What is the best food for pregnant women. Healthy eating during pregnancy. Overweight, pathological gain

Nutrition during pregnancy is one of the most important conditions for the full development of the fetus, a favorable course of pregnancy and its outcome. Normal conception, the process of pregnancy and feeding a child are natural physiological processes that often do not require the intervention of doctors. The only thing that future mothers should understand is that the life and health of their unborn child will depend on how they eat for all 9 months. Some simply do not realize this, so in the future there are serious problems with the development of the fetus. Moreover, improper and unbalanced nutrition of the expectant mother during gestation will affect the well-being of the baby for many years.

There are too many temptations in the modern world, but sometimes you should forget about your desires and completely focus on the child. To alleviate nutritional problems in the first months of pregnancy, doctors may prescribe special products, such as protein vitamin-mineral complexes, which are able to supply the body with all the necessary substances.

1 trimester - features and eccentricities of pregnant women

Relatives can help keep the diet of a pregnant woman. The 1st trimester is one of the most important periods in the formation of the fetus. It is during the first months of pregnancy that you will have to completely abandon all bad habits. In fact, this should have been done a few months before conception, even during pregnancy planning.

When it comes to food, a sudden change in habits and the transition to completely healthy food can be stressful for the body, and this is completely unnecessary. For example, do you like to eat fried potatoes and can't imagine your life without them? Okay, eat healthy. Such eccentricities are fully supported. In any case, if a pregnant woman wants something unusual, then she definitely needs to give it. Small vagaries in food are permissible, because the body is rebuilt in connection with pregnancy - this concerns the fact that a child needs a huge amount of useful minerals and vitamins. They may not be enough, so a woman’s body with such “Wishlist” signals that there are not enough substances. As you can see, the diet for pregnant women is quite simple in the first months. Many do not even change their habits.

What do we eat?

The menu of a pregnant woman is quite an unpredictable thing. Of course, everything is selected individually, but there are some general patterns for all expectant mothers.

It is very important to listen to even the slightest eccentricities in food, because the desires of pregnant women sometimes speak volumes. For example, if you want seaweed, then there is an acute shortage of iodine in the body. An increased interest in dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese, and others) is a sign of insufficiently high calcium levels. It is necessary for the full development of the fetus, so its deficiency should be eliminated without delay. A lack of vitamin C, for example, is evidenced by a craving for fresh vegetables and fruits, potatoes and pickles. Many people in this period want to eat nuts, fish and green peas - such food preferences are a clear sign of a lack of vitamin B1 in the body. Fruits, as well as orange and red vegetables, are an excellent source of vitamin A (that is, carotene). For lovers of bananas, the good news is that they are rich in vitamin B6 and much-needed potassium.

A proper diet for pregnant women should in no case exclude the use of meat. Often there are situations when such a useful product is abandoned due to toxicosis. A similar phenomenon worries women during the first few months of pregnancy. In any case, it will pass quickly enough, and the use of such products will not cause any trouble at all.

The first half is the correct ratio of useful micro and macro elements

In the first few months of pregnancy, the internal organs of the unborn baby begin to form, which is why it is so important to follow the advice of experts regarding nutrition. Firstly, it is preferable to eat 4 times a day, and this should be done in such a way that about 30% of the total energy value of the daily diet is eaten for breakfast.

Then it is followed by a second breakfast - this is another 15%, lunch takes 40%, dinner is only 10%. But at 9 pm you can drink a glass of kefir - this will be the remaining 5%.

Such proportions should be calculated for a diet with an energy value of 2400 or up to 2700 kcal. In order to avoid possible problems in the future, you need to properly plan your meals during pregnancy.

Doctors recommend that you follow a diet that will include all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates, fats, micro and macro elements, minerals, and vitamins. The diet of a pregnant woman per day should include an average of 75 g of fat, up to 110 g of protein, and approximately 350 g of carbohydrates. It is these proportions that are able to provide the body of a pregnant woman with everything necessary for the normal physiological development of the fetus.

Contraindications during pregnancy

The diet for pregnant women should completely exclude alcohol and cigarettes - it would seem that everyone knows this, but some young ladies simply cannot afford to give up such addictions.

Sometimes it is not enough to know that in the future bad habits can lead to improper physiological development of the baby, to problems with the cardiovascular system and mental development.

In the first months of pregnancy, drug abuse should be avoided, unless the attending physician sees it as necessary. Avoid any contact with patients, because during pregnancy a woman's immunity is too weakened, which can lead to sad consequences. Do not eat poor quality foods. The best option would be to eat freshly prepared meals, fresh vegetables and fruits. Food poisoning is not the best prospect.

The most interesting thing is that lovers of spicy are a little unlucky. Such spices as mustard, horseradish, pepper and vinegar, they will definitely not see soon. It is important that there are absolutely no canned foods on the pregnant woman’s menu. You can only use those that are marked "Baby food" and "No preservatives guaranteed."

Required doses of minerals

The most basic problem that pregnant women face is the lack of iron in the blood. It is this component that is responsible for normal blood circulation and tissue respiration. In order to make up for the required daily dose (up to approximately 20 mg), it is enough to include egg yolk, liver, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge in the diet.

