Sensual man creativity. Sensitivity and its importance for a creative personality. Sensitive people change the world

Text: Grisha Prophets

Highly sensitive people, or highly sensitive people, especially susceptible to external stimulation, the emotions of others, and the details of the world around them in general. We tell you who they are and how to understand if you are one of them.

Who are highly sensitive people?

Highly sensitive people (we will call them highly sensitive people), or HSP, or HSP are people who react more intensely than others to the world around them. Both positive and negative information are processed more attentively by such people, so they can be overwhelmed and overwhelmed by external stimuli - when they are too much or they are too intense. Such people pay a lot of attention to all sensations: tastes, touches, sounds and smells. They are especially sensitive to emotions, their own and others. The press calls them new introverts: highly sensitive people have been especially written about lately, although the phenomenon was defined back in the mid-90s.

Who introduced this concept?

Psychologist Elaine N. Aron identified highly sensitive people for the first time
in his book The Highly Sensitive Person, published in 1996. Aron lived in San Francisco and began studying HSP with her husband Arthur in 1991. Aron describes HSPs as those who are "increasedly sensitive to stimulation" and who are "more aware of details and nuances and process information more deeply, more reflectively than others." Aron believed that Carl Jung, Emily Dickinson, and Rainer Maria Rilke were highly sensitive people and that they generally "are usually poets, writers, teachers, doctors, scientists, and philosophers." It is believed that 20% of the world's population are highly sensitive people.

Why are they suddenly talking about?

The term and Aron's book were not exactly forgotten, no - other researchers wrote about HSP, and scientific articles were published about them, but it was in recent years that the media paid special attention to them. The Huffington Post wrote about how highly sensitive people interact with the world differently, The Wall Street Journal wrote about the phenomenon, even Scientific American remembered Aron and her ideas. In the scientific world, interest in them is also increasing: for example, the first conference dedicated to high sensitivity was held in Brussels. A documentary film called “Sensitive” is being released about the HSP phenomenon, in which, for example, singer Alanis Morissette, who considers herself a highly sensitive person, starred.

Why single out highly sensitive people when introverts already exist?

Because this is a psychological - and neurobiological - category of people according to completely different indicators. Aron developed a 27-point sensitivity scale to highlight HSPs; and, as with introverts, it's not just a binary system, you're not just either a highly sensitive person or not, there is a gradation here. If introverts are primarily defined by their relationships with other people, highly sensitive people are generally defined by their relationship to the world. However, like introverts, HSPs may like to be alone to give their brain a break from stimulation. For example, if you often cry at the cinema, or you are annoyed by strong smells, or you are imbued with the emotions of other people at the most unexpected moments. And this is important to study: because if you understand that you are a highly sensitive person, you can better arrange your life, for example, try to work in quiet and calm places.

Do HSPs really exist?

Oh sure. They are distinguished by many psychologists and neuroscientists. Hundreds of studies have been devoted to high sensitivity, from brain scans to genetic analyses. Research into the brains of HSPs shows that their brain processes are different from those of other people: HSPs are more empathetic, more attentive to their surroundings, and more understanding of other people. The catch is that, of course, there is a trap here, as with introverts: after the word and idea became popular, many began to call themselves highly sensitive people, even those who technically do not belong to them. Everyone wants to consider themselves special, so I want to believe that we understand the world around us deeper and more subtle than others.

Interesting .... Creative people are talented individuals who love to be useful and do good to others. They like freedom, so any restrictions will be perceived by them as an infringement of rights. Many people assume that creative people are lonely, unhappy and do not live long. Fortunately, this is not always the case. Talent is given to a person by God, you just need not to miss the moment and start developing your abilities in time.

It is worth noting that among geeks there are really a lot of unfortunate people, since their work is not always clear to others. As a rule, in an average person, brain activity occurs within certain limits, and everything that goes beyond these limits is perceived as something unnatural and abnormal. For this reason, it is very difficult for creative people to survive in this cruel world in which there are so many stable stereotypes and unwillingness to evolve. Neuroscience confirms that talented individuals think and act differently.The thinking of creative people is literally designed to think uniquely, not like the majority. However, such a gift of nature can significantly complicate life and strain relationships with others. If you are familiar with a creative person, you have probably had the idea more than once that he lives in some completely different world. In most cases, trying to understand such a person is just as futile as trying to change it. In order to be able to adapt to such a person, you need to learn to look at the world through his eyes.

