What does professional growth of a teacher provide? Professional and career growth of a teacher. Psychological characteristics of a teacher’s personality

S. I. Nazarova

(Saint Petersburg)

Professional growth strategy for a modern teacher

The article is devoted to the scientific and methodological support of the process of professional growth of a teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education and the professional standard of a teacher, which is based on the principles of subject orientation, taking into account the changing requirements for the education and activities of a teacher, flexibility and variability, continuity and consistency.

In the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Standard of General Education and the Professional Standard of a Teacher, a teacher needs to build his own strategy for professional growth. In this sense, the development of a model of scientific and methodological support for improving the professional level of teachers will help to find new and effective ways to ensure the quality of the educational process in school.

The purpose of scientific and methodological support for a teacher’s professional growth is to develop systematic psychological and pedagogical knowledge in organizing the educational process, assessing and ensuring its quality. Such support should be built on the principles of subject orientation, taking into account the changing requirements for education and teacher activities, flexibility and variability, continuity and consistency, and a proactive nature.

In accordance with the requirements imposed by the professional standard and the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education for a modern teacher, he must have the ability and willingness to improve and increase his intellectual and general cultural level, know information technologies and use them in his professional and pedagogical activities, solve problem situations and take responsibility for his decisions within professional competence. Independently master new methods and educational technologies, know the systems for assessing the activities of students, master self-diagnosis and basic methods for diagnosing professional pedagogical activities and the educational process as a whole.

Inclusion of professional requirements

The first standard for the certification of teaching staff as a normative document largely determined the nature of the teacher’s activities and the attitude towards the personality of the teaching worker, his professionally important qualities and elements of qualification. The requirements for a teacher, reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard of general education and supported by a professional standard, have led to the creation of new, more advanced and predictive methods for assessing the quality of professional activity. Today, the basis for the certification procedure for teachers is a new system for assessing teaching staff, related to the implementation of the main strategic goal - improving the quality of education.

We have identified four groups of components of the quality of education.

The first component of the system for monitoring the quality of education in a school was to determine the quality of the results of the educational process. The pursued goal was to satisfy the educational needs of students and increase the comfort of school life. The objects of monitoring were: the dynamics of changes in the training, development and education of students, readiness to continue education, the study of the psychological state of students, relationships with teachers, educators, parents, friends, satisfaction of their cognitive needs and the study of their health. The forms of monitoring studies were as follows: observation, conversations, questionnaires, testing, control and methodological sections of knowledge, also medical examination and observation, conversations with parents. The obtained monitoring results were the basis for the design

understanding the goals and resources of educational and educational work, planning and adjusting plans for methodological work in specific subjects.

The second component of monitoring the quality of education in a school was the quality of the educational process, its conditions and resources - the results of lessons, events, activities, etc. were assessed. The pursued goal was to provide optimal conditions for organizing the educational process. The objects of monitoring were: the quality of lessons, extracurricular in-school events and activities, methodological and experimental activities. Forms of monitoring research - in-school monitoring of lessons, events, activities, extracurricular activities, including classes in sections, etc. The work of methodological associations, problem-creative groups, and experimental work was analyzed. The obtained monitoring results were the basis for constructing the goals of methodological and organizational work, planning and adjusting the content and technologies of intra-school control.

The third component of monitoring the quality of education in a school was the quality of staffing in the educational process, which was assessed based on the results of the teacher’s performance. The purpose of the monitoring was to provide optimal conditions for the teacher to implement all professional competencies and ensure the comfort of his activities. The objects of monitoring were: the dynamics of growth in the level of professional competence of the teacher; studying the psychological state of teachers and educators, their attitude to work; teacher’s and educator’s assessment of the results of their work, satisfaction with the results, the level of their professionalism, and participation in the life of the school. The forms of monitoring studies were interviews, lesson analysis, questionnaires, observations, conversations and other reporting documents. The obtained monitoring results were the basis for planning and adjusting teacher self-education plans, designing the school’s scientific and methodological work, as well as the basis for assessing the quality of intra-school control and other types of management activities of the school administration.

The fourth component of monitoring the quality of education was the quality of management of the educational organization and the educational process of the school as a whole. The purpose of monitoring is to provide optimal conditions for the implementation of the tasks and main mission of the school by all participants in the educational process. The objects of monitoring were: management structure, methods of management activities, style of management activities and the level of professional competence of management subjects. Forms of monitoring research - questionnaires, self-analysis, observations, external examination.

The key point of school monitoring of the quality of education in a school is the inclusion of the teacher as a subject in monitoring technologies. Ideas, concepts, values ​​can be “hidden” in the real educational process behind methods and technologies, which for many teachers play the role of goal-setting resources. An important link in the management of the educational process is the psychological and pedagogical conditions created at school for “personal growth” and the implementation of the teacher’s professional competencies in the system of intra-school methodological and experimental activities.

In the course of experimental work carried out at the experimental site of school No. 4 in Vsevolozhsk, Leningrad region, each professional competence was considered as a unity of three components: cognitive - the presence of a system of pedagogical and special subject knowledge; operational-technological - mastery of methods, technologies, methods of pedagogical interaction, methods of teaching a given subject; personal - ethical and social positions and attitudes, personality traits of a specialist.

