Diagnostic work social studies 9

A1. Society in the narrow sense of the word is:

1) a certain stage in the historical development of mankind

2) part of the environment that is created by man

3) a set of elements of animate and inanimate nature

4) the way a person relates to the outside world

A2. Are the following judgments about the relationship between society and nature correct?

A. Nature is part of society.

B. Society, influencing nature, causes some damage to it, the same can be said about the influence of nature on society.

A3 . Subsistence farming predominates in the economy of the state of Azerbaijan, with the predominance of collective forms of ownership. In the political sphere, the army and the church have advantages. What type of society does A. belong to?

1) informational 2) industrial

3) post-industrial 4) agricultural

A4. What characterizes the concept of "personality":

1) biological needs 2) conscious goals

3) physiological features 4) natural inclinations

A5 . Conflict situations often arise in A.'s family. However, I.'s wife is trying to prevent open signs of conflict and bitterness. As a result, peace, harmony and warmth come in the family, but the problem remains. What style of interpersonal conflict resolution are we talking about?

1) coercion 2) rivalry 3) smoothing 4) compromise

A6 . Are the following judgments about spheres of public life correct?

A. The development of each sphere of social life is subject to its own laws.

B. Malfunctions in the functioning of one of the spheres of public life affect the state of others.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A7. The discoveries of M.V. Lomonosov, inventions of I.P. Kulibin, works of D.I. Mendeleev are an example of activity:

1) political 2) intellectual

3) artistic 4) state

A8 . What is characteristic of an industrial society?

2) the predominance of agriculture in the economy

3) the dominance of the church and the army in the political sphere of society

4) class structure of society

A. STD reduces man's dependence on technology.

B. Scientific and technological revolution turns education into a necessary condition for a full-fledged human existence.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A10. Are the following statements about unity in the modern world correct?

A. The unity of the world means the elimination of differences between peoples.

B. The unity of the world presupposes the preservation and enhancement of the identity of peoples.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A11. In the children's health camp "Spark" a competition was held for the best caricature, satirical or humorous drawing. What additional information will allow us to conclude that we are talking about a game?

1) is a form of human activity 2) implies the presence of a goal

3) gives a person experience of action with objects 4) can be collective in nature

A12. To the forms of self-knowledgedoes not apply(s):

1) keeping a personal diary 2) filling out a career guidance questionnaire

3) performing psychological tests 4) writing essays on literature

A13 . Are the following judgments about the global problems of our time correct?

A. Among the global problems include the problem of maintaining peace.

B. Among the global problems include the problem of combating international terrorism.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A14 . Man as one of the people:

A15. Are judgments about socialization correct?

A) The agents of primary socialization include the formal environment of a person;

B) Does the process of socialization continue throughout his life?

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

A16. Are the judgments about reform correct?

A) Reform is an attempt to conserve the established order of things in society.

B) Most often, reforms are carried out by the tops of society.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A17. The main areas of public life include:

1) material production 2) economy 3) constitutional law 4) state

A18. Are judgments about conformity correct?

A) Conformism - conscious external agreement with internal disagreement with the opinion of the group.

B) Conformism - conscious agreement with the opinion of the group, acceptance and active upholding of its values, norms, ideals.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A19. A common feature of society and nature is:

1) existence independently of each other 2) the presence of signs of the system

3) conscious and volitional activity 4) acting as a creator of culture

A20 . A sign of communication is not:

1) exchange of information 2) exchange of experience 3) exchange of souvenirs 4) exchange of impressions

Part II.

IN 1. Pupil M., speaking at a lesson on interpersonal relationships, dwelled in detail on business and personal relationships. Compare the two types of interpersonal relationships mentioned in the task condition - business and personal. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column the serial numbers of the differences.

1) are official

2) are built on the relationship, interaction and mutual understanding of people

3) arise both among large and among small social groups

4) are formed on the basis of private relationships


IN 2. Establish a correspondence between examples of human needs and their types. For each element given in the first column, match the element from the second column.


A) alcohol, smoking 1) biological

B) recognition in society, communication 2) social

C) food, clothing 3) spiritual

D) creativity, knowledge 4) false

D) self-realization, self-affirmation

1) reflect the facts

2) express opinions

Scientists interviewed 20-year-old residents of country Z. They were asked the question: “What factor do you consider the main one in shaping personality?” After 20 years, scientists again asked this question to the same respondents. The results of the survey (in % of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram:

AT 4. Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and

1) the main factors in the development of personality, respondents at the age of 20 recognize family and relatives, as well as the influence of friends.

2) half of the respondents aged 40 consider family and relatives to be the main factor in the development of personality.

3) every fourth respondent, regardless of age, names the school as the main factor in the development of personality.

4) the main factor in the development of personality is a large proportion of 20-year-olds, compared with 40-year-olds, consider heredity.

5) the same percentage of respondents, regardless of age, recognize the activities of the media as the main factor in the development of personality.

