Command & conquer: generals - zero hour: guides and walkthroughs. Walkthrough for the game Command & Conquer: Generals How to capture oil rigs in the game generals

The strategy genre has been slowly rotting lately. That is, there are a lot of games, but ... Some of them are gray and average. Numerous variations on the theme of Age of Empires, all sorts of imitations of other directions, new, but crooked ideas. However, this is not all. I would like a game that really brings something new. And in Westwood, they measured out the dose of the new on an accurate pharmacy scale. It was the one that turned the game from C&C:n to C&C: Generals, and by no means C&C:n+1. And may the guide below help you in its successful passage.


This part of the game is both very strict and downright childishly cheerful. No numbers - the computer itself will be able to calculate how much life is left for this or that building / soldier. But there are a lot of funny icons. The only serious drawback is the complete lack of information when recruiting a mixed group of troops. That is, you not only do not have information about the characteristics of the fighters in the group - there is not even information about its composition.

The entire control panel is located at the bottom of the screen. On the left, a very rather big minimap takes its place. In the right corner - the image of the selected fighter / piece of equipment, framed by the improvements possible for him. Moreover, the reassurances performed for this fighter become colored. A little to the right is an inconspicuous column. It is he who shows the gradual accumulation of "general points" by you. So pay attention to him. In the center is a money counter, an energy line with an indicator of the amount of energy consumed (terrorists do not have it), a command panel for a soldier / building. For the building - on the right side are improvements, on the left - fighters, possible for production.

And yet - all actions are performed only with the left mouse button. Right key - cancel the selection of the building / fighter.


Of course, you can't wait to see what these or those soldiers can do. But you don't have to get ahead of yourself. Soldiers come from somewhere. And these "from somewhere" are buildings that need to be built. And use it to the fullest. And each building has quite a few functions.


Table 1
US buildings
Name Price coolant Build time View Radius Consumed energy
power station 800 800 10 200 +5 (+5)
barracks 600 1000 10 200 -
Supply Center 2000 2000 10 200 1
Missile system "Patriot" 1000 1000 25 360 3
military factory 2000 2000 15 200 1
Aerodrome 1000 1500 30 200 1
strategic center 2500 1500 60 400 2
Delivery area 2500 1000 45 - 4
Internment camp 1000 2000 30 200 -
Beam destroyer 5000 4000 60 200 10
command center 2000 5000 45 300 -

American buildings are powerful enough that the first migratory woodpecker won't bring them down. And yet, you should not leave them unattended by a certain number of troops. Buildings do not forget to require the energy they are entitled to, so do not forget about the place under the Energy Stations. It will be unpleasant if, in the midst of an enemy attack, some insidious Bulldozer surrenders the Delivery Zone to the selection committee, after which the electricity suddenly ends. And the sadly blackening "Patriots" will by no means help you keep your base intact. It is also worth noting how American buildings love themselves. As soon as they get damaged a little, they immediately begin to be repaired. And rightly so, otherwise they suddenly gouge inadvertently.

Power station (Cold Fission Reactor). It is with the help of it that real Americans extract energy. The building is small, but has the ability to expand - after the improvement, it gives out twice as much energy. It does not suffer from excessive durability, so make sure that all stations do not stand in one pile. Otherwise, the exact launch of just 1 SCADA will lead to the end of your career.

Barracks (Barracks). As long as I can remember, not a single tank has ever left the doors of the Barracks. He won't leave here either. But the Rangers, Shooters with anti-tank guns, Snipers and Colonel Barton come out from here. Plus, here you can teach the Rangers to throw incendiary grenades and capture buildings.

It takes money to build. Money is the resources dragged by the raking Chinook to the Supply Center. When built, one Chinook is immediately released, which (if there are reserves of resources nearby) immediately begins to drag everything into the house. Also produces Chinooks.

Missile system "Patriot" (Patriot Missile System). Universal protection system. Basically - against enemy ground hordes. Because Chinese MIGs are not a very serious problem, except that they can come in handy in a network game against the Americans.

Systems consume a huge amount of energy, so be careful not to suddenly end in connection with the construction of the next "Patriot". Missiles deal 30 damage (25 to air targets) in a radius of 5 at a distance of up to 225. There are 4 missiles in total, which the launcher fires for a second, after which it restores ammo for 4 seconds.

War Factory. The place where the Americans produce their ground vehicles. Namely Jeeps, Crusaders, Paladins, Tomahawks and Ambulances. You can immediately add a TOU installation to the Jeep. Enemy tanks will appreciate it.

Airfield. One of the most valuable buildings for Americans. For Aurora Bombers, Stealth Planes, Predators and Comanches can take off from here. That is, all the beauty and strength of American aviation. However, the Aerodrome itself, despite its large size, was very frail in health. So keep it better. Helicopters are not limited in number. But there cannot be more than 4 aircraft at one Aerodrome. Places, you know, not enough.

Strategic Center (Strategy Center). Good stuff, needed. In it, the Americans choose what they need at the moment - armor, firing power or the viability of drones. And besides, here you can still spend money on three improvements on an ongoing basis. Only built if you already have an Airfield or War Factory.

Supply Drop Zone. How to make money out of thin air? Ask them to send. Once every two minutes, fresh gifts are dropped onto this site directly from the United States. Receive and spend. And do not whine that the nimble Chinooks have already stolen all the resources. A Strategic Center is required to be able to build.

Internment Camp (Detention Camp). Doesn't work in campaign. But in a single player game against the computer or in multiplayer, it allows you to see all enemy troops for 2 minutes and detects all invisible ones (although it is easier to produce snipers for this).

Beam destroyer (Particle Cannon). Target destruction weapon. It recovers fairly quickly and can easily destroy a couple of closely spaced enemy buildings. For per second, his beam deals 400 damage. It can shoot at any territory it has ever seen. From the moment the shot starts, it can move in any direction. But keep in mind that in those 10 seconds that are put on the "beam from heaven", you are unlikely to have time to destroy the entire enemy base. Therefore, plan the course of the beam in advance. To start building it, you need a Strategic Center.

The main building of the Americans. Does not require energy, produces Bulldozers, gives the ability to control various events, such as a Lightning attack.


table 2
Buildings of China
Name Price coolant Build time View Radius Consumed energy
Nuclear power station 1000 1500 10 200 +10 (+5)
barracks 500 1000 10 150 -
Supply Center 1500 2000 10 200 1
Bunker 400 1000 5 300 -
rapid fire gun 1200 1000 25 360 3
military factory 2000 2000 15 200 1
Aerodrome 1000 1500 30 200 1
propaganda center 2000 1000 45 200 2
"Talking" tower 500 300 10 200 1
Nuclear rocket 5000 4000 60 200 10
command center 2000 2000 45 300 -

By and large, Chinese buildings are the same American ones, only a side view. It is worth noting the best choice of defensive structures plus the ability of buildings to surround themselves with mines. However, unlike the Americans, the Chinese have to repair everything on their own.

Nuclear power plant (Nuclear Reactor). Chinese way of extracting energy. In case of emergency, it can work with an overload (+ 50% of energy), including it instantly, but after a while the station will explode with radiation contamination of the surrounding area. And radiation, as you know, the air does not heal. However, in very difficult situations that require an immediate addition of energy, this action works quite well.

Barracks (Barracks). Oddly enough, only infantry comes out of the Chinese Barracks, namely Soldier, Tank Hunter, Hacker and Black Lotus. Here the soldiers learn to capture buildings.

Supply Center. The Chinese don't have Chinooks. They do everything slowly and sadly. For this, slow trucks serve, which sadly carry resources from their nearest deposit to the Supply Center. This is where they are made.

Bunker A purely defensive structure, into which as many as 5 people fit. The tank hunters take root very well there. If you don't let the enemy destroy the Bunker, your positions will remain safe and sound.

Rapid-firing gun (Gattling Cannon). Another fortification. And much more effective than the American one. Especially effective against enemy infantry and aircraft. And there are Bunkers against tanks.

War Factory. The military factory produces all ground equipment, and therefore is the most important structure for the Chinese. The products here are: Battlemaster, Dragon Tank, Overlord Tank, APC, Gattling Tank, Infernal Weapon and Nuclear Weapon. Plus, such wonderful improvements are immediately made, such as an increase in the rate of fire of all rapid-fire guns and an increase in napalm (which is important for Dragon Tanks and MIGs).

Airfield. The Chinese Airfield is very deserted - only MIGs and armor upgrades for them. Sparsely, but this is all Chinese aviation.

Propaganda Center. The Chinese people are very prone to propaganda. Therefore, the improvement "Nationalism" is being made here (our Chinese are the most yellow Chinese in the world), which, when collected from 5 or more fighters of the same type, dramatically increases their power, as well as an improvement that enhances the influence of "talking" towers and propaganda towers on the "Lords" .

"Talking" tower (Speaker Tower). A wonderful thing that heals your fighters and reveals invisibility, as well as speeds up the shooting of your troops. That is, if the enemy retreats, he will again see a large and healthy army in front of him.

Nuclear missile (Nuclear Missile). Nuclear technology to the masses! Only the enemy masses - a nuclear warhead. And the Chinese - nuclear engines for the Battle Master and the "Lord", which after that both drive faster and shoot more powerfully. And they can die again in the enemy masses to go. Because, as tanks with a nuclear engine leave behind a cloud of radioactive contamination.

Command Center (Command Center). Acts like the American Command Center. That is, it produces bulldozers and manages events. Only here the Chinese radar is not included in the kit. You have to purchase it separately.


Table 3
Terrorist buildings
Name Price coolant Build time View Radius Consumed energy
Resource Center 1500 1000 15 200 -
barracks 500 500 10 200 -
"Nest" stingers 900 1000 25 600 -
Tunnel network 800 1000 5 200 -
Arms Dealer 2500 2000 25 200 -
Mine 400 100 5 150 -
Castle 2500 3000 45 300 -
Black market 2500 500 45 200 -
SCUD missiles 5000 4000 60 200 -
command center 2000 5000 45 300 -
Ruins - 500 10 50 -

The characteristic features of the terrorist architecture are the presence of Ruins and the complete absence of energy. These two things alone make terrorists very different from their more civilized opponents. Well, and the fact that the terrorists do not have a division of labor. Their Workers both build and extract resources.

Resource Collection Center (Supply Stash). Releases the Workers and receives the bags they bring. And you don't need anything else.

Barracks (Barracks). And from here, too, comes the infantry. Only this time - the infantry of the terrorists. Worthy representatives include Rebels, RPG Shooters, Terrorists, Zealots, Hijackers, and Jannen Kell. And, of course, there is also an improvement for the Rebels to capture buildings. This building can be called the most important for terrorists.

"Nest" Stingers (Stinger Site). The response of terrorists to the actions of American aviation. A very serious air defense point, which can also fire back from ground equipment. Three Stinger shooters stationed in this fortification eat their bread for good reason. However, there is one interesting point. Guys with Stingers can be knocked out with anti-personnel weapons (for example, a Sniper), and then finish off the empty "Nest".

Tunnel Network. The network is not only a machine gun on the bunker, but also 8 places for vehicles or infantry! Trickster tactics in action. Up to 8 units can be driven into any tunnel, and they can also exit from any tunnel. How happy the helicopters will be when they decide to shoot the "defenseless tunnel" when 8 anti-aircraft guns come out of it! Few pilots will return home.

Arms Dealer. Terrorists don't manufacture weapons. They buy it honestly. At least the Americans. Then they are used against them. And they buy Jeeps, Scorpions, Mobile radars, Missile buggies, Cars with explosives, Mobile anti-aircraft guns, Poison vehicles, Marauders, SCUD missiles. That is, quite a lot. The Scorpions are also being upgraded here by installing missiles on them, but this technology must have been stolen somewhere. Not the terrorists themselves came up with!

Mina (Demo Trap). Just a hefty barrel of explosives. Only "Overlord" survives two such barrels. Very slow with the explosion, so all kinds of Jeeps can have time to slip past the Mina before the explosion occurs.

Palace (Palace). And here all the improvements for the infantry are made - camouflage, AK74, firing acceleration and chemical filler for ammunition. I mean, it's a technology center.

Black market (Black Market). The Black Market sells loot. And the more of them, the more terrorists will earn. But it is also another technology hub. Only here technologies are bought to improve technology.

SCUD missiles (SCUD Storm). It just fires missiles. The fastest reload. Very serious contamination of the surrounding area with chemical products falling out of the exploded rocket.

Two oil rigs. One is ours, the other is a draw. But which of them is ours - guess for yourself.

Command Center (Command Center). Construction of workers and management of all kinds of general actions.

Ruins (Hole). Here it is, the originality of the terrorists. It is worth destroying their building, as it turns out that some flimsy, but tenacious ruins grow under it. Which immediately strive to build up to the 500 points of life they are supposed to, after which they return the building that previously stood here to its place. Therefore, finish off the buildings of the terrorists to level ground. Otherwise, there is no point in attacking them.



There are many fighters in the game. And the most different. Moreover, extremely rare "subdivisions" are at least somewhat similar to each other. Even banal foot soldiers differ from each other. And this forces, when playing for each side, to apply their own, unique tactics.

Here we note the system of growth of experience. Yes, now every soldier has the right to become cool by gaining a certain amount of experience. Experience points for soldiers are indicated in the corresponding column of the table and show how much experience is needed for the first, second and third tabs. Experience is gained by killing enemies. Moreover, a high-level enemy is estimated more strongly in terms of experience gained. Experience is indivisible and passes entirely to the one who fired the last shot at the dead. 1 enemy fighter is usually worth somewhere in the region of a third / half of the experience level required for him to gain one level. So, the cost of the "Overlord" will be, respectively, 200, 200, 400 and 600 experience points for the one who destroyed it. The first bar gives a 25% bonus to damage dealt. Technique with 2 tabs is independently engaged in repair. Well, with three (the most super-veterans) he gets the opportunity not only to shoot colored charges, but often some unexpected gift. Like the Crusader machine gun or terrorist Jeep grenades.


Table 4
United States combat units
Name Price coolant Build time View Radius Experience Speed Damage
Bulldozer 1000 250 5 200 - 20/10 -
Ranger 225 180 5 100 40/60/120 20/10 5/0/100
Shooter with PTR 300 100 5 150 100/200/400 20/10 40(225)/5/175
Sniper 600 120 10 200 50/100/200 20/10 100/0/200
Colonel Barton 1500 200 20 150 200/300/600 30/20 40/0/25
Jeep 700 240 10 150 100/150/300 60/30 8/0/150 30/5/150 50/5/320
"Crusader" 900 480 10 150 200/300/600 30/25 60/5/150 10/25/150
"Paladin" 1100 500 12 150 200/300/600 30/25 60/5/150 100/0/65
"Tomahawk" 1200 180 20 180 200/400/800 30/25 150(50)/10(25)/350
"Ambulance" 600 240 10 100 - 30/25 -
"Predator" 1400 160 20 180 100/200/400 175/120 100/5/320
Bomber "Aurora" 2500 80 30 180 200/400/800 480/240 400/20/300
stealth plane 1600 120 25 180 200/300/600 175/120 100/5/220
"Comanche" 1500 220 20 180 100/200/400 120/120 6/0/200 50(30)/5(25)/200
"Chinook" 1200 120 10 300 - 150/60 -
Pilot - 100 - 150 - 20/10 -
"Lightning" - 600 - 300 - 120/120 10/4/450 200/50/350
B-52 - 1000 - 300 - 125/75 -

It just so happens that the United States has the most fighters. And their main support is aviation. Everything is almost like in real life. Drones are also worth mentioning. These are combat robots that can be attached to any ground equipment. Moreover, there are two types of drones to choose from - combat and reconnaissance. Both those and others know how to repair ward vehicles, but they themselves do not repair, from which they mercilessly die from enemy air defense. The combat ones also shoot with their machine gun, clearing the battlefield of enemy infantry (with a large number of drones this happens very quickly and efficiently), and the reconnaissance ones simply expand the field of view of your combat units. Which, for example, is very useful for Tomahawks, which can shoot longer than they can see.

The workhorse of the American army. Builds buildings. If necessary, repairs (if it was close to the broken one). Yes, and mines can detect. A pair of such devices should always be available.

Ranger. Just an American infantryman. Able to shoot from a machine gun and throw incendiary grenades (if taught in the Barracks). Unfortunately, he himself does not know how to figure out what exactly should be done right now and either shoots or throws (whatever the player orders). Although it shoots immediately in bursts of 3 rounds. Therefore, it is only suitable for capturing buildings.

Shooter with PTR (Missile Defender). American shooter with a universal grenade launcher. For air targets - much more painful, for ground targets - much weaker. It can aim with a laser and then it will shoot quite successfully. But every time you point the arrow so that it justifies its effectiveness? We do not need such a shooter.

Sniper (Pathfinder). The cunning sniper knows how to hide and is only visible to the enemy when he moves. And if he found a place for himself, he would hide thoroughly and immediately begin to harass the enemy infantry trying to slip past him. If you did not take the appropriate promotion during your promotion to general, then you will not get snipers.

Colonel Burton. Both a Swiss and a reaper, in a word - a person with diverse interests. He knows how to shoot from a rifle (quite quickly, albeit with rather weak damage), kill enemies with a knife (immediately to death, because he is also invisible) and lay remotely explosive charges. Only one instance can exist at a time. It has no great practical value.

Jeep (Humvee). In large numbers, it is a thunderstorm for infantry. When equipped with a missile, the TOU even becomes a thunderstorm for light tanks. However, it can only be used as an anti-personnel kit for tanks. Can carry 5 infantrymen inside. Has no independent significance.

Crusader. The initial tank of the Americans. Not bad against enemy tanks (especially in the presence of a combat drone). It is completely unable to withstand crowds of infantry due to the low frequency of fire and some immunity of the infantry to its fire. Although, if he survives to the third level, he will receive a machine gun to fight infantry. You just have to live...

Paladin. For 200 coins, 20 hit points and a combat laser were attached to the Crusader. The latter, in his free time, is engaged in shooting infantrymen and enemy aircraft that crawled too close. This tank may well protect itself, but it is still better to use it as part of mixed formations. Just don't forget to order it when distributing the General's points.

Tomahawk. Mobile short-range missile. Extremely effective stuff. Allows, with some support (helicopters and tanks), to break into strongholds of enemy defenses. 3-4 Tomahawks deal with any structure extremely quickly. Tomahawks will only be built if you have a Strategic Center.

Ambulance. What does the Ambulance do? Heals a wounded soldier and removes chemical and radiation contamination. In truth, if you have brought the contamination to this very point, then it is no longer necessary to clean it, but to harass the enemy as a matter of urgency. For as long as you clean off one, he will add fresh. But sometimes she does too.

Predator (Raptor). Fighter. Carries 4 rockets that fire at high speed at an air or ground target. Two such vehicles will demolish any enemy bunker. But it’s better to use it to patrol your airspace in case the Chinese MiGs invade.

March of the Retreats.

Bomber "Aurora" (Aurora Bomber). High speed, high damage from the bomb on board. And all this is crossed out by a tiny amount of life. But if you do not try to go ahead, but destroy the anti-aircraft guns located on the edge, then the Aurors can greatly change the battlefield. Of course - in your favor.

Invisible aircraft (Stealth Fighter). In general, he was conceived as a fighter, but is perfect for the role of a scout. It is worth placing it on patrol a little further than the reach of enemy anti-aircraft guns - and you will always be aware of what is happening on enemy territory. And the enemy will not know about it. Worse than the Predator in combat terms, because there are only 2 missiles, and their range is smaller.

Comanche (Comanche). The main fighter of the American army. 3-4 helicopters successfully deal with a large number of infantry. And against tanks and other equipment, they have 4 missiles in store, which are restored quite quickly. Like all other aircraft, it is quite sensitive to air defense fire, but in the company of Tomahawks it will quite successfully break into any defense.

Chinook. An earner of monetary allowance in the initial period of time and a transport helicopter for delivering infantry to hard-to-reach places (to capture important objects).

