Dates of birth of famous writers and poets. Literary calendar for September

Literary calendar

February 1, 1884 was born
novelist, playwright, essayist,
literary critic, who
V. Shklovsky said:
“Zamiatin entered literature
strong and confident - like an icebreaker,
breaking the ice in front of you.

February 1, 1902 was born
James Mercer Langston Hughes

American poet, novelist, playwright and columnist. Hughes is known as one of the leading and influential writers of the cultural movement "Harlem Renaissance" and the discoverer of "jazz poetry." Hughes left an extremely rich legacy in a variety of genres: poetry, novel, autobiographical prose, short stories, plays.

February 2, 1700 was born
Johann Christoph Gottsched -

famous German writer and cultural figure, critic, literary and theater historian, theorist of the early Enlightenment, theorist of the German language and literature, the most authoritative defender of linguistic unification in the second half of the 18th century.
How the writer Gottshed takes
prominent place in development history
German literature.

February 2, 1812 was born

Ukrainian poet and writer.

February 2, 1822 was born
Alexander Ivanovich Palm -
Russian writer, poet and playwright, Petrashevist. Among the best works of Palm belongs the novel "Aleksey Slobodin", depicting the St. Petersburg literary and political circles and published under the pseudonym P. Alminsky, like his story - "The End of the Old Novel". The novel "Aleksey Slobodin" is interesting for the descriptions of the meetings of the Petrashevites and their characteristics,
in particular: S. F. Durov, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. N. Pleshcheev and Petrashevsky.

February 2, 1882 was born

Irish writer and poet
representative of modernism.

February 2, 1892 was born

Russian Soviet writer
historical novelist
"Port Arthur" dedicated to
Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905
Laureate of the Stalin Prize
first degree.

February 2, 1905 was born
Ayn Rand
(nee Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum) -
American writer and philosopher, creator of the philosophical direction of objectivism.

February 2, 1938 was born

Russian literary critic and writer, specialist in the work of A.P. Chekhov.

February 3, 1874 was born
Gertrude Stein -
American writer and literary theorist. Stein's experimental poetry and prose close to cubism (collection "Gentle Buttons", 1914; novel "The Making of Americans", 1925, etc.), oriented towards the European avant-garde, but at the same time striving to convey the American spirit, coloring, mentality and oral speech, never found wide readership. The only exception was The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (1933), written by Gertrude Stein at a rather advanced age. This is a lively and witty sketch of Paris in the years before the First World War, written from the perspective of her beloved - this book has been reprinted many times, translated into many languages.

February 3, 1887 was born

outstanding Austrian poet.

February 3, 1899 was born
Lao She -
a prominent Chinese prose writer, playwright, publicist, better known for his realistic and satirical prose; one of the leading artists
national literature.

February 3, 1946 was born
Arkady Trofimovich Dragomoshchenko -

poet, prose writer, translator. The first recipient of the Andrei Bely Prize in the field of prose (1978, for the novel “Location among houses and trees”).

February 4, 1505 was born
Mikolay Rei -
Polish writer and musician, politician and public figure of the Renaissance. Considered the "father of Polish literature", he was one of the first Polish poets to write in Polish.

February 4, 1799 was born
João Batista da Silva Leitan
de Almeida Garrett -
Portuguese writer and politician, viscount. Considered the founder of Romanticism in Portugal.

February 4, 1808 was born
Josef Kajetan Tyl -
Czech playwright and poet
author of the text to the national
anthem of the Czech Republic.

February 4, 1820 was born

Czech writer,
modern Czech prose.

February 4, 1873 was born
prose writer, who was called
outstanding artist
animal kingdom.

February 4, 1907 was born
Russian Soviet poet, translator,
author of the drama in verse "Rembrandt",
historical poems and ballads,
great lyrics.
One of his best poems
“Do you want to know what Russia is?
Our first love in life?
addressed to the origins of the Russian spirit,
dated September 18, 1942,
when the poet waited for permission
go to the front.
Tragically died in September 1945.

February 4, 1900 was born

French poet and screenwriter.
Prevert was a reformer
called free verse
without rhyme, but with a certain
internal rhythm and
the musicality of the stanzas.
This style of free versification
was a tribute to surrealism
in poetry and received a wide
distribution in Europe.
Prevert's poems, though not rhymed,
but built in such a way that
not felt, and they are perceived
reading and listening easily and organically. There are no punctuation marks in his poems either. Prevert said: “I throw out a pile of words about what I want to say, not intending to impose on anyone how they should be read, pronounced. Let everyone do it as he wants - according to his own mood, with his own intonation.

February 5, 1804 was born
Johan Ludwig Runeberg-
Finnish poet of Swedish origin, who wrote national romantic poems in Swedish
content. He is best known for the cycle of poems "Stories of Ensign Stol"; one of the poems of this cycle - "Our land" - became the anthem of Finland.

February 5, 1836 was born
, public figure, critic,
publicist, poet.

February 5, 1893 was born

poet, translator, one of the founders
and the main theorists of imagism.

February 5, 1914 was born
William Seward Burroughs -
American writer and essayist.
One of the key American
authors of the second half of the 20th century.
Member of the American Academy
arts and literature. Commander of the French Order
Arts and Literature (1984).
Burroughs' novel "Naked Lunch"
currently considered
one of the most important works
American Literature II
half of the XX century.

February 6, 1753 was born
Evariste Desiree de Forge Guys -
French poet, member
French Academy since 1803.
Guys formed under the influence
Voltaire. The leading genre of poetry
Guys was an elegy. The collection "Love Poems" was published in 1778,
in 1779 - a collection of "Poetic trinkets".

In 1799, he wrote the iroikokomichesky poem "The War of the Old and New Gods", in which he parodied the Bible.

February 6, 1886 was born
Louis Pierre -
Belgian poet, essayist
and political activist. most
Pierard's famous work was printed for the first time in 1924.
"The Tragic Life of Vincent van Gogh"
- a collection of valuable biographical
information and evidence, widely
used by subsequent authors.

