What does it mean to borrow. Bank loan: description of types and forms, advantages and disadvantages, and how interest is calculated. Loan, credit and loan: what are their differences

Situations when a large amount, several times the monthly income, is needed here and now, are common. Gone are the days when you could easily borrow money from friends. It is much easier to contact a financial institution that provides loans to the public. Banks are in the lead, of course.

In the widest range of "debt" products, everyone will find a profitable option for themselves. These are loans or bank loans familiar to everyone. In 2017, the second option for obtaining borrowed funds is still relevant, but is available to a limited number of borrowers.

Legal and economic concept of a loan

So what is a bank loan, and why is it more interesting than a loan? Far from the financial world, a citizen does not see the difference between a loan or a loan. And ordinary bank employees often use these terms as synonyms. It is believed that these are someone else's funds for solving their own problems with a certain overpayment upon return. However, from a legal position, a loan and a loan have significant differences:

  • credit - the provision of a loan for a certain period with the obligatory accrual of interest. Refers exclusively to money;
  • loan - the provision of finance or mat. valuables on returnable terms under a gratuitous use agreement. The law allows for payment for the use of a loan object. The calculation can be not only in the form of money. For example, if agricultural equipment is loaned, payment in kind by products is possible.

It happens that under the terms of the contract, a loan is almost no different from a loan. This is exactly what a bank loan is.

In the legal sense, concepts on loan terms can be issued for use:

  • the property;
  • vehicles;
  • enterprise equipment;
  • securities;
  • cash.

Attractive offers are available to highly qualified specialists, military personnel, young families, novice specialists in priority areas of activity, privileged persons.

Loan or loan - significant differences

Delivery Party. The right to lend is granted to banks and other legal entities (IFIs, pawnshops) that have received the appropriate license from the Central Bank. A loan can be obtained not only from financiers, but also through the employer at the place of employment. And even money.

Overpayments. A loan is always interest on the use of funds, various bank commissions, penalties for delays. Narrowing conditions are always more loyal to recipients. If the company provides a cash loan, then this happens free of charge or with insignificant interest.

Issuance period. Credits are issued only for a certain period of time. But the term of the loan is not always limited by strict limits: it can be issued for an indefinite period. Perpetual terms are typical for property loans: residential premises for employees, equipment for conducting business activities, etc.

Purpose. A loan can be issued for any purpose or strictly established. A loan is always the intended use of the provided property or Finn. funds.

Types of possible loans from the bank

So, for a wide range of borrowers, the concept of a bank loan is equivalent to lending to individuals. Therefore, you need to decide on the goals of applying to the bank for "debt" funds. Depending on the purpose, the following types of financial loans can be issued:

  • cash for urgent needs (consumer loans);
  • housing loans (may be with or without collateral);
  • loans for individual housing construction;
  • for the purchase of vehicles;
  • special lending to special categories of citizens: large and low-income families, military personnel, doctors and teachers from rural areas, old-age pensioners, etc.

The question of how to get a loan from a bank begins with studying the conditions for providing loan products and comparing several lenders with each other. This mechanism should be carefully studied.

Registration procedure

If the borrower has decided on the type of loan and the bank for obtaining it, you can proceed to the design. The exact regulation depends on the terms of the loan in a particular institution. The general regulation includes the following steps.

Step #1- Initial contact with the bank. A bank employee advises on products, a potential borrower fills out a questionnaire and receives a list of necessary documents for accepting an application for work.

Step #2- collection by a citizen of a package of supporting papers. For most financiers, it includes:

  • a photocopy of the passport with information about the identity of the borrower, permanent registration;
  • certificate from the place of work on the length of service and income (2-NDFL);
  • a photocopy of the work book;
  • in case of a mortgage or a loan for individual housing construction - information about the marital status, the consent of the spouse to the loan, his personal data;
  • if the loan is issued against a guarantee, these persons also provide their passports and certificates of work experience and average income. In some cases, the order of the official spouse is necessary.

Step #3- sending documents, applications and questionnaires for consideration to the central office of the creditor. It takes an average of 3-5 working days to verify documents and make a final decision.

