Why do women need ozone therapy? Ozone injections in the face. Is ozone therapy effective in treating acne?

Ozone therapy in Moscow

Ozone therapy in Moscow gained popularity in the late 90s. Ozone therapy is a method of treatment and prevention using the medical properties of ozone, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Ozone therapy has been used in our clinics since 1999 and is a specialization, which is why the clinic is called “Doctor Ozone”. The clinic's doctors use ozone therapy techniques in various fields of medicine. In the clinic, you can do ozone therapy intravenously, in the form of subcutaneous micro injections (ozone injections), rectal and vaginal insufflations at the best prices for ozone therapy in Moscow. Ozone therapy - your youth and health

Ozone therapy in Moscow at the Doctor Ozone Clinic is carried out intravenously and in the form of “injections” - subcutaneous microinjections.

Treatment with ozone therapy of herpes and reduced immunity

For example, the use of ozone therapy intravenously in the treatment of herpes in the form of autohemotherapy with ozone or the administration of ozonated saline solution (OFR with ozone) can significantly reduce the dose of antiviral drugs and speed up the course of treatment. When immunity is reduced, ozone therapy, when administered intravenously, stimulates the body's resistance to diseases such as influenza, sore throat, ARVI, acute respiratory infections, therefore it recommends ozone therapy in the autumn-winter period. For the disease “chronic fatigue syndrome” caused by cytomegalovirus and herpes virus, ozone therapy will relieve drowsiness, headaches, fatigue, and increase performance and overall vitality. Ozone therapy gives the same effect for ordinary fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, overwork, almost instantly relieving the syndromes.

Ozone therapy for skin rejuvenation and correction of age-related changes

Ozone therapy is one of the most accessible injection methods for correcting age-related skin changes. It improves skin color, reduces the number of fine wrinkles, has a pronounced lifting effect on the skin, reduces fat deposits in the chin and décolleté, improves the contours of the face and reduces dark circles under the eyes.

Ozone therapy for the treatment of problem skin

Ozone therapy has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and kills harmful bacteria and fungi. Due to this effect, ozone therapy gives good results in the treatment of oily and problem skin. It relieves inflammation, disinfects, normalizes sebum secretion, reduces itching and flaking. Used in adolescents for juvenile acne. As part of the complex treatment of problem skin, the clinic's dermatocosmetologists additionally carry out cleansing with products from the Holy Land company (cosmetics No. 1 for the treatment of problem skin), which significantly improves and stabilizes the effect. In severe cases of skin diseases, medications are prescribed, and joint treatment is carried out with gynecologists-endocrinologists. Complex treatment with ozone therapy for problem skin is the key to success. Many patients have achieved clear and healthy skin after undergoing treatment with us!

Ozone therapy for the treatment of stretch marks

It is most effective to treat stretch marks on the skin immediately after they appear, when they have a reddish tint. Due to the property of ozone to have a pronounced healing and restorative effect, stretch marks can be made almost invisible.

Ozone therapy for body shaping and cellulite treatment

Ozone therapy is considered one of the most effective methods for combating fat deposits and cellulite. This method is the most affordable in price and it will literally surprise you with its effectiveness! Ozone therapy has earned many positive reviews from our patients. Ozone is an excellent fat burner. It restores skin tone, tightens (dries) tissues, and reduces volume.

Ozone therapy - an oxygen cocktail for beauty and youth

Lack of oxygen in the body reduces immunity, accelerates skin aging, slows down regeneration processes, causes headaches and chronic fatigue. To stop the unwanted process and stimulate cells to work actively, it is necessary to do ozone therapy.

Concept of procedure

According to its chemical structure, ozone has a free oxygen atom, which, when it enters tissues, combines with other substances, causes a reaction and stimulates certain processes:

  • thins the blood and improves circulation;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • stimulates cell division;
  • promotes the production of collagen and elastin;
  • kills germs, heals wounds.

Ozone smells fresh and has strong oxidizing properties. The substance cannot exist in free form for a long time, so it is obtained only before the procedure.

The main areas of application of ozone therapy for the beauty of the face and body

The ozone therapy procedure has a therapeutic effect on all body systems, therefore it is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Sessions vary in the method of exposure (injections, droppers, masks, serums, applications, irrigation and rinsing) depending on the location of the problem and its degree of complexity.

Ozone therapy acts on the cause itself, and not only eliminates the visible consequences. It is recommended for restoring the beauty of skin, hair, and body contours.


Ozone therapy for the face in the form of injections returns softness and velvety to the skin, eliminates wrinkles, bags and dark circles under the eyes, and eliminates a double chin. Ozone oxidizes cells and makes them move intensively, supplies them with oxygen, starting the rejuvenation process.

Applications and masks do not give such stunning results, but after the session, peeling and redness disappear, the skin becomes healthy, white and radiant.

