What is OGE? What is OGE Below is a list of additional materials permitted for use

This year, many innovations are planned for students who are completing 9th grade. After all, most educational institutions have repeatedly stated about the low level of training and the reluctance of students to delve into accompanying subjects. What has the Ministry of Education prepared for the coming year, and how will the changes that the official exam website has already published affect the OGE in 2017?

Number of items to be returned

The entire system used for testing remains the same. After all, it justified itself during the examination period since 2014. The innovation concerns directly the number of items. As indicated on the official website, last year there were two compulsory ones: Russian or native language and mathematics and two additional subjects.

Subjects for OGE 2017

From the new period of additional exams to pass, there will be 3. This decision will greatly affect the 2017 OGE. This is done in view of several points that teachers across the country note:

  • weak interest in broad knowledge in several areas;
  • complete refusal to learn and assimilate new information;
  • lack of preparation for exams, lack of serious attitude towards them;
  • systematic neglect of preparation for the OGE.

Therefore, an increase in the number of subjects will be an impetus for students to study science in more detail, be interested in new knowledge and delve into the details of the exam.

Mandatory exams in 2017

Regarding the OGE 2017 changes, the official website has already provided comprehensive information on the main page.

The most important innovation is not how many subjects to take, but how the results will be calculated.

There is also information on the requirements for the level of training of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education on the FIPI website:

Requirements for the level of training of students

Also, like every year, officials have drawn up a schedule for the OGE, which can be seen today on the official portal.

OGE schedule

Another noticeable change for students will be the inclusion of the average score in the education document. If previously the results of the general state exam after 9th grade did not affect the certificate in 11th grade, but only on the possibility of admission to schools, technical schools and colleges, now everything is different.

On the website you can see the conversion of points into grades.

Scale for converting points to grades

The arithmetic average of the indicator for the document on secondary education will include two compulsory and two additional subjects. This completely changes the concept of the OGE in 2017.

After all, if four out of five subjects do not meet at least the minimum level, as indicated by the Ministry of Education on the official website, then the student will need to retake it. According to the latest information, such an opportunity will become available only in September. This means that the student will have to take a repeat course for 9th grade.

The state final certification is an important exam for 9th grade students. Assessment grades influence the child’s further education. Those who do not pass the certification will not be able to enroll in college or proceed to the 10th grade. What changes await us in the GIA 2017, and how will students now confirm their knowledge? How many compulsory subjects will 9th ​​grade graduates take next year?

Today, many students do not want to study in grades 10 and 11; they dream of going to college and, without wasting time, getting a profession. This is not surprising, because after successfully graduating from college, it is much easier to enter a higher education institution and it takes less time to obtain a university diploma.

However, if previously anyone could go to a specialized school to study, and most often it was the C-students and even the D-students who went there, today it is impossible to go to college without passing the GIA. Moreover, poor students are not allowed to take the exam. All grades at the end of the year must be satisfactory.

Starting from 2017, GIA grades will be included in the certificate. The scoring system involves a 100-point system, and teachers themselves will be able to determine the minimum passing score.

How does certification proceed?

All students who have completed 9th grade with grades of at least 3 in all subjects must pass the GIA. To be admitted to the exam, students must have a passport with them. You are allowed to bring a pen, pencil, ruler and a regular calculator into the office. All other things, such as a cell phone, watch, bag, etc. must be handed over to a special employee for safekeeping.

After the students are seated at their desks, they are given assignments. If you notice that your set of tasks or one sheet of it is damaged, wrinkled, there are various stains or tears, immediately notify the examiners. Your tests should be replaced.

The set of tests includes tasks in the Russian language, mathematics and selected subjects.

Then, at the signal, students begin solving tests. During this time, it is forbidden to talk, change seats, exchange anything, even pens, or leave the classroom. If you urgently need to leave the classroom, you may be accompanied by a teacher.

30 minutes before the end of the time allotted for the GIA, the teacher must inform the children that they need to wrap up. After the final signal, all work is submitted for checking, and students leave the class.

What to do if you fail the exam

On this issue, good news awaits schoolchildren in 2017. Now not only those who failed the exam, but also those guys who want to get a higher score will be able to take the GIA 2 times. Teachers will have to provide additional training to students who do not pass the State Examination the first time.

However, if a child fails to pass Russian or mathematics the second time, he will not receive a certificate and will be forced to stay for a second year.

In order to reduce the percentage of repeaters, the Ministry of Education strongly recommends that teachers thoroughly prepare schoolchildren for the final certification in Russian language and mathematics. However, preparation should not only be in compulsory subjects. Schoolchildren also need to be prepared mentally. It is necessary to explain that there is nothing scary in the exam, you need to teach composure and self-confidence. To do this, it is necessary to conduct intermediate exams throughout the year so that the children understand the certification algorithm and are not confused at the State Examination.

