What are Russian hypersonic missiles. Impact "Zircon": what will be the latest hypersonic missile. What is the rocket for, what is the likely target

Almost unnoticed was a media report on March 17 about the start of testing of the Russian hypersonic cruise missile Zirkon. However, the military expert community managed to evaluate it. In essence, this means that the Russian military-industrial complex has reached the finish line in the creation of a superweapon, which potential enemies will have nothing to oppose in the near future.

Hypersonic missile "Zircon". Characteristics

Since 2011, NPO Mashinostroeniya has been developing the Zircon cruise missile. Its appearance and characteristics are strictly classified, which is understandable. It is only known that this is a sea-based missile with an estimated speed of Mach 5-6 and a flight range of 300-400 km. In the future, the speed can be increased to 8 Mach.

According to some experts, the Zircon is essentially the same Russian-Indian BrahMos supersonic missile, only in a hypersonic version. If we continue to continue its “pedigree”, then the new Zircon missile will turn out to be the “granddaughter” of the P-800 Onyx, on the basis of which BrahMos was created.

By the way, in February last year, representatives of Brahmos Aerospace announced their readiness to create a hypersonic engine for a joint brainchild in the next 3-4 years.

First test results

The first tests of the Zircon rocket were carried out at the State Flight Test Center (Akhtubinsk) in 2012-2013. The long-range supersonic bomber Tu-22M3 was chosen for the "role" of the carrier. Testing was continued after 2 years, but from a ground launcher.

The fact that Russia will soon have a new formidable weapon became clear after successful tests last year. This year, the tests should be completed, and in a year the Zircon is supposed to be put into serial production.

Problems that arose during the development process

In order for the Zircon anti-ship missile to become hypersonic, its creators had to work hard. One of the main problems is the monstrous overheating of the hull during flight at hypersonic speeds, followed by the formation of a plasma cloud. As it turned out, one of the main missile systems responsible for homing practically "goes blind" in it. It became obvious that Zircon would require a new generation of electronic filling.

To accelerate the rocket, it was decided to use a direct-flow rocket engine with supersonic combustion on fuel with increased energy intensity - "Decilin-M". To solve the whole range of problems, the best Russian specialists in the field of aerodynamics, engine building, materials science and electronics were involved in the development of the product.


Initially, the Zircons were designed as "aircraft carrier killers" - sea-based missiles that will equip the 5th generation nuclear submarine "Husky". However, it is not difficult to assume that over time they will be able to launch from surface ships, ground launchers and from attack aircraft.

Equipping the Russian Army with Zircon missiles can seriously affect the balance of power. First, the shock US will become even more vulnerable. Secondly, the unique speed and maneuverability characteristics of the domestic hypersonic missile will reduce the effectiveness of the American missile defense system to almost zero.

Hypersonic projects of the USA and other countries

However, you should not write off the main Russian competitors. Back in the early 2000s, during the presidency of George W. Bush, the development of a rapid global strike doctrine began, where the main emphasis was placed on hypersonic cruise missiles with a range of 6,000 km.

As part of the doctrine, the AHW missile is already being tested, and the next step is the HTV-2 project to create a missile capable of reaching a speed of Mach 20 with a range of 7,700 km. In March last year, Lockheed Martin began development of the SR-72 hypersonic drone.

Hypersonic trend in the focus of China's military-industrial complex. So a year ago, hypersonic aircraft DF-ZF and Yu-71 were tested. In India, the Shaurya tactical surface-to-surface missile is being developed, reaching a speed of Mach 7. France is not far behind with its ASN4G hypersonic air-to-ground cruise missile project with a Mach 8 nuclear warhead.

Flights of “three-wing” aircraft were accompanied by a frantic heating of the structure. The temperature of the edges of the air intakes and the leading edge of the wing reached 580-605 K, and the rest of the skin 470-500 K. The consequences of such heating are evidenced by the fact that even at a temperature of 370 K, the organic glass used in cockpit glazing softens and the fuel begins to boil. At 400 K, the strength of duralumin decreases, at 500 K, the chemical decomposition of the working fluid in the hydraulic system and the destruction of the seals occur. At 800 K, titanium alloys lose the necessary mechanical properties. At temperatures above 900 K, aluminum and magnesium melt, heat-resistant steel loses its properties.

