What can you drink after a martini? How to drink martini correctly: useful tips. With food and snacks

Martini (vermouth) is an alcoholic drink that an impressive army of fans prefers to drink. Since vermouth is, first of all, an aperitif, it is drunk at evening events that do not involve a large-scale feast. It would be quite appropriate for a romantic meeting, a cocktail party with friends, or a buffet. Martini cocktails are popular in nightclubs, so this alcohol has rightfully gained fame as the “king of nightlife.”

Vermouths have gained the most popularity in our country:

  • Bianko (bianco) is a white vermouth with a spicy taste and delicate notes of vanilla.
  • Rosso (rosso) is a red vermouth with an amber hue obtained from caramel. It has a bright aroma and a slight bitterness.
  • Rosato (rosato) is a pink vermouth consisting of white and red wine.
  • Extra Dry (extra dry) – dry vermouth with a strength of 18%.

There are several options for serving this light, aromatic drink. Let’s take a closer look at how martinis are served correctly and what they eat as a snack.

Serving Martini neat

Martini in its pure form, served:

  • With olives, which can be placed on the bottom of a glass or strung on a decorative skewer.
  • With an onion.
  • A slice of lemon.
  • Pieces of ice.
  • Fruits and berries (cherry, strawberry, pineapple, orange, kiwi).

Serve martini diluted

The berries can be frozen and serve as an addition to the drink instead of ice. Pairs perfectly with Bianco berries. Vanilla notes combined with berries give a pleasant aftertaste. In combination with citrus fruits, Rosso harmonizes perfectly. Lemon is a classic snack for Extra Dry dry vermouth.

Drinking vermouth diluted with additional ingredients is a more popular way to drink it. There are many options here that can fill the drink with the desired accents.

The simplest option is dilution with water or fruit juices, usually citrus fruits. It is better if the juice is freshly squeezed. Juice is added in a 2:1 ratio or you can replace one part of the juice with ice. For fans of strong drinks, there are options for diluting a martini with vodka, tequila, whiskey or gin. It can also be mixed with carbonated drinks (tonic, cream soda, lemonade, cola, Schweppes).

The most popular way to consume Martini is to prepare alcoholic cocktails based on it.

Appetizer for Martini

An important question that may arise for a person who is poorly versed in the intricacies of serving alcoholic beverages: “What do you eat with a martini?” Due to its low strength, an appetizer is not necessary with a martini. However, it is not forbidden to serve salted crackers and nuts, as well as mild hard cheeses (preferably several types). Also, an olive or an olive from a glass is a great appetizer for a martini. You can serve fruit with vermouth; citrus fruits or peaches, as well as any berries, are better suited.

Martini glasses

It is possible to fully appreciate the merits of vermouth and enjoy its taste only if the right glasses are selected for it in the shape of a cone, rising on a long thin stem. The use of glasses and glasses intended for other alcoholic drinks indicates a lack of drinking culture and is considered bad form. The only alternative would be low, wide glasses (for whiskey).

Tasting process

Vermouth should be drunk chilled. The optimal temperature at which the bouquet of wine is maximized is 10-15 C°. Enjoy the drink slowly, drinking it in small sips. If vermouth is included in the cocktail, it is better to use a straw for drinking.

Good quality wine, juices and fruits, as well as the right martini appetizer will create a wonderful festive mood and surprise guests with unusual alcoholic combinations.

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Martini "Bianco" is a fairly common alcoholic drink that is quite popular among a large number of people. Interestingly, this drink can be consumed in various variations. What is Martini Bianco? How to drink this drink? What is customary to serve with it? You will find out the answers to these questions by reading this article.

Martini - what kind of drink is this?

It is probably impossible to find a person who has never heard of Martini, but not everyone has an idea of ​​what this drink is and how it can be consumed. Even fewer people are aware of what is served with Bianco martinis and other varieties of such a wonderful drink.