What other changes are planned?

How many subjects will be included in the 2017 certification is of concern to both students and parents. In 2017, students will take 5 subjects. 2 of them will be compulsory (mother tongue and mathematics), and three students will choose themselves. In 2018, one more discipline will be added to these disciplines, and the total number of subjects taken will be 6. News says that it is planned to introduce a foreign language into the list of compulsory subjects.

For this reason, the schoolchildren training system will also be modernized. Today, new curricula are already being developed that will be able to ensure comprehensive preparation of children for the final certification in the 9th grade. Russian language and mathematics remain on the list of compulsory disciplines.

Preparing for testing

Today it is already clear that preparation for passing the final certification should begin in elementary school. To achieve this, teachers must make every effort. It is necessary to respond to knowledge gaps in each student in a timely manner. There should be a system of additional classes and intermediate exams.

Unfortunately, there are often cases when children cannot pass the State Exam due to lack of knowledge from previous years. It is these gaps that need to be identified and corrected in 9th grade.

Also, a common reason for the failure of the State Examination is a simple misunderstanding of the question in the assignment. To ensure a thorough understanding of the issues, teachers must do a lot of preparatory work.

You need to take previous years' exam tests and train your children throughout the year.

Also, according to officials, parents should take part in preparing their children. You need to clearly monitor your child’s progress. If there are gaps in knowledge, every effort should be made to fill them. To achieve this, teachers must work with parents. If the teacher sees that the child is far behind, the parents need to be informed about this and solve this problem through joint efforts.

Parents are also recommended to monitor the student’s daily routine. The child must eat properly and in a timely manner, get enough sleep and exercise. Only in this case can you count on fully mastering the curriculum.

Do you need a tutor?

Many parents mistakenly believe that preparing for an exam is the school’s job and nothing more. However, if a child has serious gaps in knowledge of the Russian language or mathematics, parents should pay attention to this. As part of the educational process, the teacher simply does not have the opportunity to devote time to only one student. For this reason, if your child does not have time to learn the necessary material in a certain subject, for example, Russian or mathematics, it would be advisable to hire an experienced tutor. This will allow you to quickly fill in knowledge gaps so that the student can master the program in the future. Also pay attention to the child’s performance in foreign languages; in the future it is planned to introduce this subject into mandatory disciplines. You will have to take it as part of the Unified State Exam.

Schedule of dates for State Examination 2017

Today, the schedule for the final certification has not yet been drawn up. The news will appear on the official website only after the schedule is approved by the Ministry of Education. However, it can be assumed that the exam schedule will not differ much from last year. The main stage of the State Examination will take place in May 2017, with an additional period in July and September.

For every parent whose child has entered 9th grade, the question of GIA is very important. We all carefully monitor the latest news to know how many subjects children will take and what changes await us next year. The Ministry of Education says that taking the tests should not cause difficulties or fears for students who are studying hard and preparing for the final assessment. However, the task of parents remains to clearly monitor their child’s progress and provide all possible assistance in preparing for tests.

One of the forms of certification of ninth-graders is the OGE, which, despite many comments, will still be carried out in 2017. But this year, some changes were made to the procedure for conducting the OGE, which should be known to everyone who has to pass this not entirely easy test.

Features of the OGE in 2017

Let us remind you that ninth grade graduates have been taking the OGE since 2002. And, despite the fact that fourteen years have passed since the introduction of this form of certification, many still note its imperfections. Therefore, every year the Ministry of Education and Science tries to improve this procedure and makes some changes. So, if before 2014 there were four compulsory subjects, then after that this number decreased to two. It would seem that such an innovation should have a positive impact on the success of students. But as it turned out, the overall level of training in connection with these changes decreased significantly. After all, the students did not choose additional subjects to take. Only ten percent of all ninth graders did this. Therefore, it was decided to again increase the number of items required for delivery. So, already in 2015, it was necessary to take two compulsory subjects, as well as two additional ones, which students can choose on their own. In 2017, ninth-graders will have to take not four, but five subjects. As always, two of them will be mandatory, and three will be chosen by students at their own discretion. At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Science plans to add one subject every two years. Thus, in 2020, schoolchildren will have to take six exams. Such innovations should increase the general level of children's knowledge and help them be ready for admission.

Required and additional subjects for the OGE

Many people are interested in how many subjects must be taken for the OGE in 2017. So, a total of five disciplines are planned. At the same time, two of them will be mandatory, that is, those that schoolchildren will not be able to refuse. But the other three children will be able to choose on their own, but they are not exempt from taking the test.

As always, the main subjects remain mathematics and Russian. Therefore, ninth-graders need to study these disciplines with special care. As for additional ones, students can choose among nine subjects. These include geography, biology, chemistry, physics, as well as literature, history, computer science, social studies and foreign languages. As for the latter, among the list of languages ​​allowed before passing the test are:

  • English;
  • German;
  • French;
  • Spanish.