The flights were carried out in the stratosphere at an altitude of 20,000 meters in very rarefied air. Achieving a speed of 3M at lower altitudes was not possible: the skin temperature would have reached four-digit values.

Over the next half century, a number of measures were proposed to combat the scalding fury of atmospheric heating. Beryllium alloys and new ablative materials, composites based on boron and carbon fibers, plasma spraying of refractory coatings...

Despite the successes achieved, the thermal barrier still remains a serious obstacle to hypersound. Obstacle mandatory, but not the only one.

Supersonic flight is extremely costly in terms of required thrust and fuel consumption. And the level of complexity of this problem is rapidly increasing with a decrease in flight altitude.

To date, none of the existing types of aircraft and cruise missiles has been able to develop a speed = 3M at sea level.

The record holder among manned aircraft was the MiG-23. Due to its relatively small size, variable sweep wing and powerful R-29-300 engine, it was able to develop 1700 km/h close to the ground. More than anyone in the world!

Cruise missiles showed a slightly better result, but also failed to reach the Mach 3 bar.

Among the variety of anti-ship missiles in the world, only four anti-ship missiles can fly twice as fast as the speed of sound at sea level. Among them:

ZM80 “Mosquito”(starting weight 4 tons, maximum speed at an altitude of 14 kilometers - 2.8M, at sea level - 2M).

ZM55 “Onyx”(starting weight 3 tons, maximum speed at an altitude of 14 km - 2.6M).

ZM54 "Caliber".

And finally, Russian-Indian BrahMos(launch weight 3 tons, design speed at low altitude 2M).

The promising “Caliber” has crept closest to the cherished 3M. Thanks to the multi-stage layout, its detachable warhead (which itself is the third stage) is capable of reaching a speed of Mach 2.9 at the finish line. However, not for long: the separation and dispersal of warheads is carried out in the immediate vicinity of the target. On the marching section, the ZM54 flies at subsonic.

It is worth noting that there is no information on testing and practical development of the ZM54 separation algorithm. Despite the common name, the ZM54 missile has little in common with those Calibers that set off an unforgettable fireworks display in the sky over the Caspian Sea last fall (subsonic missile launcher for strikes against land targets, ZM14 index).

It can be stated that a rocket that develops a speed of > 2M at low altitude is, in the literal sense, still only tomorrow.

You have already noticed that each of the three anti-ship missiles capable of developing 2M on the cruising leg of the flight (Moskit, Onyx, Brahmos) is distinguished by exceptional weight and size characteristics. The length is 8-10 meters, the launch weight is 7-8 times higher than the performance of subsonic anti-ship missiles. At the same time, their warheads are relatively small, they account for about 8% of the launch mass of the rocket. And the flight range at low altitude barely reaches 100 km.

The possibility of aircraft basing these missiles remains in question. Due to their length, the Mosquito and Brahmos cannot fit into the UVP, they require separate launchers on the decks of ships. As a result, the number of carriers of supersonic anti-ship missiles can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

At this point, it is worth turning to the title topic of this article.

ZM22 "Zircon" - a hypersonic sword of the Russian Navy. Myth or reality?

A rocket about which so many people talk, but no one even saw its outlines. What will this superweapon look like? What are its possibilities? And the main question: how realistic are the plans to create such anti-ship missiles at the modern technological level?

After reading a long introduction about the torments of the creators of supersonic aircraft and cruise missiles, many of the readers, for sure, gained doubts about the realism of the existence of Zircon.

A fire arrow flying on the border of supersonic and hypersonic, capable of hitting sea targets at ranges of 500 kilometers or more. Whose overall dimensions do not exceed the established restrictions when placed in UKKS cells.

The 3S14 universal ship-based firing system is an 8-shot below-deck vertical launcher for launching the entire range of missiles of the Caliber family. Max. the length of the transport and launch container with the missile is 8.9 meters. Restriction on starting weight - up to three tons. It is planned that ten such modules (80 launch silos) will form the basis of strike weapons on the modernized nuclear-powered Orlans.

Promising superweapon or another unfulfilled promise? Doubts are in vain.

The appearance of a supersonic anti-ship missile capable of reaching a speed of Mach 4.5 in flight is the next logical step in the improvement of missile weapons. It is curious that missiles similar in characteristics have been in service with the leading fleets of the world for 30 years already. One index is enough to understand what is at stake.

