What does Vitafon cure? Vitafon treatment with vibroacoustic effect. What is the device

Instead of struggling with the consequences, as is often the case with the use of drugs.

Devices of the Vitafon series are products of medical equipment and are intended for use in medical institutions and at home. Products are included in the state register of medical devices and medical equipment.

These devices are manufactured by the Russian company Vitafon LLC, located in St. Petersburg at the address: Ogorodny pereulok, 23.

The Vitafon was invented in the early 90s of the last century by the biophysicist V.A. Fedorov. and according to information received from Vitafon LLC, more than 2 million families have acquired devices over 25 years.

They are most widespread in Russia, the CIS countries, Latvia, Poland, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. One-time deliveries to other countries (USA, Canada, Austria, etc.) are also carried out.

The therapeutic effect achieved when using Vitafon is based on the principle of restoring the deficiency of biological muscle tissues, especially in the field of pathology.

The effectiveness of use for the treatment and prevention of diseases has been confirmed by more than 100 and which can be found on the Internet and on the official website of the manufacturer (www.vitafon.ru).

The phenomenon of the presence of microvibration in the body at rest was confirmed in practice in 2002 thanks to the invention of the myotremograph, which made it possible to measure the level of microvibration and clearly prove its existence.

Microvibration is the same vital condition for the existence of life as oxygen, water, food and heat.

Mechanical microvibration created by muscle cells is necessary for:

  • movement in the intercellular space and delivery of nutrients to cells, including in places remote from capillaries and other blood vessels;
  • participation in the implementation of venous and lymphatic outflow;
  • providing local immunological reactions to detect dead, damaged and foreign cells, as well as their removal from tissues;
  • ensuring the passage of biochemical reactions at the cellular level in regenerative processes (acceleration of the fusion of bones and tissues, removal of edema);
  • the release of ancestral stem cells from the bone marrow (RF patent No. 2166924).

Muscle cells (myofibrils) have limited capabilities, tk. are not “perpetual motion machines”, and the body is constantly experiencing a shortage of muscle microvibration, including due to the modern sedentary and sedentary lifestyle of people.

Insufficient provision of the body with a resource of microvibration leads to a decrease in immunity and body tone, the appearance and development of diseases, as well as the formation of pathologies.

Due to the vibroacoustic effect of a certain frequency and amplitude, Vitafon series devices make it possible to compensate for the lack of microvibration created by the muscle cells of the body and provide conditions for increasing immunity, accelerating recovery (regenerative) processes.

In many cases, the use of Vitafon allows you to recover without the use of drugs and correspondingly avoid side effects from their application. At the same time, the vibroacoustic effect increases the effectiveness of drug therapy. This figure shows the amplitude (bottom) and spectral (top) characteristics of the passage of microvibration from the Vitafon (modes 1 and 2) through the thickness of the human thigh (15 cm). Here you can also see the characteristics of the muscular background microvibration at rest, produced by the human body itself. This drawing illustrates the initial presence of microvibration in the human body and shows how it is significantly saturated with the help of the Vitafon.

There are two groups of devices according to the type of impact:

  • Devices performing only vibroacoustic impact (Vitafon, Vitafon-T and Vitafon-5). These devices have only vibraphones for exposure to microvibration.
  • Devices combining vibroacoustic and infrared effects (Vitafon-IR and Vitafon-2). These devices have not only vibraphones, but also one infrared emitter.

Vibroacoustic devices:

The first, most inexpensive and simple model of the Vitafon series.

The Vitafon device has been produced since 1994, it has 4 modes and the change of modes is carried out using only two switches. This model does not have a timer, which requires the user to independently monitor the procedure time. The control unit of the device is combined with the power supply, and therefore, for ease of use, you will additionally need a network extension cord.

The cost of the Vitafon device - 5 790 rub.

Vitafon-T is an economical model with extended functionality.

The Vitafon-T model, unlike the first Vitafon model, has a timer and an electronic screen, which allows you to set the duration of the procedure and not specifically keep track of the time. The control unit is separate from the power supply, so no additional power strip is required. The use of special cuffs enhances the convenience of using the Vitafon-T device.

Since the device has only 2 vibraphones, the average time of one procedure when reaching the maximum mode is 1-1.5 hours (depending on the disease), procedures are carried out 2-3 times a day. To reduce the procedure time by 2 or more times, it is recommended to use the Vitafon-5 device, which allows you to simultaneously connect 4 vibraphones (as standard) and 20 vibraphones in an additional one (ORPO mattress).