If there is a desire to eat lime, salt, chalk and more, then this is a clear sign of a lack of calcium salts in the body. So the first step is to change your diet. In this case, pregnant women are prescribed special vitamins, phosphorus, calcium and iron preparations. The approximate diet of a pregnant woman should include from 1500 to 2000 mg of calcium per day. This dose is almost twice the daily norm of an adult. In order to satisfy this need, it will be necessary to intensively consume dairy products, especially milk. For example, 100 ml of pasteurized milk contains approximately 130 mg of calcium. Cheeses are the most valuable in this regard - only 100 g of cheese can contain up to 1000 mg of calcium.

Strict rules must be observed regarding the consumption of table salt. For example, in the first few months you can allow up to 12 g per day, a little later you can only up to 8 g, but in the last two or three months only up to 5 g.

Nutrition during pregnancy - basic rules

It is important to ensure that all cooked food is of the highest quality. Many doctors recommend eliminating sucrose from the diet. Most of it is found in confectionery. A good substitute would be glucose, honey, fructose, as well as any confectionery products that are made on their basis.

It is very important for a pregnant woman to ensure that the amount of energy that comes with food matches the costs. That is, it is normal that the expectant mother gains kilograms, but this recommendation will protect her from excess weight that may remain after childbirth.

The diet of a pregnant woman must be completely balanced: an excess of nutrients can also disrupt the full physical development of the fetus, metabolism and the function of the endocrine glands. As a result, a baby with excessive body weight and inharmonious development of internal organs may be born.

If we look at the problem from the other side, then malnutrition can harm the unborn child even more than overeating. A deficiency of at least one useful element (for example, calcium) in the diet of a pregnant woman can adversely affect the health of the baby. In the absence of the necessary macro- and microelements, vitamins and minerals, a miscarriage or premature birth may occur. Prematurity is very dangerous for the life of the baby: it can affect the inferior mental development, the occurrence of various anomalies, deformities, developmental delays.

Standard in weight gain during pregnancy

An approximate diet for pregnant women should be calculated only from their individual needs. An interesting fact is that all women gain mass in almost the same way. For example, the rate of increase in body weight is from 8 to 10 kg. This is approximately 300 or 350 g per week already during the second half of pregnancy. Most often, many girls begin to eat uncontrollably, explaining that they need to eat for two. It is not right! You can not gain too many extra pounds in the first half of the term. It is important to monitor the benefits of consumed products and not overdo it. If you follow a few simple rules, a diet for pregnant women for weight loss may not be needed in the future.

second half of pregnancy

Nutrition during pregnancy at this time is somewhat different - it is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day. This is slightly more than in the first half, but one condition remains unchanged - hot spices, seasonings and coffee will have to be abandoned. There is a rough list of foods that must be eaten. For example, cottage cheese should be eaten approximately 150 g, butter and vegetable oil - from 30 g to 40 g, 1 egg, 500 g of milk and 50 g of sour cream. As for bakery products, the norm of wheat and rye bread is 150-200 g each, buns or cookies can be eaten 100 g, pasta is recommended no more than 60 g. In addition to water and juice, you can drink tea and cocoa.
An hour before bedtime, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir. As for the intake of meat and fish, the diet for pregnant women should be planned in such a way that these two types of products must be for breakfast and lunch. But for dinner, it is worth giving preference to dairy and plant foods, and dinner should be a few hours before bedtime so that the body does not feel heaviness.

Health problems in expectant mothers

The possibility that a pregnant woman may have a simple intolerance or allergic reactions to basic foods should not be dismissed. In this case, you need to fully coordinate your diet with the doctor of the antenatal clinic, who will continue to conduct pregnancy. Nutrition during pregnancy (menu) will be calculated in such a way as not to provoke an allergy to certain foods, but at the same time to meet the needs of the developing fetus as much as possible. For example, if there is no way to refuse something, then such foodstuffs will be consumed in small doses, which will gradually increase. Allergenic products are diluted in boiled water and taken in a teaspoon once a day. Gradually, the dosage and concentration will increase to two, and then three spoons. Such training involves a gradual increase in dosage, so that in the future it will be possible to eat even those foods that are allergic.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is also monitored by a doctor in cases where pregnancy occurs with any complications, for example, if a girl has obesity, chronic diseases, or other abnormalities.

What to do with late toxicosis?

The most common problem is the appearance of late toxicosis - in this case, doctors recommend a fasting diet. The diet for pregnant women includes an apple diet - it implies that a girl eats approximately 300 g of baked, ripe or raw apples five times a day. The result is 1.5 kg per day. There is a watermelon diet built on the same principle, but in the end it comes out 2 kg of watermelon per day. In any case, such diets are quite inferior in chemical and energy terms, so they are prescribed no more than 1 time per week.

What and how should a future mother eat? There is too much information to immediately make the right decision. We are afraid of allergies, problems in the development of the unborn baby, various threats to our appearance.

And trying to prevent the coming diathesis, lack of growth or weight of the child and hair loss, pregnant women begin to invent all kinds of diets. Or they completely wave their hand at everything and continue to eat as they did before pregnancy. How to do the right thing?

The nutrition of the expectant mother is, first of all, healthy, varied, complete food. When compiling our menu, we must be guided by the following principles.

First principle

The faster the product came from nature to our table, the more “alive” it is, the better for a woman. This applies to absolutely everything: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.