AT 5 directly flow out

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated:

1) Citizens of country Z. read little.

2) Among the respondents, those who did not study well at school predominate

3) As they grow older, the respondents began to appreciate the role of the family in the process of personality formation more highly.

4) With age, people begin to trust their loved ones more.

5) People correctly understand that personality is formed under the influence of many factors.


Part III.

“The global problems of our time are not something new for the current development of mankind, but represent an unprecedented exacerbation and deepening in modern conditions of previously existing problems in the system “man - nature - society”.

First of all, two interrelated processes underlie their exacerbation. On the one hand, this is the result of the improvement and development of productive forces, i.e. the result of the development of the material culture of society. On the other hand, the emergence and deepening of global problems is the result of social progress. These two main reasons for the emergence of global problems have led to their deepening. If at the first stages of the development of human history these two processes were local, then regional in nature, then in modern conditions they have acquired a global character.

The conditions of the current stage of development of scientific and technological progress marks an unprecedented improvement in the means of production, the latest technology, which has become the basis of uncontrolled and widespread human intervention in nature. But the most important thing here is the unforeseen results of this intervention. Man conquered nature without thinking about the possible consequences of this activity.

The coincidence in time of the rapid development of the scientific and technological revolution and the major social changes in the world had a significant impact on the deepening of global contradictions. The revolution in military affairs, the creation of weapons of mass destruction in quantities that threaten the existence of human civilization, have posed with unprecedented acuteness the problems of preserving and surviving this civilization in the changed conditions.

All global problems are inextricably linked with each other. Each global problem does not appear on its own, but as an element of the structure of the entire system of global problems. The systemic nature of the global problems of our time implies their comprehensive study and consideration in close connection with each other.

The main groups of global problems grow out of the relationship between man and nature, man and society.

First group. (…) Worldwide global problems of our time. They are connected with the restructuring of international relations in accordance with the requirements of the further progress of mankind (...)

Second group. General planetary global problems (resource). They are connected with the problems of harmonization and humanization of society's relations to nature.(…)

Third group. Universal (...) problems of the sociocultural, humanitarian range, which are associated with the democratization of relations between society and the individual.

(Adapted from the book: Social Studies: A Handbook for Applicants to Universities / V.V. Barabanov, A.A. Dorskaya, V.G. Zarubin and others; edited by V.V. Barabanov St. Petersburg. 2001. S. 134 - 135, 138 )

C2. What, according to the text, are the global problems of our time? What are the main reasons for their occurrence?

C3 . Why, according to the author, the global problems of our time require a comprehensive study and consideration in close connection with each other?

C4 . Using the content of the text and social science knowledge, fill in the table.

C5 . Check out the following points of view.

Which of these points of view is reflected in the text? Provide a piece of text to help answer the question.

C6. The authors note that global problems have raised the issue of "preservation and survival" of human civilization with unprecedented severity. Do you agree with the point of view that it is not possible to solve the global problems of our time, therefore humanity is coming to its end. Based on the text and social science knowledge, give an argument (explanation) in defense of your position.

Topic: "Man and Society".


Option 2.

Part I

A1 . Are the following statements about society correct?

A. Society is all of humanity in the past, present and perspective.

B. Society is a collection of people united for the joint performance of any activity.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A2 . Give an example of the negative consequences of society's impact on nature:

1) massive deforestation

2) setting up the production of "environmentally friendly" cars

3) limiting the export of natural resources

4) the use of technologies to reduce the emission of harmful substances

A3. The negative consequences of the scientific and technological revolution include:

1) the use of artificial materials that replace natural resources

2) increase in industrial waste

3) mastering a person at high speeds

4) the growing role of scientific knowledge

A4 . Society in the broadest sense of the word is:

1) the whole world in the variety of its forms

2) human environment

3) a source of production resources necessary for a person

4) a set of ways people interact

A5. Olga works as a technologist in a design bureau. She is a principled and responsible person. In her free time, she attends English language courses. All this characterizes Olga as:

1) specialist 2) citizen 3) individual 4) personality

A6 . What is characteristic of a post-industrial society?

1) mechanization and automation of production

2) the predominance of oral information over written

3) an increase in the proportion of the peasantry in the population

4) the leading role of science and information in society

A7 . Are the following judgments about types of society correct?

A. In a traditional society, industrial production of consumer goods is developed.

B. In an industrial society, traditional class structures and social privileges are being destroyed.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A8 . Are the following judgments about the social consequences of the scientific and technological revolution (STR) correct?

A. Scientific and technological revolution solves the problem of full employment of the population.

B. STD reduces man's dependence on technology.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A9 . To the spiritual sphere of society not applicable:

1) art 2) science 3) family 4) morality

A10. Are the following judgments about the unity and diversity of the modern world correct?

A. The stronger the tendency towards the unity of the world, the brighter the diversity of cultures of ways of life is manifested.

