What should you take to gain weight? Why does a person fail to gain weight and how to fix it? How to get fat for different categories of people

Hello my dear friends! I'm with you again. We all strive to look great and be in good shape. Some people need to lose a couple of extra pounds, while others don’t need to lose a few :) Some people, on the contrary, want to gain weight. Did you know that getting fat is also the right thing to do? You can include the most high-calorie foods to gain weight. Or fill your diet with sports nutrition. There are enough options. Let's discuss them.

Friends, I immediately want to protect you from misconceptions. Gaining weight does not mean going completely fat. This also does not mean that you will eat everything you see every day and in large quantities. There are many ways to gain weight the healthy way by eating foods that are good for our bodies.

Perhaps everyone agrees that a beautiful, muscular body looks much better than a skeleton covered in skin. Our muscles are a kind of protection for the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the fact that muscles are necessary for our body not only from an aesthetic point of view.

It would seem that there is nothing more difficult than losing extra pounds. Food restrictions, serious and regular training, iron discipline... Oddly enough, it turns out that gaining weight is no less problematic. The obstacles most often become physiology and genetics. Don't despair, there is always a way out!

High calorie foods

The first step to achieving your goal is to change your diet. High calorie foods must be included. You need to eat well!

In order to simplify your search, I have compiled a table of the highest calorie foods. Such products provide our body with a large amount of energy. The energy content is indicated in kcal per 100 grams of a particular product.

Plus, pay attention to peanuts and peanut butter.

The more of these products you have on your menu, the sooner you will be able to gain your desired weight.

Sports food

Sports foods are also on your side not only to increase body weight, but also to improve health.

My husband has an ectomorphic body structure. He has difficulty gaining weight and losing it easily. Even when he goes to the gym, he gains weight very slowly. To make it easier and speed up the process, he drinks gainers and protein.

I myself used to be wary of such products because I would have to learn more about them. And after reading it I realized that this is the same food, only highly concentrated. It already contains the required composition. Having lived in Thailand, I saw that protein supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes were sold directly in pharmacies.

Not all women have problems with excess weight, but thin women are also not always happy with their appearance, especially when thinness borders on dystrophy. It’s difficult to call such a figure beautiful, and you need to gain a few kilograms and round out your shape in order to gain a more attractive look. Such women need a diet in order to gain weight.

Why is it bad to be overly thin?

Of course, girls who dream of losing weight will say that it’s great to be thin. But those whose weight is at a critical point will answer: “Not always.”

Low blood pressure and fatigue, poor exercise tolerance, and most importantly, with very low weight, menstrual function may be disrupted, and with it - fertility . In women weighing less than 45-47 kg with average and high height, disturbances in the maturation of eggs due to thinness are natural.

In addition, sudden weight loss with an unchanged lifestyle and normal diet always indicates health problems and requires consultation with a doctor - therapist, endocrinologist - and a detailed examination.

This is usually caused by digestive problems, allergies or endocrine, tumor diseases. Therefore, you should not be overly happy about being too thin. To improve your health, you should gain a couple of kilograms and build muscle mass.

Nutrition principles for weight gain

Usually the reason for such slimness is increased metabolism and not entirely proper nutrition, decreased appetite (especially in case of illness).

To get better, it is necessary to stimulate your appetite, because if you eat through force, there will be no benefit from such nutrition and the food simply will not be digested properly. In addition, you need to review your daily diet and increase calorie content of dishes without changing the volume of foods eaten.

The only undoubted advantage in your diet compared to “donuts” is that you don’t need virtually any dietary restrictions, you can eat everything – high-calorie dishes, flour, fatty and sweet foods.

However, all these products must be evenly and reasonably included in the diet. Meals should be frequent and small, at least 5-6 times a day, in small portions with a charge of calories. Before each meal, you should drink some vegetable or fruit juice to stimulate digestion and appetite.

There should be no hungry periods in your diet. After all, hunger will negate all your efforts to gain weight by burning the calories and fat you have stored. Eat snacks between meals to avoid feeling too hungry.

Which products to choose?

In your diet, focus on carbohydrate and protein components. In this case, most of the protein should be of animal origin - fish, meat , chicken or eggs. Poultry meat is digested faster and more fully, and should be given preference. Its proteins help increase the volume of muscle tissue and give volume to the muscles.

