What is ndc. Kochergin's sabotage knife: photos and reviews. SF - crude fat, g

New addition to my collection! This time NDK! Diversion Knife Kochergin or as it is also called Cardboard Knife :)

Once upon a time I saw this knife for the first time and since then it has sunk into my soul with its unusual shapes! And then the opportunity turned up to fall on the tail and order from the Elephants this wonderful Cardboard Knife made of high-tech steel whose name is Cronidur 30

This product was designed with a well-defined target installation - a knife was needed that would meet all the requirements for weapons in the applied hand-to-hand combat system developed by the Center for Applied Research in St. Petersburg.
In this regard, the developers were looking for exactly constructive ways to improve the cutting qualities of the knife and maximize the stopping effect during the production of an injection, since these requirements lay in the context of the already existing and proven tactical and technical solutions for the weapon application system created by the CRC.
It is deep cuts that best meet the tactical conditions of modern combat operations, when an injection is extremely difficult due to the widespread use of bulletproof vests and unloadings, leaving only the face, neck and arms open.
Moreover, the injection is difficult to predict from the point of view of the results achieved, due to the lack of visual damage analysis. The cut of the neck, as the main tactical task of using a knife, is very simple for analyzing and predicting the further combat capability of the enemy. The guillotine type of the blade replaced the narrow stab wound, from dagger-type knives, with a wide frontal cut with profuse blood loss.
The inclination of the blade relative to the handle is due to the constructive way of increasing pressure when the blade is pulled towards itself (during a cut). At the same time, the grip in the NDK 17 system is supported by the pommel of the handle in the palm. If you draw a line between the tip of the blade, the center of gravity and the stop, you get a straight line that fully meets the conditions for maintaining the straightness of the force vector during the injection, no matter how surprising it may seem with this form. Moreover, when testing a knife on a carcass, a frontal injection cut 2 ribs on both sides of the target's chest. This dissection is extremely difficult with other forms of a knife; moreover, getting stuck in the sternum and uncut bones is one of the problems of using a combat knife, requiring subsequent extraction manipulations and special skills. Well, the most witty part of the whole project is the angle at the top of the blade.
This solution makes it possible to create an inclined cutting edge even with a rectilinear stroke of the knife towards itself, which again has a guillotine nature of the cut.
Plus, this solution allows you to increase the pressure force during a cut by an order of magnitude.

I immediately say that I’m still a self-defender :) I prefer to act like in that old saying “Better an old TT than Judo and Karate” in general, it’s easier for me to shoot than to cut :) Therefore, the knife was bought more out of curiosity than for its intended use ! Well, like a knife for cardboard, it really drives :) It’s very convenient to open boxes :) True, combat and domestic operations are usually rarely compatible! That's what happened here as well. The fact is that for everyday life, a chisel sharpening with descents on the left side will be somewhat inconvenient for a right-hander :) But for a left-hander, on the contrary, it’s what you need :) I even thought it was a sinful thing that they slipped a knife for a left-hander on me, but no, this is the author’s idea!
No, of course, it’s quite possible for them to cut, but it’s just not very convenient for a right-handed person and the pieces of cutting will not be uniform!

Well, the last photo for scale! I ask experts not to laugh over the grip, the photo was taken just for scale :)

Well, about the elephants themselves! The locksmith is basically happy! On a solid four! But here they are with a pen! There's a textured G-10 with pretty sharp edges! And the rivets on the handle stick out! You can easily rake yourself mazols! Will have to work a little with a file :)
By the way, one-sided (chisel) sharpening is very pleasing! Sharp as hellish soton! At the same time, it is quite easy to correct, just slap a bar a couple of times and then remove the burr on the other side!

This knife was created with a very specific purpose - a product was needed that would meet all the requirements for edged weapons in the system of applied hand-to-hand combat created by the Center for Applied Research in St. Petersburg.

In this regard, the creators were looking for constructive methods to improve the cutting qualities of the knife and to maximize the stopping effect during the implementation of the injection, since these requirements were the basis of the already existing and proven tactical and technical solutions for the weapon application system created by the CRC.


The fact is that the design of modern knives is more technological than constructive in nature. A vicious practice has developed when the shape of the blade may not be so much functional or practical in nature, but should be striking with the novelty of the lines and the catchiness of the presentation. For a combat knife, such strange target settings are, in principle, not acceptable. As a result, now in service in various armies, the knives are either modified copies of the scout knives of the Second World War, or variations on the theme of daggers. The HP and HPC available today in our army are, let's say, just strong blades, and in the second case, shooting ones.

What exactly were the requirements for the creators when designing the NDK 17 knife?