The cost of the device Vitafon-T - RUB 6,790

Vitafon-5 is the latest generation of innovative Vitafon medical devices.

reduces the procedure time by 2 or more times(the duration of the procedure for the devices "Vitafon" and "Vitafon-T" is 1-1.5 hours, and for the device "Vitafon-5" - 30-45 min), because it is possible to connect 4 vibraphones at the same time (as standard) or more (as an option), instead of 2. The built-in battery allows you to carry out most of the procedure in any position of the body, and not just lying down. Using a mattress with 20 built-in vibraphones ( additional equipment) allows you to automatically act on the main vital organs for the prevention of diseases. The device "Vitafon-5" better matched the frequency response of microvibration for lymphatic drainage. "Vitafon-5" is an optimal combination of functionality and cost, and can be used in professional activities.

The cost of the device Vitafon-5 (standard) - RUB 13,550

Additional complete set of the device "Vitafon-5". It is used only in conjunction with the control unit included in the set of the Vitafon-5 apparatus.

The vibroacoustic mattress of general resource support (ORPO) is a module that significantly expands the capabilities of the Vitafon-5 apparatus. Together they make up a single automatic medical complex. The mattress includes 20 vibraphones, due to which the impact is on the main vital and most deficient in muscle microvibration organs (kidneys, liver, spine). Groups of vibraphones work alternately in automatic mode depending on the program, which significantly reduces the procedure time with maximum therapeutic effect and ease of use. The mattress is fixed on the body in a supine position, which allows you to use it even during sleep and does not require any intervention in its work.

ORPO mattress cost - 13 000 rub.

Devices for vibroacoustic and infrared exposure:

Cost-effective and simple model with an infrared emitter - a thermophone.

This model is mainly purchased in addition to other devices. The Vitafon-IR device uses the mutual amplification of infrared and vibroacoustic effects, therefore this model is more intended and effective for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, as well as for the treatment of diabetic angiopathy, lymphostasis of the lower extremities, and chronic viral hepatitis. The Vitafon-IR device has 4 modes and their change is carried out using only two switches. This model does not have a timer, which requires the user to independently monitor the procedure time. The control unit of the device is combined with the power supply, and therefore, for ease of use, you will additionally need a network extension cord.

The cost of the device Vitafon-IK - 7 590 rub.

Specialized multifunctional model Vitafon-2.

Model oriented for professional use due to the presence in the standard configuration of 2 infrared emitters (thermophones), 4 vibraphones, automatic modes of operation of the device ( power adjustment by height and weight) and the possibility of connecting a vibroacoustic anti-decubitus mattress with 8 vibraphones ( additional equipmentimplements all possibilitiesdevices Vitafon-IK and Vitafon-T for 2 times less time for procedures(the duration of the procedure for the devices "Vitafon" and "Vitafon-T" is 1-1.5 hours, and for the device "Vitafon-2" - 30-45 minutes), because it is possible to connect 4 vibraphones at the same time, instead of 2. The Vitafon-2 device is largely focused on the treatment of serious diseases and the use of bedridden patients, as well as in professional activities.


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Machine Description

"Vitafon" is a physiotherapy apparatus, which is known for its unique characteristics. Thanks to him, the treatment of a wide range of diseases of a traumatic and inflammatory nature is much more successful. The high efficiency of therapy is achieved due to a multiple increase in lymph flow and microcapillary blood flow in the area of ​​the body where the device is applied. Vitafon creates microvibration of tissues and skin by means of a constantly changing sound frequency, which occurs within the limit set by the automatic program.

The frequency of the first range varies within 20 Hz - 4.5 kHz. The frequency of the second range is within 200 Hz -18 kHz.

The device is intended for use in sanatorium and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions, in beauty parlors, as well as at home.

The Vitafon device appeared in 1994. So far, on the basis of clinical observations accumulated over a given time, it cannot be argued that it rejuvenates the body. At the same time, a lot of grateful feedback from patients who used the device allows us to say that with its help you can get rid of long-term chronic ailments and increase your physical activity. And this is the first step to rejuvenation. Vibroacoustic treatment procedures can be used at any age. But the sooner treatment is started, the more likely it is that the lost health will return.

Indications for use

  • Arthritis and arthrosis.
  • Polyarthritis.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Carbuncle.
  • The phenomena of lactostasis.
  • Cystitis.
  • Abstinence.
  • Recovery of a broken voice.
  • Flaccid paralysis.
Along with the above diseases and conditions in which the use of the device is recommended, craniocerebral injuries can also be considered indications. In these cases, the use of the device is possible only with the agreement of a medical specialist.