February 6, 1914 was born
Arkady Aleksandrovich Kuleshov —
Belarusian Soviet poet
translator. People's poet of the BSSR.
Winner of two Stalin Prizes.
Laureate of the State Prize
Byelorussian SSR named after Yanka Kupala.
Laureate of the Lenin Prize
Komsomol of Belarus.

February 6, 1958 was born
Andrey Gennadievich Lazarchuk —
one of the most notable contemporary
authors working in the field
literary, philosophical
fantasy, turborealism.

February 6, 1925 was born
Pramudya Ananta Tour -
prominent Indonesian writer.

February 7, 1478 was born

English lawyer, Lord Chancellor, thinker, writer, humanist.

February 7, 1655 was born

French playwright.
Regnard's comedies include
valuable material for behind-the-scenes
history of high French society
late 17th and early 18th centuries.

February 7, 1812 was born

English writer, novelist and essayist. The most popular English-language writer during his lifetime, he still has the reputation of a classic of world literature, one of the greatest prose writers of the 19th century.

February 7, 1885 was born

American writer;
first US Nobel laureate
Literature Prizes.

February 7, 1905 was born
Paul Nizan -
French philosopher and writer.

February 7, 1937 was born
Doris Gercke -
German writer, famous author
detective novels.

February 8, 1577 was born
Robert Burton -
English clergyman, writer
and scientist, author of the encyclopedic work Anatomy of Melancholy.

February 8, 1828 was born

French geographer and writer, classic of adventure literature, one of the founders of science fiction.
Member of the French
Geographic Society.

February 8, 1900 was born
writer, linguist, translator.

February 8, 1921 was born
Ivan Pavlovich Melezh -
Belarusian Soviet prose writer, playwright, publicist. People's Writer of the Byelorussian SSR. Winner of the Literary Prize. I. Kolas. Laureate of the Lenin Prize. Laureate of the State Prize
Belarusian SSR them. I. Kolas.

February 9, 1441 was born

Central Asian Turkic poet
Sufi philosopher,
Timurid Khorasan.

February 9, 1783 was born
poet, translator, critic,
public figure.

February 9, 1867 was born

an outstanding Japanese writer,
one of the founders of modern
Japanese literature.

February 9, 1885 was born
Vahan Teryan -
outstanding Armenian poet
and public figure.

February 9, 1910 was born
Clara Moiseevna Moiseeva —
Russian writer. Member of the Union
Soviet writers. Moiseeva belongs to
a range of historical novels for middle and older children,
talking about different countries
and cultures of the ancient world.

February 9, 1938 was born
prose writer.

February 9, 1940 was born
often also Coetzee -
South African writer, critic,
linguist. Nobel laureate
Literature Prize 2003.
First writer to receive twice
Booker Prize.

February 10, 1775 was born
Charles Lam -
English poet, essayist and
literary critic of the Romantic era, one of the greatest masters of the essay genre in the history of English literature.

February 10, 1881 was born

Russian writer and translator
one of the last major figures
Silver Age.

February 10, 1890 was born
poet, prose writer, translator, laureate
Nobel Prize in Literature

February 10, 1898 was born

German playwright, poet, prose writer,
theater figure, art theorist, founder of the Berliner Ensemble Theatre.

February 10, 1919 was born

Russian playwright, screenwriter and poet.
Member of the Russian PEN Center,
creative council of the magazine
"Dramaturg", editorial and publishing
Council of the almanac "Petropol".

February 10, 1933 was born
Mikhail Mikhailovich Roshchin —
Soviet, Russian prose writer,
playwright and screenwriter.

February 10, 1938 was born
Georgy Alexandrovich Vainer,
writer, screenwriter.

February 11, 1657 was born
Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle

French writer and scientist. In "Entretiens sur la pluralit é des mondes" (1686), in a very elegant and light form of conversations that took place in the evenings in the open air between the author and the marquise, who had not heard anything about the subject before, they present the most important information about the earth, moon, planets, fixed stars as about suns in the environment of their own planetary systems. With special attention, he dwells on the question of the habitability of other worlds, which is interesting for secular people. In 1708 he published one of his best works, especially in terms of language and manner of presentation, "Eloges des académiciens".

February 11, 1802 was born
Lydia Maria Child -
a prominent representative of American abolitionism, an activist in the movement
for the protection of women's rights, a fighter for
Indian rights, writer and journalist,
acclaimed novelist
Hobomok: A Tale of the Early Times,
published under a pseudonym

February 11, 1874 was born

Swedish children's writer
and illustrator of children's books. Books, both written and illustrated
Elsa Beskov, extremely popular
in Sweden, are constantly reprinted.

February 11, 1894 was born
writer, author of scientific and artistic
books for children.

February 11, 1917 was born

American novelist and screenwriter.
His novels have been translated into 56 languages
and published with a circulation of over 300 million copies in more than 100 countries, 25 films were shot based on his scripts.
His name is in the Book
Guinness World Records: Sheldon is the most
"translated" author in the world.

February 12, 1828 was born

leading English writer
Victorian era.
From his many novels
the most famous "Egoist" -
subtle and ironic psychological
analysis of mental movements of English
landowner and his bride.

February 12, 1865 was born
Kazimierz Psherva-Tetmayer —
Polish poet, prose writer, playwright. He was awarded literary prizes for poems in honor of Adam Mickiewicz (1888) and Yu. I. Kraszewski (1889). The cycle of stories "On the Rocky Podhale", based on the folklore of the Polish highlanders, is considered Tetmayer's best work.

February 12, 1915 was born

Russian Soviet writer.
Laureate of the Stalin Prize
degree for the novel "Far from Moscow".

February 13, 1784 in Poltava was born

poet, famous translator of the Iliad.

February 13, 1769 was born
fabulist, playwright,
Academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Published satirical magazines
"Mail of Spirits", etc. He created more than 200 fables imbued with a democratic spirit, distinguished by satirical poignancy, bright and accurate language. N.V. Gogol called the fables of I. Krylov “... a book
the wisdom of the people."

February 13, 1879 was born
Sarojini Naidu -
Indian poetess, member of the movement for the independence of India from Great Britain. Sarojini wrote more than 150 lyric poems, which were later included in the collections Golden Threshold (1905), Bird of Time (1912), Broken Wing (1917). Later, all of them were combined into the collection “The Royal Flute.” Her poems were translated into Indian and European languages ​​​​(Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak was engaged in translations into Russian).