When a loan is approved, the borrower visits the bank's representative office at the place of permanent registration. Here the loan agreement and accompanying documents are signed. For example, a mortgage, an insurance contract for a collateral object, life and health of the borrower. Before fixing a credit relationship with a bank, it is imperative to read the agreement “from cover to cover”. Banks like to write conditions that are completely unfavorable for the client in small print.

Note! In accordance with the Federal Law “On Mortgage”, the client is obliged to pledge any property that can be sold in case of loss of solvency. His insurance is essential. But coercion to draw up other insurance contracts is banking abuse.

Three main reasons for rejection

  1. The application is inevitably "wrapped" with a damaged credit history. Numerous long delays, judicial debt collection reduce the chances to zero.
  2. Also, banks negatively perceive the restructuring of loans in the past or the issuance of new loans to repay existing ones. The application will probably be approved, but the interest will be high, and the loan term will be “cut”.
  3. The lender checks not only on its bases. Now the data of the bailiff service, the tax inspectorate and housing management companies are being scanned. Open cases in the FSSP, tax and utility debts can lead to refusal of loan lending.

The nuances of bank loans / credits

Bank loans come with high interest rates. True, in the conditions of financial competition, reputable banks offer many interesting ways to save money:

  • some reduction in overpayments on bank loans is offered by the state, which subsidizes lending to special categories of the population.
  • the poor, those with many children, military personnel, rural physicians and doctors can save interest by participating in preferential programs.
  • another option for a bank loan is the full compensation of overpayments by the police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

Banks do not issue financial loans in a "pure" form to ordinary citizens. Entrepreneurs of any level will not be able to count on this either. There is a closure of the program of interest-free lending to municipalities, VIP clients. But such services are not customary to advertise despite their legality.

The financial term "loan" in the minds of most people is strongly associated with interest-free loans, which were very popular at the end of the 20th century. For example, you can cite mutual aid funds, loans for the purchase of summer cottages, and so on. Currently, interest-free loans are issued to military personnel for the purchase of housing on a long-term installment plan, employers lend money to their employees for various purposes free of charge, entrepreneurs receive government subsidies for small business development, and so on. In reality, the concept of a loan is much broader, but at the same time, this word has a very “narrow” meaning. What is such a paradox? We will deal with this in our article, where we will explain in simple terms what a loan is and how it differs from a loan and a loan.

Loan. What it is?

The concept of a loan in the "narrow" sense is enshrined in the civil legislation of the Russian Federation - Chapter 36 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "Gratuitous Use" is devoted to it. And its first article (Article 689 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) defines a loan agreement as a contract for free use, according to which one party undertakes to transfer the THING for free temporary use to the other party, and the latter undertakes to return the SAME thing in the condition in which it received it , subject to normal wear and tear or in the condition stipulated by the contract. The giver is here called the lender, and the receiver of the thing is called the borrower.

Please note that the thing is transferred free of charge, and the borrower receives the right to use this thing (and not to store) and the obligation to return it in proper condition. These are the essential features of a loan agreement.

Under a loan agreement, natural objects (for example, land plots), equipment, vehicles, buildings, structures - things that do not lose their natural (consumer) properties during their use can be transferred for free use. They are also called non-consumable things, i.e. their depreciation (wear and tear) occurs gradually over a long period of time.

Accordingly, the relationship between the lender and the borrower is regulated by Chapter 36 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and we will not go into them in detail, paying only attention to the fact that money in itself, in the narrow sense of a loan, are not things that can be transferred under a loan agreement.

It will be interesting for us to consider this term in a broader sense, in which it is often mentioned. In this regard, it is customary to understand a loan as any thing, including money that one party transfers for temporary use to another free of charge. An important condition of the loan agreement is its free of charge. But when a reward is provided for the use of a thing or money, then such an agreement is already considered a lease, hire, loan, or credit agreement.

Often people confuse the concept of a loan, a loan and a loan (the last two terms are also different concepts!), And you can even come across expressions: “interest rate on a loan in such and such a bank”, etc. That is, any loan is called a loan, which not quite right. So you can call an interest-free loan or loan, but certainly not any. There is a substitution of concepts, but this does not make it hot or cold for a wide range of people - the main thing is that it is clear what is meant. We will turn a blind eye to these nuances and talk about a loan as a transfer by one person of something to another person for a fee or without it, but with a mandatory condition for the return of the thing transferred under a contract or an oral agreement - in the widest possible sense of this word.

