Girl 10 months developmental norm. Your child is ten months old: what he already knows and what he should be able to do at this age. What's new in mental development

A child at any age should develop harmoniously. Modern pediatrics focuses on the mental development of the baby - foreign scientists adhere to this concept, while domestic pediatricians have always considered the physical indicators of the child to be more important. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Each baby grows in its own way, slightly behind or ahead of the norm. However, there are indicators that characterize the "golden mean".

The skills and abilities of babies depend primarily on their individual pace of development. However, it is still worth comparing the available indicators with the norm.

Social Skills

A 10-month-old child crawls well, is able to overcome obstacles. Some babies bypass the crawling stage, immediately standing on their legs - in this case, it is no longer worth teaching him to crawl, because all this fits into the existing developmental standards. The baby acquires social skills:

  1. Listens to the speech of others, repeats sounds and simple words. The child knows the meaning of many words, correlates them with objects. The word "mother" associates with mother, knows his own name.
  2. Boys become more independent and enterprising. They try to explore everything, not paying attention to the discontent of the elders. Girls, on the other hand, strive to earn praise by doing what they are taught.
  3. The child actively copies adults, repeats their gestures and movements. During this period, one must be very careful, otherwise the child may acquire a habit from which it will be difficult to wean him. But he can be taught new games - for example, he will willingly roll a car or cradle a doll if he sees how his parents do it. But he himself will not learn how to play like that, a new game must be shown.
  4. A 10-month-old baby is more interested in small toys and objects than large ones. At the same time, motor skills of the hands develop, which positively affects mental development. The child must be carefully monitored, as he can put a toy in his nose or mouth, swallow it.
  5. The kid begins to be interested in other children, plays with them on the playground with pleasure, although he is still too small for a kindergarten.

Touches, smiles and gestures are additional ways for a 10-month-old toddler to communicate with other babies and adults

Physical parameters

The age of 10 months is the time to consolidate the knowledge gained earlier, as well as move forward on the path of development. For successful classes with the baby, parents should take into account some features of the period.

At the 10th month, the baby develops physically a little more slowly. He still sleeps 12-14 hours, adds about 400 grams per month. Everything is better at what he learned before, but he acquires fewer new skills.

By the beginning of the 11th month, the baby should confidently sit down without assistance, get up and stand, walk, holding the furniture and walls with his hands. He can easily roll over from his back to his tummy and crawl. Those children who do not like to crawl can still get to the toy they are interested in in this way. If the child does not like to crawl, do not insist - the baby may like to move around on all fours, while he is already tearing his knees off the floor.

At 10 months, it's time to start teaching your baby to walk, but it's best to support him while doing this under the armpits. The baby's legs are strong enough, and he can take his first steps. At this time, it's time to think about buying comfortable shoes. Shoes should be slightly larger than the actual size of the foot - so that the thumb does not rest against the wall. You should not buy shoes without a back, they cannot fix an unstable leg. The right choice will help the baby develop a healthy gait, on which the future condition of the spine depends.

The first pair of baby shoes should be not only touching, but also practical, comfortable, soft.

Mental and speech development

A baby at 10 months not only copies adults, imitating their gestures and facial expressions, he shows his own taste, especially in food, insists on his own. Often parents see in this only a whim of the child, but he is learning to defend his own independence.

  • The kid knows the names of most objects in the house, can point to them in response to the spoken word. He recognizes toys, cars, animals in the pictures, looks at books with pleasure.
  • Often children at this age react to music. They like, holding on to a support and standing on their legs, “dancing” to the beat of the melody - some sway, others try to squat or simply nod their heads. It is useful to develop this tendency, and you can also choose a melody that the child likes and let him listen to it.
  • By 11 months, the baby begins to make meaningful sounds, for example, “ma”, “give”, “am”. With the baby, you can already talk “for real”, get answers to simple questions. The child can show which bucket or which shovel he wants to take for a walk, which blouse to put on. It is very important to give the child the opportunity to make a choice, to make a decision.

The child will enter his 11th month, already knowing how to eat and drink from dishes, clap his hands, wave a pen to mom or dad, collect a pyramid and stack cubes one on top of the other (see also:). He is able to fulfill the simplest request of an adult: give a toy, raise an arm or leg when dressing.

The kid can do more than just that. He can already deal with two objects at once: he picks up porridge in a plate with a spoon, moves a cube with a stick, and collects small objects from the table with his fingers. Parents should help the baby to know the world around them by coming up with interesting games and workouts.

little explorer

Children at this age are not so clumsy, they have better control over their bodies. A 10-month-old baby easily grabs a toy suspended above the crib. The kid likes to explore all available places, find different objects and play with them - he likes the finds much more than his own toys.

For the normal mental development of the child, it is important to make such discoveries from time to time. Therefore, it is better to prepare future finds for the baby by putting bright books, elegant towels or just beautiful boxes in convenient places. Let the child find what the mother will prepare, and dangerous objects should be removed higher to protect the baby from injury. It is advisable not to forget about electrical outlets - you should put plugs on them so that the baby cannot play with them.

If the baby falls into the hands of a complex toy, he will try to open it to see what is inside. The same applies to items not intended for games.

Do not forget that a 10-month-old baby puts everything that he finds into his mouth. Therefore, if the baby plays with small objects, you cannot leave him unattended, but you can give him an apple or a carrot, which he will gnaw with pleasure.

So what should a child be able to do?