B. The modern world does not leave much room for diversity: people in different parts of the world eat the same foods, watch the same TV shows, read the same literature.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A11 . Are the following statements about communication correct?

A. In the process of communication, one should not show compliance.

B. In the process of communication, such an important quality of a person as adherence to principles is formed.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A12. Sergei shares his impressions of the movie he watched on the phone. This is an example:

1) games 2) communication 3) teaching 4) labor

A13 . The most common characteristic of a person is the term:

1) individual 2) citizen 3) individuality 4) personality

A14. One citizen claimed: “I never go against my team, even when I do not agree with it. Why conflict. It's better to be like everyone else." This citizen is:

1) collectivist 2) activist 3) conformist 4) selfish

A15. The opportunity to express your opinion is:

1) responsibility 2) freedom 3) necessity 4) duty

A16 . Are the following statements about interpersonal conflicts correct?

A. Interpersonal conflicts are always accompanied by morally condemned actions.

B. Interpersonal conflicts may not go beyond business arguments, moral relations.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A17 . Are worldview judgments correct?

A) A variety of worldviews enriches society.

B) A worldview is both a product and an expression of a spiritual personality.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A18. Specify the characteristic of a person that is socially determined:

1) the ability to think logically

2) predisposition to certain diseases

3) sensory perception of the world

4) the presence of a circulatory system

A19. Are the judgments about activity correct?

A) Activity is characteristic of both animals and humans.

B) The activity is related to the transformation of the environment.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A20. Form of interpersonal relationships is not:

1) friendship 2) acquaintance 3) mutual understanding 4) friendship

Part II.

IN 1. In the morning, Nikolai works as a laboratory assistant at a research institute, and in the evening, being a student, he studies at the chemical faculty of the university. Compare the two forms of activity mentioned in the condition of the assignment - work and study. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column the serial numbers of the differences.

1) represent a promising value for other people, society

2) presupposes the existence of a goal

3) may have an individual character

4) transforms the external environment of a person


IN 2. Establish a correspondence between examples of interpersonal relationships and their types. For each element given in the first column, match the element from the second column.



A) a trip with friends out of town 1) personal

B) a teacher's conversation with the student's parents 2) business

C) a meeting of the head of a foreign state

D) partnership

D) partnership

Write down the selected numbers in the table:

IN 3. Read the text below, each position marked with a letter.

Determine which positions of the text

1) reflect the facts

2) express opinions

Record in the table the numbers indicating the nature of the relevant provisions:

Scientists from country Z. conducted a survey of 18-year-old and 40-year-old citizens. The question was asked: "What method of resolving interpersonal conflict do you consider the most effective?".

The results of the survey (in % of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram:

AT 4.

1) avoiding the situation is most popular among the respondents of both groups

2) Confrontation 18-year-olds choose more often than 40-year-olds

3) Most 40-Year-Olds Choose Collaboration Over Avoidance

4) the same percentage of respondents in both groups note concession as the most effective way to resolve interpersonal conflict

5) among 18-year-olds, cooperation is less popular than concession

AT 5 . The survey results reflected in the diagram were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusionsdirectly flow out from the information obtained during the survey?

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated:

1) Middle-aged people are more prone to aggression than young people

2) most of the respondents do not understand what tolerance is

3) modern youth is characterized by increased tolerance

4) when choosing a way to resolve the conflict, age differences appear

5) young people, to a greater extent than middle-aged people, tend to openly fight for their interests


Part III.

“A small social group is an association of people who have direct contact with each other, united by joint activities, emotional or family closeness, aware of their belonging to a group and recognized by other people. (…)

Interest in a small group is mainly due to two circumstances: firstly, it is in groups that the vast majority of interaction processes arise and proceed in the most direct and immediate form; secondly, in a small group one can find a wide variety of models of social relations that are found (...) in larger associations.

The boundaries of a small group are determined by qualitative features, the main of which are contact and integrity. Contact is the ability of each member of the group to regularly communicate with each other, perceive and evaluate each other, and exchange information. Integrity is defined as the social and psychological community of people in a group, allowing them to be perceived as a single whole.

In addition to the qualitative characteristics of a small group, its quantitative indicators are distinguished. The lower limit of the size of a small group is three people, since in a group of two people (dyad) group socio-psychological phenomena proceed in a special way. The upper limit of a small group is determined by its qualitative features and usually does not exceed 20-30 people. The optimal size of a small group depends on the nature of the joint activity performed and is in the range of 5-12 people.(…)

Small groups are divided into formal and informal. In a formal group, all positions are clearly defined, as well as the roles of all members of the group are strictly distributed in the system of subordination. (...) Informal groups are associations of people that arise on the basis of internal needs inherent in individuals for communication, belonging, understanding, sympathy and love. (...) By the time of existence, temporary groups are distinguished, within which the association of participants is limited in time ... and stable, the relative constancy of the existence of which is determined by their purpose and long-term goals of functioning.

