What about living things. What is nature? What science studies inanimate nature

Inanimate and living nature

Answers to pages 24 - 25


1. Remember what applies to nature.

Nature is what surrounds us, but is not created by man. The sun, air, water, plants, animals - all these are objects of nature.

2. What do plants and animals need to live?

Animals are living beings. They grow, develop, bring offspring. Animals eat, move, build dwellings. Animals need food, air, water, warmth and light to live. The plant is alive. It grows, develops, brings offspring. Every plant dies sometime. But many plants live a very long time. Plants need water, air, light and warmth to live.

  • Look at the photos on p. 24 - 25. Into what two groups can the objects of nature depicted on them be divided?

All objects of nature can be divided into two large groups: living and inanimate nature.

  • With the help of chips of different colors, indicate what belongs to inanimate and what belongs to living nature.

Sun, stone (minerals), cloud, icicles- This INANIMATE NATURE .
Tree, man, butterfly, bear - LIVE NATURE .

  • With the help of the book "Encyclopedia of travel. Countries of the world" give examples of objects of inanimate and animate nature from different countries.




United Arab Emirates:


  • Think about how living beings differ from inanimate objects.

LIVING NATURE: grows, feeds, breathes, dies, brings offspring yours.

Children are taught to distinguish between inanimate and living nature in elementary school, but this topic is considered in most detail in the 3rd grade. Knowing the main nuances, children will learn to perceive the environment correctly and take care of the objects of the planet.

In order for children to learn to easily attribute any objects to the right area, they should be explained to them the differences between different objects. Most often, the problem in determining the essence arises when considering inanimate objects, which are often confused with artificial objects created by man.

In contact with

The concepts of animate and inanimate nature

By nature is meant human environment which originated and develops without the participation of people. It is the mutual coexistence of living and non-living objects. Living creatures are able to breathe, grow, eat and reproduce, while inanimate objects do not have such signs and practically do not change.

Natural components are objects that are created by nature, and not by man. Living nature includes people, animals, birds, insects, plants, microbes and everything that grows, moves, eats, develops, breathes and lives. And everything else belongs to inanimate nature.

If you go out of town and find yourself in a place where there are no buildings and inventions of man, everyone can notice that it is surrounded by many objects of inanimate nature. In the distance you can see a flowing stream, and in the distance - the tops of high mountains. Looking up, you can see clouds floating across the sky and the sun warming gently.

This nature is primary, since it was in it that the origin of life on Earth took place. All living things use the gifts of the inanimate environment and exist at its expense, and after death it becomes part of it. Felled tree trunks, fallen leaves, a dead animal - all these are objects of inanimate nature.

When considering a topic, questions often arise about what objects such as, for example, bricks, glass, cars, telephones, houses refer to. Everything created by human hands is artificial objects.

Signs and features of objects

When comparing non-living organisms with living ones, one can immediately say that they are not able to breathe, eat, grow, multiply and die. For example, the mountains that once appeared will always be directed with their peaks to the sky. Or planets with stars that arose billions of years ago and lined up in certain systems, and exist to this day.

Objects of this sphere can be recognized by the following distinguishing features:


All over the world there is a large number of inanimate objects. A huge variety of objects is studied by specialists in chemistry, physics, geology, hydrography, astrology and other sciences.

The main classification of objects includes three main groups:

Objects of all three groups have no need for respiration, nutrition and reproduction, however, many of them are vital for people, animals and plants.

Relationship with living organisms

Most non-living objects play an important role in the life of living organisms. Living nature cannot exist without inanimate, as they are completely interconnected. The most important objects of the inanimate environment are:

Objects of inanimate and living nature have a close relationship with each other. People, animals and plants need air and sun. Plants can only live with soil, water, solar heat and light. And the presence of living objects in the water - fish, animals and microorganisms - helps to maintain its chemical composition. Having learned all these nuances, children will understand that it is necessary to preserve and protect their environment in order to live in harmony with the world.

The world around us is rich and varied. Forests, lakes, mountains, steppes, the sun, water, air - everything that a person did not create with his own hands, this is called nature .. Scientists from different countries of the world devoted their lives to its knowledge. As a result of study, research and experiments, sciences have been formed, each of which studies certain areas in nature. Let's take a closer look in the article.