The developed and tested working model for monitoring the system of competencies of a modern teacher allows him to build his own strategy for professional growth and includes the following components: subject-methodological, psychological-pedagogical, research, acmeological, communicative, competence in the field of valeology of the educational process, competence in the field of media technologies and design skills

Monitoring map of teacher professional competence

No. Monitoring components Year, month Self-assessment Expert assessment

1 Subject-methodological

2 Psychological and pedagogical

3 Valeological

4 Communication

5 Media technology

6 Management of the “teacher-student” system

7 Broadcasting your own experience

8 Research

9 Acmeological

didactic equipment of the educational process, competence in the field of managing the “teacher-student” system and competence in the field of transmitting one’s own experience.

Having included this system of competencies in the structure of the model for monitoring the quality of education in a school, we were based on the fact that constant monitoring of the school’s management staff and self-control of the teacher will give tangible results in enhancing pedagogical activity, and therefore the effectiveness of the educational and cognitive process of students.

Currently, Vsevolozhsk School No. 4 has developed a technology for monitoring the level of professional competence of a teacher; it represents an algorithm for the joint activities of all subjects of the educational process. Every year, the teacher’s professional competence monitoring card is filled out first by the teacher, then by an expert group, which includes all members of the school’s certification commission (table).

When filling out a professional competence monitoring card, the results of annual administrative control, teacher participation in the methodological and experimental work of the school, certification results, training in advanced training courses, etc. are taken into account. The system for assessing the professional competence of a teacher has been developed taking into account the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher and is a normative document in quality management.

vom education in this school. For example, the assessment of the subject-methodological competence of a teacher has an optimal level if the teacher is well versed in modern publications on didactics, follows modern research in basic sciences, which is reflected in the equipment of the classroom, the organization of educational activities, the content of classroom and extracurricular activities of students, and also has We have a variety of working methods and techniques, including group and project-based ones. However, the assessment will be critical if the teacher practically does not follow advances in the development of new approaches to teaching his subject, does not use periodicals and mainly uses traditional methods. And the assessment of a teacher’s professional competence will be sufficient if the teacher uses the material of pedagogical publications to prepare reports, reports, and uses group and project forms of work with students. Occasionally uses information about the latest achievements of science in the content of the educational process.

Monitoring cards are stored in the public domain in the teacher’s teaching office and management folder. Monitoring data is used in management and is the material for the annual analysis of the level of professional competence of the teacher and helps to timely adjust the process of continuous professional development of the teacher, which determines the quality of education and the effectiveness of modern activities.

Based on the monitoring results, “sagging” competencies are identified and the choice of the teacher’s individual methodological topic is determined. As a rule, it reflects the connection between the forms of work of a teacher and the components of his professional competence. For example, during monitoring it turns out that the teacher needs to increase the level of valeological competence. The teacher is recommended to choose forms of activity that increase the levels of one or another type of competence.

Mennoi schools.

Such forms can be, for example: out-of-school courses on communication technologies and valeology; work in a problem-solving group at school; work on the topic of self-education throughout the year, summarizing the results achieved at a methodological association or pedagogical council; development and implementation of a thematic cycle of classroom activities; organizing and conducting an interdisciplinary elective course; summarizing articles from periodicals with presentations at the methodological association.


1. Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social. Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n “On approval of the professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)”: registered by the Ministry of Justice on December 6, 2013, reg. No. 30550 [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www.rg.ru/2013/12/18/pedagog-dok.html

2. Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010, with amendments approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 2014 No. 1644.

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4. Brezhneva M.N., Nazarova S.I., Pervutinsky V.G. Content and technology of monitoring that determine the level of professional competence of a teacher // Innovative activity of a teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education: collection. scientific Art. / under general ed. I. I. Sokolova, T. A. Kaplunovich. - St. Petersburg: Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution IUO RAO in St. Petersburg, 2016. - P. 108-118.

5. Nazarova S.I. Expertise of the quality of pedagogical education based on the professional standard // Person and Education. - 2015. - No. 1 (42). - pp. 129-133.

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Modeling the professional growth of a teacher.

Yudina O.V.,

teacher of Russian language and literature

highest qualification category

KOGOBU secondary school with UIOP in Omutninsk,

head of OMO teachers

Russian language and literature

Eastern educational district.

I'm not sailing where the wind blows,

and how to set the sail.

Probably everyone has wondered at least once in their life whether they chose the right path and whether they would be happier if they chose a different path. This happens quite often with teachers, so it is very important for each of us to know that you have established yourself in the profession, that not only children, but also colleagues listen to your opinion, that you have something to learn from you, that you are interesting. It is gratifying to see that the problem of teaching staff has also affected the government: one of the directions of the national educational initiative “Our New School” is the improvement of the teaching corps; the system of teacher education needs to be seriously modernized.

