What lives in the pond. The one who lives in the pond. ... And not only in the pond. What will we build from?

The pond is characterized by a special animal world.

Inhabitants of fresh water bodies constitute a food base for a variety of fish, and those, in turn, serve as food for various amphibious, aquatic and semi-aquatic animals, reptiles, birds and animals. Some of them are of economic interest to humans, especially fish.

In stagnant water bodies, a number of biotopes are distinguished (territories occupied by a certain plant community and animal population associated with it) and biocenoses characteristic of them are distinguished.

Of the individual groups of organisms living in the pond, it is customary to distinguish plankton (a set of small organisms living in the water column and passively moving in it), nekton (a set of organisms actively moving in the water column), benthos (soil inhabitants at the bottom of the reservoir).

Plankton consists of two main groups of organisms - phytoplankton (bacteria and microscopic small algae) and zooplankton (small roundworms and lower crustaceans). It varies in its composition depending on the type of reservoir, but everywhere it is an essential food source for many freshwater animals, in particular, for various fish and their fry.

Benthos is most richly represented by animals (zoobenthos), among which some worms, shells, water snails, beetles, bugs, dragonflies, mosquitoes and their larvae occupy a prominent place. Benthic organisms are in complex relationships between their constituent parts, as well as with plankton and nekton, and form a powerful food base for fish and other inhabitants of the reservoir.

Nekton is mainly represented by fish and, to a lesser extent, by crustaceans, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.

Near the shore, among the surface parts of plants, dragonflies quickly scurry in pursuit of smaller insects. Dragonfly larvae live in the water for many months before they grow up and turn into adult insects that can live on land.

In addition to dragonflies, adult winged insects, caddis flies and mayflies, and somewhat less often nondescript butterflies, whose caterpillars live in the water, are found sitting motionless on plants, emerging from pupae in the water. Swarms of mosquitoes jostle in the air, the development of which also takes place in the water. Among the leaves of water lilies floating on the water, egg capsules and the stems of the above-mentioned plants protruding above the water, large spiders - dolomeds, bordered on the sides of the body by a strip of cream color, run. Clinging to the stems of plants with their nails, these spiders climb them well, and sitting on some floating leaf, lie in wait for their prey.

Not far from the coast, flocks of black-colored insects with a metallic sheen attract attention, which swim quickly, making sharp turns, circling and spinning. These are predatory beetles. They prey on small insects that live in the water or that have fallen into the water. Aquatic plants of coastal thickets create a favorable environment for the life of a wide variety of living inhabitants of the pond.

So, for example, the only one among spiders - the silver spider - arranges a kind of dwelling under water in the form of a web bell.

You can also see here the water strider bug, hunting for flies and mosquito larvae. In addition to water strider bugs living on the surface of the water, many other types of bugs live in fresh water bodies, which stay under water and lead a different lifestyle there. Among them, the original smooth bug deserves attention. He swims unusually: dorsal down, belly up, i.e. in an inverted position. The shape of its body resembles a spoon with well-streamlined smooth sides. The hind legs act as oars, making wide swings, the shorter front and middle legs serve to grasp prey.

Another rower bug is a bit similar to smooth ones, which, however, differs in smaller size, dark body color and manner of swimming with its back up, that is, in the usual way. Unlike smooth ones, the rower feeds on algae and dilapidated plant tissues. He collects this food with the scoops of his front legs from the bottom and from the surface of aquatic plants.

The direct opposite of smoothness is another bug - a water scorpion. In contrast to the smooth fish, it avoids free water, hiding among aquatic plants in the upper layer of coastal algae near the surface of the water. He leads a hidden lifestyle: slowly crawling between branches or sitting motionless in anticipation of prey. In addition to water bugs and spiders, the inhabitants of the pond include various beetles and their larvae. The largest of them are swimmers and water lovers. Swimming larvae are very aggressive and attack all living things that are close to them. An adult swimming beetle feeds on insects, crustaceans, snails, tadpoles, frogs, newts, fish, worms and other inhabitants of the reservoir. The swimmer himself also becomes a victim of waterfowl and predatory fish.

Of greatest interest are fish, which have well-defined food connections both with aquatic organisms and with animals that live out of water, but attack fish. For example, water snakes, gulls, kingfishers, and otters feed on fish.