1. Balancing the blade should have a center of gravity at the junction of the blade and the handle, this is a very important and absolutely necessary condition that ensures high maneuverability of the blade during cuts and pricks. So if the center of gravity is placed on the blade, the knife receives advantages that are not characteristic of this type of weapon when cutting, losing the ability to quickly respond to brush movements and significantly loses pressure when cut. This is due to the appearance of a significant shoulder in the lever, if we consider the upper edge of the handle as the point of application of forces. So the number 17, present in the designation of the product, means the primary length of the blade, approved in the name of the project, but reduced, in the process of testing, to 150 mm, due to noticeably better maneuverability and balance.

2. The blade must have sufficient strength and high cutting qualities of the blade. This compromise is very difficult, since steels with high hardness and, as a result, high cutting properties, are often prone to chipping without having sufficient wear resistance during application.

3. The handle must meet difficult operational conditions, allowing tight grip and blade positioning without the aid of visual control, relying only on kinesthetic analysis while holding. It is for this reason that the handle of a rectangular section made of type-setting leather, a very good hygroscopic material, was chosen. The final check during the testing of the handle was the cuts of a pig carcass in conditions when the handle was doused with a fresh egg, an analogue of sweat and blood. The handle, due to the specified shape, was clearly positioned in the grip, even with a sharp removal without further inspection, and did not slip out during injections and cuts, despite significant losses in friction during egg processing. The guard on the handle is practically absent and is more of a technological nature associated with the attachment of the handle. This is due to the latest studies of the CPI, which convincingly prove that by complicating the maneuver with a knife and not allowing the entire length of the cutting edge to be fully used in cuts, the guard does not help the hand in grip and does not save the hand from cuts during symmetrical combat with a knife, that is, it is more of a decorative , which means a far-fetched character.

4. The scabbard was, perhaps, one of the most difficult and lengthy, in terms of execution, tasks facing the designers.

Judge for yourself - the knife should sit tightly on any kind of equipment, not make sounds when running and jumping, and at the same time easily and quickly snatched out. The presented version of the scabbard is a convincing result of more than three years of research.

5. It is not necessary to specify that the coating of this type of knife is simply obliged to have masking properties and protect the blade from corrosion. During this part of the research, absolutely all available methods were tested and studied, both bluing and coating the blade and handle with protective compounds. Epoxy blackening, widely used in weapons practice both in our country and by leading foreign manufacturers such as Cold Steel and Ka Bar, proved to be the simplest and most practical solution.

6. Cutting edge. This is the most important part of the blade, its main working area. It is the design of the blade that allows you to determine the purpose and practical value of any knife. In this case, a chisel is chosen - one-sided sharpening, and that's why. It is this method of sharpening that makes it possible to achieve a small sharpening angle with a sufficiently powerful blade, in our case the blade has a thickness of 4 mm., A small angle is achieved by direct descent of a 10 mm wide blade, which is quite comparable with such a rather serious cutting tool as a shoe knife. At the same time, the one-sided sharpening makes it easy to dress and sharpen the knife, even in the field and with the "military qualification" of the user. Sharpening is carried out on the one hand - exactly two times less likely to overwhelm the entire RK. Editing is carried out both from the side of the descent and from the unsharpened side.

What are the components of a cut? From the force of pressure at the contact of the blade and the target, and the force of friction when the blade moves along the surface being cut. It was the task of increasing the friction force that prompted the designers to apply technical diamond (from the unsharpened part of the blade) of repeating notches, which make it possible to significantly increase the cutting properties of the blade, without affecting, no matter how noticeable, the speed and ease of movement of the blade along the cut surface. The effectiveness of this solution has been experimentally proven for various cut materials, including textiles.

7. The shape of the product NDK 17 always causes bewilderment among outside experts, why is the blade tilted relative to the handle, why is this angle at the top needed, what is the use of a guillotine-type blade based on? This is what comes to the mind of any traditional expert. And we would fully share their doubts if we first made, as often happens, an abstruse knife, and then we would be tormented in confusion about what to do with it spectacular. NDK 17 was created under the completed and today one of the most concise and effective knife application systems in the world, which eventually received the name of this knife itself - "the NDK 17 combat knife application system".

The creators were looking not for defiant, spectacular forms, but for weapons that maximally implement the very concept of the specified system:
-The predominance of cutting techniques over injections.
-The tactical task is for the stopping effect of the application, and not for the effect of a guaranteed and far from instant kill, as in the case of using stiletto types of weapons.

It is deep cuts that best meet the tactical conditions of modern combat operations, when an injection is extremely difficult due to the widespread use of bulletproof vests and unloadings, leaving only the face, neck and arms open.
Moreover, the injection is difficult to predict in terms of the results achieved, this is due to the lack of visual damage analysis. The cut of the neck, as the main tactical task of using a knife, is very simple for analyzing and predicting the further combat capability of the enemy. The guillotine type of blade replaced a narrow stab wound, from dagger-type knives, with a wide frontal cut with profuse blood loss, which, in fact, is comparable to replacing small-caliber army pistols and supersonic ammunition with pistols using 9 and sometimes 11 mm calibers., with a pronounced stopping effect.