Acne treatment

Ozone is a powerful antiseptic, so it copes with the problem better than antibiotics. It eliminates foci of inflammation, cleanses the sebaceous glands and restores their proper functioning. By combining with red blood cells, ozone activates their work to deliver oxygen to the cells. As a result, acne quickly matures, the area where it is located is cleansed and healed.

Fight cellulite

During the procedure, dead fat cells, which create an unaesthetic appearance in problem areas, are broken down and removed from the body. The work of collagen and elastin is activated, water balance is restored.

The great advantage of the procedure is the absence of side effects and recovery period. But ozone therapy, the prices for which in Moscow do not differ significantly in different clinics, gives noticeable results after a course of treatment. Depending on the patient’s age and the severity of the problem, the doctor will select the best method of administering ozone and the duration of treatment.

New technologies and techniques in medicine are of interest because they are associated with the expectation of a miracle - healing, rejuvenation, life extension.

Ozone therapy appeared recently - in the 90s of the last century, and quickly gained popularity in medical practice. But discussions about its effectiveness continue.

What is it

The essence of ozone therapy is that ozone is an antiseptic and antiviral agent.

It kills many types of bacteria, viruses and fungi that do not respond to medications. Most healing theories of this type of therapy are based on this.

What is ozone? From the chemistry course we know that this is a molecule consisting of 3 oxygen atoms, having one free bond, this provides the molecule with high activity.

At a temperature of about 20 degrees, ozone is a colorless gas. The smell of ozone is familiar to everyone - This is what the air smells like after a thunderstorm.

The properties of this substance (it is denser than simple oxygen, highly soluble in water) made it possible to create a technology for its intravenous administration.

Ozone therapy methods are varied. Ozone is administered intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously. In a gaseous state, it is used rectally and intravaginally.

Ozone is used for general strengthening purposes, to alleviate conditions (for example, “ozone boots”) and very actively in cosmetology.

The introduction of a solution is becoming increasingly popular for comprehensive weight loss and combating obesity.

The benefit of intravenous ozone therapy is that patients often notice a decrease in fat deposits, the skin is tightened, and small stretch marks are eliminated.

Intravenous administration: method and technique of implementation

Experts interested in promoting such services argue that intravenous ozone is effective treatment method.

How, in their opinion, is the effect achieved, and how is intravenous ozone therapy useful?

When administered internally, ozone enters cells, where it is used to form ozonides, which create oxidation and act on viruses.

In this case, the cells are not damaged; on the contrary, they receive a charge of energy and are strengthened, and harmful microorganisms die.

For intravenous therapy, a special ozonated saline solution. The patient’s own autologous blood can be used with the saline solution.

How is a solution created for injection into a vein? There is medical equipment for this - an ozonizer. It is there that the necessary mixture of saline solution and ozone is generated.

Ozone quickly evaporates and the healing properties disappear. Therefore, the substance is prepared immediately before the procedure in the same room.

Ozone is passed into a regular sodium chloride solution - a concentration of 4-6 mg/l is created.

The use of a solution with the patient's autologous blood is called large ozone autohemotherapy. 50-150 ml of venous blood is taken from a person and placed in a container with a substance that prevents the blood from clotting.

Then an oxygen-ozone gas mixture of 50–300 ml is introduced there, with an ozone concentration in the gas of 5–30 μg/ml. Everything is thoroughly mixed, and the blood is injected into the patient’s vein.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Typically, such therapy is easily tolerated by patients. It can be used even in pregnant women.

The advantages of the method include the fact that when administered intravenously, ozone enters the blood and acts immediately on the entire body, and not on a separate area, as with other types of this therapy.

Another advantage: quick effect. Within a short time, the body's oxygen conductivity is restored, blood flow in small capillaries improves, the blood is saturated with oxygen, and blood vessels dilate.

The patient feels a surge of strength and vigor, notes increased performance, improved sleep.

The main disadvantage is lack of knowledge of the method. The effectiveness of therapy is demonstrated mainly by the conviction of ozone therapists and the feelings of patients.

There are no reliable clinical trials yet that have confirmed the high level of success in treating diseases.

But it is known that when ozone is introduced into human blood, there is a risk of carcinogenic, toxic and mutagenic effects. And large portions of this gas can cause rapid intoxication and poisoning.

This outweighs ephemeral claims about the benefits of ozone therapy. The American Cancer Society has concluded that there is currently insufficient evidence of the effectiveness of ozone therapy as a medicine.

In most civilized countries of the world ozone therapy is not recognized as a medicinal method, although widely practiced in private medical practice.

Let's add to the disadvantages that not all people enjoy intravenous procedures. Unreasonable intravenous infusions are not indicated for patients with a weak venous system.