Anti-aircraft missile 48N6E2 as part of the S-300FM Fort naval anti-aircraft system

The length and diameter of the hull are standard for all missiles of the S-300 family.
Length \u003d 7.5 m, diameter of the rocket with folded wings \u003d 0.519 m. Launch weight 1.9 tons.

Warhead - high-explosive fragmentation weighing 180 kg.

The estimated range of destruction of the CC is up to 200 km.

Speed ​​- up to 2100 m/s (SIX speeds of sound).

SAM 48N6E2 as part of the S-300PMU2 Favorit land complex

How justified is the comparison of anti-aircraft missiles with anti-ship missiles?

There are not so many conceptual differences. The anti-aircraft 48N6E2 and the promising Zircon are guided missiles with all the ensuing consequences.

Sailors are well aware of the hidden capabilities of shipboard air defense systems. Half a century ago, during the first firing of anti-aircraft missiles, an obvious discovery was made: at a line-of-sight range, missiles will be the first to launch. They have a smaller mass of the warhead, but their reaction time is 5-10 times less compared to anti-ship missiles! This tactic was widely used in "skirmishes" at sea. The Yankees damaged the Iranian frigate with the “Standard” (1988). Russian sailors with the help of "Wasp" dealt with the Georgian boats.

The bottom line is that if a conventional missile defense system with a disabled proximity fuse can be used against ships, then why not create a special tool for hitting surface targets on its basis?

The advantage will be high flight speed, at the turn of hypersound. The main disadvantage is the high-altitude flight profile, which makes the missile vulnerable to breaking through enemy air defenses.

What are the main design differences between missiles and anti-ship missiles?

Guidance system.

To detect targets beyond the horizon, anti-ship missiles need an active radar seeker.

It is worth noting that anti-aircraft missiles with ARGSN have long been used in the world. The first of them (the European "Aster") was put into service over ten years ago. A similar missile was created by the Americans (Standard-6). The domestic analogue is 9M96E and E2 - anti-aircraft missiles of the ship's air defense system "Redut".

At the same time, detecting a 100-meter ship should be easier than aiming at an actively maneuvering point-sized object (aircraft or KR).


Most anti-aircraft missiles are equipped with a solid propellant rocket engine, whose operating time is limited to seconds. The operating time of the 48N6E2 rocket propulsion engine is only 12 s, after which the rocket flies by inertia, controlled by aerodynamic rudders. As a rule, the flight range of missiles along a quasi-ballistic trajectory, with a marching section high in the stratosphere, does not exceed 200 kilometers (the most “long-range”), which is quite enough to fulfill the tasks assigned to them.

Anti-ship weapons, on the contrary, are equipped with turbojet engines - for long-term, for tens of minutes, flight in dense layers of the atmosphere. At a much lower speed than is customary with anti-aircraft missiles.

The creators of the 4-machine "Zircon" will obviously have to abandon any turbojet and ramjet engines, using the proven technique with a powder turbojet engine.

The task of increasing the flight range is solved by a multi-stage layout. For example: the American Standard-3 interceptor missile has a range of 700 km, and the intercept altitude is limited to low Earth orbit.

The Standard-3 is a four-stage rocket (launch booster Mk.72, two sustainer stages and a detachable kinetic interceptor with its own engines for trajectory correction). After the separation of the third stage, the speed of the warhead reaches Mach 10!

It is noteworthy that the Standard-3 is a relatively light compact weapon, with a starting weight of ~ 1600 kg. The anti-missile is placed in a standard VHP cell aboard any American destroyer.

The anti-missile does not have a warhead. The main and only striking element is its fourth stage (an infrared sensor, a computer and a set of engines), crashing at full speed into the enemy.

Returning to the Zircon, the author sees no fundamental obstacles to an anti-aircraft missile, which has a lower speed and a flatter trajectory than the standard-3, after passing through the apogee, could safely return to the dense layers of the atmosphere. After that, detect and attack the target, falling like a star onto the deck of the ship.

The development and creation of hypersonic anti-ship missiles based on existing anti-aircraft missiles is the most optimal solution in terms of minimizing technical risks and financial costs.

A) Shooting at moving sea targets at a distance of over 500 km. Due to the high flight speed of the Zircon, its flight time will be reduced to 10-15 minutes. Which will automatically solve the problem of data obsolescence.
Previously, as now, anti-ship missiles are launched in the direction of the likely location of the target. By the time of arrival in the specified square, the target may already go beyond its limits, making it impossible to detect the missile's seeker.

