What to take on the train from food. What products can you take with you on a trip of a day or more? What to take on the train from food: food on the road for adults and children What to eat on a long-distance train

When you board a long-distance train, for some reason you immediately begin to want to eat. Even experienced travelers notice this. The traditional set of travel products at one time consisted of those products that spoiled a little slower than others. But times have changed, and experts say that familiar products are no longer the best choice.

So, eggs may not be safe. The shell protects against infection for some time, but if it is cracked, this is an invitation for germs. Fried chicken is, of course, very tasty. And its crust really does a better job of preventing the penetration of bacteria, compared to boiled crust, which has a ready-made, nutritious, moist environment. But microbiologists say that without a refrigerator, in the heat, the protective effect will last for a maximum of a few hours. All attempts to fry longer, add hot spices, wrap in foil are not very reliable. The results of laboratory research indicate the same thing. Traditional grilled chicken turned out to be inedible after just three hours in the heat. And this can lead to serious poisoning.

What about sausages, which travelers also often take with them? In the course of research, it turned out that such products are indeed better than grilled chicken. At a temperature of plus 25, even after 12 hours of travel, of which six hours were open, the products turned out to be safe. It's all about a large amount of the preservative sodium nitrite and salt.

Georgy Dubtsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Food Industry Technology, Moscow State University of Food Production: “What I would exclude from this set: these are fermented milk products. You should not take dairy products with you on the road. And then I would eliminate the cooked sausage. Even the fact that it is in such careful packaging. Once you open it, you won’t eat it quickly.”

Are instant noodles good for train food?

Sergey Oblozhko, nutritionist: “Noodles themselves are a simple carbohydrate that gives us the necessary calories and the necessary energy. The most dangerous thing about instant noodles is the small colored bags that are added there; they need to be thrown away immediately or otherwise gotten rid of, because the main harm lies in these bags.”

These dressings contain a lot of salt, and its excess is fraught with heart problems and high blood pressure. By the way, the effect will increase if you drink it with sweet drinks. It's better to take plain water.

When going on the road, it is better to think through everything in advance and take food with you. Meat or fish is better in original packaging and so that it can be eaten at one time. Fruits and vegetables preferably with hard skin. And, of course, you need to take clean drinking water in a bottle. If any product in transit looks suspicious or smells strange, it is better to immediately reject it.

You learned about how vast our homeland is in childhood, in a geography lesson. And then it hit your head to travel the whole place by train in 6 days. It’s a good start, the journey will be educational. But the situation on the train you board is, of course, spartan: no bath or even a shabby shower stall, strange food at obviously inflated prices in the dining car, dangerous neighbors and many other little things. Now we will tell you how to get through this with minimal losses.


Natalya Grishina, nutritionist, gastroenterologist at the Triaktiv Aesthetic and Laser Medicine Clinic
Oksana Borisenko, cosmetologist of the Academy of Scientific Beauty corporation

Don't stink

From the moment you step through the doors of the carriage, you will have to forget about your usual water procedures. To maintain your human appearance, throw some dry shampoo in your bag. This thing works extremely simply: you spray it on your hair from an arm's length away, wait a couple of minutes for the absorbent (which is what dry shampoo is) to suck up particles of dirt, grease and dust from your hair, and comb it out thoroughly. Your head won't be as clean as regular shampoo, but it's a worthy compromise for the duration of your trip. And don't use it every day, it won't be good for your scalp. Point two - wet wipes to wipe especially odorous places on your body. Choose those that say “for intimate hygiene”; they will dry out your skin less than others.

Don't get lost

Always carry your ticket, passport, compulsory health insurance policy and cash with you. First of all, people steal on trains. Secondly, in any emergency, this set will help you cope with the situation. For example, you were gaping on the platform somewhere in Ulan-Ude and the train left without you. Go straight to the station duty officer, show your passport and ticket. If the train leaves earlier than it should (this happens if the train does not fit into the schedule), you are required to be transferred to the next one. And if you missed the departure yourself, well, at least you will be refunded part of the ticket price. And the sooner you report the situation, the closer you will have to go to get your luggage: things will be left with the staff of the nearest station.

What will we go on?

If you are planning to take this train, it won’t hurt to know something about it. Here are a few facts that you can show off in front of a pretty fellow traveler:

1. The branded train “Russia” No. 2/1 (that is the name of the train running from Moscow to Vladivostok and back) set off on its first flight on September 30, 1966.