Liar talent

It should be noted that creative people are excellent liars. Conducting a series of experiments has shown that such individuals are disposed to more intricate and complex lies. In addition, they themselves can easily figure out the deceiver. One of the manifestations of creativity is the unacceptability of existing patterns and the breaking of established stereotypes. Talented people easily perceive the unethical behavior of their own behavior, and also calmly relate to similar actions of others.

High degree of distrust

A gifted person tends to distrust even close people. Despite the fact that he quickly recognizes a lie, a suspicious attitude towards others is also a hallmark of talent. And this is not surprising, because in order to make a new discovery, you need to learn how to look at elementary things from a different angle. That is why a talented person questions everything, because it is much easier to create something new from scratch.


In the course of various experiments, it was found that modesty is not the lot of talented people. Many of them, as a rule, are proud of their abilities and skillfully use them, which allows them to fill themselves with an exorbitant price. In addition, a gifted person is very eager to show how impressionable he is and how much he can experience.


Often talented people fall into depression. Many of these geniuses have various phobias: some are afraid of falling ill with an incurable disease, others are afraid to die young, and others even faint at the sight of a spider or cockroach. Psychologists in many countries have tried to find out whether depression is really associated with talent. After studying the data obtained from psychiatric clinics, they found that creative individuals are more likely to develop severe forms of mental illness. In addition, it has been proven that not only talent, but also similar disorders can be inherited.

It's hard to believe in yourself

Even if a person is confident in his abilities, over time he begins to ask questions: “Am I good enough? Am I doing everything right? Creative people constantly compare their work with the creations of other masters and do not notice their own brilliance, which may be obvious to everyone else. In this regard, creative stagnation is often observed when a person simply gives up, thinking that all his previous ideas were in vain and meaningless. At such a moment, it is very important that there is a faithful friend nearby who would help the master to survive this difficult period.

Time to dream

Creative people are dreamers, this helps them in their work. Many of us have noticed that the best ideas come to us when we mentally transport ourselves far from reality. Neuroscientists have proven that imagination turns on brain processes that are closely related to creativity and fantasy.

Time dependency

Most of the great masters admit that they created their best work either at night or at dawn. For example, V. Nabokov took up the pen at 6 in the morning as soon as he woke up, and Frank Lloyd Wright had a habit of getting to work at 3 in the morning and going back to bed a few hours later. As a rule, people with a lot of creativity rarely stick to a standard daily routine.


To be as open to creativity as possible, you need to learn how to constructively use solitude. To do this, many talents overcome their fear of loneliness. Often, creatives and artists are perceived by others as loners, although in reality they are not. This desire for privacy can be an important factor in creating the best work.

Overcoming life barriers

Many cult works saw the light as a result of their creator's experience of heartbreaking pain and strong emotions. Often, various problems become a catalyst that helps create unique and outstanding masterpieces. Psychology has given this phenomenon a scientific name - post-traumatic growth. Researchers have found that often a strong shock helps a person succeed in a particular business, as well as discover new opportunities in himself.

Search for new experiences

Many creative people are constantly in search of new emotions and experiences. Unfortunately, some of them resort to alcohol and drugs to achieve this effect. It should be noted that a talented person is always open to new knowledge, she is quite intelligent and inquisitive. The transition from one emotional state to another is a kind of engine for the study and knowledge of two worlds, internal and external.

Beauty will save the world!

Creative people, as a rule, have excellent taste, so they constantly try to surround themselves with beautiful things. It can be not only clothing details, but also interior elements, paintings, books, jewelry. According to the results of some studies, it was revealed that singers and musicians demonstrate an increased susceptibility and sensitivity to artistic beauty.

Connecting dots

Creative individuals are able to find opportunity where others simply do not notice it. Many famous writers and artists believe that creativity is the ability to connect dots that an ordinary person would not have guessed to connect in such a sequence. If you ask a genius how he combined these things, he will feel embarrassed, because he will not have an answer to this question. What is difficult for others is easy for a creative person.

What if any unfamiliar situation causes you great excitement? What if a half-hour buffet leads to an unbearable desire for privacy, as a "social hangover" inevitably sets in? Perhaps you are one of the orchid people.

A little theory: The phenomenon of hypersensitivity was first described by Elaine Eyron, an American psychotherapist. Before her, all orchid people were mistakenly classified as either introverts or simply nervous or even neurotic people. Hypersensitivity has nothing to do with diseases and deviations! Of course, introversion is found in most orchid people, but there are also extroverts among them.

