What is hetero-orientation. Hetero orientation is the norm How to determine the sexual orientation of hetero, bi and homo


same as different...

Large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is HETERO ... in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • HETERO… in the Lexicon of Sex:
    (from rpey.heteros - another), part of compound words, meaning: "other", "other"; corresponds to Russian. …
  • HETERO... in the Dictionary of sexological terms:
    - part of compound words denoting another, different (for example ...
  • HETERO in Medical terms:
    - see Hetera- ...
  • HETERO in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ... (from the Greek heteros - another) part of compound words, meaning: "other", "other", corresponds to Russian "different ..." (for example, ...
  • HETERO... in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (from Greek heteros - different, different), an integral part of compound words, meaning heterogeneity, foreignness (the opposite of homo ... or homeo ...), for example, heterogeneous ...
  • HETERO in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from the Greek heteros - different), part of compound words meaning: "other", "other", corresponds to Russian "different ..." (for example, ...
  • HETERO... in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    The first component of compound words, corresponding in meaning to the Russian part of r a z n o ..., for example: heterogeneous, heteronymy; opposite homo...||Compare …
  • HETERO... in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from the Greek. heteros - another), part of compound words, meaning: "other", "other", corresponds to Russian. "different..." (e.g....
  • HETERO... in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    As a component of the composition, it corresponds to Russian different ...: heteromorphic, heterosphere, heterocyclic. Etymology: From Greek heteros ‘other’, ‘other’. A culture of speech: …
  • HETERO... in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    ((gr. heteros other) the first component of compound words, denoting: different, different (corresponds to Russian different ...; opposite holo ...), for example ...
  • HETERO... in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [ the first component of compound words, denoting:, (corresponds to Russian; opposite voice ...), for example: ...
  • HETERO in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
  • HETERO in the Spelling Dictionary:
    hetero hetero ... - the first part of compound words, written ...
  • HETERO in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    ... (from the Greek heteros - another), part of compound words, meaning: "other", "other", corresponds to the Russian "different ..." (for example, ...
    a device for determining the nature and degree of heterophoria, based on the use of a tangential scale (scale ...
  • HYPOPHORIA in Medical terms:
  • HYPERPHORY in Medical terms:
    a type of heterophoria characterized by a tendency to deviate the eye ...
  • HETERO ... - THE FIRST PART OF COMPOUND WORDS in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    hetero ... - the first part of compound words, it is written ...
  • WORDS-WALLETS in Dictionary of Postmodernism.
  • EXHIBITIONISM in the Lexicon of Sex:
    (from lat. exhibitio - exposure), perversion, which consists in exposing the genitals in front of the chosen sex. The term was introduced into circulation in 1877 ...
  • HETEROCHROMOPHILIA in the Lexicon of Sex:
    (from hetero ..., Greek, chroma - color + ... philia), a kind of fetishism a, with which the object of sexual desire is a partner with ...
  • HETEROTOPIA in the Lexicon of Sex:
    (from hetero ... and Greek topos - place) transfer of an erogenous zone or its formation in a new place; a special case of sexual anesthesia. …

"Homo-" and "hetero-" are words that we often hear in everyday life, meanwhile, we do not even think about their meaning. Let's remember the origins of these terms. "Hetero-" - what does it mean? In our time, this is how people with a traditional sexual orientation are called.

"Hetero-" - a kind of sexual preference?

What does "hetero" mean? Many people know that this word has been known since the time of the existence of Ancient Greece. Literally, it means: “other”, “other”, “different from”, “not like that”. "Homo-" means "similar", "the same". In medicine, the terms "homozygotes" and "heterozygotes" are known, which means the same or, on the contrary, different diploid organisms whose gene alleles have the same or, conversely, a different set of genes. In this regard, there is the concept of the purity of the species. The human body is naturally heterozygous. Its genes have alleles in which each pair of chromosomes is opposite in the information they contain. This is directly related to the evolutionary process of development of the whole species. Thanks to historical development and improvement, man has reached a high level and carries a huge stock of genetic information. Today, this word is given a completely different meaning. Now the word "hetero" is an abbreviation for the term "heterosexuality", which means attraction to persons of the opposite sex. Heterosexuals - people who have the ability to continue their race in the process of attracting and courting the opposite sex.

Public opinion

A heterosexual is an ordinary person who is attracted to the opposite sex. Seventy percent of people believe that hetero is not just a choice of sexual orientation, but the only acceptable by nature, the correct model of behavior. In fact, homosexuality is prescribed at the gene level in all species of animals and humans in the form of such a model is also natural and manifests itself as a result of deviation from However, heterosexuals should not be considered healthy, and homosexuals - sick. It is not a disease and cannot be cured.

