What to do if patent leather shoes have become small. How to stretch shoes at home. Professional Shoe Stretching Tools

Sometimes, choosing a pair of shoes they like, customers decide to take it, despite the fact that it is a little pressing. The seller, of course, will say that this is a temporary inconvenience and the pair will stretch over the leg, it is worth walking in it once. But if you take a pair that immediately fits in size, then the skin will stretch and lose its shape. The seller can be understood: his salary depends on whether they buy shoes or not. But what about a customer if a new pair mercilessly crushes her leg and erases the skin to bloody calluses?

Idealizing shoes: how to break patent leather shoes

You can save the situation if you bought shoes of inappropriate fullness. There is no way to correct the error with the size. The easiest way to deal with stretching leather shoes. It will help the property of the skin to stretch when wet. It is more difficult to deal with patent leather shoes, but it is possible.

There are several ways to break patent leather shoes. When choosing the most convenient one, you need to remember that a poor-quality varnish coating can crack and ruin all the joy of a new thing.

Method one, or How to quickly break patent leather shoes

The tool is ideal for stretching black patent leather shoes. But with colored ones, it is better to use a different method due to possible color damage.

Tight shoes can be moistened from the inside with a liquid prepared according to the following recipe:

  • 100 g of vodka;
  • 100 g of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dishwashing detergents.

Mix all the ingredients and dampen the lining of the shoes well. Put on your leg and walk around until completely dry. Of course, such operations should not be done before going long distances. You can do stretching along with your normal household chores.

The procedure can be repeated if it did not work out enough to spread the first time.

Method two, or How to break patent leather shoes at home

Everyone, probably, noticed that from prolonged rinsing in hot water, the skin on the hands seemed to stretch. Hot water has the same effect on the skin. It is enough to moisten the insides of the shoes with hot water and walk around a bit so that the skin stretches in those places where it is necessary. It is advisable to let the skin dry on the leg.

Patent leather shoes, boots, boots and ankle boots look very impressive and attractive. However, patent leather is a very capricious material that requires special care and application. So, varnish products are not recommended to be worn every day.

To care for such shoes, you can use sprays, polishes and creams that are suitable for this material. These can be products based on lanolin, petroleum jelly, glycerin and various oils. In no case should you take acetone, gasoline, various solvents!

To clean patent leather shoes or boots, use a soap solution or milk and a soft cloth or napkin. Do not take brushes and rough sponges! In addition, patent leather should not be dried near radiators, heaters or in an electric shoe dryer. Drying is carried out in a well-ventilated area at room temperature.

Cracks, scratches, abrasions often form on varnished surfaces. However, such problems arise after wearing products. And the main trouble that you may encounter after buying new shoes is that they are too tight.

In this case, stretching methods can be used. Let's find out if patent leather can be stretched and how to do it.

What kind of shoes can be stretched

If shoes or boots are too tight, of course, you can break patent leather shoes. But it takes a long time and brings a lot of discomfort. Walking in tight shoes is a real torment! So sometimes it's better to use stretch.

We note right away that not every patent leather shoe can be stretched. Delicate material can simply crack and become severely deformed, as a result, shoes or boots will lose their shape and presentable appearance.

You can stretch only in width and only natural patent leather shoes. In this case, the material should be soft, elastic and stretch well. It is better to change artificial leather shoes and in case of poor-quality workmanship for shoes or boots one size larger.

Do not take risks with stretching expensive products, as they can deteriorate once and for all. After unsuccessful stretching, the product cannot be restored!

Please note that stretching shoes one size in length will not work. Therefore, if you did not succeed in distributing the products, also change the products for a size larger or for a different model. In other cases, you can try several options. Let's look at how to stretch patent leather shoes at home.

How to stretch patent leather shoes

  • Let a person who has a shoe size 1 larger for a day or two break in shoes. You can also carry tight shoes or boots on your own by putting on a tight wet or damp sock. Evaporating moisture softens the material;
  • Contact the professionals. Today, in the shoe shop, they stretch and adjust the leg in half an hour;
  • You can stretch patent leather shoes with a special stretcher, which is sold in shoe stores or departments. They are made of plastic and wood (the cheapest option), which can be changed in size. When using, strictly follow the instructions!;
  • Today in stores you can find special creams, sprays and other similar products for stretching shoes. Choose preparations that are designed specifically for patent leather! Follow the instructions and process products only from the inside;
  • You can stretch patent leather shoes at home using a folk remedy. Take alcohol, vinegar or cologne and dilute with water in a ratio of water to components of 2 to 1. Lubricate the inner surface with the composition. Put on a terry or knitted sock and walk like this until completely dry. When applying, make sure that the product does not get on patent leather from the outside, as alcohol and other aggressive preparations can ruin the material. In addition, because of them, matte dark spots may appear on the surface;

