Agave flower drawing. Magnificent and healthy Agave! The main types grown at home and caring for them. Where can you see a flowering plant?

1. Growing temperature: in summer the plant is kept at a temperature of - 18 - 24 ° C, in winter a dormant period is desirable at a temperature of 6 - 8 ° C.
2. Lighting: home agave can take sunbathing in the evening and morning hours, and develops well under artificial light.
3. Watering and air humidity: between waterings, dry the soil a few centimeters deep; it does not need high air humidity.
4. Features of cultivation, care: Trim old dry leaves of an indoor flower at the base of the rosette.
5. Priming: Alkaline substrate with a high sand content.
6. Top dressing: monthly in the spring and summer, when the agave is actively growing, with fertilizers for cacti and succulents.
7. Reproduction: daughter rosettes, less often - seeds.

Botanical name: Аgave.

Agave plant - family. Agave.

Where does agave grow?.The plant originates from Central and South America and Mexico. Agave is also native to the Mediterranean, where it grows in mountainous areas at altitudes of approximately 2000 - 3000 meters above sea level.

2.What is agave - description

The genus contains approximately 300 species, of which about 50 were cultivated and brought to Europe around the 16th century, they were used as ornamental plants. Currently, agaves are successfully grown in open ground on the Black Sea coast.

There is a belief that the plant blooms only once, which is not far from the truth. If the peduncle is located in the center of the rosette - at the so-called growth point, then after flowering and fruiting the plant dies, that is, this plant belongs to monocarpics. However, if the peduncle is located on the side, then the plant continues to live and develop.

Word " agave" comes from the Greek "amazing", "excellent". The name is due to the fact that during the flowering period the succulent truly represents a unique spectacle. Peduncle plants rise 8 meters in height or more.

In areas where the minimum temperature is not less than 8° C, for example, in Crimea, the Caucasus and America, it grows well in open ground. In more northern regions, the bush is cultivated in rooms and greenhouses; it can be exposed to the open air in the warm season.

Agave is not only an ornamental plant, it is used in the textile industry, paper production, for the production of alcoholic drinks in Mexico - pulque, mezcal and tequila, and in medicine to protect against insect bites.

Despite the fact that the appearance of the plant resembles some types of cacti (for example, Leuchtenbergia) agave- This not a cactus and has nothing to do with the Cactus family, just as agave is far from the Liliaceae family, to which aloe belongs.

3.What does agave look like?

These plants have a completely different appearance, although their structure is approximately the same - they all have a rosette.

Since succulents grow preferentially in deserts and semi-deserts, they tolerate moisture deficiency.

Characteristic of plants spiny leaves of the most varied colors, collected in a rosette. The color of the leaves can vary from bluish to grayish-green with various white and yellowish stripes.

5. Transplanting agave

Transplanted in the spring in a larger pot with very good drainage.

Large adult specimens pass once every 3 years or simply change the top layer of substrate to a fresh one.

Old specimens can be replanted after 5 - 7 years.

Under no circumstances upon landing do not bury the root collar– it must remain above the surface of the earth.

Very growing slowly, a tough and beautiful plant. Has tight sockets up to 45 cm in diameter(rarely higher than 22 cm). Some varietiescharacterized by different patterns, white leaf markings or variegation. The leaves are short, 15 - 20 cm long and up to 3 cm wide, hard and thick, triangular, dark green, with shiny white edges, growing close to each other and arranged in spherical rosettes. Flowers: A panicle-shaped inflorescence, from 2 to 4 meters, containing many paired flowers of various shades, often purple-red tones. Flowering period - summer, first blooms after 20 - 30 years, thenm dies within a short time. This species requires deep watering as its roots can die if the plant is exposed to prolonged drought - even when watering the plant during its dormant period, careful watering is requiredwatering Needs a cool rest period and plenty of light. In summer you can keep it outside.