2. The train covers 9,259 km, making it the longest railway route on the planet. Travel time is 6 days plus or minus an hour.

3. The train passes through 14 regions, 90 cities and 8 time zones.

4. On the way the train passes 65 stops. The shortest are only 1 minute, for example Bogotol and Achinsk. The longest ones are for half an hour (you can go out to stretch your legs, say, in Khabarovsk and Belogorsk).

5. In addition to the branded “Russia”, there is also an unnamed fast train number 100E running along the route. Tickets for it are cheaper, which affects the quality of the finish and, probably, the politeness of the conductors. It also takes 19 hours longer and makes as many as 126 stops.

Don't stick it anywhere

The frequency in the socket that you will find in your compartment (if you are not traveling in a reserved seat, of course) is 200 Hz, it is designed for electric shavers. Stick your phone or laptop into it - and don’t complain later that it’s broken. For portable equipment, each carriage has a common socket - you have to shamefully stand next to it and guard your device if it is charging.

Stock up on food

In order for the food you took with you to remain edible for a long time without refrigeration, you need to meet two conditions: a minimum of contact with air and moisture. It’s clear that the product itself should not be perishable, so forget about cottage cheese. But with another important source of protein - meat, everything is better.

Option one is to bake, for example, pork with spices. Here is a recipe from the chef and host of culinary programs on NTV Konstantin Zhuk:

1. Take pork tenderloin (700 grams), rinse with cold water and cut off all visible fat;

2. Make holes in the tenderloin and stuff 10 cloves of garlic into them (if the cloves are large, cut them lengthwise and stuff them in anyway);

3. Drizzle the meat with olive oil, rub generously with salt and pepper (take a tablespoon of both, these are natural preservatives; you can also add any aromatic herbs to your taste), then wrap tightly in foil;

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake for 1.5–2 hours. Ready! This dish will last even in a warm place for two days.

Second option- dry the meat until it turns into chips. This, of course, is not a full dinner, as is the case with baked tenderloin, but such food will not spoil for a week, or even longer:

1. Cut a 600 gram piece of pork or beef into strips - as thin as you can (you can additionally beat the pieces to make them even thinner);

2. Mix the marinade: 5 tbsp. l. sugar, 4 crushed cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, 5 tbsp. l. soy sauce and 1 tbsp. l. ground coriander. Place the meat in the marinade and refrigerate it for at least 4 hours, preferably 8;

3. Place baking paper on a baking sheet, place pieces of meat on top and bake in the oven at 100 degrees for 45 minutes so that all the moisture is removed from the chips.

There is no need to limit yourself to these two recipes. You can fry or bake any meat or poultry, as long as the product retains a minimum of moisture (and don’t forget to generously salt and pepper, but so that the dish is still edible). Pack food tightly in foil or a food container and do not use cling film - without a refrigerator, bacteria in it will multiply very quickly.

What to eat when you run out of roast pork? Canned legumes will help you: beans, chickpeas, beans, etc. Look for ready-to-drink ones and get your fix straight from the jar. Legumes are full of slow carbohydrates - your body will digest them for half a day, and you will not get hungry soon. Ignore the stew, but rather take with you a few cans of baby fish and meat puree. Of course, it tastes disgusting, but it is the most dietary food possible, without preservatives or flavor enhancers.

It spoils quickly

Think about the typical grocery package that people take with them on the train. Chicken in foil, boiled eggs, sausage, cucumbers... If the trip lasts one day, it’s all right, if more - alas. A day in the stuffiness of the carriage will leave no chance for either chicken or sausage. Only cucumbers and eggs will survive, but this is not certain.

It may be hazardous to health

Take the same chicken. Tasting it after the bird has lain warm all night will ensure a truly unforgettable trip. I can’t say that this experience will be pleasant, but it will be remembered for a long time.

A pie or cheburek that you bought from an enterprising grandmother at the station can add a special feeling. If you are a fan of this kind of gastronomic tourism, but have never experienced digestive problems, congratulations, you are a world champion in luck.

She's not very tasty

It's sad but true: food in the dining car is often so-so. Strictly speaking, this is not even food, but simply a source of calories, and at restaurant prices.

There is also a backup option with instant noodles and instant puree, but this is not for everyone. It may be delicious for some, but the benefits from such a meal tend to zero.

How to eat on a train as good as in a restaurant

If you don’t want to give up delicious food even for a couple of days of travel, the FoodBall service will help out.