In addition, it is worth supplementing the protein diet dairy products high in protein and fat. Calcium is also more actively absorbed from such products. You need cottage cheese, cream, sour cream and baked milk with a high percentage of fat content - at least 9%.

There are even special protein shakes for those who want to gain a little weight and increase muscle mass: mix 200 g of cottage cheese in a blender with a glass of cream, honey and a handful of berries.

Carbohydrates also help you gain weight. Feel free to eat rolls and bread, soft wheat pasta, potatoes, sweet foods, candies and chocolate. Just watch your pancreas.

To ensure that enzymes work more actively and have time to digest the entire volume of food, drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day: tea with milk and honey, coffee with cream, cocoa with milk, sweet juices, water.

Let's create the right menu

It is necessary to pay special attention to the main meals and the rules for constructing a diet for them.

Diet for those who want to gain weight

  • Breakfast is a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. Further nutrition largely depends on its correctness. Don't miss out breakfast , do not replace it with a cup of coffee. For breakfast, eat two sandwiches with cheese and butter or ham and lettuce. You can make a dessert from honey and nuts. By the way, nuts are also suitable as a snack between meals - they are filling and quite high in calories, they contain a lot of vitamins .
  • Fruit creamy is suitable for second breakfast yogurt high fat content or tea with sugar and cookies. This is a source of calories that are quickly mobilized and enter the blood.
  • Make lunch hearty and high in calories. Eat a salad or vegetable soup (to whet your appetite), as well as a high-calorie main course and dessert. It is necessary that it be meat or poultry, but not beef, it takes a long time to digest and provides few calories. It is best to choose potatoes or pasta or rice as a side dish.
  • Plan an afternoon snack - it should include cottage cheese with cream or sour cream, a casserole or coffee with cream and cookies; by dinner you should already be slightly hungry.
  • For dinner, prepare nourishing, but not heavy on the stomach dishes. Porridge with butter, flour dishes or fruit and cream salads are suitable; in addition, you can eat baked goods.
  • At night, milk with honey, drinking yogurt or kefir with 3.2% fat content are useful.

How to improve your appetite

There are several secrets to stimulating your appetite:

  • Before your main meal, eat some grapes or an apple half an hour before your main meal; they will whet your appetite.
  • Generously season your food with spices - add onions and garlic, wild garlic, cinnamon, curry and saffron, they stimulate digestion and stimulate appetite, improve the taste of food. Marinades and broths are useful.
  • Eat in a calm environment, stop watching TV or reading news on the Internet, you should enjoy the taste of food.
  • Chew your food thoroughly and for a long time - in this form it is easier and faster, which means it will be digested more fully.


These tips are completely suitable for those who do not have digestive problems. If you have chronic diseases of the digestive tract, you should create an individual menu together with your doctor.

Visit your doctor and undergo the prescribed examination. Excessive thinness (especially sudden weight loss) with a balanced diet and regular physical activity should raise alarm: something has gone wrong in the body. Reasons for weight loss include:

Timely detected and treated pathologies help restore metabolism and gain normal body weight. Consult a nutritionist to help you create a balanced diet. Perhaps a specialist will prescribe a course of vitamins and, if indicated for you, steroids.

If you are underweight, you should consult your doctor.

  1. Simply increasing the size of portions and increasing the amount of carbohydrates consumed is the main mistake of those who want to gain weight quickly. Such a diet will lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract and can even cause aversion to food, fraught with anorexia. Increase your caloric intake slowly, by 200 calories per day. The basic principle of a weight loss diet is to eat more calories than you burn.
  2. Establish split meals - at least five to six meals a day every 3-4 hours. It is important to approach the new regime smoothly: you are used to eating 3 times a day - first introduce the fourth snack, then accustom yourself to the fifth, sixth. You must be comfortable, otherwise your body will experience stress.
  3. Half an hour before meals, drink a glass of vegetable or fruit juice, but try not to drink during the meal itself. Drink drinks between main snacks to provide extra calories.
  4. Juices stimulate appetite, which is very important when gaining weight. Non-alcoholic beer is also shown in reasonable quantities. It stimulates the production of gastric juice and bile, helping the gastrointestinal tract, therefore it is indicated for low acidity.
  5. Forget about fast food, canned food, fried foods, refined foods, lard - such food, and even in large quantities, will lead to obesity and digestive problems. You need to get your weight back to normal, not become fat.
  6. Breakfast should not be a quick snack, but a complete meal. Scientists have proven that optimal saturation of the body with carbohydrates and proteins occurs precisely thanks to the first, morning meal.
  7. Be sure to restore your sleep patterns and regulate your psychological state. This is especially important if you are pregnant, because weight loss will affect not only the mother, but also the baby. The support of parents, friends, and a loved one during a period of weight gain cannot be overestimated. In severe cases, such as anorexia nervosa, modern psychotherapy can help.