Pilot (Pilot). If your well-deserved helicopter or tank was destroyed by enemy fire, then there is a very high probability that its pilot will be saved and not be destroyed on the ground (although terrorists love to finish off small and defenseless Pilots). And if he escaped and got to his own, then the pilot can be put in a tank or Tomahawk, immediately raising his experience. And experienced technology is much better than inexperienced.

Lightning (A-10 Thunderbolt). Attack aircraft make raids on enemy positions, after which they are equipped for 4 minutes. You don’t have them in their pure form, you need to invest general points in them, from 1 to 3. Then the corresponding number of attack aircraft will fly out. A link of three attack aircraft demolishes almost any enemy building. Moreover, the greater viability of attack aircraft allows them to do this.

B-52. This plane casually drops a tactical nuclear charge on enemy positions. The result is impressive. Moreover, the affected area is huge. The only downside is that it's very vulnerable. An attempt to break through the dense thickets of air defense will most likely end in death for the aircraft. Requires payment in General points and loads within 5 minutes.


Table 5
Combat units of China
Name Price coolant Build time View Radius Experience Speed Damage
Bulldozer 1000 250 5 150 - 30/20 -
Red Guard 300 120 10 100 20/40/80 25/15 15/0/100
tank hunter 300 100 5 150 100/200/400 20/10 40(225)/5/175
Hacker 625 100 20 150 100/300/500 20/10 -
"Black Lotus" 1500 150 20 300 150/450/900 30/20 -
Battle Master 800 400 10 150 200/300/600 25/25 60/5/150
Tank "Dragon" 800 280 10 100 100/150/300 30/25 10(1)/5(10)/75
armored personnel carrier 1400 240 (200) 15 175 - 40/30 -
Rapid fire tank 800 300 10 150 100/150/300 40/40 20/0/175
infernal tool 900 120 15 180 100/200/400 20/20 30/15/300
nuclear weapon 1600 240 20 180 400/600/1000 20/25 400(20)/50(60)/350
Tank "Overlord" 2000 1100 20 150 (200) 400/600/1200 20/20 (30/30) 80(20)/5(10)/ 175
MOMENT 1000 160 (200) 10 200 (300) 100/200/400 160/160 75(40)/5(30)/320
Supply truck 600 300 10 150 - 40/20 -

The Chinese army is armed with aviation, but not in the huge numbers that the Americans. Their bet is on powerful technology and nuclear weapons. And they may well fight off American aviation, what then MIGs. And if we add to this cunning manipulations with the infantry, it becomes clear that with the right game, the Chinese will give a light to any opponent.

Bulldozer (Construction Dozer). Build, repair, discover minefields - this machine will cope with everything. And what crawls slowly - so she has nowhere to hurry.

Red Guard. The Chinese soldier is the fastest soldier in the world. The only bad thing is that he has a rifle that shoots incredibly rarely. But there are a lot of soldiers themselves. For your 300 coins, you will immediately receive 2 soldiers instead of 1. And this is nice.

Tank Hunter. It looks like an American counterpart, but it also knows how to lay explosive charges (but it does not have a laser beam). Practical application - only when placed in Bunkers.

Hacker. He does not kill anyone, but he knows how to stop production in buildings belonging to the enemy and extract money from banks, secretly rummaging through the Internet. In the process of searching for experience, and through this more money is extracted. So, the limit of a novice hacker is 5 coins in 1-2 seconds. A hacker with three stripes is already stealing 10 coins from someone else's account for the same period of time.

"Black Lotus" (Black Lotus). The head and mastermind of all Chinese hackers. However, its actual usefulness is questionable. Can "hack" enemy Supply Centers, stop enemy vehicles and capture buildings from a distance. At the same time, it costs terrible money and at the same time exists only in a single copy.

Battlemaster. Ordinary Chinese tank. However, after all the improvements (especially in the Propaganda Center), this tank dramatically raises its capabilities and, when gathered in groups of five individuals and above, becomes a very serious threat to the enemy.

Tank "Dragon" (Dragon Tank). Flame tank. It works very well against endless terrorist infantry (especially with a fire screen), but something can also be done against enemy vehicles. Remarkably cleans out bunkers and buildings in which enemy infantry has settled.

Armored personnel carrier (Troop Crawler). The armored personnel carrier is valuable primarily because a company of 8 Soldiers has already looked for a warm place in it, which has just left the factory. And well, calculate what they will cost you separately? But the armored personnel carrier also detects mines. Although you should not count on him himself - he does not know how to fight. Another interesting point related to the armored personnel carrier: when infantry is unloaded from it, the number of hit points of the armored personnel carrier is reduced by 40 units. Involuntarily, you will think that the infantry fills the equipment with life.

Rapid-fire tank (Gattling Tank). Mobile anti-aircraft gun from the Chinese. The thing is truly terrible - no planes fly up, no infantry run up. The enemy will not pass. The only serious enemy for him is the thick armored vehicles of the enemy.

Inferno Cannon. Chinese analogue of the Tomahawk. Destroys enemy structures from afar. The only difference is that it can be improved in the form of Napalm, after which it begins to burn enemy infantry with terrible force. Mostly to death.

Nuclear weapon (Nuke Cannon). This apparatus takes an extremely long time to prepare for battle, but then it begins to create uniform outrages. Not only does it have a huge firing range and huge damage, but at the point of impact, radioactive contamination also occurs, which lasts for a very long time. Terrible thing.

Tank "Overlord" (Overlord). Mammoth heir. Big and strong. And successfully amenable to improvements. With the added rapid-fire gun, the Overlord will be able to protect himself from everything - not only from tanks, but also from infantry and evil pilots. And with the Propaganda Turret, the Overlord simply becomes stronger, and the tankers sitting in it, exposed to their spirit, repair the tank all their free time. There is also a Bunker in which you can push 5 infantrymen. Also an option - with 5 RPG Shooters, the Overlord becomes a "death machine" for enemy tanks. It makes sense to make a set of Overlords with various additions, and then you will successfully get out of any situation. The Overlord passes a lot of time between shots, but considering that he makes a volley from two barrels at once...

MIG (Mig). Carries 2 rockets filled with napalm, which manages to fight even with air targets. And not without success. And how it burns the infantry on the ground - this must be seen.

Supply Truck. The Chinese do everything slowly, but for centuries. So the supply truck does not work quickly, but it is quite cheap and the chain of these trucks is quite capable of serving the Chinese camp. Only now they need a wider road, otherwise they constantly rest against each other and interfere with themselves.



Table 6
Combat units of terrorists
Name Price coolant Build time View Radius Experience Speed Damage
Worker 200 100 5 100 - 20/10 -
Rebel 150 120 5 150 40/60/120 20/10 5/0/100 50/0/70
RPG Shooter 300 100 5 150 100/200/400 20/10 40(225)/5/175
Terrorist 200 120 5 150 - 20/10 500(300)/18(50)
Fanatics 800 50 15 150 150/450/900 18/18 40/10/100 10(20)/0/100
Hijacker 400 100 10 100 - 20/10 -
Jannen Kel 1500 200 20 200 100/200/400 30/20 180/0/225
Scorpion 600 370 7 125 100/200/400 40/30 20/5/150 100(80)/5(25)/150
Jeep 500 180 5 150 50/75/150 90/80 8/0/120 50/5/50
Mobile radar 500 200 10 200 - 40/30 -
rocket buggy 900 120 10 180 200/400/800 90/80 20(5)/0(10)/300
car with explosives 1200 220 15 150 - 50/50 700(100)/20(50)/300
Mobile anti-aircraft gun 700 220 10 150 100/150/300 40/25 10/0/150
poison machine 600 240 5 100 100/150/300 30/20 10/10/100
Marauder 800 430 10 125 200/300/600 40/30 60/5/150
SCUD missile 1200 180 20 180 100/200/400 20/15 300(50)/50(100)/350 200(25)/30(60)/350

The main focus of the terrorists is on small tricks (in the form of all kinds of chemical damage) and numerous cheap fighters. Terrorist infantry is the most combat-ready of all infantry variants. And when going against terrorists, it is imperative to take care of anti-personnel weapons. For a crowd of Fanatics and Hijackers will not leave stone unturned from your tank armada.

Best friend of all Americans

Terrorist sniper.

Worker. Well, a worker is a worker. Bring resources, build buildings. Only now it turns out that he extracts resources faster than Chinese trucks. Due to the fact that it does not require very wide roads.

Shooter from RPG (RPG Trooper). An analogue of the American and Chinese versions. Only without any tricks. However, in large quantities it may well poison the life of American aviation or a Chinese tank avalanche.

Terrorist. A very independent friend. A kamikaze who strives for a specified goal until his death. And the fact that his death will happen is already a proven fact. Just keep in mind that he explodes himself as soon as he reaches the specified target. You should not drive him through a flock of light tanks to a specific "Overlord". Better let it explode near the nearest enemy targets. Can get into a car (any) so as not to walk.

Fanatics (Angry Mob). Mad crowd with pistols and Molotov cocktails. After upgrading, they get Kalashnikovs, after which they become twice as ferocious against enemy infantry. They even successfully deal with tanks, if they do not have machine-gun support. If at least one remains, but left alone, then it urgently begins to multiply by budding, producing new supporters (and so on up to 10). They cannot be driven long distances, because someone is always behind. And the straggler Fanatic experiences a mortal longing for his comrades and immediately commits suicide.

Hijacker. Buy equipment? It's easier to steal. Take a Hijacker (partially invisible) and throw it (preferably not one) against an enemy tank avalanche. Lord for 400 local money - why not purchase? Just don't throw him at machine guns - he definitely won't survive that.

Jannen Kell. Another typical terrorist. A sniper that can even take out an enemy tank driver (without damaging the tank) that kills any infantryman with a single hit. The best of the "nominal" fighters of all races. And if his shooting is accelerated, then he will shoot the infantry in droves. True, when it shoots, it becomes visible. But, given that he does not shoot without an order (although if he starts shooting, he will finish off those remaining in the crowd), it is difficult to destroy him.

Scorpio (Scorpion). Filthy initial tank. Wouldn't deserve any consideration if it weren't for an upgrade that gives it a rocket. The rocket, in addition to causing quite good damage during the explosion, also floods everything around with chemical contamination. However, if possible, it is better to use more serious machines.

Jeep (Technical). Almost an analogue of the American Jeep. Cheaper, but also less viable. From his machine gun famously shoots even at enemy aircraft (albeit with very little effect). By and large - a bargaining chip in battles. But if he survives to the third stripe, he will also receive a free grenade launcher. Although even with him it doesn’t get much cooler. Just a hit-and-run tactic.

Mobile radar (Radar Van). The terrorists do not have a stationary radar. But there is this. Maybe, like the American radar, to peep a small section of the territory.

Rocket buggy (Rocket Buggy). Another sabotage thing for shooting at stationary targets. Three of his rockets (after improvement - 5) fly only to the place where they were aimed and, of course, do not hit a moving target. But the high speed and range of the shot allow this machine to do very numerous nasty things.

Bomb Truck. Truck? A train? Airplane? What's the difference? You can turn this machine into any equipment that is currently on the map. You just need to see this technique. The computer is very cool about the plane taxiing in the center of the street and is very surprised when this plane explodes in the very center of its infantry column.

Mobile anti-aircraft gun (Quad Cannon). The quad-barrel helps this machine quickly bring the insolent Yankees down to earth. If it wasn't so fragile, it would be just a dream. But the terrorists have few powerful fighters. Anti-aircraft guns are no exception. However, attacking troops will need protection from helicopter attacks.

Toxin Truck. It looks like a Chinese flamethrower tank, but it has its drawbacks. It shoots farther and faster, but only works effectively against enemy infantry. Technique will sort it out instantly.

Marauder Tank. Tank, just a tank. Pretty thick, but not too bulky.

Rocket SCUD (SCUD Launcher). A terrorist variant of the Tomahawk. Allows you to fire 2 types of warheads - chemical and conventional. The usual one explodes more strongly, and the chemical poisons the surrounding area for a long time. Difficult choice...


There are not very many improvements, but it should be noted that among them there are almost no useless ones, in which it is a pity to invest money. However, the full list is below.


And what water! And the bridge with the train that collapsed into the river does not spoil it at all.

What can Americans invest their money in? Now we will see this.

1. America Cold Fusion Reactor Upgrades. Cost - 800, production time - 30 seconds. Made in power stations, increasing their power by 100%.

2. Ranger Flash Bang Grenade. Cost - 800, production time - 30 seconds. Produced in the Barracks. Rangers get the opportunity to fight with incendiary grenades.

3. Capture building. Cost - 1000, production time - 30 seconds. Produced in the Barracks. Rangers gain the ability to capture buildings.

4.TOW Missile. The cost is 1200, the production time is 30 seconds. Produced at the Military Factory. Jeeps get the ability to fire missiles.

5. Comanche Rocket Pods. Cost - 800, production time - 40 seconds. Produced at the airport. Comanches gain the ability to Rocket Barrage (forced bombardment of an area with a large number of rockets).

6 Laser Missiles Cost - 1500, production time - 40 seconds. Produced at the airport. Predators and Stealth Planes deal 25% more damage.

7. Advanced training. Cost - 1500, production time - 60 seconds. Produced in the Strategic Center. All your units start service with one bar and double their speed.

8 Drone Armor Cost - 500, production time - 40 seconds. Produced in the Strategic Center. All drones increase their armor by 25%.

9 Composite Armor. Cost - 2000, production time - 60 seconds. Produced in the Strategic Center. Crusaders and Paladins increase their armor by 25%.

10 Scout Drone. Cost - 100, production time - 5 seconds. Produced by any ground equipment. A reconnaissance drone joins a reinforced piece of equipment, which repairs the vehicle and significantly expands its field of view.

11. Battle Drone. Cost - 300, production time - 5 seconds. Produced by any ground equipment. A combat drone joins the reinforced piece of equipment, which fires at enemy troops and repairs equipment. One piece of equipment can have either a combat or reconnaissance drone.


1. Nationalism. Cost - 2000, production time - 60 seconds. Produced at the Propaganda Center. Increases the armor and attack of Soldiers, Tank Hunters and Battlemasters if there are 5 or more of them nearby.

2. Mines. Cost - 600, production time - 20 seconds. Produced in any building. The building is surrounded by mines.

3. Radar. Cost - 500, production time - 20 seconds. Produced at the Command Center. Launches the radar.

4. Black Napalm. Cost - 2000, production time - 45 seconds. Produced at the Military Factory. Increases damage caused by napalm by 25% (MIGs, Dragon Tanks).

5. Chain Guns. Cost - 1500, production time - 45 seconds. Produced at the Military Factory. Increases the damage dealt by all types of rapid-fire cannons by 25%.

6. Aircraft Armor. Cost - 500, production time - 40 seconds. Produced at the airport. Increases MIG's HP by 25%.

7. Subliminal Messaging. Cost - 500, production time - 40 seconds. Produced at the Propaganda Center. Increases the effectiveness of talking towers by 25%.

8. Uranium Shells. Cost - 2500, production time - 60 seconds. Produced at the Nuclear Power Plant. Increases damage dealt by Overlords and Battlemasters by 25%.

9.Nuclear tanks. Cost - 2000, production time - 60 seconds. Produced at the Nuclear Power Plant. Increases the speed of Overlords and Battle Masters by 25%.

10. Overlord Gattling Cannon. Cost - 1200, production time - 20 seconds. Produced on Overlord tanks. Attaches a rapid-fire cannon turret to the Overlord. A tank can only have one turret. The turret increases the tank's HP by 100.

11. Overlord Propaganda Tower. Cost - 500, production time - 10 seconds. Produced on tanks "Overlord". Sets the "talking" tower to "Overlord".

12. Overlord Battle Bunker. The cost is 400, the production time is 15 seconds. Produced on tanks "Overlord". Sets Bunker to "Overlord". Up to 5 infantrymen can be placed in the bunker, who will shoot from the bunker at a distance from which they can attack.

13. Capture building. Cost - 1000, production time - 30 seconds. Produced in the Barracks. Soldiers get the opportunity to capture buildings.


1. Radar scan. Cost - 500, production time - 20 seconds. Produced on the Black Market. The radar gets the ability to periodically inspect any point on the map for 30 seconds.

2. Scorpion Rocket. Cost - 1000, production time - 30 seconds. Produced by the Weapon Dealer. The Scorpion tank gets a missile that can be actively used against tanks.

3. Anthrax Beta. Cost - 2500, production time - 30 seconds. Produced in the Palace. All fighters with poison weapons have 25% increased poison damage.

4. Toxin Shells. Cost -1000, production time - 30 seconds. Produced in the Palace. Scorpion and Marauder projectiles now contain poison.

5. Camouflage. Cost -2000, production time - 60 seconds. Produced in the Palace. Rebels are now invisible to enemy soldiers.

6.AP Rockets. Cost - 2000, production time - 60 seconds. Produced on the Black Market. All missiles deal 25% more damage.

7 Junk Repair Cost - 2000, production time - 60 seconds. Produced on the Black Market. All equipment gets the possibility of automatic repair.

8.AP Bullets. Cost - 2000, production time - 60 seconds. Produced on the Black Market. Increases damage dealt by Jeep, Rebels, Mobile Flak, and Jarman Kell by 25%.

9. Buggy Ammo. The cost is 1200, the production time is 30 seconds. Produced on the Black Market. The number of missiles on the Rocket Buggy is increased to 5.

10. Bomb Truck High Explosive Bomb. Cost - 500, production time - 5 seconds. Crafted in the Explosive Machine. The power of the explosion is doubled.

11. Bomb Truck Bio Bomb. Cost - 500, production time - 5 seconds. Crafted in the Explosive Machine. After the explosion, a poisoned zone remains.

12. Arm The Mob. Cost - 1000, production time - 30 seconds. Produced in the Palace. Fanatics are armed with Kalashnikovs, which shoot farther, faster and stronger than their pistols.

13. Capture building. Cost - 1000, production time - 30 seconds. Produced in the Barracks. Rebels gain the ability to capture buildings.

General points

This is a major game changer. These same points are obtained by destroying enemy troops, gaining fame. For each point you can buy 1 bonus. This may be a previously inaccessible type of equipment, and the ability to release some kind of equipment already with one badge, and a super strike on enemy positions. In any case, read on and decide what is best for you. Moreover, the first 3 options are available from the very beginning, the next 4 are available only with a set of at least 3 promotions, the last one is only with 5 or more promotions.


American promotions.

1. Paladin tank. From now on, you will be able to build such tanks at your War Factory. Pleasure is doubtful.

2. Stealth Fighter. Do you need Stealth Planes? Then choose this upgrade. But it's also not the best choice.

3. Spy Drone. Your recon drones will learn to hide and be invisible to the enemy. If you are going to wage war with the help of Tomahawks in conditions of dense enemy air defense, then this increase will save you a lot of resources.

4. Pathfinder. In the context of the fight against invisible terrorists - a necessity. Against other opponents, it is completely optional.

5. Paradrop. 3 consecutive promotions, giving you the opportunity to drop your Ranger paratroopers on enemy positions from time to time. With each promotion taken, the number of the detachment being dropped increases sequentially up to 5, 10, 20 people.

6. A10 Strike."Lightning" rush to the rescue. A link of 3 attack aircraft solves almost any problem with an annoying enemy building. It is mandatory to have, and it is desirable to take all three levels of this increase.

7. Emergency Repair. The promotion has 3 levels. Carries out instant repair of equipment and buildings in your chosen territory. With each level, the amount of damage repaired increases. Theoretically, it can be useful, provided that you are being attacked by hordes of the enemy, and instead of exchanging armies, you suddenly get fresh troops again. Practically a waste of precious points.

8. Fuel Air Bomb. A B-52 arrives and drops a bomb on enemy positions. Valuable. If you drop a bomb into a cluster of vehicles, the losses will be incalculable.