At the moment, there are many stories about where martini came from. Some believe that this drink appeared in the city of Martinez, others - that we all owe the emergence of the martini to bartender Thomas D., who allegedly invented it back in the 19th century.

Now Martini is a fairly popular drink all over the world. It is a brand of vermouth produced in Italy. It can be used either in its usual form or as part of a variety of cocktails.

Varieties of Martini

The most popular varieties of martinis are:

  • “Rosso” - it is characterized by a caramel-red color and a slightly bitter taste.
  • "Bianco" is a white vermouth with the scent of vanilla.
  • “Rosato” is a pink-colored vermouth containing various spices, and red and white wine are used for its production.

The most popular among all varieties is the Bianco martini. How to drink this vermouth will be described below. As a rule, this drink is more preferred by representatives of the charming half of humanity, however, there are also men who like the taste of Bianco.

Martini composition

The composition of absolutely any variety of this drink includes only a huge number of different plants, such as chamomile, orange, mint, St. John's wort, yarrow, coriander and many others. One of the main ingredients of vermouth is wormwood, thanks to which “Rosso” has its unique and slightly bitter taste.

Since the most popular variety of martini is Bianco, it is further recommended to consider in detail the composition of this particular drink. The composition of the Bianco martini includes dry white wine with sugar, while herbal tincture and vanilla, in fact, give this vermouth a refined and unique taste.

How to serve Martini Bianco

It should be said that on the Internet you can find various reviews about the Bianco martini. Everyone prefers to drink this drink in their own way. In general, vermouth is ideal for various cocktail parties, romantic dinners or buffets, where the main thing is not drink or food, but communication and a pleasant pastime. Martini of any kind, including Bianco, is recommended to be consumed as an aperitif, that is, before a meal.

Martini Bianco is recommended to be served moderately chilled, but in no case should you try to freeze it so that the bottle begins to become covered with frost. Of course, there is no point in heating vermouth in your hands either. The suitable temperature for drinking this drink ranges from 10-15 degrees. It is recommended to drink martini at this temperature, otherwise its taste and aroma may simply not develop.

You can also serve Martini Bianco with ice, pieces of fruit or berries. There is only one drawback to this method of consumption: together with Bianco, almonds, pistachios, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, varieties of cheese, olives, salty crackers and other light snacks can be served as snacks.

Martini is usually served in small glasses, with a slice of lemon or orange. Sometimes “Bianco” can be served in glasses intended for whiskey.

Martini "Bianco" - how to drink this drink and with what?

Vermouth can be consumed in various variations. Bianco martinis with juice or water are considered classic. Grapefruit or cherry juice is an ideal addition to Bianco. Representatives of the incomparable half of humanity like this combination, since most of them find the taste of the drink harsh. Plus, in this case, intoxication will not come immediately.

Another thing is men. To most of them, on the contrary, the taste of vermouth does not seem rich enough, so mixing this drink with liqueurs and rum is allowed. Of course, intoxication from such a mixture will come much faster, but you can also get enormous pleasure from all this.

Today there are a lot of cocktails, one of the ingredients of which is the Bianco martini. How to drink and how to make such cocktails? Let's talk about this further.

Recipes for some cocktails with Bianco vermouth

The Orange Martini cocktail is quite easy to prepare, so you can easily prepare it even at home. To prepare a cocktail called “Orange Martini” you will need:

  • 100 ml of vermouth called “Bianco”;
  • 200 ml orange juice;
  • orange slice for decoration;
  • a couple of ice cubes.
  • 30 ml martini;
  • 60 ml tequila;
  • as a decoration - a slice of lemon;
  • a couple of ice cubes.

A cocktail called “Jasmine” is also easy to prepare. To enjoy its taste, you need:

  • 20 ml "Bianco";
  • 50 ml chilled green tea;
  • 20 ml vodka;
  • for decoration - a slice of lemon and 5 grams of ginger.

