina on the press, buttocks and legs, as a result of which the waist of the clients decreased, and the contingent of the club increased.

Interesting! Once Kurkurina received a severe moral trauma: she saw a stranger on the street cracking down on homeless animals. At that moment, the girl was crying, but she couldn’t do anything, at that moment she decided to become strong and courageous so that no other bastard could behave like that.

  • In parallel with work, she began to run her own YouTube channel. There, in the public domain, you can find all editions of classes with a successful coach.

In the recorded videos, Anya talks about how she looked before and after her passion for sports, talks about how to do a massage correctly, what drying is and how to do it, helps all women who want to tighten their stomachs and reduce their hips.

The transformation of Anna Kurkurina into a champion

  • Fate brought the woman another surprise. Ani's whole life was turned upside down by a random TV report in which a woman saw a video about the most powerful girl in the world. Anna wanted the same.
  • The age of the woman at that time exceeded 40 years, but her leadership character gave her confidence that the goal was achievable.

  • Since then, Anna's training has become more and more intense. Her muscles became like steel, and proper drying turned her body into a statue of a real Hercules.
  • In 2008, 2010 and 2012, Kurkurina was recognized as the absolute champion in powerlifting.
  • In total, the champion has 14 record performances, and classes with Anna Kurkurina have gained popularity not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond Europe. Read about how Natalya Kuznetsova strived for the same indicators with the help of chemistry.

Features of the appearance of the champion

Constant loads affected the figure of the champion so much that soon, looking at her, it was not clear who was in front of you: a man or a woman?

From this, the strongwoman only got high, and fended off all the comments addressed to her: “They called me the most powerful woman on the planet, and how do you think I should look? How is the income? What will I use to lift weights then? However, those around were perplexed how stone muscles and a tender soul could be combined in Anna.

  • Anna's face has become so hardened and courageous that neither at the first nor at the 10th glance you can make out that you are a woman. Deep wrinkles, no makeup, thin lips and squinted eyes - all the features of her face look stern, but sweet.

  • The black hairstyle has been unchanged for the champion for a long time, but more recently, fashion has also touched the strongwoman. She dyed the forelock blond, leaving the roots black.

  • Shoulders are the dream of any athlete, as Anna has them developed and pumped up, so the woman loves shirts and T-shirts with open arms, showing off her biceps.
  • The chest of the champion has nothing to do with the female breast, except for slightly drawn-out nipples. All visitors to the beaches of the Black and Azov Seas could repeatedly see Anna exclusively in swimming trunks, and not guess that they were looking at a half-naked woman.

  • A narrow pelvis bears little resemblance, and few people would think of pinching an athlete for a soft spot. She is distinguished from the male figure by the absence of a characteristic tubercle on her swimming trunks, and in response to numerous questions about a sex change, Anna says that she is not going to do this, and loves her body exactly as it is.

Personal life of Anna Kurkurina

Kurkurina's personal life is still partly shrouded in mystery. Here are just a few of the highlights that journalists managed to find out:

  • The woman gave birth to her first and only child at the age of about 40, and the name of the boy's father remained unknown.

  • The champion does not hide the fact that she is a representative of non-traditional sexual orientation. For a long time, the bright blonde Lena Serbulova, who was 24 years younger than her partner, was the chosen one of the coach. The couple were inseparable, looked happy and satisfied with life.

Irina Kolomitsina offers an article on the topic: "Anna Kurkurina and Elena Serbulova broke up" with a full description. We have tried to convey to you the information in the most accessible form.

Anna Kurkurina is a world champion in powerlifting. At 46 years old, with broad shoulders, pumped up arms and a relief abs. Every man can envy her figure, and in fact, quite recently, a biology teacher who looked after animals at the zoo did not even think about such a stellar career.

“So few men look like men that I actually look like a man compared to them,” says Anna Kurkurina.

However, this Kurkurina was not always. Even as a child, Anya was very complex because of her figure.

- Small, frail, thin arms, ribs sticking out, a huge pelvis and crooked legs below - an “ideal” combination. How could you not be complex? - Anya told on the air of the Moscow TV channel about her childhood.

