Brown eye day of the year. Holiday international day of brown eyes. Brown eyes are the most common color in the world

Not every brown-eyed beauty knows that there is international brown eye day- a holiday dedicated to the owners of bottomless languid eyes. Nevertheless, such a holiday exists, it is celebrated annually on October 30 - on the birthday of that wonderful person who came up with this unusual occasion for celebration.

Unfortunately, the brown-eyed holiday is not yet on the official calendar, but this does not prevent residents of many countries from honoring women and men born with bewitching dark eyes. What are they - the culprits of the holiday and how should they be congratulated on this day?

brown-eyed people

It is believed that people with brown eyes are distinguished by high ambitions and strong leadership abilities, it is difficult for them to restrain their emotions, they are quick-tempered and impulsive. Hot brown-eyed guys and girls often become the initiators of conflicts and quarrels, they cannot stand expectations and love extreme types of recreation.

Owners of dark eyes are amorous and jealous. However, they themselves are not against diversity in life and easily decide on treason. A brown-eyed woman definitely needs a strong man nearby - only such a woman can truly appreciate and love. Guys with this eye color can only be faithful if they are madly in love with their partner.

How to congratulate friends on Brown Eyes Day

Anyone with brown eyed friends don't have to wait when is brunette day will officially appear on the calendar. You can congratulate your girlfriends and acquaintances in person, looking into their eyes or through social networks, mail, forums, telephone. Many poems and songs are dedicated to the owners of witch's eyes - they should be safely sent as a symbolic congratulation.

You can give your girlfriend eye makeup for an unusual holiday, and buy special glasses, vitamins or moisturizing drops for eye fatigue for a guy who sits at a computer all day. Any brown things will fit perfectly into the theme of the holiday, for example, a girl can be presented with a chocolate-colored scarf, and a brown handkerchief can be presented to a young man.

If you have time to prepare, you can order a friend or girlfriend an original mug or T-shirt with a photo of beautiful brown eyes, and if not, find a suitable postcard or fridge magnet. By the way, you can make a postcard yourself, using simple applications.

Chocolate is perfect for the shade of the eyes of the heroes of the holiday. You can give sweets, chocolates, chocolate figures, bouquets of sweets. Sweet gifts will be gladly accepted by young people and children, and respectable men can be given cognac - its shade fits perfectly into the desired color scheme.

How many sweet and beautiful eyes in the world! You can fall in love with all the eyes in the world: green, blue, gray, but brown eyes are the most beautiful in the world. There is a belief that it is impossible not to fall in love with brown eyes, and if you fall in love with brown eyes, then this is forever! People with brown eyes are considered faithful and devoted people, as well as monogamous people.

And we have, and we have

Day today - brown eyes!

The owners of all these

The darkest eyes in the world

Congratulations on the penultimate

October autumn day.

Let your eyes shine

Happiness, joy. Like in a dream

Your life will be beautiful

Kind, bright, bright, clear!

Day thirtieth of October -

The date is difficult.

This is a holiday for you

So congratulations!

Today is a holiday of brown eyes -

Lovely and lovely.

Strength to you, good stock,

Good, different successes!

Life is full of colors

But this is only one

After all, the thirtieth of October

Celebrating the whole world is not in vain.

Bottomless brown eyes

There are millions of people who love them.

The brown color beckons

It acts like a magnet.

It contains nutmeg, walnut and whiskey,

Chocolates and toffees.

Let your brown eyes burn

Not a tear will shed.

Happy brown eyes day, I congratulate you.

I wish you great happiness.

So that joy runs with you on your heels,

Love shouted: "I'll give her a dream."

Diamonds, diamonds, sapphires pot,

Good luck in life and this poem.

The history of the holiday of the Brown-eyed Day in Russia

Although this holiday is not as popular as the New Year or March 8, all the same, the owners of brown eyes know about it and do not forget to celebrate it. This holiday is celebrated in 2013. The person who invented this holiday was also born on October 30, it was his birthday - the creator decided to make it a brown-eyed holiday. And although so little time has passed since 2013, in a few years this holiday has managed to become an international day.