Protein is the main building material during weight gain.

Weight Gain Products


To gain weight, your body needs the main building material - protein. Remember how breastfeeding babies recover quickly? They absorb a volume of milk equal to 1/5 of their body weight per day.

A young body needs more calories to develop. Girls under 25 years old need about 2000 cal per day with a sedentary lifestyle, about 2400 with an active lifestyle. When gaining weight - at least 3000.

It is no coincidence that one of the ways to gain weight for a girl with acute weight loss is to regularly consume 3 glasses of infant formula. Or a more familiar drink - full-fat milk (cow's, goat's, and if you can get it - high-calorie and nutritious buffalo milk).

Your diet must include:

  • dairy products: country or store-bought sour cream 25% fat, butter, cottage cheese, kefir
  • chicken and quail eggs, and nutritionists allow the consumption of two to eight eggs per day when building muscle mass
  • seafood and fatty fish, which must be included in the diet at least twice a week, as an option, fish oil
  • first courses of beans: peas, beans, lentils
  • meat: chicken, pork, veal, turkey


A variety of porridges cooked in milk and butter will help you gain weight without harming your health. A good option is rice, which will help saturate the body with carbohydrates. To increase the calorie content of the dish, you can cook the cereal in broth.

Feel free to introduce pasta and white bread into your diet. Many plump women may be jealous, because delicious baked goods will not harm you. However, don't overdo it! The amount of carbohydrates introduced into the diet for weight gain should not exceed 55% of all food eaten daily.


From time to time you can treat yourself to high-quality dark chocolate based on natural cocoa butter. It is better to avoid sweets with trans fats.


When preparing dishes, add more vegetables, stew them, boil them, bake them, and eat them in salads. It is recommended to actively introduce into the menu not only potatoes rich in starch, but also melons, cabbage, beets, and carrots. In vegetable salads, add sour cream or olive oil, which contains a lot of vitamin E - a stimulator of good metabolism.


Between snacks, drink sweet tea and fruit drinks. Juices with pulp are recommended. Be sure to drink non-carbonated clean water - about 2-2.5 liters per day for normal metabolism.

Fruits and nuts

Eat persimmons, melons, apricots, bananas, dates, rich in vitamins and fiber for normal digestion. Dried fruits are a real storehouse of complex carbohydrates - an excellent snack option. Combine dates, dried apricots, and raisins with nuts and seeds, which are rich in essential acids - an important element in protein synthesis.

Sample menu for weight gain


Option 1. Sweet coffee with cream, a bun and toast with jam.

Option 2. Hercules with honey, with nuts and pieces of fruit.

Option 3. Rice milk porridge with butter, fruit.


Option 1. Pie with meat or vegetables.

Option 2. Pasta with meatballs.

Option 3. Omelet with cheese, tomatoes.


Option 1. Fish soup, macaroni and cheese, white bread.

Option 2. Soup with pasta and meatballs from beef and pork, with sour cream. Vegetable salad, white bread.

Option 3. Borscht with sour cream, mashed potatoes with fried fish.

Afternoon snack

Option 1: Popsicles, sunflower or pumpkin seeds. Fruit yogurt, banana.

Option 2. Sandwich with ham and greens.

Option 3. Milk with oatmeal cookies, gingerbread.


Option 1. Meat baked in the oven, with vegetable salad, bread. Fruit dessert with honey.

Option 2. Fish with rice, bread, fruit.