The baby can:

  • sit and sit without assistance, play with toys;
  • can sit on the potty and knows what it is for;
  • crawl, crawl in the chosen direction;
  • holding on to something, stand on your feet;
  • walk when held;
  • imitate gestures and facial expressions, pronounce meaningful sounds;
  • play with toys, performing simple actions: swing the doll, put rings on the pyramid, add cubes;
  • climb onto a low bed and get off it;
  • fulfill simple requests from adults: show mom, make “patties”;
  • drink from a cup, take porridge from a plate into a spoon;
  • know the names of household items, recognize toys and animals in pictures;
  • pick up toys with both hands and throw them out of the crib;
  • understand what is said to him, including the words “no” and “no” if adults used them in conversations with him;
  • laugh with adults;
  • respond to your name by making sounds or turning your head;
  • take small objects with your fingers, put small objects into large ones;
  • play with other children;
  • make a simple choice - which shoulder blade to take for a walk.

If parents are worried about whether their child is developing correctly, it makes sense to watch the video of Dr. Komarovsky's school. This most popular specialist today will answer many questions that concern moms and dads.

By the tenth month, growth and weight gain slow down. Recently, the child may not grow at all and not add weight. This is normal, now he spends a lot of energy on exploring the world around him and forming new skills.

The baby can already sit confidently and sit down independently. He knows how to get up at the support, walk along it and even let go of his hand and stand for several seconds. Many children at 10-11 months old begin to make their own, but don't worry if your baby does not make such attempts. Many learn to walk only in the second year of life. Most healthy babies begin to walk independently by the age of 15 months.

The child is able to grab small objects, tries to take food from your plate. Keep him independent, but make sure that play and food are safe. Now fine motor skills are starting to form. Try to develop it through games.

A baby's sleep at 10 months old can be restless and intermittent. Some babies scream and cry in their sleep, but quickly calm down as soon as the mother enters the room or simply picks them up. This is due to the fear of separation. This is a normal stage in the development of the child's psyche.


The child begins to understand verbal instructions: “give”, “to”, “bring”, “no” or “no”. Try to set reasonable and rare prohibitions. Frequent bans will have no cost or weight to him. The baby begins to form cause-and-effect relationships. Now he can already coordinate movement and thought. That is, often his movements are purposeful.

Some children already begin to form a preference for the hand, while others, on the contrary, act with both hands and their preference for the hand develops a little later. If you notice that your child prefers to use his left hand, in no case do not retrain him to use his right hand. Most likely, .


♦ Can sit up and sit for long periods of time.

♦ Can stand on its own at a support or even move along it.

♦ Uses toys for their intended purpose: rolls a car, pushes a ball, puts cubes in a bucket, puts a toy phone to his ear.

♦ A "tweezer grip" is formed, that is, a grip with two fingers (thumb and forefinger).

♦ Uses both hands purposefully.

♦ Responds to simple verbal instructions: “Give”, “On”.

Maintain the established sleep rituals now: bathing, light massage, a song or a fairy tale - all this will prepare the baby for sleep and make it easier for him to fall asleep. If the child wakes up at night, a light pat on the back and a quiet whisper that his mother is nearby will calm him down and he will sleep on.

How to play

Continue to actively play games with objects. For example, boys and girls love to ride cars equally. All sorts of sorters will help you learn to coordinate hand movements with the task at hand and help in the study of geometric shapes. Start with a circle for now.

Remember that praise, with the right action, will consolidate the success of achieving the goal.. A child will eagerly learn new things if he sees sincere joy from accomplishment.

How it feels and how it behaves

The child already sees small objects very well. So, for example, you may notice how diligently the baby is trying to pick up a small mote from the carpet or, for example, trying to grab a small detail on a toy. He can look at the pictures in the book you are reading for a long time, especially if this book is familiar to him.

The child has a wide range of emotions from joy to anger, and in the future the number of shades of emotions will only increase.

How speech develops

The child may use a few words, but in most cases remains. If by the age of 1 the baby has at least 1 full-fledged word (mom, dad, must) and it denotes a specific object or action, then everything is in order with the development of your child and there is no reason to worry.

How to educate

At 10 months, introduce the child to the word "no" or "". Start building boundaries. Do not overdo it with prohibitions, otherwise he will not perceive them. If the object cannot be touched (for example, a vase), then try to remove it away so that the baby cannot reach it.

If the child does not do anything dangerous, then there is no point in total prohibitions. Nothing bad will happen if he chews paper or licks a table leg. This is how he learns the world and, in particular, understands that there are solid objects, and there are not so much - this is one of the ways to gain experience.

Remember that bans must be permanent and consistent. If something cannot be done, then it is impossible tomorrow, and in a week, and even if you cry thoroughly, this will not change the decision. So it will be easier for the baby to get used to the boundaries of what is permitted.

Save attempts at potty training for a later time. To date, early potty training is not recommended. The child is not yet able to identify discomfort with the fact that he wants to go to the toilet, he cannot yet show it.

As a rule, the discomfort from the need to cope with natural needs occurs in the baby a few seconds before he does this. More and more children suffer from psychological constipation, which is formed in response to early potty training.

This is due to the fact that the child still cannot show that he wants to use the potty and does everything in his pants, and parents react negatively to this fact. Thus, a psychological fear of the pot is formed. Return to potty training in the second half of the second year or even when the child is three. In the meantime, just introduce the child to his potty, that he is so beautiful, you can put him in the toilet.

Baby at 10 months

Height and weight of the child at 10 months

During the tenth month, the child gains an average of 450 grams of weight and grows by 1.5 cm. Thus, the weight of a 10-month-old child is about 9100 - 9500 g, and the height is 71-76 cm.

It's okay if the child gains weight faster or slower, but beware if there is a sharp change in the weight or height centile corridor (for more details, see the centile tables for boys or girls). More details are described in:,.

