Village magic and witchcraft challenge man. Village magic and witchcraft: the power of ancient spells and rituals. What is village magic and conspiracies?

Village magic is considered as strong as the traditions and ancient folk superstitions in modern villages. For certain reasons, such witchcraft deserves separate consideration. It was these methods that our ancestors used to remove damage, protect themselves from the machinations of enemies, and also reap a good harvest.

In the article:

Village magic is a separate section of witchcraft

In almost every village, mystical rumors still circulate about women who live on the very outskirts of the village. In the old days, such rural women were considered witches, however, they rarely saw anything bad in this - after all, the Inquisition did not take root in our country. Witches were respected because a lot depended on them. The witch could help with the harvest, remove damage, return the breadwinner to the house, and help marry off a daughter. Some time ago, in a remote village, the house of a local healer was the only place where a sick person could get help.

If you believe the village legends, offended witches have always been able to seriously ruin life. Therefore local healer or "grandmother" They tried to appease with gifts and treats. Such people rarely took money for their work, but they never refused treats. They received food, clothing and jewelry as a gift for getting rid of problems and magical assistance in serious situations. Knowledge about witchcraft, as a rule, was passed down by inheritance. But sometimes the secrets of witches left the family, and ordinary people learned them.

It was in this way that rural residents learned about simple ways to preserve the harvest from evil people and envy, the principles of the work of spells and magic in general, as well as other knowledge on village magic, and sometimes other branches of witchcraft. Village magic and witchcraft are also available to modern city dwellers. Not all rituals require things that are difficult to obtain in big cities, such as fresh milk from a cow or personally prepared cream. Most of them are distinguished by the availability of items necessary for witchcraft, because in the villages they rarely used rare things, but took what was at hand.

Village witchcraft for harvest and pets

One of the most important parts of life in the village is your own farm, simply put, a vegetable garden, poultry and other domestic animals. Almost every yard has its own farm, which will bring profit and prevent you from experiencing need. Therefore, the farm was always taken care of, because it was often the only source of income for the family. First of all, village witchcraft was aimed at preserving the health of domestic animals, protecting the garden and garden from the evil eye, as well as increasing the harvest.

Chickens pecking at laid eggs is a common problem among poultry keepers. To get rid of this problem and keep the eggs intact, they slander the food or water for chickens:

Chickens are white, chickens are pockmarked, chickens are black. Don't peck at the stars in the sky and the eggs in the nest.

Hay is a necessary thing in the village. So necessary that they often try to steal it late at night, when the owners go home. There was a simple way out of the situation, because if you hope for luck, the livestock may be left without food for the winter. In order to prevent the hay from being stolen, you should walk around the stack three times forward with your back, while reading the plot three times:

A haystack, a haystack, a field soul,
Protect your soul from theft,
From eating a hare,
Crazy from lightning,
Field fireweeds,
From free cattle,
From five men:
Old, gray, strong and young, -
From thieving women,
From elk revelers.
Field worker, field worker,
My haystack is small.
Stand up backwards
Save it well.
Here he should stand
Here to wait for the owner.
I'm raking, I'm raking,
I close, I close
For seven keys, conspiracy speeches.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Every full moon there is a chance to charm goats, cows or other domestic animals out of any trouble. To do this, they walked around the herd with the following words:

I speak to the living from wandering enemies,
Biting dogs, snake bites, thinness,
From the deeds of sorcerers, from glaring tongues.
They don't count the stars in the sky,
And my goods are numbered.

Damaging a cow is the most common option for taking revenge on enemies using magic when it comes to a village. There are many legends about witches who knew how to steal milk, and also turn into snakes and toads in order to drink milk in this form.

A cow is not only a source of milk, but also a pet that can generate income for a family for several years in a row. In order to get as much milk from a cow as it was possible to milk, it was rolled into a jar, like canned food. They made a fire further from the house and threw this can into it. When it bursts, then the damage will go away. It is believed that after this the witch will come to your house to ask for something. Under no circumstances should you give anything she asks for.