After university (DonNu - Faculty of Biology) Kurkurina taught biology in high school for 10 years. And even then she showed not a childish trait at all - an iron male character. But most of all, the girl dreamed of working not with children, but with animals. To do this, she got a part-time job at the Nikolaev Zoo. Anna has raised many generations of lions, raccoons and wolves. She fearlessly entered the enclosure even with the most terrible predators.

- I fed animals abandoned by parents of large predators. There was a need to carry them on their hands, they themselves climbed onto their hands. At the same time, I worked out in the gym for myself, - Anna tells about that period of her life.

Sport so fascinated Kurkurina that she decided to end her teaching career and took up powerlifting. For 6 years she became the most powerful woman in the world. Kurkurina Anna holds the world record in the bench press, in the 75 kg weight category. Her best result was 127 kilograms 500 grams.

The 3-time absolute world champion in powerlifting has been helping people restore health and a beautiful body for many years, devoting all of herself to her beloved work. Anna Kurkurina is the director of the fitness club "Bagheera", where she also conducts training sessions, the online broadcast of which can be seen on the Nikolaev TV channel. Anna has built a successful coaching career.

Anna was able to achieve the figure she dreamed of, but she had to give up dresses and skirts forever. Usually Anya does not get out of tracksuits, but still sometimes she can be seen in a pantsuit in the company of her friends. At the same time, as many of Anna's students and friends note, an absolutely bright and kind person is hiding behind the masculine denunciation. Even a mountain of muscles will not hide a feminine nature.

By the way, here she is in the photo with her beloved:

Anna Kurkurina lit up in a women's dress and heels at the "Battle of Psychics" VIDEO

Nikolaev heavyweight, three-time absolute world champion in powerlifting, holder of the title "The Strongest Woman on the Planet", 14-time world record holder and popular fitness trainer Anna Kurkurina appeared in the new episode of the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics. At the same time, the girl appeared on television in an outfit unusual for herself - in a women's dress and high-heeled shoes.

It turned out that psychics among the five women were looking for the one that was once in the body of a man. True, not everyone was able to pass this task. Often logic prevailed over supernatural abilities.

For example, the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanya Staneva she was mistaken in calling Anna a man, and even said that she had a wife.

- I am very strong not only physically, but also morally. And, indeed, a weak woman is always with me. And together we look harmoniously, like a husband and wife, because I'm healthy, pumped up, and my ex-wife, we already broke up with her, she's a little bright blonde. Therefore, such an error occurred. I am a woman and have never changed sex, and do not intend to do so. I like my body. I’m just a pumped-up woman who lives with a woman, ”admitted Kurkurina.

Anna Kurkurina became the heroine of the new season of the Battle of Psychics. where she tried on women's things that you will not see on her in everyday life

And here is an empath from the Dnieper Olga Stognushenko I felt a strong sexual impulse come from the Nikolaev heavyweight. She also spoke about the unusual duality that combines Kurkurin.

As much as I am a woman, I am also a man. Equally. Moreover, as a woman I can roar, I am a cool girlfriend, I am very sentimental, I am very sensual, I can regret, sympathize. But at the same time, I am the same man strong-willed, powerful, not sparing himself, not afraid of difficulties. Here is the complete picture for you. I clearly know who I am. However, I have known this for a long time. I did a lot for this. Moreover, from a small fragile girl, I was able to make myself into such a one, - says the psychic on behalf of the heroine.

Yes, I am whole. I understand men and women very well. And so all the friends of men and women come to me for advice, because I understand both sides ...

To which the clairvoyant clarifies that women go to Anna not only for advice, but also for love, tenderness, affection and home comfort.

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But the Scandinavian psychic Elena Johannessen felt the bisexuality of the Nikolaev champion and exchanged compliments with her.

Clairvoyant Theodora noted the masculine character of Kurkurina and felt her recent love, which no longer exists.

“I separated from my ex-wife three months ago. I was constantly jealous. I went to the club, and I support the girl there or by the leg. And then it turns out that I matsala her and these are all prostitutes. I earn money, which she spends. And she thinks my clients are prostitutes. Dissonance. That's all.

More than others, the Belarusian clairvoyant shed light on the inner world of Anna Velena Karmyzova. She noted that the reason for the transformation of Kurkurina's body was a case from childhood, when animals were killed before her eyes.