The attitude of psychologists

Hetero - what is it? On the one hand, behavior in society, on the other hand, a phenomenon inherent in the vast majority of individuals on the planet. Many experts in the field of psychology believe that the norm is precisely the behavior of a heterosexual, that it is a correct phenomenon due to the presence of procreation instincts. Heterosexuality in their understanding is a certain phenomenon of the manifestation of human sexuality, which includes certain behavior and heterosexual identity. Many people are accustomed to consider themselves correct, behave as society pleases, and thus express a desire to follow the choice of the majority. The same thing happens in the process of upbringing: a child who observes heterosexual relationships in a family wants to have the same family in the future. If, in the process of learning about the world, a child does not see the love of parents, harmony in the family, normal human relations, this can lead to psychological trauma. In this case, we are talking about the conclusions that a child can draw, which can subsequently lead him to a different lifestyle and search for a partner with an identical orientation.

What is the norm?

The norms of behavior in society are dictated by the choice of the majority of individuals. "Hetero" - what is it? So people designate the norm of behavior, which is dominant on the planet. Although our society is undergoing changes, and homosexuality has become quite common, despite this, it will remain a recessive phenomenon, since individuals with this orientation are not able to interbreed with each other. Thus, heterosexual orientation will remain the norm of behavior for any species for a long time to come.

Before understanding, it is worth noting that the issue of sexual orientation in human society has always been quite acute. This is most likely due to the fact that it is one of the most important and ubiquitous aspects of human life. Questions of sexuality and orientation were asked by ordinary people and scientists of all specialties at different times, from ancient times to the present day. Studies of sexuality issues were conducted by such recognized scientists as Freud and Kinsey. Since this question lies deep enough in human physiology (as well as animals), it is not at all clear why certain people or animals choose one or another sexual orientation. There are still disputes about this.

Many serious scientific organizations are engaged in the study of this pressing issue today, huge funds are spent on this from state budgets. At the same time, views on issues of sexual orientation in human society change over time, sometimes dramatically. If you look into history, you can see that this has been happening for a very long time, since ancient times and even earlier. We have come down to multiple images from Greek art, showing people with different sexual orientations.

What does the word "hetero orientation" mean?

To understand what the word means "hetero orientation", you should first turn to the etymology of the word "hetero". This word came to us from the Greek language, in which it meant the concepts of “other”, “different”, “other”. In fact, this is not a full-fledged word, but just a prefix that forms some words, and in Russian this prefix has the meaning "other-", "different-", and the like. In an independent word, this prefix has turned into a colloquial form to refer to the term "heterosexuality". And yet, what does hetero orientation mean? If we consider the sexual context, then this means sexual orientation, which involves attraction to individuals (in the particular case of a person - to persons) only of the opposite sex. Moreover, it is worth noting that often this concept implies all the components of such an attraction - emotional, romantic, sexual.

In a simpler interpretation, this is the relationship between a man and a woman (or, in the animal kingdom, between a male and a female). This orientation is the most common on our planet and is considered “normal” by most people, which often causes protests from people with a different sexual orientation, that is, from (people with attraction to both sexes) and homosexuals (people with attraction to the same sex). These protests are formed on the basis of the fact that this widespread opinion about the "normality" of heterosexual orientation, as it were, hints at the "abnormality" and pathological nature of everything else.

Sexuality in ancient times

Evidence has come down to us that in ancient times in such progressive states for that time as Greece, one could meet quite a lot of people who were either only partially heterosexual, or were completely homosexual. Moreover, a similar phenomenon could be observed among both men and women. Similar cases were not uncommon among high-ranking nobles and officials, even among the military. Many ordinary family men, who sometimes had numerous offspring and took care of their offspring and wives, quite often entered into relationships with persons of the same sex, and this phenomenon was generally accepted in the society of that time.

Sexuality in ancient times was a personal matter for each person and, for example, in Greece, a choice other than the choice of the majority was not forbidden.

Among the military, the phenomenon of homosexuality was observed for a simple reason - the conquerors very often humiliated their prisoners from the opposing armies right on the battlefield, so among the soldiers this was considered normal. In addition, women were naturally not taken on military campaigns, and, obviously, some soldiers were attracted to their colleagues away from their wives.

Heterosexuality today

As before, heterosexuality is today the most common sexual orientation on Earth and is considered "normal". There is a lot of controversy and debate about this in today's world. In many countries, even today, there are corporal punishments for those who are noticed in the attraction to the same sex, in countries with especially rigid morals there is even the death penalty as a punishment for the manifestation of homosexuality. So far, science has not found accurate and unambiguous answers to questions about what determines the sexual orientation of people.