The inclination of the blade relative to the handle is due to the constructive way of increasing pressure when the blade is pulled towards itself (during a cut). At the same time, the grip in the NDK 17 system is supported by the pommel of the handle in the palm. If you draw a line between the tip of the blade, the center of gravity and the point of emphasis, then you get a straight line that fully meets the conditions for maintaining the straightness of the force vector during the injection, no matter how surprising it may seem with this form. Moreover, during the test of the knife on the carcass, a frontal injection cut 2 ribs on both sides of the target's chest. This dissection is practically impossible with other forms of the knife, moreover, getting stuck in the sternum and uncut bones is one of the problems of using a combat knife, requiring subsequent extraction manipulations and special skills.

Well, the most witty part of the whole project is the angle at the top of the blade.
We have already briefly touched on the inclination of the blade relative to the centerline of the handle by 20 degrees. This solution makes it possible to create an inclined cutting edge even with a rectilinear stroke of the knife towards itself, which again has a guillotine nature of the cut.
But the angle at the top is a completely different solution, allowing an order of magnitude increase in the pressure force during the cut.
Well, a little background on the appearance of this decision.

Karambits are knives that have maximum cutting pressure due to the crescent shape of the blade. But they have at least two drawbacks.

Crescent shape virtually eliminates stabbing
-The very form of karambit is difficult to manufacture and even more so to maintain.

For all knives, when cutting, the upper third of the blade is most effectively used, this is primarily due to tactical reasons, the creators "straightened the sickle" and got a completely technologically advanced blade with an angle. When cut, pressure is created that is not commensurate with the pressure of the straight blades of traditional combat knives. So, when testing NDK 17, 620 mm were cut with a cut. chest carcass, and the "trauma" was of a total nature with a through dissection of the ribs and soft tissues. For example, one of the best combat knives in the world, Tai Pen, cut with a cut of about 150 mm and then left not a deep superficial wound, and a powerful Chinook could not make a cut of more than 200 mm, and all blades except NDK 17 received damage to the cutting edge.


Manufacturer: Elephant
- Purpose: Exclusive Knife
- Blade (steel grade): D90
-Total length of knife: 265mm
- Blade length: 150mm
-Maximum blade width: 40mm
- Thickness of the butt: 5 mm
- Handle (material): Micarta
-Weight: 305g
- Scabbard (material): plastic
-Country Russia

In a wide variety of knives, combat models occupy a special place. Despite the development of military technology and weapons, a simple knife is still an effective assistant in close combat to this day. Therefore, all the armies of the world are working to improve their performance. Despite the fact that knife designs have been studied for centuries, this area still has great potential for development. This is mainly about the creation of highly specialized models that could most effectively solve a specific problem. One of these knives is the Kochergin knife. Today we will get acquainted with its device, the principle of operation and the opinion of experts regarding this model.

History of creation

The Kochergin combat knife was created purely for the hand-to-hand combat system developed by the St. Petersburg Center for Applied Research. When developing the design of this knife, the authors tried to take into account exactly the requirements for weapons that the mentioned system makes, without taking into account any weapon tendencies. The first task of the designers was to find ways to achieve the maximum stopping effect of the knife by increasing its cutting ability when stabbing. As the practice of working with weapons has shown, within the framework of the system created by the CPI, it is the injection that is the most effective way of knife attack. Work on the development and testing of the NDK-17 model lasted seven years and led to a significant result. In 2008, Kochergin's knife, which received a very unusual shape, was presented to the public.

general characteristics

As you probably guessed, the abbreviation NDK stands for "Kochergin's sabotage knife." "17" is the original approved blade length. In the course of practical experience, in order to improve the balance and maneuverability of the product, it was reduced to 15 cm, but the name was decided to remain the same. Many decipher the NDK abbreviation as "Kochergin's landing knife", but this is not true. We figured out the name, but who is Kochergin? Andrei Nikolayevich Kochergin is a martial artist and founder of the Russian school of karate Koi no takinoboriryu (or simply KOI).

Andrey Nikolayevich has been engaged in martial arts since the age of 14. At first it was judo, and a little later - karate. While living in Germany, he mastered Wung Chun and Thai boxing. Returning to his homeland, Kochergin actively engaged in dido juku. In addition to rich experience in the field of martial arts, he also has military experience: he served in the army sports company and intelligence, participated in the Caucasian campaign. Kochergin is a multiple winner of shooting competitions and a master of sports in shooting from a Makarov pistol. Andrey Kochergin is known to the general public thanks to master classes and seminars dedicated to self-defense. He is the author of several books and a huge number of video clips devoted not only to self-defense, but also to applied psychology.

The style of knife fighting that operates within the framework of the KOI system is called Tanto Jutsu Koi no takinoboriryu. It became the first official style of knife fighting in Russia, according to which competitions have been held since 1997. On the basis of Tanto Jutsu Koi, a domestic knife fighting system was developed, specifically for which the NDK-17 knife was created (a saboteur knife designed by Kochergin).