– Probably, this event in life radically influenced who I became. I don't even remember whether I fought or not, whether I yelled at the man who shot the animals with arrows. But I remember that there was a dog carrier, a truck. I went out, and a cat flies in front of me, an arrow pierces it. He starts to roll over in pain. And I could not understand how and why. Since then, I have wanted to be a protector. Now not a single carrion can touch anyone, because I will simply tear them apart myself! I am already able to do it. At one time I hated people, and then I began to treat them with a desire to protect them, because they are not all rational creatures. I didn’t even realize that I needed to pump up and become strong. This came much later. But I think this event led to who I became, - says the athlete.

Armenian spellcaster and "lord of time" Suren Julakyan also saw Anna's past. This was the period when she worked as a school teacher and practiced arm wrestling with students.

I have been a school teacher for 10 years. I'm a biologist. And it was very easy for me to find contact with my guys. I didn't call my parents to school. She said, “Come here. You are a man, I am a woman. I should be weaker. If I defeat you in my arms, then you will be ashamed! All. Nobody wanted. They knew that I was stronger than them, and they were just afraid of being humiliated.

Note that this is far from the debut of Anna Kurkurina on television. Recently, she has been increasingly seen on various talk shows. In one of them, a woman admitted that she could not wear women's clothes. In another, she showed her young wife. In the third, she danced on the pylon for money and carried the leader in her arms.

Anna Kurkurina is an athlete who is often called the most powerful woman on the planet. Anna's muscles and sports records are really impressive. However, few people know that behind the mountain of iron muscles and unshakable self-confidence are years of hard work and training.

The childhood of the future athlete passed in Kramatorsk, in the Donetsk region. Anna Kurkurina was born on August 25, 1966. The woman recalls that she grew up as a weak girl, completely unathletic. At the same time, nature “rewarded” Anna with a non-standard figure for a woman: massive shoulders and narrow hips from an early age made the girl feel ashamed of her own body and hide behind baggy clothes.

Athlete Anna Kurkurina

Strong complexes because of her appearance constantly kept Anna Kurkurina in suspense, not allowing her to make friends with her peers: the girl expected only ridicule from them. Perhaps that is why, after graduating from school, Anna decided to connect her own life with animals and went to study at Vasily Stus University in Donetsk, choosing the Faculty of Biology.

After university, Anna moved to the city of Nikolaev, where she got a job as a biology teacher at a school. After some time, Anna Kurkurina realized her old dream - she became an employee of the city zoo, where she spent time free from school.

Anna Kurkurina in childhood

Later, the woman admits that working with animals has greatly changed her character. Anna constantly had to carry weights, clean the cages and even feed the cubs on her own, who refused to drink their mother's milk. However, this work, which many people see as overwhelming, worked a miracle with Anna Kurkurina. The girl gained confidence in her own abilities: both moral and physical.

Anna also had pleasant duties: the girl had to independently prepare photo and video reports on the condition and behavior of the animals. Some of the shots taken by Anna Kurkurina turned out to be so funny that the girl sent the shooting to the “Self-director” program with Alexei Lysenkov, and even repeatedly won first places.

Sports in the biography of Anna Kurkurina also appeared due to work at the zoo: the woman decided that hard physical work required good physical shape, and went to the gym. At first, Anna, like all girls, tried to master gymnastics and aerobics. However, the intensity and pace of such a load seemed insufficient to Kurkurina, and Anna began to train with men.

Anna Kurkurina in her youth

After some time, Anna Kurkurina began to help the coach draw up training and exercise programs for newcomers to the sports club, and then she began to train those who wished on her own. It is worth noting that there were actually many applicants: Anna proved herself both as a purposeful athlete and as a sensitive and attentive mentor.

Anna Kurkurina in a swimsuit

In 1998, Anna Kurkurina decided to fulfill another dream: a woman opened her own sports club called Bagheera. Kurkurina's own business turned out to be successful: clients and clients, satisfied with the result, brought friends.

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In parallel with her work at the club, Anna Kurkurina began to run a YouTube channel. The woman filmed workouts and gave useful advice to those people who want to put their own body in order, accustom the body to proper nutrition and daily exercise. The author's fitness system of Anna Kurkurina is useful both for novice athletes and for those who already know what it means to “pump up the collar zone” and “correct the withers”.