The “Puppet” cocktail is much more complex, since its preparation requires a fairly large amount of alcoholic beverages, which are not always on hand. To prepare this cocktail you need to mix:

  • 50 ml Extra Dry vermouth;
  • 50 ml "Bianco";
  • 10 ml white rum;
  • 10 ml banana liqueur;
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • 30 ml orange juice.

Another wonderful and quite strong cocktail is Vesper. To prepare it you will need:

  • 15 ml vodka;
  • 40 ml gin;
  • 5 ml Bianco vermouth;
  • 5 ml of vermouth called “Extra Dry”;
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • as a decoration - a small slice of lemon.

In principle, you can experiment with cocktails; there is no need to settle on just one. The main thing is not to overdo it. Martini "Bianco" is a completely universal drink that will appeal to both men and women.

Martini, a member of the bitter vermouth family, is called a drink for aristocrats. It’s not often that you can see an image of the royal coat of arms on the label of a bottle of alcohol, made not at the whim of the designer, but with the personal consent of the royal person. In the case of Martini, permission to use his family symbol in the design of the bottle was given by the King of Italy, Umberto I, who highly valued this type of vermouth.

Today the drink is available not only to aristocrats. To enjoy it to the fullest, it is useful to know which glasses to drink it from, what to mix it with, whether to have it as a snack, and if “yes,” then with what.


The drink got its name in honor of Alessandro Martini, who was not the creator of this alcoholic miracle, but succeeded in popularizing it. A sales manager (that’s how we would describe his profession today) together with his friend, who was an experienced distiller, at the end of the 19th century. founded the Martini & Rossi company in Turin, Italy, and opened the most “advanced” production facility at that time.

Martini is a variety of vermouth that contains 35 different (including medicinal) herbs. The role of “first violin” is given to bitter alpine wormwood, which grows only on the western slopes of the mountains. It is its aroma that makes Martini easily recognizable among other alcoholic drinks.

The strength is 16-18%, therefore, especially with excessive consumption, it is quite dizzying. Moreover, as a rule, for ladies - experts consider martini a feminine drink.

Peculiarity! For men, Martini is weak, so they make it stronger by mixing, for example, with gin (its volume in a cocktail is usually 4 times the amount of vermouth) or tequila (it should be twice as much).

Bartenders called Martini “the king of nightlife” - it fits perfectly into the format of cocktail parties, buffets, and is also suitable for a romantic dinner. It gives a feeling of celebration, and in small doses it even brings health benefits (don’t forget about its medicinal ingredients) - improves digestion, relieves stomach pain.

How and what to snack on

Martini can be used as an aperitif as it stimulates the appetite. The drink is also good as a digestif to complete a meal.

Important! In order for the drink to reveal its aroma and taste more clearly, it needs to be cooled to 10-15 degrees.

Italian vermouth does not like stress: putting a bottle in the refrigerator, much less in the freezer, means ruining the exquisite bouquet. The cooling process should take place slowly, over several hours. If implementing such a technology is problematic, you can add ice cubes or frozen fruit to the drink.

Vermouth can be consumed both pure and diluted. Here is a list of drinks with which he is friends:

A straight martini (for example, one of the strongest Extra Dry varieties) is served with olives. They can be at the bottom of the glass or strung on a skewer. Berries and slices of fruit also serve as decoration and at the same time as a snack.

The Italians also came up with such an unexpected addition as an onion for their national drink. Tossed into the glass, it helps bring out the aroma of the botanicals in the martini.

Interesting! To taste the coolest cocktail, Martini on the Rock, you will have to pay 10 thousand dollars. This precious drink contains natural diamonds.