Treatment is calculated, depending on the disease, for a certain number of procedures ( this information can be found in the instructions for use). The duration of the procedures is gradually increased. Before starting treatment with Vitafon, you need to undergo a complete medical examination in order to accurately establish the diagnosis and find out if there are any contraindications to the use of the device.


It is forbidden to carry out Vitafon therapy:
  • At elevated body temperature.
  • In the field of malignant neoplasms.
  • With severe atherosclerosis ( when the risk of a heart attack increases).
  • In the field of thrombophlebitis.
  • With acute infectious diseases.
  • In the field of implanted stimulators.
It is strictly forbidden to install vibraphones on the region of the heart. If the organs in which stones are diagnosed fall under the direct influence of vibraphones ( urinary tract and gallbladder), then treatment procedures should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor.

For men

Vitafon is an optimal and harmless remedy for impotence. Therapeutic procedures give a stable positive effect and favorably affect the pelvic organs. Potency returns to men after using Vitafon, but this only happens if earlier impotence arose due to circulatory failure ( those. due to purely physiological problems), and not for psychological reasons.

Vibroprocedures also help men with inflammation of the prostate gland. Pain in prostatitis, sexual disorders, impotence - all this leads to neuroses. The causes of prostatitis are multiple and sometimes interrelated factors: general allergization, hormonal changes, sedentary lifestyle, the growth of sexually transmitted diseases.

Anatomically, the prostate gland is a set of glands grouped into lobules, which are covered with fibromuscular membranes. Small numerous arterial branches provide a good blood supply.

Circulatory and metabolic disorders, congestion in the prostate gland lead to the rapid development of the inflammatory process. Physiotherapeutic agents for the treatment of prostatitis are becoming increasingly popular, since, unlike drugs, they do not have side effects and do not give complications.

The sound vibration of the Vitafon device effectively and gently eliminates congestion in the prostate gland and other organs of the small pelvis, suppresses inflammation and stimulates potency.

For women

The improvement of blood circulation achieved by using the Vitafon device is useful not only for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, but also for cosmetic purposes.

Vibroacoustic procedures are carried out with pre-selected medicinal preparations: ointments, creams, lotions, balms, gels. After various plastic manipulations, Vitafon therapy helps to quickly remove swelling and heal wounds. Postoperative scars due to Vitafon become more elastic and softer.

Poor sleep greatly affects the well-being and appearance. This means not only a decrease in the quality of life, but also rapid aging. Drug therapy for disturbed sleep is not always justified, since many drugs have adverse reactions, expressed in excitation of the nervous system. Therefore, doctors either try to prescribe drugs that do not have side effects, or choose physical therapy. Physiotherapy is the best way to improve sleep. The choice of points of action of vibraphones for insomnia is selected purely individually.

The device can also be used to relax tired muscles.

A few months before the planned pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo a course of vibroacoustic procedures to improve blood circulation in the abdominal organs.

One of the most common gynecological disorders is the irregularity of the menstrual cycle. There are various reasons for the irregularity of the cycle.

Another violation, besides irregularity, is too long menstruation ( beyond 7 days). Often the cause of violations of this nature can be temporary hormonal changes, emotional experiences, chronic fatigue. In this case, when there is no organic pathology, the Vitafon apparatus can help.

It has been noticed that with Vitafon therapy for diseases not even of a gynecological profile, menstruation is reduced by 1-2 days. This may be due to the stimulating effect of vibroacoustics on the adrenal glands and gonads, which affect the tone of the uterus.

For the elderly

Hypertension is very common in older people. This is a dangerous disease, because high blood pressure can cause heart pain and heart overload, and as a result, myocardial infarction can occur. In addition, the load increases not only for the heart, but also for the vessels, and this is already fraught with a stroke.

A stroke can cause paralysis of the limbs. It is not uncommon for people to die from a stroke.

The mean normal blood pressure is 120/80. However, each person may have individual pressure deviations from this norm, under which it is comfortable for him to live and work. Doctors call this "working" pressure. For a given person, it is absolutely normal and in this case you should not focus on the average norm of pressure.

In most people, blood pressure rises steadily, albeit slowly, in old age.

The most common and grossest mistake is made by those hypertensive patients who start their treatment. Even a few seconds of a hypertensive crisis can lead to a stroke. To maintain a stable pressure, you need to complete the entire course of drugs prescribed by your doctor. Here, factors such as the smoothness of dose adjustment and the thoroughness of the appointments are very important.