As with any intravenous and acupuncture procedures, there is always a risk of infection.

Who is therapy indicated for?

There are a number of diseases for which ozone therapy is used quite actively. There are approximately 130 such diseases.

Ozone treats:

  • cardiac diseases;
  • neurological diseases (migraines, vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • diabetes mellitus in the calm stage;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation and diseases of the female genital organs;
  • skin diseases.

Ozone is used intravenously to lower blood pressure and prevent cellulite.

There are also absolute contraindications:

  • bleeding disorders;
  • allergy to injection components;
  • tendency to seizures and epilepsy;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of exacerbation;
  • some cardiovascular diseases, including rhythm disorders;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • stroke and cerebrovascular accident.

The use of gas is prohibited for patients under 18 years of age and persons under the influence of alcohol.

It is necessary to know for sure whether the patient is currently taking medications that reduce blood clotting (for example, aspirin).


The procedure is common for any nurse in the treatment room - intravenous infusion or drip.

The patient is placed on a couch or bed, a vein is found, the skin is treated with an antiseptic and a needle with a solution is inserted. The ozone-saturated solution retains its healing properties for no longer than 20 minutes.

The procedure should only be performed in a clinical setting with a special apparatus. The volume of the solution depends on the problem that ozone therapy solves and the physiological characteristics of the patient.

In general, this is 200-400 ml. Procedure time: within 15-20 minutes.

After all the solution has been injected, the needle is removed, and a pressure bandage is applied for several minutes.

Here are the main ones:

  • The procedure is not performed on an empty stomach or immediately after a heavy lunch.
  • You can have a light snack.
  • It is necessary to remain at rest for 15 minutes before and after the procedure.
  • It is not recommended to smoke for half an hour before and after the procedure.

There are no restrictions on driving, physical or mental stress.

Results, number of sessions

Usually intravenous ozone therapy consists of a course of 6-8 procedures. It is allowed to increase them (only if necessary and according to the doctor’s decision) to 10-12.

Treatment can be carried out every day or two to three times a week. Some patients notice improvement and disappearance of symptoms of some diseases after the third session.

After the main course, they are sometimes prescribed control maintenance infusions– no more than once every two weeks.

Only the attending physician or medical specialist can make a decision and prescribe ozone therapy intravenously.

The patient should be aware that there is no scientific evidence of the success of such treatment.

Complications and consequences

Like any medical intervention, intravenous ozone therapy, along with its benefits, can cause complications or side effects:

  • weakness or drowsiness;
  • renal colic;
  • increase in liver enzymes;
  • frequent urination;
  • a harmless feeling of warmth in the lower abdomen, a temporary increase in temperature during pregnancy;
  • hematomas, a feeling of pain in the area where the solution was administered;
  • dizziness.

Side effects usually go away on their own and do not require treatment. But if you feel discomfort, it is better to consult a doctor.

More serious violations, provoked by therapy:

  • anaphylactic shock;
  • infection with HIV, hepatitis, syphilis;
  • development of sepsis;
  • visual impairment;
  • growth of cancer cells (especially at risk of leukemia);
  • long-term depression.

In these cases, immediate medical attention is needed.

Learn about the procedure for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid and the possible consequences after it.

We have prepared a lot of useful information about caring for your skin! Find out about yellow peeling and reviews from those who have tried it.

Opinions of those who have tried it

Marina Petrovna, 47 years old:“I have been suffering from high blood pressure for several years. Recently I discovered an increase in blood sugar, the doctor suggested that I undergo ozone therapy intravenously. I made up my mind. The pressure returned to normal, the sugar also returned to normal.”

Irina, 55 years old:“They put in 5 IVs. I don't see any results yet. I have vascular dystonia, interdiscal hernias. I don’t know if it’s worth continuing?”

Natalya, 29 years old:“A friend works in a hospital. And now they have ozone therapy. She suggested it to me too, because I was already suffering from skin problems - either dermatitis or allergies. They gave me a course of IV drips. After the third dropper, the skin began to improve.”

Vladimir, 34 years old:“I read on the Internet that except for Russia and Cuba, ozone therapy is not recognized by official medicine anywhere else. They are done only in paid private clinics (very cost-effective: large profits at low costs - the price of one intravenous ozone therapy procedure is from 1000 to 1500 rubles).

And during the session they told me that it is widely used abroad.”

Experience shows good tolerability of procedures and effectiveness, especially with an integrated approach to treatment.

But there is still debate about the effectiveness of ozone therapy. For some reason, this new method is considered as a panacea for all diseases at once.

Find out the opinions and reviews of doctors about ozone therapy, how many sessions of intravenous administration of the drug are needed, indications for use and contraindications:

Any medicine or physical procedure has pros and cons. Before subjecting your body to a procedure with unproven benefits, you should weigh all the pros and cons, and only then make a decision.