In addition, it is still absolutely unclear whether this or that choice of an individual is conscious or whether this phenomenon is genetically incorporated. In any case, globally, homosexuals have managed to declare their existence today and are trying to defend their rights at the highest level. In some countries, there are even entire political parties dedicated to protecting the rights of homosexuals. In many Western countries, so-called "gay parades" are held, where homosexuals try to express themselves and draw attention to the issue of infringement of their rights.

In this article, we have discussed in detail what does hetero orientation mean, and addressed the issues of heterosexuality and homosexuality, as well as the borderline condition called bisexuality.

Sex has been and always will be the most important aspect in people's lives. That is why sexual orientation is of interest to both ordinary inhabitants of the planet and famous scientists. The latter spend huge sums of money (usually provided by the state) on important research. All scientists agree that the "roots" of this issue are deep in physiology.

Why does a person choose a particular orientation? What exactly attracts a person in representatives of the other or the same sex? There is no clear answer to this question. And the controversy on this topic does not fade at all. From ancient times, drawings have come down to us, which depict people with different sexual inclinations. Kinsey and Freud had serious discussions about what influences the choice of orientation. Times change, and attitudes change with them.

The issues of sexuality are of concern to many narrow specialists who conduct a variety of studies on this topic. And heterosexuality is given special attention. We are talking about erotic attraction to members of the opposite sex. It would seem that this is quite a normal phenomenon, because it is based on the natural need for procreation (this is what, as a rule, vaginal sex is aimed at). But not everyone knows that heterosexuality can go beyond the acceptable, taking the sophisticated forum of sexual activity.

Before you know what heterosexuality is, you should look into the history of the word "heterosexual". It came from Greece, earlier "hetero" had the following meaning: "other" or "other". In fact, this word is not complete, it is rather a prefix with which you can form various interesting words: heterotrophs, heteroatoms, heterodiffusion, heteroallelism, etc. Of course, for many, the presented word has become independent in the meaning of “heterosexuality”. It is used on its own only in colloquial speech.

So, heterosexuality is a kind of sexual orientation in which a person (individual) experiences passion for members of the opposite sex. Interestingly, the concept of “heterosexuality” refers to both sexual, emotional, and romantic components of attraction.

In very simple terms, it can be noted that heterosexuality refers to the relationship between a girl and a guy. It is worth noting that heterosexuality is the most common orientation on Earth. And since heterosexuals (heterosexuals, straights) are the majority, the desires of bisexuals, homosexuals are perceived by many as deviations. This is why public protests are so common.

Collisions against the background of worldview can be very hot. And you can argue on the topic of what is normal and what is not normal ad infinitum. Separate experts (in addition to 3 types of sexuality: homosexuality and bisexuality) experts define a fourth type - pansexuality.

Sexuality in antiquity

As noted earlier, in ancient times the topic of sexual orientation was hot and hot. Even in huge cities (Rome, Greece) lived homosexuals, partial heterosexuals, bisexuals. An "abnormal" orientation was observed among famous personalities, military men, wealthy people, officials and nobles. Many of them had their own families and children. But this did not prevent them from enjoying love pleasures with sexual partners of the same sex. What is especially surprising is that such a phenomenon did not cause such extensive dissonance as in our time. This once again emphasizes the fact that in ancient times, passion and attraction were exclusively a personal matter.

As for the military, it should be noted that homosexuality was no less respected there than heterosexuality. Due to the fact that there were no women in military campaigns, the soldiers often experienced a passion for their brothers in arms. In addition, homosexuality flourished against the background of the fact that the conquerors, right on the battlefield, humiliated those men who were taken prisoner. Therefore, the soldiers treated such pranks adequately, as well as heterosexuality.

Heterosexuality in modern times

Heterosexuality manifests itself in a person's sexual life and determines his sexual experience. For a man, heterosexual experience is the number of times he has sex with women. And for a girl, such an experience implies intimate intercourse with men.

It is hardly possible to find a person who would have to explain what heterosexuality is. In our time, heterosexuals are representatives of the most common orientation. Their behavior manifests itself in various forms: friendship sex, triads and other alternative types of marriage, premarital sex, extramarital intercourse, sex between people who are not married. All of this is within acceptable morality.

But those who deviate from the "norm" can be punished. You may not know, but in some countries, terrible corporal punishment is possible for the fact that a person is sexually attracted to members of the same sex. There are even countries where strict morality "reigns", they provide for the death penalty for homosexuality. And despite this, many can not help themselves.

Sexual orientation is an inexplicable and difficult to manage phenomenon. Even scientists involved in numerous studies have not been able and cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question: what exactly can a person's sexual orientation depend on. Some experts argue that it depends on a conscious choice, others say that the orientation is predetermined by genetics. Postnatal psychological factors play a special role in its formation. In any case, sometimes you just have to come to terms with the situation.