Chinese promotions.

1. Red Guard Training. The Red Guards will leave the Barracks immediately as veterans. Not sure of the value of this improvement.

2. Artillery Training. Your Infernal and Nuclear weapons will already have 1 badge when they leave the War Factory. For some reason, this also seems to me like a waste of points.

3. Nuke Cannon. But the nuclear weapon will not hurt you at all. Take it, you won't regret it.

4. Cluster Mines. Chinese sappers have thought of throwing mines from aircraft. To be honest, I did not notice that it worked in any effective way.

5. Artillery Barrage. 3 levels of artillery shelling of enemy positions. Depending on the number of points spent, 12, 24 or 36 projectiles will be fired at the specified point. Analogue of "Lightning". Be sure to purchase.

6. Cash Hack. Chinese hackers are not appeased and everyone is trying to get their hands on enemy good. This time there are 3 boosts that can be used to steal enemy money directly from enemy Supply Centers. Respectively 1000, 2000 or 4000 coins. Since the enemy is deprived of this money, it will not be possible to appropriate more than he has. Good choice.

7. Emergency Repair.

8.EMP Pulse. A Chinese strategic bomber throws a bomb at enemy positions, which, with the help of a sharp electromagnetic release, temporarily disables all enemy equipment and buildings in the selected territory. This is where it's time to start the raid in order to finish off those who have disconnected.



Raising terrorists.

1.SCUD Launcher. If you need such a car, then this is a worthy investment of your points.

2. Marauder tank. Just a tank. Yes, it is thick and can even somehow withstand other tanks, but there are better possibilities.

3. Technical training. Jeeps with a badge from the very beginning? You probably won't need it. I wouldn't choose this upgrade.

4. Hijacker. The hijacker is an extremely necessary person. Our choice.

5. Rebel Ambush. A three-level promotion, according to the levels of which you can invite 4, 8 or 16 Rebels to have a party at enemy positions. The pleasure is doubtful, but what if you like it?

6. Cash Bounty. Another three-level promotion that gives terrorists a good opportunity to earn extra money by destroying the enemy. So 5, 10 or 20% of any destroyed enemy building or unit becomes the property of the terrorist community. We take!

7. Emergency Repair. The same as the Americans.

8. Anthrax Bomb. A terrorist air force plane (are there any?) Drops a chemical bomb on enemy positions. The initial lesion is less than the similar American model, but chemical contamination is terrible. The infantry dies as soon as they enter the cloud, the equipment rots before our eyes (only individuals with a life of 400 or more survive, and even then, if they go through the cloud, and do not stand in it).


What is in the strategies of the economy? It's a way to make money. The way to spend is already a tactic and has nothing to do with the economy. But money still has to be made somehow. And the more options, the better. C&C:Generals has provided us with so many ways to make money. Already eyes run straight. But keep your eyes open and read on.

1. Collection of cash boxes. Dumb and trite. On the road or near it lies a box with a bunch of banknotes. We select and use. It occurs quite rarely. Although the locals will be happy to grab the money before you. Most often, such happiness falls to terrorists.

2. Drag and drop money from the warehouse. It's also a primitive way. Place your Supply Center close to the pile of resource boxes and drag it around. Americans - Chinooks, Chinese - trucks, terrorists - workers.

Nice tractor with a terrorist inside.

3. Oil. There is another "eternal" way to get money. It is enough for an infantryman to capture an oil rig. There are usually few of them, and often they are not on the map at all. But on the other hand, if you manage to get your hands on it, a large and stable income is provided. The fact that the tower has passed into your hands is evidenced by the lower flag on the flagpole next to it, which will turn into your colors. Just keep in mind that the computer understands such captures very poorly and does not seek to intercept the tower. He always destroys her.

It is also worth noting the Oil Refinery, which does not bring direct profit, but reduces the cost of manufacturing your troops by 10%. And if a penny to a penny ...

4. Delivery area. If the Americans have completely run out of opportunities to get money, they are building a Delivery Zone. Several of these Zones already bring a very stable income. True, they eat energy like crazy. But for the sake of 1500 coins every 2 minutes, you can splurge on several new power plants.

5. Chinese hacker- the most-most hacker in the world. For, although it shakes 5-10 coins, but for a sufficiently long period of time it will shake very pretty. Produce hackers and hide them in the far corners of your base. And grace will not bypass you. And the Chinese hacker is also able to drag money directly from enemy Supply Centers. Benefit to yourself and harm to the enemy. That's just for this you have to spend the precious points of the General. But you're not greedy, are you? That is just the opposite.

6. Black market. How can an honest terrorist live? Sell ​​the loot on the Black Market. True, what exactly is sold there is not advertised, but that's why it is the Black Market, so as not to give out its secrets. And the money is coming.

7. Awards. An equally valuable source of income will be profit from killed enemies. Naturally, this also works only for terrorists and only when the appropriate points (Cash Bounty) are selected when choosing general bonuses. It would seem - what is 20% of the killed enemy? But 20% of the "Lord" is 400 coins. Here also consider.

8. Wreckage. Well, and quite familiar to the pioneers - the collection of scrap metal left after the destroyed enemy equipment. It is the wealthy Americans who can afford to squander such valuables. And the terrorists will save up for a new SCAD. The main thing is to do everything quickly. Otherwise, the debris will disappear. And marauders also get experience from this.


Naturally, since the parties are very different, then their tactics are completely different. Therefore, we will not interfere with everything in one heap and analyze again, according to the participants in the conflict.


For Americans, everything is extremely simple. It is necessary to realize the full power of your air fleet. The Americans do not have good ground protection, so they need to rebuild to the Comanches as quickly as possible. They will protect you from terrorist attacks. And the Patriots quite successfully protect against the technology of terrorists. And in no case should you leave the base unattended under the motto "and they repair themselves." The buildings of the Americans break down instantly, and with a not very well-organized energy system, the withdrawal of just one energy station from the system will be enough to irreversibly collapse the entire defense.

The choice of attack methods is not very diverse - Tomahawks, covered from infantry by Comanches and from tanks by Crusaders or Paladins. This is a standard and unhurried method of attack. Weak defense nodes can be completely destroyed by a raid of 3-4 Aurora Bombers. But be sure to check that the enemy anti-aircraft guns are not hiding somewhere on the edge. Against rapid-fire tanks, it's better not to do this at all.

Particularly vulnerable defense nodes are destroyed by a Lightning or B-52 raid (although you should not forget that such an opportunity will not be presented to you right away). On the other hand, it is possible to quickly build a Beam Destroyer and, taking advantage of the Americans' ability to open up unexplored territories, destroy key enemy buildings.

In any case, do not forget that the entire strength of the Americans is in the air and the enemy’s lack of arguments in the form of air defense is only an excuse for his immediate destruction.


The Chinese are jacks of all trades. They do not have such a clear bias in one direction and it is hard to guess what they will offer the opponent this time.

Already at the very beginning, you can beat the enemy by sending armored personnel carriers with infantry to him. If he has not yet begun to produce tanks and has not built a serious line of defense, then even one armored personnel carrier can delay its development.

The Chinese themselves have the ability to very quickly build the best line of defense of all "races", made up of stationary rapid firers and Bunkers. Rapid shooters are very active in fighting enemy aircraft and infantry, and Bunkers with Tank Hunters inside will not allow enemy tanks to break through. Just one such structure will tightly block a not very wide passage already at the beginning of the game, and then this point can be strengthened.

If you have to fight terrorists and the rapid firers still cannot withstand the pressure of the Fanatics, then the Dragon Tank with its fire screen will come to your aid. After that, no infantry will break through to you.

Thinking about protecting your base, you can start attacking. The best choice for the Chinese is, of course, Overlords with a full set of towers. Well, and a couple of rapid-fire tanks for destroying aircraft, shooting crowds of infantry. But this requires quite definite investments of capital, and during this time the enemy may already rebuild his base too much. Therefore, in the middle stage of the game, it is quite possible to attack with groups of Battlemasters, supported by the same fast-firing tanks. The fact is that the Battle Masters fall under an insane number of improvements, improving almost all of their characteristics, from speed to striking ability. Naturally, do not forget that the Nationalism improvement applies to them and lead them to the attack not one at a time, but 6-8 pieces. To deal with the terrible crowds of infantry terrorists, you can deliver a preemptive nuclear strike before the start of the attack just a little behind the enemy positions, thereby cutting off the infantry from the buildings attacked by the tank wedge.

Unfortunately, the long-range weapons of the Chinese are either not very mobile (like the Nuclear Cannon) or rather weak (like the Infernal Weapon). Therefore, for a serious strike, a nuclear missile and artillery preparation remain. Although here the Chinese also have a gap - the inability to spy on undiscovered territories.

The Chinese can oppose the aviation of the Americans with their MIGs and rapid fires. Against the evil invisible terrorists, it is worth using armored personnel carriers that see these very invisible ones. Be afraid, Kell!

Please also note that the Dragon Tank is an excellent tool for clearing buildings from enemy infantry. Two of these tanks liberate any building. What can not be said about assault tanks, which destroy it for a long time. But you can put your infantry in the building.


The main weapon of terrorists is Fanatics. One bunch of Fanatics can easily deal with ANY tank. A fast-paced group with a Kalashnikov upgrade can easily take down enemy defenses without any help.

Very difficult defense at the initial stage. Networks of tunnels must be quickly built that provide at least some protection for the passages. And only then cover them with Stinger Nests. Please note that Nests are practically defenseless against infantry, which, without destroying the Nest, shoots shooters inside it, thereby stopping its work. The line of defense, of course, turns out to be worse than the Chinese one, but the use of the Web saves here. Place one of the nodes next to the Weapons Dealer and pump vehicles inside. Reserves, unexpectedly arriving in the midst of a battle, have not yet added optimism to any enemy.

The best friend of all Americans is the terrorist sniper.

Another key to defense is the Hijackers and Jennen Kell. The former simply brazenly appropriate the attacking equipment of the enemy, transferring the tank armada from a state of attack by superior forces into a state of meat grinder with themselves. The second one can shoot the enemy driver. Here, a landing of 4 Rebels can work very well (yes, you can still spend 1 on Rebel Ambush), which will immediately appropriate the enemy device.

With the onset, things get more complicated. Of course, the Fanatics who break through to the enemy base destroy everything and everything. But you have to get them there first. Therefore, it is advisable to first clear their passage with SCUDs and SCUD missiles, and then push 2-3 groups of these destroyers towards the enemy. It is very difficult to do something with them when they are already in charge at the base.

Another attack option is to push a large number of Rebels into the enemy base, invisible to the enemy. If he paid very little attention to catching invisibles, then you will be quite capable of seizing several buildings right on the enemy’s base. And if you put general points on them, then you can arrange a sabotage war with periodic throwing troops directly into the enemy base. It will be especially effective right during an enemy attack.

Don't pay too much attention to the Rocket Buggy. They can only carry out quick sabotage. Their disadvantage is the lack of missile guidance. Therefore, buggies can only attack stationary objects.

A very interesting option with Terrorists and Cars with explosives. But for the former, it is necessary to find a city with cars and put terrorists inside these vehicles (to speed up movement), and it is desirable to strengthen the latter by making improvements. But in both cases, in no case should you arrange a direct attack by the demolitionists themselves. The fact is that enemy troops have low priority on them. Therefore, first start a small battle, and they will sneak further under the guise than the first line of enemy troops. With all that it implies. Very well suited as a method of breaking through the defense, followed by throwing inside the base of the Fanatics.

Mobile anti-aircraft guns work great against the Americans. Dar that fragile. But all kinds of toxins work better in battles with other terrorists. Although Anthrax (giving puffs of purple smoke) is extremely dangerous for vehicles. The infantry just dies from him.


There are some oddities in the game's campaigns. Despite the fact that any game usually provides an opportunity to fight everyone with everyone, in C&C: Generals everyone confidently deals only with terrorists. That is, they exhausted not only their "sworn friends" Americans to death, but also the extremely patient Chinese. Only once did I manage to find a mission where the Americans had to fight against a rebellious Chinese general. But the Chinese are even deprived of this pleasure. And no wars with their renegades. But the terrorists were given the full program. From the split in their own camp to the battles against the Americans, allied with China. So, it was in Kazakhstan...

US campaign

As usual, the Americans must exterminate the terrorists. Help them in this.

Mission #1

So the terrorists are still in Baghdad. The final part of the operation to destroy them is underway. However, they have a stationary SCAD missile system, which simply needs to be destroyed so that these villains do not launch a missile attack.


1. Destroy all terrorist troops.

2. Destroy the SCUD Missiles.

The mission is as simple as the truth. From the very beginning, you have a rather large number of troops. Namely, a group of Crusaders and Jeeps. That is, there will be something to shoot at the infantry and tanks. The fact that they are not allowed to make improvements - and to hell with them. There is no point in building a base here. Those who are particularly keen can order Paladins (there is 1 general point), but there is not much point in this. The enemy is easily destroyed by what is. The main thing is to immediately hang combat drones on all equipment.

The mission is passed simply by blunt pressure on the enemy. No frills. Just a dumb attack. And do not forget that tanks cope with the infantry quite badly and do not forget about the Jeeps. Already not far from the beginning of the mission you will meet a camp with captured Pilots. Place them in your tanks and Jeeps and your "invincible armada" will become even stronger. There will be a small pocket of resistance near the SCUD missiles, but this is also not serious yet.

Mission #2

The terrorists of Iraq have been exhausted and their leaders have fled to Yemen. But the Americans don't want to leave them alone either. Therefore, the Comanches comb the narrow streets of the city in search of bandits. However, it is extremely convenient to launch Stingers from these very narrow streets. And now you have to help your own pilots out of trouble.


1. Rescue three Pilots.

We protect, we protect1 And everyone on trucks with explosives is forbidden to enter.

So, from the new funds, Ambulance and an improvement in the form of TOU missiles for Jeeps have become available to you. Well, fish for lack of fish and cancer. There is also a Sniper with General glasses (and there are already 2 of them), but he is only useful for defending his base.

To begin with, you need to strengthen your base a little more with the help of the Patriots and capture 2 oil derricks standing slightly to the north of the base. Just don't forget to give them some protection. The enemy, although rare, still makes raids, and he does not capture enemy resource centers, but destroys them. After that, add troops to your army, equip equipment with drones and go. Just leave a couple of Jeeps at the base. Yet the patriots are not very good at dealing with infantry. Although you can put a couple of snipers there. Not far from the base is the Hospital, upon capturing which all your infantry will be able to "self-heal".

Further work is to be done on a blunt cleansing of the city. Captured Pilots sit one at a time and a piece of the map with a new Pilot opens only after the release of the previous one. The immediate approaches to the Pilot are guarded quite well, and when the assault on the place of his imprisonment begins, everyone runs to this place.

You can also use Colonel Barton and Snipers to shoot from the buildings, but the last base is well fortified, so it will still have to be destroyed by a tank assault. And Snipers are also well seen by enemy Jeeps. But they can shoot the crowds of Fanatics, who will certainly harm your tank armadas.

Mission #3

Chasing the terrorists to Kazakhstan, the Americans did not calculate their forces. The Kazakh terrorists turned out to be an order of magnitude stronger than the Iraqi ones. Now we have to retreat. And you have to cover the retreat.


1. Allow 100 American soldiers to escape.

And here is the first difficult mission. There is a canyon that divides the map diagonally. The retreating Americans are walking along the canyon, being pursued by evil terrorists. The terrorists who passed through the entire canyon then go to your base, located northwest of the canyon. And to the southeast of the canyon there are a couple of oil rigs that the terrorists are not at all interested in (therefore, they don’t even need to be guarded).

You have as many as 3 general points at your disposal. However, the most valuable thing that can be purchased with them is Repair. "Lightning" is good, but it will not have a large number of targets, and Stealth Planes will be destroyed by an excess of enemy air defenses. You finally have Comanches at your disposal, but you will not be able to build tanks on this mission. Therefore, the tanks will have to be protected.

The first thing that is done is to throw a couple of Rangers with the help of the Chinook through the canyon in order to capture the oil rigs. Secondly, the defense of the eastern part of the base is being strengthened. This is where the terrorists will come after the end of the persecution. 6-7 Patriots will be enough there. Troops are not needed generally. They will be needed in the west. Don't touch the helicopters yet.

The next action is to drive ground vehicles to the western exit from the canyon to the base. There, quickly build as many Patriots as possible (and don't forget about the energy stations at the base). After building 3-4 Patriots, bring the vehicles to the very edge of the exit (so it can intercept part of the enemy walking along the canyon and continue to build Patriots behind her back. And after that, you can withdraw helicopters (if your number has reached 7-8, in in a smaller number there will simply be meaningless losses) to the very middle of the canyon, and then observe the destruction of the enemy, periodically correcting events.

Mission #4

American battleships in the Caspian Sea? This is some nonsense! Well, to hell with them. The landing was successful, but the base has not yet been built - Bulldozers can only be landed from the air. However, you have 4 Tomahawks and a bunch of other equipment. Plus three General points, one of which is spent with benefit on Lightning, and the rest are optional.

Destroy all enemy Bunkers with Tomahawks. Just remember that even then they will not let you produce them. Therefore, guard this four more than your own eyes. After the Bunkers, destroy the target four Stinger Nests. You can, as an aid to the Tomahawks, hang a Reconnaissance Drone on one of the Crusaders and put it out of range of enemy air defense.

After destroying the air defenses, you will receive reinforcements in the form of a couple of bulldozers and several tanks. After that, it remains only to build a base, release a few more tanks and jeeps and proceed to the systematic destruction of the enemy. Well, as always, Comanches are great as a cover for Tomahawks. The enemy will sometimes sluggishly try to disturb you (you can’t pick up another phrase here), but your troops can easily cope with this.

Mission #5

The Americans are trying to negotiate peace with the terrorists in the city of Cabaret. And they believe that terrorists should not be trusted very much (I would not trust the Americans either). And they turn out to be right. Peace ambassadors are shot, the war continues.


1. Prevent the terrorists from setting up a base across the river.

2. Destroy the main terrorist base.

This time you have a total of 4 general points to spend on a double strike with Lightning Bolts. Nothing else special has been added.

The mission is quite tricky in passing. There is a viscous and unhurried first part and a fast and dangerous second, which begins only after the first goal of the mission is completed. Therefore, we take our time and get everything from the first part of the mission. It ends only with the destruction of the last building of the base (Stinger nests do not count), so you can settle down on the enemy’s shore, and only after that destroy this building.

As a gift, you are invited to capture the Hospital in the north of the map, after which your infantry will be able to self-medicate. To capture or not is your choice.

In the meantime, you need to add more tanks, make 3-4 Tomahawks (there should be 6 of them by the time the first goal of the mission is completed), after which you should methodically deal with the destruction of the enemy. The right bank of the river should be cleared completely, no Stinger Nests should remain on it. After that, you create your base near the resources left from the enemy, protect it with a couple of Patriots and build an army that should fulfill the second goal of the mission. These are about 12 tanks, 6 Tomahawks, several Comanches (pieces 3-4). After creating this army, transfer all troops to the right bank. And do not leave helicopters over the river - only over land. Because the terrorists, upset by the loss of the base, destroy the dam and it washes away everything in the river valley. Including the bridge and everything that was over the river.

After the final destruction of the enemy, an additional part of the map will open, and you will receive reinforcements in the form of a pair of Bulldozers, a Crusader and an infantry group. Do not use spy drones on the enemy map. This will provoke an immediate attack. From now on, everything must be done quickly. Quickly build up 5-6 Patriots not far from the former bridge, backing them up with tanks and infantry from behind. Just don't put the Patriots in a bunch, pull them in a line from north to south. At the same time, lead Tomahawks, Comanches, and a small group of infantry north of your new base, destroying enemy strongholds along the way. Soon a hint will sound, according to which you will see the location of 2 oil rigs (and move towards them with Tomahawks) and the enemy will have SCUD Missiles. Ignore the "no one's" oil refinery. It will be too difficult to keep her. After capturing the oil rigs, move west from them along a narrow path in the mountains, covering your Tomahawks with Comanches. If everything went well, then very soon you will see SCUD Missiles. Destroy nearby air defense points (if necessary, use "Lightning" against them), after which, with the joint efforts of the Comanches and Tomahawks, demolish the SCUD Missiles. After that, any urgency already disappears and you can gradually destroy the enemy base.