The peculiarity of this applied system lies in the fact that the combat tactics are based on technical conciseness and lack of symmetry in contact with edged weapons. Guided by this principle, the CPI team is continuously developing and implementing domestic methods for training special units in several areas:

  1. Applied hand-to-hand combat.
  2. Fire training.
  3. Group and tactical interaction.

The Kochergin Knife (NDK-17) is the result of the joint development of the CPI and VIFK (Military Institute of Physical Culture). This product belongs to innovative inventions. The reviews of many domestic and foreign experts show that it is one of the most striking modern developments in the field of edged weapons.

The developers do not disclose the steel grade from which the original model is made. It is only known that the material successfully combines high blade strength and good cutting properties. High-hard steels, which provide maximum cutting effect, are a rather brittle material. According to the creators of this knife, they managed to achieve a high cutting ability due to the introduction of an unusual design. As a result, a unique blade was created, which has no analogues in the world.

Requirements for combat knives

The main task facing a person using a combat knife is to hit the enemy or opponents in close combat. As expert reviews show, a professional with the proper level of training can use almost any tool in battle. Nevertheless, maximum efficiency is achieved with the help of special weapons designed purely for close combat techniques. Based on this, a combat or sabotage knife should combine the following characteristics:

  1. The width of the blade is at least 2 cm. At the same time, by reducing the angle of sharpening, the cutting properties of the blade increase. As a result, stabbing blows with such a knife lead to serious injuries and profuse blood loss.
  2. The uneven cutting edge of the blade, in the form of a blade. It has excellent cutting properties and allows the blade to leave wide and deep stab wounds.
  3. The presence of reverse sharpening. Increases the effectiveness of the weapon and the convenience of working with it - no need to turn the knife over when changing the direction of impact.

To date, the following forms of a combat knife blade are popular:

  1. "Drop point" - teardrop shape. The tip is on the axis of the injection vector, which makes it easier to penetrate the target.
  2. Clip point. It has a cut edge and good piercing ability.
  3. "Spear point" - spear-shaped. Due to low descents, it is better suited for a prick than a cut.
  4. Bowie. Has a straight or concave bevel on the butt.
  5. "Tanto". It has increased blade strength due to the bevel at the end of the blade. Well pricks and cuts.
  6. "Hawkbill" (karambit) - concave shape. Reminds a bird or animal claw. Can inflict severe slashing wounds.

Non-standard solutions of Kochergin

Knife Kochergin (NDK-17) has an unconventional wedge shape. In the model, a guillotine-type blade was used, with an inclination relative to the axis of the handle and an angle at the top. According to the authors, the weapon model they created is the most effective within a specific martial arts system. This system illustrates the higher efficiency of cutting blows compared to stabbing. Given that body armor is widely used in modern military confrontation, stabbing blows to open areas of the body (arms, legs, neck and face) are not a significant damaging factor. The knife, developed by Kochergin and his colleagues, allows you to produce the most effective stabbing blows and stop the enemy without inflicting mortal damage on him.

Dagger modification knives inflict narrow stab wounds on the enemy, and a guillotine-type blade can inflict a very wide frontal cut. The sabotage knife of Kochergin is designed in such a way that a straight line connecting the tip of the blade and the stop passes through the center of gravity and coincides with the direction of the rectilinear force. Due to the angular inclination of the blade relative to the handle, the pressure on the affected surface increases when the knife is pulled towards itself, which leads to an even more extensive dissection.


The creators of the NKD-17 knife were pushed to use the sickle-shaped blade by the ancients. They were known as early as the 12th-13th centuries in the territories of the Malay Archipelago. Knives of this configuration are still common in the region as household tools and weapons for self-defense. In addition, they are one of the key attributes of local martial arts.

In the 70-80s of the last century, at the demonstration performances of martial artists from Southeast Asia, the technique of using karambits was first demonstrated. The performances made a great resonance in martial arts schools around the world. As a result, the passion for such knives came to the West.

Karambits have unique properties and great potential for modernization in the light of modern trends in the development of edged weapons. Today, the main direction in the development of combat knives is the transition from stabbing to cutting. When cut, sickle-shaped models have the maximum effect. However, the ability to inflict stabbing blows with them is extremely small. Another disadvantage of the historical prototypes of the Kochergin knife is the fact that products of this shape are difficult to manufacture and maintain.

Design features

During the development of the Kochergin knife, a model was developed and approved in a shape resembling a “straightened sickle”. She received a functional blade, which, when cut, exerts much more pressure than models with a straight blade. The test results fully confirm the superiority of NDK-17 over straight knives: from one cut, the Kochergin knife cut 620 mm of the sternum of a pork carcass. In this case, damage was caused not only to soft tissues, but also to the bone material of the ribs. None of the combat knives known to date can achieve similar results. One of the best combat knives in the world, the Tai Pan, with the same impact damages only 150 mm, and the powerful Chinook does no more than 200 mm.