  • The leather trim inside the shoe can be smeared with goose fat or lard. Leave the products to dry completely, but before wearing, be sure to remove the remnants of fat with alcohol or a special cream. By the way, you can lubricate the zipper with fat or lard if it sticks, and even the outer surface. This method makes patent leather softer and more elastic, helps if shoes squeak;
  • You can pour boiling water into the inside of patent leather shoes or hold the products over boiling water. After that, the pair is put on a thick sock and worn in until the moisture has completely evaporated;
  • The use of ice is another risky method, as cold and temperature changes also negatively affect the varnished surface. Place two plastic bags with water in each product and place the structure in the freezer. One package is placed in the toe, the other in the heel;
  • A more gentle way is a warm terry towel. To do this, wrap the lacquerware in a warm terry towel and leave it for 8-10 hours. Then put on shoes or boots and walk until the products are completely dry;
  • Using a hair dryer and a heavy cream or petroleum jelly is a fairly common option, but you should not abuse it, as the lacquer coating may suffer due to hot air. The essence of the method is to warm up the shoes with a hairdryer, then lubricate the pair inside with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly and put on a tight knitted or terry sock. Walk around a bit, then lubricate the inside with Vaseline or cream again, leave for 8-12 hours.

Lacquer shoes should not be beaten with a hammer so that it becomes softer and more elastic! In this case, you can lubricate the surface with lard or goose fat. All manipulations can be carried out only with clean, dry shoes.

Patent leather requires a delicate approach, so caring for it is a responsible matter. And if you need to stretch patent leather shoes, the situation becomes more complicated. Stretching can harm the material: it will be covered with unpleasant cracks, from which it will be impossible to get rid of. But there are many proven effective ways that you can resort to if necessary.

Common mistakes

It is quite possible to stretch patent leather shoes at home, but many people unknowingly make common mistakes, due to which shoes lose their presentable appearance. If you need to expand the shoes, you can not resort to the following:

  1. aggressive means. For shoes and boots do not use refined gasoline, acetone, compounds with silicone.
  2. Temperature fluctuations. Because of it, the shoes quickly crack and deform.
  3. mechanical influences. There were times when it was proposed to break patent shoes quickly by beating them with a hammer. But these harsh impacts will hurt the shoes, there are now many safer options for breaking in.

If you remember these common mistakes and resort only to proven means, you can break patent leather shoes that are tight, and even turn them into one of your favorite walking pairs.

Use of alcohol

It should be understood that patent leather can be worn in width. It will not be possible to increase the length of shoes without harming the material. Genuine leather is the easiest to stretch - it is more elastic and softer than artificial leather. But if you need to break patent leather shoes bought for a high price, then it’s better not to risk it and take it to a professional workshop.

If you still plan to stretch patent leather shoes at home, then you can use ordinary alcohol. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. A cotton pad is moistened with medical alcohol and the shoes are thoroughly wiped from the inside.
  2. Socks are put on the feet, the material must be natural.
  3. They start walking around the house in tight shoes for a couple of hours until they seem more comfortable.

Avoid getting alcohol on the varnish coating: the substance can damage the material. Many people prefer to replace alcohol with vodka, whiskey or other spirits that act in a similar way.

The composition of 100 ml of water, the same amount of vodka and two tablespoons of ordinary dish detergent is popular. The composition is applied in the same way and then they also try to spread the shoes. The method is not suitable for those who have calluses and open wounds on their feet - if alcohol enters these areas, a person will experience very unpleasant sensations and burning sensations.

Hairdryer stretching

In addition to a hair dryer, to increase tight shoes, you will need a tube of oily cream without any fragrances and dyes. They operate like this:

After this procedure, the remains of the cream are removed from the surface with a soft cloth. Vaseline is often used instead of cream. They similarly lubricate the material on the inside of the shoe. But when using a hair dryer, you need to be very careful: hot air can harm the varnished material.

Steaming and freezing

There are two more interesting ways to help break in tight boots. The first one is steam processing. To do this, take a steam generator or an iron with a steam function. The essence of this method is very simple: steam is sent into the shoe for several minutes, and then they walk in shoes for several hours.

If it is not possible to use a steamer, then ordinary boiling water is used. To do this, they pour it inside, leave it for a couple of minutes, drain it and try to spread the shoes in the usual way. You need to understand that this method is more dangerous, boiling water, if it comes into contact with a varnished surface, can irrevocably spoil it.