  • listens to the speech of an adult and imitates its sounds;
  • accepts jokes addressed to him;
  • highlights funny sound combinations by ear and laughs at them;
  • rejoices in fun games;
  • inserts one object into another;
  • prefers small objects to large ones;
  • with the help of one object, he takes out another;
  • deliberately discards objects or toys;
  • rolls cars, pushes the ball, tumbler
  • ;
  • sits, crawls, walks at the support;
  • calmly parted with the breast;
  • chews crayon chopped food;
  • shows an active interest in other children.
  • At 10 months, the child can, at the request (without showing), perform pre-learned actions. Understands the words "go", "sit", "lie down" and others.
  • Play on their own in company with other children, if adults will provide assistance.
  • Independently with a support rises and falls from a low ladder.
  • Repeats new syllables after adults, uses pseudo-words expressing his attitude to what is happening. At this stage, he uses in communication at least 1-2 “babble words” (such as lala, baba), understandable in a particular situation. Imitates an adult in articulation exercises, games with the tongue.
  • At 10 months, the child knows how to use a spoon and drink from a cup or sippy cup.
  • Good for biting and chewing small pieces of solid food.
  • Calmly refers to planting on a pot.
  • At the request of an adult, he can make a choice between toys, items of clothing, dishes, determining what he likes more and what he likes less or is generally unacceptable. Develop in baby
  • this skill - it is vital for the formation of his psyche.

    At 10 months, the child willingly carries out various assignments, and they themselves come up with many “important” things for themselves. If you want your child to be just as proactive in the future, this behavior should be encouraged. And so that the crumbs do not have a feeling of helplessness and resentment because the chosen business is not up to the task (and this is how it most often turns out), the mother should come to the rescue in a timely manner. And very much to praise for the little that the child still managed to do himself.

    The independence of the baby should also be encouraged. A child, for example, may have his own responsibilities, with which he is already quite able to cope. You set the table - the little one puts the spoons. You are going for a walk - he chooses which tights or sweater to wear: red or blue. In addition, with this approach, the baby will know what awaits him in the near future - lunch, a walk or reading fairy tales.

    A predictable environment is always more comfortable for a child, and he cannot guess what is in his mother's head. Is it necessary to be surprised at the protest on the part of the baby when he suddenly has to throw his favorite ball and go to the table?

    Child development test at 9-10 months

    1. At nine to ten months, the child sits well without support, moves, crawls forward for a toy, rises in response to hands outstretched to him, walks holding on to a support, takes small objects with both hands.

    2. Imitates the actions of another child, communicates with gestures.

    3. If you give the child sticks, show how you can drum them on the table, then he will be able to imitate these actions. Just hit the spoons against each other.

    4. A child at this age is good at playing “patties”, “give me a pen”, etc., but to the question “where?” and the request “give” searches everywhere for the desired object.

    5. Knows his name well, responds to it. He knows the names of people close to him, the names of surrounding objects and shows images of animals in the pictures.

    6. Can, upon request (without showing), perform pre-learned actions. Understands the words “go”, “sit”, “lie down” and others.

    7. Can independently climb and descend from a low ladder with support.

    8. The child may already play in the company of other children if adults provide assistance.

    9. Repeats new syllables after adults, uses pseudo-words that express the child's attitude to what is happening.

    10. Calm about planting on the potty. Voice signals biological needs.

    How much does a 10 month old baby eat

    Meals 5 times a day. Meat puree can be gradually replaced with a soft meatball, steam cutlet. If there is no diathesis, by the end of the month, once a week, instead of meat, give a fish meatball, mashed boiled fish.

    How much does a 10 month old baby sleep

    The mode and daily routine of a child at 10 months

    The daily regimen depends on the number of feedings and the biorhythms of the child (someone gets up earlier in the morning, some later, some sleep more during the day) and often differs for all children of the same age. Adjust to the child, but try to feed and put the child to bed at the same time every day, so he will have less problems with digestion and sleep. .

    This mode is far from a guide to the life of mom and baby by the clock, but only an example by which you can imagine how long the phases of sleep and wakefulness, breaks between meals can be.

    Child development in the eleventh month of life

    For most children, this month is marked by two events: the first step and the first word. In parallel with the improvement of movements, thinking is improved. In terms of the intensity of mental development, the period on the eve of the year is the most intense. Not a single academician, not a single Nobel laureate could, in just four weeks, increase his intellectual potential as much as your baby does jokingly and playing. Rejoice, admire, observe!

    "Papa" or "Mom"? The child began to speak.

    One fine day, the son or daughter greets the father entering the room with a joyful exclamation: “Dad!” The father, of course, is happy and proud; mother, although she is glad, is somewhat upset: why wasn’t the word addressed to her first?

    This happens often, and not at all because the child loves his father more. At the risk of infringing on paternal pride somewhat, suppose that the baby simply finds it easier to pronounce the sound “p” than “m”. And indeed, at first, both “pa-pa” and “ma-ma” meant no more to him than “gaga” or “la-la”. And only due to the fact that the child kept hearing: “Go to dad”, “Wave your hand to dad”, - the sound connected with the performance, the understanding came that this big, pleasant person should be called “dad”.

    So the mother, talking to the child, herself prepared the father's championship. And she did great! Now she herself will not have long to wait for the desired treatment. Moreover, “mother” becomes a very ambiguous word for the child, accommodating a whole range of feelings, considerations and impressions. This is “mom has come”, and “where is mom?”, and “I feel bad without mom”. Do not be surprised if one day, looking at the usual cup or at his blouse, he also says: "Mom." Understand this: “Mom gives me juice from this cup”, “Mom puts on this blouse for me.”

    When talking to your child, naming objects and explaining your actions, invite him to repeat simple short words after you. If he asks for something, stretching out his hand to the desired object, do not rush to fulfill his request, but teach: “Say: “give!”

    The kid still loves his first games: magpie-crow, patties, hide and seek. He can already be interested in a simple plot game: put the dog to bed, feed the bear, shake the baby ... In the arena, he often stands, holding on to the barrier with one hand, but it also happens: he bends down, takes a toy from the bottom of the arena and, carried away, begins to twirl it already with two hands. He himself will not notice that he left the support!