In our school, in the 2007-2008 academic year, work began on the creation and implementation of the project “From pedagogical hope to pedagogical skill and creativity,” in which I took part. In this article I will try to tell how the implementation of this project affected my professional development, how the model of my professional growth was compiled and implemented.

The basis was taken as a program involving the following stages of work (see diagram 1):

  1. determining the teacher’s starting position through a system of diagnostics;
  2. choosing forms of work aimed at the professional development of the teacher;
  3. implementation of a set of planned activities;
  4. summing up, reflection;
  5. determination of a new starting position.

Scheme 1

According to this program, first of all it was necessary to determine my starting position as a teacher.

At that time I had some achievements:

education: higher pedagogical, Vyatka State Pedagogical University, 1998;

teaching experience: 13 years;

awards and incentives:

Diploma of a student in the course “Internet technologies for subject teachers” for the best final work – presentation on the topic “Silver Age of Russian Poetry.” 11/19/2005;

Certificate of honor from the Russian Educational Institution for creative pedagogical work, significant success in organizing and improving the educational and educational process. Order 11-n. 2005;

Certificate from the Russian Educational Institution for creative pedagogical work, significant success in organizing the educational process" Order No. 20-n dated September 27, 2006;

Letter of gratitude from KIPC and PRO for great fruitful work and high professionalism within the framework of the activities of the creative laboratory “Development and improvement of the ability for verbal interaction and social adaptation of students in Russian language and literature lessons” Order No. 229/od dated 01.08.2007.

Next, a set of diagnostics of the professional and personal qualities of the teacher was carried out. The diagnostic stage includes the selection, implementation, analysis of diagnostic materials and determination of the stage of professional growth at which the teacher is located. For this purpose, various diagnostics were used, proposed by the school’s psychological service:

"Personal differential". Compiled by Istratova O.N. Goal: study of socio-psychological properties of personality, self-awareness.

"The ability of self-regulation." Compiled by Istratova O.N. Goal: learn about the ability to control oneself in various situations.

“Teacher’s ability for self-development.” Compiled by Rogov V.I. Goal: to identify the teacher’s ability for self-development.

“Who am I in this world?” Compiled by Rogov V.I. Purpose: to study teacher self-esteem.

“Factors of teacher self-development.” Compiled by Rogov V.I. Purpose: to identify factors that impede and stimulate teacher learning, development and self-development.

"Scale for assessing the need for professional achievements." Compiled by Rogov V.I. Purpose: to measure the level of achievement motivation.

Methodology “Teacher’s Value Orientations”. By M. Rokeach. Purpose: to study value orientations.

(The named diagnostics are presented in the following publications:

The best psychological tests. – Petrozavodsk: “Peterokom”, 1991;

Handbook for a practical psychologist: Textbook. Manual: In 2 books. – 2nd ed., revised and additional. – M.: VLADOS, 1998.)

Diagnostics showed:

  • teacher’s ability for self-development – ​​36 points;
  • level of achievement motivation – 14 points;
  • level of development of teacher professional competence – 82 points;
  • level of communication and organizational aptitudes – 12 points;
  • teacher’s communication style – 29 points;

Total number: 73 points, which corresponds to the average indicator of teacher development.

Thus, based on the results of the first stage of work, we can conclude:

the teacher is ready to use innovations, knows interactive forms and methods of teaching, owns modern pedagogical technologies, knows how to analyze and evaluate his individual style, i.e. The teacher is at the 4th stage of professional development - mastery.

The next very important stage in the implementation of the program was the identification of forms of methodological work that would help me rise to a higher level of professional development. Here are some of them:

  1. participation in methodological events:
  • professional skills competitions;
  • scientific and practical conferences;
  • creative laboratory;
  • Methodical Olympiad for Teachers;
  1. exchange of work experience through
  • speeches-presentations;
  • publications;
  • the work of a teacher-androgogist of KIPK and PRO;
  • conducting open lessons;
  1. mastering new technologies of pedagogical activity:
  • pedagogical workshop;
  • master class;
  • workshop.

In 2008, I began work on a new methodological topic “Use of information technology in Russian language lessons to increase student motivation.”

To implement the methodological theme, the necessary resources were available: the courses “Information Technologies in Education” were completed, the opportunity became available to use information technologies in the educational process, and participate in distance competitions at various levels. Pedagogical experience in implementing the methodological theme was presented through publications in the collection of reports of the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Problems of Teaching and Educational Activities of Educational Institutions”, holding a master class “Technology of Conducting a Public Lesson” at the OMO of teachers of the Russian language and literature, open lessons on the culture of speech “Ecology of Language” within the framework of the regional creative laboratory of the Department of Educational Development Management KIPK and PRO (technology of pedagogical workshops), “Take care of our language!” within the framework of the KIPK and PRO courses “Management of the development of children's giftedness in a secondary school” in the form of a public lesson at the district and regional levels.