The dog played an important role in rural areas. Its main task is to protect the house and crops from thieves. If the dog ran away, the time for quiet sleep ended, because at all times there were enough people who preferred easy money. Therefore, dogs were often talked into running away from home. For food or drink for a dog, they read each time they gave it food or water:

What a path, what a road
All legs are tangled.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracies for a good harvest were read only on a waxing moon, on any clear night. This one, for example, is supposed to be read on sown beds. By the way, it can also be read for indoor plants:

The earth gave birth, the earth rewarded,
The earth has enriched

Mother of God, save. Amen.

A plot to increase your harvest will not save someone else's envy and thieves. If you are gardening, it is worth putting protection on the site. This can only be done by the person who is related to the property, works in this garden, or at least occasionally visits there. For the ritual you need to buy four new knives, completely identical. On Tuesday morning, the knives are buried in the corners of the site, moving clockwise.

Each knife is buried approximately half a meter into the ground. After you have buried the knife, stand with your foot on this place and say:

Let this knife prick the hands of thieves and cut the eyes of envious people!

After this, spit three times over your left shoulder and bury the next knife in the same way. The protection will last a long time - until the knives rust. After a couple of years, the ritual will have to be repeated.

Village magic and witchcraft - spell words for all occasions

Conspiracies and spells of village magic were used not only to get a good harvest, a lot of milk, meat and eggs from one’s own chicken coop. In the villages, knowledgeable people used magic in a wide variety of situations. For example, in order to. To do this, you need to go to the market and buy twelve apples without haggling. On the way home, six apples are given to the poor. The next day, three more apples must be given to the beggars. Take the three fruits that remain with you to the cemetery gates and leave them on the inside, saying to yourself:

Remember my poverty, put my poverty to rest, and wealth and health will be with me.

From the cemetery, go straight home, without talking to anyone along the way. By the way, this is why witchcraft in the villages was performed late at night - so as not to meet anyone on the way back.

Quarrel between neighbors or members of the same family is a fairly common occurrence. If your friends quarreled and you want to rectify the situation, set a table for them and invite them over. In this case, the tablecloth should be linen, and it should be laid inside out on the table. The dishes are not of great importance, but you need to work hard when compiling the menu - let it not be a luxurious table, but a pleasing one to the eye. For all food, when preparing and setting the table, read:

There will be a feast, there will be peace, a truce. They will be harmonious (names of people who are in a quarrel) and friendly, like water never spilled. They will live and live, not know grief, and make good.

It is believed that after dining at such a table, people not only stop quarreling, but also, over time, make friends. There can be any number of people at the table, except for the objects of your witchcraft. You can guess the moment when they are invited to visit someone else and cast a reconciliation plot on the dishes.

Village residents still often trade goods from their gardens and their own production at markets. In the old days, trade could be the only source of income. In order to quickly sell slow-moving or stale goods, they used an old merchant conspiracy. To do this, they found an anthill and stirred it with a stick. Then they collected a handful of ants in a jar, and then poured them onto the product with the words:

Just as there are many, many ants in that house, there will be just as many buyers flocking to the product.

This is done at the workplace, before trading begins.

Village magic - whispers

An integral part of village magic -. They can be used in almost any situation - there are many whispers for all occasions. Whispering the right words is a matter of a few seconds, if you first memorize several texts that seem most useful. That is why they were afraid to offend the village witches - they could take revenge immediately.

If they refuse to pay you money for a product or service, you can still take your payment by whispering after:

Don't pay with money - pay with luck!

After this, a series of luck will overtake you. It doesn't really matter what you weren't paid for - a taxi ride, goods stolen from the market, or other things. It happens that circumstances develop differently, and you need to act more actively. Then a black whisper will do to harm the economy; you need to read it against the enemy’s garden:

Salt to the earth, emptiness to the well,
the whole household is in trouble.
go into the wind, sweep it with the wind.

If you are unlucky with noisy neighbors, whisper at their door:

I throw a blanket of peace over you so as not to scream and yell. If peace does not come to you, let dead silence come to you. Amen.

If you are going about your business and suspect that someone is watching you, you can confuse the stalker with the following whisper:

If I start it, I’ll confuse it, I’ll cover it with slander, I’ll wrap it in conspiracy.

For any case against you, for example, a lining or even an anonymous note, you can read:

Your business is in your body.

Even schoolchildren can use the old witch whispers that were taught to children in villages for a long time:

No fluff, no feather, no two, no stake, no three, no four, but only five! Nima.