With it you can order food directly on the train. You immediately imagine a courier with a thermal bag landing from a helicopter and crawling on the roof of a carriage, but no, everything is more prosaic. You place an order and choose the station where you want to receive it. The FoodBall list includes 74 long-distance train stations across the country, including even Likhoslavl, a small town in the Tver region.

To order pizza, rolls, food from a cafe or restaurant, products from a supermarket or even medicine, you just need to tap the smartphone screen a few times. First you need to choose where, where and when you are going. Then find the train you are traveling with in the list of trains.

Here is a list of stations along the train route. The settlements where you can order food using FoodBall are highlighted in green. At this stage, be sure to indicate the carriage number so that the courier knows where to take the order.

Then you act depending on what you generally need: delivery of ready-made meals, medicines or products from the supermarket. Let's say you just want to eat something tasty. So, your choice is the “Food” option.

Tap on the proposed establishment and see what’s on its menu. The service has just launched, so in some cities the list of FoodBall partners is not very large. More and more contractors are added every day.

So here's the menu. Everything is simple here: select the dishes you are interested in in the required quantity and add them to the cart. The minimum order cost is 500 rubles - quite reasonable, even if we are talking about a trip lasting a day.

All that remains is to place your order. A courier will be waiting for you at the designated station. You can pay in cash or by card - whichever is more convenient for you.


Communication on the road is usually not encouraging - it either disappears or appears again, so it would be wisest to place an order in advance, at least an hour and a half before arriving at the station where you want to meet the courier. If everything is really bad with your mobile Internet, call the 24-hour contact center toll-free number 8-800-250-00-91.

FoodBall also has pre-ordering - you buy a ticket a month before your trip and immediately create a menu in the app. It turns out to be very convenient: firstly, you plan your expenses in advance, and secondly, you don’t have to worry about what food to take with you on the road. You don’t have to take anything at all, the courier will bring everything you need.

Mothers of young children will appreciate the capabilities of FoodBall. If tickets can be bought online, then going to the store is a whole story - you have to either look for someone with whom you can leave the baby, or take the child with you in the hope that he will be patient and will not cry the whole way. The service saves both mother and child from unnecessary worries - the courier can even bring a supply of baby food or diapers to the train.

If you are traveling with your loved one, FoodBall will help you organize a romantic dinner right in your compartment. If you are traveling with friends, no problem, order food for the whole group. Even the most picky citizens will surely find dishes that they will like.

This application will also be useful for those who are not planning to go anywhere yet. With it, you can order food, goods from the supermarket or medicines delivered to your home. Well, you never know, suddenly it’s a lazy day and you absolutely don’t want to leave the house

FoodBall is, without exaggeration, a unique service. Do you know many delivery services that can deliver pizza, rolls or a package of groceries even to the Likhoslavl station? No more rushing around the shops in search of food that won’t spoil even in the stuffiest carriage, no more experimenting with dubious pasties. You place an order, the courier delivers it directly to the carriage - that’s it, food problems are solved.

But not from his hometown of Perm, but from Novosibirsk. It was decided to get there by train. And due to the fact that we were making a list of things and thinking about what to take on the train from food and what we generally needed on the road, we decided that this cheat sheet would be useful to our readers, especially those who are going to travel by train for the first time.

There are three meal options on the trip:

  1. Dining car.
  2. Buying groceries at stops.
  3. Your own food.

The dining car is, of course, the best way to get enough, but it is not suitable for everyone. After all, this is not the most economical solution, for example, borscht cost about 200 rubles, and roast venison - 600 rubles.

Not stocking up on anything, counting on being able to buy something to eat at stops, is not the best idea.

Firstly, your feeding time will depend not on when you are hungry, but on how close the next city is. Secondly, the price-quality ratio: what will be offered to you is food of very dubious quality, and getting poisoned along the way will be a pleasure, and all this for a lot of money. Thirdly, there are many such risky people, they line up in a long line, and the slowest ones may not even make it in time for departure...

Therefore, the best option is to bring your own food. Let's figure out what products are best to take with you and what you shouldn't take.

What shall we eat?

We take those products that will not spill or spoil during your trip. The following prepared foods are good for this: baked, fried or boiled chicken or veal (lean meat lasts longer), jacket potatoes (baked lasts longer than boiled), rice, pasta, meat, you can boil eggs.