Option 3. Buckwheat with milk, dried fruits, bread and butter.

Second dinner

Option 1. A glass of full-fat milk.

Option 2. A glass of fermented baked milk or kefir.

Option 3. Yogurt.

It is important to combine a weight gain diet with exercise.


A nutritious, balanced diet will definitely help you gain weight quickly, unless the doctor has found that you have serious health problems that are slowing down your metabolism. However, without physical activity, you may not gain as much as you would like, namely, gain weight in the hips and abdomen.

To gain weight quickly, you can consume a homemade protein shake. Mix a glass of cottage cheese and cream, a couple of tablespoons of honey. You can add any jam or syrup.

Your task is to build not fat, but muscle mass, without getting skin problems, and to be in good shape. Regular sports, namely strength training, exercises for the chest, upper and lower extremities will help. Consult with an experienced trainer or choose a suitable course on the Internet.

According to professional fitness trainers, you can gain weight both at home and while playing sports. For men, given the peculiarities of their physiology, this is more difficult for women than for women. Increasing quality mass in representatives of the stronger half of humanity is impossible without taking supplements and adjusting the lifestyle in general.

Knowing the basic rules of nutrition and ways to speed up the process of getting results, a man will be able to change his appearance within 3-4 weeks from the moment he starts working on himself.

It is possible for a man to gain weight at home in either a week or a month. The quality mass gained in a month will be larger in volume and will remain for a longer period.

When increasing the weight of their own body, representatives of the stronger half of humanity need to be guided by the basic rules of working on themselves. They vary depending on the desired result and the time a man has at his disposal.

How to gain weight for a man at home? One of the many but simple tips is to drink at least 2 liters of water.

Goal Principles and rules of competent self-improvement
How to quickly gain 5-10 kgTo avoid harming your own health when gaining 5-10 kg, a man should:
  • avoid intense physical activity after eating (this will save calories entering the body and minimize the risk of using them to produce energy);
  • within 10-15 minutes. after eating, lie down or sit in a relaxed state (this will ensure the absorption of the main part of the beneficial micro- and macroelements entering the body with food);
  • for cardio exercises, choose walking in the fresh air, giving preference to forests or parks, where the rhythm of life will “force” a person to slow down and maximally saturate his body with oxygen, which is necessary not only for health, but also for getting rid of fat and effectively gaining muscle mass;
  • eat at least 4 times a day, and the serving size should be no more than 200 g;
  • make it a rule to take a walk before going to bed (this relaxes the body and contributes to the high-quality restoration of the body’s strength during sleep);
  • make a choice in favor of foods rich in vitamins and beneficial elements (vegetables, fruits, cereals)
How to gain weight in a weekTo achieve the maximum possible result in gaining weight at home, a man should:
  • include high-calorie foods in your diet;
  • exceed the normal amounts of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates recommended for maintaining current weight by about 20%;
  • drink as much clean water as possible (at least 2 liters);
  • provide physical activity to your body (at least 40-60 minutes of strength training with available weights);
  • sleep at least 9-10 hours every night
How to gain weight in a monthGaining weight within a month is considered the safest and most effective for both men and women. To achieve results, fitness trainers recommend that men:
  • eat food every 3 hours, while making sure that its calorie content is “healthy” (you should not eat sweets and baked goods, since such weight gain will not only worsen a man’s appearance, but can also significantly undermine his health);
  • include in your menu natural supplements that stimulate weight gain (before taking any type of sports nutrition, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo basic tests to determine the condition of the body as a whole);
  • exercise at least 3 times a week according to an individually designed training program at home (a professional fitness trainer should think through the complex);
  • increase the total calorie content of your diet by 10-15% of the main indicator;
  • strictly follow a daily routine, which includes not only eating according to the clock, but also devoting the proper amount of time to rest and proper sleep

The most effective pills for weight gain in men

No fitness trainer or nutritionist will tell you how to gain weight for a man at home without resorting to taking natural supplements. Taking into account the physiological characteristics, the majority of middle-aged men who do not have a genetic predisposition to obesity have a fast metabolism, which prevents the rapid gain of quality mass.