In Russia, the international day of people with brown eyes began to be celebrated quite recently since 2015. There is a legend in Russia that if, on the day of the celebration of a brown-eyed person, you congratulate him on the holiday of three brown-eyed people in a row, then the next year will undoubtedly be successful.

If you congratulate a brown-eyed couple in love, then the person will be loved all his life. And this holiday in the Russian Federation has already developed certain traditions that are observed on the day of brown eyes. For example, the style of congratulations. Congratulations in Russia are carried out: in person, by letter, postcards, SMS messages and via social networks, the main requirement of any of these congratulations is a poetic form. Also, close people with brown eyes can be congratulated with any gizmos that match the color of the eyes. For example, it can be: glasses, lenses, eye drops or eye drops, vitamins for the eyes, a scarf to match the color of the eyes, etc. And also a special attribute of this holiday are gifts such as cognac and chocolate - they have a shade of brown eyes.

Brown-eyed day in the world

All brown-eyed people are endowed with a special attraction in the eyes of the opposite sex and in the eyes of the public.
Sensitive individuals these brown-eyed people, because they have a certain flair for the problems of other people and take over these problems on themselves, than they always try to help others. Owners of brown eyes are very witty individuals who have a penchant for self-education and self-development.

And the fact that brown-eye day is already an international holiday and is celebrated all over the world is no longer a secret. Congratulations to brown-eyed people do not differ much from Russian traditions, but as for the styles of celebration, there are certain differences. There is an option to spend the holiday in the form of a pajama party, which can be used by all nations. Gangster-style parties are celebrated mainly in central-western Europe and North America, and in South America they are met with Hawaiian show dances.

Any occasion is good for a holiday! This is exactly what the founders of Brown Eyes Day decided and in 2013 proposed to celebrate this unusual holiday annually on October 30th. Brown Eyes Day is not yet on the official calendar, but this does not stop showering brown-eyed friends with compliments, congratulations, wishes and small gifts.

People with brown eyes genetically cannot but be in the spotlight and strive for leading positions by any means. They are a little quick-tempered and are not able to sit quietly in one place and do monotonous and monotonous affairs. It has been noticed that brown-eyed women and men rarely listen to the advice of others and do not try on other people's standards.

At the same time, the owners of beautiful and deep brown eyes are distinguished by kindness, amorousness and inability to be offended for a long time. People who look at the world with languid brown eyes are very jealous, but they tend to hide their furious feelings and not show their inner emotions to others.

belief says that if on October 30 you congratulate three brown-eyed people in a row on this holiday, then luck until the end of the year is guaranteed. If you congratulate the brown-eyed couple in love, then you will meet your love during a year.

And we have, and we have
Day today - brown eyes!
The owners of all these
The darkest eyes in the world
Congratulations on the penultimate
October autumn day.
Let your eyes shine
Happiness, joy. Like in a dream
Your life will be beautiful
Kind, bright, bright, clear!

Day thirtieth of October -
The date is difficult.
This is a holiday for you
So congratulations!

Today is a holiday of brown eyes -
Lovely and lovely.
Strength to you, good stock,
Good, different successes!

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Eye color can tell a lot about a person's personality and what kind of things they prefer. Brown color means reliability and trust, means life wisdom and understanding of the essence of things. Happy holiday to you, our dear brown-eyed ones, with the International Day of Brown Eyes.

Who has brown eyes
Strong in character and wisdom,
Get used to doing things by hand
And often he is the leader in the team.

Sometimes brown-eyed ones are stronger
Than gray eyes,
But the brown-eyed army is more powerful,
There are many more of them among people.

And that's the dominant feature
Genetics say so in unison
And if the blue-eyed girl got married,
Then the brown-eyed genes will win.

Brown eyes have a thousand shades
Sometimes they call them tea color,
Coffee, sand, while:
Eyes - like cherries, how not to remember here!

And on this October day, already international,
When we sing about brown eyes,
Let us understand that their gaze is not at all cold,
The soul of the brown-eyed is hot.