Mission #6

The Americans have already reached southeastern Kazakhstan. But then it turned out that the rebellious Chinese general had fled to the terrorists. Now we'll have to deal with the Chinese troops too ...


1. Destroy the terrorist base in the northeast.

2. Destroy the command center and the Chinese nuclear missile.

Well, now you have almost all the means of destroying the enemy. Namely, the Beam Destroyer, a raid of a flight of 3 Lightnings and a B-52. Moreover, the latter is allocated to you without spending points at all. And you are free to spend another 4 points of the General at your discretion.

The mission is also tricky, but here the whole map is available from the very beginning. In the meantime, we need to strengthen our base. Place the Patriots near the bridge and on the northern outskirts of the base, and then build all available buildings on it. Immediately build a couple of Comanches. Otherwise, enemy Rocket Buggy will periodically pester you and you will have to do something with them. Constantly spend the resource of attack aircraft and B-52 on enemy fortifications, but do not touch the Command Center yet.

When the Beam Destroyer appears at the base, it will be time to scan the territory of the Chinese. Look for their Nuclear Missile and boldly destroy. They won't need her anymore. After that, you can already finish off the terrorists.

There will be a hint about another resource warehouse far to the south, but immediately after the destruction of the terrorists, an assault group of Chinese will land near it, which will attack your base a little later. Therefore, it is much more profitable to build Delivery Zones and get a stable and safe profit from them.

It remains only to walk through the base of the Chinese Comanches and Tomahawks. But do not forget that Chinese rapid-fire guns are extremely dangerous for helicopters, so it is worth using super-powerful weapons on them.


Mission #7

The Chinese, concerned that terrorists are about to use chemical weapons, are allying with the Americans. The fighting is already on the outskirts of Akmola...


1. Destroy the terrorist base.

Now you have Aurora Bombers at your disposal. As well as 7 general points with the ability to choose whatever your heart desires.

If you immediately go north with the start of the mission, you will find an abandoned Chinese base. Well, restore it, their "Overlords" will not interfere at all. Immediately build a line of defense from quick gunners and Patriots. Your frequent guests will be the Rebels in a state of invisibility, so then it will be highly desirable to put "talking" towers to distinguish them. Also, very soon they will announce preparations for the launch of the SCAD Rocket. But its location will be highlighted, which will make it easier for your attack aircraft and B-52s. However, the enemy's air defense is very saturated, so I personally had to conduct a double raid with my "mass destruction" weapons due to their high losses on approaching the point to be hit (it is located in the depths of the defense).

Then the tedious process of destroying the enemy will begin. It is important to take care of the sources of income in advance, because the initial reserves of resources are spent very quickly. Therefore, produce several Hackers as quickly as possible and set up several Delivery Zones. After that, as many weapons of mass destruction as possible (such as Nuclear Missiles and Beam Destroyer) are built. And a very simple tactic is activated - we inflict a massive blow on a certain area, on the remaining points of resistance - additional blows. The survivors are pursued by a group of Comanches. Start on the wall that is right behind the river. For it is inhabited by too many Shooters with RPGs. Just be sure to wait for the accumulation of 4-5 "strong blows", otherwise the enemy will be able to rebuild again. You can use "Overlords", rapid fire and Dragon Tanks, but the terrorists constantly carry out numerous and tedious attacks and your group will have to be monitored to protect it from destruction.

And it remains only to watch the spectacle of the American military parade. The terrorists have been defeated.

China campaign

And China also has problems with terrorists. And what do these terrorists need on a piece of land, completely populated by the Chinese ...

Mission #1

In general, the terrorists did not particularly interfere with the Chinese. The Chinese peacefully held a large military parade. And here is a disgrace. Cars with explosives, explosions. No, there are no problems, no one counts the dead, but one must know when to stop!


1. Destroy the storage of nuclear materials.

As in the first mission for the Americans, you do not need to build anything. You have one General point, which is best spent to ensure that your Soldiers get their first badge. The factories produce Battle Masters, Dragon Tanks and APCs.

The easiest way to pass is to make several Dragon Tanks and burn out the enemy who is trying to cross your path. They need to add a few Tank Hunters to fight the enemy Scorpions. But in the end, this well-coordinated bunch will quickly go to the store and complete this mission. It is possible to speed up movement by seating Tank Hunters in armored personnel carriers.

Mission #2

They will all die...

So that's where the terrorists are crawling into China! The base of this muck in Hong Kong is found out. And since Hong Kong is already completely Chinese territory, the Chinese will have to figure it out on their own.


1. Destroy the Terrorist Congress Hall.

2. Destroy the Poison Machine and the Weapon Dealer.

You have 2 general points and the option to choose Artillery. True, only the first level, but it is also a lot.

Not many troops to start with. Only those that survived the explosion on the bridge. So build up your base and be glad that you have Rapid Fire Tanks. It is they who will decide the fate of the entire mission. The enemy does not have heavy equipment, so 3-4 tanks will cut the enemy at high speed. The passage near the base is covered by 2-3 Dragon Tanks in fire curtain mode. And the Rapid Fire Tanks with some Tank Hunters are heading towards the Convention Hall. Keep in mind that they bypass the block with the Hall of Congresses from two sides, so when you go directly to its assault, leave guards in the rear. Otherwise, at one fine moment, the enemy attacks from two sides and it will be difficult to do something.

The Poison Machine you are looking for and the Weapon Dealer are in the north of the map. This is an optional task, but it will have to be completed if only for the reason that you will pass by this building and they will interfere with you in the rear.

Mission #3

The terrorists are not even going to calm down, showing up in a new place. The Chinese leadership is going to take appropriate measures...


1. Destroy the Dam.

2. Destroy the terrorist base.

You have 3 general points that can be spent on artillery preparation (as much as 2) and cluster mining.

A pleasant surprise of this mission will be that here you will be given MIGs. And these MIGs will not only be present in the game, but will decide the fate of the terrorists. The first task is very simple: next to the starting point is the same dam. Place the Dragon Tanks on the fire screen towards the south (this is where the enemy troops will come from) and start shooting the dam with the Battlemasters. After its destruction, the enemy base, carelessly located downstream, will be washed away by a huge wave. Moreover, the resource warehouse that belonged to her will now go to you. Clear the area south of your base from the remaining enemies and you can build an Airfield.

The enemy will now cross the river just north of your base, through a small island. Here it will not be superfluous to mine it at all. Your first MIG must be sent for reconnaissance. By a pleasant coincidence, the enemy has only 1 Stinger Nest. Artillery preparation on it, after which the MIGs begin constant shelling of enemy territory. And the full link of MiGs can do a lot. And if you add one more airfield, then things will go even faster. Just upgrade Napalm and your MIGs will become even more powerful.

Mission #4

Terrorists, in their best tradition, produce a toxin in a mining factory. The Chinese authorities do not want wide publicity with the introduction of a large contingent of troops and are planning reconnaissance with the help of the Black Lotus saboteur, followed by an air strike ...

Brave Chinese paratroopers.


1. Destroy the Stinger Nests.

2. Capture the Military Factory.

3. Destroy the last Stinger Nest.

You start with 3 General points, but there is no choice in the form of artillery preparation. It's a shame, but that's not the point. You have only an infantry group and the Black Lotus under your command. Plus there is no way to produce equipment. True, it is possible to produce Hackers. But in a couple of minutes you will see an easier and more convenient way to get money - an Oil Derrick. So let the "Black Lotus" capture her.

The infantry must destroy the Stinger Nests and the enemy infantry covering them. There is nothing difficult in this. Moreover, the Soldiers simply shoot the shooters from the Stinger, after which the whole crowd hollows out the defenseless Nest. You can use the Black Lotus to capture enemy Poison Machines. But you can simply drop mines at their location.

Do not be lazy to look into the distant passages, this will be rewarded with UN money boxes.

After capturing the factory, build 4-5 Gatlings and 2-3 Dragon Tanks. The first - to destroy the infantry, the second - to clean up and destroy buildings. In addition, the Dragons will burn out the last Stinger Nest very effectively. After that, it remains only to watch how several MIGs destroy the toxin factory.

Mission #5

Finishing off the remnants of the enemy.

The Chinese realize that they cannot cope with the terrorists on their own and receive support from the Americans. It is expressed in the possibility of calling air strikes against terrorists. And the case has already moved to the territory of Kyrgyzstan, to the city of Balakchi.


1. Destroy 3 terrorist camps and the main terrorist base.

4 general points is a lot. This is at least 2 levels of artillery preparation, cluster mines and a nuclear weapon. Plus, do not forget about the American carpet bombing.

For starters, you have a well-maintained base. Complete only the War Factory and populate the Bunkers with infantry. After that, you can build MIGs and begin methodically cleaning out enemy territory with the help of air and artillery strikes. And a column of "Overlords" will follow the ground (yes, yes, they were finally given) in company with rapid firers. You can still strike with the help of Nuclear weapons. Although, of course, the last base will have to be taken by a column of "Overlords". The mission is boring, but very simple.

Mission #6

Terrorists continue to roam around the world in search of at least some safe place for themselves. This time they took root in Bishkek, capturing one of the Chinese railways. You will again have to use the black Lotus. This time to destroy a key railway bridge.


1. Lead the Black Lotus to the railway bridge.

The general's glasses were a joke. 4 points - for a total of 1 promotion. Anyway. Happiness is not in glasses. And misfortune is in the next restrictions. They don't let you build anything. You have the opportunity to only produce infantry (without Hackers, of which you were given 3 pieces at the beginning and no longer allowed) and armored vehicles (without Overlords). And it is necessary - no more, no less, to lead through the positions of your "Black Lotus" saturated with the enemy and destroy the bridge. However, the task is quite feasible.

To begin with, we are completing the defensive lines of the base and transporting several Gatlings to the other side of the river. Of the valuable targets, mining centers can be noted there, which the Black Lotus can shake out for the extraction of money, a light equipment factory (which it can also capture) and a station where reinforcements will periodically arrive for the enemy. Near this very station, 1-2 Gatlings are placed and the problem of reinforcements is immediately solved.

On the other side, things are a little more complicated. Start by putting the Hackers in a secure location and let them make money. There is a stadium from which there are crowds of Fanatics and a circular road clogged with tanks. So slowly move forward, mastering new positions with Rapid Fire Tanks, and then set up a curtain of fire with Dragon Tanks so that it at least slightly captures the stadium. As a result, it will collapse, unable to withstand the constant burning. After that, you still have to build several masters of the Battle and carefully destroy the Scorpions and Marauders plying here one by one. Just burn out the last line of defense of the bridge with Dragon Tanks. Take the Black Lotus to the bridge and enjoy the victory.

Mission #7

Terrorists again. Now also in Tajikistan. The Chinese government is going to extreme lengths and giving you access to its nuclear arsenal...


1. Equip the base and find resources.

2. Destroy all terrorists.

At the beginning, you get 4 general points, for which it is desirable to purchase cluster mining and all 3 levels of artillery preparation. Then save up for a nuclear weapon.

On one of the surviving "Masters" in the "meat grinder", put a "talking" tower to heal your units, on the second - a rapid fire. Move along the road with all your troops, destroying enemy troops, to the enemy base. Destroy it, but capture the Resource Center. A little further down the road there is a choke point where a pair of Dragon Tanks can put up a screen of fire very effectively. At the same time, 2 of your bulldozers are building a base, trying to build an airfield as quickly as possible. 2 MIGs are being built and they go north along the eastern edge of the map, after which they pass along the northern edge of the map. Two MIGs - so that at least one can fly. At the same time, there is an enemy base, namely SCUD Missiles. After that, try to drop cluster mines closer to the missiles (although the probability of this being successful is extremely small. But in any case, a couple of artillery strikes destroy the SCUDs.

After that, completely rebuild the base (including Nuclear Missiles) and start hitting the enemy base. Only after the constant waves of incoming enemies subside, build a column of "Lords" and start the offensive. Moreover, if you captured the enemy Resource Center, you can build the Barracks and create Jennen Kell there. And he shoots superbly from the Overlords Bunker.

If you did everything right, then your eyes will see another parade of the Chinese army. Did they defeat the terrorists?

terrorist campaign

How much do terrorists need? Yes, as much as everyone else - just correct a little peace. Only for some reason they are not loved for this and offended in every possible way.

There is another very tricky trick for terrorists, missed in the description of the game. The fact is that some of their equipment, namely Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns, Jeeps and Marauders, not only gain experience and bring you money, picking up the remains of enemy equipment. They are still improving themselves. The improvement can be carried out 2 times, but each time each improved machine dramatically changes its characteristics. For example, a Marauder upgraded 2 times acquires a second barrel and a very large firing range and rate of fire. Therefore, units fed in this way quickly cease to be "whipping boys" and move into a completely different category. So it is quite possible that you will be able to raise a "professional army" of junk (as it seemed before) cars.

Mission #1

The evil Chinese poison white and fluffy terrorists life in Shymkent. Many of our brothers have died. Justice will have to be done.


1. Destroy the Chinese base.

2. Blow up the dam.

You only have 1 general point, but soon you will get the second one, so you can choose any promotion at the beginning. Pay attention to the introductory video. This is how blasting works are carried out correctly. While the guards are "led" to the provocateur, the exploding cars drive up close to the object of sabotage and then it becomes too late to do anything.

The first goal of the mission is carried out as if by itself. You have already partially defeated the Chinese base. It remains only to finish off the remaining buildings and destroy the infantry detachment coming to the rescue. After that, you will be led to your own base.

It is better to start from a small enemy base located to the east of yours. Its disadvantage is that there are quite a lot of Battle Master tanks there. Therefore, upgrade all the Explosive Truck upgrades and put into practice the skills you just learned with the provocateur and the suicide car that drives in later. Finish off the remaining tanks with Scorpions. By the way, collect the remnants of enemy tanks with Jeeps. They will certainly be tacked on something - guns, grenade launchers.

Next, build equipment at your base (the Weapons Dealer does not immediately belong to the base and you need to find it near your base) and move from the location of the enemy base to the north. When you destroy the enemy "talking" tower, be ready for the arrival of enemy tanks. Otherwise, the infantry reinforcements that come to you will be destroyed very quickly. Shoot another enemy base a little to the north. And there is already a stone's throw to the dam.

Mission #2

For some reason, the UN sends humanitarian cargo to the Almaty region. There would be no way to immediately transfer them to terrorists. You have to pick it up yourself.


1. Collect 40,000 money.

You have 2 General points and have the option to choose Marauders for this mission. Why not? The main opponents here are UN jeeps. The most effective way to quickly gain the amount is to shoot all civilians. Why are they stealing our money? The second point of this plan is to plant a lot of Riflemen from RPGs and Rebels in all the houses of the central village with a 5-road intersection. And not far to plant the Workers, so that later the houses were repaired. The result will be that the money convoys will remain entirely in this city, not far away. And the planes arriving later will also leave not far from the village. Moreover, immediately after the start of the arrival of the aircraft, several Mobile anti-aircraft guns will be allocated to you. But it is worth saving them, since they are not allowed to be built yet. Then another part of the map will open and the most arrogant will be able to directly connect to the feeder, organizing a direct attack on the American base.

Mission #3

We found new allies in Astana. But for greater joy, it is worth bombing the city. In the meantime, everyone is afraid - to steal a little more money.


1. Demolish civilian buildings and collect 40,000 money.

This mission must be completed by the union of two combat units - Marauders and Fanatics. Only Fanatics need to be upgraded in the form of Kalashnikovs as soon as possible. And then they will not be able to only storm buildings clogged with infantry and will not be able to fight against the Gatlings. Everything else will be on the shoulder. And the Marauders ... And you try to pick up the remains of enemy equipment with them. After two rebounds, the Marauder transforms into a double-barreled, rapid-fire, long-range assault gun. I would say "like a" Lord "" ... But no, he also spits poison. So a buffed Marauder is even better. So a couple of Marauders undergo improvements and go to knock the enemy out of the buildings he occupies. And Fanatics destroy all empty buildings and shoot enemy infantry. Both the Chinese and the Americans are trying to ruin your life at once. The Americans are eliminated from the game by blocking the bridge with a pair of Marauders. The Chinese are simply closely monitoring their movement towards you from the north.

Mission #4

But where will you go from our anti-aircraft guns?

The United States finally became insolent in its impunity. But the action this time was transferred to Turkey. And then we will destroy their wonderful air force.


1. Destroy the American Airfield.

Here you have to fully get acquainted with American aviation. Invest the general's points in "percentage for kills". There will be a lot of destroyed enemies here. Helicopters will also harm you (do not send Fanatics without anti-aircraft guns), and planes, and even B-52s that periodically fly up to your positions. The key to the passage is the rapid construction of Stinger Nests and Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns. Let the Fanatics guard the road just below the starting point in the company of Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns. They are quite enough for this.

When you come to the possibility of an assault (sufficient funds and forces have been accumulated), then with a pair of Jeeps (with workers on them) and a pair of Mobile anti-aircraft guns, break through the Canyon to the American base. There is a relatively safe nook where you can build a tunnel and a couple of Stinger Nests. After that, you can not drag the entire mass of troops through the canyon, but simply transfer them through the tunnel. After that - a quick breakthrough to the American base with the launch of the Fanatics there, who must destroy the power stations. After that, the American base is simply taken with bare hands.

Mission #5

What a disgrace! The US has taken over our pesticide storage facilities near the Aral Sea! They need to be returned! And then what to fight?


1. Capture 4 storage facilities for pesticides and destroy all Americans guarding them.

You have 4 General points, which, of course, must be spent on getting money. You don't have anything particularly new (except for the Explosive Truck).

Your base is in a not quite neglected state, but it has no defensive lines. The Americans will advance from 2 sides - from the east, across the bridge and from the north, across a fairly wide area. The bridge is mined and several tunnel crossings are placed near it. Plus, it is necessary to place several Stinger Nests along the shore to protect against enemy aircraft, which will be quite free to visit you across the river. With the northern direction, everything is not so simple. There you need to plant a large number of infantry in the houses (with and without grenade launchers) and place Rocket buggies behind the houses. Then enemy attacks will break against your strong defenses. And, of course, do not forget to repair houses after enemy attacks.

Having built the defense, you can think about the attack. It is better to attack across the bridge to the east. Because enemy units are constantly coming from the north and you will not only have to deal with the guards of the storages, but also be distracted by enemy reinforcements. To be honest, here it is quite possible to collect those same 4 storages. The most important thing is not to destroy them, but to capture them. So the mission may well end long before the release of the entire map from the Americans. Your attack unit will most likely consist of Marauders, Mobile Flak Guns and Rocket Buggy. Plus a little bit of infantry to capture buildings. You can also capture one Poison Machine to clear houses and Bunkers from enemy infantry.

Mission #6

Treason! Several terrorists fled to the Chinese. So now you have to fight your own.


1. Destroy all traitors.

You have 3 trucks with nuclear warheads (just captured from the Chinese) and a fairly large base. The base of traitors is visible nearby. Scatter your 4 general points as before.

In the first 2 minutes, quickly build up defenses and order the construction of troops. At the same time, your troops should be drawn into a single fist. And this fist will begin to break through directly to the enemy base. The enemy pays very little attention to your Nukes. Therefore, it would be quite fair to destroy the first two bunkers guarding the entrance, and blow up the rest at the base, destroying enemy buildings. After that, break into the base with the remaining troops and destroy everything that is left there. It's not worth it to waste time, because the enemy will throw up SCUD Missiles, which are controlled from the Command Center, and the Missiles themselves are located outside the map. After the destruction of the enemy base, the enemy from all over the kata will begin to converge on your positions. If you managed to take care of the defense, then you will no longer be afraid. And if everything is done correctly, the mission proceeds very quickly.