It seemed that life would now go on knurled. However, soon fate presented Anna with another gift. It all started with a random TV report: Kurkurina saw a video about a girl who was called the strongest in the world. From that moment, Anna admits later, a new dream settled in her heart - to become the strongest woman. To begin with in Ukraine, and then, if possible, in the world.

Anna Kurkurina with a barbell

At that time, Anna Kurkurina was already 40 years old. But age did not stop the woman: Anna was confident that every goal is achievable. Anna Kurkurina began to train even more intensively. The arms, back, stomach and buttocks of the woman became more and more muscular, and competent drying helped to achieve an impeccable appearance.

Two years later, the woman achieved her goal: Anna was recognized as the most powerful woman in the world. In 2008, 2010 and 2012, Anna Kurkurina became the absolute world champion in powerlifting (power triathlon, which requires the athlete to squat with a barbell, lift the barbell off the platform and lift the barbell from a prone position).

Anna Kurkurina

Due to constant training, Anna's body became like a man's, but this fact did not bother Kurkurina. In an interview, Anna commented on her own appearance:

“I am the strongest woman - what else should I look like? Dystrophic? What will I press the bar with?

So, ironically, the flaws of the figure, which brought tears to tears in her youth, became the main advantage of Anna Kurkurina in adulthood.

The personal life of Anna Kurkurina has developed happily. The woman does not hide her own non-traditional orientation. Anna's chosen one, Elena Serbulova, is 24 years younger than the athlete. But the difference in years, according to Anna Kurkurina, does not in the least prevent women from being happy and delighting each other. Anna often shares touching moments captured in the photo on Instagram and other social networks.

Anna Kurkurina and Elena Serbulova

It is known that a woman has a son. The name of the father is unknown, the athlete prefers not to dwell on this topic. Anna often takes her son to the gym with her, rightly believing that it is necessary to introduce the child to sports from an early age.

Now Anna Kurkurina continues to constantly train and train other people, helping them become stronger and healthier. In 2017, a woman posted a touching video on the Web, demonstrating the result of her own efforts: a boy diagnosed with cerebral palsy, after two years of classes, can already walk independently and confidently.

Anna Kurkurina in 2017

The army of admirers and admirers of Anna, who have achieved results thanks to the advice of a female athlete, is steadily growing. Kurkurina herself, smiling, declares that sport works real miracles.

Anna Kurkurina: something interesting from the biography of the most powerful teacher in the world

This woman tore the templates of the website. Indeed, in the photo there is a man, a real, strong, courageous one, with a strong-willed chin, clearly raising the barbell like a teaspoon ... but no, a mistake ...

Meet Anna Kurkurina, Ukrainian, the strongest woman on the planet, world champion in powerlifting, who recently (in October 2014) set 2 new world records: bench press 145 kg and 147.5 in the 75 kg weight category. Oh yes, we almost forgot: on August 25, 2015, she will turn 49 years old.

Something like this Kurkurina describes herself in her youth: “Small, frail, thin arms, ribs sticking out, a huge pelvis and crooked legs - an “ideal” combination. How could you not be complex?

The complexes were especially strongly felt when fate led me to a clothing store: top S, bottom - L. What kind of figure is this ?! But then she did not yet know that nature can be fought.

Anna has always loved animals, therefore, after graduating from school, she went to study biology at Donetsk University without hesitation. After graduation, she left to work in Nikolaev as a biology teacher. Later, she will get a part-time job at a local zoo, one of the largest in Ukraine.

The time spent here greatly changed and tempered Kurkurina: she had to do hard work, carry bags of animal food, carry the animals themselves from place to place (of course, we are not only talking about mice-voles), feed the cubs of predators, from which mothers refused.

At the same time, Kurkurina visited the gym. By the way, at that time strength training was exclusively a male privilege, women were limited to fitness and aerobics. But “two stomp-three swoops” is not entertainment for Kurkurina. She went her own way and worked out with men, achieving such results that all mouths were opened. Later, she will begin to train women: independently select a training program, exercises. They trusted a biologist with a higher education, and when they noticed the effect, they brought friends. Later, in 1998, she will open her own Bagheera fitness club and run a YouTube channel: by the way, very popular. We rarely saw so many comments from students in love with her. It turned out to be easy to find the reason for such mass love: just turn on any video or interview. Kind eyes, sincere smile, sense of humor, tact plus professionalism. Isn't that the perfect coach? How can you not fall in love.