After all, black eyes that praise in songs,
The shade is just dark brown eyes
Let the geneticists correct me
But their opinion is not an order to the poet.

That's why I drink to the brown-eyed
For women, for men and for children,
For a race where the skin tone is different,
But where the color of the eyes is the same for people.

Look into my eyes
Obviously they are not turquoise,
Brown, like cinnamon
It's impossible not to fall in love.

Everyone is celebrating now
Day of beautiful brown eyes.
Congratulations accept
And congratulate each other

With beauty and brown color,
Congratulations in October
To brown eyes
Tears have never known!

Life is full of colors
But this is only one
After all, the thirtieth of October
Celebrating the whole world is not in vain.

Bottomless brown eyes
There are millions of people who love them.
The brown color beckons
It acts like a magnet.

It contains nutmeg, walnut and whiskey,
Chocolates and toffees.
Let your brown eyes burn
Not a tear will shed.

Happy brown eyes day, I congratulate you.
I wish you great happiness.
So that joy runs with you on your heels,
Love shouted: "I'll give her a dream."
Diamonds, diamonds, sapphires pot,
Good luck in life and this poem.

Drive people's brown eyes crazy
Depth and magic velvet:
They promise an unbridled romance,
They caress with healing beauty.

Their gaze is gentle, and sometimes strict,
Penetrates like a scanner into the soul.
Warms if you are cold
Heals if you suddenly have a cold.

Brown eyes keep a secret
Pure relationships, ardent passion.
Let them not know tears, do not see troubles,
And they shine and burn with happiness!

Beautiful brown eyes day
The color that warms
Everyone is now celebrating
Singing their beauty.

Your look, brown eyes,
As if illumined by light
The world around you, me
Plays with all colors.

On the thirtieth day of October
From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate
I brown you.
May the whole world give you:

A barrel of laughter, a spoon of heaven,
A pot full of joy
And because you are
I give you a poem.

I am in the light of your brown eyes
Tonu for the umpteenth time.
And on the 30th of October
I wish you happiness, I love!
May all dreams come true
Well, the troubles will end.
Let your eyes burn
There are no more for me.
So as not to give flowers a pot,
Accept my poem as a gift!
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Today, brown-eyed people celebrate an international holiday dedicated to their beautiful eye color. According to statistics, it is people with brown eyes who are the most in the world, which means that almost every second on the date of October 30, 2018 deserves congratulations. Poems and beautiful pictures that touch the feelings of friends and acquaintances can help with this. They will be grateful that people paid attention to their little feature.

Congratulations for the brown-eyed on October 30, 2018

On this bright autumn day

I hasten to congratulate you.

You are lucky to have

Beautiful brown eyes.

I wish you happiness and a ton of joy

And so that your eyes never

They did not know tears from misfortunes and pain,

And only from delight could sparkle.

I wish you great happiness

And I wish you a lot of joy from the bottom of my heart.

Today is a holiday dedicated to you

After all, your brown eyes shine brightly.

May only good things for you

meets in life

And tears from your eyes

They happen only out of happiness.

Pleases us so much

Your gentle look from brown eyes.

You keep in them riddles, secrets

and they are so hard to figure out.

But I want to tell you

So that you stay happy

And joy to bring your own

Passing it on to others.

The date of the holiday today is dedicated to you.

Your brown eyes are the center of attention on this date.

Therefore, I hasten to congratulate you on the triumph

And wish you good luck, the path will be your joy.

Let the glow of your eyes

The path to happiness shines brightly,

And love is one for two

Waiting for you instead of a thousand gifts.

The history of the celebration of Brown Eyes Day in the countries of the world

The celebration of Brown Eyes Day has a very small history and has not yet had time to fully take root among the peoples of the countries of the world. Even in the holiday calendar, you cannot find such a celebration, the unofficial date of which falls on October 30th. Its creation was initiated only 5 years ago, namely in 2013.

The very word "brown" came from the language of the Turkic peoples, who call the black color so. In Russian, this term began to be used to call eye color, since this word is consonant with brown. The same word was called the dark tanned skin of a person or the color of a horse.