There are the following types of loans:

  • property loan;
  • Bank loan;
  • consumer credit.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

property loan

The property loan agreement implies the transfer for temporary use of:

  • land plots;
  • real estate;
  • enterprises;
  • transport, etc.

At the same time, it is important to understand that only the right to use the property, but not possession and disposal, passes to the borrower. And some things (natural objects or land) can be transferred under a loan agreement with restrictions established by law.

The lender must transfer the thing in such a condition in which the other party can use it without hindrance, that is, without defects of varying complexity. In addition, along with the loaned thing, the necessary documents (instructions, technical passport, etc.) must be transferred, as well as the entire set of devices, without which the use of the thing will become inferior or, in general, impossible. If these conditions are not met, the borrower has the right to demand termination of the contract.

When concluding this type of transaction, the receiving party undertakes to use the subject of the loan in full accordance with its purpose, ensure its safety and not transfer it to third parties. After the expiration of the period established by the agreement, the borrower will have to return (important!) THE SAME thing. Not an analogue, but exactly what they took. Moreover, the wear of the returned items should not go beyond the natural.

The term of the loan agreement may not have strict time limits.

Bank loan

This type of loan concerns only cash. Under the concept of a bank loan, two inextricably linked processes are combined:

  1. lending money on certain conditions and for a strictly specified period;
  2. a complex of various measures and procedures that together make up the procedure for interaction between a banking institution and customers regarding the provision of funds on credit (in other words, satisfaction of the financial need declared by the borrower).

All bank loans are classified into:

  1. active - when the bank itself lends money and is a creditor;
  2. passive - in cases where the bank itself borrows money for current needs and is a borrower (interbank lending).

In addition, bank loans are divided into many types according to various criteria:

  • method and term of redemption;
  • purpose of its use;
  • the form of the loan;
  • method of accrual and collection of interest on the loan;
  • the size of the interest rate;
  • the method of granting the loan;
  • availability of collateral;
  • categories of borrowers.

Bank loans, in addition to issuing cash loans, include the activity of accounting bills and other forms of activity. This topic is so broad that it requires the dedication of a separate, and not even one, article to it, and here we only walked through it in passing, but we don’t need more for a general concept.

consumer credit

This is an exclusively cash loan that is issued to citizens and can be used to pay for necessary purchases. These loans take the form of:

  • bank loans for urgent needs;
  • credit card;
  • purchase of goods in installments;
  • mortgages;
  • car loans, etc.

The time has come to draw a line under our reasoning. So, in a nutshell, a loan is a type of loan. Every loan is a loan (in the broad sense of the word), but not every loan is a loan. P.S. This expression does not apply to loans. Here is such a paradox.

In the economic sphere, you can hear three concepts: loan, loan and credit. They characterize the type of agreement between the parties and the terms of the transaction. And in order to understand how a loan differs from a loan and a loan, one should define each type of relationship.

What is a loan

A loan is a relationship between a legal entity and an individual or legal entity acting as a borrower. A loan can only be issued by companies accredited by the Central Bank.

Loans are issued by the bank. And the main principle of the relationship is to receive a commission in the form of accrued interest for the use of money. The remuneration is paid at the end of the term or during the entire period of the transaction in equal installments.

Sometimes you can hear such a thing as an “interest-free loan” issued for purchases in a store. However, the bank receives its interest, and the store provides a discount on the amount of remuneration to the lender. Therefore, the borrower does not actually overpay.

What is a loan

A loan is a relationship between the parties based on the transfer of funds on a reimbursable or non-reimbursable basis. Both a legal entity and an individual can act as a lender.

Loans are issued not only in cash, but also in other material goods. For example, the subject of the transaction may be a car, for the use of which you will have to pay a commission.

Most often, loans are issued by microfinance organizations, pawnshops and private investors. In rare cases, individuals (for example, friends or colleagues). A distinctive feature is the short term of the contract (up to 12 months) and a limited amount (up to 1,000,000 rubles).

What is a loan

A loan is also a type of relationship, but its essence lies in the transfer of funds or material things for free use. The parties may be individuals and legal entities.

