Fortune telling in what year the child will appear. Fortune telling for future children: how many there will be

Everyone wants to know what the future holds for them. That is why various Fortune-telling, always exciting and even a little scary, fortune-telling allows us to open the curtain of the secrets of the future, to believe in the best. Many materialists criticize fortune-telling, they say that any fortune-telling is a complete fantasy, in the performance of which only very impressionable young ladies can believe. Nevertheless, for thousands of years people have been going to fortune-tellers with hope and trying to look into their own future...

Children - this is perhaps the most important and touching type of fortune-telling. Women do not approach any divination with such trepidation and excitement. In every country, every nation has its own fortune-telling, with which you can determine what gender will be future child, and the number of children a woman can have. There are fortune telling that will suit any woman and even a man, and there are those that only work during pregnancy.

The most famous fortune-telling for children is fortune-telling with a needle or pendulum. Its disadvantage is that if a girl is guessed, then it shows not only children born, but also miscarriages and abortions. Men are shown only born children. To conduct fortune-telling with a needle for children, you will need a needle (or pendulum) with a white thread. Take the end of the thread right hand, and turn the left palm up. Lower the needle three times between index finger and large, and then raise the needle above the palm of your hand. The needle will begin to swing. If she swings from side to side, this indicates that the first child will be a boy, and if in a circle - a girl. This procedure must be repeated several times until the needle stops swinging over the palm. In this way, you can also guess for those people who already have children - then the needle will show already born children.

There is another divination for children associated with the palm, it is based on palmistry. On the left hand, you need to look at the gap between the line of the heart and the little finger. There are lines indicating the number and gender of children. If there is a clear and deep line, then this indicates the birth of a girl, if the line is fuzzy and thin, then a boy will be born.

Water and stones can help tell fortunes for future children. Take some water in a container. Take some stones and write on them men's and female names which you like. Then lower these stones into the water. After 30-40 minutes, you need to carefully remove the stones from the water and see what is left of the inscriptions. If a name is left on any of the stones, it will help you determine the sex of the unborn child, and it may well be that his name. If there is not a single inscription left on the stones, you will not have children in the near future.

There is another fortune-telling for children with the help of water, but fortune-telling can only be done in winter. You need to lower the wedding ring into a cup of water, then put the cup outside for the night. And in the morning, by the number of dimples and bumps on frozen water, you can determine the number of future children: dimples mean girls, and bumps mean boys.

During pregnancy, even at the earliest stages, the sex of the unborn baby can be determined with a piece of bread. A pregnant woman needs to break off a piece of bread, put it in the middle of the yard and press aside, who will come to the food first. If it is a dog, then a boy will be born, and if a bird, a girl.

If a woman already has a child, fortune-telling for children on the undershirt of the first baby is suitable for her. The vest must be put on the table, and next to it put three candles. Lighting the first, you need to say “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit”, on the second you need to say the same phrase and add the word “boy”, and on the third - “girl”. The first extinguished candle will show the gender of the unborn baby whose gender has not been determined, then the woman will no longer have children.

Online alignment on Tarot cards "When will I get pregnant?" - informative and free divination, which is necessary for those who decide to have a baby.

It will help not only to find out when conception will occur, but also to see how your life will develop after pregnancy, whether you are really ready for children now. Based on the advice of the cards, you will be able to accept the right decision. Focus on the question:

When will I get pregnant and am I ready to become a mother?

Now get started online divination below.

Questions the cards answer:

1. Do you really want a child and are you ready to be a mother, or are you just being pressured by society?
2. Will you get pregnant this year?
3. Will I have to sacrifice something for the sake of the child?
4. What will change in life with the birth of a child?
5. What will happen to your career?
6. Is your partner ready to conceive?
7. Is now the right time to have children?
8. Future.

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People, and especially cute girls, are very curious and want to know the answers to their questions in advance. One of the most pressing issues that concern the beautiful half of humanity is the question: "How do I know how many children I will have?"

How many children will there be: how to find out with the help of fortune-telling by hand

Fortune telling about the number of children is carried out in the palm of a woman. On the left palm, under the little finger, on the so-called hill of Mercury, there are vertical lines of different lengths and clarity. Total vertical lines and will be the number of babies that a particular woman can potentially conceive and give birth to. But exact amount depends on the woman herself.

  • If the lines are long enough, a boy will be born.
  • Short lines indicate the imminent birth of a girl.
  • If the lines form a V or Y sign, then this means that twins will be born in the family.
  • If the letter W is clearly visible, triplets are possible.
  • If the lines show clarity and depth, this may indicate that the baby will live a long time. happy life full of various events.
  • If the lines are fuzzy, and, even worse, they are interrupted, therefore, the baby’s life will end early, and perhaps he will not be born at all - in this case, an abortion or miscarriage is possible.