The Greek word - "biology", is translated as the doctrine of life, i.e. about all living things that surrounds us. And nature surrounds us. All living things have the ability to be born and die. To sustain life, all living things need to eat, drink, and breathe. Thus, biology studies that part of nature that lives.

This science originated in antiquity, only, at that time, it did not have such a name. In the 19th century, the term "biology" was introduced by a number of scientists. Since then, biology has been distinguished from the natural sciences. Biology has many areas - genetics, biophysics, anatomy, ecology, botany, etc.

What science studies inanimate nature

In order to better understand the laws of inanimate nature, the sciences were distributed as follows:

  • physics - studies the general questions of nature, its laws;
  • chemistry - studies substances, their structures and properties;
  • astronomy - studies the planets, their origin, properties, structure;
  • geography studies the surface of the earth, climate, the economic and political situation of countries and their population.

Signs of wildlife

Each representative of wildlife has an organism in which complex chemical processes occur. You can understand what is in front of you - a representative of animate or inanimate nature, if you think:

  1. Where did this object come from;
  2. Does he need food and water;
  3. Does he have the ability to move - walk, crawl, fly, swim, turn to the sun;
  4. Does he need air;
  5. What is the duration of his life.

Properties of bodies of wildlife

Any plants, animals, birds, insects and even humans have an organism that needs food, water, air.

  • Birth and growth - with the birth of each living being, cells begin to divide, due to which the growth of the organism occurs.
  • Reproduction is the production of their own kind, the transfer of genetic information to them.
  • Nutrition - food and water are necessary for growth and development, due to which cells grow.
  • Breathing - if there is no air, all living things will die. Inside the cells that all living organisms have, chemical processes are formed - the release of energy.
  • The ability to move. All living organisms move. Man, with the help of legs, animals with the help of paws, fins help fish, plants react to sunlight and turn to it. The movement of some organisms is difficult to notice.
  • Sensitivity - response to sounds, light, temperature changes.
  • Dying is the end of life. Nothing living lives forever, dying can occur for various reasons. Natural death occurs when the body grows old and loses the ability to continue life.

Wildlife examples

The world around us is very diverse. All its objects can be divided into kingdoms, there are four of them: bacteria, fungi, plants, animals.

The animal kingdom, in turn, is divided into species and subspecies.

The simplest organisms in the animal kingdom are protozoa. They have one cell, which has the ability to metabolize, move, and have mostly indistinct boundaries. Their size is so small that it is almost impossible to see them without a microscope. In nature, there are 40,000 of them. These include: amoeba, infusoria-shoe, green euglena.

The next subspecies are multicellular animals. These include most of the objects of the animal world - fish, birds, domestic and wild animals, spiders, cockroaches, worms.

All plants have the ability to reproduce and grow. They synthesize sunlight, due to which metabolism occurs. Plants also need water, without it they will die.

Plants include:

  • trees and shrubs;
  • grass;
  • flowers;
  • seaweed.

Bacteria are the most ancient inhabitants of our planet, having the simplest structure. But, despite this, they have the function of reproduction. The habitat of bacteria is very diverse - water, earth, air, and even glaciers and volcanoes.

Signs of inanimate nature

Look around and you will see many signs of inanimate nature: the sun, the moon, water, stones, planets. They do not require air and food for life, they cannot reproduce, they are relatively resistant to change. Mountains stand for thousands of years, the sun constantly shines, the planets revolve invariably around the sun, without changing their course. Only global cataclysms can destroy inanimate objects. Despite the fact that these objects belong to inanimate nature, we endlessly admire their beauty.

Inanimate objects examples

There are a great many objects that represent inanimate nature, some of them are able to change.

  • water at low temperatures turns into ice;
  • the icicle begins to melt if the temperature outside is positive.
  • Water can turn into steam when it boils.

Inanimate nature includes:

stones can lie in one place for thousands of years.

The planets always revolve around the sun.

sand in the desert - moves only under the influence of the wind.

Natural phenomena - lightning, rainbow, rain, snow, sunlight - also applies to inanimate nature.