There are many reasons for the development of hypertension:

  • The release of a significant amount of adrenaline into the blood during stress ( this leads to a temporary increase in pressure).
  • Spasms of blood vessels, as a result of which increased pressure is required to maintain the desired level of blood supply. The brain and heart are the first to suffer from vascular spasms and pressure surges.
  • Kidney dysfunctions that affect upper blood pressure ( renal hypertension).
If the pressure jump occurred for the first time, and its value is not critical, then you can do without medicines. In this case, it is recommended to carry out one vibroacoustic procedure of Vitafon before going to bed.

With a persistent increase in blood pressure, it is imperative to consult a doctor so that he prescribes treatment depending on the cause of hypertension. To find out, the patient will have to undergo a diagnostic examination. The doctor can prescribe not only drug therapy, but also Vitafon therapy.

For kids

Children's activity and restlessness leads to numerous sprains, dislocations and bruises. Applying a cold compress is not a panacea. It is necessary to speed up the recovery processes of the damaged area. Vitafon will help relieve swelling and accelerate the resorption of the hematoma.

With bruises, it is possible to carry out a vibroacoustic procedure in two hours; in case of sprain or dislocation - after ten hours; with small wounds - in a day. The action of the device prevents the formation of scars and various complications.

For burns not worse than second degree maintaining the integrity of the skin) Vitafon should be applied immediately, literally five minutes after the burn. Then the burn phenomena can simply be avoided.

Vitafon is also used in very young children. The device was tested in one of the children's hospitals in St. Petersburg. The results of these studies showed a positive trend. The babies improved their digestion. The only difference from the use of the device in adults was in the vibration mode. For infants, only the first mode is suitable.

Like adults, children should be examined by doctors in order to make the correct diagnosis and justify the physiotherapeutic method of treatment.

Vitafon is used to treat disculatory encephalopathy in children older than infancy and in adults. There is reason to believe that it will soon be possible to perform vibrosound therapy for encephalopathy in infants.

The essence of encephalopathy is the pathology of blood circulation in the brain. Consequences and complications of the disease can be persistent migraines, visual impairment, cervical osteochondrosis. The vibroacoustic action of Vitafon can replace other physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, cervical electrophoresis. However, the clinical efficacy of the device in this disease is still being studied.

Methods of using Vitafon in children with urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence, with intestinal paresis, with hip dysplasia, with flat feet have been fully studied and tested.

For young mothers

The instructions for the device indicate that pregnancy is a contraindication to vibroacoustic procedures. But it is worth clarifying that the very action of Vitafon is unable to damage the course of pregnancy. On the contrary, microvibration improves the blood supply to the placenta and fetus, but it is still unknown how this may affect the future baby, and it is hardly worth experimenting in such an important issue as the health of the child. That is why pregnant women are not recommended to use Vitafon.

If the cause of hypogalactia is a deterioration in the blood supply to the mammary glands, then it is recommended to carry out Vitafon therapy for a duration of five to ten minutes half an hour after each feeding in the daytime. This will significantly improve lactation and reduce the risk of mastitis.

Breastfeeding often results in painful cracked nipples and blocked milk ducts. All these phenomena are successfully treated with vibroacoustic procedures. The impact of the device is akin to the natural, natural vibrations of the body. That is why sound vibration helps to regenerate damaged tissues and restore impaired functions of organs, due to increased blood circulation and lymph flow in the painful area.

For athletes

During sports competitions or training, injuries, bruises and sprains very often occur - from minor to very pronounced. Athletes do not have time for a full recovery. Thanks to the use of the device, the rate of healing of bruises and wounds increases in athletes, and fractures heal faster.

In addition, Vitafon therapy strengthens the lumbosacral and cervical spine, which improves coordination of movements. Thanks to this, the effectiveness in figure skating, in gymnastics, in ballet increases. Efficiency after a strong overstrain increases, muscle soreness is removed. Thanks to this, athletes recover faster and prepare for the next performances. Vitafon's specialized procedures maximize athletic performance by accumulating glucose and oxygen in the muscles.

For summer residents

Life in the country, as a rule, is not as comfortable as in a city apartment, and the cottage requires much more physical effort and labor. Bruises, cuts, minor burns, blisters, back pain after the garden, mosquito or wasp bites - all this lies in wait for summer residents.

In all these cases, Vitafon will help to quickly resume the normal functioning of organs and tissues, restore the integrity of the skin.

For those who have a sedentary job

The most important thing that can affect the health of people leading a sedentary lifestyle is osteochondrosis of the spine with many of its complications and manifestations: back or neck pain, migraines, visual impairment, decreased performance.