B) From the previous paragraph follows the possibility of effective firing at ultra-long distances, which will make the rocket the “long arm” of the fleet. The ability to deliver operational strikes at a huge range. The reaction time of such a system is ten times less than that of an aircraft carrier wing.

C) Launching an attack from the side of the zenith, along with the unexpectedly high speed of the missile (after braking in dense layers of the atmosphere, it will be about 2M), will make most of the existing short-range defense systems ineffective ("Daggers", "Goalkeepers", RIM-116 etc.)

At the same time, the negative points will be:

1. Altitude flight path. Already a second after the launch, the enemy will notice the launch of the missile and begin to prepare to repel the attack.

Speed ​​\u003d 4.5M is not a panacea here. The characteristics of the domestic S-400 make it possible to intercept air targets flying at speeds up to 10M.

The new American SAM "Standard-6" has a maximum height of destruction of 30 km. Last year, with its help, the most distant interception of the military center in the naval (140+ kilometers) was carried out in practice. And the powerful radar and computing capabilities of Aegis allow destroyers to hit targets in near-Earth orbits.

The second problem is a weak warhead. Someone will say that at such speeds you can do without it. But it's not.

Anti-aircraft missile "Talos" without a warhead almost cut the target in half (exercises off the coast of California, 1968).

The Talos main stage weighed one and a half tons (more than any of the existing rockets) and was equipped with a ramjet engine. Upon hitting the target, an unused supply of kerosene detonated. Speed ​​at the moment of impact = 2M. The target was a WWII escort destroyer (1100 tons), whose dimensions corresponded to modern RTOs.

The hit of Talos in a cruiser or destroyer (5000-10000 tons), logically, could not lead to serious consequences. There are many cases in maritime history when ships, having received numerous through holes from armor-piercing shells, remained in service. So, the American aircraft carrier "Kalinin Bay" in the battle near about. Samar was pierced through 12 times.

The Zircon anti-ship missile needs a warhead. However, due to the need to ensure a speed of 4.5 M and limited weight and dimensions when placed in the UVP, the mass of the warhead will not exceed 200 kg (the estimate is given based on examples of existing missiles).