But the loan can also be interest-bearing. This moment is discussed by the parties and must be indicated in the contract.

Even employers can lend. The employee receives a certain amount and returns from wages.

What is the difference between credit, loan and loan

Credit, loan and loan are similar concepts, but with significant differences. To understand the difference between them, it is worth comparing the terms of issuance.

Who issuesFinancial institutions accredited by the Central BankAny financial organizations, legal entities and individualsAny legal and natural persons
InterestAre determined by the bank, and there is alwaysMay not be chargedOften not credited
TimingAre determined by the bankup to 12 months, less often - up to 3 yearsMay be indefinite
SumsAnyUp to 1,000,000 rublesAny
Credit history requirementsStrictLoyal, may be absentMissing
Subject of the transactionOnly moneyMoney and other material valuesAny material values ​​and money
The moment the transaction enters into forceWhen signing the contractWhen receiving moneyDetermined by the parties
Debt repaymentIn full plus interestIn full plus commission (if any)In full or debt forgiveness is made
Entering information into a credit historyAlwaysOnly if the lender is a financial institutionNot displayed
Liability for non-fulfillment of the terms of the contractDetermined by the contractDetermined by the contractDetermined by the parties

To understand what a loan is and how it radically differs from a conventional loan, it is necessary to gradually analyze all the features of these commodity-money relations between the subjects of the financial market. Situations when you urgently need money, but there are no personal savings, are not uncommon. You have to apply to financial institutions to get funds for temporary use. At this stage, it is necessary to study the forms of cooperation with different institutions and choose the best option. Many bankers, entrepreneurs and ordinary people confuse the concept of a loan and a loan. What is a loan? Let's understand step by step.


Loan and credit concept

Representatives of banks, pawnshops and microfinance organizations also confuse these concepts. They cannot say exactly what the cardinal differences are. Even in the first year of economic universities, they teach that a loan is a gratuitous transfer of monetary or tangible assets to another person for temporary use. This process does not involve the payment of interest for the use of assets.

Credit is one of the types of loans, which is characterized by urgency, repayment, payment.

Loan is a broader concept, because it is often issued at no additional cost, and the relevant document does not specify specific return periods. Only the consumer benefits from such cooperation, because he uses money or assets at no additional cost. Such relations are possible only with full mutual understanding and trust between the parties.

The concept of "loan" appears in the lexicon of financiers and economists. It is also often considered a synonym for the above definitions. In accordance with the law, the above transactions are concluded with the participation of legal entities that are lenders, on the basis of an official agreement, and it is possible to obtain a loan from an individual by writing only a receipt, which also has legal force.

Having understood the concepts, knowing what a loan is, we will discuss when it is more expedient to issue it, and when it is worth asking for interest-free use of money. Ordinary banks never work on a pro bono basis. The issuance of funds for temporary use is the main source of income for such structures through the payment of interest rates. They talk about interest-free conditions or installments in advertising, but even here they are a little cunning, offering allegedly profitable deals, because hidden payments are charged to consumers:

  1. interest for cash withdrawal from the card;
  2. compulsory insurance;
  3. late payment penalty.

It is important! Study the specifics of the transaction, which are described in detail in the document. If you can’t figure it out on your own, contact a consultant to explain what overpayments await you.

Who benefits from giving out funds without interest? This tool is used by commercial structures and manufacturing enterprises to stimulate and motivate employees. The best workers are given temporary finance to purchase expensive goods. They are given temporary transportation or housing. This is a kind of encouragement that not everyone counts on.

If you have been working in a large company for a long time, have established yourself as an expert in your field, contact management with a request for a loan. It will be more profitable than going to the bank, because you will not have to overpay.

Note! Lawsuits between the parties to such relations arise due to the fact that the signed document does not stipulate the terms for the return of assets. If you are lending money or anything of value, be on the safe side by specifying when the borrower must pay it back in full.

Loan types

  1. property loan;
  2. Bank loan;
  3. consumer credit.