The basis of the entire human body and the main support of all systems and organs is the spine. If the constituent parts of the spine, the vertebrae, are displaced or flattened, this leads to serious disorders and pathologies of the blood supply. The main functions of the spine are immediately violated: motor, shock-absorbing, supporting, protective. In many ways, the work of the spine depends on the muscles associated with it. And muscles from childhood are subjected to stress and overstrain due to uncomfortable school furniture, because of an inconveniently equipped workplace for studying at home, because of a too soft bed. Muscle tone in such cases increases, in the muscles themselves there are seals of different sizes. When pressing on the muscles, in particular, the collar zone around the neck, severe pain is felt.

Constant muscle tension worsens metabolic processes and blood circulation. Without sufficient blood supply, muscle tissue atrophies and is replaced by scar tissue. This is usually characteristic of the elderly. The accelerated rate of muscle aging leads to a sharply increasing load on the spinal discs, vertebrae, and joints. Treatment of such a condition should begin with reducing stress and relaxing tense muscles so that blood circulation begins to recover.

For those who do not have osteochondrosis, but after a working day there is fatigue and slight pain in the neck, Vitafon therapy will allow you to recover and relax faster.

Another unpleasant problem that occurs in most people, and more often in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, is dizziness. This state occurs when the three physiological systems ( visual, tactile, vestibular) indicate the non-synchronization of information, due to which the orientation in the surrounding space deteriorates.

There are many reasons for dizziness. For example, autonomic and neurocirculatory dystonia can be the cause of dizziness ( they are manifested by the fact that when you try to turn sharply or stand up sharply, your head begins to spin). If dizziness accompanies tinnitus, and cold symptoms are observed, it may be otitis media.

Other reasons: brain tumors, circulatory disorders of the parts of the brain responsible for the orientation of our body in space, a history of neck injury, side effects of drugs.

Thanks to Vitafon therapy, dizziness attacks can be eliminated, but before that, diagnostic examinations must be carried out to identify their causes.

Hernia- This is a condition in which the intervertebral discs, along with the muscles that support the spine, shift and poorly fix the vertebrae attached to them, which increases the muscle load. Muscle overload leads to pain. There is swelling that interferes with normal blood circulation. Edema can be removed by microvibration directed at the veins and lymphatic vessels. The condition of the hernia is quite severe, sometimes urgent medical assistance is needed. Massage should never be done.

Restoration and support of muscle resources can be carried out thanks to Vitafon therapy. The device compensates for the deficiency of microvibration, that is, thanks to it, micromassage occurs at the cellular level. Phonation can be carried out several times a day. This will greatly speed up the rehabilitation process.

Description of instrument models

"Vitafon"- this is the simplest model from the presented series of vibroacoustic devices recommended for eliminating the deficiency of microvibration in the tissues of the human body. This model does not have a built-in timer, it is easy to use. The device is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with impaired lymph flow and capillary blood flow.

The device can be used at home without special training. In 2010, Roszdravnadzor extended the registration for this Vitafon model for an unlimited period ( date of first registration in the Ministry of Health - 1994).

Vibroacoustic procedures contribute to: removal of edema and improvement of lymphatic drainage, increased outflow of venous blood, improved cellular nutrition, increased immunity activity, accelerated regenerative processes.

Contraindications and indications – common for vibroacoustic therapy.

Equipment: apparatus and instructions for its use.

Device "Vitafon-IR"- this is not a modernization of the Vitafon, it has qualitatively different characteristics: frequency, amplitude, the introduction of infrared study. Its effectiveness lies in the combination of vibroacoustic and infrared effects. Due to this, the procedures have a trophic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, regenerative effect. The device can be used at home. As a product of medical equipment, the device was registered in 2001.

Due to the combination of vibroacoustics and infrared radiation, a new gradation of vibration exposure has been added to the device. The device is effective for the treatment of diseases of inflammatory origin; for the treatment of lymphedema of the lower extremities.

"Vitafon-T"- popular Vitafon model. It is intended for use not only at home or on an outpatient basis, but also in the car ( thanks to the updated equipment). As a product of medical equipment, the device was registered in 2003.

The device is equipped with a timer that automatically turns it off after the procedure is completed. Thanks to the external power supply, the mobility of the device has increased.

Equipment: AC power supply, electronic unit, manual for the use of the device and its operation. The device can operate from the car's on-board network, which allows you to perform vibroacoustic procedures while driving.