(Adapted from the book: Gorbunova M. Yu. Sociology: Answers to examination questions. M. 2007.

pp. 165-168)

C1 . Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

C2. What, according to the text, is a small social group? State two circumstances that make it important to study this group.

C3 . Complete the table based on the text.

C4. Using the content of the text and social science knowledge, give examples of the types of small social groups (two examples for each group), fill in the column of the table.

C5. In the small town of V., a group of bikers (motorcyclists) appeared, consisting of 18-20 people, which has its own symbols and rituals. A motorcycle in the eyes of bikers acquires a double meaning: it is a mechanism created by man and almost replaced wildlife, as well as a trouble-free and devoted friend. Long hair combed back and, as a rule, tied in a ponytail, a scarf on the head (bandana), tattoos, jackets - leather jackets, leather pants, helmets, cowboy boots, high heels (Cossacks) - all these are the distinctive features of a biker. Bikerism is a way of life, a constant environment of communication, a certain range of interests. What signs and quantitative indicators allow us to conclude that we are talking about a small social group? Give passages of text that helped you answer this question.

C6. The author points to such a sign of a small social group as "emotional and kindred closeness". Can it be argued that this group has a positive effect on a person? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give an argument (explanation) in defense of your position.

Diagnostic work in social science.

Topic: "Man and Society".


Part I

1 - option

Option 2

A 4












Part II

2314 - 1 point

2314– 1 point

42132 - 2 points

12221 2 points

112– 1 point

112– 1 point

125– 1 point

23– 1 point

35 - - 1 point

45 -- 1 point

Part III

1) the essence of the global problems of our time;

2) the main causes of the emergence of global problems of our time;

3) the consequences of the current stage of scientific and technological progress;

4) a condition that deepens the global problems of our time;

5) interdependence of connections of global problems with each other;

6) the main groups of global problems.

The following semantic fragments can be distinguished and titled:

1) the essence of the concept of "small social group";

2) the importance of studying a small social group;

3) the main features of a small social group;

4) quantitative indicators of a small social group;

5) types of small social groups.

Other formulations of the points of the plan are possible that do not distort the essence of the main idea of ​​the fragment, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks.

elements :

1) the essence of global problems of our time:unprecedented aggravation and deepening in modern conditionspreviously existing contradictions in the system "man-society-nature".

2) the main causes of global problems of our time:improvement and development of productive forces, i.e. the result of the development of the material culture of society; result of social progress.

The correct answer must contain the following elements :

1) definition of a small social group:an association of people who have direct contact with each other, united by joint activities, emotional or family closeness, aware of their belonging to a group and recognized by other people;

2) circumstances that determine the importance of studying a small social group:

In a small group, the vast majority of interaction processes arise and proceed in the most direct and immediate form;

In a small group, one can find many of the most diverse models of social relations that are found in larger associations.

The following may be given answer to question: global problems are of a systemic nature: each global problem does not act in itself, but as an “element” of the structure of the entire system of global problems.

completed table.

Main quality features:

1. Contact

2. Integrity

Quantitative indicators

The lower limit of group sizes is 3 persons.

The optimal group size is 5-12 people.

The upper limit of group sizes is 20-30 people.

The correct answer must containcompleted table.

1) Global - problems of preventing a world nuclear war, development of economic integration.

2) Resource - environmental, demographic problems.

3) Universal- Problems of public health, education.

Other examples of global problems of our time can be given.

The correct answer must containcompleted table.

Formal - school class, football team.

Informal - club of lovers of bard songs, fans of the club "Zenith".

Temporary - participants of the same conference, neighbors in the train car.

stable - family, employees of one department of the company.

Other types of small social groups can be given.


1) answer to the question: for example: the text reflects the second point of view (G.V. Plekhanov) - the possibility of using natural-scientific knowledge to dominate nature.

The answer to the question can be given in another wording close in meaning.

2) text snippet, for example:

- “The conditions of the current stage of development of scientific and technological progress mark an unprecedented improvement in the means of production, the latest technologies, which became the basis of uncontrolled and widespread human intervention in nature. But the most important thing here is the unforeseen results of this intervention. Man conquered nature without thinking about the possible consequences of this activity”;

- "The revolution in military affairs, the creation of weapons of mass destruction in quantities that threaten the existence of human civilization, with unprecedented acuteness, have also raised the problems of preserving and surviving this civilization in the changed conditions."

The correct answer must contain the following elements.

1) signs and quantitative indicators,allowing to conclude that we are talking about a small social group:

Cooperative activity;

emotional intimacy;

Awareness of belonging to a group (distinctive features);



Group size 9 (18-20 people).

These signs can be given in other formulations that are close in meaning.