Don't store food near your clothes. It is better if you put them separately from your things, in a specially designated bag.

Many people don’t bother and steam their whips the whole way. It's the owner's business. If you go once a year, then you can eat quick puree, but if you go more often or the trip is long, then you don’t need to abuse your stomach. It’s better to steam porridge in a container (buckwheat, oatmeal, any other porridge you want, convenient to take in portioned bags and not necessarily instant). Just pour boiling water over the cereal in a container or thermos, close the lid, and after a couple of hours you can eat it.

Before pouring boiling water, make sure that the container is suitable for this. See markings on the bottom. If the container is made of polypropylene (PP), it will not melt.

Salt lovers can pour it into a small jar, for example, from a vitamin container.

For snacks, take bread (preferably unsliced ​​so as not to wrinkle) or pita bread (you can simply tear it off with your hands) and smoked sausage (vacuum cut) or cheese in individual packaging - you can make sandwiches from them. Bagels, buns without filling and baked pies with cabbage or jam are also suitable.

Do not put cooked foods in bags, they will “suffocate” in them and spoil faster; it is better to wrap them in foil or wrapping paper.

The most convenient option for transportation and storage is to put the cooked chilled foods in special containers, and then put them in a thermal bag or an insulated bag; the food will be stored in them, as in a refrigerator. They are very inexpensive, even within 500 rubles. find a very good and comfortable handbag. You can additionally prolong the freshness of food by placing cold accumulators in such a bag or bag, after freezing them in the freezer.

Due to the lack of entertainment, on the road you constantly want to chew. Therefore, we take more snacks: chips, crackers, bread, crackers, nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits, corn sticks, breakfast cereals, cookies (without chocolate), dried fruits, waffles. They are, of course, sold in the carriage, but at 2 times the market price. Fruits and vegetables can also be taken at first, for example, bananas, apples and cucumbers. You can also take caramels.

You can buy cold bottled water from the guide, and if the trip is short, take it with you. Tea also hits the spot, or coffee. Therefore, we take our favorite drinks in bags (or buy what is available from the conductor) and cubed sugar. Boiling water in the carriages is free.

All this should be enough for 2-3 days.

For those who are going on a long trip, say, for 6 days, but still hold on and ignore offers from the dining car, in addition to all of the above, canned food (meatballs, tuna, stuffed peppers, pilaf, cabbage rolls) will be saved, just don’t forget to take cans with self-opening lid.

It is also good to take baby food (vegetables, fruits, meat pates) in airtight jars.

Here is a set of products that is suitable for both adults and children. Children can also take small juices with a straw.

  • tomatoes - they are likely to be crushed during transportation;
  • boiled sausage will spoil quickly;
  • chocolate and candies or glazed cookies will melt in the heat and stain everything;
  • dairy products spoil too quickly, only if eaten immediately;
  • sweet soda - you will suffer from gas and will want to drink even more.

A question that worries drinkers is: is it possible to take alcohol on the train? I remember that before the conductors themselves sold beer to passengers. But those days have passed and now they are trying to fight drunkenness, so drinking in public places is prohibited, and a passenger carriage is a public place. There is a fine for drinking. You can buy and drink only in the dining car and only low-alcohol drinks.

Of course, everything depends on the guides and security; for example, we came across good ones. They, noticing that our neighbors were drinking, warned them that they would drop off those who began to behave inappropriately.

What to take from things

The air temperature on branded trains is always comfortable, because they have air conditioning, but it just so happened that we had to travel on a regular one, it was a little hot and very stuffy, I can’t imagine what kind of bathhouse is going on there in the summer.

We take clothes made of cotton so that it is comfortable to travel and sleep in: a T-shirt or tank top, shorts, and flip-flops for our feet.

From the dishes we need a mug and a spoon, if you have collected the food in plastic containers, then you will not need a plate. If you don’t yet have such convenient containers, then take plastic plates, which you simply throw away later. If you have something to cut, use a folding knife.

Of course, ceramic or glass mugs are not suitable; they can break and are very heavy. Light plastic mugs are sold, but it is better to buy thermal mugs (like ours), not a single trip can be done without them. As a last resort, you can borrow a glass with a cup holder and a teaspoon from the guides, it’s free.

Necessary personal hygiene items: comb and hair tie, cosmetics and products for applying and removing makeup, toothbrush and toothpicks or floss, paste, small mirror, razor, deodorant, tweezers, nail scissors or nail file, wet wipes, pads and tampons , soap in a soap dish or liquid, toilet paper (usually there is, but it tends to run out at the most crucial moment).