Each of these types has its own characteristics. We have already figured out that a loan is the issuance of an amount on the terms of payment, repayment and urgency. Are these principles always followed? Are there any exceptions?

property loan

Issuance of any property for temporary use is the most profitable option for the consumer. Such deals are common in large enterprises, when ambitious and promising employees are provided with housing and transport for the period of their position. The specialist does not pay rent, but if he leaves the company, he is forced to return the object to its direct owner. Agreements are documented to avoid disputes. The contract spells out the details of temporary use, which must be carried out by both parties.

A person has the right to use property, but does not own it. He does not have the right to transfer it to third parties, donate or sell, and at the time the agreement expires, he undertakes to return the object in an acceptable condition, taking into account physical and moral wear and tear.

Bank loan

We already know what credit is and that its classification is wide and varied. Modern banks issue money to users for a while at interest. If the recipient does not fulfill the terms of the transaction, then penalties are imposed on him, prescribed in an official legally significant document. Failure to pay obligations negatively affects credit history. Such an unscrupulous borrower will be denied cooperation in the future.

Another feature of the agreement is that its object is only cash, and not other property.

Issue conditions:

  1. payment - the recipient pays additionally for the use of money;
  2. urgency - money is issued strictly for a certain period, the process of their repayment is also regulated, some institutions impose fines for early repayment of obligations;
  3. repayment - the client is obliged to return the entire amount at the end of the contract.

consumer credit

Consumer credit is the most popular transaction. Money is issued for clear purposes, which are indicated during the execution of the contract. For inappropriate use, the client is fined. To avoid such situations, the amount is immediately transferred to its destination. A vivid example of this is the purchase of goods in a store on consumer credit terms.

It is important! If you buy a new TV or refrigerator in a hardware store, it is really possible to draw up an agreement with a credit representative right here. With a positive decision, you pick up the goods, its full cost is transferred to the account of the store, and you gradually pay off the debt. You are not in a position to transfer these assets for other purposes.

Sometimes money is given out on the security of property. They are suitable if you need an impressive amount. The collateral is real estate or transport. In this way, the bank insures itself against non-payment of obligations. If the client does not pay the bills, then the pledge is alienated and becomes the property of the creditor. He realizes it and repays current debts. Despite the fact that the obligations are fulfilled, such situations also negatively affect the credit history. The client is considered unreliable.


Economic literacy is the key to successful use of banking services. If you know what a loan is, what differences it has from other agreements, you will be able to choose the best options for obtaining funds in order to suffer the least losses in the future. Study the details of the agreement, carefully delving into each clause. Cooperation with financial institutions will leave only positive impressions.

What is the difference between a loan and a loan? What are the conditions of banks where you can get a loan? How to draw up an agreement when mortgaging real estate for a loan?

One of my acquaintances took a loan from the company where he works. Another took a loan from a bank. The amount is the same 1 million rubles. Both will use other people's money - what's the difference?

And the difference between them is significant. The first comrade will not pay a single ruble from above. Just return the money in full in a year. But the second one will return 17% more. That is, lay out in a year to the bank 170 000 rubles their own funds.

And now in more detail and point by point. In touch Denis Kuderin - financial expert of the HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, What is a loan and how is it different from a loan? in which cases it is more profitable to take a loan than a classic loan, and why not everyone has access to this way of solving their financial problems.

We sit down in our favorite chair and read to the end - in the final you will find valuable advice, how not to ruin your credit history in order to obtain a loan on the most favorable terms.

1. What is a loan and how is it different from a loan

Most people don't see the difference between loans, credits and loans. For an ordinary citizen, these are identical concepts - they involve the use of other people's funds for urgent or long-term needs.

Moreover, even bank employees often use these terms interchangeably. But from a legal point of view, a loan and a credit are far from equivalent concepts. Although in some cases it will not be a mistake to call a loan a loan. It all depends on conditions, where one person gives money to another.

- transfer of money or material assets under a contract for gratuitous use on a return basis. The loan does not involve the mandatory payment of interest on the use of funds.

Credit- a special case of a loan, involving a certain fee for the use of credit funds. Credit is issued exclusively money.

Thus, a loan can always be called a loan, but it would be incorrect to call an interest-free loan a loan.

Only legal entities that have the appropriate permission from the Central Bank have the right to issue loans. These include banks, MFIs, pawnshops and some other financial companies. If you are borrowed money by a private person, it will no longer be a loan, but a loan.