Mission #7

Your task is to capture the Baikonur Cosmodrome. It is from him that you can launch a rocket stuffed with pesticides. The fate of all terrorists is in your hands.


1. Capture the mission control center. Capture the missile launch pad.

The most valuable thing you have is 7 general points. Which should be used for a toxic bomb, money extraction and be sure to invest at least one point in Rebel Ambush.

The workers available at the base must build the Barracks and the Weapons Dealer. A Radar is being built right there, a few RPG Shooters and Scorpions or Marauders (enemy tanks will soon crawl). By the time your Radar appears, the American Strategic Center will be shown. Near it, you will see a place where enemy Chinooks are dragging resources. Just south of this site and throw your anthrax bomb. If everything is done in a timely manner, then soon a column of American troops will pass through the contaminated area in the direction of your base. Few will reach, and those who will reach will be very badly damaged. After the poison disappears, throw your Rebels at the enemy base. Let them start from the Strategic Center and then capture everything else around. Gradually take over the entire American base and then it will be more likely to pass for the Americans - several Comanches are being built, which cut out all the guards at the base, and then around the rocket. If everything is done quickly, then the Chinese will not have to deal with at all. But if you delay the mission, then build Jennen Kell at your base, who will deal with the Chinese "Overlords", and deal with the Chinese base with American aircraft. And watch the flight of the rocket you captured.


Table notes

Buildings are easy. Price - the cost of the building in local currency. HP - the number of hit points. Build Time - The number of seconds it takes to build a building. View radius - the radius around the building on which something is visible. For comparison, one side of the command center is 65 units of length. Consumed energy - the building's need for energy (if the figure is +, then energy is not consumed, but generated).

With divisions, things are a little more complicated. Experience - the number of points required to gain an experience level (there are 3 numbers separated by a slash, showing how much you need for the first, second and third tabs). Speed ​​- the number of units of length passed by the unit per second (through a slash - the speed of the damaged unit). Damage is represented by 3 numbers. The first is the amount of damage, the second is the radius of that damage, and the third is the damage range. If there are numbers in brackets nearby, then they refer to "secondary damage", that is, when the defeat is inflicted over the area and weakens with distance.

US campaign.
As usual, the Americans must exterminate the terrorists. Help them in this.

Mission #1
So the terrorists are still in Baghdad. The final part of the operation to destroy them is underway. However, they have a stationary SCAD missile system, which simply needs to be destroyed so that these villains do not launch a missile attack.

1. Destroy all terrorist troops.
2. Destroy the SCUD Missiles. The mission is as simple as the truth. From the very beginning, you have a rather large number of troops. Namely, a group of Crusaders and Jeeps. That is, there will be something to shoot at the infantry and tanks. The fact that they do not allow improvements to be made - and to hell with them. There is no point in building a base here. Those who are particularly keen can order Paladins (there is 1 general point), but there is not much point in this. The enemy is easily destroyed by what is. The main thing is to immediately hang combat drones on all equipment. The mission is passed simply by blunt pressure on the enemy. No frills. Just a dumb attack. And do not forget that tanks cope with the infantry quite badly and do not forget about the Jeeps. Already not far from the beginning of the mission you will meet a camp with captured Pilots. Place them in your tanks and Jeeps and your "invincible armada" will become even stronger. There will be a small pocket of resistance near the SCUD missiles, but this is also not serious yet.

Mission #2
The terrorists of Iraq have been exhausted and their leaders have fled to Yemen. But the Americans don't want to leave them alone either. Therefore, the Comanches comb the narrow streets of the city in search of bandits. However, it is extremely convenient to launch Stingers from these very narrow streets. And now you have to help your own pilots out of trouble.

1. Rescue three Pilots. So, from the new funds, Ambulance and an improvement in the form of TOU missiles for Jeeps have become available to you. Well, fish for lack of fish and cancer. There is also a Sniper with General glasses (and there are already 2 of them), but he is only useful for defending his base. To begin with, you need to strengthen your base a little more with the help of the Patriots and capture 2 oil derricks standing slightly to the north of the base. Just don't forget to give them some protection. The enemy, although rare, still makes raids, and he does not capture enemy resource centers, but destroys them. After that, add troops to your army, equip equipment with drones and go. Just leave a couple of Jeeps at the base. Yet the patriots are not very good at dealing with infantry. Although you can put a couple of snipers there. Not far from the base is the Hospital, upon capturing which all your infantry will get the opportunity to "self-heal".
Captured Pilots sit one at a time and a piece of the card with a new Pilot opens only n! after the release of the previous one. The immediate approaches to the Pilot are guarded quite well, and when the assault on the place of his imprisonment begins, everyone runs to this place. You can also use Colonel Barton and Snipers to shoot from the buildings, but the last base is well fortified, so it will still have to be destroyed by a tank assault. And Snipers are also well seen by enemy Jeeps. But they can shoot the crowds of Fanatics, who will certainly harm your tank armadas.

Mission #3
Chasing the terrorists to Kazakhstan, the Americans did not calculate their forces. The Kazakh terrorists turned out to be an order of magnitude stronger than the Iraqi ones. Now we have to retreat. And you have to cover the retreat.

1. Allow 100 American soldiers to escape. And here is the first difficult mission. There is a canyon that divides the map diagonally. The retreating Americans are walking along the canyon, being pursued by evil terrorists. The terrorists who passed through the entire canyon then go to your base, located northwest of the canyon. And to the southeast of the canyon there are a couple of oil rigs that the terrorists are not at all interested in (therefore they don’t even need guarding). You have at your disposal as many as 3 general points. However, the most valuable thing that can be purchased with them is Repair. "Lightning" is good, but it will not have a large number of targets, and Stealth Planes will be destroyed by an excess of enemy air defenses. You finally have Comanches at your disposal, but you will not be able to build tanks on this mission. Therefore, the tanks will have to be protected. The first thing to do is to throw a couple of Rangers with the help of Chinook through the canyon in order to capture the oil rigs. Second, the defense of the eastern part of the base is being strengthened.
This is where the terrorists will come after the end of the persecution. 6-7 Patriots will be enough there. Troops are not needed there at all. They will be needed in the west. Don't touch the helicopters yet. The next action is to drive ground vehicles to the western exit from the canyon to the base. There, quickly build as many Patriots as possible (and don't forget about the energy stations at the base). After building 3-4 Patriots, bring the vehicles to the very edge of the exit (so it can intercept part of the enemy walking along the canyon and continue to build Patriots behind her back. And after that, you can withdraw helicopters (if your number has reached 7-8, in in a smaller number there will simply be meaningless losses) to the very middle of the canyon, and then observe the destruction of the enemy, periodically correcting events.

Mission #4
The US launches a successive invasion of Kazakhstan. Terrorist training bases have already been discovered. Landing on the shores of the Caspian Sea began ...

1. Destroy the Stinger Nests that are blocking airborne landings.
2. Build a base and destroy the enemy training camp. American battleships in the Caspian Sea? This is some nonsense! Well, to hell with them. The landing was successful, but the base has not yet been built - Bulldozers can only be landed from the air. However, you have 4 Tomahawks and a bunch of other equipment. Plus three general points, one of which is spent on Lightning with profit, and the rest are optional. Destroy all enemy Bunkers with Tomahawks. Just remember that even then they will not let you produce them. Therefore, guard this four more than your own eyes. After the Bunkers, destroy the target four Stinger Nests. You can, as an aid to the Tomahawks, hang a Reconnaissance Drone on one of the Crusaders and put it out of range of enemy air defense. After destroying the air defenses, you will receive reinforcements in the form of a couple of bulldozers and several tanks. After that, it remains only to build a base, release a few more tanks and jeeps and proceed to the systematic destruction of the enemy.
Well, as always, Comanches are great as a cover for Tomahawks. The enemy will sometimes sluggishly try to disturb you (you can’t pick up another phrase here), but your troops can easily cope with this.

Mission #5
The Americans are trying to negotiate peace with the terrorists in the city of Cabaret. And they believe that terrorists should not be trusted very much (I would not trust the Americans either). And they turn out to be right. Peace ambassadors are shot, the war continues.

1. Prevent the terrorists from setting up a base across the river.
2. Destroy the main terrorist base. This time you have a total of 4 general points to spend on a double strike with Lightning Bolts. Nothing else special has been added. The mission is quite tricky in passing. There is a viscous and unhurried first part and a fast and dangerous second, which begins only after the first goal of the mission is completed. Therefore, we take our time and get everything from the first part of the mission. It ends only with the destruction of the last building of the base (Stinger nests do not count), so you can settle down on the enemy’s shore, and only after that destroy this building. As a gift, you are invited to capture the Hospital in the north of the map, after which your infantry will be able to self-medicate. To capture or not is your choice. In the meantime, you need to add more tanks, make 3-4 Tomahawks (there should be 6 of them by the time the first goal of the mission is completed), after which you should methodically deal with the destruction of the enemy. The right bank of the river should be cleared completely, no Stinger Nests should remain on it.
After that! create your base near the resources remaining from the enemy, protect it with a couple of Patriots and build an army that must fulfill the second goal of the mission. These are about 12 tanks, 6 Tomahawks, several Comanches (pieces 3-4). After creating this army, transfer all troops to the right bank. And do not leave helicopters over the river - only over land. Because the terrorists, upset by the loss of the base, destroy the dam and it washes away everything in the river valley. Including the bridge and everything that was over the river. After the final destruction of the enemy, an additional part of the map will open, and you will receive reinforcements in the form of a pair of Bulldozers, a Crusader and an infantry group. Do not use spy drones on the enemy map. This will provoke an immediate attack. From now on, everything must be done quickly. Quickly build up 5-6 Patriots not far from the former bridge, backing them up with tanks and infantry from behind. Just don't put the Patriots in a bunch, pull them in a line from north to south.
Lead the Tomahawk at the same time! and, Comanches and a small group of infantry north of your new base, destroying enemy strongholds along the way. Soon a hint will sound, according to which you will see the location of 2 oil rigs (and move towards them with Tomahawks) and the enemy will have SCUD Missiles. Ignore the "no one's" oil refinery. It will be too difficult to keep her. After capturing the oil rigs, move west from them along a narrow path in the mountains, covering your Tomahawks with Comanches. If everything went well, then very soon you will see SCUD Missiles. Destroy nearby air defense points (if necessary, use "Lightning" against them), after which, with the joint efforts of the Comanches and Tomahawks, demolish the SCUD Missiles. After that, any urgency already disappears and you can gradually destroy the enemy base.

Mission #6
The Americans have already reached southeastern Kazakhstan. But then it turned out that the rebellious Chinese general had fled to the terrorists. Now we'll have to deal with the Chinese troops too ...

1. Destroy the terrorist base in the northeast.

US campaign.
As usual, the Americans must exterminate the terrorists. Help them in this.

Mission #1
So the terrorists are still in Baghdad. The final part of the operation to destroy them is underway. However, they have a stationary SCAD missile system, which simply needs to be destroyed so that these villains do not launch a missile attack.

1. Destroy all terrorist troops.
2. Destroy the SCUD Missiles. The mission is as simple as the truth. From the very beginning, you have a rather large number of troops. Namely, a group of Crusaders and Jeeps. That is, there will be something to shoot at the infantry and tanks. The fact that they do not allow improvements to be made - and to hell with them. There is no point in building a base here. Those who are particularly keen can order Paladins (there is 1 general point), but there is not much point in this. The enemy is easily destroyed by what is. The main thing is to immediately hang combat drones on all equipment. The mission is passed simply by blunt pressure on the enemy. No frills. Just a dumb attack. And do not forget that tanks cope with the infantry quite badly and do not forget about the Jeeps. Already not far from the beginning of the mission you will meet a camp with captured Pilots. Place them in your tanks and Jeeps and your "invincible armada" will become even stronger. There will be a small pocket of resistance near the SCUD missiles, but this is also not serious yet.

Mission #2
The terrorists of Iraq have been exhausted and their leaders have fled to Yemen. But the Americans don't want to leave them alone either. Therefore, the Comanches comb the narrow streets of the city in search of bandits. However, it is extremely convenient to launch Stingers from these very narrow streets. And now you have to help your own pilots out of trouble.

1. Rescue three Pilots. So, from the new funds, Ambulance and an improvement in the form of TOU missiles for Jeeps have become available to you. Well, fish for lack of fish and cancer. There is also a Sniper with General glasses (and there are already 2 of them), but he is only useful for defending his base. To begin with, you need to strengthen your base a little more with the help of the Patriots and capture 2 oil derricks standing slightly to the north of the base. Just don't forget to give them some protection. The enemy, although rare, still makes raids, and he does not capture enemy resource centers, but destroys them. After that, add troops to your army, equip equipment with drones and go. Just leave a couple of Jeeps at the base. Yet the patriots are not very good at dealing with infantry. Although you can put a couple of snipers there. Not far from the base is the Hospital, upon capturing which all your infantry will get the opportunity to "self-heal". Captured Pilots sit one at a time and a piece of the card with a new Pilot opens only n! after the release of the previous one. The immediate approaches to the Pilot are guarded quite well, and when the assault on the place of his imprisonment begins, everyone runs to this place. You can also use Colonel Barton and Snipers to shoot from the buildings, but the last base is well fortified, so it will still have to be destroyed by a tank assault. And Snipers are also well seen by enemy Jeeps. But they can shoot the crowds of Fanatics, who will certainly harm your tank armadas.

Mission #3
Chasing the terrorists to Kazakhstan, the Americans did not calculate their forces. The Kazakh terrorists turned out to be an order of magnitude stronger than the Iraqi ones. Now we have to retreat. And you have to cover the retreat.

1. Allow 100 American soldiers to escape. And here is the first difficult mission. There is a canyon that divides the map diagonally. The retreating Americans are walking along the canyon, being pursued by evil terrorists. The terrorists who passed through the entire canyon then go to your base, located northwest of the canyon. And to the southeast of the canyon there are a couple of oil rigs that the terrorists are not at all interested in (therefore they don’t even need guarding). You have at your disposal as many as 3 general points. However, the most valuable thing that can be purchased with them is Repair. "Lightning" is good, but it will not have a large number of targets, and Stealth Planes will be destroyed by an excess of enemy air defenses. You finally have Comanches at your disposal, but you will not be able to build tanks on this mission. Therefore, the tanks will have to be protected. The first thing to do is to throw a couple of Rangers with the help of Chinook through the canyon in order to capture the oil rigs. Second, the defense of the eastern part of the base is being strengthened. This is where the terrorists will come after the end of the persecution. 6-7 Patriots will be enough there. Troops are not needed there at all. They will be needed in the west. Don't touch the helicopters yet. The next action is to drive ground vehicles to the western exit from the canyon to the base. There, quickly build as many Patriots as possible (and don't forget about the energy stations at the base). After building 3-4 Patriots, bring the vehicles to the very edge of the exit (so it can intercept part of the enemy walking along the canyon and continue to build Patriots behind her back. And after that, you can withdraw helicopters (if your number has reached 7-8, in in a smaller number there will simply be meaningless losses) to the very middle of the canyon, and then observe the destruction of the enemy, periodically correcting events.

Mission #4
The US launches a successive invasion of Kazakhstan. Terrorist training bases have already been discovered. Landing on the shores of the Caspian Sea began ...

1. Destroy the Stinger Nests that are blocking airborne landings.
2. Build a base and destroy the enemy training camp. American battleships in the Caspian Sea? This is some nonsense! Well, to hell with them. The landing was successful, but the base has not yet been built - Bulldozers can only be landed from the air. However, you have 4 Tomahawks and a bunch of other equipment. Plus three general points, one of which is spent on Lightning with profit, and the rest are optional. Destroy all enemy Bunkers with Tomahawks. Just remember that even then they will not let you produce them. Therefore, guard this four more than your own eyes. After the Bunkers, destroy the target four Stinger Nests. You can, as an aid to the Tomahawks, hang a Reconnaissance Drone on one of the Crusaders and put it out of range of enemy air defense. After destroying the air defenses, you will receive reinforcements in the form of a couple of bulldozers and several tanks. After that, it remains only to build a base, release a few more tanks and jeeps and proceed to the systematic destruction of the enemy. Well, as always, Comanches are great as a cover for Tomahawks. The enemy will sometimes sluggishly try to disturb you (you can’t pick up another phrase here), but your troops can easily cope with this.

Mission #5
The Americans are trying to negotiate peace with the terrorists in the city of Cabaret. And they believe that terrorists should not be trusted very much (I would not trust the Americans either). And they turn out to be right. Peace ambassadors are shot, the war continues.

1. Prevent the terrorists from setting up a base across the river.
2. Destroy the main terrorist base. This time you have a total of 4 general points to spend on a double strike with Lightning Bolts. Nothing else special has been added. The mission is quite tricky in passing. There is a viscous and unhurried first part and a fast and dangerous second, which begins only after the first goal of the mission is completed. Therefore, we take our time and get everything from the first part of the mission. It ends only with the destruction of the last building of the base (Stinger nests do not count), so you can settle down on the enemy’s shore, and only after that destroy this building. As a gift, you are invited to capture the Hospital in the north of the map, after which your infantry will be able to self-medicate. To capture or not is your choice. In the meantime, you need to add more tanks, make 3-4 Tomahawks (there should be 6 of them by the time the first goal of the mission is completed), after which you should methodically deal with the destruction of the enemy. The right bank of the river should be cleared completely, no Stinger Nests should remain on it. After that! create your base near the resources remaining from the enemy, protect it with a couple of Patriots and build an army that must fulfill the second goal of the mission. These are about 12 tanks, 6 Tomahawks, several Comanches (pieces 3-4). After creating this army, transfer all troops to the right bank. And do not leave helicopters over the river - only over land. Because the terrorists, upset by the loss of the base, destroy the dam and it washes away everything in the river valley. Including the bridge and everything that was over the river. After the final destruction of the enemy, an additional part of the map will open, and you will receive reinforcements in the form of a pair of Bulldozers, a Crusader and an infantry group. Do not use spy drones on the enemy map. This will provoke an immediate attack. From now on, everything must be done quickly. Quickly build up 5-6 Patriots not far from the former bridge, backing them up with tanks and infantry from behind. Just don't put the Patriots in a bunch, pull them in a line from north to south. Lead the Tomahawk at the same time! and, Comanches and a small group of infantry north of your new base, destroying enemy strongholds along the way. Soon a hint will sound, according to which you will see the location of 2 oil rigs (and move towards them with Tomahawks) and the enemy will have SCUD Missiles. Ignore the "no one's" oil refinery. It will be too difficult to keep her. After capturing the oil rigs, move west from them along a narrow path in the mountains, covering your Tomahawks with Comanches. If everything went well, then very soon you will see SCUD Missiles. Destroy nearby air defense points (if necessary, use "Lightning" against them), after which, with the joint efforts of the Comanches and Tomahawks, demolish the SCUD Missiles. After that, any urgency already disappears and you can gradually destroy the enemy base.

Mission #6
The Americans have already reached southeastern Kazakhstan. But then it turned out that the rebellious Chinese general had fled to the terrorists. Now we'll have to deal with the Chinese troops too ...