A new Russian hypersonic missile could render the American missile defense system meaningless and give us an advantage for 30 years ahead. Reports of successful tests of Russia's latest hypersonic cruise anti-ship missile, Zirkon, have become a real sensation. It's no joke, this device has reached eight speeds of sound, that is, 2.5 km / s. This achievement confidently brings Russia forward in one of the most promising areas. After all, the development of hypersonic vehicles, besides us, is carried out by the United States and China, but they have not yet been able to show the world anything like that. Running with obstacles The speed record for modern anti-ship missiles is Mach 2.5 (M), or two and a half the speed of sound. Such missiles are launched in the intended direction of the target's movement. However, even with such a missile flight speed, the target can change direction and go beyond the detection sector of the homing head. A thermal barrier is an obstacle to further increase in speed. Flights of prototypes at 3 M were accompanied by heating the edges of the air intakes and the leading edge of the wing up to 300 ° C, and the rest of the skin - up to 250. At 230 ° C, the strength of duralumin decreases, at 520 ° C, titanium alloys lose the necessary mechanical properties. And at temperatures above 650 ° C, aluminum and magnesium melt, heat-resistant steel loses its properties. And this is when flying in the stratosphere at an altitude of 20 km in highly rarefied air. Achieving a speed of 3 M at lower altitudes is not possible: the skin temperature would reach four-digit values. But on a high-altitude trajectory, the enemy will notice the missile launch within seconds after the launch and begin to prepare to repel the attack. And what happens if his radar loses a missile? Well, let's say, it will be enveloped by a plasma cloud, as happens at speeds of more than 4 - 5 M, that is, in hypersound? Most likely, he will decide that the signal was false and wave his hand. But how to achieve such a speed if the structure heats up and the fuel boils? To achieve hypersound, a rocket needs hydrogen, or at least a fuel consisting largely of hydrogen. But gaseous hydrogen has a low density, and storing liquid hydrogen creates insurmountable technical difficulties. In addition, the plasma cloud will burn the radio antennas, which will lead to loss of control of the vehicle.
Remember everything On the Soviet hypersonic X-90 GELA missile, these shortcomings were turned into advantages. The problem of cooling the hull and hydrogen fuel was solved in such a way that a mixture of kerosene and water was used as its components. After heating, it was fed into a mini-reactor, where a reaction took place, as a result of which hydrogen fuel was produced. This process simultaneously led to a strong cooling of the machine body. No less original was the problem of burning radio antennas, which began to be used as the plasma cloud itself. At the same time, it allowed the device not only to move in the atmosphere at a speed of 5 M, but also to sharply change the direction of flight. In addition, the plasma cloud also created the effect of a cap of invisibility for radars. GELA flew 3000 km and, presumably, could carry two nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, the program was closed in 1992, then the country ran out of money, and it seemed that hypersonic flights were forgotten.
The birth of a rocket In 2011, NPO Mashinostroeniya created a group of designers to develop the ZK22 Zirkon hypersonic shipborne missile system. The first tests and the first failures occurred in 2012 and 2013. It took three years to eliminate the shortcomings, and only in 2016, after testing from a ground stand, the developers announced the creation of a new hypersonic missile weapon. At the same time, it was said that it could go into production from 2017. Of course, the test results of such weapons are a mystery, but some assumptions about the characteristics of the Zircon of the first modification can be made. Already the first modification of this missile will have a range about 500 km at a speed of 2.5 km / s, and with an increase in speed to 3.5 km / s, the range will triple. The United States has nothing like Zircon and is not expected in the near future. It must be understood that at the speeds of this missile, which are eight to ten times the speed of sound, no air defense missiles can bring it down. Thus, the reaction time of the US air defense missile system of the Aegis system is about 8-10 seconds. "Zircon" at a speed of 2 km / s during this time will fly up to 25 km, the air defense system will not physically have time to work out such a target. Ground-based interceptor missiles also do not have time to catch up with "Zirkon" and can only be used on a collision course. That is, "Zircons" are specially designed to overcome enemy air defenses.
new era It seems that the first ship to be armed with the ZK22 Zircon will be the heavy nuclear missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov, which is currently undergoing modernization. The ship should return to the fleet in 2018. In addition, after the modernization is completed in 2022, another nuclear cruiser, the Peter the Great, will also be armed with these missiles. Now each of them has 20 Granit anti-ship missile launchers, and each can accommodate three Zircons. A total of 60 missiles on each cruiser instead of 20. And when we have the fifth-generation Husky submarine, on which the Zircon will stand, we can confidently say that we have achieved superiority over the United States.
It is no coincidence that Congressman Trend Franks commented on the situation: “The hypersonic era is approaching. Enemy developments are fundamentally changing the fundamental laws of war." And indeed it is. The appearance in our country of long-range hypersonic cruise missiles with nuclear warheads will make any missile defense system meaningless for at least 30 years ahead. You can read other materials from the latest issue of the Zvezda weekly by downloading the electronic version of the newspaper.

Rocket "Zircon" reached 8 speeds of sound

The Zircon hypersonic anti-ship missile reached eight speeds of sound in tests. TASS reports citing a source in the military-industrial complex.

“During the tests of the rocket, it was confirmed that its speed on the march reaches Mach 8,” the source said.

The source of the agency also noted that Zircon missiles can be launched from 3S14 universal launchers, which are also used for Caliber and Onyx missiles. At the same time, the interlocutor of the agency did not specify when and from what platform the launch was carried out.

According to TASS sources, the Zircon is undergoing state tests this year. Adoption is expected in 2018.

The same interlocutor noted that the newest Russian multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the fifth generation of the Husky class, as well as the Russian heavy nuclear missile cruiser Pyotr Veliky, will be armed with Zircon missiles.

For the first time, statements about the start of development of a complex with a sea-based Zircon hypersonic cruise missile appeared in the media in February 2011. Tests of the Zircon missile began in March 2016. They passed from the ground launch complex, since, apparently, the sea carriers were not ready.

The Zircon missile is being developed by NPO Mashinostroeniya (Reutov, Moscow Region) for the Russian Navy. It will implement the principle of the so-called motor hypersound.
Hypersound is speed above five Mach numbers. Mach 1 corresponds to the speed of sound - about 300 meters per second or 1,224 km / h.