February 13, 1881 was born
Eleanor Farjohn -
English children's writer. Eleanor wrote poems, stories and novels, parables and miracles, song lyrics for opera performances for children, but fairy tales were the main thing in her work.

February 13, 1903 was born

French-speaking writer of Belgian origin, one of the most famous representatives of the detective story in the world
genre in literature.

February 13, 1915 was born
Brazilian prose writer, playwright, theater critic. In 1949, the Association of Theater Critics of Brazil awarded Guilherme Figueiredo a gold medal and a diploma of the best
Brazilian playwright.

February 13, 1932 was born
Igor Davydovich Shaferan —
Soviet songwriter.

February 14, 1855 was born
Russian writer, critic.

February 14, 1870 was born

Russian writer, Cossack,
member of the White movement.

February 14, 1947 was born

Russian Soviet science fiction writer.
Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.
Winner of the "Bronze Snail" awards
and "Wanderer".

February 15, 1867 was born
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Engelhardt —
Russian writer, poet, publicist,
literary critic. Author of novels
and stories, articles about N. V. Gogol, A. S. Pushkin, I. S. Turgenev, Maxim Gorky, books “History of Russian literature of the XIX century” (1902-1903), “Essay on the history of Russian censorship in connection with the development of the press (1703-1903) ”(1904), memoir book“ Old Episodes ”(1911).

February 15, 1900 was born
Jan Leopoldovich Larry -
Soviet children's writer, science fiction.

February 15, 1906 was born
Tatar poet,
an anti-fascist hero who said in his poems: “I dedicated my song to the people.
I give my life to the people."

February 15, 1909 was born
Nikolai Ivanovich Rylenkov -
Russian Soviet poet, author
poetic retelling
"Words about Igor's Campaign".

February 15, 1912 was born
Andrey Pavlovich Lupan -
Moldavian Soviet writer and public figure. People's Writer of the Moldavian SSR.

February 15, 1920 was born
Anne-Katarina Westley -
Norwegian children's writer. At home, she was called "the grandmother of all Norway", compared with Astrid Lindgren due to her great contribution to the development of children's literature.

February 16, 1804 was born
Jules Gabriel Janin -
French writer, critic and journalist, member of the French Academy. Interest in Janin as a representative of "violent romanticism" was shown by Pushkin, who called his novel "The Dead Donkey and the Guillotine Woman" "a charming Donkey".

February 16, 1831 was born
prose writer.

February 16, 1891 was born
Anna Dmitrievna Radlova,
nee Darmolatova -
Russian poetess and translator.

February 17, 1853 was born
Yaroslav Vrkhlitsky —
outstanding Czech poet, playwright, translator, head of the so-called "cosmopolitan" school in Czech literature.

February 17, 1856 was born

a well-known classic of French fiction, writing at the turn of the century, whose real name is Henri-Joseph-Honoré Becks.

February 17, 1864 was born
Andrew Barton "Banjo" Paterson is an Australian poet and author of ballads and poems set in rural Australia. Paterson's most famous work, Dancing Matilda, is often regarded as Australia's unofficial anthem.

February 17, 1906 was born
Russian poetess, public figure.
Everyone knows her poems ... They are not possible
not to know, since everyone was a child.
And every poem of this amazing woman made us
cleaner and better...

February 17, 1912 was born
The Great Lady of Science Fiction is an American science fiction writer. Winner of about 20 awards and prizes. The Science Fiction Writers of America honored Norton with the high title of Grand Master.

February 17, 1920 was born
Trevor Dudley-Smith -
writer, classic of the spy novel. He wrote most of the books under the pseudonym Elleston Trevor, but the world-wide fame was brought to the writer by the pseudonym Adam Hall and a series of novels about Quiller, an agent of a fictitious British secret organization, performing tasks around the globe. In total, more than 20 novels have been written about Qwilleran's adventures, the best of which is the first - The Berlin Memorandum.

February 18, 1825 was born

Hungarian novelist, one of the most influential figures in Hungarian literature of the 19th century. Known for the novels The Nameless Castle, The Hungarian Nabob, The Golden Man.

September 18, 1850 was born
Auseklis -
Latvian poet, an outstanding representative of folk romanticism in Latvian literature, translator.

February 19, 1812 was born
Napoleon Stanislav Adam
Felix Sigmund Krasinsky -
Polish poet and playwright, ranked among the greatest Polish poets of the Romantic era along with Adam Mickiewicz
and Juliusz Slowacki.

February 19, 1852 was born
Niko Iosifovich Lomouri -
Georgian writer and poet. The merit of Lomouri as a populist in Georgian literature lies in the truthful descriptions of the difficult life of the peasants in the conditions of their economic and cultural backwardness. Lomouri also wrote for children ("Ali", "Kajana", etc.).

February 19, 1869 was born

outstanding Armenian poet
and writer and social activist.

February 19, 1884 was born
Leo Chiacheli -
Georgian Soviet writer.
Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree.

February 19, 1896 was born

French writer and poet

founder of surrealism.

February 19, 1899 was born
Boris Nikolaevich Agapov -
Russian Soviet writer and screenwriter. Honored Art Worker of the Latvian SSR (1947). Laureate of two Stalin Prizes of the first degree (1946,1948).

February 19, 1920 was born
Jan Cross -
Soviet and Estonian writer.

February 19, 1931 was born

Russian writer, literary critic.
February 19, 1952 was born

contemporary Japanese writer and filmmaker. Real name
Ryunosuke Murakami.

February 19, 1956 was born

Russian singer-songwriter, musician, actor. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia.
People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
Author and first performer of the song
"It's great that we are all here
gathered today."

February 20, 1852 was born
Russian writer and publicist.

February 20, 1894 was born

Polish writer, poet, playwright, translator. Chairman of the Union of Polish Writers. Laureate of the International Lenin Prize "For the strengthening of peace between peoples."