11.4.Agave straight - Agave stricta

A small evergreen species with long leaves, spherical in shape, it produces shoots to create a colony of rosettes. The stem is straight, thick, and branched. Individual rosettes, with hundreds of thin leaves, 30 to 100 cm in height, narrow, yellow-green, green or grayish-blue, round in cross-section, without spines at the edges; thick at the base and tapering towards the end. Some forms have longitudinal red stripes on the leaves. Flowers range from green to red-brown or purple, and the plant blooms from July to September, first blooming at 8 to 10 years of age.

11.5.Blue or Mexican agave - Agave Tequilana

Among all the diversity of the genus, blue agave stands apart, since only from the syrup of this agave is the famous drink obtained - tequila. The juice has a pleasant, sweetish taste and is used in the production of tequila. Forms a beautiful symmetrical rosette of basal, hard, pointed leaves covered with a bluish waxy coating. Flowering in this species occurs at the age of 5 - 8 years. The flowers are yellow, collected at the top of the peduncles. After flowering, the agave plant dies, leaving several small daughter rosettes.

11.6. Agave Parr and - Agave Parryi

One of the brightest and most decorative representatives of the genus, it has a beautiful, compact symmetrical rosette of wide gray-blue leaves with long dark tips and dark brown spines at the edges. Red or pink buds open into bright yellow flowers. A. parryi is extremely drought tolerant. The roots need to be in well-drained soil and will rot if the plant is overwatered. Needs good lighting, but can grow inlight shading. Blooms at the age of 10 - 15, and sometimes more than 20 years.

11.7. Frightening agave - Agave ferox

Perennial evergreen plant. The leaves are shiny dark green, often striped, with sparse but large dark brown to black spines. Flowers are up to 8 cm long and yellow.

11.8. Dwarf agave - Agave pumila

about 12 cm. in height and width.

11.9. Agave simple

The plant is thornless, and its swan-neck inflorescence is simply a miracle. This is a very compact form, which however is rarely seen. Plant size about 12 cm. in height and width.

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Agave is a light-loving perennial plant belonging to the asparagus family. Is a succulent. Brought to Europe in the 16th century from Mexico and South America. In Russia it grows on the Black Sea coast and the Crimean coast.

Agave varieties include about 300 both wild and ornamental plants. In nature, this succulent can grow up to 100 years, but blooms alone in natural conditions once in a lifetime. It often has a shortened stem or its complete absence; the leaves are in most cases large, with sharp ends and spines. Their height ranges from 50 cm to 10 meters or more (in open areas in the wild). Plant unpretentious, therefore it is very common in deserts and open spaces in the scorching sun.

To him no need for abundant watering, as it belongs to the family of succulents that can retain moisture for a long time.

Many species were brought from America to Europe and adapted to climate change.

Many varieties are suitable for cultivation. They are grown in parks, squares and gardens. Most of them can be kept at home due to their compact size. If done correctly and uncomplicated, plants will not cause any special problems.

Let's look at the main varieties and names with photos, as well as their suitability for growing and caring for indoors.

    Queen Victoria Agave

    This is a type of ornamental agave that will look great as a house flower. Grows up to 15 cm. The leaves are smoothed, not sharp, dense and fleshy. The color is dark green, with white splashes, at the end there is a small spine up to 2 cm long.

    Queen Victoria Agave is the most attractive of all varieties. Young succulents shouldn't keep in open sun. Adults tolerate sunlight well. Withstands short periods of frost up to – 7 C.

    Home Marginata

    Agave marginata is a cultural form of American agave, bred thanks to selection. Similar to the striped one, but suitable for being at home. The leaves are fleshy and green. They have yellow or white edges.

    Blue (Mexican, tequila)

    distributed mainly in Mexico and grown by local entrepreneurs for alcohol production, mostly tequila. Grows in the wild and not suitable for home keeping.


    — Large species with a diameter of up to 3 m. with powerful fleshy leaves. Has many subspecies, some of them are suitable for garden and even indoor growing.


    Subspecies of American agave. It has a very shortened stem, the leaves along the edges are colored yellow and turn into spines. Reaches 2 m in height, can be grown in gardens and greenhouses in a sunny place and in the open air. Dry sandy soils are suitable for it.