I will make a reservation that this is not a scientific work and I did not conduct research. What is written here is the result of observations of myself and others like me, and I was inspired by Elaine Ayron's book "The Hypersensitive Nature".

Who are these orchid people?

You can safely classify yourself as one of these 25% subtle natures if you have most of the following signs:
1. High susceptibility to external stimuli and strong excitability of the nervous system
2. Caution and even slowness in making decisions
3. A tendency to deeply analyze one's actions and the events taking place around
4. Increased attention to subtle details and subtle trends
5. High susceptibility to the emotions of other people (high empathy, pity for the weaker), as well as avoidance of conflicts
6. Loss of concentration and confusion in a situation of assessment and observation by other people
7. Developed intuition, propensity for foresight
8. Right-brain thinking, good creativity

9. Introversion (about 70% of orchid people are introverts), avoidance of publicity and a wide range of communication
10. Propensity for constant learning, the desire for self-improvement
11. Increased vulnerability and a tendency to more pronounced physical discomfort, that is, they suffer more from pain, tolerate hunger worse
12. Higher susceptibility to drug treatment, caffeine

Now we will analyze in more detail the main features of orchid people, and how they manifest themselves at work, in communication with colleagues.

1. High susceptibility to external stimuli and strong excitability of the nervous system

Perhaps this is the most striking and defining feature of orchid people. If we take beads as a metaphorical image, then this feature is a thread, and all
the rest are beads, which without a thread could not make beads.

The reaction of highly sensitive people to any, even a minor stimulus, is stronger than most people. The reaction to unexpected and unfamiliar stimuli is especially strong. For example, the unexpected sound of breaking glass or someone's shout will make you shudder, gasp and your heart will beat strongly. Strong irritants completely stun you and cause a stupor reaction, a desire to retire as soon as possible. Therefore, orchid people, due to their increased emotionality, try to avoid:
Crowded traffic during rush hour
Meetings with large crowds
Buffets and noisy parties
Long noisy lines
Traffic jams (by the way, orchid people know better than others how to avoid traffic jams;)

The nervous system of orchid people is tuned to a higher susceptibility to minor stimuli. This, in turn, implies a more detailed processing of information entering the brain. As a result, the overload of the nervous system is greater than in most people. From here - fatigue sets in faster, with strong irritants - fatigue is completely deafening.

Manifestation in the business environment:
Orchid people are extremely uncomfortable in large and noisy meetings. In order not to aggravate your internal tension and not to force
their heart beat even faster, prefer to remain silent. They definitely don't like open-space offices.

Of course, I don't like to work on weekends, but if you have to go out, the bonus is the opportunity to sit in an empty office with dimmed lights! My work is in full swing in such an environment!

2. Caution and slowness in making decisions

Orchid people prefer to think through all the possible consequences of any action, which takes a lot of time. But their decisions are often successful,
because they were based on collecting a large number of facts and considering all possible options.

Your brain is always striving for careful and deep processing of information, and this takes much more time.

Manifestation in the business environment:
Such people work on the principle of "measure seven times, cut once." A job in which you need to make decisions quickly causes the strongest

3. The tendency to constantly analyze their actions and the events taking place around them

Orchid people are prone to prolonged reflection and introspection. Surrounding it can be perceived as wandering in the clouds and counting crows;).
Constant internal dialogue can lead to absent-mindedness and some awkwardness in actions. But precisely because of this inner work
orchid people are more often endowed with worldly wisdom, they are more often reasonable and prudent in their actions, more often they become truly mature people.

All the same tendency to constantly process incoming information.

Manifestation in the business environment:

When discussing some new information, a hypersensitive employee may seem to have a poor grasp of what is happening. But thanks to his penchant for analysis, he subsequently comes to an even deeper understanding of the details and nuances than others.

She herself noticed the following: when I learn something new in large quantities, there is confusion and chaos in my head. But I already know that the brain is semiconsciously processing what it has learned. And the next day or week (depending on the complexity of the task or information) comes SUCH clarity and understanding, which at first I never dreamed of! The expression "Morning is wiser than evening" is exactly about orchid people!

4. Increased attention to subtle details and trends

From a highly sensitive nature, you are more likely to hear the phrase "Something is wrong here ..." It is the orchid people who will be the first to pay attention to subtle changes in the usual course of things. Whether it will be a false alarm or the beginning of an impending disaster is already a matter of time. But in any case, it will be wise for other people to listen to them. Perhaps, when the tsunami approached in Thailand, the orchid people were the first to pay attention to the animals running away from the shore, and even more so did not rush to collect shells on the exposed shore before the arrival of a big wave ...