February 21, 1874 was born
Dmitry Iosifovich Gulia -
Abkhazian writer, people's poet of Abkhazia. The founder of the Abkhaz written literature.

February 21, 1885 was born
Sasha Guitry -
French writer, actor, director
and producer. A prolific playwright, he wrote over a hundred plays and made films based on some of them.

February 21, 1886 was born

Russian futurist poet.

February 21, 1907 was born

Anglo-American poet, born
in the UK, and after World War II became a US citizen. Auden has been called one of the greatest poets of the 20th century; he wrote in the genre of intellectual lyrics, addressing both social-radical and philosophical-religious issues. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for his baroque eclogue The Age of Anxiety (1948). Auden also received the Bollingen Prize (1953), the National Book Award for The Shield of Achilles (1956) and the National Literary Medal (1967).

February 21, 1922 was born

Soviet writer, editor, journalist. Member of World War II, Marine. Chief editor of the Obninsk newspaper Vpered in 1965-1968. Author of a historical story about the Caucasian War
"Thunder Rumble".

February 21, 1943 was born

Russian writer, screenwriter.
The first woman to win the Russian Booker Prize. Winner of the Big Book Award. Lyudmila Ulitskaya's works have been translated into at least 25 languages.

February 21, 1962 was born

contemporary American writer and freelance journalist. He is best known as the author of the book Fight Club, which was later made into a film by David Fincher.

February 22, 1821 was born

("Kozma Prutkov"), poet, playwright, known as one of the creators of the image of "Kozma Prutkov".

February 22, 1861 was born
Anastasia Alekseevna Verbitskaya -
Russian prose writer.

February 22, 1866 was born
Jalil Huseynkuli oglu Mammadkulizade—
Azerbaijani journalist, educator and satirist.

February 23, 1758 was born
Vasily Vasilyevich Kapnist —
Russian poet and playwright
public figure.

February 23, 1808 was born
Pyotr Vasilyevich Kireevsky —
Russian writer, translator,
folklorist, archaeologist.

February 23, 1840 was born
author of the first dictionary of Russian criminal jargon. The release of the TV series "Petersburg Secrets", based on the novel "Petersburg Slums" by V. Krestovsky, returned the popularity of the forgotten author.

February 23, 1903 was born

Czechoslovak journalist, literary and theater critic, publicist, activist of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. Fucik's execution day - September 8 - was chosen to be celebrated
Day of Solidarity of Journalists.

February 23, 1944 was born

English writer and reporter
author of historical novels about the royal shooter Richard Sharpe.

February 24, 1595 was born
Matei Kazimir Sarbevsky —
Lithuanian-Polish Latin poet and literary theorist. During his lifetime, he was considered the most prominent Latin-speaking poet in Europe. Pope Urban VIII crowned him with a laurel wreath.

February 24, 1786 was born

German philologist, brother of Jacob Grimm. Representative, like brother,
Heidelberg romantics, who set as their goal the revival of public and scientific interest in folk culture.

February 24, 1848 was born
Eugene Melchior -
French diplomat, travel writer, archaeologist, philanthropist and literary critic, literary historian, member of the French Academy.
The expression “We all came out of Gogol's Overcoat” does not belong to Dostoevsky, as is commonly believed, but to Eugène-Melchior de Vogüé. Although this is not entirely true. The full quote sounds - “We all came out of Gogol's Overcoat,” Russian writers rightly say ... ", that is, it is a kind of" generalized quote ".

February 24, 1852 was born
George Augustus Moore -

Irish poet, prose writer, playwright and critic, stood at the origins of the Gaelic Renaissance movement, which sought to create a national Irish literature in English.

February 24, 1895 was born
Russian Soviet writer, playwright.

Sergei Yesenin spoke about him:
“... Ivanov is a sincere guy. How
his life neither taxed, no matter how it broke, -
he has always been and remains a true artist. He is a rare person who understands and loves art."

February 24, 1892 was born

Russian Soviet
writer, first secretary
and chairman of the board
Union of Writers of the USSR.
Hero of Socialist Labor.

February 24, 1899 was born
Jacques Presser -
Dutch historian,
writer and poet, best known
with his book Ashes in the Wind: The Destruction of Dutch Jewry
about the persecution of the Dutch -

Russian poet, translator, prose writer.

February 25, 1842 was born
Carl Friedrich May -
German writer, poet, composer, author of famous adventure novels for youth, many
of which are screened.

February 25, 1871 was born

(real name Larisa Petrovna
Kosach-Kvitka) -
Ukrainian writer, translator, cultural figure. She wrote in a wide variety of genres: poetry, lyrics, epic, drama, prose, journalism.

Date of birth unknown
baptized February 26, 1564

English poet, translator and tragic playwright of the Elizabethan era, the most prominent of Shakespeare's predecessors, a spy. Thanks to him
in Elizabethan England became widespread not only
rhymed, but also blank verse.

February 26, 1802 was born

french writer,
head and theorist of French romanticism. Member of the French Academy.

February 27, 1807 was born

American poet. author
"Songs of Hiawatha" and others
poems and poems.

February 27, 1902 was born

American prose writer, author of many world-famous novels and short stories: The Grapes of Wrath, East of Paradise, About Mice and Men, The Winter of Our Anxiety, and others. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

February 27, 1925 was born
Nafi Grigorievich Dzhusoyty
(Nafi Dzhusoev) -
People's writer of Ossetia, poet, playwright, publicist, literary critic, translator. Academician, Chief Researcher of the South Ossetian Research Institute. Z. N. Vaneeva, Doctor of Philology, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, laureate of the “Apple of the Narts” award.

February 28, 1801 was born
Moteyus Valanchus -
Lithuanian writer, educator, historian and church figure. Literary skill, richness of language, colorful pictures of folk life and customs made Valanius the founder of Lithuanian artistic prose.

February 28, 1866 was born

Russian symbolist poet, philosopher, translator, playwright, literary critic, Doctor of Philology, ideologist of Dionysianism. A bright representative of the "Silver Age".

February 29, 1920 was born

Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist. One of the most famous representatives of the so-called "village prose", a significant trend in Soviet literature of the 1960s-1980s.