It’s convenient to put all this in an opaque bag or cosmetic bag, take it and go about your business, no need to stuff everything into your pockets.

Earplugs in your ears (if you are unlucky and small children are traveling next to you) and a sleep mask will not be superfluous either.

You definitely need to pack a first aid kit for the trip, it will be just fine if you don’t need anything, but still here is a list of the main medications that I always take:

  • pain reliever (Pentalgin),
  • for heartburn (Gaviscon/Rennie/Omez),
  • for wounds (bandage, plasters, hydrogen peroxide, Syntomycin),
  • for heart pain (Validol),
  • in case of poisoning (Polysorb/activated carbon),
  • antipyretic (Aspirin, Nimesulide),
  • antiallergenic (Cetrin),
  • throat diseases (Lizobakt),
  • if you feel seasick and dizzy (Dramina),
  • for runny nose (Nazivin), etc.

Now you know yourself better, what can make you sick, what chronic diseases have you already acquired? What do you put in your first aid kit? Additions in the comments are welcome.

Important things that cannot be lost - money, cards, phone and passport, so as not to be stolen, put them in a belt bag and carry them with you everywhere, even to the toilet. This handbag is an indispensable item for a traveler. For example, we have this chest wallet, in which we put money and hang it around our neck under our T-shirt, and we sleep in it.

What will we do?

If you are not traveling alone, or you have pleasant and talkative people as your neighbors, then you can chat the whole way and not notice how you got to the desired city. This is an excellent option, but you need to be prepared in case there is no one to chat with.

We choose entertainment based on our preferences: scanword puzzles with a pen, cards, board games (for example, this compact set of four games), books. It’s better to download books to your phone or tablet, it’s much more compact than carrying several paper ones. You can also download several films onto it.

You can listen to music on headphones so as not to disturb others. The carriages have a couple of sockets to recharge equipment. Usually, there is an outlet near the toilet, and there is always someone sitting on the floor there waiting for their gadget to charge.

If you don’t like such “comfort”, then I highly recommend it, which will charge your equipment. We always use this when we travel, I can’t imagine life without it.

Don't forget chargers for all your equipment!

We will continue this topic in an article about.

If you are traveling with a child, then take his favorite toy, also buy new ones, they will be a wonder for him and will be able to occupy him longer, a sketchbook, coloring books, colored pencils. If you are not ardent opponents of a tablet in children’s hands, then it will come to your aid here too; download cartoons, picture books and educational games onto it.

If the child is still very small, then do not forget baby food, diapers, diapers, and a pacifier.

Always write a list of things before your trip and check before leaving to see if you have everything.

That, in fact, is all that can be useful to you on the train. Write in the comments how you are going.

Have a nice trip!


When traveling by train you need to take documents, money, clothes, food, medicine and personal hygiene products. To organize your leisure time, you need to stock up on crossword puzzles, a book, a player with headphones and toys for children if they are traveling with you.

Travel packing list

When planning a trip, first make a list of things to pack for the train, and then check it carefully. Think about how important each item included is and whether it will be needed on the road. The most necessary things on the train:

  1. Documents. Without a passport, child's birth certificate and tickets, you will not be allowed into the carriage.
  2. Money. Cash will be useful both on the way (to buy food, tea, bed linen) and upon arrival (to get to your place of residence, pay for housing if it is rented).
  3. Train clothes, shoes. They should be comfortable for moving around the carriage, sleeping and suitable for the time of year.
  4. Hygiene products. A comb, toothpaste, brush, soap, wet and dry wipes, and hand sanitizer will help you clean up and protect yourself from infection during travel.
  5. Drinks, food on the train. Homemade food will be cheaper and taste better than in the dining car. The main thing is to take food with you that will not spoil. For example, fruits, vegetables, dry biscuits, dried fruits and nuts.
  6. Crockery, cutlery. The guide does not always have enough glasses for tea, and having your own mug, you will always prepare a drink (soup, porridge). Disposable plates, spoons, forks will be needed for eating, and a knife will be needed for cutting food.
  7. Medicines. On the train, be sure to take the medications you take daily and essential medications from your home medicine cabinet.
  8. Baby supplies. For your baby, it is recommended to pack a separate bag with the same set of things: from a change of clothes and hygiene items to toys.
  9. Technical devices. You will need a mobile phone for communication, a tablet, laptop, reader - for leisure or work. The main thing is to take chargers and an external battery (Power Bank) for each of them in case the outlet is missing or broken.
  10. Entertainment. It is advisable to take care of your leisure time and take a reading book or crossword puzzles with you on the train, rather than counting on a talkative compartment neighbor.