1. Destroy the terrorist base in the northeast.
2. Destroy the command center and the Chinese nuclear missile. Well, now you have almost all the means of destroying the enemy. Namely, the Beam Destroyer, a raid of a flight of 3 Lightnings and a B-52. Moreover, the latter is allocated to you without spending points at all. And you are free to spend another 4 points of the General at your discretion. The mission is also tricky, but here the whole map is available from the very beginning. In the meantime, we need to strengthen our base. Place the Patriots near the bridge and on the northern outskirts of the base, and then build all available buildings on it. Immediately build a couple of Comanches. Otherwise, enemy Rocket Buggy will periodically pester you and you will have to do something with them. Constantly spend the resource of attack aircraft and B-52 on enemy fortifications, but do not touch the Command Center yet. When the Beam Destroyer appears at the base, it will be time to scan the territory of the Chinese. Look for their Nuclear Missile and boldly destroy. They won't need her anymore. After that, you can already finish off the terrorists. There will be a hint about another resource depot far to the south, but immediately! after the destruction of the terrorists, an assault group of Chinese will land near it, which will attack your base a little later. Therefore, it is much more profitable to build Delivery Zones and get a stable and safe profit from them. It remains only to walk through the base of the Chinese Comanches and Tomahawks. But do not forget that Chinese rapid-fire guns are extremely dangerous for helicopters, so it is worth using super-powerful weapons on them.

Mission #7
The Chinese, concerned that terrorists are about to use chemical weapons, are allying with the Americans. The fighting is already on the outskirts of Akmola...

1. Destroy the terrorist base. Now you have Aurora Bombers at your disposal. As well as 7 general points with the ability to choose whatever your heart desires. If you immediately go north with the start of the mission, you will find an abandoned Chinese base. Well, restore it, their "Overlords" will not interfere at all. Immediately build a line of defense from quick gunners and Patriots. Your frequent guests will be the Rebels in a state of invisibility, so then it will be highly desirable to put "talking" towers to distinguish them. Also, very soon they will announce preparations for the launch of the SCAD Rocket. But its location will be highlighted, which will make it easier for your attack aircraft and B-52s. However, the enemy's air defense is very saturated, so I personally had to conduct a double raid with my "mass destruction" weapons due to their high losses on approaching the point to be hit (it is located in the depths of the defense). Then the tedious process of destroying the enemy will begin. It is important to take care of sources of income in advance, because! initial reserves of resources are consumed very quickly. Therefore, produce several Hackers as quickly as possible and set up several Delivery Zones. After that, as many weapons of mass destruction as possible (such as Nuclear Missiles and Beam Destroyer) are built. And a very simple tactic is turned on - we inflict a massive blow on a certain area, on the remaining points of resistance - additional blows. The survivors are pursued by a group of Comanches. Start on the wall that is right behind the river. For it is inhabited by too many Shooters with RPGs. Just be sure to wait for the accumulation of 4-5 "strong blows", otherwise the enemy will be able to rebuild again. You can use "Overlords", rapid fire and Dragon Tanks, but the terrorists constantly carry out numerous and tedious attacks and your group will have to be monitored to protect it from destruction.
China campaign.
And China also has problems with terrorists. And what do these terrorists need on a piece of land, completely populated by the Chinese ...

Mission #1
In general, the terrorists did not particularly interfere with the Chinese. The Chinese peacefully held a large military parade. And here is a disgrace. Cars with explosives, explosions. No, there are no problems, no one counts the dead, but one must know when to stop!

1. Destroy the storage of nuclear materials. As in the first mission for the Americans, you do not need to build anything. You have one General point, which is best spent to ensure that your Soldiers get their first badge. The factories produce Battle Masters, Dragon Tanks and APCs. The easiest way to pass is to make several Dragon Tanks and burn out the enemy who is trying to cross your path. They need to add a few Tank Hunters to fight the enemy Scorpions. But in the end, this well-coordinated bunch will quickly go to the store and complete this mission. It is possible to speed up movement by seating Tank Hunters in armored personnel carriers.

Mission #2
So that's where the terrorists are crawling into China! The base of this muck in Hong Kong is found out. And since Hong Kong is already completely Chinese territory, the Chinese will have to figure it out on their own.

1. Destroy the Terrorist Congress Hall.
2. Destroy the Poison Machine and the Weapon Dealer. You have 2 general points and the option to choose Artillery. True, only the first level, but it is also a lot. Not many troops to start with. Only those that survived the explosion on the bridge. So build up your base and be glad that you have Rapid Fire Tanks. It is they who will decide the fate of the entire mission. The enemy does not have heavy equipment, so 3-4 tanks will cut the enemy at high speed. The passage near the base is covered by 2-3 Dragon Tanks in fire curtain mode. And the Rapid Fire Tanks with some Tank Hunters are heading towards the Convention Hall. Keep in mind that they bypass the quarter with the Hall of Congresses from two sides, so when you go directly to its assault, leave guards in the rear. Otherwise, at one fine moment, the enemy attacks from two sides and it will be difficult to do something. The Poison Machine you are looking for and the Weapon Dealer are in the north of the map. This is an optional task, but it will have to be completed if only for the reason that you will pass by this building and they will interfere with you in the rear.

Mission #3
The terrorists are not even going to calm down, showing up in a new place. The Chinese leadership is going to take appropriate measures...

1. Destroy the Dam.
2. Destroy the terrorist base. You have 3 general points that can be spent on artillery preparation (as much as 2) and cluster mining. A pleasant surprise of this mission will be that here you will be given MIGs. And these MIGs will not only be present in the game, but will decide the fate of the terrorists. The first task is very simple: next to the starting point is the same dam. Place the Dragon Tanks on the fire screen towards the south (this is where the enemy troops will come from) and start shooting the dam with the Battlemasters. After its destruction, the enemy base, carelessly located downstream, will be washed away by a huge wave. Moreover, the resource warehouse that belonged to her will now go to you. Clear the area south of your base from the remaining enemies and you can build an Airfield. The enemy will now cross the river just north of your base, through a small island. Here it will not be superfluous to mine it at all. Your first MIG must be sent for reconnaissance. By a pleasant coincidence, the enemy has only 1 Stinger Nest. Artillery preparation on it, after which the MIGs begin constant shelling of enemy territory. And the full link of MiGs can do a lot. And if you add one more airfield, then things will go even faster. Just upgrade Napalm and your MIGs will become even more powerful.

Mission #4
Terrorists, in their best tradition, produce a toxin in a mining factory. The Chinese authorities do not want wide publicity with the introduction of a large contingent of troops and are planning reconnaissance with the help of the Black Lotus saboteur, followed by an air strike ...

1. Destroy the Stinger Nests.
2. Capture the Military Factory.
3. Destroy the last Stinger Nest. You start with 3 General points, but there is no choice in the form of artillery preparation. It's a shame, but that's not the point. You have only an infantry group and the Black Lotus under your command. Plus there is no way to produce equipment. True, it is possible to produce Hackers. But in a couple of minutes you will see an easier and more convenient way to get money - an Oil Derrick. So let the "Black Lotus" capture her. The infantry must destroy the Stinger Nests and the enemy infantry covering them. There is nothing difficult in this. Moreover, the Soldiers simply shoot the shooters from the Stinger, after which the whole crowd hollows out the defenseless Nest. You can use the Black Lotus to capture enemy Poison Machines. But you can simply drop mines at their location. Do not be lazy to look into the distant passages, this will be rewarded with UN money boxes. After capturing the factory, build 4-5 Gatlings and 2-3 Dragon Tanks. The first - for the destruction of infantry, the second - for the cleaning and destruction of buildings. In addition, the Dragons will burn out the last Stinger Nest very effectively. After that, it remains only to watch how several MIGs destroy the toxin factory.

Mission #5
The Chinese realize that they cannot cope with the terrorists on their own and receive support from the Americans. It is expressed in the possibility of calling air strikes against terrorists. And the case has already moved to the territory of Kyrgyzstan, to the city of Balakchi.

1. Destroy 3 terrorist camps and the main terrorist base. 4 points of the general is already a lot. This is at least 2 levels of artillery preparation, cluster mines and a nuclear weapon. Plus, do not forget about the American carpet bombing. For starters, you have a well-maintained base. Complete only the War Factory and populate the Bunkers with infantry. After that, you can build MIGs and begin methodically cleaning out enemy territory with the help of air and artillery strikes. And a column of "Overlords" will follow the ground (yes, yes, they were finally given) in company with rapid firers. You can still strike with the help of Nuclear weapons. Although, of course, the last base will have to be taken by a column of "Overlords". The mission is boring, but very simple.

Mission #6
Terrorists continue to roam around the world in search of at least some safe place for themselves. This time, they took root in Bishkek, taking over one of the Chinese railways. You will again have to use the black Lotus. This time to destroy a key railway bridge.

1. Lead the Black Lotus to the railway bridge. The general's glasses were a joke. 4 points - for a total of 1 promotion. Anyway. Happiness is not in glasses. And misfortune - in the next restrictions. They don't let you build anything. You have the opportunity to only produce infantry (without Hackers, of which you were given 3 pieces at the beginning and no longer allowed) and armored vehicles (without Overlords). And it is necessary - neither more nor less, to lead through the positions of your "Black Lotus" saturated with the enemy and destroy the bridge. However, the task is quite feasible. To begin with, we are completing the defensive lines of the base and transporting several Gatlings to the other side of the river. Of the valuable targets, mining centers can be noted there, which the Black Lotus can shake out for the extraction of money, a light equipment factory (which it can also capture) and a station where reinforcements will periodically arrive for the enemy. Near this very station, 1-2 Gatlings are placed and the problem of reinforcements is immediately solved. On the other side, things are a little more complicated. Start by putting the Hackers in a secure location and let them make money. There is a stadium from which there are crowds of Fanatics and a circular road clogged with tanks. So slowly move forward, mastering new positions with Rapid Fire Tanks, and then set up a curtain of fire with Dragon Tanks so that it at least slightly captures the stadium. As a result, it will collapse, unable to withstand the constant burning. After that, you still have to build several masters of the Battle and carefully destroy the Scorpions and Marauders plying here one by one. Just burn out the last line of defense of the bridge with Dragon Tanks. Take the Black Lotus to the bridge and enjoy the victory.

Mission #7
Terrorists again. Now also in Tajikistan. The Chinese government is going to extreme lengths and giving you access to its nuclear arsenal...

1. Equip the base and find resources.
2. Destroy all terrorists. At the beginning, you get 4 general points, for which it is desirable to purchase cluster mining and all 3 levels of artillery preparation. Then save up for a nuclear weapon. On one of the "Overlords" who survived in the "meat grinder", put a "talking" tower to heal your units, on the second - a rapid fire. Move along the road with all your troops, destroying enemy troops, to the enemy base. Destroy it, but capture the Resource Center. A little further down the road there is a choke point where a pair of Dragon Tanks can put up a screen of fire very effectively. At the same time, 2 of your bulldozers are building a base, trying to build an airfield as quickly as possible. 2 MIGs are being built and they go north along the eastern edge of the map, after which they pass along the northern edge of the map. Two MIGs - so that at least one can fly. At the same time, there is an enemy base, namely SCUD Missiles. After that, try to drop cluster mines closer to the missiles (although the probability of this being successful is extremely small). N! in any case, a couple of artillery strikes destroy the SCUDs. After that, completely rebuild the base (including Nuclear Missiles) and start hitting the enemy base. Only after the constant waves of incoming enemies subside, build a column of "Lords" and start the offensive. Moreover, if you captured the enemy Resource Center, you can build the Barracks and create Jennen Kell there. And he shoots superbly from the Overlords Bunker. If you did everything right, then your eyes will see another parade of the Chinese army. They defeated the terrorists!

Terrorist campaign.

How much do terrorists need? Yes, as much as everyone else - just fix it a little in peace. Only for some reason they are not loved for this and offended in every possible way. There is another very tricky trick for terrorists, missed in the description of the game. The fact is that some of their equipment, namely Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns, Jeeps and Marauders, not only gain experience and bring you money, picking up the remains of enemy equipment. They are still improving themselves. The improvement can be carried out 2 times, but each time each improved machine dramatically changes its characteristics. For example, a Marauder upgraded 2 times acquires a second barrel and a very large firing range and rate of fire. Therefore, units fed in this way quickly cease to be "whipping boys" and move into a completely different category. So it is quite possible that you will be able to raise a "professional army" of junk (as it seemed before) cars.

Mission #1
The evil Chinese poison white and fluffy terrorists life in Shymkent. Many of our brothers have died. Justice will have to be done.

1. Destroy the Chinese base.
2. Blow up the dam. You only have 1 general point, but soon you will get the second one, so you can choose any promotion at the beginning. Pay attention to the introductory video. This is how blasting works are carried out correctly. While the guards are "led" to the provocateur, the exploding cars drive up close to the object of sabotage and then it becomes too late to do anything. The first goal of the mission is carried out as if by itself. You have already partially defeated the Chinese base. It remains only to finish off the remaining buildings and destroy the infantry detachment coming to the rescue. After that, you will be led to your own base. It is better to start from a small enemy base located to the east of yours. Its disadvantage is that there are quite a lot of Battle Master tanks there. Therefore, upgrade all the Explosive Truck upgrades and put into practice the skills you just learned with the provocateur and the suicide car that drives in later. Finish off the remaining tanks with Scorpions. By the way, collect the remnants of enemy tanks with Jeeps. They will certainly be tacked on something - guns, grenade launchers. Next, build equipment at your base (the Weapons Dealer does not immediately belong to the base and you need to find it near your base) and move from the location of the enemy base to the north. When you destroy the enemy "talking" tower, be ready for the arrival of enemy tanks. Otherwise, the infantry reinforcements that come to you will be destroyed very quickly. Shoot another enemy base a little to the north. And there is already a stone's throw to the dam.

Mission #2
For some reason, the UN sends humanitarian cargo to the Almaty region. No, to immediately transfer them to the terrorists. You have to pick it up yourself.

1. Collect 40,000 money. You have 2 General points and have the option to choose Marauders for this mission. Why not? The main opponents here are UN jeeps. The most effective way to quickly gain the amount is to shoot all civilians. Why are they stealing our money? The second point of this plan is to plant many RPG Shooters and Rebels in all the houses of the central village with a 5-road intersection. And not far to plant the Workers, so that later the houses were repaired. The result will be that the money convoys will remain entirely in this city, not far away. And the planes arriving later will also leave not far from the village. Moreover, immediately after the start of the arrival of the aircraft, several Mobile anti-aircraft guns will be allocated to you. But it is worth saving them, since they are not allowed to be built yet. Then another part of the map will open, and the most arrogant will be able to directly connect to the feeder, organizing a direct attack on the American base.

Mission #3
We found new allies in Astana. But for greater joy, it is worth bombing the city. In the meantime, everyone is afraid - to rob a little more money.

1. Demolish civilian buildings and collect 40,000 money. This mission must be completed by the union of two combat units - Marauders and Fanatics. Only Fanatics need to be upgraded in the form of Kalashnikovs as soon as possible. And then they will not be able to only storm buildings clogged with infantry and will not be able to fight against the Gatlings. Everything else will be on the shoulder. And the Marauders ... And you try to pick up the remains of enemy equipment with them. After two rebounds, the Marauder transforms into a double-barreled, rapid-fire, long-range assault gun. I would say "like a" Lord "" ... But no, he also spits poison. So a buffed Marauder is even better. So a couple of Marauders undergo improvements and go to knock the enemy out of the buildings he occupies. And Fanatics destroy all empty buildings and shoot enemy infantry. Both the Chinese and the Americans are trying to ruin your life at once. The Americans are eliminated from the game by blocking the bridge with a pair of Marauders. The Chinese are just carefully tracking their movement towards you from the north.

Mission #4
The United States finally became insolent in its impunity. But the action, this time, was transferred to Turkey. And then we will destroy their wonderful air force.

1. Destroy the American Airfield. Here you have to fully get acquainted with American aviation. Invest the general's points in "percentage for kills". There will be a lot of destroyed enemies here. Helicopters will also harm you (do not send Fanatics without anti-aircraft guns), and planes, and even B-52s that periodically fly up to your positions. The key to the passage is the rapid construction of Stinger Nests and Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns. Let the Fanatics guard the road just below the starting point in the company of Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns. They are quite enough for this. When you come to the possibility of an assault (sufficient funds and forces have been accumulated), then with a pair of Jeeps (with workers on them) and a pair of Mobile anti-aircraft guns, break through the Canyon to the American base. There is a relatively safe nook where you can build a tunnel and a couple of Stinger Nests. After that, you can not drag the entire mass of troops through the canyon, but simply transfer them through the tunnel. After that - a quick breakthrough to the American base with the launch of Fanatics there, who must destroy the power stations. After that, the American base is simply taken with bare hands.

Mission #5
What a disgrace! The US has taken over our pesticide storage facilities near the Aral Sea! They need to be returned! And then what to fight?

1. Capture 4 storage facilities for pesticides and destroy all Americans guarding them. You have 4 General points, which, of course, must be spent on getting money. You don't have anything particularly new (except for the Explosive Truck). Your base is in a not quite neglected state, but it has no defensive lines. The Americans will advance from 2 sides - from the east, across the bridge and from the north, across a fairly wide area. The bridge is mined and several tunnel crossings are placed near it. Plus, it is necessary to place several Stinger Nests along the shore to protect against enemy aircraft, which will be quite free to visit you across the river. With the northern direction, everything is not so simple. There you need to plant a large number of infantry in the houses (with and without grenade launchers) and place Rocket buggies behind the houses. Then enemy attacks will break against your strong defenses. And, of course, do not forget to repair houses after enemy attacks. Having built the defense, you can think about the attack. It is better to attack across the bridge to the east. Because from the north! enemy units are constantly moving and you will not only have to deal with the guards of the storages, but also be distracted by enemy reinforcements. To be honest, here it is quite possible to collect those same 4 storages. The most important thing is not to destroy them, but to capture them. So the mission may well end long before the release of the entire map from the Americans. Your attack unit will most likely consist of Marauders, Mobile Flak Guns and Rocket Buggy. Plus a little bit of infantry to capture buildings. You can also capture one Poison Machine to clear houses and Bunkers from enemy infantry.

Mission #6
Treason! Several terrorists fled to the Chinese. So now you have to fight your own.

1. Destroy all traitors. You have 3 trucks with nuclear warheads (just captured from the Chinese) and a fairly large base. The base of traitors is visible nearby. Scatter your 4 general points as before. In the first 2 minutes, quickly build up defenses and order the construction of troops. At the same time, your troops should be drawn into a single fist. And this fist will begin to break through directly to the enemy base. The enemy pays very little attention to your Nukes. Therefore, it would be quite fair to destroy the first two bunkers guarding the entrance, and blow up the rest at the base, destroying enemy buildings. After that, break into the base with the remaining troops and destroy everything that is left there. It's not worth it to waste time, because the enemy will throw up SCUD Missiles, which are controlled from the Command Center, and the Missiles themselves are located outside the map. After the destruction of the enemy base, the enemy from all over the kata will begin to converge on your positions. If you managed to take care of the defense, then you will no longer be afraid. And if everything is done correctly, the mission proceeds very quickly.

Mission #7
Your task is to capture the Baikonur Cosmodrome. It is from him that you can launch a rocket stuffed with pesticides. The fate of all terrorists is in your hands.

1. Capture the mission control center. Capture the missile launch pad. The most valuable thing you have is 7 general points. Which should be used for a toxic bomb, money extraction and be sure to invest at least one point in Rebel Ambush. The workers available at the base must build the Barracks and the Weapons Dealer. A Radar is being built right there, a few RPG Shooters and Scorpions or Marauders (enemy tanks will soon crawl). By the time your Radar appears, the American Strategic Center will be shown. Near it, you will see a place where enemy Chinooks are dragging resources. Just south of this site and throw your anthrax bomb. If everything is done in a timely manner, then soon a column of American troops will pass through the contaminated area in the direction of your base. Few will reach, and those who will reach will be very badly damaged. After the poison disappears, throw your Rebels at the enemy base. Let them start from the Strategic Center and then capture everything else around. Gradually take over the entire American base and there will be more to come! rather, passing for the Americans - several Comanches are being built, which cut out all the guards at the base, and then near the rocket. If everything is done quickly, then the Chinese will not have to deal with at all. But if you delay the mission, then build Jennen Kell at your base, who will deal with the Chinese "Overlords", and deal with the Chinese base with American aircraft. And watch the flight of the rocket you captured.