March 2, 1800 was born
Evgeny Abramovich Baratynsky, poet, about creativity
which A. S. Pushkin enthusiastically responded to.

March 2, 1824 was born
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, writer,
the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia.

March 3, 1899 was born
Yuri Karlovich Olesha, prose writer. E. Kazakevich,
a great friend of Olesha, wrote: “Olesha is one of those
writers who never wrote a single word
falsehood. He had enough strength of character
not to write what he did not want.

March 3, 1939 was born
Irina Mikhailovna Pivovarova, writer
amazing magical talent. She manages to turn
our everyday life into a fascinating fairy tale.

March 3, 1929 was born
Irina Petrovna Tokmakova, poetess, writer,

March 6, 1815 was born
Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov, poet, prose writer, playwright.
Did you know that the first part of your favorite
"Humpbacked Horse" is just a term paper on
Russian literature student of philosophical and legal
Faculty of St. Petersburg University Ershov Petr.
The astonished professor read aloud the unprecedented
"kursovik" in the student audience, and in Russia at that
the same day a new famous writer of nine
eleven years old.

March 6, 1929 was born
Fazil Abdulovich Iskander, poet, prose writer. Reader-
Iskander received recognition thanks to a number of
satirical novels and stories, and, above all -
a large cycle of works under the general title
"Sandro from Chegem", which the writer continues on
present day.

March 12, 1923 was born
Svyatoslav Vladimirovich Sakharnov, writer
sheet. He belongs to the rare type of writers who
We set ourselves two tasks: as fully as possible
see the world and tell about everything you see. Almost all
his books are written for children.

March 13, 1888 was born
Anton Semenovich Makarenko, teacher, writer.
Long Soviet years the name "Makarenko" and the word "teacher"
were synonyms. Then, together with everything "Soviet"
both the glorious name and the main book have gone into the shadows -
"Pedagogical Poem".

March 13, 1913 was born
Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, poet, playwright.
To say that his books are in every family - not only
Russian, but also Ukrainian, Georgian, Tatar, any -
means to give only a rough idea of
popularity of the children's poet, fabulist, playwright,
storyteller Sergei Mikhalkov.

March 16, 1903 was born
Tamara Grigorievna Grabbe, writer, playwright,

March 16, 1884 was born
Alexander Romanovich Belyaev, science fiction writer. His
creativity is interesting because most of the scientific
technical foresights of Belyaev to date
come true.

March 18, 1902 was born
Lidia Yakovlevna Ginzburg, prose writer, literary critic,
literary critic. She wrote about Pushkin, Lermontov,
Vyazemsky, Benediktov in such a way that seriously get carried away with the move
her reasoning-reflections could any unprepared
reader, any "uninitiated". No less valuable
memoirs of Lydia Yakovlevna about Anna Akhmatova,
Eduard Bagritsky, Nikolay Zabolotsky, Nikolay
Oleinikov, Boris Eichenbaum ...

March 20, 1933 was born
Gennady Yakovlevich Snegirev, writer, classic
children's literature, author of 150 books published
fifty million circulation - in the Soviet Union
and in Russia, in Japan and in France, in Germany and in
America, Italy and Poland, here and there. According to him
stories printed in primers, anthologies and
textbooks, children learn.

March 23, 1902 was born
Alexey Kuzmich Yugov, prose writer. Connoisseur and lover
archaic and dialect words Alexey Yugov most of all
known for the historical epic "Warriors", narrating
cabbage soup about the events in ancient Russia of the XIII century, about the times
Daniil Galitsky and Alexander Nevsky. About the same era
tells his historical story "The Brave
heart”, published for children. Writer published
also several works on the history of the Russian language, and
in 1945 he translated The Tale of Igor's Campaign.

March 24, 1877 was born
Alexei Silych Novikov-Priboy, prose writer.
Novikov-Priboy served in the Navy, knew the sea
traditions, participated in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.
Not surprisingly, most of his books are devoted to
sailors: “The sea is calling”, “Submariners”, “Marine
stories", "In the power of the sea" ... About the campaign and the death of the Russian
squadron during the Russo-Japanese War it is said and
in his main work - the epic novel "Tsushima" ...

March 27, 1881 was born
Arkady Timofeevich Averchenko, prose writer, playwright,
theater critic.

March 27, 1781 was born
Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov, poet, philologist
Slavist, researcher of ancient Slavic monuments
writing, grammar of Slavic (including
Russian) languages, Russian tonic versification,
one of the founders of Comparative Slavic
linguistics in Russia.

March 28, 1868 was born
Maxim Gorky (real name Alexei Maksimovich
Peshkov), prose writer, playwright, poet, publicist.

March 30, 1912 was born
Alexander Konstantinovich Gladkov, Russian poet and
playwright. Alexandra Gladkov was the first to glorify
the play he composed - the heroic comedy "A long time ago"
- about a hussar woman, the prototype of which was
heroine of the Patriotic War of 1812 Nadezhda Durova.
And the playwright brought additional popularity
the famous film by Eldar Ryazanov "The Hussar Ballad",
based on this hilarious comedy.

March 30, 1843 was born
Konstantin Mikhailovich Stanyukovich, prose writer. His
called the "singer of the sea." Son of a prominent naval commander,
Stanyukovich knew the harsh sailor life firsthand
- he himself went on voyages on various ships and divided
all the hardships of service with ordinary sailors. His marine
short stories are still the best fiction
documents about the past of the Russian fleet.

March 31, 1822 was born
Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich, prose writer, poet,
translator, art historian

March 31, 1882 was born
Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (real name Korneychukov
Nikolai Vasilyevich), poet, prose writer, translator.
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The 2018 calendar is rich in dozens of significant dates, a special place among which is given to the anniversaries of the birth of the “geniuses of the pen”. The creativity of writers opens up the opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere of feelings and emotions, gain precious knowledge and find answers to burning questions.