Modern medicine uses not only medical and surgical methods to treat various diseases. High-tech developments are also used, which are very effective and cause the least harm to the human body.

One of the modern methods of treating a wide range of diseases is ozone therapy. Indications and contraindications, reviews about this method can be found in this article.

Ozone is three oxygen atoms combined into a molecule. By its chemical nature it is one of the strongest oxidizing agents. It is also known that ozone has great activity. Due to these properties, this compound is quite widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Reasons for the popularity of ozone therapy

Ozone therapy methods have been used in Europe and the USA for more than half a century. It appeared in Russia in the 80s. Now this method is gaining more and more authority in traditional medicine.

Ozone has the following properties:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • provides an adequate immune response of the body;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds.

Ozone has also proven effective against many microorganisms:

  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • protozoa;
  • fungi.


Ozone therapy, indications and contraindications, reviews - all this information is provided to the patient before he decides on the acceptability of this procedure. Today this type of treatment is used in the following areas:

  1. In cosmetology clinics, dermatologists offer to achieve flawless skin condition using ozone therapy. This procedure rejuvenates, eliminates acne and inflammation, tightens the skin and gives it a fresh look.
  2. Due to its excellent antibacterial properties, ozone therapy is used in surgery for the speedy healing of burns, postoperative sutures, and trophic ulcers.
  3. This helps people get slim and lose weight.
  4. Ozone is widely used in gastroenterology to cure gastritis, ulcers, and colitis.
  5. This therapy is in great demand in gynecological practice. The ozone therapy procedure is quite effective for difficulties in bearing a child, for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia and for manifestations of early and late toxicosis. This procedure also helps to supply the fetus with everything necessary for normal development.
  6. In dermatological practice, this procedure is used to treat skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, herpes.
  7. In beauty salons, ozone is used to create smooth and toned skin instead of the notorious orange peel.

Before prescribing this procedure for you, your doctor will conduct a series of diagnostic tests. He will tell you about indications and contraindications, reviews about this method - all this information is important. Therefore, the patient must be fully aware.

The most important advantage that characterizes the ozone therapy procedure is its good tolerance by patients and relatively low cost. These factors are responsible for its growing popularity.


In addition to numerous indications, ozone therapy has a number of contraindications. This procedure cannot be performed if the patient:

  • tendency to have seizures;
  • increased sensitivity of the body to ozone;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • hypotension;
  • insufficient blood clotting;
  • disruption of the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • problems with blood circulation;
  • history of internal bleeding;
  • thrombocytopenia.

It is worth remembering that ozone is a toxic gas and should be handled with extreme caution. Only specially trained professionals are allowed to work with this substance. When choosing a clinic or home care specialist, the key point should be a certificate of special skills, as well as a large number of positive reviews from grateful clients.

A real specialist, before performing the procedure, must tell you about the indications and contraindications, reviews of his clients regarding this manipulation. He should also ask you about the presence of chronic diseases and the presence of allergic reactions. If a specialist promptly invites you to begin the procedure, then this should alert you.


Today, ozone therapy has found application in various fields of cosmetology and medicine. It is used as an independent procedure or as an addition to a health complex. In cosmetology clinics, ozone therapy is used and recommended to clients in the course of anti-aging services. It effectively restores the youth of the body.

The course of ozone therapy is aimed at the overall health of the body, restoring its resources to combat existing diseases and signs of aging.

The procedure is carried out as follows: first, the doctor prepares the body for the procedure. This occurs in the form of a massage with specialized attachments. After the preparation has been carried out, a mixture of oxygen and ozone is directly introduced.

There are several ways to use this healing cocktail. The type of introduction of the mixture into the human body depends on what goal is pursued during therapy. Thus, ozone therapy is:

  • local;
  • major autohemotherapy;
  • OFR (ozonated saline solution);
  • rectal insufflation;
  • minor autohemotherapy;
  • ozone reflexotherapy;
  • external;
  • complex.

Local ozone therapy

This type of procedure is widely used in cosmetology, dermatology and surgery. This method is carried out by introducing a gas mixture into the patient’s skin in the form of microdoses. To do this, injections are made using a syringe precisely into those areas that require treatment or aesthetic correction. This is how ozone therapy for acne is carried out. Thanks to the high efficiency of the procedure, not a trace of acne remains. The excellent antibacterial properties of ozone help eliminate bacteria that cause inflammation. This gas also improves blood circulation and increases local immunity. Patients who got rid of acne with the help of a course of ozone therapy leave simply wonderful reviews. They especially emphasize the accessibility of the procedure, its low invasiveness, high efficiency and low number of contraindications.

Also, local use of ozone can be expressed in drinking, irrigation or rinsing with OPR or distilled water saturated with healing gas. This is applicable in dental practice and for the treatment of infectious diseases of the mouth and throat. Drinking ozonated distilled water treats gastrointestinal diseases.