Village love spell - how dangerous it is and how to make it

A village love spell is dangerous because it is easy to apply, but very difficult to remove. In villages it was often difficult to arrange a personal life; village residents are still faced with this problem. In the old days, people often resorted to love spells, both girls and boys.

You can bewitch a guy with salt and a candle from the church. Place a couple of pinches of salt on a saucer, place it on the table and light a candle. So you need to read the salt:

Just as everyone adds white salt to food, as they love it and cannot live without it, so may God’s servant (the name of the beloved) also love me, God’s servant (his name), and cannot live without me. Amen.

Love salt is added little by little to your loved one’s food and drink. If this is too difficult to implement, it is better to pour it on the threshold. You can bewitch a girl with salt. In addition to the salt itself, you will need a fabric bag. Such a rustic love spell is cast in the morning of the day on the evening of which a meeting with the object of passion is planned. You need to talk about salt like this:

I’ll get up early in the morning, go through one door without crossing myself, go through another, go from one passage to another without being blessed, go out into a clean, wide field and onto the damn sea. On this damn sea there is an iron hut, and in it there is a stone bridge, under the bridge there is a marble pillar, on that pillar there are 12 devils, three of them are my elder brothers. I will come closer to them, bow to them and lower:

“My older brothers, do me a service, dry, twist the girl (name) so that she walks, but does not get drunk, drinks, but does not get drunk, eats, but does not overeat, loves passionately, but does not forget, so that the girl (name) dries ) for me (my name) all 12 veins, 30 joints, 40 joints, 70 sub-joints. Amen.

Carry salt all day in a bag that you have prepared in advance. In the evening, all the salt is added to any treat for your loved one. Make sure she eats every last crumb, otherwise the love spell will not work. It's not too difficult if you use a little salt and choose the right dish.

Literature on Village Witchcraft

Village magic, Papus

Modern literature will become a reliable guide to the world of village witchcraft for any person. This section of magic was interesting only now, in our time. Papus, who lived in the 19th century, was interested in village healing techniques, collected knowledge from all over the world and used it with constant success. The famous Paracelsus, who is considered a brilliant doctor of bygone times and now, also studied magic and medicine from villagers.

“Village Magic” by Papus was released relatively recently, in the 90s of the last century. It is part of a series of works by this author. If you are interested in “Village Magic”, try studying other books, for example, “Practical Magic” by Papus. Some publishers publish these two works in one volume, where the section on village magic is a dictionary of concepts accepted in the villages of the 19th century.

Papus paid great attention to the need to spend time in the countryside, following a vegetarian diet and taking a break from material worries. According to him, such a break from civilization had the following effect:

This regime very quickly destroys the body's resistance to will and makes a person passive, which is necessary for a student of Magic for seven and then fifteen days. But, I repeat, subject to rural solitude or an environment similar to that far from material concerns.

In the book “Village Magic,” Papus explains the principles of magic as a phenomenon inexplicable by official science, as well as the main factors that were taken into account by village sorcerers and healers in their work. Some superstitions with which the author did not agree are presented in a separate list.

Today you can no longer hear about village magic in the Slavic countries as often as it was 50 years ago.

And, going back to the times of the existence of Rus' and before it, such magic was the only way to save a person’s life in critical cases that were incurable by doctors. Village magic in all ages and peoples she has been, let us not be afraid of such words, as a conductor between nature, the Lord God and man himself. Where, by combining all these concepts, a person (“grandmother”, sorceress, healer, healer), who had deep knowledge, skills and power in the field of natural magic, could help improve the life of someone in need in a problematic area of ​​life.

Village magic then and today.

You shouldn’t bend your heart and beat yourself in the chest, proving that practical magic it is typical, and over the years it becomes stronger than it was in the time of our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Alas, everything is exactly the opposite. During pagan times, witchcraft was considered an integral element of the everyday life of a person with a large family and household.

What we call witchcraft today had the deepest and most substantive implications during pagan times. Here, as an example, if a modern person performs a certain ritual over his livestock or land to increase their productivity, this is bold; others will call it black or white magic. In the pagan era, performing one of these rituals (and there were a great many of them) was an integral part of the harmony of human existence and nature.