If you like the word “loan” more, then you have every right to call the loan issued by the bank that way. Only in this case the loan will not be gratuitous.

Another fundamental difference between a loan is that it is issued strictly for a certain time. For example, for 6 months or 5 years. BUT loans are indefinite- "When you can, then you will give it back."

So let's sort the data:

  • credit is issued only in cash;
  • a written agreement is always concluded between the borrower and the lender;
  • lending involves an interest rate - a fee for the use of borrowed funds, while a loan is free of charge;
  • bank loans are repaid according to the schedule - usually these are monthly payments, approximately equal in amount, the loan is often returned in a single payment in full;
  • loans and loans are issued both on security and without it;
  • the creditor has the right to demand from the borrower the payment of funds through the court if he does not fulfill his obligations.

Claiming a refund under a loan agreement is more difficult from a legal point of view. Especially, if the agreement does not specify specific terms and conditions.

Often a loan is the result of a particularly trusting relationship between the parties to the transaction.


One valuable employee at the enterprise where I once worked was given a loan by the authorities to buy a car. All that was required from the employee was a written consent to return the funds gradually from each salary, which he did during the year. He didn't pay any interest..

Loans are given to those who are trusted

That is, a gratuitous loan is not issued to everyone. This right must be earned. But loans are available to almost everyone who has official employment and stable income.

In fact, a perpetual and interest-free loan is a transfer of valuables for trust management or for rent without payment. It is assumed that the parties to the transaction know each other well.

At the same time, the lender is sure that the other party will definitely return the funds without involving third parties(meaning the judiciary).

Credit is a more complex concept in economic and legal terms. It presupposes a mandatory conclusion written contract, which is legally binding, always has a set deadline for the return of borrowed funds and interest on them. If someone says that they take out a loan from a bank, they most likely mean a regular loan.

It is more correct to call it a loan free transfer of funds with subsequent return.

To finally dot the "e", I made a table:

2. What are the types of loans - TOP-3 popular types

Which is better - a loan or a loan? Of course, a loan, if it is gratuitous and interest-free. But not every loan is like that. And not all categories of citizens have access to such a product.

The following are entitled to preferential terms:

  • valuable employees;
  • military;
  • young families;
  • Young professionals;
  • preferred clients of financial companies.

Now consider, what are the types of loans in the broadest sense of the term.

Type 1. Property loan

This is the most beneficial loan for the recipient. Property loan is gratuitous transfer of valuable property to an individual or individual entrepreneur.

Transferred for temporary use:

  • the property;
  • transport;
  • equipment;
  • securities;
  • and much more.

To the recipient transfers only the right to use, not ownership. That is, a person has the right to use property, but it cannot be sold or donated. The receiving party undertakes to use the funds in accordance with their purpose.

If it is technology or real estate, the recipient ensures their safety and undertakes not to transfer to third parties. He is liable for damage or loss of property. At the end of the agreement, he undertakes to return the same thing taking into account natural wear and tear.

Type 2. Bank loan

A special case of a loan provided by a bank. It is more correct to call such a loan credit.


  • the subject of lending is exclusively cash;
  • money is transferred under certain conditions and for a strictly limited period;
  • an agreement is concluded between the bank and the client, the fulfillment of all points of which is binding on both parties.

Banks issue loans both individuals and legal entities.

Type 3. Consumer loan

Another type of loan that involves the payment of interest on the use of funds.

Consumer loans are extremely diverse:

  • loans for urgent needs;
  • car loans;
  • mortgage;
  • credit cards;
  • installment plan - a case when interest is paid not by the client, but by the intermediary of the bank - the seller of goods or services.

Loans are targeted and non-targeted, with and without collateral. or other property suggest more lenient conditions for the recipient.

Payment of remuneration for the use of money is obligatory. This includes: loan interest rate, various fees and commissions for financial transactions.

3. How to mortgage real estate for a loan - step by step instructions

The probability of obtaining a loan from a bank or other financial company will increase, if you provide the lender with additional money-back guarantees. In our case, real estate is such a guarantee.

You arrange an apartment or house as collateral, and the bank gives you a more impressive amount on special conditions for this.