There was a need to improve professional competence, therefore, without waiting for the next courses, I took part in course training on the following issues:

“Increasing the professional competence of teachers in the context of modernization of education (specialized school).” 2008

“Managing the development of adolescent giftedness in a secondary school.” 2009

“Problems of dissemination of innovative management and pedagogical experience.” 2009

I was particularly interested in the research work in the creative laboratories of KIPK and PRO:

“Development and improvement of the ability to
speech interaction and social adaptation of students"

“Management of the development of giftedness of adolescents in a secondary school”

“Current problems of in-depth study of the Russian language”

This work helped to analyze my teaching activities.

Various methodological events at the school, district, district and regional levels aroused unprecedented interest.

As a result of the implementation of the professional growth program, the following achievements appeared:

teacher of the highest qualification category (since 2009);

Head of the Republican Educational Institution for Teachers of Russian Language and Literature;

member of the methodological Council of the school and the regional educational institution of the Omutninsky district;

member of the working group of OMO teachers of Russian language and literature of the Eastern Educational District;

head of the OMO of teachers of Russian language and literature of the Eastern educational district;

expert of the certification commission of teachers of the Eastern Educational District;

Member of the School Council.

Thus, I was given the opportunity to rise to a higher level of professional growth.

The newly conducted diagnostics showed that, having scored a total of 197 points, I moved to the 5th stage of teacher professional development - an increased level of readiness for innovation (according to A. K. Markova)

Professional growth was noticed by colleagues, I became the winner of the professional school competition “Starry Hour”, a prize-winner of the subject-methodological Olympiad of Russian language teachers in the Kirov region in 2010, and was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Department of Education of the Kirov region for creative pedagogical work, significant success in teaching and education the younger generation (2009), and in 2012 - the winner of the competitive selection of the best teaching workers in the region.

There is a new stage ahead. New prospects for professional growth were also outlined:

work in the creative laboratory of KIPK and PRO “Organization of student research activities in educational institutions”;

experimental activities on professional and personal development (Vyatsky State State University);

development, implementation and implementation of Federal State Educational Standards LLC;

the formation of a teacher-androgogist, i.e. work as a teacher in advanced training courses, which are conducted on the basis of our school as a methodological center of the Institute for Educational Development of the Kirov Region;

participation in All-Russian competitions and projects;

The profession of a teacher does not allow you to stand still, it requires constant growth, so there is still a lot of interesting and new things ahead.

Thus, the program implemented at school within the framework of the project makes it possible to make the process of teacher professional development more focused, and therefore more effective.

I agree with L.N. Tolstoy: “The ideal is a guiding star. Without it there is no firm direction, and without direction there is no life.”

An article about the relationship between lifelong learning and teaching effectiveness.

The current stage of Russia's development is characterized by deep and multifaceted transformations that are manifested in all spheres of the functioning of society. The result of socio-political changes in the country was a new social order, formulated as the goal of education: creating conditions for the development of an active, creative personality capable of adapting to a changing world, when a competitive personality with a focus on continuous self-development is in demand. And teachers, as the main participants in the education process of every citizen, are subject to high demands. In the 21st century, there is a need to find answers to questions related to the professional development of teaching staff, its structure, content, technologies and assessment of the quality of teacher training and education in general.

In this regard, the practice of implementing the professional and pedagogical activities of teachers is changing significantly. These changes are largely explained by a new understanding of the purpose and result of education, which is formulated in documents of educational reform in Russia and in the world in the format of achieving a new quality of mass education. The question becomes extremely important: “How exactly should the professional and pedagogical activity of a teacher change in order to ensure a new quality of education that meets the “challenges of the time?” Over the past decades, the sociocultural situation in our country has changed significantly. Russia is becoming an open country, building a market economy and a rule of law state, which increases the degree of freedom and responsibility of a person for his own well-being and for the well-being of society. Human capital in the modern world is becoming the main resource for the development of any country, a factor ensuring its stability and progress. Russia, like any country, needs mobile and highly qualified specialists who are capable of making independent responsible decisions in the face of the uncertainty of a rapidly changing world, which, of course, places special demands on the education system.

An analysis of the directions of modernization of education in Russia shows that

that the main expected change is the achievement of a new quality of education, which corresponds to the main factors of development of modern society:

  • Informatization of social life (establishing the priority of constructing personal knowledge based on independent work with a variety of information).
  • The formation of an open society, which ensures a significant expansion of the human environment and numerous intersections of individual environments.
  • The formation of civil society, which increases the degree of freedom and, consequently, human responsibility in the implementation of life activities
  • The formation of a new cultural type of personality (the characteristics of which are activity, independence and responsibility of the individual).
  • Lifelong professionalization (which implies a person’s willingness to learn and relearn throughout his life).

These factors have a direct impact on the field of education, on the modern understanding of the quality of education and, consequently, on the professional pedagogical activity of the teacher.

The opinion of students and their parents regarding the priority tasks of the school can also be considered as a social order for the education system, reflecting the main meaning of school education - the formation of individual potential - focused on achieving primarily personal results. Society's requirements relate to the quality of the result and reflect such human characteristics as initiative, independence in decision-making, motivation for continuous education and professional growth, which constitute the characteristics of the modern cultural personality type.