You can achieve the desired result most quickly using the following technique:

Drug name Brief description and method of administration
Vitamins and mineralsConsidering that metabolic processes in the male body can proceed normally only if there is no deficiency of vitamins and minerals, taking such supplements is a mandatory component when gaining muscle mass. Otherwise, biochemical reactions will slow down, due to which the effectiveness of measures taken by a particular man to increase his own weight will remain minimal. To further enrich the human body, professionals recommend taking:
  • vitamin A (stimulates the formation of new cells and muscle fibers);
  • B vitamins (support protein synthesis, promote the absorption of fat cells, nourish cells, stimulate recovery processes);
  • vitamins C and E (stimulate regenerative reactions and act as antioxidants in the body, ridding it of toxins ingested with low-quality foods).

Professional fitness trainers and nutritionists do not recommend taking multivitamin complexes. Such drugs usually contain insufficient amounts of useful substances. It will be more effective to alternately take single-component groups of vitamins. In addition to taking synthetic supplements, when gaining weight, a man should focus on the “right” food products that, when consumed correctly, can compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. These include:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits (preference should be given to seasonal products);
  • poultry (especially turkey and chicken breasts, which contain the maximum amount of protein);
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • fermented milk products (you should not choose low-fat products, since in order to achieve a low percentage of fat content, the manufacturer subjects its product to a large number of treatments, including chemical ones)
Brewer's yeastBrewer's yeast is a natural supplement that can not only speed up a man's weight gain process, but also improve his overall health. After taking brewer's yeast, representatives of the stronger half of humanity note:
  • improvement of the condition of the skin, nails, hair (eliminate vitamin deficiency);
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • getting rid of stress and even depression;
  • increase in efficiency and amount of physical strength during the working day;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improvement of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels (relevant for people suffering from diabetes);
  • significant acceleration of weight gain.

To obtain maximum effectiveness from taking brewer's yeast, you should take it in its pure form. You can purchase such a product only at specialized enterprises.
Brewer's yeast, produced in tablets or powder, is less useful and has virtually no effect on the process of gaining “quality” mass in men. If you take the supplement in question correctly, you can increase your weight by 3-4 kg without causing harm to your health. Before including brewer's yeast in your diet, it is important to analyze whether a particular person has contraindications for taking it. The most common ones include:

  • gout;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • tendency to exhibit allergic reactions;
  • increased sensitivity of the body to penicillin;
  • infectious diseases (especially candida type)
dietary supplementsDietary supplements are recommended for men to take only after consulting a therapist. The doctor, having assessed the person’s health status, makes a decision on what scheme to introduce supplements into the menu. The most common medications prescribed for weight gain are:
  • amino acids (it is recommended to take up to 15 g per day 2-3 times a day. The dietary supplement helps normalize the balance of vitamins and minerals, and also accelerates protein synthesis in the body);
  • gainer (sports nutrition, the composition of which includes a high content of proteins, carbohydrates and flavors) (this supplement should be taken according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It is important to keep in mind that the effectiveness of taking a gainer will be maximum only if the man is involved in sports and leads a healthy lifestyle);
  • protein (a dietary supplement, the intake of which guarantees a man a qualitative increase in muscle mass. Protein powder should be taken 1-2 times a day, 50-75 g, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations. As an alternative to protein shakes, you can include protein bars or “healthy” foods in your diet » baked goods containing protein powder).
Hormonal drugsHormonal drugs are usually taken by professional athletes in preparation for competitions or performances. These medications contain the male hormone testosterone, a large amount of which in the body contributes to the rapid growth of muscle mass. Among the safest hormonal drugs are:

You can purchase the listed pharmaceutical products only with a doctor’s prescription, since their indiscriminate use can cause significant harm to the body, in particular, provoke hormonal imbalance. To avoid undesirable consequences, before starting to take hormones, it is recommended to take a general blood test and conduct a detailed study of the man’s hormonal background. During the course, it is necessary to repeat the tests 1-2 times to make sure that there is no negative effect of the medications taken on the human body.

The pharmaceutical products in question work by:

  • increased appetite;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • increasing endurance and strength.

When taking hormonal medications correctly, men can gain up to 15 kg of “quality” mass in a month.