It is quite obvious that milk that is stored for six months, yoghurts that do not spoil for several months, canned food, sausages, it is not known how long frozen fish that has lain in the store are far from the concept of “live food”.

Second principle

During pregnancy, as well as in any other period of life, food should be enjoyable. It is important that this or that food wanted . It is necessary to be guided by desire (“I want to eat this”), and not by some settings (“It is useful” or “I can’t do this”).

We often eat from the principle that comes from the head, and not from the need of the body - and then such food is not very well absorbed just because the body does not need it. The clearest example is consumption of cottage cheese by pregnant women. It is eaten regardless of desire, because it is believed that this is the best source of calcium that expectant mothers need.

Meanwhile, firstly, cottage cheese is primarily a protein, and secondly, if you eat it through force, then it is not a fact that nutrients will be absorbed from it.

.FThere is no hard and fast rule for everyone! Each woman has her own metabolism, and during pregnancy, these differences increase even more. Therefore, it is impossible to focus on the average consumption of a particular product.

Many will probably have a question: what if you want frankly harmful products? Chips, Coca-Cola, chocolate in large quantities are not useful in the normal state, not to mention pregnancy.

Such addictions can be seen as a certain diagnostic sign- this means that the woman has already violated the diet, and she is not able to correctly feel the needs of her body, but at the same time she feels the pleasure received from these products well. Oddly enough, but in the state of pregnancy, the joy of eating a certain type of food prevails over its usefulness.

What can this or that predilection say? For example, if a woman has an irresistible desire for chocolate, then perhaps she does not allow herself to receive joy from life, lives in the power of prohibitions and obeys everything. The second, more important reason may be that a woman systematically denies herself fat - and the body seeks to make up for their deficiency at least in this way.

Another common food craving is cravings for salt- may be due to the fact that a woman drinks little, and the body thus takes care of retaining the right amount of fluid in the tissues. This is also signaled by an irresistible desire for carbonated drinks.

In any case, the child will receive everything necessary from the mother's body, especially if this is the first pregnancy. This is how our body works. The only question is what will remain for the woman and what will be her condition after childbirth with a diet that does not provide enough nutrients.

Third principle

Omandatory inclusion in the diet of essential food components . Pregnant women often set themselves the most important task: to eat as many vitamins as possible. Meanwhile, a woman in position needs, first of all, not vitamins, but proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Your daily menu should certainly include products containing these three components. source squirrel are dairy products, fish, meat, legumes, eggs, cereals - and all this must be consumed, because protein is a building material for the growth and development of a child.

Carbohydrates are also necessary - they provide the body of a woman and the body of a growing child with the necessary amount of energy. Bread, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, cereals must be in the diet of pregnant women. How much carbohydrates you need depends on the woman's lifestyle - the more active it is, the more carbohydrate foods you need to eat.

Use fat during pregnancy, it acquires a particularly important role, because they are involved in the construction of the nervous system and the membranes of the growing body of the baby. It is impossible to reduce them to a minimum and even more so to exclude fatty foods.

In the diet of a pregnant woman, there must be fatty fish, fatty meat, lard, long-cooked broths, jelly, butter and vegetable oil, nuts, and dairy products. Fatty fish is especially useful, because it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids in an active form, which are very well absorbed and immediately integrated into the body.

Yulia Gusakovskaya - Starovoitova, Director family center

Dear readers! In your opinion, what should be the diet of a pregnant woman? Should the expectant mother adhere to strict healthy limits or can she afford sweets and saltiness?

A woman in a position changes culinary preferences, lifestyle, attitude towards others. The mother-to-be consciously tries to limit herself from everything that can harm her child. This applies to diet, actions, bad habits. Knowing what is impossible for pregnant women at an early stage is necessary not only for newly-made parents, but also for relatives who also want to ensure a favorable pregnancy.

What not to do during pregnancy

There are many myths and facts about this period of a woman's life: some believe that she cannot cut her hair, paint her nails, move actively, etc. You should look into this more carefully. Due to the change in the hormonal background, it is better to refrain from perming and hair coloring procedures, as a result of which their condition may worsen. If you belong to the category of women who dye their hair all the time, opt for sparing options. The expectant mother is also forbidden to wear synthetic underwear. During pregnancy, you can not:

  • take baths (hot);
  • visit the sauna and solarium;
  • take medication without consulting a doctor;
  • vaccinate against rubella, tuberculosis, mumps;
  • perform X-ray or fluorography;
  • clean the cat's toilet (the cat is a carrier of a disease such as toxoplasmosis).

What not to eat when pregnant

A conscious woman during pregnancy reviews her diet with special care, some even hang a list of prohibited dishes in the kitchen. During this period, food addictions or aversion to certain foods are formed. It may turn out that you are not drawn to healthy food, but you want to eat more of what you can’t, so it’s important to study the list of foods that are dangerous to the health of the developing organism.

Action on the body


Fatty, fried, peppery, spicy

They affect the liver, kidneys and gallbladder, which are already displaced during pregnancy.

French fries, salo, steak, chili, Korean salads, adjika

They have a detrimental effect on the entire human body, for example, the carcinogenic additive E211 can contribute to the development of cancer.