    Very compact size, can also be grown indoors. There are white and yellow stripes running down the middle of the leaf.

    Easy to care for, requires plenty of lighting and drainage. Moderate watering is important, and in winter spraying only.


    It has elongated leaves up to 70 cm of grayish-green color. Grows in Mexico at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level.
    Because of the many thorns doesn't fit for breeding in homes.


    Multi-rosette succulent up to 225 cm long with sharp curved leaves. With age, it discards spherical multi-leaf rosettes. Very beautiful and good for garden growing.

    Home Tumi

    Miniature view, which can safely be called “domestic agave.” The leaves are thin, up to 25 cm long. The color is light green, with a white stripe running down the middle of the leaf. White threads diverge along the edges. At the end of the processes there are spines about 1 cm long. Native to Central Arizona.


    non-flowering plant with large, dense light green leaves, about 30 cm long. On the edges of the leaves there are red, sometimes brownish spines up to 1 cm long. Suitable for home growing.
    Grows well at temperatures from 20 C in summer in open air. In winter, the plant should be placed in a cool and dry room with a temperature of at least 10 C.


    It has a short stem and long leaves. It reaches 1.2 m in diameter. It is gray-greenish in color and has small white spines. Plant not suitable for captivity, but does well in gardens and greenhouses. When flowering, it produces yellow flowers; the peduncle resembles a small tree.

    Indoor Potatorum

    Another name is agave drunkards. A very miniature plant with spade-shaped leaves, which have a light green, sometimes bluish color at the edges. Red spines come from them.

    This type of plant can also be safely called “indoor agave”, as it is well grown at home. Loves bright sun and light watering. Drainage is required.


    The leaves are dark green with a light green stripe. Along the edges there are gray spines with a horny edge. Under natural conditions it reaches 4 m in height, but can also grow at home and in a small size.


    This species has no stem and growing slowly. And thanks to its attractive appearance, it is excellent for decorative breeding. The leaves are light green, very narrow at the base and gradually widen towards the middle. Along their perimeter they are bordered by spines.

    In spring it requires replanting, and in winter it is favorable to be in a cool room.


    It got its name due to the white threads growing along the edges of the leaves. They themselves are thin, about 20 cm long, matte green in color, ending in brown or gray spines. This species can also grow in homes with bright light and adequate watering. In winter it tolerates temperatures from 4 to 10 C.

    In summer you need to water moderately, in winter you need to spray. Rarely gets sick, but easy to treat using special fertilizers.

    In many countries, this succulent is considered favorable for keeping in homes, since has positive energy, and everyone knows it.

    Great for decorating gardens and parks. Such perennials will delight you with their appearance for a long time. Having examined the main types of Agave (Queen Victoria, Marginata, etc.) with photos, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

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For those who want to decorate their home with indoor plants but have enough time to care for them, agave can be a wonderful addition to interior decor. This unpretentious plant from the asparagus family is very popular in indoor floriculture. The herbaceous succulent has no stem and is distinguished by thick, fleshy leaves of a wide variety of colors. The leaves are strongly pointed at the end. Agave blooms once and this occurs no earlier than 10-15 years after planting. After flowering, fruits are formed that look like small bananas.

Caring for agave at home

In nature, agave grows in Mexican deserts, so it is not too demanding in terms of care. It tolerates dry air and bright sunlight well, so it can grow perfectly on south-facing windowsills.

Video - how to root agave cuttings.

In summer, agave feels great at a temperature of +20-+28 degrees. It tolerates sudden jumps in the positive direction easily. In winter, when the plant is resting, it is better to remove it from heating devices and maintain the temperature no higher than +18 degrees.

Watering and humidity
Water the plant 1-2 times a week. Each subsequent watering is carried out after the earthen clod has completely dried. Agave does not need spraying. When watering, you need to make sure that water does not get into the center of the rosette and onto the leaves, which leads to rotting of the plant.