In addition, at the top of the blade NDK-17 (Kochergin's sabotage knife) there is an angle. This is another important design feature and significantly increases the pressing force when applying a cutting blow. Regarding the handle, the blade of the knife is inclined by 20 degrees. Such a design, even in the case of a rectilinear movement towards itself, gives a cutting edge, which by its nature is very similar to a guillotine cut.

The square section of the handle provides a more secure grip. The handle of the original models is covered with leather, which absorbs moisture well. The knife does not have a guard as such. Tests have shown that the handle of the described shape allows you to securely fix the product in your hand and not miss it in the process of work. Reviews of independent experts testing the knife fully confirm this.

The knife of the saboteur designed by Kochergin is balanced in such a way that the center of gravity falls on the place where the blade is connected to the handle. For combat knives, this centering is not new. It provides maximum maneuverability of the weapon when performing combat techniques.

The leather scabbard for the NDK-17 is the result of more than three years of development. It is mainly about their form. As a result, the resulting scabbard model is ideal for any kind of equipment. The knife fits into them tightly enough so that when the fighter moves, they do not create any extraneous sounds. In this case, the weapon is removed from the scabbard quickly and easily, even without prior training.

The blade is processed using epoxy blackening - the most common method of processing edged weapons in the world. This measure not only protects it from corrosion, but also performs a masking function - it prevents the knife from glare in the sun. Among other things, as the reviews show, the darkened blade looks more attractive.


The main working functions are assigned to the cutting edge of the blade. The creators decided to make one-sided chisel-type sharpening on both parts of the blade. This allows you to achieve an acceptable impact power of the blade with a small angle of tightening, to make an accurate cut when pulling the blade towards you and to achieve maximum blade stability when performing a frontal thrust. An important advantage of this sharpening is the fact that it is easy to edit. You can sharpen the knife even in field conditions, without risking to dull the edges of the working edge.

The striking force of a knife cut depends not only on the pressure exerted on the target, but also on the friction force that occurs during the passage of the blade through the surface being cut. On the unsharpened side, Kochergin's knives have notches made with technical diamond. They allow you to significantly increase the cutting power of the blade, but do not affect the speed and ease of striking. When testing a knife on various materials, the effectiveness of this design technique was confirmed.

Practical use

According to the developers, the Kochergin knife (NDK-17) cannot be called a universal tool. It was developed specifically for the hand-to-hand combat technique practiced at the Center for Applied Research. In order to use the Kochergin sabotage knife with the degree of effectiveness that it can give, it is necessary to master the system of working with weapons for which it was created.

The CPI created a system of applied hand-to-hand combat using the NDK-17, which is based on a massive attack of the enemy with a knife. During the fight, the fighter only moves forward, without wasting time thinking and choosing a place to strike. The position of the body, as well as the movements of its individual parts, are subject to one task - delivering the maximum number of high-quality strikes at maximum speed.

During the research work, all combat techniques, stances and movements were analyzed and carefully studied. The trajectories of all secondary movements were reduced to the minimum necessary for a quality entry into the strike position. The principal advantage of this system is the full-fledged work of the whole body. Controlled movement around its axis allows you to put body weight into each blow. At the same time, freedom of movement is preserved, as well as stability in space. And the increase in kinetic pressure has a positive effect on speed parameters without compromising maneuverability.

In our time, the appearance of edged weapons of an unusual shape may often not be associated with giving them fundamentally new characteristics. The main reason is changes in production technology or aesthetic considerations, and not a constructive need. When creating the Kochergin knife (NDK-17), the developers wanted to get improved cutting qualities and increased stopping power by modernizing the design and searching for new solutions.

In the manufacture of working samples of various knives, such design solutions as the guillotine shape of the blade, chisel sharpening and the inclination of the blade relative to the handle were repeatedly used. The authors of this product managed to rationally combine the above solutions and adapt the knife to a specially designed knife fighting system. Thus, the main drawback of the model was its specificity. To effectively use the NDK (Kochergin's sabotage knife), you must have special combat skills. However, techniques that are effective with such weapons may be much less effective with other knives. The fighting techniques developed by the CPI and the Kochergin knife are most effective in tandem. Therefore, it is not advisable to use them separately.

As mentioned above, experts highly appreciate this model for its high performance and unique design. However, among amateurs, opinions may differ. On the Internet, this model received mixed reviews. You can meet both enthusiastic and sharply critical reviews of the NDK-17. There is nothing surprising in this, given that the product was created purely for a specific combat technique, and only those who own this technique can appreciate it. And it is unlikely that the developers of the knife thought about the opinion of the Internet community.

Civil version

To date, Kochergin's knife, the photo of which looks very impressive, is not supplied to the armament or clothing support of law enforcement agencies. It is certified as a utility knife. On sale you can find two versions of the product: standard, with a 150 mm blade, and civilian, with a 110 mm blade.