China campaign.
And China also has problems with terrorists. And what do these terrorists need on a piece of land, completely populated by the Chinese ...

Mission #1
In general, the terrorists did not particularly interfere with the Chinese. The Chinese peacefully held a large military parade. And here is a disgrace. Cars with explosives, explosions. No, there are no problems, no one counts the dead, but one must know when to stop!

1. Destroy the storage of nuclear materials. As in the first mission for the Americans, you do not need to build anything. You have one General point, which is best spent to ensure that your Soldiers get their first badge. The factories produce Battle Masters, Dragon Tanks and APCs. The easiest way to pass is to make several Dragon Tanks and burn out the enemy who is trying to cross your path. They need to add a few Tank Hunters to fight the enemy Scorpions. But in the end, this well-coordinated bunch will quickly go to the store and complete this mission. It is possible to speed up movement by seating Tank Hunters in armored personnel carriers.

Mission #2
So that's where the terrorists are crawling into China! The base of this muck in Hong Kong is found out. And since Hong Kong is already completely Chinese territory, the Chinese will have to figure it out on their own.

1. Destroy the Terrorist Congress Hall.
2. Destroy the Poison Machine and the Weapon Dealer. You have 2 general points and the option to choose Artillery. True, only the first level, but it is also a lot. Not many troops to start with. Only those that survived the explosion on the bridge. So build up your base and be glad that you have Rapid Fire Tanks. It is they who will decide the fate of the entire mission. The enemy does not have heavy equipment, so 3-4 tanks will cut the enemy at high speed. The passage near the base is covered by 2-3 Dragon Tanks in fire curtain mode. And the Rapid Fire Tanks with some Tank Hunters are heading towards the Convention Hall. Keep in mind that they bypass the quarter with the Hall of Congresses from two sides, so when you go directly to its assault, leave guards in the rear. Otherwise, at one fine moment, the enemy attacks from two sides and it will be difficult to do something. The Poison Machine you are looking for and the Weapon Dealer are in the north of the map. This is an optional task, but it will have to be completed if only for the reason that you will pass by this building and they will interfere with you in the rear.

Mission #3
The terrorists are not even going to calm down, showing up in a new place. The Chinese leadership is going to take appropriate measures...

1. Destroy the Dam.
2. Destroy the terrorist base. You have 3 general points that can be spent on artillery preparation (as much as 2) and cluster mining. A pleasant surprise of this mission will be that here you will be given MIGs. And these MIGs will not only be present in the game, but will decide the fate of the terrorists. The first task is very simple: next to the starting point is the same dam. Place the Dragon Tanks on the fire screen towards the south (this is where the enemy troops will come from) and start shooting the dam with the Battlemasters. After its destruction, the enemy base, carelessly located downstream, will be washed away by a huge wave. Moreover, the resource warehouse that belonged to her will now go to you. Clear the area south of your base from the remaining enemies and you can build an Airfield. The enemy will now cross the river just north of your base, through a small island. Here it will not be superfluous to mine it at all. Your first MIG must be sent for reconnaissance. By a pleasant coincidence, the enemy has only 1 Stinger Nest. Artillery preparation on it, after which the MIGs begin constant shelling of enemy territory. And the full link of MiGs can do a lot. And if you add one more airfield, then things will go even faster. Just upgrade Napalm and your MIGs will become even more powerful.

Mission #4
Terrorists, in their best tradition, produce a toxin in a mining factory. The Chinese authorities do not want wide publicity with the introduction of a large contingent of troops and are planning reconnaissance with the help of the Black Lotus saboteur, followed by an air strike ...

1. Destroy the Stinger Nests.
2. Capture the Military Factory.
3. Destroy the last Stinger Nest. You start with 3 General points, but there is no choice in the form of artillery preparation. It's a shame, but that's not the point. You have only an infantry group and the Black Lotus under your command. Plus there is no way to produce equipment. True, it is possible to produce Hackers. But in a couple of minutes you will see an easier and more convenient way to get money - an Oil Derrick. So let the "Black Lotus" capture her. The infantry must destroy the Stinger Nests and the enemy infantry covering them. There is nothing difficult in this. Moreover, the Soldiers simply shoot the shooters from the Stinger, after which the whole crowd hollows out the defenseless Nest. You can use the Black Lotus to capture enemy Poison Machines. But you can simply drop mines at their location. Do not be lazy to look into the distant passages, this will be rewarded with UN money boxes. After capturing the factory, build 4-5 Gatlings and 2-3 Dragon Tanks. The first - for the destruction of infantry, the second - for the cleaning and destruction of buildings. In addition, the Dragons will burn out the last Stinger Nest very effectively. After that, it remains only to watch how several MIGs destroy the toxin factory.

Mission #5
The Chinese realize that they cannot cope with the terrorists on their own and receive support from the Americans. It is expressed in the possibility of calling air strikes against terrorists. And the case has already moved to the territory of Kyrgyzstan, to the city of Balakchi.

1. Destroy 3 terrorist camps and the main terrorist base. 4 points of the general is already a lot. This is at least 2 levels of artillery preparation, cluster mines and a nuclear weapon. Plus, do not forget about the American carpet bombing. For starters, you have a well-maintained base. Complete only the War Factory and populate the Bunkers with infantry. After that, you can build MIGs and begin methodically cleaning out enemy territory with the help of air and artillery strikes. And a column of "Overlords" will follow the ground (yes, yes, they were finally given) in company with rapid firers. You can still strike with the help of Nuclear weapons. Although, of course, the last base will have to be taken by a column of "Overlords". The mission is boring, but very simple.

Mission #6
Terrorists continue to roam around the world in search of at least some safe place for themselves. This time, they took root in Bishkek, taking over one of the Chinese railways. You will again have to use the black Lotus. This time to destroy a key railway bridge.

1. Lead the Black Lotus to the railway bridge. The general's glasses were a joke. 4 points - for a total of 1 promotion. Anyway. Happiness is not in glasses. And misfortune - in the next restrictions. They don't let you build anything. You have the opportunity to only produce infantry (without Hackers, of which you were given 3 pieces at the beginning and no longer allowed) and armored vehicles (without Overlords). And it is necessary - neither more nor less, to lead through the positions of your "Black Lotus" saturated with the enemy and destroy the bridge. However, the task is quite feasible. To begin with, we are completing the defensive lines of the base and transporting several Gatlings to the other side of the river. Of the valuable targets, mining centers can be noted there, which the Black Lotus can shake out for the extraction of money, a light equipment factory (which it can also capture) and a station where reinforcements will periodically arrive for the enemy. Near this very station, 1-2 Gatlings are placed and the problem of reinforcements is immediately solved. On the other side, things are a little more complicated. Start by putting the Hackers in a secure location and let them make money. There is a stadium from which there are crowds of Fanatics and a circular road clogged with tanks. So slowly move forward, mastering new positions with Rapid Fire Tanks, and then set up a curtain of fire with Dragon Tanks so that it at least slightly captures the stadium. As a result, it will collapse, unable to withstand the constant burning. After that, you still have to build several masters of the Battle and carefully destroy the Scorpions and Marauders plying here one by one. Just burn out the last line of defense of the bridge with Dragon Tanks. Take the Black Lotus to the bridge and enjoy the victory.

Mission #7
Terrorists again. Now also in Tajikistan. The Chinese government is going to extreme lengths and giving you access to its nuclear arsenal...

1. Equip the base and find resources.
2. Destroy all terrorists. At the beginning, you get 4 general points, for which it is desirable to purchase cluster mining and all 3 levels of artillery preparation. Then save up for a nuclear weapon. On one of the "Overlords" who survived in the "meat grinder", put a "talking" tower to heal your units, on the second - a rapid fire. Move along the road with all your troops, destroying enemy troops, to the enemy base. Destroy it, but capture the Resource Center. A little further down the road there is a choke point where a pair of Dragon Tanks can put up a screen of fire very effectively. At the same time, 2 of your bulldozers are building a base, trying to build an airfield as quickly as possible. 2 MIGs are being built and they go north along the eastern edge of the map, after which they pass along the northern edge of the map. Two MIGs - so that at least one can fly. At the same time, there is an enemy base, namely SCUD Missiles. After that, try to drop cluster mines closer to the missiles (although the probability of this being successful is extremely small). N! in any case, a couple of artillery strikes destroy the SCUDs. After that, completely rebuild the base (including Nuclear Missiles) and start hitting the enemy base. Only after the constant waves of incoming enemies subside, build a column of "Lords" and start the offensive. Moreover, if you captured the enemy Resource Center, you can build the Barracks and create Jennen Kell there. And he shoots superbly from the Overlords Bunker. If you did everything right, then your eyes will see another parade of the Chinese army. They defeated the terrorists!

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The plot of the game originates in the 2010s. The player gets the opportunity to choose one of three factions, and not two, as in previous games. In Generals, the United States and China, two superpowers, are under attack from the Global Liberation Army, a terrorist organization from the Middle East with an unclear list of leaders. Both the US and China are depicted as the main characters in the series, and often collaborate with each other throughout the storyline. These three factions enter into a war similar to the real war on terrorism. Each campaign includes seven missions. It is advisable to first complete the campaign for China, then for GOA and then for the United States. In this order, China retaliates against the devastating GOA nuclear attack on Beijing and ultimately completely destroys the terrorist cell that was in charge of operations in the Pacific. This campaign is accompanied by incidents such as the destruction of the Three Dams Gorge and the use of Chinese nuclear weapons. Here begins a campaign of terrorists who are trying to recover from failure in China (accumulating capital and setting superpowers against each other), seizing the Baikonur Cosmodrome to launch Soviet missiles with biological weapons. After this, the US campaign begins, which pursue the GOA to their main headquarters, and also confront a Chinese general who sympathized with the terrorists. Each faction is portrayed in a unique way, with the US military using modern technology, while China is using old but proven and effective technology from developing countries. His strength is also expressed in the number of troops (large groups of units receive a "horde bonus"). The main focus of the terrorists is on small sorties (using chemical weapons) and numerous cheap fighters. Unlike Tiberian Sun or Red Alert, there are no main characters in Generals other than playable ones on the battlefield (where they play a minor role). The player is a general of the corresponding army and earns "general points", which increase the rank and open access to new abilities (for example, ordering an air strike and the ability to repair units in a certain area). Despite the extremely positive depiction of China in the game, which is so uncharacteristic of most American computer games, the Generals series is banned from sale in this country, probably due to the depicted nuclear attack on Tiananmen Square in the first mission of the Chinese campaign, as well as due to the inadvertent use of nuclear wide range weapons. The Generals story continued in Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour. Each faction in the game has its own musical accompaniment. The Chinese campaign's opening and closing theme song is the country's national anthem. The United States theme song consists of epic, militaristic music composed by Bill Brown. The GOA campaign soundtrack can be described as a combination of Arabic music and heavy metal, similar to the Somali theme in Black Hawk Down.