Distinctive features of animate and inanimate nature

  • Living organisms are more complex than non-living ones. Both are made up of chemicals. But the composition of living organisms includes nucleic acids, proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Nucleic acids are the hallmark of a living organism. They store and transmit genetic information (heredity).

  • The basis of all living things is the cell, from which the tissue is formed, and from it the organ system.
  • The exchange of matter and energy maintains life and communicates with the environment.
  • Reproduction - reproduction of their own kind, for example, stones do not have such an opportunity, only if they split it.
  • Irritability - if you kick a stone with your foot, he will not answer you, and if you kick a dog, he will begin to bark and may bite.
  • Living organisms are able to adapt to the world around them, for example, the giraffe has a long neck to get food where other animals cannot get it. If a giraffe is sent to the Arctic, he will die there, but the polar bear feels great there. Adaptability, in the living world, is called evolution, which is, by and large, an endless process.
  • Living organisms tend to develop - increase in size, grow.

All of the factors listed above are absent in inanimate objects.

The connection between objects of animate and inanimate nature, a story with examples

The impossibility of existence without each other, animate and inanimate nature, determines their relationship. All living things need water, sun and air.

A person, as an individual of wildlife, needs water - to drink, air - to breathe, earth - to grow food, the sun - to keep warm and get vitamin D. If at least one of the components disappears, a person will die.

Duck is a bird, a representative of wildlife. She creates her home in the thickets of reeds - a connection with the plant world. She gets food in the water, as she eats fish. The sun warms her, the wind helps her fly. Water and sun together allow you to raise offspring.

A flower grows from the ground, for him Growth needs water in the form of rain; energy needs sunlight.

Cow - grazes in the meadow (land), eats grass, hay, drinks water. Grass and hay are processed in her body and fertilize the earth.

Scheme of communication between animate and inanimate nature

Names everything living and inanimate, created without his participation. This is the whole world around. In the article we will consider what nature is, what it consists of and what impact it has on human life.

Meaning of the word

In science, it is customary to call nature the material world located in the universe. It is the main subject of study and research of natural sciences. The everyday meaning of the word "nature" is somewhat simplified and means the natural habitat.

In natural science, several kingdoms of nature are distinguished. Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish naturalist and physician, in his work "The System of Nature" in 1735 identified the following kingdoms:

  • mineral, which covers inanimate nature: stones, water, sun;
  • vegetable, which includes all plants (studied by botany);
  • an animal that includes all living organisms (studied by zoology).

Dokuchaev V.V., a geologist and soil scientist, considered that one more kingdom should be singled out - bio-inert, which includes knowledge about soils, which he announced in 1883.

The word "nature" can also be considered in other meanings:

  • The totality of the conditions of the natural habitat: relief, climate, plants and animals. For example, tropical nature.
  • The totality of the properties and needs of the human body. For example, male and female nature.
  • The essence of something and its basic properties. For example, the nature of light.
  • In the common people, "nature" is used as a description of the qualities of a person. For example, unhurried by nature, witty by nature.

The word "nature": analysis and synonyms to it

The word "nature" is a feminine noun. According to the new morphemic and word-building dictionaries, it consists of two parts:

  • "nature" - the root and basis of the word;
  • "a" is the end.

If we consider the word "nature" by its etymology, then three parts are distinguished in the composition:

  • "at" - prefix;
  • "genus" - the root;
  • "a" - ending;
  • the basis of the word is "nature".

Many consider the second option to be more correct. Because the very word "nature" means everything that was in the nature, that is, on Earth, where people lived - the family. One-root words are: homeland, people, relative, parents, spring and the like.

Synonyms for the word "nature": essence, world, similarity, universe, fundamental principle, organism, nature, nature, substance, reality.

Usually the word we are considering is associated with such concepts: trees, forest, air, plants, protection, love, sky, animals, plants, seasons, mountains, clouds and more.

Life on planet Earth

Our planet today is the only one (at least according to official data) on which the life and existence of living matter is recorded. Its natural features have been studied for many centuries by scientists and researchers.