Recommended!Anniversaries of writers and poets in 2019

The whole world honors the memory of the eternal builders of the flourishing wall of celebration and inspiration on the days of the anniversaries of writers in 2018 by months:

date of Anniversary Anniversary writer
03.01.1903 115 Alexander Beck
22.01.1788 230 George Gordon Byron
23.01.1783 235 Stendhal
25.01.1938 80
04.02.1873 145 Mikhail Prishvin
10.02.1938 80 Georgy Vainer
01.03.1863 155 Fedor Sologub
13.03.1913 105
16.03.1903 115 Tamara Gabbe
28.03.1868 150 Maksim Gorky
15.04.1843 175 Henry James
22.06.1898 120 Erich Maria Remarque
25.06.1903 115 George Orwell
03.07.1883 135
12.07.1828 190 Nikolay Chernyshevsky
27.07.1848 170 Hans Hoffmann
27.07.1853 165 Vladimir Korolenko
30.07.1818 200 Emily Bronte
09.09.1828 190 Lev Tolstoy
09.09.1918 100 Boris Zakhoder
21.09.1708 310 Antioch Cantemir
28.09.1803 215 Prosper Merimee
09.10.1733 285 Mikhail Kheraskov
09.11.1818 200 Ivan Turgenev
23.11.1908 110
01.12.1913 105 Victor Dragunsky

The immortal creations of writers are a precious heritage that is not measured in material terms, but makes humanity many times richer and wiser.

Russian and foreign anniversaries

Prose writers and poets, whose round dates of birth fall in 2018, created their masterpieces on different continents, in different countries and different parts of the world.

Pleiad of Russian writers

"Winter" birthdays

The eightieth anniversary of the birth of the outstanding "master of rhyme" Vladimir Vysotsky will be celebrated on January 25. In addition to the traditional visit to his grave by devoted friends and admirers, this day will be marked by the opening of new rooms in the Vysotsky House dedicated to the life of a genius.

The anniversary date - 115 years from the birth of the writer Alexander Beck, who immortalized in his stories a whole milestone in the history of the Soviet period, falls on January 3, 2018. And on February 10, the great screenwriter and master of detective stories Georgy Vainer would have turned 80 years old.

Spring and summer

On March 16, the literary society will celebrate the anniversary of Maxim Gorky - 150 years from birth. The opening of restored museums dedicated to the memory of the great writer, who made a significant contribution to world literature, was timed to coincide with this day.

July will be marked by the anniversary of the writer-critic of the Soviet era - Nikolai Chernyshevsky and publicist Vladimir Korolenko.

"Autumn" birthdays

The brightest and most significant event for true connoisseurs of verbal art in autumn is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Turgenev. By November 11, a large-scale celebration of the round date is being prepared with the presentation of the "Turgenev" encyclopedia, the opening of the museum with its six branches and the release of the writer's commemorative works.

The brightest stars-anniversaries in the literary firmament of foreign countries


On January 22, the whole world will pay tribute to the well-deserved respect and recognition of the great English poet of the Romantic era, George Gordon Byron, who would have turned 230 in 2018. And on the 23rd of the same month, the 235th anniversary of Stendhal, a French writer, whose works are read by fans of the “psychological novel” genre, falls.

The writer and traveler, whose name is known all over the world, the great Jules Verne was born on February 8, 1828. And on this day, but already in 2018, the public will celebrate his 190th anniversary.


American writer, who wrote 12 plays, 112 exciting stories and 20 novels, prose writer Henry James was born on April 15, 1843. 2018 marks the 175th anniversary of his birth.


The 120th anniversary of the famous German prose writer, one of the best writers of the "lost generation" Erich Maria Remarque will be celebrated by the public on June 22.

The outstanding "genius of the pen" - the German-language writer Franz Kafka, would have celebrated his 135th birthday on July 3, 2018. In the same month, but on the 30th day back in 1818, Emily Bronte was born in Foggy Albion, who glorified her great literary family with the novel Wuthering Heights. In 2018, she would have turned 200 years old.

The 170th anniversary of Hans Hoffmann, a talented German teacher-innovator and writer, who wrote the famous grotesque story "Little Tsakhes", falls on July 27.


The date September 28, 1803 is known in literary circles as the birthday of the French prose writer Prosper Mérimée, a recognized master of the short story. In 2018, the date of its 215th anniversary is celebrated.

Each of these literary geniuses in their works presented the world with a piece of the soul, feelings, emotions and experiences, the spirit of the time and the extraordinary flavor of the era in which they had a chance to live and create.

As a gift to children

The dates of the anniversaries of children's writers in 2018 deserve special attention. To open the door to a fairy tale, to open the curtain of a mysterious secret, to present a whole world of fantastic adventures - because for this it is not enough to be just a talented author, you need to love children with all your heart, to feel their emotional experiences subtly.

Among all the beloved poets and prose writers who created real masterpieces of the pen for their youngest and most grateful readers is the 110-year-old hero of the day Nikolai Nosov. His stories, fairy tales and novellas, full of love for children, are lively, real, witty and exciting. That is why they are so fond of young connoisseurs of literature. Little Dunno, smart Bobik and Barbos, Vitya Maleev - these and other ageless perky characters have forever settled in the hearts of the "kids" who have matured for a long time and just as quickly win ardent recognition from modern children.

Boris Zakhoder did a lot for the development of children's literature, whose centenary is celebrated in 2018. His poems about professions and animals, filled with deep meaning, are at the same time light and filled with deep meaning, provocative counting rhymes are written simply and clearly, as if the author himself is still a child and sees the whole world as a child, in its brightest colors.

2018 marks the 145th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Prishvin, whose authorship is stories about nature, which are very exciting and kindly acquainting young readers with the greatness and beauty of the world around them.

A lot of works were given to children's literature by a teacher at heart and a talented storyteller Tamara Gabbe (“A Book for the First Reading”, the plays “The Crystal Slipper”, “The City of Masters, or the Tale of Two Hunchbacks”, a retelling of “Gulliver among the Lilliputians”, etc.). Its 115th anniversary also falls in 2018.

March 13, 2018 marks the 105th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Mikhalkov, the famous and loved by children author of provocative poems. The same number of years would have been this year for the great classic Viktor Dragunsky, whose pen belongs to the Deniska Tales cycle.

True masters of artistic expression brought their valuable gifts filled with love and respect for little readers to the collection of literature for children.