CPU: 1.5GHz
RAM: 256 MB
Video card: 64 Mb

US campaign. As usual, the Americans must exterminate the terrorists. Help them in this. Mission #1 So, the terrorists are still in Baghdad. The final part of the operation to destroy them is underway... The US campaign. As usual, the Americans must exterminate the terrorists. Help them in this. Mission #1 So, the terrorists are still in Baghdad. The final part of the operation to destroy them is underway. However, they have a stationary SCAD missile system, which simply needs to be destroyed so that these villains do not launch a missile attack. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy all terrorist troops. 2. Destroy the SCUD Missiles. The mission is as simple as the truth. From the very beginning, you have a rather large number of troops. Namely, a group of Crusaders and Jeeps. That is, there will be something to shoot at the infantry and tanks. The fact that they do not allow improvements to be made - and to hell with them. There is no point in building a base here. Those who are particularly keen can order Paladins (there is 1 general point), but there is not much point in this. The enemy is easily destroyed by what is. The main thing is to immediately hang combat drones on all equipment. The mission is passed simply by blunt pressure on the enemy. No frills. Just a dumb attack. And do not forget that tanks cope with the infantry quite badly and do not forget about the Jeeps. Already not far from the beginning of the mission you will meet a camp with captured Pilots. Place them in your tanks and Jeeps and your "invincible armada" will become even stronger. There will be a small pocket of resistance near the SCUD missiles, but this is also not serious yet. Mission #2 The Iraqi terrorists have been exhausted and their leaders have fled to Yemen. But the Americans don't want to leave them alone either. Therefore, the Comanches comb the narrow streets of the city in search of bandits. However, it is extremely convenient to launch Stingers from these very narrow streets. And now you have to help your own pilots out of trouble. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Rescue three Pilots. So, from the new funds, Ambulance and an improvement in the form of TOU missiles for Jeeps have become available to you. Well, fish for lack of fish and cancer. There is also a Sniper with General glasses (and there are already 2 of them), but he is only useful for defending his base. To begin with, you need to strengthen your base a little more with the help of the Patriots and capture 2 oil derricks standing slightly to the north of the base. Just don't forget to give them some protection. The enemy, although rare, still makes raids, and he does not capture enemy resource centers, but destroys them. After that, add troops to your army, equip equipment with drones and go. Just leave a couple of Jeeps at the base. Yet the patriots are not very good at dealing with infantry. Although you can put a couple of snipers there. Not far from the base is the Hospital, upon capturing which all your infantry will get the opportunity to "self-heal". Captured Pilots sit one at a time and a piece of the card with a new Pilot opens only n! after the release of the previous one. The immediate approaches to the Pilot are guarded quite well, and when the assault on the place of his imprisonment begins, everyone runs to this place. You can also use Colonel Barton and Snipers to shoot from the buildings, but the last base is well fortified, so it will still have to be destroyed by a tank assault. And Snipers are also well seen by enemy Jeeps. But they can shoot the crowds of Fanatics, who will certainly harm your tank armadas. Mission №3 Chasing the terrorists to Kazakhstan, the Americans did not calculate their forces. The Kazakh terrorists turned out to be an order of magnitude stronger than the Iraqi ones. Now we have to retreat. And you have to cover the retreat. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. To enable 100 American soldiers to escape. And here is the first difficult mission. There is a canyon that divides the map diagonally. The retreating Americans are walking along the canyon, being pursued by evil terrorists. The terrorists who passed through the entire canyon then go to your base, located northwest of the canyon. And to the southeast of the canyon there are a couple of oil rigs that the terrorists are not at all interested in (therefore they don’t even need guarding). You have at your disposal as many as 3 general points. However, the most valuable thing that can be purchased with them is Repair. "Lightning" is good, but it will not have a large number of targets, and Stealth Planes will be destroyed by an excess of enemy air defenses. You finally have Comanches at your disposal, but you will not be able to build tanks on this mission. Therefore, the tanks will have to be protected. The first thing to do is to throw a couple of Rangers with the help of Chinook through the canyon in order to capture the oil rigs. Second, the defense of the eastern part of the base is being strengthened. This is where the terrorists will come after the end of the persecution. 6-7 Patriots will be enough there. Troops are not needed there at all. They will be needed in the west. Don't touch the helicopters yet. The next action is to drive ground vehicles to the western exit from the canyon to the base. There, quickly build as many Patriots as possible (and don't forget about the energy stations at the base). After building 3-4 Patriots, bring the vehicles to the very edge of the exit (so it can intercept part of the enemy walking along the canyon and continue to build Patriots behind her. And after that, you can bring helicopters (if your number has reached 7-8, there will simply be meaningless losses in a smaller number) to the very middle of the canyon, and then observe the destruction of the enemy, periodically adjusting events. US Mission #4 launches sequential invasion of Kazakhstan. Terrorist training bases have already been discovered. The landing on the shores of the Caspian Sea has begun... MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the Stinger Nests that interfere with the landing from the air. 2. Build a base and destroy the enemy training camp. American battleships in the Caspian Sea? This is some nonsense! Well, to hell with them. The landing was successful, but the base has not yet been built - Bulldozers can only be landed from the air. However, you have 4 Tomahawks and a bunch of other equipment. Plus three general points, one of which is spent on Lightning with profit, and the rest are optional. Destroy all enemy Bunkers with Tomahawks. Just remember that even then they will not let you produce them. Therefore, guard this four more than your own eyes. After the Bunkers, destroy the target four Stinger Nests. You can, as an aid to the Tomahawks, hang a Reconnaissance Drone on one of the Crusaders and put it out of range of enemy air defense. After destroying the air defenses, you will receive reinforcements in the form of a couple of bulldozers and several tanks. After that, it remains only to build a base, release a few more tanks and jeeps and proceed to the systematic destruction of the enemy. Well, as always, Comanches are great as a cover for Tomahawks. The enemy will sometimes sluggishly try to disturb you (you can’t pick up another phrase here), but your troops can easily cope with this. Mission №5 The Americans are trying to negotiate with the terrorists in the city of Cabaret. And they believe that terrorists should not be trusted very much (I would not trust the Americans either). And they turn out to be right. Peace ambassadors are shot, the war continues. OBJECTIVES OF THE MISSION: 1. Prevent the terrorists from setting up a base across the river. 2. Destroy the main terrorist base. This time you have a total of 4 general points to spend on a double strike with Lightning Bolts. Nothing else special has been added. The mission is quite tricky in passing. There is a viscous and unhurried first part and a fast and dangerous second, which begins only after the first goal of the mission is completed. Therefore, we take our time and get everything from the first part of the mission. It ends only with the destruction of the last building of the base (Stinger nests do not count), so you can settle down on the enemy’s shore, and only after that destroy this building. As a gift, you are invited to capture the Hospital in the north of the map, after which your infantry will be able to self-medicate. To capture or not is your choice. In the meantime, you need to add more tanks, make 3-4 Tomahawks (there should be 6 of them by the time the first goal of the mission is completed), after which you should methodically deal with the destruction of the enemy. The right bank of the river should be cleared completely, no Stinger Nests should remain on it. After that! create your base near the resources remaining from the enemy, protect it with a couple of Patriots and build an army that must fulfill the second goal of the mission. These are about 12 tanks, 6 Tomahawks, several Comanches (pieces 3-4). After creating this army, transfer all troops to the right bank. And do not leave helicopters over the river - only over land. Because the terrorists, upset by the loss of the base, destroy the dam and it washes away everything in the river valley. Including the bridge and everything that was over the river. After the final destruction of the enemy, an additional part of the map will open, and you will receive reinforcements in the form of a pair of Bulldozers, a Crusader and an infantry group. Do not use spy drones on the enemy map. This will provoke an immediate attack. From now on, everything must be done quickly. Quickly build up 5-6 Patriots not far from the former bridge, backing them up with tanks and infantry from behind. Just don't put the Patriots in a bunch, pull them in a line from north to south. Lead the Tomahawk at the same time! and, Comanches and a small group of infantry north of your new base, destroying enemy strongholds along the way. Soon a hint will sound, according to which you will see the location of 2 oil rigs (and move towards them with Tomahawks) and the enemy will have SCUD Missiles. Ignore the "no one's" oil refinery. It will be too difficult to keep her. After capturing the oil rigs, move west from them along a narrow path in the mountains, covering your Tomahawks with Comanches. If everything went well, then very soon you will see SCUD Missiles. Destroy nearby air defense points (if necessary, use "Lightning" against them), after which, with the joint efforts of the Comanches and Tomahawks, demolish the SCUD Missiles. After that, any urgency already disappears and you can gradually destroy the enemy base. Mission No. 6 The Americans have already reached southeastern Kazakhstan. But then it turned out that the rebellious Chinese general had fled to the terrorists. Now we'll have to deal with the Chinese troops as well... MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the terrorist base in the northeast. 2. Destroy the command center and the Chinese nuclear missile. Well, now you have almost all the means of destroying the enemy. Namely, the Beam Destroyer, a raid of a flight of 3 Lightnings and a B-52. Moreover, the latter is allocated to you without spending points at all. And you are free to spend another 4 points of the General at your discretion. The mission is also tricky, but here the whole map is available from the very beginning. In the meantime, we need to strengthen our base. Place the Patriots near the bridge and on the northern outskirts of the base, and then build all available buildings on it. Immediately build a couple of Comanches. Otherwise, enemy Rocket Buggy will periodically pester you and you will have to do something with them. Constantly spend the resource of attack aircraft and B-52 on enemy fortifications, but do not touch the Command Center yet. When the Beam Destroyer appears at the base, it will be time to scan the territory of the Chinese. Look for their Nuclear Missile and boldly destroy. They won't need her anymore. After that, you can already finish off the terrorists. There will be a hint about another resource depot far to the south, but immediately! after the destruction of the terrorists, an assault group of Chinese will land near it, which will attack your base a little later. Therefore, it is much more profitable to build Delivery Zones and get a stable and safe profit from them. It remains only to walk through the base of the Chinese Comanches and Tomahawks. But do not forget that Chinese rapid-fire guns are extremely dangerous for helicopters, so it is worth using super-powerful weapons on them. Mission No. 7 The Chinese, concerned that terrorists are going to use chemical weapons, enter into an alliance with the Americans. Fighting is already taking place on the outskirts of Akmola... MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the terrorist base. Now you have Aurora Bombers at your disposal. As well as 7 general points with the ability to choose whatever your heart desires. If you immediately go north with the start of the mission, you will find an abandoned Chinese base. Well, restore it, their "Overlords" will not interfere at all. Immediately build a line of defense from quick gunners and Patriots. Your frequent guests will be the Rebels in a state of invisibility, so then it will be highly desirable to put "talking" towers to distinguish them. Also, very soon they will announce preparations for the launch of the SCAD Rocket. But its location will be highlighted, which will make it easier for your attack aircraft and B-52s. However, the enemy's air defense is very saturated, so I personally had to conduct a double raid with my "mass destruction" weapons due to their high losses on approaching the point to be hit (it is located in the depths of the defense). Then the tedious process of destroying the enemy will begin. It is important to take care of sources of income in advance, because! initial reserves of resources are consumed very quickly. Therefore, produce several Hackers as quickly as possible and set up several Delivery Zones. After that, as many weapons of mass destruction as possible (such as Nuclear Missiles and Beam Destroyer) are built. And a very simple tactic is turned on - we inflict a massive blow on a certain area, on the remaining points of resistance - additional blows. The survivors are pursued by a group of Comanches. Start on the wall that is right behind the river. For it is inhabited by too many Shooters with RPGs. Just be sure to wait for the accumulation of 4-5 "strong blows", otherwise the enemy will be able to rebuild again. You can use "Overlords", rapid fire and Dragon Tanks, but the terrorists constantly carry out numerous and tedious attacks and your group will have to be monitored to protect it from destruction. China Campaign. And China also has problems with terrorists. And what do these terrorists need on a piece of land populated to the stop by the Chinese... Mission No. 1 In general, the terrorists didn't really bother the Chinese. The Chinese peacefully held a large military parade. And here is a disgrace. Cars with explosives, explosions. No, there are no problems, no one counts the dead, but one must know when to stop! MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the storage of nuclear materials. As in the first mission for the Americans, you do not need to build anything. You have one General point, which is best spent to ensure that your Soldiers get their first badge. The factories produce Battle Masters, Dragon Tanks and APCs. The easiest way to pass is to make several Dragon Tanks and burn out the enemy who is trying to cross your path. They need to add a few Tank Hunters to fight the enemy Scorpions. But in the end, this well-coordinated bunch will quickly go to the store and complete this mission. It is possible to speed up movement by seating Tank Hunters in armored personnel carriers. Mission #2 So that's where the terrorists are crawling to China from! The base of this muck in Hong Kong is found out. And since Hong Kong is already completely Chinese territory, the Chinese will have to figure it out on their own. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the Terrorist Congress Hall. 2. Destroy the Poison Machine and the Weapon Dealer. You have 2 general points and the option to choose Artillery. True, only the first level, but it is also a lot. Not many troops to start with. Only those that survived the explosion on the bridge. So build up your base and be glad that you have Rapid Fire Tanks. It is they who will decide the fate of the entire mission. The enemy does not have heavy equipment, so 3-4 tanks will cut the enemy at high speed. The passage near the base is covered by 2-3 Dragon Tanks in fire curtain mode. And the Rapid Fire Tanks with some Tank Hunters are heading towards the Convention Hall. Keep in mind that they bypass the quarter with the Hall of Congresses from two sides, so when you go directly to its assault, leave guards in the rear. Otherwise, at one fine moment, the enemy attacks from two sides and it will be difficult to do something. The Poison Machine you are looking for and the Weapon Dealer are in the north of the map. This is an optional task, but it will have to be completed if only for the reason that you will pass by this building and they will interfere with you in the rear. Mission №3 The terrorists are not even going to calm down, showing up in a new place. The Chinese leadership is going to take appropriate measures... MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the Dam. 2. Destroy the terrorist base. You have 3 general points that can be spent on artillery preparation (as much as 2) and cluster mining. A pleasant surprise of this mission will be that here you will be given MIGs. And these MIGs will not only be present in the game, but will decide the fate of the terrorists. The first task is very simple: next to the starting point is the same dam. Place the Dragon Tanks on the fire screen towards the south (this is where the enemy troops will come from) and start shooting the dam with the Battlemasters. After its destruction, the enemy base, carelessly located downstream, will be washed away by a huge wave. Moreover, the resource warehouse that belonged to her will now go to you. Clear the area south of your base from the remaining enemies and you can build an Airfield. The enemy will now cross the river just north of your base, through a small island. Here it will not be superfluous to mine it at all. Your first MIG must be sent for reconnaissance. By a pleasant coincidence, the enemy has only 1 Stinger Nest. Artillery preparation on it, after which the MIGs begin constant shelling of enemy territory. And the full link of MiGs can do a lot. And if you add one more airfield, then things will go even faster. Just upgrade Napalm and your MIGs will become even more powerful. Mission №4 Terrorists, in their best traditions, produce a toxin at a mining factory. The Chinese authorities do not want wide publicity with the introduction of a large contingent of troops and are planning reconnaissance with the help of the Black Lotus saboteur, followed by air strikes. .. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the Stinger Nests. 2. Capture the Military Factory. 3. Destroy the last Stinger Nest. You start with 3 General points, but there is no choice in the form of artillery preparation. It's a shame, but that's not the point. You have only an infantry group and the Black Lotus under your command. Plus there is no way to produce equipment. True, it is possible to produce Hackers. But in a couple of minutes you will see an easier and more convenient way to get money - an Oil Derrick. So let the "Black Lotus" capture her. The infantry must destroy the Stinger Nests and the enemy infantry covering them. There is nothing difficult in this. Moreover, the Soldiers simply shoot the shooters from the Stinger, after which the whole crowd hollows out the defenseless Nest. You can use the Black Lotus to capture enemy Poison Machines. But you can simply drop mines at their location. Do not be lazy to look into the distant passages, this will be rewarded with UN money boxes. After capturing the factory, build 4-5 Gatlings and 2-3 Dragon Tanks. The first - for the destruction of infantry, the second - for the cleaning and destruction of buildings. In addition, the Dragons will burn out the last Stinger Nest very effectively. After that, it remains only to watch how several MIGs destroy the toxin factory. Mission No. 5 The Chinese realize that they cannot cope with the terrorists on their own and receive support from the Americans. It is expressed in the possibility of calling air strikes against terrorists. And the case has already moved to the territory of Kyrgyzstan, to the city of Balakchi. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy 3 terrorist camps and the main terrorist base. 4 points of the general is already a lot. This is at least 2 levels of artillery preparation, cluster mines and a nuclear weapon. Plus, do not forget about the American carpet bombing. For starters, you have a well-maintained base. Complete only the War Factory and populate the Bunkers with infantry. After that, you can build MIGs and begin methodically cleaning out enemy territory with the help of air and artillery strikes. And a column of "Overlords" will follow the ground (yes, yes, they were finally given) in company with rapid firers. You can still strike with the help of Nuclear weapons. Although, of course, the last base will have to be taken by a column of "Overlords". The mission is boring, but very simple. Mission №6 Terrorists continue to roam around the world in search of at least some safe place for themselves. This time, they took root in Bishkek, taking over one of the Chinese railways. You will again have to use the black Lotus. This time to destroy a key railway bridge. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Lead the Black Lotus to the railway bridge. The general's glasses were a joke. 4 points - for a total of 1 promotion. Anyway. Happiness is not in glasses. And misfortune - in the next restrictions. They don't let you build anything. You have the opportunity to only produce infantry (without Hackers, of which you were given 3 pieces at the beginning and no longer allowed) and armored vehicles (without Overlords). And it is necessary - neither more nor less, to lead through the positions of your "Black Lotus" saturated with the enemy and destroy the bridge. However, the task is quite feasible. To begin with, we are completing the defensive lines of the base and transporting several Gatlings to the other side of the river. Of the valuable targets, mining centers can be noted there, which the Black Lotus can shake out for the extraction of money, a light equipment factory (which it can also capture) and a station where reinforcements will periodically arrive for the enemy. Near this very station, 1-2 Gatlings are placed and the problem of reinforcements is immediately solved. On the other side, things are a little more complicated. Start by putting the Hackers in a secure location and let them make money. There is a stadium from which there are crowds of Fanatics and a circular road clogged with tanks. So slowly move forward, mastering new positions with Rapid Fire Tanks, and then set up a curtain of fire with Dragon Tanks so that it at least slightly captures the stadium. As a result, it will collapse, unable to withstand the constant burning. After that, you still have to build several masters of the Battle and carefully destroy the Scorpions and Marauders plying here one by one. Just burn out the last line of defense of the bridge with Dragon Tanks. Take the Black Lotus to the bridge and enjoy the victory. Mission number 7 Terrorists again. Now also in Tajikistan. The Chinese government goes to extreme measures and gives you access to its nuclear arsenals... MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Equip the base and find resources. 2. Destroy all terrorists. At the beginning, you get 4 general points, for which it is desirable to purchase cluster mining and all 3 levels of artillery preparation. Then save up for a nuclear weapon. On one of the "Overlords" who survived in the "meat grinder", put a "talking" tower to heal your units, on the second - a rapid fire. Move along the road with all your troops, destroying enemy troops, to the enemy base. Destroy it, but capture the Resource Center. A little further down the road there is a choke point where a pair of Dragon Tanks can put up a screen of fire very effectively. At the same time, 2 of your bulldozers are building a base, trying to build an airfield as quickly as possible. 2 MIGs are being built and they go north along the eastern edge of the map, after which they pass along the northern edge of the map. Two MIGs - so that at least one can fly. At the same time, there is an enemy base, namely SCUD Missiles. After that, try to drop cluster mines closer to the missiles (although the probability of this being successful is extremely small). N! in any case, a couple of artillery strikes destroy the SCUDs. After that, completely rebuild the base (including Nuclear Missiles) and start hitting the enemy base. Only after the constant waves of incoming enemies subside, build a column of "Lords" and start the offensive. Moreover, if you captured the enemy Resource Center, you can build the Barracks and create Jennen Kell there. And he shoots superbly from the Overlords Bunker. If you did everything right, then your eyes will see another parade of the Chinese army. They defeated the terrorists! Terrorist campaign. How much do terrorists need? Yes, as much as everyone else - just fix it a little in peace. Only for some reason they are not loved for this and offended in every possible way. There is another very tricky trick for terrorists, missed in the description of the game. The fact is that some of their equipment, namely Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns, Jeeps and Marauders, not only gain experience and bring you money, picking up the remains of enemy equipment. They are still improving themselves. The improvement can be carried out 2 times, but each time each improved machine dramatically changes its characteristics. For example, a Marauder upgraded 2 times acquires a second barrel and a very large firing range and rate of fire. Therefore, units fed in this way quickly cease to be "whipping boys" and move into a completely different category. So it is quite possible that you will be able to raise a "professional army" of junk (as it seemed before) cars. Mission №1 Evil Chinese poison white and fluffy terrorists life in Shymkent. Many of our brothers have died. Justice will have to be done. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the Chinese base. 2. Blow up the dam. You only have 1 general point, but soon you will get the second one, so you can choose any promotion at the beginning. Pay attention to the introductory video. This is how blasting works are carried out correctly. While the guards are "led" to the provocateur, the exploding cars drive up close to the object of sabotage and then it becomes too late to do anything. The first goal of the mission is carried out as if by itself. You have already partially defeated the Chinese base. It remains only to finish off the remaining buildings and destroy the infantry detachment coming to the rescue. After that, you will be led to your own base. It is better to start from a small enemy base located to the east of yours. Its disadvantage is that there are quite a lot of Battle Master tanks there. Therefore, upgrade all the Explosive Truck upgrades and put into practice the skills you just learned with the provocateur and the suicide car that drives in later. Finish off the remaining tanks with Scorpions. By the way, collect the remnants of enemy tanks with Jeeps. They will certainly be tacked on something - guns, grenade launchers. Next, build equipment at your base (the Weapons Dealer does not immediately belong to the base and you need to find it near your base) and move from the location of the enemy base to the north. When you destroy the enemy "talking" tower, be ready for the arrival of enemy tanks. Otherwise, the infantry reinforcements that come to you will be destroyed very quickly. Shoot another enemy base a little to the north. And there is already a stone's throw to the dam. For some reason, UN mission No. 2 sends humanitarian cargo to the Almaty region. No, to immediately transfer them to the terrorists. You have to pick it up yourself. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Collect 40,000 money. You have 2 General points and have the option to choose Marauders for this mission. Why not? The main opponents here are UN jeeps. The most effective way to quickly gain the amount is to shoot all civilians. Why are they stealing our money? The second point of this plan is to plant many RPG Shooters and Rebels in all the houses of the central village with a 5-road intersection. And not far to plant the Workers, so that later the houses were repaired. The result will be that the money convoys will remain entirely in this city, not far away. And the planes arriving later will also leave not far from the village. Moreover, immediately after the start of the arrival of the aircraft, several Mobile anti-aircraft guns will be allocated to you. But it is worth saving them, since they are not allowed to be built yet. Then another part of the map will open, and the most arrogant will be able to directly connect to the feeder, organizing a direct attack on the American base. Mission #3 We found new allies in Astana. But for greater joy, it is worth bombing the city. In the meantime, everyone is afraid - to rob a little more money. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy civilian buildings and collect 40,000 money. This mission must be completed by the union of two combat units - Marauders and Fanatics. Only Fanatics need to be upgraded in the form of Kalashnikovs as soon as possible. And then they will not be able to only storm buildings clogged with infantry and will not be able to fight against the Gatlings. Everything else will be on the shoulder. And the Marauders ... And you try to pick up the remains of enemy equipment with them. After two rebounds, the Marauder transforms into a double-barreled, rapid-fire, long-range assault gun. I would say "like a" Lord "" ... But no, he also spits poison. So a buffed Marauder is even better. So a couple of Marauders undergo improvements and go to knock the enemy out of the buildings he occupies. And Fanatics destroy all empty buildings and shoot enemy infantry. Both the Chinese and the Americans are trying to ruin your life at once. The Americans are eliminated from the game by blocking the bridge with a pair of Marauders. The Chinese are just carefully tracking their movement towards you from the north. Mission No. 4 of the USA finally became insolent in its impunity. But the action, this time, was transferred to Turkey. And then we will destroy their wonderful air force. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the American Airfield. Here you have to fully get acquainted with American aviation. Invest the general's points in "percentage for kills". There will be a lot of destroyed enemies here. Helicopters will also harm you (do not send Fanatics without anti-aircraft guns), and planes, and even B-52s that periodically fly up to your positions. The key to the passage is the rapid construction of Stinger Nests and Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns. Let the Fanatics guard the road just below the starting point in the company of Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns. They are quite enough for this. When you come to the possibility of an assault (sufficient funds and forces have been accumulated), then with a pair of Jeeps (with workers on them) and a pair of Mobile anti-aircraft guns, break through the Canyon to the American base. There is a relatively safe nook where you can build a tunnel and a couple of Stinger Nests. After that, you can not drag the entire mass of troops through the canyon, but simply transfer them through the tunnel. After that - a quick breakthrough to the American base with the launch of Fanatics there, who must destroy the power stations. After that, the American base is simply taken with bare hands. Mission number 5 What a disgrace! The US has taken over our pesticide storage facilities near the Aral Sea! They need to be returned! And then what to fight? MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Capture 4 pesticide storage facilities and destroy all Americans guarding them. You have 4 General points, which, of course, must be spent on getting money. You don't have anything particularly new (except for the Explosive Truck). Your base is in a not quite neglected state, but it has no defensive lines. The Americans will advance from 2 sides - from the east, across the bridge and from the north, across a fairly wide area. The bridge is mined and several tunnel crossings are placed near it. Plus, it is necessary to place several Stinger Nests along the shore to protect against enemy aircraft, which will be quite free to visit you across the river. With the northern direction, everything is not so simple. There you need to plant a large number of infantry in the houses (with and without grenade launchers) and place Rocket buggies behind the houses. Then enemy attacks will break against your strong defenses. And, of course, do not forget to repair houses after enemy attacks. Having built the defense, you can think about the attack. It is better to attack across the bridge to the east. Because from the north! enemy units are constantly moving and you will not only have to deal with the guards of the storages, but also be distracted by enemy reinforcements. To be honest, here it is quite possible to collect those same 4 storages. The most important thing is not to destroy them, but to capture them. So the mission may well end long before the release of the entire map from the Americans. Your attack unit will most likely consist of Marauders, Mobile Flak Guns and Rocket Buggy. Plus a little bit of infantry to capture buildings. You can also capture one Poison Machine to clear houses and Bunkers from enemy infantry. Mission #6 Treason! Several terrorists fled to the Chinese. So now you have to fight your own. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy all traitors. You have 3 trucks with nuclear warheads (just captured from the Chinese) and a fairly large base. The base of traitors is visible nearby. Scatter your 4 general points as before. In the first 2 minutes, quickly build up defenses and order the construction of troops. At the same time, your troops should be drawn into a single fist. And this fist will begin to break through directly to the enemy base. The enemy pays very little attention to your Nukes. Therefore, it would be quite fair to destroy the first two bunkers guarding the entrance, and blow up the rest at the base, destroying enemy buildings. After that, break into the base with the remaining troops and destroy everything that is left there. It's not worth it to waste time, because the enemy will throw up SCUD Missiles, which are controlled from the Command Center, and the Missiles themselves are located outside the map. After the destruction of the enemy base, the enemy from all over the kata will begin to converge on your positions. If you managed to take care of the defense, then you will no longer be afraid. And if everything is done correctly, the mission proceeds very quickly. Mission №7 Your task is to capture the Baikonur Cosmodrome. It is from him that you can launch a rocket stuffed with pesticides. The fate of all terrorists is in your hands. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Capture the mission control center. Capture the missile launch pad. The most valuable thing you have is 7 general points. Which should be used for a toxic bomb, money extraction and be sure to invest at least one point in Rebel Ambush. The workers available at the base must build the Barracks and the Weapons Dealer. A Radar is being built right there, a few RPG Shooters and Scorpions or Marauders (enemy tanks will soon crawl). By the time your Radar appears, the American Strategic Center will be shown. Near it, you will see a place where enemy Chinooks are dragging resources. Just south of this site and throw your anthrax bomb. If everything is done in a timely manner, then soon a column of American troops will pass through the contaminated area in the direction of your base. Few will reach, and those who will reach will be very badly damaged. After the poison disappears, throw your Rebels at the enemy base. Let them start from the Strategic Center and then capture everything else around. Gradually take over the entire American base and there will be more to come! rather, passing for the Americans - several Comanches are being built, which cut out all the guards at the base, and then near the rocket. If everything is done quickly, then the Chinese will not have to deal with at all. But if you delay the mission, then build Jennen Kell at your base, who will deal with the Chinese "Overlords", and deal with the Chinese base with American aircraft. And watch the flight of the rocket you captured.