A frank letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after our wedding. First, a little at a time, go to a bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to return every day very drunk, he was rude, and drank away his salary. It really got scary when I pushed him for the first time. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and... beatings. And in the morning we apologize. We tried everything, we even coded it. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, we began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he was late at work (as he said) and dragged himself in the evening on his eyebrows. I still remember my tears that evening. I realized that there was no hope. And after about two or two and a half months, I came across an alcoholic on the Internet. At that moment, I had completely given up, my daughter left us altogether and began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and descriptions. And, not really hoping, I bought it - there was nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?!! I started adding drops to my husband’s tea in the morning, but he didn’t notice. Three days later I came home on time. Sober!!! A week later I began to look more decent and my health improved. Well, then I admitted to him that I was slipping the drops. When I was sober, I reacted adequately. As a result, I took a course of alcotoxic medication, and for six months now I have had no problem with alcohol, I was promoted at work, and my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I learned about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Will save families and even lives! Read about the cure for alcoholism.

When choosing the right snack for a martini, you need to give up sweet desserts and confectionery, giving preference to low-fat, light foods.

Light martinis are best suited to:

  • seafood (shrimp, oysters);
  • crackers;
  • deli meats (for example, Italian prosciutto ham).

Pair with pink and red varieties of vermouth:

  • fruit slices;
  • nuts;
  • cold boiled poultry (preferably wild duck, partridge).

The form of serving the snack should correspond to the festive nature of the drink. Here is one possible option. Place slices of canned pineapple on a large dish (you can also take fresh fruit). Place a piece of hard cheese on each and an olive on top. Then the structure is pierced with a skewer.

In the perception of many people, martini is a club drink, an attribute of a beautiful life. Not everyone associates it with the vermouth that it actually is. Several varieties of vermouth are produced under the Martini brand, but the most famous representative of this family of alcohol is Bianco. It is made from white wine and infused with extracts of flowers and herbs, which necessarily include wormwood. The drink has a subtle floral aroma with distinct notes of vanilla. It has a light straw color and not too high a strength (16%). It is valued for its soft sweet taste, almost devoid of the bitterness characteristic of vermouth. In order to appreciate the organoleptic qualities of this famous vermouth, you need to know how to drink the Bianco martini correctly.

Basic rules for drinking Martini "Bianco"

There are certain rules for serving and drinking white vermouth, which includes the Bianco martini. At the same time, etiquette requirements do not always coincide with club traditions.

  • Martini "Bianco" is a classic aperitif; according to the rules of etiquette, it is served before dinner. The rules of etiquette do not prohibit serving it after a meal. Clubbers consider it a drink that can be drunk throughout the day without being tied to lunch or dinner. Today this is not considered the norm.
  • In clubs, Bianco martinis are served in cone-shaped glasses with a high stem, called “martins” or “martishkas”. In fact, these glasses are cocktail glasses; it was once customary to serve a cocktail called “Martini” in them. Vermouth was served in old fashion glasses from which whiskey is drunk. Nowadays, it would not be a mistake to serve a martini in a wide glass, a rocks glass, or a cocktail glass. The same applies to containers for cocktails that contain Bianco martini. But drinking vermouth from glasses intended for strong alcohol will be bad manners.
  • It is permissible to serve a straw for cocktails that contain vermouth, but when serving a martini in its pure form, do not put a straw in the glass - this drink is not supposed to be drunk through it. If your glass has been “decorated” with this accessory, simply remove it and set it aside.
  • Often, a slice of citrus fruit or an olive on a skewer is dipped into a martini glass. They affect the taste of the drink, which not everyone likes. It makes more sense to serve the appetizer separately, unless the guest himself has expressed a desire to see it at the bottom of the glass.
  • Before serving, the Bianco martini is slightly cooled. The optimal temperature of the drink is 12–15 degrees. If you cool the drink any further, you won’t be able to feel its subtle bouquet. In its warmer form, it has a slightly harsh taste with bitterness, which makes it less pleasant to drink. You can cool the drink with ice, frozen berries and pieces of fruit.
  • It is customary to drink the Bianco martini slowly, in small sips. The ideal option is to stretch out the glass throughout the evening. If you drink glass after glass, you may be considered an insufficiently cultured person.
  • Martini "Bianco" can be drunk neat, diluted with ice or water, fruit juices, tonic or soda. It is acceptable to mix it with alcoholic drinks (vodka, gin, whiskey and others).