Local ozone therapy is used to treat the following diseases:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neurodystrophy;
  • gynecology and urology;
  • otolaryngology;
  • diseases of the movement organs.

Minor autohemotherapy

This method of treatment involves collecting venous blood from the patient in an amount of 5-15 ml, mixing it with an oxygen-ozone gas composition and further administering it intramuscularly.

Minor autohemotherapy is widely used to increase the immune strength of the human body and to treat chronic diseases in remission.

Also, ozone treatment can easily cope with the problem of excess weight, fungal and bacterial infections, various skin lesions, heart and vascular diseases.

Major autohemotherapy

This type of treatment implies that ozone therapy will be performed intravenously. For this purpose, a special container with anticoagulants placed in it is used. The patient's blood is taken from a vein in an amount of 50 to 150 ml and a mixture of ozone and oxygen is injected into it. Next, all components are carefully mixed in a container. After this, the cocktail is administered to the patient intravenously.

Such treatment is reasonable in cases where the human body is very weakened and does not have enough vital potential to fight the disease. In this way, you can cure almost any viral disease and recover quite quickly from a serious illness.

Ozone therapy intravenously

This method of treatment involves the administration of ozonated intravenously. This is a fairly common ozone therapy. Droppers are filled with pre-ozonated saline solution with a gas concentration of 2-6 μg/ml and administered to the patient. This method is widely used in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Rectal insufflation

This method of therapy is carried out through rectal administration of an oxygen-ozone mixture with a concentration of 5-60 mcg/ml in an amount of 50 to 500 ml. Rectal insufflation is used for intestinal inflammation, atony and spasms, Crohn's disease and anal fissures. For these pathologies of the rectum, it is also recommended to use ozonated oil compresses, which significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

Ozone reflexotherapy

This unusual method of treatment is based on the teachings of acupuncture points. To implement this type of therapy, you will need 1 ml of ozone gas with a content of the main substance of 5-15 μg/ml. This substance is injected into acupuncture points depending on the disease. Patients note an improvement in their body condition after a course of ozone reflexotherapy.

External ozone therapy

To implement this method of treatment, caps with normal or reduced pressure of the oxygen-ozone mixture are used (for example, “ozone boots”). This method is especially effective in the treatment of trophic ulcers in diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. Typically, external ozone therapy is combined with general therapy.

Complex (general) ozone therapy

This concept refers to the use of several types of ozone treatment for a specific disease. Basically, this is large autohemotherapy or OPR with a volume of 200-400 ml and a concentration of 3-6 μg/ml.

General ozone therapy is used to treat:

  • ischemic vascular lesions;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • for dermatological diseases;
  • diseases of the movement organs;
  • respiratory diseases.

Required equipment

To carry out therapy, a special device is required - an ozonation unit. Its operation requires the presence of all necessary parts. The ozone therapy device includes:

  • air-cooled ozonizer;
  • metrology system for monitoring ozone content in air or water mixtures;
  • a unit for opening and regulating the flow rate of ozone gas;
  • unspent ozone destructor.

By its design, the ozonizer must realize a fairly wide range of concentrations of the main substance of the mixture in the range from 1 to 80 μg/ml. The user should also be able to smoothly adjust this indicator.

Such an installation must be available for ozone therapy. Without it, practically no type of treatment with this gas can be carried out. An ozone therapy clinic must not only have equipment for procedures, but also highly qualified medical personnel trained in all techniques to carry out appropriate treatment.

Throughout Russia there are a huge number of medical institutions offering ozone therapy, among other medical services. To do this, you can go to a sanatorium with your whole family. Ozone therapy will be an excellent way to relieve stress, strengthen the immune system, cure chronic diseases, look younger, lose weight and recharge your batteries for the coming year.

Facial rejuvenation with ozone

In the skin of the face, enriched with ozone, blood begins to circulate intensively. At the same time, metabolic processes are normalized. Collagen and hyaluronic acid actively begin to be produced in the deep layers of the skin.

These two substances are directly responsible for the youth and elasticity of our skin. Oxygenated blood delivers nutrients more actively. As a result, the level of hydration increases and dryness decreases, facial wrinkles are smoothed out. Also, with the help of local procedures, you can effectively tighten the oval of the face, give an aesthetic and fresh look to the skin on the neck and décolleté. The obvious rejuvenating effect is provided by nothing other than ozone therapy. Before and after a course of procedures, the face looks completely different.

Ozone for weight loss

Ozone therapy is notable for the fact that it can not only reduce the overall weight of the patient, but also correct the volume of certain parts of the body.