Since the time when Rus' was baptized, information about many magical rituals and people who carried invaluable knowledge and laws about a harmonious existence with nature and proper communication with it were cut out by “Fire and Sword”. Since then, all that invaluable knowledge for humans about contact with nature and all the rituals that preserve peace, health and tranquility in families, saved after the “Baptism”, people have collected and are collecting all over the world until today, bit by bit. From generation to generation, adding and resurrecting forgotten knowledge, local village healers continue to help a person solve his family and life problems and issues in the age-old and natural way.

Is such magic harmful to humans?

Modern healers today use only natural ways to solve human problems in their occult activities. Since all village magic is based only on the use of various herbs, an element of nature and its cycles.

There is an opinion that such magic is a truly harmless way to solve a person’s problem. After all, the usual “white” or “black” magic, which is controlled by sorcerers and psychics, as a rule, first helps a person in solving his problem. And then, this brings him a number of other troubles, which are retribution for received from outside magical help. Another thing is village magic, which is the source of harmonious human existence.

What problems does village magic solve?

Since ancient times, it was believed that a healer or “grandmother” in a village is a person endowed with all the deep and unknown knowledge, skills and strength with which he could help someone in need in solving absolutely any situation or issue of any complexity. Health problems (from colds to death), problems in the family, unwillingness to live, betrayal in the family, sick livestock, bad harvest, misfortune affecting the family or clan, etc. All these issues could be resolved wisely, with the help of natural forces and energies, by a local village healer or grandmother.

Today, village magic can easily solve any problems from all spheres of life as safely as possible, of course, only if it falls into the hands of a “real” healer, and not an amateur or a charlatan. We touched on this nuance not by chance, because it is precisely because of the latest representatives of such magic that almost no one believes in its true power. Anyone who has met a real and genuine wise healer on his way can happily say that this ancient natural magic exists, and no one has ever come up with something stronger and more harmless than it for humans.

Several examples of village magic rituals.

Protecting the family log.

Since ancient times, no one was allowed into the marriage bed, not even children. This place was considered holy and inviolable for outsiders, except for the married couple who rested there. This symbolized always fidelity and maintaining the integrity of the energy of love between husband and wife. The order in such a sleeping place also set the tone for mutual understanding and peace between husband and wife.

For a good harvest.

The great holiday of Trinity marked the final arrival of summer. On these days, special rituals were carried out to help reap a good and rich harvest in the fall. By using and restoring such magical rituals, modern people’s harvest actually becomes richer and is preserved from unfavorable external factors.

By solving our life problems in a natural way, we not only avoid creating karma for ourselves, but also improve our lives by returning to the so-called state of “harmony with nature.”

Village magic is considered to be as strong as the traditions and folk signs in modern villages. For a long time, our ancestors used witchcraft in order to protect themselves and their homes from evil spirits and enemies, to remove damage, the evil eye, and to obtain a good harvest. For many reasons, such magic deserves separate consideration. In this article you will learn everything about the mysterious technique.


Nowadays, as in the old days, in almost every village and village there are rumors about women who have magical skills. They usually live alone on the very outskirts of the village. Previously, such residents were called witches, but they rarely saw anything bad in this. The witches were highly respected, and all local residents actively resorted to her services. The sorceress could help remove damage, get married, return her husband to the family, and cure him of a serious illness. It should be noted that for many years the house of the local witch-healer was practically the only place in the village where one could get quick help and medicine.

However, village witches, as a rule, had complex characters and in some cases could seriously ruin life. That is why the locals tried to appease them in every possible way, presenting them with all kinds of gifts. It could be:

  • Expensive fabrics;
  • Products, most often bakery products;
  • Dishes;
  • Decorations.

Witches almost never took money for their work, but they did not refuse various treats. The more serious the problem solved, the more valuable the gifts should have been. Witchcraft knowledge and skills were passed down from generation to generation, and only occasionally were secrets learned by ordinary people. This is how villagers subsequently learned about various conspiracies, love spells, and whispers. Today, village magic is also available to modern city residents. Most rituals are as simple as possible and do not require hard-to-find items like a lizard's tail or fresh milk straight from the cow. In villages they rarely used such things; they usually took what was at hand.

Features of the work of village witches

Rustic witchcraft directly related to natural forces. A couple of centuries ago, many women had special knowledge, recipes, and knew how to cure various diseases with the help of plants. Unfortunately, with each generation the secrets of magic are lost, lost in time.