    Until now, sitting in his mother's arms, he did not want anything better. Now, more and more often, he starts arching impatiently, asking for the floor: I really want to walk! First, it has to be held under the armpits for greater stability, then by both hands. Well, a little more, a little more ... Squat down in front of him, beckon to you, and, leaning forward slightly, legs wide apart (it’s easier to maintain balance), with an expression of determination, delight and fear, he will take a few steps and fall into your arms. Who is happier at this moment - him or you?

    Let's eat a cutlet!

    A less significant, but still an event, can be considered the fact that at the eleventh month the child for the first time instead of meat puree will receive a dish of an almost “adult” table - a meatball or even a steam cutlet.

    Minced meat for both should be very soft, fluffy. It must be passed through a meat grinder twice (the second time - together with soaked bread: for 50 g of meat 10 g of bread), add a tablespoon of cold water, add a little salt, mix well. Meatballs are dipped in boiling water or broth and boiled for 15-20 minutes; cutlets are placed in a deep frying pan and, half-filled with water or broth, cooked under the lid.

    It is also time to replace fish puree with a more solid dish - meatballs. Pass the fish (50 g) peeled from the skin and bones together with bread (10 g) through a meat grinder, add a quarter of the raw yolk, a teaspoon of vegetable oil to the minced meat, beat. Having formed small balls, fill with water and cook for 20-30 minutes over very low heat.

    For meatballs or a cutlet, in addition to mashed potatoes, you can give a sample and a piece of boiled carrots (if the child does not have diathesis), potatoes, cauliflower.

    The very procedure of eating becomes more complicated: after all, meat puree did not need to be chewed much, and now you have to work more actively with your teeth. Meatballs, vegetables, give the baby a small piece, make sure that he does not swallow them whole. The skills of careful, unhurried chewing are very important - this is the first condition for good digestion and assimilation of food. Who eats slowly, gets more pleasure from food, more fully perceives its taste.

    By the eleventh month, most children have already given up their fifth feeding - at 10 pm. Now the last feeding becomes the fourth, and it should be denser. What to give your child for dinner?

    The general rule is that in the daily diet of children there should be two vegetable dishes and one cereal. If your baby is lagging behind in weight (the increase for the tenth month should be about 450 g, for the eleventh - 400 g), you can give him porridge for dinner, alternating it with vegetable puree. And for those inclined to be overweight, vegetable puree will be the “standard dish”, moreover, it is necessary to put less potatoes in it, and more zucchini, cabbage, carrots. If you give porridge occasionally, then only buckwheat or oatmeal, preferably with vegetables and fruits

    Pumpkin, apples, pears. It will be less high-calorie, but more saturated with vitamins and minerals.

    An excellent dish for a children's dinner is cottage cheese pudding with apples. The recipe for its preparation: thoroughly rub 100 g of cottage cheese, add 50-70 g of an apple grated on a coarse grater. Put half an egg (it is better to beat the protein), a tablespoon of ground crackers, a teaspoon of sugar, mix, put in a form greased with vegetable oil and cook on water bath

    30-40 minutes.

    The daily menu of the child and the meal schedule at the eleventh month of life

    7-8 hours.

    Breakfast: milk porridge, half a hard-boiled yolk - you can grind it by adding it to the porridge, or give it separately. 1-2 times a week instead of porridge - milk noodles. Maybe fruit juice.

    12 hours 30 minutes (or 13 hours 30 minutes).

    Lunch: mashed vegetable soup with finely chopped vegetables and cereals. You can have meat broth - only if there is not the slightest manifestation of diathesis (not more than 1-2 times a week).

    Steam cutlet, meat or fish meatballs (once a week) with vegetable puree (meat or fish - 50 g, vegetables - 150). Fruit juice.

    16 hours.

    Snack: kefir, mashed cottage cheese (50 g), fruit puree or apple, peach, half a banana.

    19-20 hours.

    Dinner: vegetable puree, cottage cheese pudding (on the day when there is no cottage cheese for an afternoon snack). Kefir or milk mixture.

    The total amount of food is still no more than 1000 ml (1000 g) per day. If the child nevertheless wakes up at 22 o'clock with a clear desire to get some yogurt or breast milk, do not refuse him. And in general, the mode can be varied, adapting to the characteristics of your baby. After all, now it is already clear who you have - an “owl” or a “lark”. It is difficult to change these features, and there is no need to. The “owlet”, which, walking around in the evening, falls asleep later and wakes up later, will have to be fed breakfast later, and everything else will move accordingly; and for the “lark”, who falls asleep early and wakes up almost at dawn, both breakfast and the next feeding will fall at an earlier time. In general, the regime becomes free, but still remains a regime: a certain, repeating routine from day to day. It's better for both the baby and the mother. When breastfeeding, with any feeding, it is better to replace part of the dairy food with breast milk.

    And hurt - skillfully

    Although the baby has become stronger, he is now very vulnerable to viruses that cause SARS. These diseases, which we call colds in everyday life, always become more frequent in autumn, in wet, cold weather. There are a lot of sneezing and coughing people around, and being close by, it is easy to get infected. Try not to travel with your child in public transport, do not go to shops. If someone in the family gets sick - let him not contact the baby. But, of course, when ARVI, as they say, is on the threshold, it is difficult to protect yourself.

    Children usually fall ill acutely, immediately, and yet the mother’s heart senses, the mother’s eye picks up some faint harbingers: either the baby slept a little more restlessly, or he didn’t eat so willingly, or he didn’t play so joyfully. Several hours pass, and now he has already become capricious, refused another meal, his temperature has risen. Now there is no doubt - he got sick. And the time is in the evening, the doctor will come only tomorrow ... What should I do now?