An important aspect of understanding the quality of education at the present stage is the need to provide quality education for all students. These are the goals put forward by the UNESCO Education for All program. However, if in a number of countries around the world there are acute problems such as ensuring the population’s access to education, inclusion in the primary education system, and ensuring quality education for women, then in Russia the goals of the “Education for All” program have certain specifics, namely: ensuring equality of the population of the corresponding age in the opportunity to receive a quality education, regardless of social status, family income, level of training, place of residence (primarily the difference in the capabilities of urban and rural schools), etc.

The quality of resource provision for Russian schools is very heterogeneous. However, today it is absolutely clear that in mass school practice, an extremely powerful resource for ensuring the quality of education - the potential of the teaching corps - is not always effectively used. The educational results of Russian schoolchildren today are very high in the field of so-called academic knowledge in school subjects - knowledge of facts, laws, procedures, algorithms, etc. At the same time, it is clear that the modern quality of education requires more - the ability to apply school knowledge to solve life problems.

Thus, in modern conditions of development of domestic education, it is extremely important to understand exactly how professional pedagogical activity should change, since it is the teacher who is the main subject of changes in education and without his active participation progressive changes are impossible.

In domestic research on educational theory, the humanistic paradigm is considered as the leading research approach. A person is understood as a unique, holistic personality, developing in the process of active self-realization of his creative potential in a system of interaction with other people. The humanistic paradigm is based on the results of understanding the problems of self-actualization, self-regulation, self-realization of the individual, the search for the meaning of life, purposeful and value-oriented behavior, creativity, freedom of choice, dignity, responsibility, integrity, global thinking, central to humanistic psychology (G.A. Berulava, M N. Berulava, I. A. Zimnyaya, V. P. Zimnechenko).

Levels of teacher professional development

The main characteristic of a teacher’s activity should be considered pedagogical competence- effective mastery of the system of educational skills, which in their totality allow him to carry out educational activities at a competent professional level and achieve optimal education for students. The set of various professional skills of a teacher is called pedagogical technique.

The concept of “pedagogical technology” includes two groups of indicators. The first group is associated with the teacher’s ability to manage his behavior: control of his body (control of emotions, mood, facial expressions, pantomime, relieving mental stress, creating creative well-being); social-perceptual abilities (attention, observation, imagination), speech technique (diction, speech rate), etc.

The second group of indicators of pedagogical technology is associated with the ability to influence a person and reveals the technological side of the pedagogical process: didactic, organizational, constructive, communicative, diagnostic-analytical and other skills.

The next stage of a teacher’s professional growth is pedagogical skill, which is traditionally understood as educational competence brought to a high degree of perfection, reflecting the special refinement of methods and techniques for applying psychological and pedagogical theory in practice, which ensures high efficiency of the educational process. For a modern teacher, the most important knowledge is theoretical (knowledge of modern psychological and pedagogical concepts), methodological (knowledge of the general principles of studying pedagogical phenomena, patterns of socialization of teaching and upbringing) and technological (knowledge of not only traditional, but also innovative educational technologies).

Pedagogical technique as a component of a teacher’s professional skills is adjusted mainly in practical activities. However, when mastering new pedagogical principles and technologies, a necessary condition is not only the improvement of technical pedagogical techniques, but also the personal self-development of the teacher, his self-actualization. The process of self-actualization includes the transition of potential personality characteristics into actual ones and acts as the main mechanism of self-development.

In this regard, it is advisable to dwell on the psychological requirements for the personality of a teacher mastering new pedagogical technologies. They include: variability of thinking, empathy (the ability to tune into the “wave” of another person), tolerance (tolerance of dissent), communication (as a culture of dialogue), reflexivity, the ability to cooperate, etc.

The development of these qualities determines a high level of general culture, psychological, pedagogical and technological competence, and the creative abilities of the teacher. All this helps to increase the level of his readiness for innovation in general and for mastering new pedagogical technologies in particular. Readiness is defined as a qualitative indicator of the maturity of a teacher’s self-regulation, as an active state of the individual, expressing the ability to solve pedagogical problems, taking into account the specific conditions and circumstances of practical activity. Determining readiness for innovative activity cannot be limited to the characteristics of the teacher’s experience and skill.

Readiness for innovation is a personal manifestation of a creative style of activity, which uniquely combines a certain personal orientation, desire, and need to introduce new methods and forms of professional activity (“combination” of psychological, theoretical and practical readiness).

Higher level of teacher qualifications - pedagogical creativity. It is connected not so much with the production of new ideas and principles, but with their modernization and modification.

Only at the highest level of his professional activity - innovation - does the teacher put forward and implement new, progressive ideas, principles, techniques in the process of teaching and education.

“Innovator” means “renovator,” that is, a person who introduces and implements new, progressive principles, ideas, techniques in a particular area of ​​activity.

A teacher who is proficient in modern pedagogical technologies and has a technological culture must be flexible when using teaching methods and means, be able to modify his professional actions, while developing his own own pedagogical technology.

The teacher’s readiness to create an original technology, characterized by the consistency of methodological techniques, the originality of their combination in an integral system that corresponds to a single plan and personal experience of the teacher, and the author’s style of his teaching activity is one of the most important indicators of a teacher’s personal development.