Fish eggs, juveniles and fry are attacked by swimmers and their larvae, smooth and water scorpions, dragonfly larvae. On the other hand, fish eat land insects falling into the water and even prey on stoneflies and mayflies at the moment they lay their eggs in the water. In the reservoir, fish intensively feed on planktonic organisms, as well as mosquito and caddisfly larvae, mollusks and worms. A lot of fish food is found in coastal thickets. In coastal areas, fish spend most of their lives, not very demanding on the purity of the water and the oxygen content in it, for example, roach, tench, crucian carp. Ruff, bream, perch, carp and pike keep farther from the shore.

Pond dwellers

Toothless Silver Spider Water Strider

Smooth bug Water scorpion bug Swimming beetle

Water beetle Water snake Frog

Dragonfly beetle Prudovik






Bioindication of ponds by species composition of living organisms

Name of the reservoir

indicator taxa

Ecological and biological usefulness, water quality class, use

1. Pond of the central city park

Shutter clams, peas, larvae of mayflies, stoneflies, paddleflies, caddis flies, dragonfly larvae of squash and beauty.

Satisfactorily clean. Full. Drinking with cleaning, recreational, fish farming, irrigation, technical.

2. Pond of the JSC Ruspolymet plant

The mass of tubifex, bloodworms, worm-like leeches in the absence of flat ones, rats, the mass of midges

Dirty. Unfavorable. Technical.

3. Ustimsky pond

Horned Sharovka, common pond snail, egg-shaped pond snail, pea, toothless, barley, larvae of mayflies, stoneflies, paddleflies, caddisflies.

Satisfactorily clean water or slightly polluted. Contains a small amount of organic pollutants. Enough oxygen.

Recreational, fishing, irrigation, technical.

4. Pond on the street Kv. People's construction

Water donkey, oligochaetes, tubifex, leeches, pond snails, mosquito larvae - ringworm (bloodworm), midge larvae "rats", midges.

Polluted water. Lots of organic debris.

Irrigation, technical.

Note: in the cold season, biological indication systems in hydrobiology cannot be used at all. Therefore, this study was conducted based on the results of summer observations.

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The surface of the pond is an elastic film that serves as a habitat for many plants and animals. Water lilies use the surface tension of water to keep their large leaves afloat (air cavities in the leaves also help).

Duckweed, the world's smallest flowering plant, also floats due to surface tension. Water striders and whirling beetles, whose bodies and legs are not wetted by water, glide along the surface of the pond. Pond snails slowly crawl along the underside of the surface film. Plants make up their own miniature world, inhabited by various larvae, planarians, hydras, etc.

But most of the inhabitants of the pond cannot be seen with the naked eye - for example, unicellular protozoa and funny rotifers, at the head end of which there is a “wheel” - a disk surrounded by a corolla of large, quickly swaying cilia, with the help of which these animals move and get food. At the bottom of the pond, dragonfly larvae (naiads) are waiting for prey, looking for something to profit from, snails and crayfish that feed on organic remains.


No other wild animal has such a significant impact on the environment as beavers. The large dams they are building could flood hundreds of hectares of land. In the wetlands, trees are dying, the burrows of mice, shrews and many other animals are being destroyed. But nature quickly adapts. Ponds created by beavers are usually full of fish. Here waterfowl nest or find food, as well as herons, kingfishers and other birds.

One of the most remarkable architects in the animal world, beavers build dams and huts on small rivers from branches, sticks and clay. Thanks to the dam, a pond is formed, on which beavers build their huts with a diameter of up to 2 m or more, towering 1-1.5 m above the water. In Eurasia, beavers live both in huts and in burrows dug in steep banks.

A pile of branches and sticks, of which the hut is built, is sealed with mud. The branches piled on top are not smeared, which provides ventilation. The entrances to the beaver houses are located under water. In winter, animals feed on branches that are flooded next to the hut.

How do insects hunt underwater?

Dragonfly larvae are nothing like the beautiful adults you often see flying over water. First of all, the larvae do not have wings and live in the water, they do not fly, but swim using a kind of water jet engine. If adult dragonflies catch prey in the air, capturing the victim with their legs folded like a basket, then the larva has a weapon - a huge lower lip thrown forward - the so-called mask. Noticing potential prey, the larva pushes the mask forward and, holding the prey with hooks located on the mask, injects into it an enzyme that dissolves tissues, after which it pulls the prey to the chewing jaws.