2) text snippet, for example:

- “Association of people who have direct contact with each other, united by joint activities, emotional or family closeness, aware of their belonging to a group and recognized by other people”;

- “Contact is the ability of each member of the group to regularly communicate with each other, perceive and evaluate each other, and exchange information. Integrity is defined as the social and psychological community of people in a group, allowing them to be perceived as a single whole”;

- "The upper limit of a small group (..) usually does not exceed 20-30 people."

The correct answer must contain the following elements.

2) two arguments (explanations) for example:

Solving the global problems of our time involves stopping scientific, technical and economic development (slowing down population growth, abandoning technological progress, reducing consumption, etc.), which in practice means the impossibility of a progressive, progressive development of society as a whole.

The solution of global problems of our time is possible through the practical use of scientific and technical discoveries and technical innovations, taking into account the social interests of people, which is becoming increasingly developed in the world.

The correct answer must contain the following elements.

1) the expressiveness of the student's position:agreement or disagreement with the opinion expressed.

2) two arguments (explanations) for example:

In case of consent, it may be indicated:

From the members of the group, a person receives information that allows him to correctly perceive and evaluate himself;

In case of disagreement, it may be indicated:

The group forms conformism in a person, i.e. the individual, consciously disagreeing with the group, nevertheless agrees with them, based on any considerations.

Other arguments may also be given.

C1 - 2 points

C2 - 2 points

C3 - 2 points

C4 - 3 points

C5 - 2 points

C6 - 2 points

TOTAL - 39 points

Entrance diagnostic work on social studies for 9 cells. at the beginning of the school year.

Target: to reveal the strength of assimilation of ZUN for the course of 8 cells. in social science.

Tested knowledge and skills:

    Knowledge of the basic concepts and their characteristic features;

    Analysis, correlation and classification of certain norms;

    Formulation of own judgments, conclusions.

Checked content elements:

    Society and man.

    Economic sphere.

    Social sphere.

The material was compiled on the basiscontrol measuring materials for 2017 the main state exam in social science. Diagnostic work was formed from the catalog of tasks of the site "I will solve the OGE" and is designed for 40 minutes. After checking, a comparative table is filled in to identify gaps in knowledge and skills in the course "Social Studies".

Entrance diagnostic work on social studies in 9 "___" class.

Date of _______________

Only ____________ students participated

Teacher: ______________________



did not complete


Knowledge of basic concepts and their characteristic features (P1: 1,2,6, 7,8, 10)

Task for addressing social realities (P1: 3, 4)

Task for the analysis of two judgments (P1: 5, 9

Task focused on the skills being tested (P1: compare: 11, to establish correspondence 12,to establish facts and opinions 13, to choose the right positions fromlist 14)

Source Analysis Tasks (P2: 15)

Conclusions: ___________________________________________________________________________



IN 1

Part 1

1. Society in the broadest sense means

1) the natural habitat of man

2) a group of people united by common interests

3) the stage of the historical development of the people

4) all of humanity in the past, present and future

2. Which of the following terms is used primarily in describing the social sphere of society?

1) art, science2) production, distribution3) elections, referendum4) group, ethnic group

3. What example illustrates the influence of natural factors on the life of society?

1) destruction of houses in the village by a hurricane 2) drainage of swamps for the construction of a highway

3) air pollution by exhaust gases 4) the study of ecology by schoolchildren

4. Leonid is engaged in the figure skating section, art school, reads a lot and loves to play with his younger brother and sister. Enriching his own social experience in this way, Leonid becomes

1) a citizen2) personality3) an employee4) individual

5. Are the following statements about activity correct?

A. Activity is the purposeful activity of animals.

B. Human activity is aimed at meeting his needs.

1) only A is true2) only B is true3) both statements are correct4) both judgments are wrong

6. There are several meanings of the concept "economy". Which illustrates the economy as


1) opening a network of food hypermarkets

2) explanation of the reasons for the rise in inflation

3) calculation of state budget indicators

4) forecasting the demand for goods

7. The willingness of buyers to purchase a product or service at a certain price

1) supply 2) face value 3) profit 4) demand

8. The main factors (resources) of production include

1) capital 2) trade 3) price 4) demand


A. Direct taxes exist in the form of surcharges on the price of certain goods.

B. Direct taxes include property tax.

10. What social group is distinguished by demographics?

1) hired workers 2) youth 3) physics teachers 4) Petersburgers

11. Ksenia lives with her parents and sister. She is in 5th grade. Compare two small groups: family and school class. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences:

1) the presence of special norms of behavior 2) personal contacts of group members

3) relationship of kinship 4) common life


Features of difference

12. Establish a correspondence between examples and types of needs: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.



A) rest and sleep

B) socializing with friends

C) the realization of their needs

D) self-preservation

D) career growth

1) biological

2) social

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


13. Read the given text, each position of which is marked with a letter.

(A) It is unfair to pay the same salary to people working at different capacities. (B) Some firms maintain an egalitarian approach to wages. (C) When setting wages and bonus payments, it would be useful for the employer to take into account the diligence of employees, their attitude to work.