    So that you do not repeat those typical mistakes that many mothers usually make in this situation, we first agree

    what not to do:

      You don't have to wrap the baby. Children get overheated very easily, and if at a temperature of, say, 38° you cover him with a quilt, the temperature can rise to 39° and even higher.

      If the temperature does not exceed 38-38.5 °, do not give antipyretics. It is necessary to hurry with this only if the child has ever had convulsions and the neurologist warned that they could happen again. For other babies, this temperature is harmless, moreover, it is a protective reaction that contributes to better production of interferon in the body that resists viruses.

      Do not give your child antibiotics or Bactrim, Biseptol. These are antibacterial drugs, they do not act on viruses and will not bring any benefit now, but they will add harm, as they often cause allergic reactions and almost always contribute to the development or intensification of dysbacteriosis: destroying the harmful flora, they also destroy the beneficial one.

      Of course, if a child, more than expected, develops any complication of a bacterial nature - otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia, antibiotics and sulfonamides cannot be dispensed with. But then, prescribing them, the doctor will select in parallel the means that can, if not prevent, then at least mitigate side effects.

    But what can be done anyway? How to help the baby? If you have homeopathic medicines such as German flu-hel or our domestic (by the way, cheaper) anti-grippin in your first-aid kit (and this is desirable during the SARS season), start giving! The advantages of such funds are that they increase the body's defenses and almost never cause allergic reactions. Give flu-hel half a tablet dissolved in boiled water every hour and as the condition improves, increase the interval to four hours. The course of treatment is a week. If the disease began very acutely, with a sharp rise in temperature, in the first hour, give flu-hel at the same dose every 15 minutes. According to the same scheme, antigrippin is also used, dissolving in water one grain at a time.

    But, let's say there are no homeopathic remedies in the house, and the child's temperature approaches 39 °. Then it is permissible to give an antipyretic, best of all paracetamol or efferalgan, which also includes paracetamol.

    And if there is no paracetamol or it has little effect? Resort to a simple and quite effective means: open the child completely, unbutton or remove the pajama blouse, shirt, wipe the hands with a napkin dipped in cool water (18-20 °). Feel the legs - and at high temperatures they can be cold. If so, rub them red-hot, this will also increase heat transfer.

    Further treatment will be prescribed by the doctor. And on your responsibility, under all conditions, there will be what pediatricians call “mother therapy”, that is, care!

    Most of all, the baby is annoyed by a runny nose. Try cleaning the nose with the smallest baby enema bottle, not a used one, but a new one. One nostril must be pressed, carefully insert the tip of the balloon into the other and suck out the mucus. You can dry the nasal mucosa with vasoconstrictor drops - they come in different versions, but you need special ones for children. If you don’t find these and you have ordinary sanorin or galazolin at hand, be sure to dilute them with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3. You can use the drops for no more than three days! Then they start to backfire. And do not forget that it makes sense to bury them only after sucking out the mucus.

    Both of these procedures, of course, the child does not like and he resists as best he can. There is an easier way: if you put the baby on your stomach, the mucus will begin to flow out by itself, and you just have to wipe it with a soft handkerchief.

    The kid does not know how to clear his throat. Help him by tapping his chest with the pads of your fingers. Drink warm tea, fruit drink, compote more often: plentiful warm drink is also a medicine.

    ARVI proceeds in different ways - and relatively easy, ending in 5-7 days, and harder, longer, with complications. How will things go for you? Something can be predicted. If, for example, one of the parents or older children had ARVI often complicated by otitis media, it is more likely to expect the same. First aid in this case is a warming compress, the rest will be prescribed by an otolaryngologist. If someone from the older generation suffers from allergic diseases, the child is more likely to develop croup.

    Children with an allergic mood of the body, suffering from diathesis, full, loose, are more prone to this formidable complication. If your baby is just like that, from the first day of illness, give him prophylactic tavegil, diazolin or another antihistamine drug, in the dosage prescribed to him during exacerbations of diathesis.

    This is especially necessary for boys, they develop croup more often than girls.

    The danger of croup - swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx - in its sudden, abrupt onset and the possibility of a rapid transition from a relatively mild first stage to a severe second and life-threatening third.

    This usually happens in the evening or at night. Hearing an unusually rough, hoarse, barking cough, you will immediately understand what is wrong. The order of your actions: mom takes the child in her arms, tries to calm him down, dad urgently opens a hot shower in the bathroom, all hot water taps. Stay there with your child: breathing in moist, warm air can help. If after a few minutes he does not feel better, his breathing remains noisy, hoarse, you can’t hesitate and hesitate - call an ambulance!

    A child's illness is a test for parents. It is very difficult not to worry, not to be nervous. But invoke all possible tranquility! After all, your nervousness is transmitted to the child, it harms him. Be patient, even, affectionate - then he will be more patient, calmer. What can you do, diseases are inevitable, and you also need to be able to get sick skillfully ..

    What a 10 month old baby can do

    In most cases, a ten-month-old baby makes quite a few different sounds. You can even hear some simple words in his language exercises, for example: ma-ma-ma. But this is still far from a meaningful "mother". Language development is just beginning.

    Support the child's desire to speak in every possible way. Talk to him more. Name simple, familiar objects to the child. Do not laugh at the sounds that the child makes.

    One day you may notice that your baby is afraid of a certain object: for example, dad's muskrat hat or mom's knitted mitten. How to deal with it? Hide an object that frightens a child or force a child to overcome his fear?

    The child still cannot overcome fear, it is too weak. But there is no need to hide frightening objects. We must carefully show the child that there is nothing wrong with this subject. Let mom take dad’s “terrible” hat, hold it in her hand, show it on one side, on the other, even put it on her head. In this case, you need to talk to the child in a calm, quiet voice and not make sudden movements. The next day, try to lead the child to an object that is so terrible for him. If the baby rests, do not drag him by force. Better continue the session tomorrow.