Chewing gum, sweets, confectionery, chips, croutons, seasoning, sauce

canned food

Influence the synthesis of proteins, which are the main building material of a developing organism

Canned fish

Some seafood

Tuna, mackerel, shark, crab, shrimp, swordfish.

raw eggs

May cause salmonella infection

In the early stages

The development and health of the baby depends on how the first trimester of pregnancy goes, so the expectant mother should scrupulously approach the issue of her nutrition. It is advisable to give preference only to natural products prepared in compliance with all sanitary standards. At this time, there are no significant changes in the woman's condition, but you still need to limit or exclude the following products:

  • Sweets and flour products. They contribute to rapid weight gain, so in the early stages it is important to adjust your diet in order to feel good at the end of pregnancy and not suffer from edema. This category includes all kinds of confectionery and refined sugar, which do not contain vitamins, but are full of carbohydrates.
  • Products that can cause allergies, which can result in improper development of the child or even miscarriage. These include red vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits, honey.
  • Beans, beans, peas can cause increased gas formation, which will result in increased tone.
  • Chocolate, being a powerful stimulant, has a detrimental effect on the mental and nervous system of the little man. The measure is important here, a couple of pieces will not hurt anyone, so you are allowed to allow yourself such a treat once a week.

What should not be eaten by pregnant women

The diet of the expectant mother should not harm the developing organism. Some dishes can be limited during this important period of life, their single use will not lead to negative consequences. However, there are foods that need to be blacklisted for the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. Pregnant women should not eat:

What is better not to drink

If a cup of morning coffee has become a daily ritual for you, you should give up this pleasure for the sake of the health of your unborn child. This drink has an adverse effect: it increases blood pressure, provokes a threat of miscarriage, causes insomnia, removes vitamins and microelements from the body. You also need to remove caffeinated foods from your menu, do not drink energy drinks and cola.

It is permissible for black tea lovers to occasionally consume this drink, which should not be strong. The reason for this is all the same caffeine, which, penetrating the placenta, can harm the baby. Carbonated water must be discarded due to the content of chemicals and dyes.

Any drinks containing alcohol put a strain on the kidneys, which already work during pregnancy in an enhanced mode. Even if you decide to treat yourself to a glass of beer, this can negatively affect the intellectual abilities and the formation of the unborn baby, especially in the first trimester. Therefore, drinking alcohol is prohibited. Kvass is also better not to drink at this time. These tips for pregnant women in the early stages will help to avoid many unpleasant moments.

What not to do when pregnant

In this special period of life, new habits, rules appear and the perception of the world around us changes. Sometimes a woman thinks she can turn the world around, and sometimes she doesn't even have the strength to brush her teeth. It is important to treat this condescendingly and follow a set of measures that will ensure your safety. According to these rules, it is prohibited:

  • Carry out general cleaning with household chemicals. In extreme cases, you need to protect yourself as much as possible by wearing gloves and ventilating the room.
  • Sitting still at a computer or favorite job. When doing embroidery or other creative process, do not forget to do active physical 15 minutes.
  • Walk in high heels (more than 4 cm). If you don't want varicose veins or flat feet, you can't do that.
  • Sit with your legs crossed. In this position, the veins located in the popliteal fossa are clamped, and blood circulation in the pelvic organs slows down. The result may be fetal hypoxia.
  • smoke. This leads to poor blood supply to the placenta due to its vasoconstrictive action. There is a chance that the baby will be born prematurely or with a small weight.
  • Forget about parties and discos. The smell of cigarette smoke, alcohol and loud music do not contribute to the beneficial course of pregnancy.
  • Hold off on extreme sports. Adrenaline negatively affects the mental activity of the baby, so you should avoid stress, worries and be less nervous. The expectant mother should provide herself with a calm and positive environment.

In the early stages

Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended during the first trimester. This position puts pressure on the uterus, which can damage the embryo. You can be in this position in rare cases, but by no means make it a habit. However, when the tummy has already noticeably increased, it is advisable to listen to the recommendations of doctors and exclude rest on the back. Blood circulation may be disturbed due to the fact that the grown belly will put a load on the deep veins.

In the first trimester, the girl's hormonal background changes, which results in mood swings and emotional outbursts. During this period, for some, intimate relationships are a necessity, while for others they are undesirable. According to doctors, a pregnant woman is allowed to have sex, moreover, it also has a positive result, since endorphins are produced. A nice bonus is the training of the pelvic muscles.

However, there are contraindications in cases where the tone of the uterus is increased, there is a risk of miscarriage or an infection in the partner. It is better to refuse intimate relationships so that there is no abortion. In other cases, the expectant mother is allowed to have sex throughout the entire pregnancy, the main thing is to avoid deep penetration, pressure on the abdomen and too long intercourse.

What movements can not be done during pregnancy

While waiting for the baby, a woman should exclude work that involves lifting heavy objects (more than 3 kg). The permissible weight, in exceptional cases, is 5 kg. It is also contraindicated for pregnant women in the early stages to rearrange furniture in the apartment, make sharp and jerky movements. This can lead to premature birth. You can not do repairs and heavy physical work. Leave the painting of the walls, beating the carpets, washing the windows to someone else or postpone for a certain time.


After a woman becomes pregnant, she needs to take into account that any action affects the unborn child. Proper nutrition during pregnancy is very important, since the harmonious development and well-being of the baby depends on the nutrition of the mother.