The anniversaries of writers and poets in 2018 are the best occasion to discover the wonderful world of words, revive the work of venerable geniuses of the pen or for the first time enjoy amazing novels, short stories, short stories and poems.

Literary calendar

September 1, 1855 was born
Innokenty Fedorovich Annensky,
poet, playwright, critic, translator,
which contemporaries called
"poet of world disharmony".

September 2, 1906 was born
Alexander Petrovich Kazantsev,
one of the leading Soviet science fiction writers, author of the popular novels The Burning Island and The Planet of Storms. He won five literary awards, including the International Science Fiction Award (1976), the Aelita Science Fiction Award (1981), and the Young Guard magazine award for the best work of the year (1983).

September 3, 1941 was born
Sergei Donatovich Dovlatov.
Now in Russia, among the reading public, there is hardly anyone who is not familiar with this name. At the same time, his work did not receive recognition at home for a long time.
Having earned a reputation as a dissident, he was forced to live in the United States from 1978.
In the USSR, Dovlatov's prose was dared to be printed only since 1989. The well-deserved fame came to the writer only after his death.

September 5, 1817 was born
Count Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy,
poet, prose writer, playwright.

September 6, 1874 was born
Ivan Fyodorovich Nazhivin,
prose writer, publicist.

September 7, 1941 was born
Vladimir Nikolaevich Krupin,
Russian writer, representative of the so-called "village prose".

September 7, 1923 was born
Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov,
poet, prose writer.
It is said that the poet's life is to some extent reflected in his works. But it also happens that the fate of the artist is already a legend in itself, and in
In this case, a special reader's interest arises in it. Asadov's life is an example of such a fate.

September 7, 1870 was born
Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin,
prose writer. “We should be grateful to Kuprin for everything - for his deep
humanity, for his finest talent, for his love for his country, for his unshakable faith in the happiness of his people, and, finally, for the ability that never died in him to ignite from the slightest contact with poetry and to write freely and easily about it, ”said about German K. G. Paustovsky.

September 9, 1918 was born
Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder,
poet, prose writer, translator, playwright, one of the recognized classics of Russian children's literature. There are few in Russia
children who did not read his funny poems or entertaining fairy tales. Millions of children and adults know him as the man who "taught Winnie the Pooh and his friends to explain themselves
in Russian".

September 9, 1828 was born
Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy,

one of the most widely known Russian writers and thinkers, revered as one of the world's greatest writers.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was painfully
experienced the poverty and suffering of the people. He was one of the organizers of public assistance to starving peasants in 1891. Personal labor and the renunciation of wealth, of property acquired through
the work of others, Tolstoy considered the moral duty of every person.

September 10, 1872 was born
Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev.
Vladimir Arseniev was a traveler, explorer of the Far East, ethnographer, and writer. He introduced readers to the beauties of the Ussuri region,
with the life of the inhabitants of the coastal taiga, for the first time raised the question of the ambiguous, sometimes disastrous, impact of a “civilized” person
on nature, and spoke about the people who retained an organic connection with it.

September 11, 1923 was born
Grigory Yakovlevich Baklanov,

a man of the “military generation”, who in his works about the war
brought to the fore not political, but
moral aspect, staged both his heroes and
the reader before the problem of moral choice. Films about the war based on his scripts - “Salut, Maria!” and "It was the month of May" -

were a worldwide success.

September 11, 1882 was born
Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov.
Who knows how the fate of Boris Zhitkov would have developed if he had not made friends with K. Chukovsky as a child? Would he succeed as a writer then? Or would he live his life and remain unknown?
Korney Ivanovich wrote about the history of this friendship in his memoirs about Zhitkovo.

September 14, 1936 was born
Alexander Semenovich Kushner,

poet, essayist.

September 18, 1906 was born
Semyon Isaakovich Kirsanov,

Russian Soviet poet
a student and colleague of Mayakovsky, who called himself a "gardener of the gardens of language" and a "circus performer of verse", but for the sake of censorship, refused to experiment in poetry.

September 19, 1947 was born
Victor Vladimirovich Erofeev,

writer, publicist, essayist.

September 19, 1953 was born
Dina Ilyinichna Rubina,

a writer with a "bifurcated" fate,
both creative and human. Her
books written in our country are known to everyone whose youth fell on the 70s and 80s of the XX century. Works created outside the country are addressed to a different audience ...

September 19, 1911 was born
Semyon Izrailevich Lipkin.
Semyon Izrailevich Lipkin is known not only as a talented poet and prose writer. More familiar to the reader are other hypostases of his talent: the translator of the best
samples of national literature and a memoirist who gave us invaluable information about the best representatives of Russian literature.

September 20, 1922 was born
Grigory Mikhailovich Pozhenyan.
I was born on September 20, 1922 in Kharkov, on the mountainous Mordvinovskaya street, in a house where shoemakers and factory workers lived mostly. Tenyakova, people who are preoccupied with business and many children.

September 22, 1891 was born
Ruvim Isaevich Fraerman.
It happens that a work becomes more famous than the author who created it. This happened with the story "Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love." Everyone heard about her and her adaptation, the film by Yu. Karasik with the young G. Polskikh in the title role. But the author, Reuben Fraerman,
perhaps a few will name...

September 23, 1936 was born
Edward Stanislavovich Radzinsky.
"Love in the Gallant Age", "Theatrical Romance", "The Mystery of the Grave of the Royal Family", "The Mystery of Stalin" ...
who does not know these TV shows.

Their author, Edward Stanislavovich Radzinsky, talks about "the affairs of bygone days as if he was an eyewitness to all these events. A master of words and a master of reincarnation - thanks to him, we got the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of bygone eras.

September 26, 1932 was born
Vladimir Nikolaevich Voinovich

prose writer, screenwriter, playwright, publicist, deprived of Soviet citizenship due to his "anti-Soviet" activities and thanks to this activity he received it again.

September 26, 1923 was born
Alexander Petrovich Mezhirov,
poet, translator.

September 26, 1868 was born
Sergei Alexandrovich Naydenov,

playwright. Naidenov's dramaturgy is characterized by dynamism in the development of the conflict, the subtlety of the psychological
characteristics, liveliness of dialogue.