Please note that you will not be able to select items other than those listed above. Therefore, it is necessary to decide in advance on additional disciplines and begin preparing them before passing.

We would also like to note the features of calculating the average score of the certificate, taking into account the results of the OGE. Let us remind you that in 2016, to calculate the average score, only the results of passing compulsory subjects were taken into account. Thus, the main thing was to become compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics, and additional ones would not matter for this. If in 2016 students took the OGE with unsatisfactory grades, then they were not taken into account in the end. In 2017, some changes will be taken into account, namely, the results of the OGE for two compulsory and two additional ones will be taken into account in the average score of the certificate. Now the indicator will no longer depend on two, but on four items. Of course, good news for students will be that the results of the third additional subject will not be included when calculating the average score of the certificate. Another important change that cannot be ignored is the situation of passing subjects with unsatisfactory grades. So, in order to receive the long-awaited certificate of completion of the ninth grade, you need to get positive grades in compulsory subjects. Otherwise, your child will be kept in the second year.

Passing the OGE in 2017

Let us note that every year government officials draw up a detailed schedule for passing all exams and make it available to everyone. Most often this occurs at the end of May and ends in June. So the beginning of summer will have to be spent studying textbooks. It is interesting that since 2016 there is another feature when passing the OGE, which will be taken into account in 2017. It will now be possible to reschedule exam dates. But as for the reasons for such actions, they include the occurrence of emergency situations (natural or man-made disasters). This rule also applies to the venue, which may be changed for similar reasons.

So be careful and follow the OGE exam schedule for 2017.

It is also worth paying attention to the features of retakes. Of course, such a possibility is provided, but it will be implemented as follows. Now you can retake only two subjects out of all that students take. So, this rule applies to both compulsory and additional subjects. Therefore, if your child receives an unsatisfactory grade in three or more subjects, he will not lose the right to retake. Of course, this opportunity will exist, but you can only take advantage of it from September 1, 2017. Thus, this will lead to the student being retained in the second year. Therefore, you need to take preparation seriously, because otherwise it can lead to undesirable consequences.

It is also interesting that now the organizers will take greater responsibility for the conduct of the OGE. Thus, the results will be calculated not by regional bodies, but by special state independent commissions. Note that their members will not know whose work they are checking. Thus, this will only further make the calculation of results independent and fair.

As you can see, the latest changes that relate to the process of passing the OGE in 2017 should improve this form of certification for ninth-graders. But whether this will really happen, time will tell. In the meantime, we invite you to learn about other changes in the educational process in 2017, for example, the features of registering for school on. To do this, you only need to visit the website and you will be the first to track the latest educational developments in Russia and the world.

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As before, in 2017, Russian ninth-graders will face the GIA (State Final Certification) - mandatory exams for high school graduates. The form and tasks are the same for all participants. This makes the GIA the prototype of the Unified State Exam, which eleventh graders take.

Despite the obvious shortcomings of the certification, rumors about its cancellation were not justified. The Ministry of Education and Science will improve the system of assessing the knowledge of ninth-graders through systematic changes in the structure of the State Examination Board. The first innovations will appear in the 2016-2017 academic year. So, what do kids finishing 9th grade need to be prepared for?

It is likely that the number of exams in the GIA 2017 will be expanded to five!

GVE and OGE - who takes what?

Speaking about the GIA, it’s worth first deciphering these abbreviations. Very often they confuse assessment participants. On the Internet you can find information according to which they are new types of exams that can be taken instead of the State Examination. But this is far from the truth. GVE and OGE are two forms of examinations (GIA) for ninth-graders. Without passing them, you cannot go to grade 10 or enter college or technical school.

  • GVE (State Final Exam) Tests are taken by pupils of closed institutions (boarding schools, juvenile colonies), as well as students of foreign schools and disabled children.
  • OGE (Main State Exam) carried out using so-called CMMs - control and measuring materials. It is the OGE that the rest of the ninth graders take, regardless of the form of study (full-time, correspondence, home).

Features of the event

The basic rules of certification have not changed. As you know, until 2014, GIA participants took four compulsory subjects. Then the number of exams was reduced to two: Russian language and mathematics. As a result, most students refused to take additional subjects, which negatively affected their level of general knowledge. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Science is gradually increasing the number of exams. In 2016 there will be 4 again, in 2017-2018 - 5, and by 2020 it is planned to test knowledge in 6 subjects.

Required subjects for State Examination 2017

So, every ninth grader must pass:

  • Russian language
  • mathematics

Mathematics will become one of the compulsory subjects in the State Academic Examination 2017

Elective subjects for State Examination 2017

The remaining items for delivery will be selected from the list:

  • biology
  • social science
  • physics
  • informatics
  • chemistry
  • geography
  • English language
  • story
  • literature
  • Spanish
  • French
  • German

If students are studying a regional (native) language and literature, they may qualify for this course.