Numerous responses from active users of the device created a feedback, thanks to which the developers of the device can learn about the features of household operation of the device. Many users wrote that the device is in an uncomfortable cardboard box, which quickly deteriorated when the device was taken out frequently. Therefore, a special bag was developed to store the device. Its advantages: during use, the device itself can not be taken out of the bag; a power supply is permanently attached to it, which protects the detachable connection from careless handling; cases for vibraphones are conveniently located in the bag, so they can be easily taken out or put back; vibraphone cords can be fixed; separate compartment for cuffs.

All of the above innovations increase the usability of the device and protect the device itself, its power supply and vibraphones from damage and careless handling.

Vitafon-2 combines thermal radiation ( infrared) and microvibration.
Equipment: double vibraphone, single vibraphone, vibraphone "mattress", power supply unit, infrared emitter, cuff. Instructions for use are included with the device.

Vitafon-2 provides automatic correction of the impact energy. The impact energy varies depending on the weight and height of the user. The action itself is carried out by synchronous frequencies, continuously and equally changing in the sound ranges.
Due to the variety of vibraphones, this particular model of the device is preferable for the treatment of such diseases as a herniated disc, prostate adenoma, pathology of the hip joint, fractures, injuries, and for the prevention of bedsores.

Vibroacoustic apparatus of a new generation - Vitafon-5. During its development, all the requests of users were taken into account, and it also combines all the best from previous models.

Equipment: quadruple vibraphone, two dual vibraphones, power supply, storage bag. The maximum configuration of the device is the connection to it of additionally purchased modules.

Vitafon-5 has an autonomous power source. It has very simple controls. And in the memory of the device, the parameters of the previous vibroacoustic procedure can be stored. The total procedure time is reduced due to the use of vibroacoustic modules. Thanks to this, it is not necessary to rearrange the vibraphones from one zone to another. The device has 9 power modes. Vibraphones are conveniently labeled, making them easy to use.

Each area of ​​influence has its own module, which, according to proven methods, is programmed for a certain impact power. The user can set only the procedure time. All modules work in a periodic mode - this saves battery power. Modules are combined into a belt, vest ( for the chest), mattress ( for the back) depending on the intended use.

Cuffs are means of fixing the transducers to the surface of the body. They can be worn on the body or over clothing. The combi cuff is divided into three parts that have pockets for the transducers. You need to select the area of ​​​​impact and put the transducer in the appropriate pocket.

The waist cuff consists of a fixing section with pockets and belts attached to it. The length of the strap is individually adjustable to ensure the tightest fit possible.

is a device created in 1994 that helps with arthritis, based on microvibration processes. The fact is that a lot of energy is spent on natural vibrations in the human body, but this function is necessary to speed up the metabolism between body tissues. Their absence can lead to dysfunction of various organs.

Under natural conditions, they are independently produced by the body, but in our time, cells often do not cope with this function adequately. The Vitafon device is able to create the same frequency as the human body during strong muscle tension.

In the first mode of operation, it creates vibrations with a frequency of 20 Hz to 4.5 kHz, and in the second - from 200 Hz to 18 kHz. The device expands the capabilities of the body and, accordingly, is the prevention of many diseases.

What does Vitafon treat?

Many physicians involved in advertising Vitafon propose to replace the traditional and generally accepted hemodynamic treatment with microvibration devices, which are notable for their low cost of therapy, efficiency and safety.

The latter is very important in the treatment of children who do not have a sufficiently strong body. Many parents do not know what to do if a child is found to have a serious illness that requires prolonged and unsafe therapy.

In this situation, Vitafon should help, because experts note that with the help of the device it is possible to increase the number of stem cells in the body without surgical intervention.


Undoubtedly, in the first place, the device will be very useful for people with arthritis. Usually this disease occurs in old age due to previous injuries, but it also occurs in young people.

The device should be used when massages and rubbing with various ointments do not help, when the symptoms of the disease interfere with habitual movements and even sleep normally, when your knee hurts when walking or you feel stabbing sensations in your legs.

The effectiveness of the treatment lies in the fact that the device starts regeneration processes in damaged tissues, and also improves blood circulation in the joints, which significantly speeds up the recovery time.

Many grateful reviews from patients with arthrosis indicate that Vitafon is intended for the treatment of joints. However, there are many other diseases that the device copes with.


Vitafon copes with both skin and food allergic reactions. The device reduces inflammation, relieves intoxication and normalizes the circulatory system, and in addition frees the body from many substances that cause allergies.

Women's and men's diseases

This vibroacoustic device is able to deal with a lot of women's problems. Such ailments sometimes occur during breastfeeding, when the mother begins lactostasis, leading to inflammation of the mammary glands. If microvibration treatment is neglected, then everything can end with mastitis.