Why Proper Nutrition During Pregnancy Is Important

Pregnancy is the time when the female body is subject to high loads. The unborn child grows and develops in utero, and for this he needs the energy components of food and plastic (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). More mineral salts and vitamins are also needed. That is why nutrition during pregnancy should be different from what it was before.

A deficiency of any nutrient in the mother's diet can cause serious health problems for both the baby and the woman. There are also so-called critical periods of fetal development during pregnancy. So, for example, the lack of certain food components during the laying of the child's nervous system can lead to a violation in its formation. This manifests itself in the future as a lag in development from peers.

There are several options for malnutrition in a woman during pregnancy. The main one is nutritional deficiencies. At the same time, the body cannot compensate for the energy and protein deficiency. A similar situation arises when a pregnant woman consciously does not change her diet for fear of gaining extra pounds, or she has no desire to understand the basics of proper nutrition while waiting for the baby.

There is a violation of the ratio between food components and responsible expectant mothers who take care of the baby. At the same time, a woman eats a lot and often, but, despite this, a deficiency of a certain useful substance that is vital for the fetus develops.

Healthy and proper nutrition during pregnancy is the most important condition for maintaining the health of mother and baby, as well as its harmonious development.

What can and cannot be eaten while pregnant

It is during pregnancy that a woman pays a lot of attention to her health and intensively monitors nutrition. Many components of the diet are excluded for a long time, and water and tea are preferred from drinks. For tea lovers, it is best to choose green varieties that contain more nutrients. Any tea reduces pressure, has a positive effect on the condition of the teeth and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. It is better to drink it weak, you can add milk.

  1. Do not get carried away during pregnancy with herbal teas. They can be drunk no more than 1 cup per day after consultation with the doctor.
  2. Any tea contains caffeine, which can cross the placenta and harm the fetus, so you should not get carried away with it. It is best to avoid drinking coffee altogether. If a woman cannot do this, then cut back to a minimum. Coffee excites the nervous system, leaches calcium from the body, raises blood pressure, and prevents microelements from being absorbed. Read also:
  3. If a woman cannot completely give up coffee for the period of bearing a child, then its maximum consumption should not exceed 200 ml per day.
  4. Salt must be present in the food of a pregnant woman, but in limited quantities. The amount of amniotic fluid is constantly updated and increased, while salt is very important. It is better to choose sea or iodized salt, which improves metabolism and immunity.
  5. The main part of the diet during the period of bearing a child is vegetables and fruits. You can drink freshly squeezed juices. It is optimal to eat about 1 kg of such products per day. Citrus and exotic fruits should be limited, as they can provoke an allergic reaction in a woman or in an unborn baby.
  6. Of the fruits, apples have the greatest benefit, as they contain many vitamins. They also normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the immune system, improve appetite and remove cholesterol from the body. Pears will help reduce pressure and get rid of edema. Pumpkin also has diuretic properties. Bulgarian pepper saturates the body of the fetus with keratin, strengthens nails, hair and teeth. Beets help the formation of red blood cells in a pregnant woman and an unborn child. Pomegranate increases hemoglobin.
  7. It is not always possible to get all the necessary trace elements and vitamins from fruits and vegetables, so a pharmacy balanced vitamin and mineral complex will help to avoid their deficiency. Read also:
  8. During pregnancy, folic acid is needed, which is rich in melon. This substance strengthens the nervous system and vascular walls, and also gives the body glucose. Grapes contribute to the formation of strong immunity in the baby. Rich in vitamins and cranberries.
  9. Do not drink packaged juices during pregnancy. They contain large amounts of sugar and preservatives and are poor in vitamins.
  10. Dairy products are a source of calcium, which plays an important role in the formation of the skeletal system, nails and teeth of a child. Also, the dairy components of the diet contain a large amount of proteins, milk sugar and vitamins. Dairy fats are easily digestible, so there is no need to be afraid of their presence in food.
  11. Particular attention among dairy products during pregnancy is given to cottage cheese. In terms of protein content, it surpasses even some varieties of meat. It also contains methionine, which is involved in the process of fetal formation.
  12. Every day, cottage cheese should be included in the diet for pregnant women. It is useful to add fruits, berries and sour cream to it.
  13. Nuts contain many useful substances, but they are slowly absorbed by the body, so their consumption should be limited. It is not recommended to eat them with a tendency to constipation or allergic reactions. During pregnancy, walnuts and pine nuts are useful, which have a positive effect on lactation. Read also:
  14. It is better to choose fish from marine varieties, as they are rich in minerals and trace elements. It is recommended to boil and bake it. Fried fish burdens the liver and kidneys, and raw fish can be dangerous to the health of a woman and a baby. Useful for pregnant women and seaweed.
  15. Meat during the period of bearing a child should only supplement the main diet. To obtain all the necessary nutrients, it is enough to consume 150 g of meat products per day. The most useful meat is poultry, rabbit, veal or lean pork. By the end of pregnancy, the amount of meat consumed can be reduced.
  16. Butter should not be abused, as it causes excess weight. Vegetable oils include olive and sunflower oils.
  17. Cereals help to improve the work of the intestines of a pregnant woman. They also should not be neglected at this time.

Regardless of the course of pregnancy for this period, you need to abandon the following products:

  • chips and crackers;
  • chewing gum;
  • fried and spicy dishes;
  • smoked meats;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • alcohol;
  • spices;
  • oil creams with dyes;
  • semi-finished products;
  • crab sticks;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • Exotic fruits.