By the way, the students at school also loved and respected her. In conflict situations, Kurkurina offered the children to fight with her in their arms. "If you blow a woman - you will be ashamed." Still not ashamed! And the children preferred not to argue, you never know…

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At the age of 40, Kurkurina saw on TV a girl who was called "the strongest in the world." It was that very X-hour: something shot inside, and Anna wanted to change herself, to become the most powerful woman in Ukraine, and maybe in the world. And why not, really? So what if you're retiring soon? Why not prove to yourself and others that nothing is impossible? And she proved! She began to study with tripled energy and take title after title, award after award (for 6 years - more than 50 awards). After 2 years, the goal was subdued: Kurkurina received the title of the most powerful woman on the planet.

Of course, her body was changing, inevitably becoming less and less feminine. “I am the strongest woman - what else should I look like? Dystrophic? What will I press the bar with? - Kurkurina is sincerely surprised by questions about her figure. She is often mistaken for a man, but she has not tried to prove anything to anyone for a long time: “If they say in the store:“ Man, take change, ”I silently take it and leave. Why explain anything?

She practically does not wear dresses, skirts, any feminine outfits. Which, in general, is understandable. Most often, she can be seen in sportswear, less often in a suit. The athlete always looks very stylish organically.

Little is known about the athlete's family. Anna has a son, whom she gave birth to at 41. The son can often be seen with his mother in the gym: children should be taught to play sports from childhood! And Kurkurina is immensely happy in a relationship with Elena Serbulova, a beautiful 26-year-old blonde. The couple is not embarrassed by either the age difference or the condemnation of their sexual orientation: the girls post dozens of joint photos on social networks, write declarations of love to each other and come by the hand to any talk shows. The most striking thing is that even skeptical spectators in the hall, after a few minutes of dialogue with Kukrkurina, begin to smile broadly: she will disarm anyone.

Anna sets new records, conducts trainings in her own club, which are broadcast on TV and Youtube. You can watch the recordings of her best lessons on our website: they really give results.

In Nikolaev, the strongest woman of Ukraine Anna Kurkurina got into an accident

On the evening of Monday, August 18, on the street. Chigrin in Nikolaev, BMW and Daewoo Nexia cars collided.

The car "BMW" was driving along the street. Chigrin from Sadovaya in the direction of st. Dzerzhinsky. Right next to the intersection with St. 2nd Slobodskoy, driving in the same direction in the middle lane, the Nexia swerved to the left, hitting the BMW.

As a result of the accident, no one was injured, both cars received minor mechanical damage.

The Daewoo driver said that he was forced to shift to the left, as his car was “cut off” by a Toyota Camry, which was rebuilding from the far right lane to the middle lane.

Anna Kurkurina, the strongest woman in Ukraine, the absolute world champion in powerlifting, was traveling in a BMW car as a passenger.

From the brainless. Well, why make an elephant out of a fly. What is the title of this blank note.

and THIS is in a white T-shirt THIS is a woman. 🙂

Kukurina could smoke between the eyes))))

> ALEXXX (2014.08.18 20:37 )
She just loves women, lesbians. And here is her friend, Lena Serbulova, who was driving, her lover. They are very good people.

Believe me, friends, this is not a woman, this is the most natural combat LESBOMAN. Already I know that.

As everyone is interested in the intimate side of the life of the GREAT kindest soul of this wonderful person. What have you achieved in this life to judge and gossip about others. Fuuuuu

> Yuri Yurin (2014.08.18 21:10 )
tell it to Anya in the eyes.
if kaneshna spirit is enough. she takes three people like you on the sternum.
and you?

be proud that such a Man (!) lives in our city!

> ON™ (2014.08.18 22:36 )
And a galloping horse.
And into the burning hut. if sho.

Behu sorry, however.

He stopped his galloping horse, entered the burning hut. ept, how I'm tired of these women's affairs.

Look into your underpants, by God, people are crazy, they salivate. You will never be like that.

a woman looks like a man - yes, but with whom she sleeps is her own business.
The main thing is that the accident did not end in anything bad!
my husband just saw this accident

SHREK 052.
She doesn't look like a man.
Rather, on the Kirovets tractor ..
And people are in danger when they sleep with the tractor.