He also copes with other ailments associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Normalizes the menstrual cycle, disturbed by childbirth. Reduces the negative symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. The device not only removes depression and irritability during this period, but also fights against its causes.

Interesting fact: it is useful to use microvibration therapy in the later stages of pregnancy, when the fetus is already quite developed. This is due to the fact that this procedure will have a positive effect on the nervous system of the unborn child, which will protect him from mental abnormalities. As for adult men, Vitafon helps them get rid of impotence.

Glaucoma and hypertension

Doctors will use special drops (beta-blockers) to treat this vision-threatening disease, but they can not always be used. Nevertheless, it will not be possible to completely refuse to take this drug: it is better to conduct a comprehensive course of treatment, that is, to combine the intake of drops with microvibration therapy.

Proven that Vitafon reduces intraocular pressure by 20 percent. In some cases, even the normalization of eye pressure does not save the patient from a significant deterioration in vision, because the development of blindness can also be facilitated by a lack of blood supply in the eyeballs.

However, the device is able to bring this process back to normal, which beta-blockers cannot always do. In addition, the device is an effective tool to combat hypertension. Microvibration therapy reduces blood pressure, which prevents possible strokes and heart attacks.


Although this vibroacoustic device is harmless in most cases, it still has contraindications for use. Doctors do not recommend using the device if a person has cancer. Also, women in the early stages of pregnancy should refrain from such a course of treatment.

The device is not suitable for people with acute infectious diseases or with elevated body temperature. In any case, before spending money on Vitafon, consult your doctor.

What is included

The device comes with detailed instructions for use. It is highly recommended that you read it or watch tutorial videos online.

Components of the device:

  • the electronic unit;
  • dual transducers vibraphones;
  • power unit.

The device has four modes of operation. It is possible to set the timer.

  • Mode button. As the name implies, it switches modes of operation.
  • More time buttons and "Time is less". The duration of the session of microvibration exposure is adjusted.
  • "Background" button- starts the procedure.

The package also includes a small book containing detailed methods of the course of vibroacoustic therapy. For the treatment of various pathologies, individual recommendations are needed on the site of exposure and the duration of the session.

It is very convenient that the book uses color pictures with detailed designations of places that need to be treated. To achieve maximum efficiency of the device, it is necessary to firmly press the membranes to the body.

Whether you have installed the membranes correctly will be clear by whether the machine is quiet. If it's loud, it means you haven't pressed it firmly enough.

Well, to fix it in hard-to-reach places, use elastic bandages or fixing cuffs, which are purchased separately.

Vitafon instructions for use

It is worth remembering that the characteristics of the type, mode and time of work are set depending on your ailment. A detailed description of all parameters can be found in the manual. So, next you will learn how to use the device.

  • connect the Vitafon to the power supply;
  • select the operating mode;
  • set the time;
  • install the membranes on the required area;
  • press the "Background" button;
  • When the timer expires, it will automatically turn off.

Vitafon is a medical device operating on the basis of phonation or microvibration.

Microvibration is a vital process that ensures the transport of nutrients to the cells of the human body.

When a person talks about a disease, he rarely thinks about what happens to him during this period at the cellular level. The disease state is most often characterized by the accumulation of a large number of dead cells in the diseased organ, the deterioration of the body's cellular metabolism.

The process of generating new cells, saturating the existing ones with the resources necessary for life is the main need of a diseased organ during the period of illness.

Vitafon action is a unique technological solution in the field of vibroacoustic therapy (phonation). This therapy considers microvibrations in the frequency range of 20-18000 Hz with an amplitude of up to 100 microns maximum.

Microvibrations exist in every living being: plants, animals and people. Sources of micro-oscillations can be:

  • internal (heartbeat, arterial pulse and muscle action);
  • external (impact of wind on plants, soul, massage, physical activity on a person).

Vibroacoustic therapy enhances the biomicrovibrations of the cells of the human body, is absolutely safe and has virtually no contraindications.

Actions to develop vibroacoustic technologies were started in the 70s of the XX century. In medical practice, the Vitafon series of devices was approved in 1994 and began to be widely used in the treatment of children with mental disorders. Today, in many countries of the world, vibroacoustic therapy is recognized as traditional, vibroacoustic devices are installed in physiotherapy rooms at polyclinics and hospitals.

The biggest technological problem is to find the best frequency for a particular tissue, adjust the amplitude of the vibrations to affect the exact diseased area, and calculate the exact time of application.