Hypersonic missile "Zircon"

Zirkon (3M22) is a Russian hypersonic anti-ship cruise missile, which is part of the 3K22 Zirkon complex. The fundamental difference of this missile is a significantly higher (Max 8) flight speed, both in comparison with other Russian anti-ship missiles, and with anti-ship missiles in service with other countries. At the beginning of 2017, there are no anti-aircraft missiles in the world capable of shooting down hypersonic targets. This missile is planned to replace the P-700 Granit heavy anti-ship missile. Zircon will also complement the latest Russian anti-ship missiles P-800 Onyx, Caliber (3M54), Kh-35 Uran.

Approximate performance characteristics:
- range 350-500 km.
- length 8-10 m.
- Mach 8 speed
- guidance: INS + ARLGLS

Possible carriers: TARKR "Admiral Nakhimov"; TARKR "Peter the Great" (during the modernization of 2019-2022); nuclear destroyers of project 23560 "Leader"; nuclear submarine project 885M "Ash-M"; Fifth-generation nuclear submarine "Husky" modified to destroy aircraft carrier strike groups.

In 2015, it became known that a fundamentally new fuel, Decilin-M, had already been created for hypersonic cruise missiles in Russia, which makes it possible to increase the range of strategic cruise missiles by 250–300 km.

According to Dmitry Bulgakov, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, "the recipe has already been created, and the energy that is accumulated in this fuel will allow our products to exceed the speed of Mach 5." The representative of the Ministry of Defense added that specialists have developed a number of rocket fuel components with the use of aluminum nanoparticles with a density and energy intensity increased by almost 20%. This allows you to increase the payload.

Forecasts and comments

In September 2016, Boris Obnosov, CEO of the Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV), said that hypersonic weapons could appear in Russia "at the beginning of the next decade." “A number of projects are also being carried out with the Advanced Research Foundation under the Military Industrial Commission. Believe me, we already have interesting results in this area, ”said the head of KTRV and noted that when working on hypersonic projects, Russian scientists use the developments of the USSR - research projects Cold and Cold-2.

He stressed that “it would be simply impossible to make hypersonic weapons from scratch,” but today “technology has reached the required level.”

The difficulty, according to Obnosov, lies in the fact that no one knew how the speed of 8-10 Machs would affect the operation of the rocket. “Under such conditions, plasma is formed near the surface of the rocket, the temperature regimes are outrageous,” he said.


In his article, military analyst, doctor of military sciences Konstantin Sivkov writes: “A comparison of the performance characteristics of Zircon and Standard-6 shows that our missile hits the border of the American missile defense zone in height and almost doubles the maximum speed of aerodynamic targets allowed for it - 1,500 versus 800 meters per second. Conclusion: the American Standard-6 cannot hit our "swallow". In general, it can be stated that Standard-6, the most effective missile defense system in the Western world, has meager opportunities to defeat Zircon.

The researcher emphasizes that “hypersonic AOS are also being intensively developed in the United States. But the Americans directed their main efforts to the creation of strategic hypersonic missiles. Data on the development in the United States of anti-ship hypersonic missiles like the Zircon is not yet available, at least in the public domain. Therefore, it can be assumed that the superiority of the Russian Federation in this area will last for quite a long time - up to 10 years or more.

China tested an ICBM equipped with a hypersonic gliding warhead detachable from the carrier back in 2014. At present, in addition to the United States, Russia and China, India is also developing high-tech hypersonic strategic weapons.

Soviet X-90

X-90 (US DOD classification: AS-X-21) - hypersonic cruise missile
Main tactical and technical characteristics:
- Weight = 15 t
- Speed, cruising = 4-5M
- Wingspan = 6.8-7 m
– Length = 8-9 m
- Launch range = 3000-3500 km (RMD-2)
- Number / power of the BB, pcs / kt \u003d 2/200

According to the designers, the machine quickly heated up from air resistance, which destroyed the device or rendered the mechanisms inside the case inoperable. To achieve hypersonics, a ramjet engine required hydrogen, or at least a fuel consisting largely of hydrogen. And this is difficult to implement technically, since gaseous hydrogen has a low density. The storage of liquid hydrogen created other insurmountable technical difficulties. Also, during a hypersonic flight, a plasma cloud arose around the X-90, which burned the radio antennas, which led to a loss of control of the device.