The most important condition, mechanism and result of developing a teacher’s readiness to create an original pedagogical (didactic, educational) technology is individual author's style activities of the teacher.

Self-education of a teacher is a purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the teacher himself. This activity includes several stages:

  • choosing the direction and topic of self-education,
  • formulating the goals and objectives of self-education,
  • determining the range of information sources,
  • choosing a form of self-education,
  • drawing up a self-education plan,
  • determination of the result of self-education.
  • analysis and evaluation of activities in the process of self-education, preparation of a report.

For the emergence of internal motivation of teachers, the emergence of personal meaning, and changes in semantic attitudes, it is necessary to create conditions in the form of:

  • transformation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge;
  • formation of a reflexive position;
  • awareness and transformation of motive;
  • ensuring success in activities.

The modern system of advanced training for education workers is developing rapidly and is constantly being improved and updated. Most students are guided by the activity of the teacher himself, which, in turn, depends on their own career goals, professional tasks and personal needs.

Definition of career growth

Career growth is defined in different ways. But in general terms the following definition can be given.

Definition 1

Career growth is a path of official or professional advancement deliberately chosen and implemented by an employee, which guarantees the professional and social self-affirmation of a person in accordance with the level of his qualifications.

In pedagogical science, problems of career growth were studied by E. Shein, M. V. Alexandrova, D. A. Ashirov, V. G. Polyakov, B. Z. Vulfov, S. D. Reznik and other scientists. They quite thoroughly developed the concept of a career in organizational management. For example, in 1971, Dr. E. Schein of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology proposed to consider a career in the form of a three-dimensional cone. The scientist noted that career planning is a slow process of developing professional self-concept and self-determination in determining personal capabilities, talents, skills, relationships with others and values. Successful career growth depends not only on the motives and motivations of a particular individual, but also on opportunities.

Until quite recently, domestic pedagogy did not use the concept of “career”. This word was mostly negative. Recently, the negative opinion about my career has begun to disappear. Today, a person who “makes a career” is viewed more as a person who is focused on realizing his professional potential.

What is vertical and horizontal career growth?

For a long time, only those careers that implied upward mobility were considered successful. However, for one person success is advancement in accordance with the ascending levels of the hierarchy, for another it is the likelihood of creativity and mastery within the confines of the position held.

Definition 2

Therefore, today the concept of “career” in general and in the education system in particular is understood ambiguously:

  1. Vertical career: involves moving up the career ladder;
  2. Horizontal career: reflects the continuation of the teacher’s professional abilities in the absence of a change in his place in the hierarchy of official positions.

Some researchers believe that horizontal and vertical careers represent not only different methods of living in a profession, but also different methods of living in general.

Professional and career growth horizontally is accompanied by a feeling of professional independence, self-organization and inexhaustibility of the position held.

Example 1

An example of a horizontal career is the acquisition of competencies that are not typical for teachers. A foreign language teacher creates his own website on the Internet, on which he communicates with his students, thereby increasing the learning properties of the provided advanced training course. The second teacher masters new technologies and becomes the creator of a multimedia electronic textbook.

A horizontal career of a teacher can develop under specific organizational and pedagogical criteria, which include:

  • Manager's point of view;
  • The presence of external characteristics of success in moving to a specialty (merits, results of research activities, etc.);
  • Availability of an adequate assessment system, its comparison with the values ​​of a particular employee;
  • Help and stimulation of creativity;
  • Development of reflexive and creative qualities.

Now that the state program for the development of education for 2011 - 2020 is being successfully implemented, great abilities are being revealed for teachers who do not want to leave their favorite job, who sincerely love to teach children and understand how to do it skillfully. The implementation of the presented program creates certain conditions for career opportunities, which include the following:

  • Stimulating teachers who actively implement modern educational technologies;
  • Municipal assistance to young and professional teachers;
  • Approval from the best teachers.

And this, by the way, provokes teachers to master the latest methods of methodological work, scientific study, and understand the significance of their own practical activities.

In recent years, the number of teachers who have decided to engage in research work has increased significantly, which also contributes to their career advancement. Of course, this criterion is still relatively small in the system of advanced training, but there is still a noticeable increase in the number of teachers who want to increase their own competence through research activity.

These are just some of the career options for today's teachers. Naturally, there are other paths to the genesis of a career in the education system, since a career must be considered not only from the point of view of climbing the administrative ladder, but also as the likelihood of becoming a successful specialist in one’s activity.

Professional growth

If we consider the career growth of a teacher as a dynamic process, then it should be noted that it is directly related to professional growth, as well as personal readiness for self-development and self-improvement within the framework of one’s own professional activities.

Definition 3

Teacher's professional development– this is the process of development, integration and implementation in pedagogical work of professionally important personal properties and abilities, professional knowledge and skills; a functional, high-quality transformation by a person of his own inner world, which as a result leads to a consciously new way of life.

The main importance in professional growth is the teacher himself, as well as his expectations and ideas about his working future.