The Vitafon series of devices covers a wide range of vibroacoustic effects, changing the frequency and amplitude in cycles that affect all 200 types of human tissue. This makes Vitafon one of the best technological solutions in the field of vibroacoustics.

The principle of microvibration is an important condition for the restoration of human resources. The effect is achieved through regular long-term use. Using Vitafon is quite simple, because the device is designed for use at home. Even the elderly can use the device without any assistance.

All Vitafon devices use the combined effect of microvibration, but some of them have an infrared radiation function (Vitafon IR).

The device "Vitafon IK" is a device different from Vitafon and Vitafon-T. It enhances the acoustic effect with infrared radiation. This combination gives a strong anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, relieves swelling, reduces pain. The device was classified as medical equipment in 2001.

A distinctive feature of the device is its high efficiency in the treatment of such complex diseases as chronic viral hepatitis, lymphostasis of the extremities and diabetic angiopathy.

The Vitafon IR vibroacoustic device uses specially selected amplitude-frequency characteristics to successfully and directly compensate for the lack of mechanical vibrations. Eliminating this deficit helps to achieve the following results:

The impact of the Vitafon IR vibroacoustic device, which uses natural mechanisms to restore the normal functioning of the body, is absolutely safe. However, there are certain contraindications, since some diseases and conditions of the body currently remain poorly understood.

Contraindications to the use of the Vitafon IR device:

Vitafon IR in the treatment of hepatitis

Laboratory studies have shown the high efficiency of the Vitafon IR device in accelerating the processes aimed at achieving homeostasis - self-regulation of the body. This is the reason for its high efficiency in the treatment of chronic hepatitis.

It is better to combine phonation treatment with traditional hepatitis treatment prescribed by a doctor, which leads to more accurate treatment and lasting results.

Features of the vibroacoustic effect helped to develop a method of action by enriching the blood with erythropoietic stem cells (RF patent No. 21669924), which leads to a multiple increase in interferon in the blood of patients with chronic hepatitis.

The Vitafon IR device can be used not only for the treatment of hepatitis, but also as a preventive measure, reducing the risk of the transition of the acute form of the disease to chronic hepatitis.

Metabolic processes in the body occur when biologically active components interact with each other. Mechanical vibrations of cells and molecules are a vital condition for most biological and, especially, immunological reactions.

The vibroacoustic device Vitafon is one of the most popular and demanded devices used both in medical institutions and at home. Several modifications of this device have been developed, which differ slightly in the method of exposure and the presence of additional details, for example, some devices are equipped with a timer. More complex models are somewhat more expensive, but cheaper types of apparatus perform their intended function well.

Features of using the Vitafon device

The Vitafon device is used for medical and cosmetic purposes. The main focus of the device is to increase blood flow and lymphatic drainage in the affected area. Based on this, the Vitafon device is intended for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases and pathological conditions, including:

  • arthritis, polyarthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the spine;
  • scoliosis;
  • injuries of the musculoskeletal system (dislocations, hematomas, sprains);
  • rhinitis;
  • bronchitis, tonsillitis;
  • otitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • prostate adenomas;
  • enuresis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • constipation;
  • gastritis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • burns, frostbite and other types of wounds;
  • boils, carbuncles;
  • acne;
  • insomnia caused by stress.

And these are far from all the diseases that can be treated with Vitafon. Experts pay attention to the fact that, having started physiotherapy, the procedures must be carried out regularly, otherwise it is impossible to achieve a therapeutic effect.

Contraindications to Vitafon treatment

Before using the device, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination in order to find out if there are any contraindications to the use of Vitafon associated with the state of health. The vibroacoustic device must not be used under certain conditions:

  • with hyperthermia;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • diagnosing stones in the urinary tract.

Attention! It is forbidden to install vibraphones on the heart area, even if there are no cardiovascular pathologies.

The effect of the use of Vitafon - reality or deceit?

On the Internet you can find many positive reviews about the operation of the Vitafon device. At the same time, there are also critical responses. In this connection, many are interested: does the device really help in treatment or is information about its healing properties exaggerated? Scientific research carried out in the laboratory "Dynamic Technologies" has shown that for effective operation of the membrane of the device, it is necessary to place it close to the body, but not press it hard. Vitafon also works idle if the membranes are at some distance from the skin. In addition, it was found that the sound noise produced by the apparatus is 80 decibels, which is slightly higher than the permissible sanitary limit. Based on the results of the study, it is obvious that the device must be used in strict accordance with the instructions, setting the appropriate program for the existing disease and within the specified time ranges.

Note! To date, the device of the new generation Vitafon-5 is considered the best, which provides for the connection of several more additional modules.