Elongated, stick-like bugs or water scorpions crawl over aquatic plants. Although these insects can bite if touched, they grab prey not with their jaws, but with their feet. When approached by other insects or a small fish, the water scorpion quickly closes its long legs, similar to braids, and the victim is trapped.

smooth beetles

Aquatic insects are diverse not only in appearance, but also in the methods of movement. Twirl beetles describe circles on the water, and water striders glide along the surface, as if on skates. Water beetles smooths and rowers row with long legs covered with hairs. On the surface of the water, smooths float upside down.

An amazing swimming adaptation is a chemical produced by some terrestrial beetles. This substance destroys the surface tension of water at one end of the insect's body, as a result of which the surface tension remaining at the other end of the beetle's body pushes it and it floats on the water.


Tiny transparent daphnia, or water fleas, are not insects, but crustaceans, but their movement in the water really resembles the jumping of fleas. With external inconspicuousness, these creatures are quite interesting. So, daphnia breed without the participation of males. Females develop from their unfertilized eggs, and only under certain unfavorable conditions, for example, with a lack of food, males develop from some eggs.

The color of daphnia changes depending on the oxygen content in the surrounding water. If there is little oxygen, their blood becomes dark red, as the hemoglobin content in it rises, and at the same time, transparent daphnia turns red; when there is oxygen saturation, the blood and, accordingly, the color of daphnia turn pale. Water fleas also react to temperature changes. In summer, they grow long, feathery bristles, which increase their surface area and help them stay afloat. In winter, when the water is colder and its density is higher, it easily supports the rounded compact body of Daphnia.

How leeches suck blood

Many species of leeches - worms that live in ponds and reservoirs - feed on the blood of turtles and fish. A blood-sucking medical leech (in the past it was used in the treatment of certain diseases) is attached to the victim with a back sucker, and with its head end, armed with teeth, makes a wound through which it sucks blood. Her salivary glands produce a special substance that prevents blood clotting. In the digestive tract of the leech there are sinuses in which it stores blood, so the leech, having sucked once, can feed on it for several months.

Do you like to swim? Then it is not surprising why from time to time in dreams you see the image of a beautiful pond. But even people who do not like water can see ponds in night dreams. How should the image of the pond be interpreted? The dream interpretation says that you need to pay attention not only to the reservoir itself, but also to the quality of the water, as well as to the birds and fish living in the pond. Look for a detailed interpretation of the images below.

Clean pond

A beautiful sight is a clear body of water. If such a pond appeared in your dream, consider yourself lucky. A clean pond is a pleasant omen that portends a streak of luck that has already come into your life. The subconscious mind assures a person that it is time to translate their ideas and most daring plans into reality. If a person has long wanted to open their own business, it's time to start. If a person wanted to learn a foreign language, it's time to do it. Any initiative will benefit. It just takes a little effort to get things going. Therefore, do not delay the fulfillment of your desires for later. A better chance may not come.

What else could a pond mean? The dream interpretation portends a period of pleasant calm to a person. Temporarily a person will live without troubles and problems. Peace and tranquility is what a person needs now. And if it is impossible to reproduce such a situation at home, then you need to go to a boarding house and spend time there alone with yourself. The subconscious tells a person that now it is vital for him.

overgrown pond

Did you dream of an algae pond? The dream interpretation interprets such an image as a standard everyday life. There is no success without loss. And in order to better know the taste of happiness, you must first know what grief is. Any life that is full of events will be moderately sad and joyful. In the near future, the dreamer will have to experience all the charms and sorrows of human existence. The subconscious mind warns the person that there is no need to get upset over trifles and waste your energy on tears. Soon the bad will be replaced by good, and sadness will leave your soul.

Can't decipher your night dreams? Open the dream book. A pond overgrown with water lilies, algae and reeds portends a stagnation in business. You will encounter difficulties, and you will not be able to get rid of them quickly. And only considerable efforts that will have to be made to improve your life will save the situation. If you want to see progress, then don't be too lazy to turn the overgrown swamp of life into a clean pond.

lotus pond

Did lotuses grow on the surface of your pond, which you saw in your night dreams? How can such a dream be deciphered? Refer to the dream book. A pond with lotuses portends a person's spiritual growth. Personality will soon change a lot, one might say, will be reborn. The subconscious tells the dreamer that it is time to make cardinal changes in the soul. A person must reconsider his values ​​and think about whether he has the right life guidelines. If the internal compass is knocked down, then it needs to be brought down. Meditation and other spiritual practices will help with setting up such a subtle mechanism. A person must understand what she wants and why she came into this world.