The pledge is beneficial to both parties of the transaction- but more, of course, the bank. A credit institution does not risk anything if it takes valuable property as collateral.

Even if the client for some reason cannot fulfill his debt obligations, the lender will sue him for a pledge, implements it and repays with these funds both the debt, and accrued interest, and fines.

How to get a secured loan competently, quickly and profitably? Enjoy expert guidance.

Step 1. Choose a bank and submit an application

It is better to deal with a solid and reliable bank than with MFIs and other organizations with questionable status. The registration procedure in banks is more serious and lengthy, but you get a security guarantee. Provided, of course, that you will regularly pay the debt.

And more is needed choose the right lender There are many banks, and you are one. Do not be lazy - take the time to study the terms of lending and select the most suitable programs.

What to look for when choosing a bank:

  • company hours of operation;
  • rating from independent rating agencies;
  • availability of branches in your city or district;
  • company's financial performance;
  • reviews.

It is advisable to track the latest news about the bank.

Step 2. We provide documents for real estate and wait for the assessment

The list of client documents in all institutions is standard - general passport, second document, work book or employment contract (copies), certificate 2-NDFL or 3-NDFL.

Documents for the collateral object:

  • fresh extract from USRN– it replaces the certificate of ownership from 2017;
  • title papers: on what basis real estate was acquired - purchase and sale, donation, inheritance, privatization;
  • technical and cadastral passports;
  • a document confirming the absence of arrests and encumbrances to the object;
  • evaluation report- This paper is valid for 6 months from the date of receipt.

may require an extract from the home book, the consent of other owners to the alienation of property, a list of residents registered in the apartment and other documents at the discretion of the bank.

You have the right to conduct an assessment in advance in an accredited company. In this case, the results of the procedure will be more objective. Otherwise bank employees will be engaged in the assessment, and it is in their interests to underestimate the real cost. This is how they mitigate their risks.

Step 3. We conclude an agreement with the bank

The most crucial moment of the process. Bank employees are not in the habit of explaining to customers all the clauses of the contract, unless they are asked to do so.

On the contrary, it is beneficial for them that the borrower “waves” the agreement without looking - unscrupulous banks earn not only on interest rates, but also on the financial illiteracy of users.

So you must read the contract. The ideal option is if it is read by a professional lawyer. If you personally or your lawyer do not like any points, you have the right to demand changes in the wording or complete exclusion of clauses from the contract.

What to look for first:

  • final rate;
  • the presence of commissions for financial transactions and other additional fees;
  • conditions for early repayment of the loan;
  • duties of the parties;
  • notes and section "special conditions".

Separately compiled pledge agreement. I also advise you to read it "with a lawyer at the ready." Be sure to pay attention to your rights as an owner after registering the object as a pledge. Some banks forbid a lot of things to the owners - even renting out apartments.

Step 4. Get a loan

Money is given either in cash or transferred to a card. Be sure to demand documentary evidence of the transfer of funds. I think there is no need to remind you that the amount of the loan received must be checked and rechecked.

Step 5. We clarify the payment schedule and pay off the debt

Each borrower receives loan repayment schedule. You need to follow it literally, and not as you have to, otherwise the fines will grow like a snowball.

If you transfer from another account or through electronic systems, consider the commission. And it is better to choose a repayment option in which no commission is charged.

4. Where to get a loan - an overview of the TOP-5 popular banks

Get a loan secured by real estate not the only and far from the fastest option to borrow money from the bank.

If you need a relatively small amount ranging from 200 before 750,000 rubles, it is more profitable to order credit card. Credit cards have a grace period during which no interest is charged on financial transactions.

Choose a bank from top five credit institutions in the Russian Federation.

– banking and any other real estate. The following items are considered as collateral: houses, dachas, cottages, land plots with and without buildings, commercial (non-residential) real estate, objects with blocked buildings.

The loan is issued for term from 5 to 10 years. Maximum amount - 30 million, but not more than 60% of the value of the deposit. The base rate is 18.9%. The list of mandatory requirements includes the client's residence and the location of the object in the product coverage area. But it is not necessary to present a 2-NDFL certificate - Sovcombank has other methods of checking solvency.