Let's consider several features of village witchcraft:

In general, this type of magic is quite simple. At the same time, when doing it, you need to be a fairly courageous and confident person. Otherwise, you cannot avoid the negative consequences that may arise if you invest insufficient energy, perform the ritual incorrectly, or do not take care of additional protection.

Herbalists were quite often not only women, but also men. Witchcraft was also passed down from generation to generation; children had to develop and protect their gift in every possible way. It should be noted that herbalism itself is quite dangerous for the person who practices it. Such people often have health, physical and psychological problems.

Collected plants were used both individually and in various collections. The complex use of herbs literally guaranteed the creation of a miracle. The herbs are dried and various tinctures, decoctions, and ointments are prepared, which are subsequently used to get rid of illnesses, remove damage or love spells. The most commonly used:

The preparation of herbs begins directly with their collection. Village witches believed that absolutely any plant has its own field and energy. To perform rituals and rituals, plants were collected and stored in a certain way. The place where the grass grows is of great importance: collections were carried out away from littered areas, roads, and highways. To prepare especially strong formulations, witches collected herbs from the cemetery.

The time of harvesting the grass also matters.. Like people, plants are larks and owls, so some are best collected at night, others in the early morning. As for preparing the potion, some formulations will take one day, others several years. We bring to your attention several simple but very effective recipes from village magic:

People rarely associate village witchcraft with calling brownies, spirits, and evil spirits. Most often, rural sorcerers and witches operate with incantations and spells. Such conspiracies can be composed both in rhyme and in prose, some of them need to be read several times in a row.

Conspiracies were used for a variety of purposes: for a good harvest, so that livestock does not get sick, to get a lot of eggs from your chicken coop, as well as to get rid of need, to attract wealth to the house, to bring back a loved one.

One of the most popular rituals is to get rid of poverty. For it, you will need to go to the market, buy 12 green apples, and it is important not to bargain or lower the price under any circumstances. On the way home, you need to give half of the apples to the poor, and the next day give them 3 more pieces. The remaining fruit will need to be taken to the cemetery and the following spell must be pronounced:

You must immediately return home from the cemetery, without talking to anyone along the way. For the same reason, most rituals in village magic are carried out late at night - so as not to meet anyone and no one to talk to.

Another simple ritual will help reconcile neighbors, friends, and family members. If you often have quarrels in your home, and you want to correct the current situation, you need to prepare a festive dinner and set the table. A prerequisite is to lay a tablecloth made of natural linen with the wrong side up. What exactly to cook is up to you. But keep in mind that the table should be quite modest. For all food they read the following conspiracy:

Having dinner at such a table. family members, relatives or friends will stop quarreling.

It should also be noted the use of black salt, which was made in a special secret way on Thursday of Holy Week. Black salt was used in magic for a wide variety of purposes: to reconcile spouses, to heal soul and body. It was often worn on an amulet as a powerful amulet. This salt was stored for a year - during this time it did not lose its magical properties.


An integral part of this type of magic are, of course, whispers. They were used in a wide variety of situations. In order to whisper the right words, you only need a couple of seconds if you first learn a few of the most useful texts. Unlike complex conspiracies and rituals, whispers can be pronounced at any time and anywhere. This is a kind of mystical help that will help out in difficult times. That is why many local residents were afraid of offending the witch - she could take revenge instantly.

So, if you were not paid for a product or service, after the person leaving, you need to whisper: “Don’t pay with money, pay with luck.” . If you feel, that someone is opposed to you, they found a black lining in the house, whisper: “Your business is in your body.”


In village witchcraft, there are a large number of conspiracies and rituals in order to bind a person to oneself. One of the most common methods- lining The witch cast a spell on a certain thing, then this thing was quietly brought and hidden in the victim’s house. As a rule, the most harmless, ordinary things were chosen: a handkerchief, a fork, a ring, threads. In addition to love spells, linings were also used to cause damage.

Charms, protection

Women, in order to protect themselves from the evil eye and damage, wore a variety of charmed earrings, rings, and beads. Jewelry was also enchanted to attract good luck, love, money, in most cases they were passed down from generation to generation. Men wore charmed belts to protect themselves from village witchcraft.