Due to its compactness, the civilian version is more suitable for urban use than the standard Kochergin knife. There is no folding version of the product and most likely will not be. As a rule, such models are made of bearing steel. The large blade has a slightly sharpened cutting edge on one side. The knife comes with a leather sheath and a belt clip. Despite its specificity, such a knife can be a good gift or an unusual addition to a collection of edged weapons.

I bring to your attention the descriptions of two new combat knives, which, perhaps, have not yet entered history as unique masterpieces of their time, but, undoubtedly, will enter it in the near future. it knife "NDK-17" Andrey Kochergin, President of the International Union of Combat Karate "Koi no Takinobori Ryu" (IUKKK) and knife "Kondrat-2", developed by the founder of the Zarechensk school of combat fencing Vadim Kondratyev.

Model NDK-17 from the well-known knife company "RVS"

You can (and should) talk a lot about the NDK-17 knife, for a long time and with admiration. But I believe that no one, except for the author of the knife himself, has said better about him. A capacious and fairly complete description of the NDK-17 is given in Andrey Kochergin's wonderful book "A Man with an Ax", which I quote here in full with the permission of the author:

« NDK-17, or sabotage knife Kochergin, was designed with a well-defined target setting - a knife was needed that would meet all the requirements for weapons in the applied hand-to-hand combat system developed by the St. Petersburg Center for Applied Research.

The developers were looking for constructive ways to improve the cutting qualities of the knife and maximize the stopping effect during the production of an injection ...

Now I will give a brief technical description of the NDK-17 knife.

This is a powerful cutting tool with a combined blade type. The guillotine part is designed like a shoe knife and is designed to perform similar functions of a cutter and cutter. The main part of the blade is made with an inclination to the center line of the handle, which allows you to create increased pressure when cutting with an upper angle. On this part of the cutting edge there are cuts designed to create additional friction force when the blade moves along the target. The knife has one-sided sharpening on both parts of the blade, which increases the accuracy of the cut when pulling the blade towards itself and increases the stability of the blade with a small sharpening angle during a frontal prick.

In the factory version, the handle of the knife is made in a square section for a secure grip and is covered with type-setting leather ... an excellent hygroscopic material. The final check during the testing of the handle was the cuts of a pig carcass in conditions when the handle was doused with a fresh egg, an analogue of sweat and blood. Due to this shape, the handle was clearly positioned in the grip, held well even when pulled out sharply, and did not slip out during injections and cuts, despite significant losses in friction, specially caused by egg treatment. The guard is practically absent and is more of a technological nature associated with the attachment of the handle ...

cutting edge- the most important part of the blade, its main working area. It is the design of the blade that allows you to determine the purpose and practical value of any knife. In this case, a chisel, that is, one-sided, sharpening was chosen, and here's why. It is this method that makes it possible to achieve a small sharpening angle with a sufficiently powerful blade.

In our case, the blade has a thickness of 4 mm, a small angle is achieved by direct descent of the blade 10 mm wide, which is quite comparable with such a serious cutting tool as a shoe knife. At the same time, the one-sided sharpening makes it easy to edit and sharpen the knife even in the field and with the "military qualification" of the user. Sharpening is done on one side, which gives exactly two times less chances to fill up the entire working edge. Editing is carried out both from the side of the descent and from the non-sharpened side ...

Cutting techniques are much more effective than injections. The tactical task should be to achieve the stopping effect of using a knife, and not to guarantee and far from instantaneous killing of the enemy, as in the case of using stiletto types of weapons.

It is deep cuts that best meet the tactical conditions of modern hostilities, when the injection is extremely difficult due to the widespread use of body armor and unloading, leaving only the face, neck and arms open.

Moreover, the results of the injection are difficult to predict and evaluate, because they are often simply not visible. But the cut of the neck as the main tactical task of using a knife is very simple for analyzing and predicting the further combat capability of the enemy.

Combat knife "Kondrat-2", developed by Vadim Kondratiev

So, national Russian knife "Kondrat". Why "national" and why "Russian"?
1. Designed by a Russian man, for exploitation by Russian people.
2. It was created as a folk knife, for free everyday wear, within the framework of the laws of the Russian Federation.
3. Surpassed foreign analogues, which gives reason for justified pride that the Russians once again created a product of unique quality without huge investments and pathos.

Goals and objectives of creation:
— effective cutting of the widest range of materials and their layer-by-layer combination;
- reliability and strength of the blade;
— convenience, ergonomics and compactness without loss of functionality;
— solution of several different applied problems;
– exclusion of weaknesses and shortcomings of modern knives;
- the ability to effectively perform self-defense tasks;
- clear identification in the format of "hozbyt".