Top dressing
In the summer months, you can apply universal mineral fertilizers to the soil, but you should not do this more than 2 times a month. The succulent is not picky about both the composition of the soil and the content of nutrients in it.

The pot for agave should not be too large. The plant is replanted no more than once every 3 years. Stores sell special soil for succulents, which is ideal for agave, but you can collect the soil yourself by combining clay-turf and leaf soil and adding sand and charcoal.

Juan Ignacio 1976

Agave propagation

Flower growers rarely propagate agave by seeds. The most commonly used method is the “removal” of children that are formed from rhizomes. The small young plant takes root easily in wet sand. You can also use propagation by fragments of roots, which in early March can be separated and planted in light sandy soil, deepened by 1-2 cm.

Types of agave with photos

In indoor floriculture, the most common is Agave Americana (American). This is a fairly large plant with bluish-green lanceolate leaves, along the edges of which there are brownish thorns. Several species have been developed from Agave americana.

Agave funkiana (Funka)
An original appearance with a neat rosette formed by leaves. The leaf blades are narrow at the base, widen as they lengthen, and taper again at the end, turning into a sharp white spine. The edges of the plant are decorated with the same thorns.

Agave victoriae reginae (Queen Victoria)
A charming plant with an almost perfect geometrically spherical rosette shape. Agave leaves are dense, dark green with a white pattern of dashes and spots. The triangular-shaped leaf plate has a rigid edge along the bottom. This type of agave has practically no thorns.

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Agave filifera (Filamentous)
This agave got its name from the long white thread-like hairs that form on the edges of the leaf blade. The appearance is very compact and looks neat. The leaves are matte green and up to 25 cm long.


Agave potatorum (Potato)
A rare species, not often found in indoor floriculture. The leaves are gray-green with a waxy coating. Reddish spines form at the end and along the edges of the leaf blade.

Agave stricta (Compressed)
A very impressive appearance with narrow, unusual for agave, leaves, which are distinguished by their curvature. This type of agave grows very quickly and forms new young rosettes that can fill the entire space of the flowerpot and create a beautiful decorative look.

Diseases and pests

Like many succulents, agave can be susceptible to putrefactive processes if the watering regime is not adjusted. Pests that may appear on it are thrips and aphids. Insects can be easily removed using a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. When infected with insects, agave leaves are treated at least once every 2 days.

Agave is a large monocotyledonous plant belonging to the Asparagus family. From a short trunk grows a rosette with long, gray-green, thick leaves, sometimes bordered with spines.

Agave blooms six to seven years after rooting. It looks like this - the plant throws out a unique peduncle, sometimes up to twelve meters in height, dotted with several tens of thousands of yellowish flowers. Most often, the entire ground portion of the agave dies after the fruits ripen.

General information

In its natural environment, evergreen agave can be found exclusively in Mexico and Central America. But due to its magnificence and a number of medicinal ingredients, it was scattered by man throughout the planet, even in the northern latitudes.

In the middle of the sixteenth century, people in Europe learned about this plant. Agave is mentioned in the works of P. Martyr dating back to 1533.

Today, in the Mediterranean countries, the cultivation of Agave americana has been established exclusively for the purpose of decorating streets and squares; tourists take beautiful photos of the location. In the Russian Federation, it is found in park areas in the south of Crimea and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

Species diversity

Agave is a succulent! Most often they are large, capable of surviving in difficult habitats, in steppes and semi-deserts. There are types suitable for growing at home.

  • Agave blue or tequila - used in the production of tequila - a highly alcoholic drink of Mexican origin. It grows naturally in the western part of Mexico, at an altitude of 1.5 km above sea level, in the dry and hot climatic conditions typical for such an area.

    The size of thick sheet plates can reach a couple of meters. After 5 years, the plant throws up a 5-meter peduncle. The opened yellowish flowers are pollinated by bats at night.

    Blue agave - a domesticated type of this plant is used to produce tequila; its lifespan is about fourteen years. In the state of Pulque, specialized areas - potreros - function for this purpose. The juice is extracted from the middle of 8-year-old plants; in younger ones, the fermentation process is impossible. Moreover, the grown sprout is broken off and replanted independently, while the agave continues to grow.