Also, lotuses on the surface of the water portend a person to discover new talents in himself. The dreamer may feel drawn to painting, music, sculpture, or dancing. You don't have to deny yourself the pleasure of finding a new hobby. And if you understand that you do not have enough knowledge at the moment to develop your talent, contact a teacher who will help you unlock your inner potential.


In your night dreams, did you see a duck and ducklings floating on the surface of the pond? The dream should be interpreted as a desire to take care of someone weaker than yourself. Such a dream for family people means a desire to have a child. If there are still no children in the couple, then you need to listen to the signs that the subconscious gives. And if the family already has a child, then you need to pay more attention and time to your child.

And what could such a dream mean for a person who does not yet have a family? The subconscious tells the person that it's time to get a pet. But you don't have to go to the market for ducks. You can get the pet that you have long wanted. Buy or pick up a beautiful puppy on the street, or take a cute kitten as a gift. A fluffy creature will help brighten up your lonely evenings.

Pond with fish

With fish? The dream interpretation interprets such a dream in two ways. If a girl is in a serious relationship with her boyfriend, then soon the lady may expect replenishment in the family. The subconscious tells the girl that she is pregnant. A woman may not yet notice the external signs of the changes taking place in the body, but the restructuring is already underway. A girl should take her nightly dreams seriously and mentally set herself and her loved ones up for the upcoming pregnancy. But you should not talk about replenishment in the family directly. After all, the subconscious can deceive the dreamer, presenting wishful thinking.

Fish in the pond may simply be an omen of good luck. Usually this interpretation is attributed to male dreams. If a guy saw frolicking fish, then he can act boldly and decisively. In all matters, the young man will be lucky. But, nevertheless, one should not make hasty decisions. Consider every major step you take before you take it.

dirty pond

What did you see in your dream? Have you ever had to dip into a dirty pond? The dream interpretation does not interpret such an image well. A dream should tell a person that he has too dirty thoughts. The person is used to judging and discussing everyone. The person often spreads gossip and likes to spread dirty rumors. Others may like to hear funny stories about their acquaintances, but you should not spoil the reputation of innocent people. Such a hobby will definitely come out sideways. Sooner or later, people will find out who exactly spread rumors about them and will take revenge.

The subconscious advises the dreamer to put things in order in his head. After all, a pond in dreams is associated with human consciousness. Try not only not to spread gossip, but even try not to twist such information in your head. Think positively and don't deliberately try to hurt people. The more good you send into the world, the more it will return to you.

dry pond

Did you have a strange dream in your night dreams? How can a dry pond be interpreted? Such an image means the end of some important period in your life. But do not despair or be upset. After all, every end marks a new beginning. You can just as easily get used to something new and interesting. And the past should be left in the past. Now you need to come up with new goals and desires and go towards them as quickly as you did last time.

In what area should change be expected? Think about where you managed to realize yourself or to what or to whom you burned out. You probably need to change your hobby or change your loved one. You should not live with a feeling of annoyance or take responsibility for your old hobbies. If today you cannot feel sympathy for what you liked last year, then you have outgrown or matured. Let go of the person or passion and find a replacement.

swim in the pond

The water that washes your body in a dream has a pleasant interpretation. What can the dream in which you had to swim in the pond mean? The dream interpretation says that a person lets go of his problems and is ready to part with the sadness and sadness that has been overpowering him for a long time. The person has matured and accepted all her mistakes. Now you need to draw conclusions and act in accordance with them. After all, any experience is useful for a person. The more mistakes were made, the less chance a person has of getting burned in the future.

A clean pond means the dreamer's pure intentions. A person in whose head only bright thoughts live will be much happier than the rest. A person who does not wish harm to anyone and helps everyone at every opportunity will be generously rewarded not only by people, but also by fate. The main thing is to remember that any help should be free of charge. You will receive some benefits only if you do not have selfish thoughts.

Fall into the pond

Did you have a pleasant vision? Only a very happy person can see a pond in a dream, and then fall into a pond. The subconscious tells the person that changes are coming soon, and they will be very unexpected. On what front are changes to be expected?

If a person still does not have a soulmate, then the changes will be on the love front. The person will finally find true love that can make her happy. Well, if a person already has a soulmate, then she should wait for changes in financial terms. The person will receive a promotion, or the boss will suddenly decide to give the dreamer a large cash bonus. A person should spend money on some pleasure. For example, you can go on a trip with the whole family or go to a sanatorium, relax not only with your soul, but also with your body. Choose the type of vacation that appeals to you the most and go have a good time.