14. Sociologists conducted a survey of adult citizens of the city Z. They were asked the question: “Which of the methods of resolving social conflicts is the most effective? ".

The survey results are presented in the form of a diagram.

1) Approximately half of the respondents believe that state mediation is the most effective way to resolve the conflict.

2) The absolute majority - 97% do not consider concession to be an effective means of resolving conflicts.

3) The refusal of all conflicting parties from mutual claims is considered less effective than a long confrontation in the conflict.

4) Only 3% of respondents believe that concessions by one of the parties can help resolve the social conflict.

5) The respondents believe that the most effective way to resolve social conflicts is the rejection of mutual claims.

Part 2


"Patriotism" is a broad concept. It all depends on what specific content is embedded in this word. Enlightened patriotism is a feeling that can and should be proud of. It implies an active love for the motherland, manifested in concrete deeds that benefit people.

A patriot can be a simple person who unselfishly did good near and far. A patriot is a creative figure who has glorified his country and, thereby, all of humanity with his work. Unconditional patriots - defenders of the Motherland from foreign invaders, especially those who gave their lives for it.

In other words, a patriot is not one who constantly reminds of his patriotism, but one who works fruitfully for the good of society, helps the disadvantaged, heals the sick and raises children, creates new knowledge and skills, fights violence, opposes exploitation and slavery. contributes to the progress of society. And, on the contrary, one who suppresses citizens and complicates their existence, lives not for people, but at their expense, humiliates foreigners and those whom he considers “foreigners”, conserves obsolete orders, imposes false ideas and goals on society cannot be considered a patriot. .

A true patriot has the right not only to be proud of his country, but also to feel shame for it when wrongful acts are committed. Often such shame and such pain give rise to deeply moral deeds, asceticism of people.

(adapted from art. V. B. Slavin)

15 . In some schools, groups of students have been formed who visit the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War, take care of the burial places of fallen soldiers, try to restore the names of unknown soldiers, meet with veterans and help them. Can this activity be called patriotic? Using the text and social science knowledge, give two explanations for your opinion.

IN 2

Part 1

1. Society is broadly understood to mean

1) the entire population of the Earth in the past, present and future 2) the unity of animate and inanimate nature

3) the whole world in the variety of its forms and manifestations 4) a certain stage of historical development

2. The political problems of the development of society include

1) the threat of international terrorism 2) a decrease in the interest of young people in reading books

3) rising inflation 4) distribution of drugs among young people

3. What example can illustrate the influence of natural factors on the development of society?

1) construction of a dam protecting St. Petersburg from floods

2) the beginning of the industrial revolution

3) creation of a museum-reserve of a famous poet

4) the formation of democratic regimes in European countries

4. Anna Petrovna is an active and creative person. She initiated the subbotnik in her yard. This characterizes her as

1) personality 2) administrator 3) intelligent person 4) professional

5. Are the following statements about human activity correct?

A. Studying a school course in physics is an example of cognitive activity.

B. Activity implies the conscious activity of a person.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

6. There are several meanings of the concept "economy". What illustrates economics as a science?

1) sale of farm products 2) identification of growth factors in demand for services

3) provision of household services to the population 4) exchange trading in shares of enterprises

7. The amount of goods that sellers are willing to put on the market for sale in a certain period of time and at certain prices is called

1) demand 2) specialization 3) profit 4) supply

8. Which of the following refers to the factors (resources) of production?

1) profit 2) labor 3) taxes 4) salary

9. Are the following statements about taxes correct?

A. The collection of direct taxes is not related to the accounting of income or property.

B. Taxes on the sale of goods and services are classified as indirect taxes.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

10. What social group is allocated on a territorial basis?

1) clerics 2) women 3) Muslims 4) Europeans

11. The above list shows the similarities between class and nation and the differences between class and nation. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences:

1) occupies a certain place in the production system

2) develops under the influence of objective factors

3) belongs to large social groups

4) belonging characterizes the innate status of the individual


Features of difference

12. Establish a correspondence between examples and types of economic product: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.



A) haircut in a beauty salon

B) washing machine

B) organization of a tourist trip

D) racing car

D) a pair of shoes

1) goods

2) service

13. Read the given text, each position of which is indicated by the corresponding letter.

(A) Unemployment rose in a number of countries during the financial and economic crisis. (B) According to statistics, there are many young people among those who do not have a job. (B) This negatively affects the pace of economic development.

Decide which positions of the text:

1) reflect facts 2) express opinions

Record in the table the numbers indicating the nature of the relevant provisions.


14. Scientists from country Z conducted a survey of a group of citizens. The question was asked: “What way of behavior in interpersonal conflict do you consider the most effective?”

The results of the survey (in % of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list of conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) A large proportion of 40-year-olds choose to fight rather than leave the situation.