The ozone cocktail affects the skin and triggers metabolic processes in it with redoubled force. Thus, deposits under the dermis layer begin to actively break down. Fat is transformed into breakdown products and excreted along with waste products. The patient becomes slimmer right before his eyes.

Scientists have proven that cellulite is a disease associated with metabolic disorders and circulatory disorders. Previously, it was believed that this phenomenon was directly related to excess weight. However, this is not true. Even a thin girl can have cellulite. Therefore, to effectively eliminate the “orange peel” effect, it is necessary to establish local blood circulation. Ozone therapy copes well with this task. Under the influence of the gas mixture, metabolic processes begin to improve in problem areas with subcutaneous fat due to increased blood microcirculation. As a result, cellulite is eliminated, swelling disappears, and the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

To implement weight correction programs and eliminate subcutaneous fat, a simultaneous large introduction of an oxygen-ozone mixture is required. This is very difficult to achieve with injections. This would take an enormous amount of time. But new technologies have come to the aid of ozone therapists and their clients - a method of introducing ozone using a comb device, which is a whole galaxy of needles connected to the device, and allows simultaneous and distributed doses of the medicinal mixture. This makes the procedure quick and convenient.

Ozone therapy is a unique treatment method based on the use of an element such as ozone. What properties does ozone have? It not only has good bactericidal ability, but also viruscidal and fungicidal properties. And that's not all. Ozone actively stimulates the body's immune forces, nourishes all cells of the body with oxygen and has a detoxification effect (removes toxins). Ozone therapy is used in many branches of medicine. For example, it is used to actively treat neurological, dermatological, gynecological, urological, surgical and many other diseases. Ozone therapy method is very good, so its use is allowed even in pregnant women. Naturally, there are contraindications to this method. And some people even experience allergic reactions to ozone. So you need to be extremely careful before starting the procedures. It is necessary to consult with experts in this field in advance. Such specialists can be found in our clinic.

Intravenous ozone administration

Methods of introducing ozone vary widely. There are more than a dozen of them. The following methods are very common: ozone therapy: local and intravenous . We will focus on the intravenous method.

It can only be carried out in a hospital. An ozonizer is used to prepare a special solution that is injected into a vein. With its help, ozone and oxygen are pumped into a sterile physiological solution. Thus, an ozonated saline solution is obtained. Next, this solution is injected directly into the patient’s vein (the introduction occurs slowly, intravenously). Note that the solution is ozonized right before infusion. This is done because ozone can decay quickly. The result after intravenous ozone therapy occurs quite quickly. Fatigue, depression and stress disappear, the lack of oxygen is replenished, and blood circulation is stimulated. Patients leave after this procedure rested and refreshed.

Advantages of intravenous ozone therapy

Firstly, a person will quickly get the desired effect: their mood will improve, fatigue will go away, and their performance will improve. Secondly, it has an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. All types of metabolism improve: protein, carbohydrate, and fat. Thirdly, microcirculation improves and the immune system is strengthened. Hormonal levels are also normalized. Fourthly, there are few contraindications to ozone therapy. But there are so many testimonies! Fifth, side effects are very rare.

Indications for ozone therapy

There are many indications. Ozone therapy is used both for the prevention and treatment of diseases. As a preventive measure, this procedure is carried out to increase immunity, get rid of depression and stress, and improve performance. Using the ozone therapy method, the following are effectively treated:

- diseases of the digestive tract;

Urinary tract and gynecological diseases;

Respiratory diseases;

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;


Diabetes mellitus;

Diseases of bones and joints;

Sexually transmitted infections;

Gangrene and burns;

Trophic ulcers, dermatoses, psoriasis, acne;



Scars, stretch marks, all kinds of defects on the skin;

Alopecia (baldness), hair loss.

And this is only a small number of indications for this unique method. The procedure is actively used in cosmetology. With its help, many women rejuvenate their facial skin. Ozone therapy reduces the number of wrinkles on the face and improves overall appearance.

Briefly about contraindications to ozone therapy

Naturally, it is better to talk about contraindications personally with your doctor. But the short list of contraindications is worth reading. The following are not allowed for ozone therapy:

- people with any bleeding, hemorrhagic stroke;

People with hyperthyroidism (a disease of the thyroid gland);

Presence or tendency to have seizures;

People taking aspirin and other anticoagulants;

The restriction for procedures is age under eighteen years;

Actively growing tumors.

This is just a small list of contraindications. Do not forget that side effects of ozone therapy may also occur.

Side effects of ozone therapy when administered intravenously

Be sure to check out the side effects of ozone therapy. Here are the negative effects that are possible:

- no effect from the procedure;

Decrease in red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets in the blood;



Mental disorders (namely depression);

Tumor growth;

Allergic reactions to ozone in the form of urticaria.

Note that these effects occur very rarely, but it is still necessary to know them.