Since ancient times, magicians and witches have been considered not only green-eyed people, but also those who have brown eyes. The people believed that it was brown-eyed people who could bring the evil eye or damage, they were subject to witchcraft and a vision of the future. Modern human energy specialists support the beliefs of their ancestors. They argue that the energy of brown-eyed people has a powerful force. It is they who are most often the so-called "energy vampires."

Brown eyes are the most common color in the world

Statistics show that most people in the world have brown eyes. A scientist from Denmark named Hans Eiberg claims that at the beginning of human development, all of its representatives had a brown iris. Various mutations in the course of evolution have led to the formation of other eye colors. Such changes have a relatively short period. Only about 10 thousand years ago, the prevalence of brown-eyed people slightly decreased. However, even now they are favorites.

This phenomenon is due to the fact that the dark color of the eyes makes human genes dominant. In this case, if in a pair one person has blue eyes, and the second has brown eyes, then the greatest probability is that the child will have dark eyes.

Melanin is responsible for coloring the iris. Its amount in the body determines the color of a person's eyes and hair. With age, people lose their eye color saturation and become gray due to a lack of pigment. So, albinos have practically no melanin in their body, so their skin, hair and eyes are as light as possible.

In 2012 (and maybe even earlier), enthusiasts suggested celebrating this unusual holiday. It is not yet in the official calendar, but this does not prevent you from congratulating your brown-eyed friends. Belief says that if today you congratulate three brown-eyed people in a row on this holiday, then luck is guaranteed until the end of the year. If you congratulate a brown-eyed couple in love, then you will meet your love within a year.

Brown-eyed people, although everyone is different, have their own distinct and unique features. Their eye color is mesmerizing, crazy, makes you think. Just one look of mysterious, brown eyes will forever immerse you in thoughts about this person, leaving a haze of memory for life. Although, despite their mystery and incomprehensibility, brown-eyed people, as a rule, are quite open, sincere, they say everything they think about directly on the forehead. After all, this is a much better quality than discussing a person behind his back. It is believed that people with brown eyes are distinguished by high ambitions and strong leadership abilities, it is difficult for them to restrain their emotions, they are quick-tempered and impulsive. Hot brown-eyed guys and girls often become the initiators of conflicts and quarrels, they cannot stand expectations and love extreme types of recreation.

Brown-eyed people are very amorous and jealous, often possessive, they believe that their chosen one or chosen one is simply obliged to submit, idolize and not think about anyone but a half. Despite this, even with a long-term partnership, the owners of brown eyes themselves are not against diversity in life and easily decide to cheat, doing it unconsciously, without long-term plans. A brown-eyed woman definitely needs a strong man nearby - only such a woman can truly appreciate and love. Guys with this eye color can only be faithful if they are madly in love with their partner.

It is believed that brown-eyed people are under the influence of the element of fire, therefore they have a huge energy potential. The fire needs to be sustained somehow, which people with brown eyes do with the feedback from others: they like to be praised and approved.

Brown-eyed people are often not restrained in showing emotions. They are impulsive, quick-tempered, do not think about the consequences of their actions. This is clearly seen in their interaction with others. Sometimes they become unbearable, show aggression towards loved ones, provoke conflicts. Although in a calm state they are quite sociable and sweet interlocutors.

Such people are selective in choosing partners for communication: they can warm someone with their inner warmth, burn others. The sociability of brown-eyed people is even amazing: they can find a common language with any person, regardless of his status, age or interests. Often this is due to their self-confidence, the self-esteem of people with brown eyes is inflated.

Brown-eyed women are smart, resourceful, cunning. They strive for diversity in life, and in everything: they are capable of treason, which they do not even hesitate to admit.

They do not listen to other people's opinions, adhere to their own principles. Often, women with brown eyes do not pay attention at all and do not notice what will not bring them any benefit, benefit.

They value luxury, gold, wealth, money. They often live in their own fictional world, similar to the life shown in foreign TV shows. Brown-eyed people do not like to cook, clean the apartment and do other household chores.