- bank loans in the form of consumer loans in cash for any needs. The maximum loan amount is 3 million rubles, the base interest rate is 13.9% per annum. Terms - up to 36 months. For civil servants, doctors, teachers, law enforcement officers, tax authorities - special conditions.

Loan applications are accepted through the website. The answer will come in 15 minutes. If the loan is approved, you will only have take original documents with you and go to the nearest VTB branch sign an agreement.

– in addition to ordinary consumer loans in cash up to 1 million rubles, here they issue credit cards with a limit of up to 300 000 rub. and a grace period of 55 days. During this period, interest on card purchases is not charged. On the contrary, 30% is returned in the form of cashback in points.

Tinkoff Bank has no traditional branches and offices. All operations are performed here remotely - by phone and via the Internet. You don't have to wait in line. At any time of the day, thousands of call center operators are in touch.

4) Alfa-Bank

– loans for all occasions, including mortgages secured by existing housing and preferential programs for young families. Salary clients - tangible rate discounts.

Several types of credit cards are available with limits ranging from 300 000 before 1 million. Record grace periods for credit cards - from 60 to 100 days. Some credit cards are serviced for a year free of charge. Order - through the site.

5) Renaissance Credit

– cash loans for urgent needs up to 700 000 rubles under 4 credit programs. Special loans for pensioners and payroll clients of Renaissance.

If you need money urgently, apply for a credit card with a limit of up to 200 000 rub. and a grace period of 50 days. Issue and maintenance free of charge. Same day pickup at the nearest branch of the bank.

Compare bank offers and make your choice:

BanksRate, in %Amount, rub.Peculiarities
1 From 18.9From 300,000 to 30 millionLoans for any real estate, including land and non-residential objects
2 From 13.9Up to 3 millionSpecial conditions for civil servants and workers in the areas of healthcare and education
3 19.9 by card, 14.9 by cashUp to 300,000 per card, up to 1 million on a consumer loanIssue and delivery of a card to your home or office - free of charge
4 23.99 - rate on a credit card, from 14.9 - on a regular consumer loanUp to 1 million per card, up to 3 million on a regular loanMany preferential programs for payroll clients
5 24.9 for card loans, 14.9 for regular loansUp to 200,000 per card, up to 700,000 in cashSpecial conditions for borrowers who have provided more documents

5. How not to spoil your credit history - 4 practical tips

Good credit history opens up attractive financial prospects for the citizen. And vice versa - with bad "credit karma" a person's opportunities become extremely limited.

It's easy to ruin your credit history, but fixing is extremely difficult, almost impossible.

Expert advice help you maintain your credit status at the highest level.

Tip 1. Do not overestimate your financial capabilities

Many borrowers act like this: first they take out a loan, then they calculate their financial capabilities. And vice versa - first calculate your income and expenses then take out a loan.

Money loves an account - get a budget spreadsheet. There are a lot of convenient special applications on the Internet - download them and use them. It is optimal if 25-30% of monthly income is spent on debt repayment, no more. If the amount approaches 50%, it is already difficult - both morally and financially.

Delays are bad. If you do not rely on your memory, connect Internet banking. You will know exactly how much you owe, and payments will be deducted automatically. No delays - the main condition for a clean credit history.

Stick to your payment schedule. If there is a delay, try to eliminate it as soon as possible. You have approximately 7 days before the data arrives at the BKI - credit history bureau.

Tip 3. Do not apply for a loan to pay off another loan

The classic mistake take out a new loan to pay off the old one. This option leads to an increase in debt and a total deterioration in credit history. The smarter way is restructuring(refinancing).

The demand from the guarantor is the same as from the borrower himself. The partner does not pay inevitably affects your credit history. You, as a guarantor, will be denied access to loans for 2 years, even for the usual delay.

If you are going to take a loan from a bank in the near future, give up the “honorable” mission of a guarantor: helping out a friend or relative is a worthy deed, but you also need to think about your own well-being.

Watch an interesting video on the topic of financial literacy.

6. Conclusion

A loan is a loan that one person provides to another person on individual terms. Loans are gratuitous, banking, private, with or without collateral. A special case of a loan is a bank loan with an interest rate and a fixed repayment period.

Question for readers

In your opinion, where to take a loan is more profitable and safer?