Today, a teaching career requires special attention. The developing community does not care who will work with teachers: a dispassionate performer or a professional striving to better reveal his own creative potential. This is what dictates the need for research and implementation in the educational field of concepts, programs and models for designing a career for the teaching staff of the IPC, which are aimed at helping, supporting, encouraging and applying all real career growth skills.

The following stages of teacher professional growth are distinguished:

  • Pedagogical skill;
  • Craftsmanship;
  • Creation;
  • Innovation.
Definition 4

Pedagogical skill represents the base of teacher skill, in the absence of which it is impossible to teach children at school. Pedagogical skill is based on the necessary theoretical and practical training of a teacher, which is provided in pedagogical educational institutions and continues to be improved at school.

The next stage of professional growth of a teacher is teaching skills.

Definition 5

Pedagogical excellence represents a high-quality characteristic of a teacher’s teaching and educational activities, that is, it is educational and educational skill brought to the highest degree of perfection.

Of course, in order to develop pedagogical skills, a teacher must possess all the necessary natural qualities, a strong voice, good hearing, external charm, etc. However, despite the fundamental meaning of natural and personal data that contribute to successful pedagogical activity, acquired properties are of main importance.

Pedagogical creativity also has significant specificity.

Definition 6

Pedagogical creativity includes specific components of novelty, but often this novelty has less to do with the promotion of new thoughts and principles of study and teaching, and more to do with modifying the methods of teaching and educational work, their specific modernization.

Definition 7

The highest level of professional activity of a teacher is pedagogical innovation. It includes the introduction and implementation of new, modern thoughts, fundamentals and methods into the learning process, significantly changing and increasing their quality.

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Intra-school control - the relationship between teacher professional growth and school success

When our school started, 13 years ago, the average age of its teachers was 30 years old, and as the school grows, so do its teachers. In the word “growth” I mean not only a time (age) framework, but first of all I mean the professional growth of teachers. In our school, and I think in yours too, the issue of teacher professional development is not allocated to separate control, butconsists of the results of all educational activities of the teacher, this is control over the progress of students and the quality of their knowledge, control over the level of teaching of the subject, over the volume of implementation of educational programs, over preparation for the state final certification, over the maintenance of documentation, these are issues of thematic checks. In the school Regulations on the HSC, one of the goals of control is stated to be…. In general, all intra-school control, by and large, is control over education at school, which means it is aimed at the professional improvement of teachers.

Studying any issue within the framework of internal school control allows us to identify strong and weak links in the work of a particular teacher, find the causes of problems arising in teaching activities, think through a system of measures to eliminate them, and eliminate shortcomings. Control is carried out both in the form of inspection and in the form of providing methodological assistance. The in-school control plan is adjusted as necessary. Control is carried out in compliance with its basic principles: scientific nature, transparency, objectivity, cyclicality, planning. The results of control are discussed at pedagogical councils, meetings with the director, meetings of methodological associations, in conversations with teachers, we inform parents of some of the results of inspections at class meetings, certificates are drawn up based on the results of control, and orders are issued.

Professional growth of teachers is possible only when certain conditions are created at school that contribute to the formation of an atmosphere of mutual support, respect, and psychological comfort.

At our school, all work on the formation and improvement of the necessary competencies of a teacher is built within the framework of the methodological theme - “Improving the quality of the educational process through improving the professional skills of teachers.” To work in this direction, the following tasks were identified within the framework of internal school control:

  1. Studying pedagogical needs through diagnostics and monitoring. Organization of reflective activities of teachers during the analysis of teaching activities, development of ways to solve pedagogical problems and difficulties.
  2. Development of mechanisms for including teachers in innovative activities.
  3. Identification, generalization and dissemination of the experience of creative teachers.
  4. Providing methodological support to the teacher in self-educational activities. Ensuring the growth of professional competence of school teachers during the work of teachers on self-education topics.

Intra-school control and teacher professional growth are reflected in such areas and indicators as the use of modern educational technologies. The course system of advanced training is under control, including the in-school system of advanced training through theoretical and practice-oriented seminars, open lessons, and master classes. HSC is also closely related to pedagogical certification

Intensifies the work of teachers on creative self-development by participating in meetings of the pedagogical council on such issues as “Modern lesson: traditions and innovations”, “Professional competence of a teacher”. In the form of a round table at the teachers' council, we discussed the following questions: “Culture and education of the teacher”, “Image of a modern teacher”, “Ways out of conflict situations”.

One of the directions of the HSC is the use of modern pedagogical technologies, methods and forms of organizing the educational process. This issue is monitored when organizing and conducting annual methodological weeks, which are held on a single topic, for example, last year methodological weeks were held:

- “Modern pedagogical technologies as a factor in the formation of the educational space of the school”,

- “Use of national-regional component and local history material in lessons”

- “Activation of the mental activity of junior schoolchildren”;

- “Application of Singaporean structures in teaching Russian language and literature”

– “Modern approaches to teaching: Teaching for the 21st century

- “Education Strategy in the Development of National Education” (within the framework of this week, a regional seminar of teachers of the Tatar language and literature was held)

– “Innovations in teaching science and mathematics subjects.”