If you are prone to allergies, highly allergenic foods should be excluded from the diet.

Nutrition during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

During this period, folic acid or vitamin B9 is especially important, the lack of which can manifest itself already a few weeks after the onset of pregnancy. This vitamin is necessary for proper cell division, normal growth and development of organs and tissues of the fetus. Its special role is participation in the formation of the child's nervous system. With a deficiency of folic acid, a woman may feel a bad mood, lack of appetite and rapid fatigue. (you can also fix the link here)

The following foods are rich in vitamin B9:

  1. spinach;
  2. beet;
  3. cabbage;
  4. legumes;
  5. kidneys;
  6. caviar;
  7. salad;
  8. green onions;
  9. liver;
  10. cottage cheese;
  11. tomatoes;
  12. yolk

Often during this period, women are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as toxicosis. It is manifested, as a rule, by morning sickness, vomiting, loss of appetite, poor health. Frequent meals in small portions (after 2-3 hours) will help to alleviate the condition of a woman. Preference should be given to fruits, vegetables, steamed or baked dishes.

Having learned about pregnancy, you do not need to start eating for two. Such a diet will only lead to extra pounds, which are then difficult to get rid of. The baby's need for energy at this stage is very small.

Menu during pregnancy in the 1st trimester


  • Breakfast: Muesli mix with milk and fruit
  • Lunch: Soup (base - meat broth)
  • Afternoon snack: 150gr. vegetable salad (choose vegetables according to the season)
  • Dinner: Braised cabbage with rice
  1. Breakfast: Oatmeal or rice with milk
  2. Second breakfast: Butter sandwich
  3. Lunch: Ukha
  4. Afternoon snack: 150-200gr. low-fat cottage cheese
  5. Dinner: Pasta and baked liver on kefir
  6. Before bed: Salad of your favorite vegetables
  • Breakfast: 100-150 grams of cottage cheese + green or black tea
  • Second breakfast: Dried fruit compote and biscuit biscuits
  • Lunch: Pumpkin and broccoli soup
  • Afternoon snack: Seasonal fruit of your choice
  • Dinner: Mashed chicken with steamed chicken patty
  1. Breakfast: 150-200 gr. buckwheat or rice porridge with milk + juice
  2. Second breakfast: 150 ml natural low-fat yogurt without additives and sugar
  3. Lunch: Shredded cauliflower or broccoli soup + bread
  4. Dinner: Salad of tuna, spinach leaves, avocado and cherry tomatoes, dressed with salad oil
  5. Before bedtime: 150 ml of cranberry juice
  • Breakfast: Bread with a slice of cheese and tomato. Wash down with kefir or fermented baked milk
  • Second breakfast: One orange
  • Lunch: Pasta with meatballs + seasonal vegetable salad
  • Afternoon snack: Walnuts (small handful)
  • Dinner: Potatoes cooked in the oven with meat
  • Before going to bed: 150 ml of kefir or milk
  1. Breakfast: Cheesecakes + a mug of herbal tea
  2. Second breakfast: 100 gr. dried apricots
  3. Lunch: 150 gr. vegetable soup with chicken pieces. Whole grain bread
  4. Afternoon snack: Apple and carrots, mashed through a grater
  5. Dinner: Mix of green salad, soft cheese and cherry tomato
  6. Before going to bed: 150 ml of kefir or milk


  • Breakfast: 150-200 gr. oatmeal in milk with apple slices + juice
  • Second breakfast: One banana
  • Lunch: Chicken soup + cabbage, tomato and cucumber salad (or choose vegetables according to the season)
  • Afternoon snack: Favorite fruit (one apple or one pear)
  • Dinner: Steamed vegetables and chicken cutlet
  • Before bed: 150 ml of natural low-fat yogurt without additives and sugar

Nutrition during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

During this period, the unborn child is actively growing, and his organs begin their work. In this regard, the energy costs of the fetus increase, which means that the woman needs to consume more nutrients. The energy value of the daily volume of food in the 2nd trimester should increase to 2800 kcal, the need for proteins is 100 g per day.

For the formation of teeth, bones, muscles, heart and nervous system, the baby needs calcium and vitamin D. The lack of these substances can cause fetal growth retardation, the woman will experience muscle pain, caries, rapid pulse and osteoporosis.

There are foods that do not allow normal absorption of calcium and vitamin D, so it is best to refuse them. These include:

  1. soda;
  2. cocoa;
  3. semolina;
  4. sweet food;
  5. fatty and salty foods.

In this case, it is necessary to introduce calcium-rich foods into the diet:

  • spinach;
  • milk products;
  • oatmeal;
  • green onions;
  • yolk;
  • raisin;
  • butter.

Another possible problem in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is the development of anemia. It is manifested by a low level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood of the expectant mother. Anemia develops due to iron deficiency. The following foods are rich in this substance:

  1. liver;
  2. meat;
  3. eggs;
  4. pepper;
  5. radish.

Good absorption of iron is facilitated by foods rich in vitamin C.

Toward the end of pregnancy, women experience constipation and heartburn. Problems with the stool occur due to the deterioration of intestinal motility and the pressure of the uterus on the rectum. To combat this problem, the diet should contain foods containing a lot of fiber. These include vegetables and fruits, the share of which should be two-thirds of the daily food intake. At the same time, animal fats cannot be completely abandoned. With heartburn, you need to eat fractionally, completely refusing spicy, salty and fatty foods.

