Devil's dozen: the meaning of the number 13 in numerology

From time immemorial, the number 13 has been treated with caution. Many believed that it was endowed with negative energy, and therefore brings misfortune. Some peoples, on the contrary, attributed beneficial properties to it. In numerology, this ambiguous number occupies a special place.

The Negative Meaning of the "Hell's Dozen"

The "Damn's Dozen" has long been associated with negativity, and the fear of the number 13, which scientists have even singled out as a separate phobia, has its own reasons. The number 12 - a dozen - was considered by many civilizations to be a happy sacred number, and this is quite justified: even Pythagoras, who laid the foundations of numerology, noted that a dozen symbolizes the completeness and harmony of the world space. The number 12 is associated with time cycles (12 months a year), daytime (12 hours), the generally accepted number of Zodiac Constellations. The number 13 exceeds a dozen, goes beyond order and harmony, belongs to the sphere of chaos, disorder, irrational forces, therefore it acquires a sharply negative meaning and is called, by analogy with the number 12, the "damn" dozen.

The negative perception of the 13th also has religious motives, which are also taken into account in numerology. At the Last Supper, 13 people were present at the table: the thirteenth was Judas, who betrayed Christ. Later, a sign spread that if 13 people gathered at the dinner table, the first one to get up from the table would go to another world within a year. There is also a legend that Lucifer was the thirteenth angel, who later rebelled against the will of the Lord, left the Kingdom of Heaven and became the lord of evil.

13 is considered a witch's number. According to legend, 12 witches participate in the coven, and the devil is the 13th participant in the dark rite. The time counting of witches, which goes against the harmony of the dozen, revolves around the number 13: according to the dark calendar, the number of months in a year is 13 (28 days in each month).

The negative energy of the 13th is also explained by the fact that the thirteenth Tarot card means death. The letter “M” acquires the same meaning among the ancient Israelites: the word “death” in their language begins with it, it also means the number “13”.

The positive value of the number 13

In numerology, there is also an opposite view of an ambiguous number. It is associated with unknown cosmic processes, the energy of rebellion and natural forces beyond the control of human consciousness. No matter how harmonious the number 12 is, it is impossible to fit the Universe into it. The moon, which has a huge impact on earthly life, goes through all phases 13 times a year, respectively, the number of lunar months in a year is thirteen. In addition to the 12 generally recognized signs of the zodiac, there is the thirteenth - Ophiuchus, not included in the zodiac circle. There is an opinion that there are thirteen star gates in the Universe, opening the entrance to other dimensions. In numerology, it is believed that the number 13 is a symbol of inexhaustible power and strength.

Numerology endows people who correspond to the number 13 with positive characteristics. According to the numerological horoscope, the 13th gives a person creativity, developed intuition and even supernatural abilities. No negative impact of the "devil's dozen" on fate was found.

Prejudices regarding the negative energy of the number 13 still persist. In some countries, when numbering buildings, floors, apartments, this number is skipped. In hospitals, you can rarely find place number 13, the same applies to ships, hotels, airplanes. On Friday the 13th, they are afraid to do important things, or even go out into the street. Meanwhile, this number has a complex, ambiguous energy that can bring both good and harm. There are many cases when the "devil's dozen" became a lucky number and brought good luck. Try to think less about the negative, and any number will turn in your favor. Be lucky and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.10.2015 00:50

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