Today we can confidently state the fulfillment of all the tasks set. Moreover, the first samples in the process of testing revealed a number of unexpected qualities that could not even be dreamed of. In particular :
- the ability of the blade to bypass some obstacles.
- an increase in some characteristics due to damage to the cutting edge (notches begin to work as a serrator).
- unique ability to cut flat.
- high efficiency with minimal force application.
- no moment of blade getting stuck in dense and hard materials, etc.

The logical conclusion to the development of the national Russian knife was the creation of a new type of compact scabbard "Burdock", which allows you to fix and transport the knife in a dozen different options, depending on the size of the tool, season, type of clothing and habits of the owner ...

The main properties that distinguish "Kondrat-2" from other types of knives form their own unique technical arsenal. The specificity of the knife is determined by the properties of the blade:

1. Absence of the usual piercing point. It is replaced by a cutting element that does not work like a needle, which pricks as long as force is applied to the tip, but like a razor, when the cutting edge simply breaks the obstacle at any minimum pressure. At the same time, any lateral displacements only add penetrating power to the tip of the Kondrat. This does not happen with stylet and awl points, which can be parried with a normal twist.

2. Significantly curved blades. Due to their geometry, they cut through an obstacle even when hit with a flat “Kondrat”. Any hit by the plane of the blade in dynamics, on any relatively soft surfaces becomes dangerous. And, as you know, it is work in the plane of the knife that is used in its arsenal by various self-defense systems. In addition, the geometry of the double-sided blade allows you to deliver effective reverse blows without turning the brush.

3. The characteristic tilt of the handle in relation to the axis of the blade. In this case, the knife is located in the hand most ergonomically, when the direction of the blade practically coincides with the line of attack.

There is not a single random line in the strange, unprepossessing at first glance form of Kondrat-2. Each element is as functional as possible and perfectly fulfills the function assigned to it ... Testing and discovery of the original properties of the "Kondrat" are still ongoing, and each new surprise of this tool only adds grounds for pride in our national Russian knife.

Tests of both NDK-17 and "Kondrat" really continue and each time they reveal the advantages of these knives, which have no analogues abroad. I think it will be interesting for readers to read the interview that I took from a well-known specialist in hand-to-hand and knife fighting, the creator of the S.P.A.S. carcasses wrapped in a wide variety of clothes in order to find out the effectiveness of these knives:

“First, I want to dwell on why such tests are needed at all.

Knowledge of the functional features of the knife opens up a completely different side of understanding the issue of their application. Such tests force us to accept the harsh truth of life - a knife is dangerous, and knowledge of knife fighting is not for everyone! And at the same time, not all myths about the knife have a practical basis - a lot of far-fetched ones. Therefore, the test is a real opportunity to see with your own eyes what the knife that you hold in your hand is capable of.

The tests were carried out in conditions as close as possible to real ones, that is, in nature, under your feet - earth, sand, grass after rain, in your hand - a knife, in front of you - a freshly slaughtered carcass of an animal, “dressed” in a T-shirt, sweater, jacket or whatever immediately, as it happens mainly in Russia. The first test is NDK-17.

Cuts with this knife had to be performed only by force, because. the heavy knife itself did not allow frivolously throwing it over the carcass. The results are impressive: the length of the power cut is -20 cm. Cutting like a machete showed that NDK-17 is very convenient to cut. Moreover, the effectiveness of this method of combat is only increasing, because. the breaking and cutting of the knife went to the full depth of the blade, the bones were cut clean, the ribs and even the neck of the calf were cut off with relatively little effort. It should be noted that during the tests, clothing was not a significant obstacle - the knife passed through it freely.

The injections also turned out to be quite deep, however, the shape of the handle requires some refinement for the owner. Due to the weight of the knife, you have to hold the blade tightly, and at the moment the NDK-17 hit the bones and the hard part of the carcass, the handle severely injured the back of the armed hand.

It also turned out the applied value when working with the back of the knife. A blow with the butt of a knife on the bone cracked the ribs and broke the bone of the lamb leg.

The test turned out to be very curious - kukri (Nepalese combat knife) against NDK-17. With a blade length almost 2 times greater, this combat knife did not surpass the NDK-17 in anything, yielding to the latter in cuts without a swing and, of course, injections (because kukri is generally problematic to prick).

Summing up, we can say that NDK-17 is a completely new multifunctional type of knife that combines the properties of a knife and a machete. True, some special training is required to work with it, because. the knife is specific and quite heavy, which limits the possibility of its use by people who first took it in their hand.

Now a few words about the tests of the invention of Vadim Kondratiev - the knife "Kondrat-2", or, as it is sometimes called, simply "K-2". I will say right away - a very scary and effective thing.

Light carpal cuts cut deep enough to stop the attacker and at least make you wonder if he attacked him. Cuts without backswing, as well as cuts on the back side, were almost identical. With a two-finger grip on the handle, the knife, without any effort, entered the “carcass” by a third of the blade, without encountering any resistance.