  • Agave americana– the basal rosette is formed by thirty strong and thick leaf plates, powdered with a waxy coating. The size, with proper care, reaches a couple of meters, the width at the base is twenty-five centimeters.
    For a 15-year-old plant, the flowering period lasts three weeks. This is followed by the death of the agave. The flowers themselves are large - up to ten centimeters. Loves light; oversaturation with moisture is not recommended.
    Agave American yellow-edged with a short trunk. There are sharp spines on the tops of the leaf blades. According to the name, its leaves are bordered with yellowish stripes. Therefore, it is predominantly exotic in appearance.
  • U agave striped the flowers are arranged differently - in the center the leaves are green, the edges are yellow. The upper spines are about a centimeter in size. Breeding in small apartments is impossible - sharp spines and dense leaf plates up to seventy centimeters long that grow upward pose a threat to children or domestic animals.
  • Agave drawn- a strong trunk, growing in diameter up to fifteen centimeters. The plant reaches one and a half meters in height, it can be erect or drooping. The trunk of the inflorescence sometimes reaches three meters, the flowers are yellow, with a greenish tint.

  • Agave compressed - The homeland of this type is called one of the states of Mexico - Puebla. As it grows it begins to branch. It forms multi-leaf rosettes with a spherical silhouette. The leaves are curved, very sharp at the tips, with thorns. The keel is located in the inner part. The most beautiful plant!
  • Queen Victoria Agave - An excellent option for growing at home, since the diameter of the whole plant does not exceed sixty centimeters. The leaves are decorative, dark green in color, with lightest oblique lines across the entire area. Below there is a keel with a horny stripe, at the tips there are spines, one of them is the longest.

  • Agave Tumi – The plant differs from its fellows in the formation of turf. A small plant with narrow leathery leaves of green color, decorated with a very light border and unique whitish threads. The tops of the leaf blades are decorated with spines up to one centimeter in size. Similar to Agave filamentosa.
  • Agave parasica - ultra-compact type, the diameter of the bush does not exceed sixty centimeters. It is very famous among fans of succulents. As a home flower, agave is distributed throughout the planet. Wide waxy leaf plates, ovoid in shape and blue in color, end in brownish-colored spines.
  • Agave brown-yellow – has a short trunk, but this nuance in no way suppresses its decorative properties. Reaching a diameter of about two meters, the leaf plates stretch up to one hundred and twenty centimeters - creating a beautiful appearance in flower beds and in specialized flowerpots. When caring, it is important not to touch the thorny shoots.

  • Agave potatorum – The size of the rosette of this succulent rarely reaches half a meter. The leaves have a spatulate shape with a jagged, paler edge. The width is ten centimeters; a dark thorn grows at the tip of any plant.
  • Agave Funca- an excellent specimen, with a rather slow growth rate. The barrel is missing. Very unpretentious to the soil. A large rosette reaches a couple of meters during its entire life span. The leaves are long, with a waxy coating and strewn with thorns along the edge. The color is greenish-blue. The height of the peduncle sometimes reaches ten meters. The seed ripens and the plant dies, leaving behind a large number of shoots.

Specifics of care

Agave gets used to a lack of light; it needs to be prepared for excess light. In particular, this applies to young animals. The correct choice of location will correct the condition. In winter, it is advisable to place succulents in a cool, bright room and reduce watering. Comfortable temperature range – from four to ten degrees.

It is possible to extend daylight hours to sixteen hours. It is better to fertilize in the summer once every three weeks with suitable mineral complexes.

In Mexico, agave is widely known and suitable for human consumption. By processing the plant, ropes and various fabrics are obtained. The pulp of the leaf plates is used in soap making. The medicinal properties of agave juice are known for their laxative and diuretic effects. Agave leaves are applied to bruises and to eliminate bruises. Good repellent.