Heterosexuality and religion

If you are interested in how religion relates to such a phenomenon, it should be noted that in Catholicism, and in Islam, and in Orthodoxy, and even in Zoroastrianism, heterosexuality refers to the only sinless type of sexuality, which cannot be said about homosexuality (this is a great sin). As for Buddhism, in certain currents (for example, "modernist") homosexuality is allowed.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Relationships and sex are one of the main aspects in the life of every person.

But we may have different preferences in how to create them, and in choosing a sexual partner.

Heteroorientation - what does it mean, is it characteristic of the majority, and how was it treated in the past?

Hetero is the norm

Heterosexual orientation is sexual, emotional and romantic attraction exclusively to people of the opposite sex. It is considered the most common in the world and a sign of normality.

But it was not always so. If in 1901 someone were looking in the Dorland Medical Dictionary for the answer to the question: “Hetero - who are they?”, Then they would come across the definition that this is a sign of perversion. In 1923, the Merriam-Webster dictionary had a similar description - "unhealthy sexual passion."

Only in 1934 the term has been revised and heterosexuality came to mean a normal (traditional) orientation (male/female). But to this day, in the minds of many people, that hetero is something from the field of “deviations”.

A little later, an experiment was conducted when passers-by were asked why some were homosexuals and preferred those of their own sex. A minority of people answered that it was a mental illness. Large -, or personal choice.

After that, the respondents were asked a question when they decided that they would have a hetero orientation. Almost everyone confusingly reported that they did not consciously accept this choice. From which we can conclude that craving for a certain sex is, rather, congenital trait.

Reflections on sex and sexuality

It is often said about hetero that this is normal, since it is inherent in nature in our reproductive instinct. Of course, if there were no copulation between persons of the opposite sex, then now there would be no people as a species.

But sex is just sex. And there is also sexuality. It is in this concept that the highest desire, love and passion that can go is laid.

Until 1868, not much attention was paid to the very sexual behavior of a person, the objects of his attention, did not understand feelings at all. And sex itself was simply condemned in any manifestations, if it did not concern the important mission of conception.

But in 1868, journalist Carl Maria Kertbeny came up with 4 types sexual desires:

  1. homosexual;
  2. monosexual (masturbation);
  3. heterogenital.

After this, the mention of "hetero" was added in 1889 to the catalog of sexual disorders by psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing. It occurs only 24 times in 500 pages, since more attention was paid to violations.

In those days, there was no concept of "heterosexuality" in everyday life. Such relationships just called "normal". Because they were built on the possibility of giving birth to a child.

Other forms of sexual behavior (masturbation, homosexuality) were not perceived with enthusiasm, because because of them "a family of life" was spent.

Hetero - what is it for the middle class

It may seem strange to link hetero-orientation with the development of the middle class in Europe and America. At the end of the 19th century, people began to leave the villages for the big cities.

Because of this relocation, it became much more difficult to control each other's behavior, since there was a very large influx of people, gossip no longer spread so quickly. Therefore, sexual deviations from the norm began to develop in these lower strata of society.

The middle class, on the other hand, wanted to fence themselves off from such behavior, and draw a clear line. The bourgeois wished to retain their aristocratic manners. But they could not once again hide behind religion and simply call the sexual games of the poor a sin.

So they came up with something new. Allegedly, the lower class is at a primitive level of development, and therefore they are engaged in all sorts of perversions. And they, the aristocrats, recognize only heterosexual position.

At the same time, the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud revealed to the world his theories about sexuality and its development. He argued that it is formed in childhood, depending on the relationship between the child and parents.

If you follow the point of view of a psychoanalyst, then hetero are people who have developed and successfully passed all stages of growing up. Accordingly, Freud believed that the orientation not innate, but nurtured.

After this interpretation, another specialist in this field - Alfred Kinsey - published Sexual Behavior of the Human Male. He created a scale from 0 to 6 - from absolute heterosexuality to absolute homosexuality. He believed that every man can be at some point.

Hetero orientation - what is it today

Given the changeable position regarding heterosexuality in the past, one cannot be sure that it will remain dominant and “normal” in a few decades.

Writer Jane Ward spoke in her book Not Gay about is it possible to instill taste in people for a specific gender partner. As, for example, fashion does with regard to clothing. Since the theory of innate orientation has cracked a little lately.

Heterosexuality was needed for people to somehow identify themselves by some parameters. But over time, it began to look like a tight framework that severely restricts the freedom of sexual behavior.

In England, a question was asked to persons of adolescence whether they could classify themselves as absolute heterosexuals. Most of the respondents answered no. And the point is not that they have clearly defined other preferences. They no longer need to put that label on themselves.


Nature has created two different sexes for reproduction and procreation. In the past, these relationships were encouraged because of this. But people come to that, and you can think more broadly.

Now hetero orientation - this is just one of the types normal sexual behavior. Where is the world going...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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