September 28, 1906 was born
Alexander Petrovich Stein.
Service on warships, meetings and partings, the life of a besieged city, the unparalleled courage of its defenders, readiness for self-sacrifice and
feat - all this was personally experienced by the writer, everything went through his work.

September 29, 1904 was born
Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky,

who created the image of Pavka Korchagin, a Komsomol hero, whose image was repeatedly embodied on the screen of Soviet cinema.

September 29, 1795 was born
Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev,

one of the most famous Decembrist poets. A friend of A. S. Pushkin, who sacrificed his life for the love of freedom and his people.

September 29, 1896 was born
Alexander Borisovich Kusikov,

Russian and partly Soviet poet, who belonged to the poetic
wing of the Imagists, author of the famous romance "The ringing of bells is heard from afar."

September 30, 1875 was born
Sergei Nikolaevich Sergeev-Tsensky,

Soviet writer, playwright, poet, critic, who became a classic during his lifetime. M. Gorky called him "a great Russian artist, the lord of verbal secrets."

A lot of significant and memorable dates are celebrated annually in the Russian Federation. 2018 was no exception. A huge number of writers, poets, literary critics and other cultural figures who are known throughout the world were born on the territory of our country. Every cultured and educated person in our great country, of course, notes anniversaries of poets and writers in 2018.

The activity of these people influenced the ideological consciousness of mankind, and possibly the historical course of events.

Some people confuse the concepts of "anniversaries" and "commemorative" dates. They need to be explained. Today, it is customary all over the world to celebrate the anniversary date, a multiple of five. For example, the 130th anniversary of the birth of Leonid Grossman will be celebrated on January 24, 2018, a well-known literary critic, writer, also known as the creator of the ZhZL series of books, in which, by the way, he wrote about Pushkin and Dostoevsky.

Memorable dates include events that have influenced the course of the history of a country or even all of humanity.

The systematization of significant and anniversary dates of writers and poets can be proposed in a different chronological order:

  1. The distribution of dates by century or the sequence of literary movements, directions. For example: first come the writers and poets of the Golden Age, and then the Silver Age.
  2. The distribution of dates in the calendar sequence of 2018, starting from the month of January and ending with December. In this case, the list may include writers and poets of the Renaissance and our contemporaries.

This article presents the second version of the chronological order.

Domestic and foreign anniversaries in 2018

There are a lot of famous, big names among the poets and writers of the anniversaries of 2018. These people worked at different times, in different parts of the world, made a huge contribution to the heritage of moral culture and literature.

Domestic writers and poets

  • January 3 marks the 115th anniversary of Alexander Beck, who managed to convey in his works the unique flavor of the reality of the times of the USSR.
  • On January 25, singer and composer Vladimir Vysotsky could have performed his eightieth birthday.

  • February 4 will be 145 years of the Russian prose writer, writer and publicist Mikhail Prishvin.
  • February 10 marks the 80th anniversary of Georgy Vainer, a Soviet writer in the detective genre, screenwriter and editor.
  • March 3 - 155 years have passed since the birth of one of the most prominent representatives of Russian symbolism - Fyodor Sologub.
  • March 13 will mark the 105th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Mikhalkov, a children's writer, poet, playwright, publicist and, which is also not unimportant, a war correspondent.

  • March 16 115 years old Tamara Gabbe is a well-known literary critic, playwright, folklorist, editor, writer and translator.
  • March 28 - 150 years of the writer, playwright, prose writer Maxim Gorky.
  • On July 12, Nikolai Chernyshevsky will turn 190 years old. He is known as a literary critic and writer.
  • June 27 is the 165th anniversary of the birth of Volodymyr Korolenko, a Ukrainian and Russian writer.
  • September 9 is the 190th anniversary of Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer.

  • September 9 is exactly one hundred years of Boris Zakhoder, beloved children's writer, poet, translator and screenwriter.
  • September 21 Antioch Cantemir, satirist and translator, was born 310 years ago.
  • October 9th. Mikhail Kheraskov is a poet, writer and playwright. 285 years have passed since his birth.
  • November 6 is exactly 200 years old to Pavel Melnikov (Pechersky) - a realist writer, ethnographer-fiction writer, publicist.
  • November 9 marks the bicentenary of Ivan Turgenev. Poet, realist writer, translator, playwright, essayist, classic of Russian literature.

  • November 23 - 110 years of Nikolai Nosov. Playwright, screenwriter best known as a children's prose writer.
  • December 1 marks the 105th anniversary of Viktor Dragunsky. Classic of Soviet children's literature, author of novels and short stories. His most popular cycle is Deniska's Stories.

Foreign artists

Russians honor and remember not only their compatriots, but also study foreign writers and poets. This world list of anniversaries of writers and poets is quite huge, therefore, only a small part of literary figures is highlighted in the article.

  • January 22. 230 years have passed since the birth of the English romantic poet George Gordon Byron.

  • January 23. The 235th birthday is celebrated by the French writer, the founder of the psychological novel, Stendhal.
  • 15 April. It has been 175 years since the birth of Henry James, an American writer.
  • 22 July. 120 years after the birth of the German writer Erich Maria Remarque.

  • July 25th. 115 years ago, George Orwell was born - British writer and publicist, author of the sensational dystopian novel "1984"
  • June 3rd. 135 years ago, the German writer Franz Kafka was born, who, by the way, was of Jewish origin.
  • July 30th. The middle of the Brontë sisters, Emily, was born exactly 200 years ago. This is an English writer and poetess, author of the extraordinary novel Wuthering Heights.

  • September 28th. The master of the novel - Prosper Merimee was born 215 years ago. French-born writer and translator.

These dates will be celebrated in many educational institutions of the Russian Federation, somewhere in literary circles, in schools, in libraries, or perhaps in the home circle. At such events, the biography of these creative figures is remembered, their contribution to literature is studied, poems and excerpts from prose works are read.

It is in this way that culture is instilled, ethical and aesthetic education is formed.

2018 is rich in significant dates (not only literary figures). This year will give a lot of impressions to people for whom creativity occupies an important place in life.