Other drugsAmong drugs that are not related to any of the above groups, naturopathic drugs are considered the most effective. Manufacturers position their product as the most natural and safe for men of all ages. The composition of naturopathic remedies includes an increased content of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances that promote the growth of “quality” mass. If taken correctly, you can gain 5-7 kg without harm to health.

Another effective way to increase your weight in the shortest possible time is to take steroids. On the territory of the Russian Federation, their distribution and reception is punishable by law. They are usually obtained through “underground” methods by athletes seeking to increase their body weight in a matter of days, without caring about the consequences for their body (in addition to the negative effect on the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, steroids also “impair” the cardiovascular system, whose condition is directly affects the general condition of a man gaining weight).

How to gain weight without steroids

A man can gain weight at home and increase the definition of his body without the use of synthetic drugs that have a negative impact on health. To do this, you must follow the basic recommendations of professionals related to nutrition and lifestyle in general.

Nutrition rules

Nutrition when gaining muscle mass should be balanced and varied. Before you think over the list of products that need to be purchased for cooking for the main meals, it is important to calculate the calorie intake.

It is advisable that a professional fitness trainer or nutritionist do this, since only a specialist will be able to correctly calculate this indicator, taking into account a person’s physical activity, as well as the characteristics of his health.

To gain “quality” mass, you need to consume 15-20% more calories daily than are required per day to maintain the normal functioning of the body.

In addition to the total calories, you should also remember about:

  • calculation of proteins (up to 25%), fats (up to 35%) and complex carbohydrates (up to 60%);
  • frequency of meals (optimally - eat no more than 150-200 g of healthy foods every 3 hours);
  • proper distribution of the daily volume of food (in the morning you need to eat the maximum amount of carbohydrates; make lunch balanced so that it includes proteins, fats (most of them), and carbohydrates; for dinner, consume only protein foods, which ensure a rapid increase in body weight with accompanying physical loads).

If a man has chronic diseases or unstable hormonal levels, his diet should be strictly controlled by his attending physician, since in this case any weight changes (even due to muscle gain) can negatively affect a person’s health.

Diet for weight gain

How to gain weight, a man (at home or during strength training in the gym) is usually told by a nutritionist or fitness trainer who has an idea of ​​​​the state of his health, and also knows what results he plans to achieve as a result.

If a representative of the stronger sex has no contraindications to weight gain, it is usually recommended to include in his diet:

Despite the high calorie content of a number of foods, their consumption during weight gain must be minimized.

These include:

How to gain weight by working out at the gym

How to gain weight at home can be clear even to a person who does not have deep knowledge of physiology, sports and proper nutrition. To achieve good results in gaining “quality” mass in the gym, you must follow the basic recommendations of professionals.

They are as follows:

How to adjust your lifestyle

“Qualitative” weight gain in a man is impossible without a radical change in a person’s lifestyle.

To not only transform your appearance, but also improve your health, it is recommended:

  • give up bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • devote proper time to sleep (at night, to replenish physical and moral strength, a man needs to sleep at least 8-9 hours);
  • perform a set of physical exercises at least 2-3 times a week;
  • adjust your diet by giving up unhealthy foods in favor of those containing “healthy” calories.

With any changes in the body, it is important for a person to listen to his own feelings. If you feel unwell or have other changes in your condition, you should consult a doctor and undergo additional examination of all body systems.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video on how to gain weight for a man at home

How to Gain Weight at Home:

Why can't a person gain weight? This question cannot be answered immediately, without conducting an examination and assessing the psycho-emotional state. The answer may be either disease or genetics.

To understand this, you need to pay attention to such points as the presence of complaints about:

  • health, except for lack of weight;
  • body features of close relatives;
  • speed of weight loss, etc.

Determining the causes of underweight

The reasons can be divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Most often this is a failure of the hormonal system or digestive disorders. If the disease is detected and eliminated, the weight will begin to return to normal on its own.
  2. Excessive thinness is a constitutional feature. People of asthenic body type suffer from insufficient weight. You should not rely too much on the height and weight table, since it does not take into account the type of constitution. If the patient has asthenics in the family, almost everyone in the family is lean and not inclined to be overweight, while the person has no other complaints, his quality of life is at a high level and there is no progressive weight loss - most likely, the reason for the thinness lies in the constitution.
  3. Chronic stress and nervous experiences. Sometimes stress is hidden: a person may not consider that he is depressed. He lives a completely ordinary life, at first glance. However, if you dig deeper, you will find that “nerves” burn about 1000 kcal per day. Weight loss can be provoked not only by severe emotional shocks and pronounced depression, but also by constant “everyday” experiences if the psyche is under stress most of the time.