Another popular amulet is wooden figurines that were worn in a pocket or around the neck. Each figure had its own meaning. So, for example, figurines in the shape of fish helped to maintain peace in the family, a figurine in the shape of a horse protected the owner from the evil eye. Similar figurines were also kept at home as protection from evil spirits and evil spirits. amulets, according to village magic, you can’t show it to anyone, much less give it as a gift.

Protection from witchcraft

Village magic has its roots in ancient times, knowledge is passed down from generation to generation and into our times. Real healers and witches are wary of this type of witchcraft, realizing that it can either improve a person’s life or completely destroy it. Of course, you shouldn’t take everything too seriously, but you still need to adhere to certain rules:

After the negative impact is removed, you will need time and energy to restore and strengthen your energy. Very often, witches offer to wear all kinds of amulets and amulets. The best protection against witchcraft is moonstone, agate, cat's eye, malachite and jet. At the same time, it is also important to build up personal strength: meditation and various trainings will help.

Attention, TODAY only!

In the old days, those with village magic were called witches. They were respected and feared. After all, they had an unusual gift, with the help of which they could remove the evil eye from a child and help their daughter get married. In addition, previously the house of such a sorceress was the only place where a physically ill person could come and receive at least first aid.

The Origins of Ancient Magic

Village sorceresses were distinguished by their wayward character and, if necessary, could seriously ruin the lives of their fellow villagers. Therefore, local residents tried to give gifts to the “grandmother”. They were agricultural products, expensive pieces of fabric, dishes and jewelry.

The more serious the problem that the witch helped the caller solve, the more valuable the offering was. Village magic, like its other types, was inherited by family tree. In rare cases, the witch passed on her gift to a simple man in the street, who subsequently had to bear his cross.

Village magic and witchcraft helped to get a rich harvest or teach a homewrecker a lesson. The very name of this art suggests that its origins began in the village. Plants and simple household items were used in rituals. But this does not mean that this type of magic is not available to city residents.

After all, not all rituals are associated with village things. There are types of conspiracies aimed at the elements (air, earth, fire, water). Magical tools such as cards, runes, and doll figures came to Russian village magic from various pagan cultures at a later time.

Village magic and witchcraft

Traditional Russian witchcraft has the following directions:

  • spontaneous - directly related to natural phenomena;
  • speech - based on reading conspiracies.

It has been noticed that village magic is rarely associated with summoning spirits, brownies, mermaids and other similar creatures. Most often, sorcerers and witches operate with conspiracies composed in prose and rhyme. There are quite large texts that should be read several times.

What do you think was, is and will be the most important thing for a villager in Rus'? Of course, your own backyard: pets, poultry, vegetable garden. In ancient times, every village resident made sure that his farm was profitable.

After all, it was often the only source of income for all household members. So, simple village magic spells were primarily associated with the health of domestic animals. They were used to protect the household yard, vegetable garden and orchard from the evil eye. In order for the chickens to lay a sufficient number of eggs and not peck at them, the villagers said roost and food: “White chickens, black chickens, speckled chickens. Give you nests full of eggs, but just as you don’t peck at the stars in the sky, don’t touch the eggs either.”

We can say that in ancient times, village magic came first for people. Spells were used in almost every situation.

Removing damage from an animal

In those days, cattle had a special place. Of particular value was the cow, which was revered for providing the family with milk. Only a few forgotten secrets of village magic survive to this day. For example, previously almost every second villager could remove damage from a domestic animal.

If they could not solve this problem on their own, people went to the sorcerer for help. He carried out a ritual, which consisted of milking the milk, rolling it into a jar like canned food, and throwing it into a lighted fire with a special text. They recited it until the vessel burst. This served as a sign that the damage to the cow had been removed.

Spells for pets

They were used to ensure that a cat and a dog could take root in the house. After all, they also provided invaluable assistance to the owners. It was especially difficult if a dog ran away from the house. In this case, the residents lost sleep and peace for a long time. Therefore, water and food were often spoken to pets: “I whisper in food to my dog ​​(cat), so that someone else’s path does not attract her, so that she is saved from thinness, from snake bites, from the evil eye of man. Only the stars in the sky are not counted , and my goods are numbered! Amen.”