Agave flower (lat. Agáve) is a perennial plant without stems, which belongs to the Agave subfamily, to the Asparagus family. Some varieties of agave grow short trunks.

Agave leaves often form a rosette at the root and have a fleshy appearance. Often the leaves are large and hard, and their width can vary. At the end of each leaf there is a hard point, and many of them also have curved and straight spines.


The color of the leaves of this plant can be varied - they can be green, bluish-green, and in some species yellow and white stripes are drawn along the edges. The covering of the leaves is somewhat reminiscent of a coating.

The genus Agave includes more than 300 varieties of plants that have become widespread in Central America, the southern United States, and the islands of the Caribbean Sea. Agave appeared in Europe in the 16th century, and it immediately became a popular exotic and ornamental plant. On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea, as well as in the Mediterranean countries, agave was grown in open ground and in temperate latitudes as indoor and greenhouse plants.

A flowering indoor agave plant is a very rare sight. A spike-shaped inflorescence with a large number of yellow funnels is formed on a huge peduncle.

It blooms once every 10-15 years under natural conditions, and after flowering it dies and leaves root shoots.

Agave acts as an ornamental plant in winter gardens. It is used to decorate interiors, exhibitions and outdoor greenhouses. As for large plants, they are not suitable for growing at home. However, there are also species that are small in size and slow growing.

However, it is worth taking into account the fact that agave is a valuable plant not only because it has an original appearance. Such plants are of great economic importance. First of all, fibers are extracted from them, from which ropes, ropes and fishing nets are made. And molasses is obtained from the juice of some species. Some varieties of agave are used to create the alcoholic drink pulque.

In folk medicine, agave is an excellent remedy for insect and snake bites.

Views from photos

This plant has many types:

Constricted Agave and Queen Victoria Agave.

Tumi and Parasskaya.

Brown-yellow and potatorum.

Scary Agave and Funk's Agave.

How to care for a plant?

Caring for agave at home is not fussy. Plants prefer sun in moderation, so they grow well on the north side.

It is necessary to water the agave moderately, especially rarely in winter. Do not allow water to get into the socket. There is no need to spray it.

In summer, the room where agave grows needs to be ventilated. And in winter it is better to provide her with a room with a moderate temperature and good lighting.

Agave does not have any soil requirements, so it can grow in rocky and sandy soils. The best option for the plant is dry soil with good drainage and plenty of sand. Also a good option would be to use an earthen mixture of sand and leaf soil.

It is better to replant plants in the spring if necessary. Young plants need to be replanted every year, and then after 2-3 years. As for adult specimens, they should be replanted only if the pot is changed to a larger one.

It is best to grow in flat pots.


Reproduction of the plant occurs by suckers and seeds, which are formed near the base of the trunk. It is better to sow seeds in February or March. And they will begin to grow after 5-7 days. 15 days after the appearance of the first leaf, the second one develops, and after that the third and the rest. By this time, an adventitious root begins to appear. After 2 weeks, the fourth leaf appears and a rosette is formed - the stem grows larger.

Reproduction can also be carried out by offspring that appear near the base of the trunk. The cut roots are sprinkled with charcoal and then planted in sand. The planting mixture should contain turf soil, sand and leaves. Agave needs to be watered 2 times a week.

Medicinal properties

In Eastern medicine, agave juice is used as a diuretic and laxative. And, as for modern medicine, here it is considered a good remedy against bruises. The mucilage from the root also helps relieve tooth pain.

Agave-based preparations have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Agave leaves are used to prepare infusions that help get rid of radiculitis. Fresh juice is used as an infusion to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. In addition, it is worth noting that the medicinal properties of the agave plant make it an excellent remedy for lumbago.

In addition, it is worth noting that the medicinal properties of the agave plant make it an excellent remedy for lumbago.

  • The leaf of the plant is divided into two parts, cutting off the spines. The juice that is released is used to rub the lower back. This must be done carefully, since such juice can cause irritation on delicate and sensitive skin. The procedure should be repeated 2 times a day.

Another interesting use of agave is as a means to combat insects of various types.