Based on the results of the methodological weeks, folders-albums were prepared with a plan for the week, developments of lessons, classes, seminars, as well as a small photo report on the work.

The fact that teachers are improving their skills can be seen from the qualitative changes in the work of students that are presented at the traditional school scientific and practical conference of students. As part of the conference, internal school monitoring is carried out over the state of work to involve students in research activities. An annual analysis of the event shows that the level of students’ training is growing and allows them to present their projects at scientific and practical conferences not only at school, but also in the region and in the republic. Thus, over the past academic year, school teachers prepared:

7 winners and runners-uprepublicanResearch and development team, work supervisors – (teachers – full name...)

9 winners and runners-up district Research and development team, work supervisors - (teachers - full name....)

Today, our school has developed a certain system for the development of professional competence of teachers and a system of intra-school control over the professional growth of teachers.

Each teacher specified the general methodological theme of the school, taking into account his activities and formulated his own methodological theme, developed a self-education plan according to a scheme (form) convenient for him. The main condition is that the work should not be formal. At meetings with the director, meetings of the ShMO, seminars in the school and district, teachers share their pedagogical findings with colleagues, paying special attention to the problem they were working on, and conduct self-analysis of their activities.

So, just for the last academic year:

Summarized their work experience in the form of speeches at the level schools 20 teachers, at the level district – 10 teachers, at the level republics – 3 teachers (teachers – full name....)

18 teachers posted their methodological developments in open professional communities on the Internet; 3 teachers published teaching materials in printed publications (teachers – full name....)

All teachers took part in seminars, conferences at the district level, at the republican level - 10 teachers, at the Russian level (via videoconference) - 3 teachers

The results of teachers’ work for a specific academic year at the end of it are presented in the form of a report in tabular form; a single form allows you to quickly summarize the results of teachers’ work for the school as a whole. Information certificate about the work of the teacher (Appendix). Teachers also find this report form convenient because... in turn, helps to quickly supplement the Portfolio without wasting time. All teachers of the school created their own Portfolio and they are designed in accordance with the Portfolio Regulations that we developed for our school. This work has been ongoing for 4 years. School teachers also created electronic Portfolios; this form is also very convenient for teachers when they need to quickly submit materials about themselves either for certification or to participate in competitions - the template is already ready. In addition to the fact that the teacher has completed his Portfolio, we have also started holding a school competition for the Teacher’s Portfolio and are summing up the results on the eve of March 8, because Our team is mostly female and it’s nice to receive recognition from colleagues on the eve of the holiday. Such a competition is a kind of incentive in the work of a teacher. In general, we have identified the incentives for teacher professional development into the following groups:

Motives for self-realization: when the teacher has the opportunity to givea master class for teachers of a school, city or region, has the opportunity to work on a program of interest, use educational technologies; develop your own proprietary program, etc.

Personal development motive: here we include internships, prestigious courses, provision of time for methodological work, additional days for vacation,

Self-affirmation motive: i.e.achieving social success means participating in conferences, seminars at various levels, summarizing and sharing experience, preparing your own publications, and representing the school at important events, involvement of teachers in the management of methodological associations, pedagogical certification for 1st and highest qualification categories.

Need to be part of a team:This means inclusion in various bodies and groups that solve important problems in the life of the school, delegation of powers.

Competitive motive:participation in professional competitions, as well as a rating system for assessing teacher performance (at the beginning of the school year, a commission works to evaluate the work for the past year and scores are calculated for the quality of NSET, and here the financial motive also comes into play)

The results of stimulating and motivating teachers for professional growth include the following facts:

2 teachers of our school completed foreign internships - in America and Singapore;

2 teachers are trainers in the Singaporean education system and participate in training teachers in the district;

3 school teachers are heads of district methodological associations

(you saw lessons from 2 of them today). School librarian and deputy VR directors also lead the corresponding district associations of librarians and class teachers of schools in the district

The school has 9 teachers with the highest qualification. category, 17 first category;

The school's teachers take an active part in various professional competitions. Among them are the winners of the competition for the best teachers within the framework of PNPE; every year several teachers become winners of the republican competition - the “Our Best Teacher” grant (4-6). Only for the last school year. year, 14 teachers participated in various professional competitions.

The professional growth of school teachers can also be judged by the results in children’s extracurricular activities. So, over the past academic year, the school’s teachers prepared winners, prize-winners and laureates of various competitions and olympiads:

- 37 international level(teachers – full name....)

- 91 All-Russian level(teachers – full name....)

- 15 republican level(teachers – full name....)

- 36 district level(teachers – full name....)

But, of course, along with good results in the professional development of teachers, there are also a number of problems. And first of all, these are not very good results of the Unified State Exam of the last academic year. We discussed this problem both at the School of Education and the Pedagogical Council, identified problem areas, set goals for this academic year, now we are working on them, trying, but what will come of it will only be clear after the exams. It is clear that we have something to work on and issues of professional development will always be relevant in internal school control!