    In no case do not speed up the process of introducing a child to a “terrible” subject, do not show violence. Remain patient, otherwise you will make it many times worse and six months later you will be surprised: where does your child get neurosis from?

    You yourself should not show in front of a child that you are afraid of something, for example, thunderstorms or darkness. Nature arranged it so that a child who does not yet have the necessary life experience looks at his mother and, by her reaction, understands how to react to this or that phenomenon. If, for example, a mother in front of a child pretended to be very afraid of something - some trinket, but at least a chicken - and the child would be afraid of this chicken.

    In no case should you scare the child for "educational" purposes. For example, he got naughty and does not want to fall asleep or left some milk at the bottom of the bottle, and you try to influence the baby: “You don’t finish your meal, I’ll give you to the policeman!”. Or - in an orphanage, or - Baba Yaga, etc. This causes a chronic
    chesky fear of strangers - he peers warily at unfamiliar guests, afraid to see them as a policeman or Baba Yaga.

    Do not try to instill fear in a child and in relation to really dangerous objects - scissors, a sharp knife, a burning match, a gas stove. What is needed here is not fear, reasonable caution is appropriate here - inspired by a calm, even voice.

    Never yell at a child!.. Of course, when he sees your such a violent negative reaction, he will understand that he was guilty of something, but the benefit of this understanding will be incomparably small compared to the harm that you bring to the child, making him nervous and timid.

    By the eleventh month, your baby should already have six teeth: two on the bottom and four on the top. Although this is not the law for everyone. If the child does not yet have six teeth, you should consult a pediatrician to see if your baby suffers from rickets. You made sure that there is no rickets; so no need to worry. The child will catch up with his peers.

    When should you start brushing your teeth? It is too early to brush your teeth, but it would be nice if you demonstrated this process to your child several times. The kid may be very surprised - what are you doing? And remember. Thus, as it were, he will prepare internally for the fact that he will have to brush his teeth.
    After about a year, it will be possible to brush your baby's teeth when all the incisors - top and bottom - and a pair of molars have erupted.

    And he is somehow shaky, and his gait is like that of a duck. Doubts begin to overcome you: maybe the child has rickets? maybe he has a dislocation hip joint

    Because of these doubts, you don’t sleep well even at night ... Do not suffer, consult a local pediatrician for advice. However, the child has a dislocation hip joint or not, you can "by eye" check for yourself: pay attention to the folds on the inner thighs. If the folds are symmetrical, most likely your baby's joints are fine.

    Not all children have this important period of life (from birth to a year) without clouds. Past illnesses significantly affect the physical development of children. For example, after suffering pneumonia - even of moderate severity - the child may go with some delay. Also, premature babies take their first steps a little later.
    Consider this.

    When your child turns one year old, he should already ask for a potty. If you still don’t ask, blame only yourself for this and draw conclusions. Be more persistent in developing this skill.
    You should know that the child's stool departs daily and at about the same time. At this particular time, you should have already prepared the pot.

    By the end of the first year of life, the child should learn to urinate in the potty. Aren't you tired of this exhausting daily laundry?

    How to teach a child to urinate in a potty? Try the following technique... When your child is awake, offer him a potty every hour. Just don't let your child sit on the potty too long. Put your baby on the potty every time before bed and after. The child will quickly figure out what exactly is required of him. Of course, he will wet his pants more than once, but in general, your efforts will not be in vain.

    Every time you put your child on the potty, patiently explain to him what exactly you are trying to achieve. This is of great educational value. Your child is already developed enough to understand what you are saying to him. Even though he speaks only a few meaningful words.

    You teach your child to urinate in the potty. Put on your baby now panties without diapers. Bring it to his attention. He himself will feel that he has become more spacious and free to move. Explain that it will be bad and unpleasant if the child suddenly wets his pants.

    If you don’t have time to teach your child to urinate in a pot, and it’s much easier to use the same diapers, then you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to mess around with diapers for up to three or even four years.

    What if the child, despite all the educational moments, continues to occasionally urinate in his pants?.. This, of course, should not be seen as a catastrophe. Do not swear at the child, do not reproach him, do not wave your arms at him and do not rush around the room like a tiger in a cage. Do not even raise your voice! .. Otherwise, you can frighten the child, he will become nervous and every time he wants to urinate, he will be afraid of this very act ... Patiently explain to the child "what is good and what is bad." Maybe even praise him. Say that last time he tried and did not put on his pants, but now he was not up to par. In case of failure, you can simply strictly remain silent. But in case of success - be very happy, rejoice defiantly, and try to make the child clearly understand the reason for your joy.

    What should a child be able to do at 11 months

    • the child understands the conversation of parents about himself and what is happening around him;
    • pronounces words imitating the voices of animals and birds;
    • fulfills requests and instructions: bring, give, take, put, take;
    • waiting for praise and approval of their actions;
    • nods his head in the affirmative and shakes his head in the negative;
    • waves his hand as a sign of greeting or farewell, thanks with a nod;
    • endlessly repeats the same action, improving in it;
    • tries to eat with a spoon, drinks well from a cup;
    • climbs and descends steps, actively crawls;
    • trying to walk on his own
    • can hang on rings or turnstile up to 1 minute;
    • knows how to climb the first few steps of the children's Swedish wall.

    Hello! So, your little curious baby went to the tenth month of life. Several important stages have already been overcome: he is already crawling, sitting, saying his first words, trying to get up and already confidently standing at the support. Very soon the child will take the first independent steps. It's time to think about the first shoes in which you can walk on the street with your mother by the hand.