Water expands when it freezes - this is a public fact, so many have found use for this special property when stretching shoes. The process of this method is quite simple:

Instead of a bag, you can use a balloon. Again, we must remember that lacquer does not like low temperatures, so experimenting with expensive shoes is clearly not worth it. And artificial materials will immediately crack from such a procedure.

Towel and paper

If we consider proven means, then you should not bypass the method with a towel. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. They take an ordinary terry towel, moisten it with warm water, wrap shoes around them (they should not touch each other).
  2. Prepared products are cleaned in a plastic bag, which is hermetically sealed.
  3. Leave it on all night, and in the morning wear it out until it dries completely.

The easiest method is to use plain paper. The old newspaper is moistened and tight boots are stuffed tightly with it. Leave in a ventilated room away from the battery. Wait for natural drying and take out the paper. This process usually takes a whole day.


In stores, you can find ready-made products that guarantee gentle stretching of varnished models. They can be in the form of a spray, cream, foam, lotion. They are able to soften the skin, making it supple and supple. But you need to buy a composition specifically for patent leather. It is also applied inside the shoes.

Patent leather is a capricious material. Without a delicate approach, it will not be possible to take care of it, so you should always use proven products so that beautiful shoes do not get damaged and become more comfortable.

If patent leather shoes are too narrow, you can stretch them a little at home. However, it is worth remembering that patent leather requires a delicate approach. Stretching can easily damage the material, causing it to crack. Therefore, you need to use only proven means and be careful.

You need to be very careful when stretching patent leather shoes, as the material can easily crack. To increase the size of such shoes, you can not use:

  1. Temperature fluctuations. As a result, the skin will crack and the shoes will deform.
  2. aggressive means. Do not use acetone, refined gasoline and compounds containing silicone. Allowed products are applied to the inner surface of the shoes, they should not get on the varnish.
  3. Rough mechanical impact. Previously, the method of beating shoes with a hammer was popular. There are now many safer methods that will help you stretch your shoes just as effectively.

By avoiding these mistakes and using proven tools, you can make patent leather shoes comfortable to wear without harming the material.

How to stretch patent leather shoes?

To begin with, you should understand that patent leather boots can be stretched slightly and only in width. It is impossible to make patent leather shoes one size larger and increase their length without damaging the material.

It is easier to stretch shoes made of genuine leather, as it is softer and more elastic than artificial leather.

It is undesirable to try to stretch very expensive patent leather shoes at home. It is recommended to take them to the workshop.


You can stretch patent leather shoes with alcohol. For this you will need:

  • moisten a cotton pad with medical alcohol;
  • thoroughly wipe the shoes from the inside;
  • wear socks made of natural fabrics;
  • walk in tight shoes for several hours until they become comfortable.

It is important to ensure that alcohol does not get on the varnish, as this substance will damage the material.

Instead of alcohol, you can use vodka, whiskey and other strong alcoholic drinks.

You can also use this way:

  • mix 100 g of vodka, 100 g of water and 2 tablespoons of dishwashing detergent;
  • moisten the shoes from the inside with the resulting solution;
  • then you need to wear treated shoes with a thick toe until completely dry.

If after that the shoes are not stretched enough, you can repeat the procedure.

It is not recommended to treat tight shoes with alcohol-containing liquids if there are calluses and other injuries on the feet. Otherwise, you may encounter very unpleasant sensations in the process of wearing.

hair dryer

A hair dryer and a greasy fragrance-free cream will help to increase tight shoes.

Action algorithm:

  • direct a stream of hot air inside the boot, trying to avoid heating the patent leather itself;
  • when the shoes warm up, it is necessary to lubricate the treated surface with a greasy cream;
  • then put on thick socks and shoes;
  • walk like this for at least 2 hours;
  • when the shoes become looser, you need to wipe off the remnants of the cream with a soft cloth.

Care must be taken when using a hair dryer, as hot air can damage patent leather.

Vaseline can be used instead of cream. They should also lubricate the inside of the shoes.


Another way to quickly stretch patent leather shoes is to steam them.

To do this, you can use a special steamer or iron with a steam function. The essence of the method is to direct the steam exactly into the boot for several minutes. Then they put on thick socks on their feet and walk in tight shoes for several hours.

If you don't have a steamer handy, you can use boiling water. However, this method is more dangerous, since boiling water, getting on patent leather, can ruin it irrevocably.


  • pour boiling water inside the product;
  • leave for 2 minutes;
  • drain the liquid;
  • break shoes.

Boiling water must be drained very carefully, avoiding its contact with the varnish.