Menu during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester


  • Breakfast: Sandwich with a slice of cheese and tomatoes + scrambled eggs
  • Second breakfast: 100g. cottage cheese with raisins
  • Lunch: Soup with vegetables
  • Snack: 150 ml natural low-fat yogurt without additives and sugar
  • Dinner: Salad - mix of vegetables, avocado and lettuce
  • Before going to bed: 150 ml of rosehip infusion
  1. Breakfast: 200 gr. oat milk porridge
  2. Second breakfast: Banana, apple + some nuts
  3. Lunch: Chicken soup
  4. Afternoon snack: Low-calorie cottage cheese - 100 grams
  5. Dinner: Vegetable and lean meat stew
  • Breakfast: Egg omelette
  • Second breakfast: 150 ml natural low-fat yogurt without additives and sugar
  • Lunch: Meat or fish soup
  • Snack: Fruits (preferably apples, bananas, peaches)
  • Dinner: Any porridge with milk
  • Before bed: Vegetable salad or favorite fruit
  1. Breakfast: Cheesecakes with raisins and sour cream
  2. Second breakfast: A small handful of walnuts or almonds
  3. Lunch: Lentil soup
  4. Afternoon snack: Favorite fruit (one apple or one pear)
  5. Dinner: Chicken baked in tomatoes. Boiled rice - for garnish.
  6. Before bed: 150 ml of natural low-fat yogurt without additives and sugar
  • Breakfast: Omelet and sandwich
  • Second breakfast: 1 glass of natural tomato juice
  • Lunch: Ragout of fresh seasonal vegetables with meat
  • Afternoon snack: Peach or any other seasonal fruit
  • Dinner: Spaghetti with tomato sauce
  • Before bed: 1 cup of herbal tea
  1. Breakfast: Cottage cheese with grated berries or jam
  2. Second breakfast: Bread with a slice of cheese
  3. Lunch: Stewed beef + buckwheat for garnish, as well as vegetable salad + a cup of green tea
  4. Afternoon snack: Juice or fruit to taste
  5. Dinner: Chicken fillet baked with tomatoes + vegetable salad
  6. Before going to bed: 150 ml of milk or kefir


  • Breakfast: Corn milk porridge with dried apricots
  • Second breakfast: 150 ml natural low-fat yogurt without additives and sugar
  • Lunch: Portion of tomato salad (100g) and cucumbers and cabbage soup
  • Afternoon snack: A small handful of dried fruits or nuts (any)
  • Dinner: Squash fritters with sour cream, rosehip tea
  • Before bed: 150 ml of natural low-fat yogurt without additives and sugar

Nutrition during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

From the 32nd week of pregnancy, a woman needs to gradually reduce the calorie content of her diet. This is achieved by reducing the amount of animal fats and simple carbohydrates. During this period, the growth of the baby slows down, he basically only gains weight, but the activity of the expectant mother also decreases. That is why calorie intake is reduced.

At this time, a woman can spend fasting days once a week. At the same time, only one product can be eaten during the day: cottage cheese, apples or kefir.

Some women develop late preeclampsia at the end of pregnancy. This condition requires treatment and constant medical supervision. If there is at least a chance of its development, you need to completely exclude salt from your diet or reduce its consumption to a minimum. Sweet, smoked and fried foods are also forbidden for gestosis.

A healthy diet during pregnancy is the key to the well-being of the expectant mother and child. It is important to know not only what to eat, but also what pregnant women should not eat.

Eating foods that are not suitable for the expectant mother's diet can negatively affect her well-being and cause digestive problems. Some substances from food are able to penetrate the baby's body and adversely affect its development.

The doctor can make for each woman an individual list of products that she is undesirable to use for health reasons. Ideally, you should contact your gynecologist with such a question. However, there are universal recommendations that are suitable for all expectant mothers.

What should not be eaten and drunk by all pregnant women without exception:

  • Alcoholic drinks the influence of bad habits on the development of the fetus is known and proven. Drinks containing alcohol are contraindicated in any quantities.
  • Raw fish and meat - Favorite steaks with blood should be excluded. During pregnancy, you can not eat sushi and rolls. The fish used to prepare them is not a safe food for pregnant women. Such dishes increase the risk of infection with helminthiasis, which can harm the fetus.
  • Fast food - hamburgers, chips, crab sticks, breakfast cereals contain food additives and preservatives. Although many of the additives are approved for use, dangerous ingredients are often found that can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus. Pregnant women should not eat fast food in large quantities also because it threatens with excessive weight gain, which will complicate the last months of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Shrimps, caviar, crayfish and other seafood - in large quantities, they can harm the development of organs in a baby, as they contain mercury, which especially affects the formation of the nervous and circulatory system. Observe the measure and be interested in what waters your dinner swam in.
  • Watermelons, melons and mushrooms can cause intoxication, given the dishonesty of manufacturers and substances that promote the growth of these fruits. They accumulate toxic fertilizers.
  • Strong teas, coffee - can increase the mother's blood pressure, which in the future can lead to placental disorders. In addition, caffeine can be a reason for low weight in a baby.
  • A large number of flour products can cause sudden weight gain in the fetus. In some cases, up to 6 kg, which significantly worsens the course of pregnancy and the process of childbirth.
  • pineapples are also prohibited because they contain substances that can stimulate uterine contractions and fluid excretion from the body. There are a few other fruits that pregnant women should not eat - these are unripe papaya and later grapes.
  • Soft cheeses , namely unpasteurized, with mold or crusts (camembert, brie and the like). These and other unpasteurized dairy products should not be eaten by pregnant women, as they can provoke the development of listeriosis, and this is extremely dangerous for the fetus.
  • Some herbs and spices cause uterine contractions. Such an effect cannot be called useful for any expectant mother, and for those who have, the use of such products in large quantities can turn into a tragedy. These include: parsley, anise, dill, thyme, nutmeg, cinnamon.