Life on Earth is possible due to the nature of the planet: two polar regions and a tropical region in the middle. Precipitation falling on the surface and the presence of an atmosphere make it possible for all living things to grow and feed. And the soil is the basis for building and growing crops.

There is a constant evolution of geological and biological processes on the planet. The presence of water is the basis for the life of all organisms. It occupies approximately 71% of the Earth's surface. Due to climatic conditions, an ecosystem has formed, which includes many living organisms, including humans.

Live nature

Living nature includes everything that is able to independently survive, develop, feed, grow and reproduce: plants and animals, as well as humans.

The main features of wildlife are:

  • birth, development, growth - all life begins with a small one: a seed grows into a tree, a baby - into an adult;
  • reproduction - the ability to reproduce their own kind;
  • nutrition - any living creature must eat: trees with liquid, and animals with plants or other animals;
  • breathing and movement - living organisms are able to move independently, for which they need oxygen: animals walk with their paws, and plants turn towards the sun;
  • dying is the end of the existence of an organism, after which it becomes an object of inanimate nature: a tree is living nature, and a felled trunk is inanimate.

Biology distinguishes such objects of wildlife:

  • microorganisms - the very first forms of life on the planet;
  • plants - the world of flora, which is presented in a rich variety - from unicellular algae to huge trees;
  • animals - the most numerous group of wildlife;
  • man - is considered the highest stage of development of living nature.

What is inanimate nature and why is it called that? Consider below.

In addition to vegetation and animals, a person is surrounded by other objects created without his participation. These are stones, clouds, rivers, mountains, wind, leaves, sun rays.

Inanimate nature is the primary source, it was from it and thanks to it that life appeared on the planet. All organisms use objects of inanimate nature in the process of life.

Signs of objects of inanimate nature are:

  • resistance to weather conditions and other environmental changes;
  • weak variability;
  • the inability to breathe, eat, reproduce, grow, move and die.

The sciences are engaged in the study of such objects: physics, chemistry, hydrography, geology, astronomy and others.

Inanimate objects are classified as follows:

  • solid bodies - minerals, rocks, glaciers, stones, rocks, comets;
  • liquid bodies - dew, rain, clouds, lava, river;
  • gaseous bodies - steam, nebulae of the universe, some planets, air masses.

The lives of animate and inanimate nature are closely interconnected and impossible one without the other. Soil, air, water, sun are especially necessary.

Relationship between nature and seasons

The nature of the planet native to man is in constant motion. The main feature of life is its cyclicality - successively changing seasons that set the rhythm for existence, phases of sleep and awakening, development and slowdown of processes.

The change of seasons during the year is usually called the seasons - these are winter, spring, summer and autumn. Such a natural phenomenon attracts scientists and influences artists.

Poets and artists have devoted many works to the seasons. They praise the beauty of nature. And medical scientists associate many processes occurring in the human body with the change of seasons.

Nature in art

What is nature in art? This is an image that is often endowed with human qualities: will, desire or opposition.

The theme of nature began to be most widely revealed from the era of romanticism. It was described as an instinctive principle, something that opposes a person. Nature in art is perceived as the beginning of all life, therefore it is often called pure and virgin, as well as mother. When a person gets tired of civilization, he finds peace in nature.

Since the 20th century, the personified image has been endowed with vengeance. Nature is described as the Earth's response to human activities in the form of natural disasters and cataclysms. Natural phenomena are complex and diverse, they speak of the ability of nature to teach mankind.

Nature and human life

Man is an integral part of nature. It exists only thanks to it - atmospheric pressure, liquid, oxygen, soil. It is worth removing just one component, and a person cannot exist.

People create luxury goods for themselves, and satisfy their primary needs with the help of nature. It is she who gives protection, resources, food. Mankind has long ceased to live in caves and hunt, instead people build houses and shops.

For man, nature is an inexhaustible source of information. Thanks to knowledge, scientists analyze the past and try to predict the future.

But with the rapid development of scientific and technical progress, humanity ceases to reckon with nature. There are global problems in the modern world - warming, lack of forests, extermination of animals... All this brings the ecosystem out of balance. National governments are drawing up projects to restore nature, planting areas and more carefully analyzing the remaining resources.