Experts' opinion

Experts in the field of ozone therapy and its use differ in their opinions. Russian experts recommend this method, because it is effective for many diseases. But American specialists are very wary of ozone therapy, because it can increase the growth of tumors. Whether you go through this procedure or not is up to you. Any technique has both fans and opponents. On someone ozone therapy It has a truly desired effect, but for some it does not help at all or even worsens the condition. If there is no effect, then you should think: either you are in that small percentage of people on whom it does not have an impact, or you simply came across illiterate and inexperienced specialists in this field. You should not risk your health. At the very least, you can consult with an ozone therapist and ask all your questions.

Quantity and effect of ozone therapy procedures

The maximum number of procedures is twenty-five. Doctors prescribe ten sessions or more. Although it all depends on the problem that worries you. An improvement in the condition can be noticed already on the second day after the first procedure. People around you will notice how your appearance has improved after the third procedure. The effect after the ozone therapy procedure lasts about six months, and in general, it lasts up to twelve months. Ozone therapy is not addictive . Therefore, this procedure can be performed no more than once every four months. The best option is to perform ozone therapy at least twice a year. More than one hundred and thirty diseases can be cured using intravenous ozone therapy. But the method is considered to be a little painful. But the main thing is effective.

Ozone is a special gas consisting of oxygen atoms. Thanks to this structure, the substance is highly effective. In a diluted state, it is good for health, stabilizes all internal physiological processes, improves immunity, and improves the functioning of vital organs.

In medical and cosmetology practice, ozone is used in the ozone therapy procedure.

What is ozone therapy

It is an effective method of physical therapy used in different forms:

  • subcutaneous administration;
  • mixing with blood;
  • intravenous drips;
  • ozonated massage oil;
  • solutions;
  • rectal applications.

Clinics in many countries use this technique. Carbonation of the body and external tissues has a beneficial effect on the body, improves blood circulation, and activates immune processes.

Everyone knows the life-giving properties of the ozone-oxygen mixture, which is administered in the form of droppers. Ozone procedures in cosmetology help eliminate cellulite tubercles, stretch marks after sudden weight loss or pregnancy, and stop the aging of the body.

With the help of ozone, they get rid of acne and acne, excess weight and baldness. Any procedure should be prescribed after consultation with a doctor or experienced cosmetologist.

The powerful substance ozone has an antiviral and antiseptic effect. It also kills bacterial pathogenic flora and dangerous viruses.

Effects of ozone therapy

The ozone molecule has free bonds, so it easily interacts with other cells, providing the following positive effects on the body:

  • slows down the aging process;
  • kills pathogenic fungi, viruses and bacterial accumulations;
  • improves tissue sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • activates all metabolic processes;
  • thins blood mass, improves oxygen saturation of cells;
  • enhances gas exchange in the lungs;
  • increases the amount of glucose consumed;
  • has an analgesic effect, relaxes the nervous system;
  • slows down oncological processes;
  • relieves inflammation and swelling;
  • improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other excretory systems;
  • removes toxins and waste;
  • enhances the body's immune response.

According to recent studies, ozone therapy acts as a cytostatic, rejuvenating, healing agent.

Indications for an ozone therapy session

Carrying out such a procedure is useful and even necessary in many situations, but before starting the course you should undergo an examination and see if there are any contraindications:

Ozone is also used by cosmetologists to eliminate wrinkles on the face, rejuvenate the body, get rid of “orange peel”, it makes the dermis velvety and smooth, frees it from toxins, removes stagnation of water and bags under the eyes.

The ozone mixture treats hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, muscle pain, and coronary heart disease. The gas is also used in ophthalmology, after injuries and necrosis of the optic nerve, corneal dissection, to prevent blindness.

Dentists use ozone therapy to eliminate stomatitis, acute pulpitis, and periodontal disease.

Types of ozone therapy

To get the most positive result, you need to choose the right type of procedure:

The procedure can be local or general. In the first case, specific local pathologies are eliminated, in the second, the effect is on the entire body as a whole.

Systemic ozone therapy intravenously

This is an intramuscular injection of gas, which is dissolved in the patient’s blood, that is, ozonation of the blood mass is carried out. This is necessary to eliminate chronic inflammatory processes inside the body.

Ozone can also be administered intravenously, mixed with saline. The tissues are eventually saturated with oxygen, remove toxins faster, all metabolic processes are activated, and fungi and bacteria die.

It is possible to drink special ozonated water. It stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract and digestive functions, and is widely used by dentists and therapists.

Local ozone therapy

This technique involves the external use of useful gas.

They cure:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • poorly healing burns and wounds;
  • stretch marks and cellulite deposits;
  • gangrene and erysipelas;
  • radiation exposure;
  • herpes and fungal infections.

The procedure eliminates pain, redness, promotes rapid healing and regeneration of healthy tissue.