You can speak to any domestic animal in a similar way. It is best to do this during the full moon. Rituals related to profits from the harvest work well during the waxing moon. Other rituals, such as attracting love, were performed by girls in

Pros and cons

Perhaps the most pleasant thing is that among village sorcerers there are rarely charlatans. After all, in a cramped outback, all the people are visible and word of mouth works great. Another plus is that village magic (you can read the spells and conspiracies in the article) is more often of a gentle, white nature.

They also resort to black witchcraft. But rural fortune tellers and healers are more willing to remove negatives and heal than to cause damage. Only in a few cases does black village magic come to their aid.

Finally, we note that adherents of ancient magic usually do not inflate prices for their services. The main disadvantages are that the “grandmother”, who is proficient in practice, may have relatively little knowledge of theory. Often it is not able to explain much and works only with proven methods. They are known to become outdated.

Common people consider it a disadvantage that some witches (sorcerers) adhere to specific principles. For example, they are convinced that village magic is not obliged to help someone who has a great sin. Even if the applicant offers a large sum.

At the same time, the “grandmother” can practically impose her services on a person who has no intention of seeking magical help. Moreover, in this case, it will be enough for the witch to say “thank you” upon completion of her work.

Books about magic

It is difficult to find a person who is not interested in esoteric literature. The modern world enthusiastically reads the books “Kabbalah” and “Practical Magic”, written by the French occultist Papus. Village magic is also reflected in his works.

Experts believe that this is an excellent guide to magical practice. The publication carefully collects various prayers, conspiracies, rituals and recipes for potions. They were collected in good faith by occultists while communicating with witches and other residents of distant regions.

“Village Magic” is a book that is a terminological dictionary that is replete with ancient practices of different peoples. Such a literary guide will help you study recipes and spells that are used in white and black witchcraft. Modern people are sometimes skeptical about village magic.

However, do not underestimate this type of witchcraft. Usually it involves the usual means and rituals. But this does not mean that such rituals work worse than others. In many cases, simple rituals have a positive effect. After all, as you know, everything ingenious is simple.

Lining and translation

Black village magic is known for its rituals (love spell, lining, transfer). There are a huge number of conspiracies in order to bind a person to you magically. For example, in ancient times, a lining was often used for love spells.

What is it? A specific thing was chosen to be slandered. This item was quietly brought into the victim’s house and, like a time bomb, began its work.

Usually, inconspicuous, harmless things were used as lining: a spool of thread, a teaspoon, a handkerchief. This direction in village magic was used not only for love spells. By the way, this method is still alive today.

In black magic, the lining can be used for the purpose of casting an object according to all the rules for the purpose of energetically influencing a person. It will slowly undermine his health. The only way out is to remove the negativity.

Another magical tool in black magic is translation. Essentially, this is the same lining. Only the magical effect is not created, but transferred from another person. This could be any negative: from a runny nose to the last stage of cancer, from minor financial failure to complete collapse.

A tricky move in the practice of a sorcerer

Misrepresentation is especially common in the practice of unscrupulous magicians. For example, 3 people come to us with their problems and pay the sorcerer a certain amount. He performs the transfer ceremony and declares that he has eliminated the negative program.

Two clients really feel improvements, but the third gets worse. The fact is that the magician simply transferred the negative from two people to one. Moreover, in such a situation, the latter is explained that higher powers do not allow him to deal with his problem.

The victim is again forced to look for another sorcerer who can remove the destructive program. Village magicians actively practiced translations. Usually the victims were domestic animals: a cat or a dog. All negative programs were transferred to them. By the way, it is believed that if a magician uses pads and transfers in his practice, then this is a sign of his limited abilities.

Curse - a type of village magic

Surely many have heard that this is a powerful energy message that can turn a person’s life around. There can be any reasons for this: they didn’t give up their seat in the transport to a granny, they didn’t borrow money from a neighbor. The strength of the curse directly depends on the energy potential of the one who casts it.

There is a situation when a negative message is triggered spontaneously. In other cases, the curse is imposed through rituals. As a rule, they are associated with a cemetery and can lead the victim to the grave. There are many examples of generational curses, where entire generations cannot be happy in love and successful in work.

Moreover, for such people, tragic events are often natural. It manifests itself this way: a woman’s son dies in her family. It turns out that her mother and grandmother also had boys die at the same age. To remove this, you need to find a specialist who can break this hateful chain.