With a power cut with an investment in the body, “K-2” cut the ribs, broke up the carcass, entering a third of the blade deep, inflicting long cuts of 15–20 cm, with a depth of 3–5 cm. When injected, obviously into the bone due to its shape or went along the bone, cutting off everything in its path, or pierced it through and through, and when only the bone part was cut, it significantly cut the bone without damage to the cutting edge.

When cut with the back of the knife, he easily cut clothes and parts of the carcass not protected by clothes, with dense autumn and winter clothes he inflicted light cuts, quite effective in knife combat and sufficient for active non-lethal self-defense. With all the manipulations, he sat very comfortably in his hand, there was not the slightest fear that the knife might fly out of the palm of his hand or that his fingers would slip onto the blade upon impact.

Summing up the tests of the knife "Kondrat", we can draw the following conclusions:

- all types of injections, even with a poorly sharpened Kondrat-2 knife, are extremely effective and do not require any effort on the part of the owner;

- cuts are the hallmark of the knife, because no clothing became an obstacle to the blade. Even with cuts without backswing, without the application of force, the depth and length of the cuts were colossal. And the injections make you think about the meaning of life, because. the knife behaves like a stiletto or an awl and there is simply no sense of obstruction when the blade enters the meat;

- "Kondrat-2" cuts with any side, and the differences in the result are insignificant;

- grippy and light, this knife allows you to carry out any manipulations and makes it possible for a weak and unprepared person to work with almost one hundred percent result!

Once upon a time I saw this knife for the first time and since then it has sunk into my soul with its unusual shapes! And then the opportunity turned up to fall on the tail and order from the Elephants this wonderful Cardboard Knife made of high-tech steel whose name is Cronidur 30

Target setting of knife design
This product was designed with a well-defined target installation - a knife was needed that would meet all the requirements for weapons in the applied hand-to-hand combat system developed by the Center for Applied Research in St. Petersburg.

In this regard, the developers were looking for exactly constructive ways to improve the cutting qualities of the knife and maximize the stopping effect during the production of an injection, since these requirements lay in the context of the already existing and proven tactical and technical solutions for the weapon application system created by the CRC.

Guillotine blade type

It is deep cuts that best meet the tactical conditions of modern combat operations, when an injection is extremely difficult due to the widespread use of bulletproof vests and unloadings, leaving only the face, neck and arms open.

Moreover, the injection is difficult to predict from the point of view of the results achieved, due to the lack of visual damage analysis. The cut of the neck, as the main tactical task of using a knife, is very simple for analyzing and predicting the further combat capability of the enemy. The guillotine type of the blade replaced the narrow stab wound, from dagger-type knives, with a wide frontal cut with profuse blood loss.

Blade slope

relative to the handle is due to a constructive way to increase pressure when the blade is pulled towards itself (in case of a cut). At the same time, the grip in the NDK 17 system is supported by the pommel of the handle in the palm. If you draw a line between the tip of the blade, the center of gravity and the stop, you get a straight line that fully meets the conditions for maintaining the straightness of the force vector during the injection, no matter how surprising it may seem with this form. Moreover, when testing a knife on a carcass, a frontal injection cut 2 ribs on both sides of the target's chest. This dissection is extremely difficult with other forms of a knife; moreover, getting stuck in the sternum and uncut bones is one of the problems of using a combat knife, requiring subsequent extraction manipulations and special skills. Well, the most witty part of the whole project is the angle at the top of the blade.

This solution makes it possible to create an inclined cutting edge even with a rectilinear stroke of the knife towards itself, which again has a guillotine nature of the cut.
Plus, this solution allows you to increase the pressure force during a cut by an order of magnitude.
I immediately say that I’m still a self-defender 🙂 I prefer to act like in that old saying “Better an old TT than Judo and Karate”, in general, it’s easier for me to shoot than to cut 🙂 Therefore, the knife was bought more out of curiosity than for its intended use! Well, like a cardboard knife, it really drives 🙂 It is very convenient to open boxes 🙂 True, military and domestic operations are usually rarely compatible! That's what happened here as well. The fact is that for everyday life, a chisel sharpening with slopes on the left side will be somewhat inconvenient for a right-hander 🙂 And for a left-hander, on the contrary, it’s what you need 🙂 I even thought it was a sinful thing that they slipped a knife for a left-hander on me, but no, this is the author’s idea!
No, of course, it’s quite possible for them to cut, but it’s just not very convenient for a right-handed person and the pieces of cutting will not be uniform!

Well, the last photo for scale! I ask experts not to laugh over the grip, the photo was taken just for scale 🙂
Well, about the elephants themselves! The locksmith is basically happy! On a solid four! But here they are with a pen! There's a textured G-10 with pretty sharp edges! And the rivets on the handle stick out! You can easily rake yourself mazols! You will have to work a little with a file 🙂
By the way, one-sided (chisel) sharpening is very pleasing! Sharp as hellish soton! At the same time, it is quite easy to correct, just slap a bar a couple of times and then remove the burr on the other side! Center for Applied Research