    Now he will imitate you, your behavior, words, deeds. He wants to do “as big”, so he will try to press the buttons on the remote control or even repeat the word you like after you. It is important not to utter swear words in front of the child, from which it will later be difficult to wean. It is better to direct this "independence" and activity of the baby in the right direction. Have him repeat after you how to rock the bear, feed the dolls, or wash your hands.

    At this age, children seem to be destructive: they can break toys, objects. But this is part of the knowledge of the world - the ability to find out what is inside, what different objects are made of.

    It's time to understand the word "no". Now you can say this forbidding word to wrong actions, and it will be clear to the child. Just don't abuse it. And it is important to pronounce it really in the intonation that should be implied - without a smile. Otherwise, the child may misunderstand the word “no”.

    Development at the tenth month of life

    Now the growth of the child is already slowing down, in a month it will increase by about 1.5 cm. But he already has more confident control of the body, which allows him to learn new skills. Now it is interesting for him to climb all the hills he meets on the way: chairs, sofas. Now the main thing is to teach the child to descend correctly (legs down) - this will save him from falling with his head. Remove unstable furniture, make sure that he does not climb onto the windowsill.

    A child at the tenth month of life is actively crawling, which allows him to move around the rooms and overcome obstacles. Thus, it becomes difficult to limit his space, so the house should be as safe as possible for him. Try to remove dangerous items and small parts from the bottom drawers.

    It is noted that at the tenth month of life, a child can unclench his fingers, and this is a very important skill. If before he only grabbed objects, now he can throw them. Now he can throw toys and objects with all his might on the floor, so do not give the child fragile and breakable things.
    Your baby is already sitting well, and you can do the first drawing lessons. Finger paints work best for this. As you draw together, pay attention to which hand is preferred. Right now you can notice your child is right-handed or left-handed. You should not try to retrain the left-hander, just give tasks for the right hand, and the right hand for the left. This gives development to both hemispheres of the brain equally. By the way, I recommend a wonderful early learning art course for toddlers. With the help of these video tutorials, you will not only teach your child to draw and express their emotions and impressions in drawings, but also help him develop faster and broaden his horizons.

    The kid can stand on his feet for a long time, holding on to a support or the hands of an adult. And some children in the tenth month of life can already take their first steps at the support. This skill is very individual. Only a few skip the crawling period, immediately starting to walk. Basically, children prepare for an important event gradually. Soon the baby will begin to let go of the support and stand a little. Then, already emboldened, he will take the first timid steps.

    Tenth month of a child's life: sleep

    It's time for a change in your baby's sleep patterns. For some, one daytime nap is already enough, but in the evening they go to bed earlier. The morning rise then also slightly shifts to an earlier time. But, if there are two daytime sleeps, then the interval between them should be more than four hours. Otherwise, the baby will not get tired yet, and it will be quite difficult to lay him down. It is advisable to organize the child's daily routine so that it is laid at a certain time, then the awakening will be at the same hours.

    At this age, a child in a dream can shudder, spin. But if, with the comfort created, the baby’s sleep is nervous, and wakes up in a bad mood, then this is a reason to seek advice from a neurologist. Perhaps this is how nervous disorders are manifested, which are best eliminated now. Read more about how to solve sleep problems in our free book. How to quickly put the child to sleep?. I recommend downloading and reading - I hope the book will help you improve your baby's sleep.

    The tenth month of a child's life: nutrition and complementary foods

    The nutrition of the child in the tenth month of life is five times a day. Includes all the same products as before. However, you can reduce the amount of breast milk in your diet. Nighttime breastfeeding is best left for now because many babies at this age still require it.

    For breakfast, it is preferable to give porridge. You can diversify them by adding finely chopped fruits or dried fruits, herbal tea and bread are better. For lunch, vegetable soup or low-fat meat, fish broth. A meat dish with vegetables, such as stews. For dessert, yogurt or cottage cheese. Afternoon snack - a small snack with yogurt, bread or crackers. For dinner, you can stew vegetables or chop finely lettuce, give porridge, bread, a piece of cheese. Fried food should be banned for the time being, it is too heavy for a child's stomach.

    If you plan to stop breastfeeding, do it gradually. First, you can replace the morning feeding with a full breakfast. Then already refuse the night - then at night it is better to give a fermented milk product. It is easily absorbed and does not interfere with children's sleep.

    You already give most of the food to your baby from a spoon. He willingly eats when he is hungry, and refuses, even turns away when he is full. He is now showing interest in using the spoon on his own. You can give your baby a special spoon made of plastic. Let him try to eat himself, although it is unlikely to be good. Therefore, he can try to eat part of it on his own, and you will feed him most of it. Do not limit the freedom of the baby, he receives important life skills. Time will pass, and he will eat on his own and carefully.

    Tenth month of a child's life: walks

    Spend as much time as possible outdoors. During waking hours, tell your baby about everything that surrounds, focus on interesting things. In the tenth month of life, a child can focus on something specific: an airplane is flying, a dog is running, a bird has flown, a flower has blossomed. You can take the baby with you to the store or to visit.

    The tenth month of a child's life: bathing, hardening, exercise

    You can bathe a child in the tenth month of life every other day. But hardening procedures are best done daily. Now rubdowns are being replaced by water dousing. It is better to do it with a shower, starting with a water temperature of 36 degrees, gradually reducing to 28 degrees. First pour over the back, then the stomach and chest. After the procedure, dry the baby thoroughly. The best time for douching is from 16:00 to 19:00.
    Be sure to do gymnastics, massage, air baths with your baby. You can read more about bathing, and about hardening -.

    Tenth month of a child's life: speech

    The set of words is not yet replenished too much. Words are still simple, more often they denote objects and people. The child actively tries to copy the sounds of adults. Talk to him more often, explain objects and actions. The role of parents is very important here. Praise the baby for well-pronounced words, and he will try even harder.