Clothes and shoes

Things for the train need to be selected based on the time of year. Branded trains have air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter, so the air temperature there is comfortable. Regular long-distance Russian Railways trains are not equipped with split systems. In winter they are heated, but there is often draft from the windows. To make your trip comfortable, take the following clothes and shoes with you:

  • cotton T-shirt (undershirt), shorts (breeches) - for the warm season;
  • shirt (turtleneck, warm jacket), jeans (comfortable trousers, leggings) or tracksuit - for winter;
  • change of underwear, socks (cotton for summer, wool for winter);
  • slippers (flip flops, sandals);
  • light or warm pajamas for sleeping.

Documents and gadgets

  • passports;
  • train tickets;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • school, medical certificates and policies, power of attorney for the child (if necessary);
  • documents related to the purpose of the trip (if any);
  • money.

In addition, it is advisable to carry a mobile phone and jewelry with you. It is not recommended to carry a lot of cash with you. A small amount is enough to buy something on the train or at the station. It is better to keep the rest of the money on a bank card. If it is not there, divide the cash into 2 parts.

Carry one (small) amount with you, along with your documents, hide the rest of the money deep in your suitcase.

Modern gadgets are tools not only for entertainment, but also for communication and communication. Which of them may be needed on the train:

  • mobile phone (smartphone);
  • headphones;
  • MP3 player;
  • PSP console;
  • tablet;
  • laptop;
  • e-book;
  • chargers, external battery.

Personal care products

What essential items and personal hygiene products should you take with you when planning to travel by train:

  • comb;
  • small mirror;
  • toothpaste, brush;
  • deodorant (eau de toilette);
  • wet and paper napkins;
  • toilet paper;
  • bar soap or hand sanitizer;
  • cosmetics, sanitary pads (women);
  • shaving accessories (for men);
  • towel.

First aid kit for adults and children

Health problems often arise during travel, so it is important to have a mini first aid kit on hand. What medications to take with you on the train:

  • painkillers (Pentalgin, Paracetamol, Nimesulide, No-Shpa);
  • antipyretics (Aspirin, Nurofen, Panadol);
  • antiallergenic (Cetrin, Suprastin, Fenistil);
  • antiviral (Kagocel, Viferon);
  • sedatives (tincture of motherwort, Valerian);
  • for indigestion, to improve digestion (Smecta, Mezim, Imodium);
  • for the heart (Validol, Corvalment);
  • against poisoning (Atoxil, Polysorb, activated carbon);
  • for the throat (Lizobakt, Strepsils, Hexoral);
  • for runny nose (Nazivin, Rinostop);
  • against motion sickness (Dramina, Avia-More);
  • for bloating (Espumizan);
  • for itching, insect bites (Fenistil gel);
  • against constipation (Duphalac);
  • for ear pain (Otipax);
  • for cuts, wounds (hydrogen peroxide, bandage, plaster, iodine, Streptocide).

What food to take on the train

Eating food from cafes and canteens at stations is unsafe for health, and eating in the dining car is expensive. It's better to take homemade food with you. In addition to food, it is advisable to stock up on disposable plastic utensils and garbage bags. When creating a “travel” menu, follow these rules:

  • choose products that can be stored for a long time without refrigeration;
  • do not take food with a strong smell that stains your hands or clothes;
  • give preference to food that saturates the body with energy and is tasty cold.

Packed rations for the road

Instant food is very popular today. Not all products are good for the body, but on a long journey such food becomes an excellent alternative to cold snacks. Noodles and mashed potatoes with meat are sold already in cups and containers, so they are easy to prepare on the train. You can take boiling water with you in a thermos or ask the conductor. For soups and cereals you will have to stock up on disposable utensils.