2) Showdown chooses fewer 40 year olds than 18 year olds.

3) Among 18-year-olds, cooperation is more popular than leaving the situation.

4) Equal proportions of respondents from both groups choose concession as the most effective way of behaving in a conflict.

5) Leaving the situation is most popular among both groups of respondents.

Part 2

Read the text and do the task15

“People generally try to avoid situations where they have to make a decision. Should I change jobs? Is the person I'm dating the right person, or should we break up? Where to go on vacation? How can I fulfill myself in life? All of these seem to be very serious decisions. For most people, they are really serious.

“How hard it is to make such responsible decisions!” - we think. But the absence of a decision will be much more painful. There are no right or wrong decisions in life. There are simple solutions. When we find ourselves at a fork in the road, we think too long about choosing a direction. We think something like this: "I have the opportunity to create a new business, a new enterprise, but ...". And we are on course. Or it happens like this: you choose a path, but then again and again mentally return to the decision you made.

We have this tendency: we look back and think that the decision we made was wrong. But after all, the decision that we make at a particular moment is always made on the basis of the information that we currently have, and no matter what the result will be, at the moment this is the right decision. We never know where it would lead us if we made a different decision, we don’t know how terrible that path would be if we chose it. We need to stop looking back at the decisions we made. Look ahead and take whatever brings you the path you have chosen. Not forever, just for the moment. Movement in any direction is better than inaction and indecision.

One of the reasons why we care so much about the right path we have chosen is our attitude towards decisions: it seems to us that these decisions are made for a very long time, almost forever. But imagine that you are driving on a beautiful road in the countryside, the road winds, and every kilometer of the road you can go somewhere. Then making a decision no longer turns into such stress, since you always have the opportunity to change direction. If this is how you perceive your life, you are more likely to enjoy the process of traveling. Each hook is actually a new experience.”

(According to S. M. Shapiro)

15. Using the content of the text and social science knowledge, give two explanations for the author's call to "look forward and take everything that the chosen path brings."



IN 1

IN 2

Number of points
























Municipal state educational institution

"Peregrebinskaya secondary school No. 1"
Oktyabrsky district of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

Diagnostic test in social science in grade 9 for the first half of the year


teacher of history and social studies

Romanyuk Yury Vasilievich


Part A

1. Are the following statements about politics correct?

A. Politics is an activity in the sphere of relations between large social groups and the state, when the issue of power is being decided.

B. Politics is participation in the affairs of the state, determining the form, tasks, content of the state's activities.

1. only A is true

2. only B is correct

3. both judgments are correct

4. both judgments are wrong

2. To State X political freedoms, pluralism in the political, economic, ideological spheres, the connection between citizens and authorities are almost completely absent. What political regime exists in State X?

2. totalitarian

3. democratic

4. theocratic

3. Influence based on law or tradition, that is, non-physical influence exerted on other people within the framework of law or custom, this

1. policy

2. form of government

3. political regime

4. power

4. In the state of K., the president performs representative functions, the government is formed by the parties that have won elections, and is responsible to parliament. What is the form of government of the state of K.?

    absolute monarchy

    a constitutional monarchy

    parliamentary republic

    presidential republic

5. In State X the government is formed by the president. At the same time, there is a parliament that must approve the composition of the government proposed by the president. What form of government is represented in State X?

1. constitutional monarchy

2. parliamentary republic

3. absolute monarchy

4. presidential republic

6. Are the following statements about the state correct?

A. The state arose to protect against the attack of external enemies.

B. The formation of the state occurred for economic reasons.

1. only A is true

2. only B is correct

3. both judgments are correct

4. both judgments are wrong

7. Political power, unlike other types of power,

1. performs a volitional action

2. encourages people to do certain things

3. Appeals with the help of law to all citizens

4. regulates relations between people, social groups

8. Are the following judgments about the main forms of citizens' participation in political life correct?

A. The main forms of citizens' participation in political life include their appeals and letters to the authorities.

B. The main forms of citizens' participation in political life include rallies, demonstrations, marches.

1. only A is true

2. only B is correct

3. both judgments are correct

4. both judgments are wrong

9. Are the following statements about the political system correct?

A. The political system includes the state, political parties, trade unions, and social organizations.

B. The leading role in the political development of modern society is played by the church.

1. only A is true

2. only B is correct

3. both judgments are correct

4. both judgments are wrong

10. Does not belong to the distinctive features of the state

1. unified system of values

2. unified control system

3. unified system of laws

4. single territory

11. Does not apply to policy functions

1. introduction of various models of behavior in society

2. performance of tasks related to the management and management of society

3. ensuring the formation of political culture

4. mobilization of people to solve problems important for society

12. The Commonwealth of Independent States is an example

1. informal communication at the level of ministers and presidents

2. unitary state

3. confederation

4. federations

13. In the State Duma of the Russian Federation, laws

1. accepted

2. are approved

3. subscribe

4. all of the above

14. Are the following judgments about the multi-party system correct?

A. Multi-party system is the activity in the country of several political parties competing for votes.

B. A multi-party system is formed in countries with a totalitarian political regime.

1. only A is true

2. only B is correct

3. both judgments are correct

4. both judgments are wrong

15. Are the following statements about elections correct?

A. Elections are the action of public authorities to appoint candidates for elective office.

B. Elections represent the consolidation by voting of predetermined employees of the executive branch.

1. only A is true

2. only B is correct

3. both judgments are correct

4. both judgments are wrong

16. what characterizes a democratic regime?