True, as a result of intensive powerlifting, Anna's appearance also changed beyond recognition. Now her muscles are inflated on her arms, her shoulders have become wide, and her abs are impeccable. But the changes affected not only the appearance, the personal life of Anna Kurkurina also changed. On the talk show "Ukraine Speaks", where she was invited as the most powerful woman in the world, Anna introduced her beloved Elena Serbulova to the public. The girl is twenty-six years old, and she is satisfied with her relationship with forty-seven-year-old Anna.

That's right, there is nothing to condemn people and their lives, let everyone look after their lives and actions. You might think that everyone around is just saints.

> Elena (2014.08.20 16:36 ), flax, everything will be fine, I sincerely wish you to crawl out of the state. God will not leave you + your family will support you + you know. we, your friends with Anya, are always Vkontakte.)). Len, these people, what are they doing. have pity on them, may they be rewarded.

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> Elena (2014.08.20 16:36 ) Lena, I am writing late. But I can't write. 🙂
I want to remind you that it is a woman's business to look like a woman, to speak in a voice that is not a man's, to give birth to children, and so on. If life really offended someone, or someone considers himself offended and deprived of a NORMAL life, he begins to compensate for his insults through unnatural, unnatural behavioral reactions and demonstrate this as original achievements.
Nobody argues that this “woman”, who is essentially a man, is a bad person. Maybe she is very kind and decent. It's even more likely that it is. But sexual dimorphism was created by nature for this, so that it WAS!
Although, judging by your “literacy” and the style of presenting the event, you most likely do not know this term. :-))) Well, I think that's why it's not for you to judge someone else's brain. :-)))
God bless this “woman”, but I don’t want my daughter to have such “exclusivity” and such a fate as his (her?) has.

Nobody argues that this “woman”, who is essentially a man, is a bad person.

I am correcting the typos. 🙂 No one claims that this “woman”, who is essentially a man, is a bad person.

> Elena (2014.08.23 12:38 pm) You made me laugh even more. You should not try to establish yourself in THIS way with your “mosk” and the level of “intellect”. :-)))))))). Live happily in that ghostly and abnormal world that you and Anna have created for yourself! Moreover! I sincerely wish you that you do not live up to that moment in your life when you blame yourself for the fact that your life was ALL your own mistake. Although, I think that with your level of development, this does not threaten you. Good luck, middle-sex creatures!

> Elena (2014.08.23 12:38) I also want to ask. Do you really think that someone is so interested in you that someone will SPEND their time “telling you in the face”.
Baby, you have come up with something completely superfluous about yourself. There would not be this strange “note” about this funny incident - no one would even think about you THINK for a second! After all, we do not live in a parash, where there are endless conversations about gays and lesbians. We live, GOD GOD, in a normal country where you have the right to be.
If you are offended by nature or fate, and therefore (sorry) tug at your partner's clitorido, then this is YOUR problem. Do not force others to admire your anomaly and everything will be fine with you!

Anna Kurkurina is an athlete who can push the boundaries of your consciousness. And the point is not only that she came to sports after forty years and soon became the absolute champion. This amazing strongwoman holds the close attention of the public with a striking resemblance to a man and outstanding strength indicators.

  • Anna Kurkurina was born on August 25, 1966. The girl spent all her childhood years in the working town of Kramatorsk, which is located in the Donetsk region.
  • From the impressive appearance of the current champion, it is difficult to guess that Anna Kurkurina in her youth was frail, weak and completely indifferent to any kind of sports. The main complex of adolescence is a masculine figure with narrow hips and a developed shoulder girdle. The girl constantly kept apart from her peers, and preferred to mess around with animals.
  • After leaving school, Anya went to the regional capital of Donetsk to study at Donetsk State University (now Vasily Stus University), choosing the direction of biology.
  • After graduation, Anya moved to the city of Nikolaev, where she was hired as a biology teacher. Free from school lessons, the teacher spent time at the zoo, which became the realization of her old dream - to work with our smaller brothers.
  • Work in the city zoo greatly influenced the character and appearance of the girl. She now and then had to carry heavy feed bags, clean the enclosures and even bottle-feed the cubs who refused mother's milk.
  • Surprisingly hard work helped the future athlete gain confidence in her moral and physical strength.

Anna's biography changed dramatically after her passion for sports, which happened while working at the zoo. The woman decided that such loads require her to be in good physical shape, for which she went to the gym.