In small quantities, such foods in early pregnancy and later can be included in the diet.

However, to make sure that such a diet is safe, you need to ask your doctor for advice, pass the appropriate tests and undergo a complete examination of the body.

Be careful with the following products:

  • Coffee. One, in rare cases, two cups of an invigorating drink will not do harm. If you want more, it is better to drink chicory instead.
  • Canned food, marinades and products with a high salt content. They can cause edema, so their use should be reduced to a minimum. Pregnant women should not eat those same pickled cucumbers in large quantities, especially in the later stages.
  • Fatty and fried. Some doctors completely prohibit the use of fried, spicy, fatty and smoked foods. Others recommend simply limiting your intake. In any case, it is worth reducing the intake of fried and fatty foods, as they heavily burden the digestive organs, which during this period work “for two”. We are talking not only about products with the addition of oil and fat, but also about those that originally contain it. So, pregnant women should not eat a lot of seeds and nuts, as they contain vegetable fats, which in excess give a serious burden on digestion.
  • Tuna and swordfish . Contains a large amount of metals. They should be used carefully so as not to harm the baby.
  • Spices and sauces with hot spices. They can cause, increase the manifestations of toxicosis, therefore their use should also be limited.
  • Liver . Here the situation is ambiguous. Some doctors insist that it is impossible to eat the liver during pregnancy - it contains too much vitamin A, an overdose of which is harmful to the fetus. Others recommend it to their patients suffering from low hemoglobin. The best option is to eat in reasonable quantities and infrequently.
  • Nutritional supplements. Examining the composition of the product on the package, a pregnant woman should avoid acidity regulators, preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers, as they affect the liver and pancreas of both the mother and the child.

Each woman, after consulting with a doctor, can adjust this list, because sometimes the desire to eat this or that dish is stronger than any "taboo".

Some addictions reach fanaticism, when women cannot resist chalk, pencil lead, cement ... Everyone has similar stories. The reason for this behavior lies in the lack of certain trace elements in the body.

For example, a passionate craving for chalk does not at all indicate a lack of calcium, as is commonly believed. Conducted studies and blood tests suggest that the desire to eat chalk is associated with a lack of iron.

At some point, a woman's brain blocks signals that pregnant women should not eat such things. Then it incorrectly recognizes the body's signals about the lack of a certain element. In another case, the brain associates the element not with the product in which it is contained, but with another, completely unrelated to it.

Having noticed an irresistible desire to taste something that pregnant women cannot eat, or that is not intended for nutrition at all, it is necessary to take a complete blood test.

How not to cook food for a pregnant woman

It is not enough to know the foods that pregnant women should not eat, it is necessary to understand what methods of cooking are prohibited.

Pregnant women should not eat foods fried in a large amount of oil, as they contain carcinogens and such food puts an increased burden on the digestive system.

It is advisable for expectant mothers to eat baked, boiled or steamed. This method of cooking is suitable for almost all products. For example, meatballs can be baked in the oven or steamed.

If you want fried potatoes, you can cut a few tubers into slices, grease with a mixture of a small amount of butter with dried herbs or a beaten egg, and bake in the oven. So you get tasty and fragrant potatoes in a crispy crust, and at the same time not floating in overcooked oil.

Meat and chicken can be fried in a dry non-stick frying pan. Or simmer with a little liquid.

You can not eat during pregnancy and raw eggs. You can become infected with salmonellosis - the disease is a critical danger to the fetus. You also need to give up all ways of cooking eggs and dishes in which they are added with a liquid yolk.

Signs of malnutrition during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the work of the body is rebuilt, the load and pressure on the digestive tract increases. Therefore, even those products that usually do not cause a negative reaction can present unpleasant surprises.

Common signs that you are eating food that you do not want to eat during pregnancy:

  • Persistent heartburn . Yes, heartburn is considered a “side effect” of pregnancy itself. But if it does not stop, the reason may be in the wrong diet. In this case, a pregnant woman should not eat a lot of sweet, salty, fried, spicy, fatty foods.
  • Sharp weight gain. All expectant mothers, but if the kg gain is too fast, the woman may be consuming too many carbohydrates (pastries, sweets). If the weight jumps, the problem may be edema, often provoked by too salty food.
  • Chair problems. Diarrhea or constipation are also frequent companions of pregnancy and may be due to hormonal changes. But if the stool is still not getting better, you should consult a doctor and reconsider the diet.

It is important to remember that a healthy diet is designed not only to help the fetus develop correctly, but also to maintain the health of the mother, because her body does a tremendous job - it prepares a new life for the birth.