These shortcomings have been corrected. The problem of cooling the hull and hydrogen fuel was solved by using a mixture of kerosene and water as its components. After heating, it was fed into a special catalytic mini-reactor, in which an endothermic reaction of catalytic conversion took place, as a result of which hydrogen fuel was produced. This process led to a strong cooling of the body of the apparatus. The problem of burning radio antennas was also solved, which began to be used as the plasma cloud itself.

At the same time, the plasma cloud allowed the device not only to move in the atmosphere at a speed of 5 km per second, but also to do it in “broken” trajectories. In addition, the plasma cloud also created the effect of invisibility of the apparatus for radar. The X-90 did not enter service; work on the missile was suspended back in 1992.

Serial name: 3m22;

Affiliation: interspecific missile system 3k22 "Zircon";

Developer: NPO Mashinostroeniya;

Start of development: 2011.

Main characteristics:

  • Hypersonic (that is, at least 5 times faster than the speed of sound);
  • Winged, unmanned, single launch;
  • High precision.

Appearance: box-shaped chopped body made of new heat-resistant alloys, flattened spade-shaped fairing ("nose").

New Russian rocket Zircon.

Tactical and technical characteristics of a new generation rocket

The information is indicative, according to indirect data and unconfirmed information, since officially the Russian hypersonic cruise missile Zirkon 3M22 has not yet entered service.

Parameter Meaning A comment
Launcher 3s14, "revolving" type, deck and below deck placement 2 to 8 missiles

Deck placement - vertical launch, below-deck placement - inclined

Length 8-10 m The latest Russian missiles "Onyx" (P-800) and "Caliber" (3m54), similarly launched from 3s14
Warhead weight 300-400 kg
flight altitude small (30-40 km), low dense layers of the atmosphere The flight is carried out under the influence of its main engine (not starting, not accelerating and not all kinds of auxiliary ones that correct the course)

At lower altitudes, due to air resistance at this speed, the skin can simply melt

Mach number from 5 to 8 (according to some statements, this is not the limit) Primitively speaking, the Mach number shows how many times the speed of the 3M22 cruise missile (at a specific altitude) exceeds the speed of sound. At different heights, the speed of sound is different (the higher, the lower), so the Mach number helps control the stability of the rocket and adherence to the course

Mahmeter readings:

Below 0.8 - subsonic;

0.8 - 1.2 - transonic;

1 - 5 - supersonic;

More than 5 - hypersonic

Range 300-500 km The delivery of the warhead is carried out by new Russian rocket carriers
Trajectory arbitrary, including winding (for bypassing air defense), with enveloping terrain (for bypassing radar facilities) Unlike ballistic missiles, it is controlled from the inside (independently) and from the outside
guidance Inertial + radio altimeter + active radar + optoelectronic complex for searching for targets
Engine direct-flow, supersonic combustion It is possible to use fuel with increased energy intensity "Decilin-M".

The expected movement of the new generation rocket can be seen in the report of Channel One.

Possible carriers (sea-based):

  • heavy nuclear cruisers of the "Orlan" type; "Peter the Great"; "Admiral Nakhimov";
  • heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" (after modernization);
  • nuclear destroyers "Leader" (project 23560);
  • nuclear submarines of the Yasen-M series (improved fourth generation, project 885m); "Antey" (949a); "Husky" (fifth generation, in a special modification).

Background of the Russian hypersonic cruise missile

The Soviet Union was the first to arm itself with mass-produced anti-ship cruise missiles. Zircon has become the latest development of Russian scientists. And the first copy was the Termit rocket (P-15). In the 70s, supersonic and hypersonic cruise missiles of a new generation (X-50) were developed, but the work was not completed due to the collapse of the USSR.

project "Spiral" was launched this year

The first hypersonic aircraft should be a booster aircraft for the Spiral project (orbital aircraft), launched in 1965.

Accelerator-scout, - he is the product "50-50" - is:

  • 38-meter tailless aircraft;
  • triangular wing with a 16.5 m long swirl;
  • lowered bow;
  • hypersonic air intake;
  • fundamentally new turbojet engines:
    on kerosene: M = 4, range = 6-7 thousand km,
    on liquid hydrogen: M=5, range = 12000 km.

The aircraft was tested at TsAGI, but in the 70s the project was also closed.

In 1979, they again returned to the topic of hypersonic engines. To recreate the conditions of their work, anti-aircraft missiles were used: instead of a warhead, they put a block with equipment for testing.