As you know, water expands when it freezes. This property can be used to stretch patent leather shoes.

Procedure steps:

  • insert a plastic bag into the shoe;
  • fill it with water so that the places requiring correction are filled;
  • wrap each of the boots in a soft cloth so that they do not touch each other and the walls of the freezer, and put them in another bag;
  • put shoes in the freezer;
  • leave overnight.

Instead of a plastic bag, you can take a regular balloon.

However, this method should be used very carefully, as patent leather does not tolerate low temperatures well and may crack. This is especially true for artificial materials. In addition, you should not freeze expensive and exclusive patent leather shoes.

Terry towel

You can use a regular terry towel. For this you need:

  • moisten a towel with warm water;
  • wrap patent leather shoes with it so that they do not touch each other;
  • put wrapped shoes in a sealed plastic bag;
  • leave overnight;

In the morning you need to wear shoes until completely dry.


The easiest way to stretch patent leather shoes that doesn't require breaking in is to use paper.

Procedure steps:

  • moisten wads of paper or old newspaper with water;
  • tightly stuff them with shoes that are too tight;
  • leave shoes in a well-ventilated area away from the battery;
  • wait until the shoes dry naturally;
  • get paper.

Drying usually takes about a day.

Special funds

You can purchase ready-made products that will help you gently stretch patent leather shoes. They are available in the form of sprays, lotions, foams and creams. They soften the skin and make it more elastic.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is intended specifically for patent leather. Apply the finished composition should be inside the shoe.

After treating the boots with an emollient, special shoe extensions made of wood or plastic can be inserted inside. Their size can be adjusted depending on how much you need to increase the size of the shoes.

Stretching patent leather shoes is not easy. After all, patent leather is a very capricious material that requires a delicate approach. It is important to use proven products, otherwise your favorite shoes will be irretrievably damaged.

Bought amazing shoes, but they rub or squeeze your feet? Do not despair, try to fit them in size with the help of improvised means. Read how to stretch shoes made of natural and artificial materials.

How to stretch faux leather shoes

Leather substitute is a stubborn material, it can crack, peel off or lose color from manipulation. But even such shoes will increase if you know the secrets. Learn how to stretch leatherette shoes. Proceed like this:

  1. Fill a couple with damp paper. Let dry at room temperature or on the balcony.
  2. Pour peas or beans into tight bags, fill them with water, place in shoes and leave overnight. The legumes will swell and stretch the shoes.
  3. Lubricate the inside of the shoes with petroleum jelly or oily cream. After 15 minutes, wear it for 3-4 hours.
  4. If your shoes are tight in your socks, put peeled potatoes in there for 4-5 hours.

Make sure that the shoes do not deform when you fill them with something. You may have to repeat the manipulation several times to achieve the result. Remember: shoes made of synthetic materials cannot be heated.

How to stretch leather and suede shoes

Leather and suede are natural, elastic materials. They are easily increased, often without additional funds.

Not sure how to stretch new shoes? If, after several walks, leather shoes are still small, do simple manipulations, namely:

  1. Moisten the inside of leather or suede with vodka. Put on your socks, then your shoes, and walk around for as long as you can.
  2. Pour boiling water inside the shoes, pour it out after 5 seconds, and when the steam has cooled, soak the moisture as much as possible with napkins. Then wear it for a few hours. To prevent the seams from sticking, fill the plastic bags previously inserted into the shoes with hot liquid.
  3. For suede or leather shoes, use the above methods with wet paper or potatoes.
  4. Place a bag filled with water in your shoes and put the pair in the freezer. The liquid is known to expand when frozen and stretch the shoes.

Do not overdo it! Leather or suede can be stretched so much that the shoes become large.

How to stretch patent leather shoes?

Not sure how to break in varnished shoes so that cracks do not appear? And this case is not hopeless. Here are the secrets on how to stretch patent leather shoes:

  1. Soak the inside of the shoes with a mixture of alcohol and water (2:1). Walk in shoes for 3 hours. Protect the varnish from alcohol!
  2. Lubricate the shoes inside with petroleum jelly or oily cream. Break in for about 4 hours or insert the last overnight.
  3. Lubricate the inside of the shoes with petroleum jelly, then heat them with a hair dryer using a thin nozzle. Hot air must not get on the varnish. Put on your socks, put on your shoes and walk for 2-4 hours.

Patent leather shoes will not stretch out a whole size, but will stretch a little in breadth. The shiny surface is vulnerable, so follow the procedures carefully.

To stretch your favorite shoes, use the means available and put in a little effort. Take care of shoes, dry after manipulation.