Martini "Bianco" can be drunk without a snack, as is most often done in clubs. However, the rules of etiquette require that guests be offered a light snack to accompany this drink.

What to eat with Martini Bianco

Martini "Bianco" serves as an aperitif and digestif, made on the basis of white wine and herbal extracts, which determines the choice of snacks suitable for this drink.

  • Cheeses are a good appetizer for the Bianco martini. This is the drink with which you can serve cheese not only with a neutral, but also with a pronounced spicy taste.
  • Olives and black olives go well with white vermouth. They can be with seeds, without seeds, or stuffed.
  • A saltine cracker is a simple but extremely successful snack for Bianco vermouth.
  • A slightly less successful, but extremely popular snack for a white martini are nuts.
  • If you want to snack on your drink with something more satisfying, you can choose canapés with cold meat or ham sandwiches, although this snack option is more suitable for red vermouth.
  • A not too common, but at the same time harmonious appetizer for “Bianco” is shrimp.
  • A win-win option would be to serve fruits and berries with your martini. Strawberries, pineapple, apples, oranges and other citrus fruits make a good combination with this drink.

The absence of a hearty snack for the Bianco martini does not threaten intoxication, since this vermouth is not too strong, and drinking it in large quantities is a sign of bad taste.

If you find the taste of vermouth too strong or sweet, try cocktails based on it. You will almost certainly be able to find an option to your liking.

Cocktail “Light Martini”

  • Martini “Bianco” - 50 ml;
  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • grape juice - 80 ml;
  • ice cubes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • cocktail cherry - for decoration.

Cooking method:

  • Place ice cubes in the bottom of a cocktail glass.
  • Pour in the martini, then the vodka, then add the juice last. It is not recommended to change the order of adding drinks.
  • Lightly stir drinks with a straw.
  • Decorate with cherries.

The cocktail is served with a straw, but you can drink it without it.

Cocktail “Orange Martini”

  • Martini “Bianco” - 60 ml;
  • orange juice - 60 ml;
  • orange - 1 slice (for decoration);
  • vodka - 30 ml;
  • ice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze the juice from the orange and pour it into a shaker glass.
  • Add alcoholic beverages and ice.
  • Shake the shaker for 30-40 seconds.
  • Strain the drink into a cocktail glass.
  • Garnish with an orange slice.

The cocktail has a refreshing taste and is easy to drink. Liked by both ladies and the stronger sex.

Cocktail “Laguna”

  • cognac - 60 ml;
  • vodka - 10 ml;
  • Martini “Bianco” - 10 ml;
  • Campari bitter - 5 ml;
  • ice - to taste;
  • cocktail cherry - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • Mix drinks and pour into shaker container.
  • Shake with ice.
  • Strain through a strainer directly into a martini glass.
  • Decorate with cherries.

Martini “Bianco” is not dominant in this cocktail, but largely determines its taste and aroma. Despite the romantic name, the drink is not very strong. When using it, you should know when to stop.

Cocktail “Dirty Martini”

  • Martini “Bianco” - 60 ml;
  • gin - 60 ml;
  • olive brine - 2–3 ml;
  • olive - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • Pour gin and martini into a shaker with ice, add olive brine, shake.
  • Pour into a cocktail glass.
  • Thread the olive onto a skewer and lower it into the drink.

This cocktail is extremely popular. It is impossible to remain indifferent to it: you either don’t like it, or it evokes delight and a desire to drink it again and again. The ratio of martini and gin can be changed at your discretion. Some people refuse to use brine, but add 3 times more olives.

Martini "Bianco" is extremely popular among clubgoers and nightlife lovers. Almost no social event is complete without it. If you drink this vermouth correctly, your impressions of getting to know it will remain extremely good.