Determination of the type of constitution

Often it is constitutional features that are the cause of thinness. Everyone knows the fact that some people can eat large portions, but do not gain even an gram; others only have to eat one piece of candy, and their favorite item is already difficult to fasten.

It's all about metabolic rate:

  • For some it is fast;
  • for others it is slow.

Of course, the ideal option is the golden mean; there are also such lucky ones. But many people have to adjust their diet to their metabolism.

Body types:

  1. Asthenic body type. Such people have thin bones, relatively weak muscles and a small amount of fat tissue. The length of the arms and legs is longer than the body, the chest is wider than the stomach.
  2. Normosthenic type. The body dimensions of a normosthenic are the most proportional. This is the so-called golden mean.
  3. Hypersthenic type. Transverse body dimensions predominate. It is easy for such a person to build muscle mass, but it is difficult to fight fat deposits.

Features of the metabolism of a thin person

Even at rest, a thin person expends a large amount of energy. Fat does not have time to accumulate because it is spent on the basic needs of the body. Sometimes an overly fast metabolism is due to genetics, and sometimes it is the result of a medical condition.

It is very important to determine the reason for this metabolism.

Organization of the nervous system

Hypothalamus- a brain structure responsible for regulating appetite. Its ventromedial part is responsible for satiety, and the lateral part is involved in the process of initiating food intake. By stimulating these two zones, you can achieve opposite effects in eating behavior.

The different levels of activity of these two areas explain such different eating behavior of people. During nervous experiences, some people have an incredible increase in appetite, while others, on the contrary, cannot get a bite into their throats. Some people are able to feel comfortable all day without food, while others feel sick and suffer from hunger; it is worth skipping one of the meals.

If we abandon the scientific language, we can conclude that people with a finely organized nervous system, emotionally sensitive and receptive, are more prone to weight loss and eating disorders in the form of loss of appetite.

How to gain weight in this case?

In some cases it makes sense contacting a psychotherapist, but, as a rule, working on yourself is enough.

First of all, it is worth analyzing the factors that cause daily nervous experiences. This could be excessive workload, an unloved activity, a tense relationship with a partner, etc.

There are many reasons and they are all individual. If these factors are objective, you should isolate yourself from them (change jobs, let go of the person who is dragging you to the bottom). Sometimes the drastic decisions that we are so afraid to make become the starting point for a new, better life.

If it is not possible to radically decide one’s destiny or it is not possible to discover certain causes of experiences, the following work on oneself takes place:

  • Positive attitude every day
  • Gratitude for every pleasant little thing, a smile - all this may sound banal, but there is a great truth in this.
  • A joyful, happy person, able to laugh every day and not frown, automatically insures himself and is cured of many diseases, including excessive thinness. If you want to be happy, be it!

Underweight – possible diseases

Hormonal problems

Hormonal imbalances are one of the most common physiological causes of excessive thinness.

First of all, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Thyroid. Its increased work is called thyrotoxicosis. Increased production of thyroid-stimulating hormone can speed up metabolism.
  • Pancreas. If insulin is not produced in sufficient quantities, we may have type 1 diabetes. In this case, the body tissues do not absorb glucose and therefore do not receive enough energy, which leads to weight loss.
  • Adrenal cortex. A failure in its function can lead to a decrease in the production of cortisol and aldosterone, all of which leads to Addison's disease. Cortisol is important in the process of glucose absorption. At the same time, increased cortisol as a result of stress can also lead to weight loss.

The human hormonal system is a very delicate and sensitive mechanism, subject to the influence of the slightest factors of change in the external and internal environment. When examining hormones, you should not panic, looking for signs of a particular disease. A competent endocrinologist should prescribe tests for hormones, which will differ in each specific case, which will help identify the cause of thinness.