High susceptibility to minor stimuli is combined with increased attention to detail. The nervous system of orchid people, figuratively speaking, wears glasses with magnifying glasses: they help to see details better, but the incoming light from the lenses burns more. Nature has given us such lenses so that we can see the approaching danger in advance and warn our fellow tribesmen. A separate post on my website is devoted to the benefits of orchid people for the rest of the community.

Manifestation in the business environment:
You are the one who can alert your boss or your colleagues to a problem before it gets worse. You are the one who first notices the subtle
changes in the market and warn others about it. You may have a reputation for exaggerating danger all the time. But rather in you
appreciate this insight.

I tried to show most of the characteristic features of orchid people as advantages and strengths. Believe me, I was not afraid to go too far, since such people are rarely prone to inflated self-esteem, and such praises against them will not lead to narcissism.

  • Psychology: personality and business


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Do you care about the little things more than others? Do you always think about how people around you feel? Do you prefer a quiet and peaceful environment?

If all of the above is about you, you are very sensitive. This character trait was first explored in the early 1990s. It is believed that every fifth person in the world is hypersensitive. There are many books on this subject. One of them describes habits of highly sensitive people. Find out if this character trait is inherent in you.

How highly sensitive people behave

excessive sensitivity- not a bad character trait at all. Such people are very kind by nature and will never refuse in trouble. They will go out of their way to help you solve your problems. So be a little gentle with them. Try not to touch them, and so exacerbated.

This is a real creative lab! A team of true like-minded people, each of which is an expert in his field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create materials that are really worth sharing, and our beloved readers serve as a source of inexhaustible inspiration for us!

Sensitive people change the world

Although most of the time they don't realize it.

Sometimes they come to a psychologist and complain: “I don’t want to feel all this so much.”
They may not immediately believe that sensitivity is their special talent.

It's like a delicate ear for music. Attunement to the music of the soul. Your own and the souls of other people, of the whole world.
Well, yes, they are difficult. After all, since childhood, they felt they were not of this world. Because they were blamed for their sensitivity. Condemned for tears. Could not understand the "whims". They were skeptical about their desires. They were afraid of their feelings. Rejected for feeling.
With such qualities, it turned out to be difficult. There is nothing to nurse. Or: you have something painfully amused today.
Well, yes, there was, of course, one amazing fairy tale - "The Princess and the Pea." (Andersen himself was one of those.) A secret test to recognize this breed of people. But it is unlikely that it was ever used outside of the fairy tale in a positive context. Real life is not for princesses! No no.
It is difficult for sensitive people because they have to value, cherish and protect their sensitive talent. But they are not taught this. And they are difficult to learn, because ...

... they are usually shy, because of their sensitivity, it is difficult for them to resist aggression and get their way;
... it seems to them that, as they are, they cannot be accepted in this society.
... their sensitivity is hard to digest by relatives, hanging various labels: “you are too tender”, “exalted person”, etc., etc.;
... it is unpleasant for them to pretend, they are sincere (because they feel falseness more sharply) and do not know how to play generally accepted games, therefore they receive labels like “not of this world”, “he is somehow strange”;
... they may seem (to others and to themselves) incorrigible introverts and smarties, because they need their own personal space, it is difficult for them to stay for a long time where it is stuffy and cramped;
…they find it hard to keep up with the fast pace. Because they are sensitive to fuss. And so they most often cannot run with everyone.
... they are more acutely experiencing difficult situations - grief and longing, overload and indifference;
…they are receptive to other people's feelings, including heavy, denied, and repressed feelings.
Which means they get more.

Sometimes they do not even suspect that they are changing the world with their sensitivity.
First of all, they perceive it in a special way. They feel the shades of smells, see the nuances of color, feel the slightest roughness of surfaces, catch fleeting movements.
They have subtle indicators of perception, capable of capturing the slightest changes around and inside.
In the same way, they catch shades of feelings and understand people better. They may be sensitive. They can resonate with other people's moods. And capture the nuances of meaning. They are compassionate.
In general, they are creative people. Through their sensitivity, their empathy for the world, they change it. Gradually. Just responding. Just re-joying with him. Or co-suffering.
Their difficult experience of misunderstanding and rejection helps them to have subtle and attentive compassion.
So, sensitive ones, recognize these nerves in yourself. Enjoy the vibration of these strings within yourself. Without you, the world would be tougher and more monotonous. If only he could exist at all. You are the ones who, without knowing it, are walking ahead and who get more because of this.
Not only cones. But also sunrises, sunsets, aromas, breaths, touches, all this trembling, sometimes poisonous, sometimes beautiful. And so real.