How to avoid becoming a victim of village magic? Of course, you shouldn’t think about this with manic persistence. But it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  • Do not pick up coins or jewelry. Especially if they are at an intersection. If you cannot indifferently walk past an abandoned bill, then you should not take it with your bare hands. It is best to do this with a plastic bag, which will prevent negativity from entering your energy system. You can try to clean the bill yourself. But if you have no experience, then it’s easier to go to a magician who will take the necessary measures.
  • Do not accept gifts from strangers. These can be ordinary sweets and cookies that can serve as a transfer. If you do leave them on a table or bench, it is recommended to sweep them into a dustpan and burn them away from your home or office.
  • Finally, listen to your intuition and analyze unpleasant events. If your personal life is bursting at the seams, your partners are uncomfortable with you and they prefer to leave, then there is reason to think. Perhaps someone turned to village magic to annoy you. Symptoms may also include frequent illnesses out of the blue, unsuccessful financial transactions, and work conflicts.

If, nevertheless, the ill-wisher resorted to village magic, then you need to remove the influence from the “grandmother”, sorcerer or healer. The second stage is the restoration and strengthening of your energy. People often wear amulets and charms, but it is best to build your own personal power.

To do this, you need to resort to various meditations and develop willpower. It is worth understanding that all these village rituals have their roots in ancient times. Unusual knowledge is still passed down from generation to generation. Only real witches and magicians take this type of magic seriously and understand that it contains the powerful energy of the Universe. It can both improve human life and destroy it.

I use simple village magic rituals that quickly help people in difficult situations. Most often, I use village magic for peace in the family, because with its help I resolve family conflicts that arise among people.

Contact me for help, and I will help you solve all your problems and find a way out of difficult situations, using powerful village magic.

Practitioner of village magic in Yekaterinburg

I, a person with knowledge and skills in this magical area, can help people improve their lives.

Village magic: benefits and harm

I use natural magic to solve human problems. My magic (rituals, spells, ceremonies) does absolutely no harm to the customer.

I guarantee there will be no consequences or kickbacks for the customer and his family.

Village magic is the source of the harmonious existence of man and nature. Nature will not harm humans and demand retribution for the fact that it was used to solve any problems.

People turn to me to help them solve any situation, even the most difficult one. Illnesses, family misfortunes, lack of harvest, infidelity, betrayal, etc. - with all these problems you can contact me. I will help you in difficult life situations and solve various issues, using the power and energy of nature.

Spells and spells of village magic

Village magic has conspiracies and spells that can help a person improve any area of ​​his life. I use them for various purposes: getting a good harvest, restoring peace between quarreling people, curing diseases, etc.

I use spells for widows and widowers. So that after the funeral of your soulmate a person is not left alone, but continues to live and finds his happiness, contact me for help. I have already helped many people who subsequently found a new life partner and regained happiness.

There are conspiracies to make it easy to get up in the morning. If I read such a spell for you, then in the morning getting up for school or work will be easy, and during the day you will not want to sleep.

Also, my village magic gets rid of anger and various troubles. If you have such problems, then contact me for high-quality, qualified help. With the help of spells, I will help you improve your life and resolve many issues.


In village magic, I use whispers, which involve pronouncing magic words in a whisper. I use them in different situations, because there are whispers for all occasions.

Whispers are a special type of conspiracies with the help of which people attract good luck and fortune. I can whisper so that a white streak comes in your life, so that everything works out the first time, and there is peace in the family.

I will review in detail everything that interests you and help you solve your problem. People come to me to resolve various situations, and in some cases I use whispers. They have an amazing effect, because I sincerely want to help a person, and I spend the maximum amount of effort for this.

Rituals of village magic

On special occasions I use rituals. In general, the rituals of village magic are not an easy thing, they are powerful, and they need to be taken very seriously. They are more difficult to perform than incantations, spells and whispers.

The rituals of village magic differ in the result that I should achieve with their help. I use a huge variety of rituals. These are love spells, rituals for attracting wealth, and even rituals for establishing connections with dead people.

Contact me, and I will perform exactly the ritual that will solve your problem.

Secrets of village magic

There are forgotten secrets of village magic that were once used by healers and witches. But they were lost somewhere in the centuries, and only a few know about them and use them. I often use them in my practice. Rituals are effective and help me solve the problems of the person who seeks help.

With my help, your life will quickly improve!