1. command-and-control management methods

2. comprehensive control of the state over the life of society

3. dominance of the executive

4. equality of citizens before the law

17. Knowledge and understanding of the rules of law and the lawful behavior associated with this is denoted by the term

1. legal culture

2. legitimacy

3. legal nihilism

4. responsibility

18. Basic human rights and freedoms in the modern world

1. appear after receiving a passport

2. depend on social status

3. do not apply to stateless persons

4. exist in a person from the moment of birth

19. The Constitution of the Russian Federation does not contain

1. fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen

2. powers of the President of the Russian Federation

3. principles of Russian legal proceedings

4. list of major crimes and punishments

20. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the highest value in Russia is

1. man, his rights and freedoms

2. multicultural pluralism

3. private property

4. political diversity

Part B

1. The above list indicates the similarities and differences between the functions of the court and the prosecutor's office. Point out the similarities and differences.

1. is in charge of resolving civil, labor and other disputes

2. protects human rights and freedoms

3. considers criminal cases

4. ensures the strengthening of law and order

Similarities -...

The differences are…

2. Establish a correspondence between situations and branches of law that are designed to regulate them.

Branches of law:

A. administrative

B. civil

B. criminal

1. a citizen crossed the street on a red traffic light

2. a citizen, having quarreled with a neighbor, wrote a deliberately false statement against him, accusing him of committing a particularly serious crime

3. citizen drank alcohol at work

4. a citizen borrowed ten rubles from a colleague, giving an obligation to return them in a year

5. the citizen did not obey the lawful demand of the police officer

6. a citizen stole a bicycle

A. administrative - ...

B. civil - ...

B. criminal - ...

3. All the terms listed below, with the exception of one, refer to a totalitarian state.

Dictatorship, genocide, repression, pluralism, personality cult.

Find and indicate the term "falling out" of this row

Part C

Read the text and complete tasks 1-2

In a modern democratic society, the legislative function can be carried out through a popular referendum. A referendum is a special type of popular vote, during which not some candidate is evaluated, but some important state issue is considered, on which it is necessary to find out the opinion of the whole country. Such democracy is called direct (direct). Some political scientists believe that only such a democracy provides true democracy.

The people can act through their representatives, specially chosen for the creation and adoption of laws. This is how it realizes the possibilities of representative democracy. The Parliament (Federal Assembly) plays an important role in this. A modern democratic state is unthinkable without a popularly elected and replaceable parliament.

But parliamentary power is limited. She is forced to interact with other authorities.

Parliamentary power is associated with the performance of a number of functions, of which the legislative is the main, but not the only one. Parliament plays a decisive role in the formation of the executive authorities. The program of functioning of this branch of power depends on its decisions.

Parliament has the right to political control and accountability. This feature usually appears as exceptional. It may consist, for example, of holding the president accountable.

One of the functions of parliament is to ensure political transparency. The bottom line is that during the work of the parliament of the party, the factions are forced to openly declare their position on a particular issue under discussion.


Part A

1 – 3

2 – 2

3 – 4

4 – 3

5 – 4

6 – 3

7 – 1

8 – 3

9 – 1

10 – 1

11 – 1

12 – 3

13 – 1

14 – 1

15 – 4

16 – 4

17 – 1

18 – 4

19 – 4

20 – 1

Part B

1 - similarities - 2, 4; differences - 1, 3

2 - A. administrative - 1, 3, 5; B. civil - 2, 6; B. criminal - 4

3 - pluralism

Part C

C1. Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give a title to each of them (make a text plan).


The content of the correct answer and instructions for grading (other correct wordings of the answer are allowed)

The following semantic parts can be distinguished:

1. referendum and its significance;

2. parliament and its functions;

3. parliament as a means of political control

C2. What are the two ways in which the people exercise legislative power in a modern democratic society that the author names?


Content of the correct answer (other correct wordings of the answer are allowed)

1) popular referendum;

2) the election of their representatives to create and adopt laws.


1. Kravchenko A.I. , Pevtsova E.A. Social science: Textbook for grade 9 educational institutions. -8th ed. - M .: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2008;

2. Intermediate certification in social science grades 6-9 ”a guide for the teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010

2. www . fipi . en .