For ardent opponents of fast food, you can take this snack on the road:

  1. Dried fruits(raisins, dried apricots, prunes). They should be washed well before traveling. Dried fruits saturate well and charge the body with energy.
  2. Nuts(walnuts, peanuts, almonds), sweets (sweets, crackers, gingerbread, waffles, cookies), candied fruits. They are convenient to eat and satisfy hunger well.
  3. Vegetables(cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers), fruits (apples, bananas, pears). It is recommended to take the freshest products, without signs of spoilage. Before traveling, fruits and vegetables need to be washed and peeled.
  4. Breakfast cereals(corn flakes, rice balls). This food can be eaten dry or filled with shelf-stable milk from small packages (200 ml).
  5. Packaged tea, coffee, sugar. You can always make a hot drink from them by asking the conductor for boiling water.

Home cooked food

Drinks, food and homemade meals for the road:

  • chicken (fried without oil or boiled);
  • beef, veal (boiled, baked);
  • potatoes baked in their jackets;
  • first hot dishes in a thermos;
  • hard-boiled eggs (without cracks);
  • loaf sandwiches with processed or hard cheese, raw smoked sausage (without butter);
  • pies with dried fruits, cinnamon rolls;
  • sliced ​​bread, lavash;
  • bottled water, fruit and vegetable juices, unsweetened compote, kvass;
  • salt.

What to take with you during the hot season

In summer it is very hot inside the carriages. This causes food to spoil faster and may not even be delivered to the nearest station. If you don't have a cooler bag, you may have to give up some food items. Food that is not recommended to take with you on the train in summer:

  • chocolate (melts in the heat);
  • boiled sausage;
  • cakes, cream pies;
  • fish and meat pates;
  • dishes with sour cream, mayonnaise;
  • any fish;
  • dairy, fermented milk products.

Food for the road that you can take with you in the summer:

  • baked potatoes with skin;
  • fried chicken fillet, boiled beef, first course - in a thermos for food;
  • boiled eggs;
  • bread;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits;
  • hard cheese, raw smoked sausage (vacuum packaging);
  • breakfast cereals (oatmeal, corn flakes);
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • jam, jam;
  • gingerbread, dry cookies, waffles.

How to store food on the train

In conditions of lack of air and high temperatures inside the carriages, food spoils much faster. To protect yourself from poisoning and keep food fresh longer, it is recommended to take with you a thermal bag and a source of cold - a battery. It is filled with a brine solution that freezes at low temperatures.

Before traveling, the battery should be placed inside the freezer for several hours (or overnight) and then placed in a thermal bag with food. The device acts like a refrigerator, so food will remain fresh for 8-12 hours.

Instead of batteries, you can freeze half-liter plastic bottles of mineral water. They will defrost slowly inside the thermal bags. So, for 6–8 hours you will be provided with a refrigerator and cool drinking water. It is recommended to wrap the products themselves in parchment paper or foil. Plastic bags do not allow air to pass through, the food inside them “suffocates” and spoils faster.

What to take on a trip with children

The list of things and accessories for a child depends on the age of the baby. For infants, you need to take diapers, a pacifier, wet wipes, diapers, oilcloth and care products (powder, creams). If the baby is bottle-fed, you will need bottles and dry baby formula, a thermos with hot water.

On the train, children should definitely take comfortable shoes and clothes that are easy to put on or take off. It is advisable to bring home pajamas so that the baby can sleep as comfortably as possible in the new place. If the baby does not yet know how to go to the toilet on his own, you need to take a collapsible potty, disposable bags for it, and wet wipes. It is important not to forget about hygiene products - toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, towel, hand sanitizer.

A travel brake for a child should be assembled at home. It is strictly forbidden to feed children food purchased at stations or in the dining car. New food can lead to allergies, stale food can lead to poisoning and stomach upset. For a snack, it is advisable to stock up on crackers, crackers, fruits, vegetable and meat purees. You can also take instant porridges that do not require cooking, but are simply dissolved with water or milk.

What to do with your child on the train

If the train journey is long (a day or more), you need to take care of leisure time for the child. The choice of entertainment depends on the age, gender and preferences of the baby. What to take with you to organize entertainment and games for children on the train:

  • tablet, laptop, smartphone (for preschool and school children);
  • album, coloring book, pencils, markers;
  • educational game (cubes with pictures, lacing, puzzle, construction set);
  • a new car for the boy;
  • favorite soft toy;
  • a new doll for a girl;
  • board game (chess, checkers, lotto);
  • aqua doodle;
  • rattle, pyramid (for a small child);
  • a collection of poems and fairy tales by age, a book with stickers;
  • notebook and pen for the game “Tic Tac Toe”, “Battleship”.


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What to take with you on the train in terms of food and things