About sensitives

The life of a modern person is full of incentives: everything around is too noisy,

smells too strong, too bright.

It is not surprising that a new category of people has appeared who aspire to

solitude and their name is “sensitivs”.

Sensitives are people who, due to the peculiarities of their nervous system, are more sensitive to everything that happens around them. That is why they overwork much faster than others, they strive to be in peace and quiet in order to recover.

Danish psychotherapist Ilse Sand describes several characteristics by which sensitives can be recognized.

Sign 1. Sensitivity

Have you ever had that during a big family holiday you wanted to lock yourself in a bathroom somewhere to cool off a bit, because there are too many people, food and music around?

Ilse Sand explains that this is typical behavior of sensitives: “We have a rich imagination, thanks to which even minor events in the surrounding reality prompt us to build hypotheses and draw conclusions. Thus, our internal "hard drive" fills up faster, and we experience overexcitation.

Overexcitation causes panic and anxiety, makes you retire in order to somehow calm down and regain the ability to accept new impressions in the form of conversations, jokes and other people's stories.

Sign 2. Susceptibility to sensations

Sensitives are people who are always either blowing, sometimes stuffy, or talking too loudly on the phone next to them, making it difficult to concentrate. They are not from evil and not from harm - it's just that their sense organs are tuned much finer than that of ordinary people.

Fireworks do not cause delight in them, because they are accompanied by too loud explosions. The chemical smells in the barbershop seem unbearable to them, and the radio, turned on by colleagues in the background, is the main hindrance to their work. This is because their perceptual systems seem to work twice as hard as the rest.

Sign 3. Impressibility

Hypersensitive people quickly get tired of the manifestation of other people's emotions, especially negative ones. Therefore, sensitives are always the first to feel if the situation around them is emotionally tense and, in order not to endure inconvenience, they try to reconcile everyone.

Sign 4. Hyperresponsibility

Sensitives are very understanding people. However, understanding and accepting others as they are, sensitives seem to take responsibility for their behavior. They believe that they should reconcile everyone, make sure that everyone is comfortable. And they spend a lot of effort and attention on it; there is absolutely nothing left to take care of yourself.

Hypersensitivity prevents them from criticizing others, and it is also the reason for the sharp reaction to criticism. Negative feedback unsettles them, makes them suffer, because other, less empathetic people usually do not stand on ceremony with other people's feelings.

Sign 5. Inner peace

An excess of emotional, visual and auditory impressions abundantly fills the inner world of the sensitive. His brain is constantly working to analyze and sort out the constantly incoming information, otherwise chaos will come.

“Sensitives almost never suffer from a lack of inspiration, but some of them are even afraid of inspiration: they perceive it as a stimulus to action that cannot be resisted.”

Sign 6. Slow reaction

Since the hypersensitive person constantly feels as if he is being bombarded by audio/sound/visual bombardment, and his brain is busy processing "incoming data" without interruption, he reacts more slowly than usual. It is about these people that they say: "A good thought comes after."

According to the author of the book, sensitives, despite their sociability, rather slowly establish contact with other people. But, if you show patience, in their face you can find a reliable, attentive friend.

How do hypersensitive people recover?

Learn to say no. As a sympathetic person, you often undertake to help others, spending a lot of your energy. Feel free to say no to others by directly saying that you are tired. In your case, this is a good reason.

Limit audiovisual stimuli. 80% of impressions are what we see with our eyes. It is enough to close them several times a day for a few minutes to stop the flow of sensations. If unpleasant noises are annoying, you can isolate yourself from them with headphones with your favorite music.

Keep up the routine. Any mechanical work that does not require careful involvement helps to calm down and allows the brain to calmly organize all impressions. Therefore, it is useful to walk, wash dishes, read.

Show your feelings. "Listening to other people's words, but not

expressing your point of view, you quickly get tired. Choose a circle of communication so that loved ones allow you to talk.

Confess to others your hypersensitivity. This is scary, given that others take such a quality for weakness. Therefore, try to make at least those close to you take your words seriously: “I'm sorry, this is very tiring for me, I need to rest