Instead of an afterword

To the question: "What is nature?" can be answered in different ways, because it is so ambiguous, incomprehensible and limitless. But one thing can be said: a person calls himself the king of nature, but in fact he is only a part of it, a component of something greater, a grain of sand in the ocean of the universe.

Take a look around. How beautiful! Gentle sun, blue sky, clear air. Nature decorates our world, makes it happier. Have you ever wondered what nature is?

Nature is everything that surrounds us, but it is NOT created by human hands: forests and meadows, sun and clouds, rain and wind, rivers and lakes, mountains and plains, birds, fish, animals, even man himself belongs to nature.

Nature is divided into living and non-living.

Live nature: animals (including animals, birds, fish, even worms and microbes), plants, fungi, humans.

Inanimate nature: sun, space objects, sand, soil, stones, wind, water.

Signs of wildlife:

All objects of wildlife:

grow up,
- eat,
- breathe
- produce offspring
and yet they are born and die.

In inanimate nature, the opposite is true. Its objects are not able to grow, eat, breathe and give offspring. Bodies of inanimate nature do not die, but are destroyed or pass into another state (example: ice melts and becomes liquid).

How to distinguish what nature this or that object belongs to?

Let's try together.

What nature is a sunflower part of? A sunflower is born - a sprout hatches from a seed. The sprout is growing. The roots take nutrients from the ground, and the leaves take carbon dioxide from the air - the sunflower feeds. The plant breathes by absorbing oxygen from the air. Sunflower gives seeds (seeds) - so it multiplies. In autumn it dries up and dies. Conclusion: the sunflower is part of wildlife.

A person is born, grows, eats, breathes, has children, dies, which means that we can also be safely attributed to wildlife. Man is part of nature.

The moon, the sun, a spring, stones do not grow, do not eat, do not breathe, do not give offspring, so these are bodies of inanimate nature.

Snowman, house, cars are made by human hands and do not belong to nature.

But there are also bodies of inanimate nature, which have individual features of living organisms.

For example, crystals are born, grow, collapse (die).
The river is born from the melting of a glacier, grows when small rivers flow into it, it dies when it flows into the sea.
Iceberg is born, grows, moves, dies (melts in warm seas).
The volcano is born, grows, dies with the cessation of eruptions.

But all of them DO NOT eat, DO NOT breathe and DO NOT give birth.

If you break a piece of chalk in half, you get 2 pieces of chalk. Chalk remained chalk. Chalk is an inanimate object. If you break a tree or split a butterfly into pieces, they will die, because a tree and a butterfly are living things.

In elementary school, difficulties arise in determining whether an object belongs not only to animate and inanimate nature, but also to nature in general. Can you complete the task correctly?

Find a group in which all objects belong to inanimate nature:

a) sun, water, earth, stones.
b) moon, air, moon rover, stars.
c) ice, land, water, ship.

The correct answer is a). The lunar rover and the ship do not belong to inanimate nature, they do not belong to any nature, because they were created by human hands.

Relationship between animate and inanimate nature

Undoubtedly, animate and inanimate nature are interconnected. Let's make sure together.

For example, the SUN: neither a person, nor plants, nor birds, nor even fish can live without heat and sunlight.

We continue. AIR. All living things breathe. And no one can live without it.

And finally, FOOD. A person eats various objects of wildlife: plants, fungi and products that he receives from animals.

On the other hand, living organisms also invariably affect objects of inanimate nature. So, microorganisms, fish and animals that live in water maintain its chemical composition; plants, dying and rotting, saturate the soil with microelements.

Based on our observations with you, we conclude that our whole life is closely connected with nature.

A person learns a lot from nature and even creates objects that look like natural objects. For example, watching a dragonfly, a man created a helicopter, and birds inspired the creation of an airplane. In every house there is an artificial sun - this is a lamp.


Nature is everything that surrounds us and is not made by human hands. Nature has two forms: living nature and inanimate nature. Living and inanimate nature are closely related, because all living things breathe air, all living things drink water, a person cannot live without food, and animals and plants give us food. Nature is our home. A person must protect and protect it, use natural resources wisely.