Digestive system problems

Digestive problems are directly related to weight loss, but most are treatable.

The weight gain plan takes a holistic approach to health. Focusing on the amount of food you eat makes no sense and is fraught with digestive disorders. It will take some time and effort to achieve results, but it will be worth it.

So, the weight gain plan:

  1. Identifying the reason why food is not digested. The main reasons contributing to weight loss were listed above. If you cannot identify the cause on your own, you need to contact a qualified doctor who can guide the patient from start to finish, taking into account his psychological characteristics and selecting a treatment program individually.
  2. Destroying harmful microorganisms and eliminating digestive problems. A colon cleansing program is not required in all cases; if necessary, it should be drawn up together with your doctor.
  3. Eliminating from the diet all factors that can irritate the digestive system and expose it to stress. This point is especially important. A properly selected diet is the main factor in restoring normal digestion and weight gain. First of all, chemical (unnatural) products are excluded.
  4. Restoring intestinal microflora through nutrition and preparations with probiotics in capsules and powders. The stomach and intestines with some diagnoses require additional digestive assistance. These can be various additives with lacto- and bifidobacteria.
  5. Working with the psychological and emotional side of the issue. As noted earlier, the psycho-emotional side is important in weight gain. It is necessary to establish a normal emotional state in any case, whether thinness is caused by illness or due to the constitution. Often, a genetic predisposition to weight loss can be aggravated by nervous tension.

How to gain weight for a thin person? In order to gain weight correctly and maintain the result, a detailed menu with calorie calculations must be developed. This is done by a nutritionist. The principle of “eating as much as possible” is usually not successful and only puts additional stress on the digestive tract.

However, there are foods that promote weight gain, but they need to be properly included in the diet:

  • Avocado. A high-calorie and fatty product that does not harm blood vessels. It is believed that 1 piece of fruit per day is enough to gain 2.7 kg per week.
  • Nuts and dried fruits. It is recommended to consume them in small portions between meals.
  • Potato. One of the best sources of carbohydrates.
  • Pasta. It is advisable to cook them with vegetables.
  • Smoothie. Ideal ingredients for the drink are honey, bananas, mangoes and berries.
  • Lean meat. Poultry, white meat, beef. It is a source of protein that helps you gain muscle mass.
  • Peanut butter. In addition to fats and proteins, it contains folic acid, magnesium, vitamins E and B3. Improves the condition of the nervous system and skin.
  • Grape. It is a source of large amounts of vitamins that promote the absorption of nutrients.
  • Whole milk. Source of fats, vitamins D and A, calcium.
  • Bread. Contains carbohydrates, B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium and fiber.
  • Hard cheeses. An irreplaceable source of proteins, fats and calcium.

Approximate diet

Option #1:

  • Breakfast: 3 egg omelette, ham and cucumber sandwich, tomato, walnut. Compote or weak tea.
  • Dinner: Noodle soup (250 g), fried chicken with peas (200 g), 2 pieces of bread, pear. Green or black tea.
  • Afternoon snack: dried fruits, yogurt.
  • Dinner: Mashed potatoes (150 g), cutlet (100 g), 2 sandwiches with cheese. A glass of fruit or vegetable juice.

Option #2:

  • Breakfast: Rice porridge with milk (100 g), yogurt (100 g), hazelnuts (10-20 g), tea.
  • Dinner: Chicken soup (200 g), potato ravioli (100 g), fresh cucumber, bell pepper. Kissel.
  • Afternoon snack: Drinking yogurt, fresh berries (100 g), fruit juice.
  • Dinner: Omelet with ham and cheese (100 g), cookies, warm milk with honey.

How long it takes for a person to gain weight is a highly individual question that depends on:

  • from the reasons for losing weight;
  • from diet;
  • from physiological characteristics.

Some see results within a week, while others take months. Sudden weight gain is stressful for the body, so you shouldn’t go to extremes. The main thing is not the speed of weight gain, but maintaining long-term results.


In conclusion, several conclusions can be drawn:

  1. To successfully gain weight, you should eat often, in small portions.
  2. You should not allow yourself to feel hungry; it is always advisable to carry nuts, fruits or other snacks with you.
  3. With the right diet and a positive attitude, your weight will definitely return to normal!