Retake the State Examination Test

Scores for mandatory exams will be included in the certificate. Students who have earned an unsatisfactory grade in one or more subjects will receive a certificate of secondary education only after successfully retaking the exams. Only those who fail no more than two courses will get a second chance. It will be possible to retake the GIA until September 1, 2017.

It is expected that from 2017, the scale for evaluating work will be compiled not by regional, but by state departments. Thus, the calculation of results will become more fair and transparent. Back in 2016, the Ministry of Education and Science allowed to postpone the dates and place of passing the State Examination Test in the event of a natural disaster, man-made disaster or other emergency situations.

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The OGE is the main state exam that schoolchildren take at the end of 9th grade.

To pass the OGE in a specific subject, you need to solve tasks from the exam form, which is issued before the exam. These forms are called control and measuring materials - CMM.

KIMs consist of many tasks: with tests, tasks with a short answer and a part where you need to give a detailed answer. The tasks are arranged from simple to complex. For simple tasks, fewer points are awarded, for complex ones with a detailed answer - more.

What subjects to take

Here are the subjects you can take electively:

  1. Literature.
  2. Physics.
  3. Chemistry.
  4. Biology.
  5. Geography.
  6. Story.
  7. Social science.
  8. Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT).
  9. Foreign languages ​​- English, German, French or Spanish.
  10. Native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
  11. Native literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Students indicate elective subjects in an application, which can be obtained through the educational organization where the child is studying: lyceum, school or gymnasium. The application must be completed and submitted to your educational institution by March 1 of the current year.

A student may change electives after submitting an application. But this requires a good reason, documented: for example, a student is seriously ill and there are doubts that he will recover for the chosen exam. In this case, he can submit an application with a certificate that confirms his diagnosis and choose another subject to take.

An application with a changed list of subjects and the reasons for this change must be submitted to the state examination commission - the State Examination Commission. Applications must be submitted no later than two weeks before the start of the relevant exams.

Who participates in the OGE

Not all students can take the exam. There are certain conditions that they must meet. First of all, the restriction concerns low-achieving students.

Schoolchildren who have a D in at least one subject in their annual grades will not be allowed to take the exam. If you can quickly correct the annual mark, you can go to the OGE in the additional period in the fall of the same year.

Who will be allowed to take the test:

  1. Ninth-graders who do not have failing grades.
  2. Graduates from previous years who failed or were not admitted to the OGE in previous years.
  3. Foreign citizens, refugees or migrants who have completed educational programs in any form.
  4. Students who studied the school curriculum independently, in an organization without state accreditation, or in the form of family education.

Prize-winners of All-Russian Olympiads and participants of international Olympiads may not take the subject in which they went to the Olympiad this year.

Features of the event

During the early period, the OGE is taken by those students who, for good reason, cannot take the main exam. The period begins no earlier than April 20 of the current year.

During the main period, the main stream of schoolchildren take the test: those who do not have problems with their studies and good reasons to pass the OGE ahead of schedule. This period should not begin earlier than May 25 of the current year.

Retake in the additional period takes place in the following cases:

  1. The student received a bad grade in one subject. If there are two, they will not be allowed to retake the additional deadline. In 2017, in such a situation, it was allowed to take the OGE no earlier than September 1 of the current year.
  2. The student did not take the exam for a valid reason, which is documented.
  3. The student was unable to pass the exam for a valid reason. For example, he fainted.
  4. The student filed an appeal and it was approved.

An appeal can be filed if the rules were violated or if the student does not agree with the result. If the appeal is approved, the exam results will be canceled and a retake will be ordered.

The appeal must be filed quickly. If the student does not agree with the assessment - within two days from the date of its appearance on the official website. And if the procedure for conducting the OGE was violated, you must submit an application on the day of the exam.

An appeal can be filed if:

  1. The student does not agree with his assessment.
  2. The procedure was violated. Applications specifically about violation of the rules of the exam by the organizer are considered. For example, if he forbade the use of a simple calculator in physics, did not let schoolchildren go to the toilet, or took away students’ work ahead of time.

An appeal cannot be filed if:

  1. The student completed the work incorrectly.
  2. The complaint relates to the structure or content of the examination materials.
  3. The claim is related to the violation of the rules by the student himself. For example, if a student took and did not come to the exam.
  4. Complaint about completing short answer assignments.

Where to find the results

To do this, you need to select your region on the official website of the State Inspectorate in the upper left corner. For example, if you select the Oryol region, the system will redirect to the regional website, where you can find out the results. It is enough to enter the student’s name, series and number of his passport.