But what about men? Fortune telling on the left palm (in a similar area) will reveal how many babies will be loved by a man. For example, if two long vertical stripes and one short one are traced, this may indicate that a man loves his two children from his second marriage very much, but he rarely meets a child from his first marriage. If a man has no native children, but there are vertical stripes on the palm of his hand, then the man loves his nephews / nieces, children of friends, etc. very much.

How many children will there be: how to find out from folk fortune-telling

Fortune telling wedding ring or a needle can also answer the question: "How do I know how many children I will have?" To find out, you need to hang a ring or needle on a 20 cm thread, grabbing its end with your right hand, and fold the ring or needle into left palm. Then, slowly, you need to raise the ring (needle) at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the palm of your hand. You need to hold the ring (needle) carefully, without swinging it, after which you need to carefully observe it.

  • If the ring (needle) remains motionless, then you will not have children.
  • If the ring (needle) swings in a circle, a girl will be born.
  • If the ring (needle) swings from side to side, a boy will be born.
  • If the ring (needle) swings in a strange way, then you may have twins.

After the gender of the firstborn has been determined, you can put the ring or needle back into your palm and find out the gender of the rest of the children using the method described above. You can have as many heirs as the number of times the ring will swing or move in a circle. If after several repetitions the ring (needle) remains motionless, then you will have as many children as you counted before.

How many children will there be: how to find out from Tarot cards

The number of children can be found by divination Tarot cards. If you do not know how to make a deal, then it is better to turn to a fortuneteller. The aura of the fortune teller and the client merge during the session, this affects the hands of the fortune teller. Cards do not fall out randomly: one event, the second, and so on. It is worth taking note that a good fortuneteller will not guess a year ahead.

How many children will there be: how to find out on the Internet

Today, on the World Wide Web, you can find answers to all questions of interest to a person, including one such as: "How many children will I have?". There are special tests on the Internet, after passing which, for free, you can find out about future offspring. However, how plausible the answers of these programs is is unknown. For reliability, you can go through 2 or more different tests, if the results of most of them are the same, then we can assume that this is the number of children you will have.

Of course, any healthy woman can have as many children as she wants, so the regulation of the addition to the family falls on the shoulders of the parents and no one else!

Children are our future and our most precious present. Every parent loves their child. And, of course, you want to make every effort to create safe living conditions for your kids. It's so nice to notice important points that occur in the lives of children - small creatures that goggle their eyes funny when they first see the light; gently stretch out their hands to you, meeting us on the threshold of the house. I want to show no less love and care to those children who have already grown up, because they are the real successors of the family. And it is enough to love them, if only simply for the fact that we have them. The fate of children always worries all parents.

Why do parents read tarot?

Want to keep your child safe? Why not turn to specialists in the study of the interpretation of Tarot cards, especially since you can do Tarot fortune-telling about children. This is a great opportunity to find out what will be further fate your child, how he will earn, at what age he will marry, etc. There are always many questions that parents worry about. Fortunately, if there is a reliable way to get quite truthful and intelligible answers to them. Tarot reading is a great chance:

  • create comfortable and safe living conditions for children;
  • be calm for their future;
  • show your care and love by learning what can be done for their development and health;
  • support your children in any moment of life;
  • look at the relationship with your children from the outside.

The love of parents can be expressed in different ways, and Tarot is one of the ways to really take care of your children.

Secrets of the correct fortune-telling on the Tarot: a layout about children

You can schedule at any convenient time. This method, which allows you to peep into the future, does not require material or resource costs. In order to conduct fortune-telling and make the correct alignment for children who have reached the age of majority, it is necessary to choose a significator. It is better if it is a card symbolizing the zodiac sign of that person of your child. Next, you need to draw nine cards, in the pictures of which you will see the answer to your question. The first card to the left of the significator will indicate the direction of spiritual development. You may not agree with the interpretation of the card regarding the spiritual development of the child, but you should not rush to conclusions. There are eight more cards ahead that will complement and expand the story of the child's life. The map to the right of the significator will indicate the level of intellectual development, then the desired directions of its formation will be considered. If in the listed areas there is no branch of education that is desirable for the child, it is necessary to select branches that are kindred in spirit. It is important to note that only three cards will help you peep into the future of your child. The one that will be closest to the significator will tell you about what may happen in the near future.

It should be clearly understood that Tarot cards never give instructions for action, they only suggest the right paths to move through life, and you still have to make a choice.