  • Based on the 5V28 missiles, which were just about to be sent for decommissioning, there was a hypersonic flying laboratory "Cold". For seven launches in 1991-1999. the operating time of the tested E-57 engine was brought up to 77 seconds, the speed - up to 1855 m / s (~ 6.5M);
  • On the basis of the Rokot launch vehicle (a descendant of the intercontinental UR-100N), the Igla flying laboratory was created. The layout of which can still be seen at air shows. Working conditions of the laboratory: M = 6-14, altitude = 25-50 km, flight time - 7-12 minutes.

Timeline of development of hypersonic cruise missiles

NPO Mashevsky patent shows a feature of the rocket - a detachable warhead

The development of the hypersonic Zircon belongs to the NPO Mashinostroeniya and begins in 2011.

NPO Mashevsky patent shows a feature of the rocket - a detachable warhead
date of A source Event
End 2011 Air show "Max", Lytkarino The first mention of the complex "Zircon" 3K22, prototypes of hypersonic projectiles
2011 Corporate newspaper "Tribuna VPK" NPOMasha For the 3M22 project, a group of chief designers was officially formed
2011 Annual report of PKB Detal Draft designs "Zirkon-S-ARK" (automatic radio compass) and "Zirkon-S-RV" (radio altimeter) approved
2011 Report of NPO "Granit-Electron" Draft designs and finished design documentation for inertial navigation and autopilot system 3M22
2011 Strela software report Plans for mass production of new products, including Zircon missiles
2012 Report of NPO Mashinostroeniya Development of technologies for the production of optoelectronic and laser guidance and detection systems for hyper- and supersonic missiles
2012 Dmitry Rogozin Unfulfilled plans to create a super-holding for the development of hypersonic technologies
Summer 2012 Open news sources Aktyubinsk, polygon of the 929th state. flight research center, throw tests of Zirkon hypersonic cruise missiles from a Tu-22M3 bomber (successful and unsuccessful)
September 2013 Boris Obnosov A prototype of a hypersonic missile (4.5 M), the problem is a stable and long flight
Fall 2015 Modernization project "Admiral Nakhimov" Almaz-Antey, among other things, must supply the 3K22 complex, that is, Zircon, for the conversion of the cruiser, no later than 2018
December 15, 2015 News sources Arkhangelsk region, Nenoksa settlement, launch of an experimental sample (unsuccessful)
February 2016 News sources 3K22 will arm the modernized "Peter the Great" (project 1144, heavy nuclear cruiser), as well as fifth-generation Husky submarines in one of the options

Tests of anti-ship cruise missiles 3m22 Zirkon

News about the tests appeared several times in various news agencies, but there was not a single official confirmation, and the sources were also not disclosed. The reality of the claimed tests is in question - are they not just a show of force to intimidate a potential adversary?

They promise to adopt a promising missile in 2020, mass deliveries and the transition to hypersound are predicted for a longer period - by 2040.

Perspectives and criticism

According to the project, the Zircon 3M22 anti-ship cruise missile of the new generation is universal, it can be used by almost all ships, as well as the army (ground forces), military space forces, etc. However, due to the small amount of official information, many aspects of the design remain controversial.

Problem Possible Solution
Operability of a radio channel or a homing head under conditions of aerodynamic heating. When flying in low layers of the atmosphere, the projectile surrounds a cloud of plasma (a layer of ionized gases) and there is a serious distortion of target designation and radio communication. For space descent vehicles, the problem of this property has not been solved. Nuclear warhead and a huge target (for example, a small city)
Decreasing speed to transonic (Mach number = 0.8) near the target, turning on the homing head
After determining the coordinates of the target, the separation of the power plant (by means of pyrodevices) and the defeat of the target by a planning combat homing module (moreover, less noticeable).
High-precision satellite guidance, hit by "smart" darts with homing or high-explosive projectiles (a very controversial solution, like a thermal imaging homing head)
Window for radio waves in the rocket tail (external control channel), multiple repetition of commands
Low noise immunity of existing anti-ship hypersonic cruise missiles
Radar homing head can melt from aerodynamic heating Application of high temperature oxide ceramics for fairings and body (can withstand 1500 degrees)

With the successful resolution of all possible problems, Zircon is a weapon that threatens to become exactly that formidable answer, as it is positioned in the media. It is assumed that the new Zircon missile will reduce the importance of aircraft carriers and capital ships in the battle, as well as stimulate other states to modernize the ship's air defense.