Healthy ozonated oil has long been used by massage therapists for anti-cellulite massage. It is included in anti-aging complexes and creams, as well as in the treatment of eye diseases and gynecological pathologies.

Special ozonized water helps fight infectious processes on the skin, stimulates blood microcirculation in the epidermis and accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks on the body, cleanses warts and other tumors.

Ozone can also be administered subcutaneously. This is important for local improvement of blood circulation, improvement of vascular function, and relieving nervous tension. Insulfation with an ozone mixture is used rectally to eliminate many proctological pathologies.

Method of intravenous ozone administration

The liquid for intravenous administration is made from saline solution and the human blood mass itself. It is enriched with healing gas by passing it through a special device - an ozonator. The resulting mixture must be administered immediately. It dissolves in the human body and begins its beneficial effect on the body, forming ozonides. These are special molecular formations.

The gas inside the body is subsequently eliminated naturally. This procedure is performed to treat varicose veins of the extremities. Microdoses of a mixture with ozone are injected into the affected vein.

It expands quickly and then sticks together. This technique is rarely used, as there is a high risk of blood clots and other complications in the bloodstream.

Ozone therapy in medicine

A unique oxygen-containing gas is widely used throughout the world in medical practice. It triggers all metabolic processes, energy reactions, calms the nervous system, and helps normalize fat and lipid metabolism.

Ozone is an excellent remedy against viral and bacterial infections, an anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing supplement. It is used in gynecology, general therapy, dentistry, urology, surgery and many other areas.

Ozone for children

Ozone carbonation is very useful in childhood, especially for frequently ill and weakened children susceptible to nasopharyngeal diseases, allergic reactions and bronchopulmonary pathologies.

In Russia, young patients are extremely rarely prescribed oznotherapy, but in vain. It is believed that active gas in the blood can be harmful, but massage with it and rinsing are good for health. They are used to treat cerebral palsy and neurological disorders, inflammation in the nasal canals and throat.

Ozone therapy for hair

Some beauty salons offer the service of introducing ozone under the scalp. This is useful for active hair loss and skin diseases. Sessions strengthen the root system, improve tissue nutrition, restore the previous volume of curls and make it even larger.

After ozone injections, hair becomes thick, flexible, manageable and shiny. It is also an excellent preventative against graying and excessive dryness of strands.

Read about another very effective method of treatment and hair restoration in the article - face and hair

Ozone therapy for weight loss

Since ozone activates metabolism, it promotes the rapid burning of lipid deposits and excess calories.

The ozone technique not only eliminates obesity, but is also useful for reducing cellulite, tightening the skin, it destroys toxins that contribute to the accumulation of excess weight, improves digestion and enriches cells with oxygen, resulting in their natural functioning returning.

Ozone therapy for facial rejuvenation

Experienced cosmetologists know that ozone procedures are very beneficial for the dermis. They not only remove dryness and excess oiliness of the skin, but also stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanse pores, smooth out wrinkles, and tone the epidermis, making it firm and elastic.

Under the influence of ozone gas, the active production of elastin and collagen begins. Peeling, porosity, pimples and blackheads are eliminated, facial contours, scars, age-related and solar hyperpigmentation are tightened.

Ozone therapy in gynecology

Ozone injections, suppositories and infusions are used not only while expecting a baby. They are used if an acute infection, herpes, or sexually transmitted diseases has developed.

Ozone actively fights papillomas on the cervix, cauterization of erosive tissues is carried out with ozone. Pregnant women are prescribed ozone for fetal hypoxia, acute toxicosis, and mycotic lesions of the vagina.

Ozone injections for joint treatment

Ozone-oxygen injections are used by doctors to treat diseased joints and bones. They help with sprains and for better healing of fractures and injuries.

Gas treatment stabilizes the condition of the musculoskeletal system, promotes tissue regeneration in cases of osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, and gout. It cleanses of toxins, excess salt, and has a powerful anti-edematous and analgesic effect.

Contraindications to ozone therapy sessions

Sessions with ozone gas have their contraindications, so before starting treatment you should consult a medical specialist:

  • allergy to gases;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • convulsions;
  • low blood pressure;
  • stroke;
  • acute intoxication;
  • tendency to blood clots;
  • internal and external bleeding.

In such situations, ozone therapy sessions are not indicated and can only cause harm to health.

Side effects

Among the side effects from exposure to ozone, doctors identify bruising at the injection site and a depressive state. Nausea and vomiting may occur.

How much does the procedure cost?

In medical centers, the price per session can be several times higher than in public clinics. It can range from 5,000 rubles per session to infinity.
The main thing is to choose a place where sterility rules are observed and experienced specialists in the field of ozone therapy work. Rejuvenation sessions with ozone cost up to several thousand rubles in an average beauty salon.