Women with brown eyes often achieve success in sports: if not at the professional level, then at the level of external manifestations - they achieve a beautiful figure, strive to look perfect.

If a brown-eyed woman meets a strong man and passionately loves him, she will appreciate him, she will be ready to do anything for him. If there are people weaker than her nearby, then the woman is able to humiliate, insult, offend them, without even realizing it.

That is why brown-eyed women often marry more than once until they meet their man, worthy and suitable for her in all respects.

A man with brown eyes most often seeks to make a fast-moving career and is capable of anything for this: he earns a reputation as a responsible worker, even a workaholic.

Quite rarely, even with such zeal, they are able to become heads and managers of firms, but in the place of a specialist, a subordinate, they achieve great results and great financial success. But at the same time, such men are absolutely not engaged in household chores.

Brown-eyed men quickly fall in love, but then also quickly cool down to the object of their former passion. They are not able to forgive betrayals, while not being faithful to their partners.

Another reason for quarrels with their companions is their relationship with their mother, with whom brown-eyed men have a truly wonderful and open relationship throughout their lives.

Such men are capricious, even selfish.

Brown eyes can often be lighter shades, or darker, closer to black. Hue depends not only on the innate eye color, but also on the mood of a person in a given period of time. Allocate brown-green eyes, gray-brown-green eyes, dark brown eyes. At the same time, the owners of this eye color are endowed with the qualities of both colors with their characteristics.

For example, people with dark brown, almost black eyes rely not only on their opinion, which they always have and they do not hide it, but also listen to more competent people in certain matters. In matters of relationships, such people, as a rule, are also capable of betraying a partner, but at the same time they feel remorse at the same time, although they do not regret the act. People with this eye color, in addition to achievements in work, which they certainly strive for, do not forget about household chores: they cook with pleasure, clean the house, etc. At the same time, people with dark brown eyes also strive for love from others, approval, praise. If their superiors don't appreciate them, they may quit and have no worries about lost opportunities.

People who have hazel-green eyes are more modest, secretive. They have numerous talents, but do not seek to demonstrate this in public. They like to be alone more than in public, although they love the attention paid to them by other people. They listen to other people's opinions, but they always make a decision on their own and do not change it under the influence of others.

Those whose eyes connect three colors - gray, brown and green - have features from all these rather different representatives. At the same time, people with gray-brown-green eyes are one of the most indecisive people. Before making any choice, they torture themselves and others for weeks. They are not confident in themselves, doubt their abilities and capabilities.

Brown-eyed people usually have a lot of friends, which is why if you are one of them, you should pay due attention to the brown-eyes holiday. Believe me, this holiday is not very popular, not all brown-eyed people know about it. If you come up with such a wonderful occasion as congratulating a friend with deep, brown eyes, then this friend will simply be delighted with your attention. Whiskey-colored eyes will appreciate how passionate and interested you are in their natural features.

And we have, and we have
Day today - brown eyes!
The owners of all these
The darkest eyes in the world
Congratulations on the penultimate
October autumn day.
Let your eyes shine
Happiness, joy. Like in a dream
Your life will be beautiful
Kind, bright, bright, clear!

Who has brown eyes
Strong in character and wisdom,
Get used to doing things by hand
And often he is the leader in the team.

Sometimes brown-eyed ones are stronger
Than gray eyes,
But the brown-eyed army is more powerful,
There are many more of them among people.

And that's the dominant feature
Genetics say so in unison
And if the blue-eyed girl got married,
Then the brown-eyed genes will win.

Brown eyes have a thousand shades
Sometimes they call them tea color,
Coffee, sand, while:
Eyes - like cherries, how not to remember here!

And on this October day, already international,
When we sing about brown eyes,
Let us understand that their gaze is not at all cold,
The soul of the brown-eyed is hot.

After all, black eyes that praise in songs,
The shade is just dark brown eyes
Let the geneticists correct me
But their opinion is not an order to the poet.

That's why I drink to the brown-eyed
For women, for men and for children,
For a race where skin tone is different,
But where the color of the eyes is the same for people.