  • The first for Anya were primordially female gymnastic exercises for beginners and aerobics, but the pace and intensity of the loads after the zoo seemed childish to the young lady, so she chose powerlifting and “killing” trainings on a par with men.
  • Soon, the athlete had her own training program for losing weight and gaining muscle mass, on the basis of which she successfully helped other trainers develop home workouts for gym clients.
  • The number of satisfied clients grew rapidly, and many came to Anna as a full-fledged trainer.
  • In 1988, the successful trainer again fulfilled her cherished dream - she opened her own personal gym under the sonorous name "Bagheera". Success in business was guaranteed, as Anna was a demanding coach and a sympathetic person. Satisfied with the result, customers brought friends and acquaintances with them.
  • Together with work in the club, the athlete began to lead a YouTube channel. So everyone could see the training of Anna Kurkurina in all its glory. Anyone wishing to tone up their body could listen to useful advice from a successful trainer on nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. All issues are useful and informative, but the exercises for the collar zone from Anna Kurkurina are still the most popular among viewers. According to user reviews, if you practice according to the Kurkurina system, then the overgrown collar zone, or as it is called, the withers, practically disappears, the neck stops hurting, and the back becomes smoother and stronger. How else to deal with the "widow's hump" you can read here.
  • The most interesting thing is that at that time the woman was already 40 years old. However, she was clearly confident in her abilities. Since then, Anna's training has become even more furious.
  • The woman's shoulders, abs, hips and buttocks turned to steel, and proper drying helped her achieve the look of a real Hercules.
  • Very soon, the strongwoman's dream came true again: in 2008, 2010 and 2012, she was recognized as the absolute world champion in powerlifting. Anna brilliantly proved herself in power triathlon: lifting the barbell while standing, lying down, and squatting with it.
  • Intense loads brought the body of the athlete to such a state that, looking at her, it becomes not clear who is in front of you: a man or a woman? Kurkurina reacts calmly to all the perplexed looks: “I am the strongest among the women of the planet, and how do you think I should look? How is the dystrophic? Then what exactly am I going to press the bar with? Indeed, the appearance of the athlete before and after classes is so different that it is impossible to believe that she did not change her gender.
  • In total, Anna Kurkurina managed to set 14 records in various types of powerlifting competitions. One of them is a bench press on a horizontal bench in the weight category up to 75 kg with a barbell of 147.5 kilograms.

The personal life of superwoman Anna Kurkurina has developed successfully. The powerlifter speaks openly about her non-traditional sexual orientation. Nevertheless, the athlete has a son, whom she gave birth to herself. The mother tries not to talk about the boy's father. The kid constantly accompanies his parent to the gym, and slowly joins the sport.

Anya's chosen one in life was Lena Serbulova, who is 24 years younger than her partner. The impressive age difference does not in the least prevent the couple from enjoying each other and remaining absolutely happy.

Until recently, the couple did not hide their tender relationship, openly declared themselves, posting a lot of photos and videos on social networks.

Recently, on the set of one of the shows, Anya announced that she had broken up with Elena. The reason was called the constant scenes of jealousy of her beloved, which she arranged because of close contacts with clients in the hall. The champion was indignant, and retorted that she was a coach, and thus earns money that Elena easily spends.

Classes with Anna Kurkurina according to her author's program give amazing results. The peculiarity of the training is the combination of aerobic and power loads, which manifest themselves in stages one after another. The coach herself calls her development “The Course of a Young Fighter”, since not every man can perform these exercises, not to mention fragile girls.

  • The main exercises are push-ups, pulling the pelvis in a jump up, without leaving the emphasis lying down, pulling up, jumping up.
  • The principle of execution is a pyramid. The first time - 10 times, then 9, 8, and so on up to 1 time.
  • The load falls on almost the entire body: shoulders, stomach, back, chest, legs, etc.
  • Pull-ups are done first. Then, after a short break, everything else.
  • Jumping technology - as high as possible, and landing - hands touch the floor.
  • In the end, hanging on the horizontal bar until you are completely tired. As a relaxation, you can consider a massage. Note that Anna herself developed the technology of anti-cellulite massage.

As a result, we dry our hands, in addition, tension is removed from the spine, the waist decreases, the press is tightened and the legs swing.