    Tenth month of a child's life: teeth

    The growth and eruption of teeth continues. By the tenth month of life, your baby may have approximately six teeth. It is important to pay attention to daily hygiene, continue to gently care for the baby's oral cavity. Otherwise, the teeth will begin to deteriorate, which means that expensive treatment will be needed and, possibly,

    The tenth month of a child's life: toys and games

    The child may have favorite toys or dolls that he willingly plays with, puts to bed, feeds. Games are now more meaningful. Soft toys in the form of animals and birds do not just show the child, tell them where they live, what sounds they make. The kid likes to roll balls and cars, to extract sounds from musical instruments.

    Play finger games with your child and. Under unpretentious rhymes, he will easily remember the actions, and soon he will repeat them himself. This is how the meanings of words denoting actions, objects are remembered.

    Of particular interest to the baby are adult things, such as dishes. Many children love to play with different bowls, pots, and baking dishes. It is also a form of knowledge of the surrounding world. Give him molds of different diameters and he will nest one inside the other. This is how the concept of "more - less" is formed.

    Children in the tenth month of life are happy to look at large bright pictures in books. Read a fairy tale to your child, where the pictures depict the action. In general, joint reading of books from an early age greatly develops the child's speech reserve. Subsequently, he will speak more words and phrases, and it will also be easier to memorize various small works. Just do not leave books in the hands of the baby, unless they are intended for him, made of durable cardboard. A small destroyer can easily tear thin sheets of a beautiful bright book. By the way, I recommend that you download a free book "How to choose a toy by age?". It will help you make the right choice in the toy store, and not litter the nursery with those games and toys that the child will simply not be interested in due to specific age characteristics.

    What should a 10 month old baby know?

    Your child can already sit up and sit confidently and for a long time. Has mastered getting up at the support and can take several steps. Easily controlled by his small hands with objects, controls both hands. Now he does not just grab toys and objects, he can throw them. In a good mood, the child sings songs with pleasure and laughs, actively responds to the laughter of others. Toys now do not just exist for him, now he uses them for their intended purpose - rolls a ball and a car, tries to knock over a tumbler, extracts sounds from the first musical instruments.

    It's time to gently introduce your child to the potty. Just do not force him to sit on the potty and do not scold him if the child does not do what you want - because for now he simply cannot control his feelings. The main battle for the pot is still ahead, the most suitable time for this will come much later - closer to two years. In the meantime, let him play for some time, showing on toys how to sit down and what to do. Let the child understand that this is not scary. Be patient, this process is not easy, but sooner or later your efforts will give results. Do not forget to praise the baby if he succeeds - this will be a great incentive to repeat the process. You can read more about how to potty train a child in these two articles -,. And remember, up to 3 years, accidental punctures are not and are not a reason to see a doctor.

    And the last advice: do not lose optimism! The first, most difficult months in a child's life are already passing. Your baby is increasingly pleased with his achievements and successes, you have learned to understand each other. So enjoy every moment, and be sure to find time to take care of yourself and relax. Joy to you and prosperity!

    Your baby is growing, and his speed is gaining momentum. Child racers - this is how you can characterize the kids during this period. Whatever they do - play, travel around the house - the little ones show energy and quickness. Children enjoy playing catch-up. If at the same time mom applauds and praises the little runner, he can repeat his "run" for an encore.

    For the crumbs, it is not difficult to distinguish the mood of others. With some especially observant babies, jealousy attacks may even occur. The child may burst into tears if someone else is suddenly in the center of everyone's attention. At about the same age, the baby remembers current events better and copes with simple problems quite successfully. Try to put him an unloved food, as he will immediately push the spoon away. If you put a toy under your baby's blouse, he will immediately lift the bottom edge of the clothes, and the toy will fall out.

    Learning to understand each other

    Every day the baby understands the meaning of words better and better. When they ask him: “Where is mom?”, “Where is dad?”, He looks from one parent to another. The baby is already following simple commands and, having heard: “Give me a spoon”, holds it out. But it will be better if the mother reinforces her request with an outstretched hand or makes a request at a time when the son or daughter is looking at the spoon. For a kid, this is an interesting game, and if he once understood what to do, he will be happy to play again and again.

    Starting to combine the sound of words with their meaning, the child builds his figurative dictionary. And although most of the baby's babble may be just sound play, the baby is already beginning to say some words in the appropriate context. The first words of a nine-month-old peanut are likely to be words denoting loved ones, or those with which mother accompanies habitual actions.

    At this very early "conversational" stage, parents play a major role. If mom and dad react to a successful attempt by a baby to say a word with stormy delight and increased attention to their speaking child, the child begins to understand that it is correct to use words. When the baby fulfills a verbal request and his intelligence is noted by parental enthusiasm, he will try even harder.

    In games, the child also seeks to interact with parents. Playing the “phone” will bring great joy to the baby. Take a toy phone and take turns talking into the phone with your son or daughter. Mom imitates a call, picks up the phone and comes up with some short phrases, like: “Hi, how are you? Are you eating porridge?" Then he hands the phone to the child and says: “Now you talk.” Very soon, the baby will get used to the phone and will definitely mutter some of his “phrases” before hanging up.

    Baby motor skills at 10 months

    By 10 months, most babies crawl well. Now they have to master another type of movement - a bear walk (on all fours). This is a kind of transitional step from a crawling man to a walking man.

    The kid learns to maneuver between obstacles on outstretched arms and legs. Having reached the goal, the child carefully straightens up and begins to walk along suitable objects. Such training is good for his muscles and joints. It helps to evenly load the legs and feet and gradually develop a sense of balance.

    However, at a time when some children noticeably show their new motor skills - stand, move, climb stairs, get off the sofa, others, according to worried parents, seem to freeze in their development. If your baby belongs to the second category, you should not worry: all babies have peaks and relative declines.